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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

The Politics Policy is still in effect. A participants social media is NOT an invitation to discuss their political view points. Consider if discussion of certain social media posts will cause you to violate the politics policy BEFORE you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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54 minutes ago, SMama said:

The problem here is I doubt Nathan makes enough to set up a household.  They really need a bridal shower. Unless they move into the Keller pop up camper. 

I'm surprised more fundie couples haven't gone old school and just lived with one set of parents. (Except "leave and cleave," which was a big lie right from the start.) 

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Erin looks soooo much better with her natural skin tone rather than the overly bronzed skin in the later, heavily made up People photos.

The eyebrows are still out of control even when she’s going natural!  

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2 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

"I was absolutely shocked when Nurie came to me and said that instead of having a shower for herself, she wanted it to be a shower for ME, because she feels that I am responsible for raising her to be the modest, Godly young woman that Nathan fell in love with and wanted to marry! I am so blessed!"

Jill will say send all gifts to my house. I doubt Nuri will get anything good. Jill will keep it all.

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9 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

Jill will say send all gifts to my house. I doubt Nuri will get anything good. Jill will keep it all.

Was it with Jill (Duggar) or Jessa where the shower gifts replaced main household items and they took the used hand-me-downs?  I vaguely remember some mini scandal with the towels.  I bet the Rods do the same thing.

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6 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

I'm surprised the bridal grifting season has not yet begun. We need to have a "Pamper Mama Bridal Shower" so JillR can get her Kitchen Aid mixer. We all know any shower items that Nurie, you know... the BRIDE... receives... will be handed over to Mama.

And once she's pregnant you can bet that Mama will be having a 'grandparentsma' shower of her own.

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For those who were mesmerized by the hostage Rodrigues children being interviewed about the benefits of homeschooling, another gem has popped up on my YouTube feed.  Q & A of the Rodrigues children Part 2. 

Sorry, I have trouble linking from YouTube. But it's worth listening to.  It's obvious that Jill has coached the kids and if they can't get the correct words out, she even whispers the answer!

The questions and answers all about the joys of living in an RV full-time.  The video was made July 2015.  Enjoy!

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Only recent post by JillR was a quick plug for Plexus on Black Friday with a picture from Samuel’s birthday. Something must be up, maybe they are moving? Do we know where they are right now? Very unlike Jill to be so silent.

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8 hours ago, louannems said:

For those who were mesmerized by the hostage Rodrigues children being interviewed about the benefits of homeschooling, another gem has popped up on my YouTube feed.  Q & A of the Rodrigues children Part 2. 

Sorry, I have trouble linking from YouTube. But it's worth listening to.  It's obvious that Jill has coached the kids and if they can't get the correct words out, she even whispers the answer!

The questions and answers all about the joys of living in an RV full-time.  The video was made July 2015.  Enjoy!

Here's the link:

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I feel so bad about Timothy. There is something clearly developmentally wrong with him. But, sure, let's blame the college for him flunking out of it.

Nurie says they get three pictures taken of themselves: when they're born, when they turn nine, and when they turn 18 -- Jill butts in and says they get the picture taken when they're nine because that's when they're halfway to being a legal adult at 18. They also only get "one on one time" with their parents only on their birthdays. Nurie also keeps referring to Jill not as "you" but as "mom" as if someone else were operating the camera and asking her questions. When the girls turn 11, they get hair products so they can start doing their own hair instead of Jill. When they turn 13, they have a scavenger hunt in the mall. (I guess they're there looking at stuff they're not allowed to ever have.) At 14, they don't get anything but "family time" with cake and ice cream which likely amounts to half a scoop and a morsel of the remnants of an Entenmann's cake that David probably already devoured 3/4 of. At 15, they're dragged to BUILD A BEAR!!! AT 15! What 15 year old is interested in that? (I see you waving your hand, Timothy. Put it down.) At 16, they get to pick a friend (they don't have any so I presume it's one of their siblings) and they both get dressed up and get to go to a super fancy restaurant because, as Jill interjects, they don't get to go a prom because those atmospheres aren't "very godly." When Jill exclaims that Nurie will get a new, fancy dress, she says it will be "modest," and Nurie lets out a squeal of delight at this unsurprising revelation.

At 13, the girls can wear blush and, Jill says, they have a whole year to "practice" how to wear this before they can move on to another make up product. How long does someone need to "practice" wearing blush? Jill's had her whole life to "practice" and yet still looks like a daytime stripper. And she has the audacity to say that the girls will learn to wear it "tastefully" so they don't have make up "plastered" all over their face.  Jill is low on the self awareness ladder. 

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42 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

Here's the link:

No surprise, Jill, pretending to 'interview' her children, manages to spend far more time talking than all of the kids put together.  And, every single one of the kids is far less articulate than similarly aged peers,  IMO.  There's also the fact that every single one of the girls is wearing some dark wine colored lipstick more appropriate for a 40 years old.

Edited by doodlebug
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14 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

I feel so bad about Timothy. There is something clearly developmentally wrong with him. But, sure, let's blame the college for him flunking out of it. 

I'm amazed he ever managed to get accepted in the first place.  His entire 'interview' consisted of Jill babbling on and on answering for him while he chimed in with an occasional 'Yeah'.

And how many times did Jill manage to mention that she was pregnant at the time the video was done?  I only made it part of the way through the first 3 kids and counted at least 4 mentions of the upcoming blessing.

Edited by doodlebug
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6 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I don't think this was ever confirmed. People just found it odd that Jill or Jessa registered for something like 40 towels and made the assumption that some of the towels were going to replenish the TTH. 

Yeah, it was never verified but both Jessa and Jill requested huge numbers of various household necessities like dishes and pots and pans, multiple sets of each.  Neither one of them could possibly have enough room in their homes for the amount of stuff they requested.  And, even if they were skilled cooks, which they're not, they couldn't possibly need three full sets of dishes or pots and pans.

4 minutes ago, queenanne said:

The Build-A-Bear strikes me as a criminal waste of money; but no real surprise there.  Jill probably got a teddy bear from a family member/admirer at the same age.

I'm sure the 15 year old boys are particularly enthused to get their 'last stuffed animal from Mommy and Daddy'.  I'm sure they treasure it forever.

Edited by doodlebug
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I suffered through the entire video, even the musical montage at the end. Every one of the kids giggles appreciatively at anything Mama says. Jill is a monster, imo. I was also horrified for the poor little toad one of the young 'uns was squeezing. I gasped out loud on learning that they take a 15 year old to Build-a-Bear for their birthdays. That is ridiculous! I'm sure that every girl decides to gift their bear to Mama.  Ugh - this family!

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I didn't watch, but did Jill interview her kids about what she does for them? They're so important she has pics of them three times a year and celebrates all their birthdays exactly the same? What a SPECIAL MAMA!

And it's not like my kids were smoking weed and drinking in their teen years, but shit, a stuffed animal one year before you can drive? Three years before you're an adult? Build-A-Bear in the mall, with your parents? Yet, I do believe Timmy had some type of stuffed animal with him when he moved.

These poor sheltered, brainwashed beings. May God wake up their idiot parents. 🙏

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It's creepy to take a 15-year-old to a kid's activity. By that age, the boys' voices have changed (maybe if they're fed enough). They must feel strange sitting there making a stuffed animal with a bunch of seven-year-old girls at a birthday party. The Rod girls probably handle it better because they're used to doing things with the younger kids, but still. Fifteen! It's no mystery why Timmy is struggling in college, and I guarantee he is. Jill is keeping these kids childish and dependent. She's a failure as a parent and so is her spoiled, lazy husband. They're a model for untreated mental illness, not perfect Christians. 

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48 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

After hearing those Rod kids’ speak on video, there’s no way I believe that ANY of them have enough education to spell ANYTHING correctly let alone have any sentence construction skills. This is yet another post written by Jill who remains unfamiliar with the Ten Commandments.

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These fundy girls and their "man of my dreams" shit. They've known each other for all of 5 minutes. Does she know anything about him. besides that he is "Godly?" When I think of all the things these girls know nothing about and what they are truly missing out on, it makes me weep for their future of nothing but babies.

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That video has CPS written all over it:  “See how well we take care of our children?  See how happy our children are?  See all of the special things we do for them?”, etc.  The saddest part of all is that not one of those children has ever done what THEY want to do, for birthdays or anything else. Their world is completely centered around what Jill wants them to do, what she wants them to say, what she wants them to see, where she wants them to go, and on and on ad nauseam.  She has brainwashed them to the point that they’ve truly never had even one independent thought.  If someone wrote a book or made a movie about this family, it would belong in the horror category/genre.

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1 minute ago, BradandJanet said:

Would they have the presence of mind between them to get off the track if a train is coming? 

I seriously believe that if Jill told Nurie to stay on the tracks, even though Nurie knew that she would be killed, she would do it.  There’s not a doubt in my mind.  That’s the level of control that Jill has over these children.

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9 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

In the picture where Nurie is wearing the shorter dress. She appears to be quite bow legged- result of poor nutrition? 

I think Nathan is bow-legged.

Just now, ginger90 said:

Their house has a pending sale.

I think they’re wanting to move to FL.

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22 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

I think Nathan is bow-legged.

I think they’re wanting to move to FL.

Jill says they're moving to Ohio.  One step ahead of CPS, no doubt.  Interesting that they moved out of their place in W Va weeks ago according to Jill, and, yet, the sale is still pending.

16 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Jill has used a filter so that Nathan’s horrible acne won’t be showing.

Yeah, I think she smeared Vaseline all over the camera lens.  It didn't help.  If nothing else, looking at these photos makes me glad I don't have cataracts yet.

Those photos are just tragic, Jill clearly directed the photo shoot which is part of why it is so bad, I'm sure but those two look so uncomfortable, stiff and awkward, together.  

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57 minutes ago, Madtown said:

These fundy girls and their "man of my dreams" shit.

Their "dream man" really is a low bar -- bad skin, bad teeth, and uneducated. Minus out the god-bothering aspect, and their "dream man" is the average perp on any given episode of COPS. 

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6 minutes ago, doodlebug said:
25 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Jill has used a filter so that Nathan’s horrible acne won’t be showing.

Yeah, I think she smeared Vaseline all over the camera lens. 

The second picture here is evidence that it's not Vaseline but a case of SEVERELY poor Facetune-ing skills. You can see the blur on the left side of the screen on his cheek. 

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3 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Jill says they're moving to Ohio.  One step ahead of CPS, no doubt.  Interesting that they moved out of their place in W Va weeks ago according to Jill, and, yet, the sale is still pending.

Yeah, I think she smeared Vaseline all over the camera lens.  It didn't help.  If nothing else, looking at these photos makes me glad I don't have cataracts yet.

Those photos are just tragic, Jill clearly directed the photo shoot which is part of why it is so bad, I'm sure but those two look so uncomfortable, stiff and awkward, together.  

Did Jill manage to grift a house in Ohio? Yep. They're probably on the run anyway.  What about the printing press? Isn't the printing business the way David supports the family? Cough. 

Of course Nathan and Nurie are awkward. They're mentally ten-year-old strangers in an arranged marriage-to-be-for-Jesus. 

As for Vaseline, I bet Jill just sprayed the lens with a can of hairspray from the RV's hoard of cheap hair products.

Cataracts can be fixed, fortunately. The Rodriguii, not so much. 

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