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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

The Politics Policy is still in effect. A participants social media is NOT an invitation to discuss their political view points. Consider if discussion of certain social media posts will cause you to violate the politics policy BEFORE you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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47 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

That is because they are morons. The adults, not the kids. Kids need guidance, they need to know what they can and can't do. This should have been stopped right away. It isn't funny. Kids get a laugh out of stuff like this from the adults and  will repeat the behavior.  

Yep. A kid Janessa’s age is definitely old enough to learn and understand how to be gentle with a smaller child. Could easily also easily be her acting out on jealousy. Again, it needs to be nipped. It’s not cute. Even a toddler can be taught gentle touches.

Reminds me of idiot parents who think it’s adorable when their kid pulls the pet’s tail or rides the family dog like a horse. IT’S NOT CUTE! Especially not cute if the poor animal finally has enough and reacts. I’ve heard too many stories of pets abandoned or even put down all because of poorly trained children and their moronic parental units.

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There’s a sign on the “horsie” which states Please Do Not Leave Children Unattended. No one is standing close enough to that little boy to catch him if he should fall. They’re all busy laughing and filming him. I remember riding those “horsies” when I was a little kid and my mom was ALWAYS within arms reach.

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On 8/22/2023 at 9:51 AM, crazy8s said:

She probably made the little girlies take a drink. Since they have never had a "protein shake" they responded with "yes mama" when asked if it was the best protein shake they ever had 😂 4 girlies = MANY

They wouldn't dare say otherwise; it's always best to agree with Mahmo Dearest.

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On 8/23/2023 at 4:28 PM, BradandJanet said:

He's tall and good-looking. Some foolish young girl will end up with a life of poverty and boredom with him. 

Yet more and more he is beginning to strongly resemble his papa.

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10 hours ago, BradandJanet said:


Jill's eyes look like dull, crusty black pots with shiny copper lids. Is this a look anyone really wants? 

I don't recognize her top. Has she been shopping again? 

I assume her headship loves and approves her makeup/clothes ensemble…

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On 8/23/2023 at 9:42 PM, Heathen said:

is Heidi going to take over bleaching Timmy's hair after her marriage and righteous deflowering, ....                                                                                       or will Jill come over and do it for her baby boy? 

   The bleaching or deflowering?  😁

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On 8/23/2023 at 8:28 PM, CalicoKitty said:

Who printed this shirt?  The spacing is way off.  Is this a recent picture, or is Jill posting history again?


On 8/24/2023 at 12:15 AM, CalicoKitty said:

I would think a professional printer would get the spacing better than that shirt.  Can Dave print on cloth?

I think the letters on the shirt are the iron-on type. The girl probably made it for her boyfriend. His mother may have made it. Doesn't seem like a dad thing to do.

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I am finding it hard to believe that Jill has any self awareness ("I am guilty"). She'll be back to telling us all about how she is God's most precious Christian, spending her life raising Godly children by this afternoon!

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45 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

I'm not sure he cares.

I think Dave is over all of it--the van trips, kids everywhere, the print shop, recycled sermons, Plexus, posing for the camera, and Jill's endless dramas. Maybe this explains Jill's many "My Wonderful Husband" posts; she senses his disinterest. David looks like a man just going through the motions until he can sit in his recliner, eat chips, and watch sports on TV all day. 

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12 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

I think Dave is over all of it--the van trips, kids everywhere, the print shop, recycled sermons, Plexus, posing for the camera, and Jill's endless dramas. Maybe this explains Jill's many "My Wonderful Husband" posts; she senses his disinterest. David looks like a man just going through the motions until he can sit in his recliner, eat chips, and watch sports on TV all day. 

Well that map won't pay for itself. 😁

I wonder if they've grifted themselves out of givers. Maybe the trips aren't worth it with just the clearinghouse stipend. Their tip box has runneth dry.

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I don’t get referring to your married children as the Keller family. Use their first names. Even with people not family I don’t say for example the murphy family are visiting I say mike and Debbie murphy. It’s almost distancing them. 

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7 hours ago, oliviabenson said:


My sister-in-law takes selfies in graveyards (namely her mother's grave) and its the weirdest damn thing ever.   I actually understand having a photo of headstone or some lovely flowers someone laid......but a selfie?  

I know this is not the worst thing Jill has ever done, but it is very "me me me"

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Well that map won't pay for itself. 😁

I wonder if they've grifted themselves out of givers. Maybe the trips aren't worth it with just the clearinghouse stipend. Their tip box has runneth dry.

If Davy used the print shop for some commercial work, and Jillybean had a job that paid her instead of her paying the employer, they might be in a better situation. Their shared sense of their own self-importance and entitlement and their inability to think their way out of a paper bag have led to any problems they may be having. I feel sorry for the kids at home but have nothing for these two grifters. 

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34 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

If Davy used the print shop for some commercial work, and Jillybean had a job that paid her instead of her paying the employer, they might be in a better situation. Their shared sense of their own self-importance and entitlement and their inability to think their way out of a paper bag have led to any problems they may be having. I feel sorry for the kids at home but have nothing for these two grifters. 

Exactly.  My company is always looking for new printers who can run jobs for us.  But I wouldn't trust the RodFamilyPrintingPress with a single one of those jobs because our clients actually have deadlines and don't have a "oh, just, you know, whenever you get around to it is fine...." mentality.

If anyone in that barndo had an ounce of drive ....

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17 minutes ago, ALittleShelfish said:

If anyone in that barndo had an ounce of drive ....

I think Timbits might have had at least a little ambition in the beginning.  I suspect when JRod was yammering on about his dream of being a missionary pilot some sweet friend suggested that Moody was the place to go for that sort of training.  He would get all the religious and pilot training in one place and be set.  He latched on to that, but BME was not going to have one of her offspring so far away from her.  The only reason she tolerated that with Nurie was because Nurie was marrying Anna DUGGAR's brother.  But with Tim, she did everything she could to sabotage him including keeping the info about the cost from him so he would find out in the most painful way possible.  Also, she made sure he was really worked up over which Bible they used.  All of this kept him distracted from realizing that his homeschool education was worthless.

He tried again in Wisconsin, but she scuttled that too.  She had a little help from the pandemic, but I am sure she was pressuring him to come home then as well.  Now, here he is with a house not far from Mamho which will be filled to the brim with junk and probably a giant picture of Jill over their bed.  Tim creeps me out, but I do feel sorry for him.

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On 8/23/2023 at 4:10 PM, ginger90 said:

I didn’t make it all the way through this video. Plexus cured Jill’s anemia, and then she went on to name her grandfather who suffered from bad gut health, with running to the bathroom and constipation. She wished Plexus was around then. Click


screenshot from the video:


All that is missing from this photo is a roach clip feather hair thingie from the 70's

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Interesting analysis, @Meow Mix. While Tim had most of his curiosity and drive beaten out of him as a child, he did make it to adulthood with the ambitious goal of becoming a pilot, something far beyond anything his parents and close relatives have achieved. Jill seemed to be proud of his "burden" at first, but she quickly soured on the experience. 

I hadn't considered that Jill's actions against Tim's success were calculated. She doesn't come off as very bright. However, she's emotionally manipulative, so it's entirely possible she planned in some detail how to derail him and get him back under her thumb. 

Jill's children are simply extensions of her ego, and she has to have them physically and emotionally present at all times. She made a mistake with Nurthan, but that won't happen again. 

Thinking about this makes me wonder about Renee's mystery man. If he even mentioned moving Renee, Jill might have intentionally tried to wreck the relationship. I hope not. 

Edited by BradandJanet
Removed PA as mystery man's location.
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1 hour ago, BradandJanet said:

If he even mentioned moving Renee to PA,

I thought he lived in Ohio.



2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

All that is missing from this photo is a roach clip feather hair thingie from the 70's

Good times. 

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11 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

I think Dave is over all of it--the van trips, kids everywhere, the print shop, recycled sermons, Plexus, posing for the camera, and Jill's endless dramas. Maybe this explains Jill's many "My Wonderful Husband" posts; she senses his disinterest. David looks like a man just going through the motions until he can sit in his recliner, eat chips, and watch sports on TV all day. 

I think he’s evolved into a Stepford husband.  

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5 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

Interesting analysis, @Meow Mix. While Tim had most of his curiosity and drive beaten out of him as a child, he did make it to adulthood with the ambitious goal of becoming a pilot, something far beyond anything his parents and close relatives have achieved. Jill seemed to be proud of his "burden" at first, but she quickly soured on the experience. 

I hadn't considered that Jill's actions against Tim's success were calculated. She doesn't come off as very bright. However, she's emotionally manipulative, so it's entirely possible she planned in some detail how to derail him and get him back under her thumb. 

Jill's children are simply extensions of her ego, and she has to have them physically and emotionally present at all times. She made a mistake with Nurthan, but that won't happen again. 

Thinking about this makes me wonder about Renee's mystery man. If he even mentioned moving Renee, Jill might have intentionally tried to wreck the relationship. I hope not. 

I feel 99% certain that Jill did something to end Renee and MM’s courtship.  I wish Renee would be the one to break the mold and get out of Jill’s clutches.  She has to be miserable since Nurie and Kaylee are gone. 😢

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I always thought that Tim wanted to be a missionary pilot because he heard Jill gushing about how all the Duggar boys were getting their pilots’ licenses and he thought that it would make her proud of him if he did the same thing. I’m sure he heard much more criticism than praise from her growing up.

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24 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

Who are the guests at this dinner, and what does Jill want from them?

I don't recognize any of them. But I bet they have $$$! 

1 minute ago, libgirl2 said:

And what the hell kind of food was she pointing at? Pie? Chili? 

It looks unappetizing, whatever it is.

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20 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

And what the hell kind of food was she pointing at? Pie? Chili? 

There are two cucumbers or squash on the counter, and Jill put something in a pie crust. The main food on the table appears to be in a big, black tub with a ladle. There are 12 adults and numerous unseated kids to feed.

I can't imagine Jill is doing this for hospitality, but she can't expect much payoff from serving a tub-o-glop. 

Just now, satrunrose said:

I'm getting the creepy feeling that Jill just recently stumbled on our little corner of the internet. I don't think I've ever seen so many specific "FU inter webs" moments this close together from her. 

She doesn't seem to do much other than spending time on the internet, so she probably is googling herself. Expect a hissy fit soon. 

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