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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

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Doing squat jumps onto a box in a floor length skirt is just a disaster waiting to happen. If they have a home gym, it's ridiculous the girls can't work out privately in yoga pants. I don't think Jesus will mind.


Jesus makes very precise demands.

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I just watched Michaela Bates wedding. I thought it was lovely and touching. Gil and Kelly behaved how normal people should when their daughter gets married. No talk of sex or procreation. All three Duggar weddings gave me the creeps because of Jim Bob's constant sex references on the day of the weddings. There is something very wrong in the Duggar family that goes beyond Josh's issues.


Completely agree. And it is so clear when you compare Duggars v Bates. I'd love to know how the Duggars first came to TLC's attention. The very first nod - did some producer see a newspaper article or something? It's clear they didn't vet them thoroughly or even for very long. And now I'm really beginning to wonder - very seriously - about both Boob's and Me-chelle's childhoods. Because when those two found each other, it was the start of a perfect storm of weird.

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The very first nod - did some producer see a newspaper article or something? 

I think it has something to do with Boob's political campaign. He was obviously trying to get himself out there. Whether that was 100% Boob's ego or Boob's ego combined with Bill Gothard's hilarious attempt at creating an aw-shucks-I-love-Jesus-y'all, harmless-seeming 'face' for his cult, I don't know. Just my thought. :) But it totally confounds me too--of all of the Quiverfull families that have put themselves out there in whatever capacity, the Duggars were a weird, extremely poor choice on the parts of both Gothard and TLC. They have zero charisma, which the Bates family has in spades; Michelle's voice is unbearable; the kids are all thick as bricks; they do not know how to say or do ANYTHING that isn't a pre-approved Gothard/TLC talking point; even their levels of Jesus-crazy are totally self-serving and based completely on the amount of 'points' it will get them with leghumpers (if TLC wanted sincere crazy--Rodriguez family); Gothard knew about handsy Josh and I don't believe for a second TLC didn't know about it, yet they felt it was totally appropriate and even a ratings-winner to have creepy Jim Bob dry hump his wife in public and hey-hey-hey through every single episode. Bizarre, bizarre, bizarre.

Edited by Aja
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And now I'm really beginning to wonder - very seriously - about both Boob's and Me-chelle's childhoods. Because when those two found each other, it was the start of a perfect storm of weird.


It's also true, however -- though admittedly rarer -- that you can be a complete lunatic and jerk while having had a perfectly fine childhood. Some people are just born with makeups that are ready to sour and that worsen even in home environments that aren't a problem at all. I know this as a fact from experience. It's probably not the best idea to be so quick always to blame parents for producing crazy and/or warped and evil people. Sometimes they're big contributors and sometimes they may not be contributors at all.


... And complementary lunatics and jerks have an uncanny ability to sense each other and hook up together.

If I remember correctly, I think it was an article in the New York Times or another newspaper about the Duggars after JB ran for office, and the article caught the attention of TLC.


If, like me, TLC caught a glimpse of those horrifying red-dress-girls photos, I expect that they saw the whole thing as far too crazy and potentially wild and fraught with hidden insanity to pass up. ... Those dystopic photos are what first alerted me to the horror that is the Duggar family.


I'd bet that TLC has probably been somewhat disappointed at how often they've had to create "dramatic" situations by sending the Duggs off on vacations and so forth, given the promise they seemed to have as an absolute horror show. But I suppose the ratings created by leghumper love and hater hatewatching has soothed their feelings as the family turned out to be primarily a crashing, snoring bore.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I thought it was a picture of him dragging his matching red-clad clan to the polls in his ill-fated 2002 Senate run. It takes about a year for a show to get into development, which put it squarely in the eye of Smuggar's diddling. The filming started in late 2003 when MEchelle went for the Jackson gender reveal (he was born 5/04, IIRC). So, Smuggar actually did his penance while TLC was negotiating/developing the first special. They HAD to know what had happened. If not, it certainly speaks to Boob's greed to keep it quiet to cash that check.

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JB/MICHELLE caught the public eye when they were paraded on State Capital grounds during JB's state Senate time. All the kids wore glaring red. Including Michelle, who could have passed for a grown up 4 yr old!

Edited by louannems
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Wow Sarah is 34!? Her next book series should be titled Trapped!! Oh girl get some self-esteem gather your money and RUN already. No man is coming you might have to get busy finding him yourself. Don't listen to Sarah Mally and sit and wait for your Prince to suddenly show up. A lot of fashion advice from Stacy London is much needed. Not only will she give you fashion advice but she would hopefully instill some self-esteem into you stat!

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Don't you just love how the girls are being pictured as if they are being advertised as potential wife candidates? E.v.e.r.y. damn moment of these poor girl's lives are photographed. They can cook, clean, exercise, bring in the money please take a lookie and come a courting. 

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Is doing push-ups w/ your knees, (or in my day female push-ups) on concrete flooring exercise or punishment?


And I agree with Aja. I practically can't sit correctly on the rare occasion I where a dress or skirt. I'd be defrauding males from near and far if I exercised in one.

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Is doing push-ups w/ your knees, (or in my day female push-ups) on concrete flooring exercise or punishment?

Fellow girl push-up aficionado here. Personally I prefer a hard surface as my hands tend to slide if I use a mushy mat. However the Maxwell girl looks like she's exercising in a Fundie prison yard or something.

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I don't get why they post old photos at random and without comment. That photo is from the molestation seminar/Bates wedding weekend.
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Why do fundie men always hold onto their wives as if afraid wifey will wander?

It drives me crazy whenever I see those death grips. I would hate to have someone ON ME all the time. My spouse is non-invasive, which is one of my favorite things about him. Space! I need space! And I won't wander off.

Isn't Dad Maxwell the one with the crazy beard who looks like an axe murderer? I have many thoughts about him which are speculative in nature, so I won't post them but he scares me. Literally.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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It drives me crazy whenever I see those death grips. I would hate to have someone ON ME all the time. My spouse is non-invasive, which is one of my favorite things about him. Space! I need space! And I won't wander off.


AMEN.  But what's almost worse is the ridiculous talking-head poses on the couch, where the wife gazes adoringly at the hubby while they giggle at some ridiculously trivial moment that they feel their entire viewing audience needs to know about.  I see it with the Duggars, the Bates, the Browns (Sister Wives).  She's holding his hand, there's usually at least one hand on someone's thigh..,.BLECH.  I agree with Tabbygirl, all that constant touching is disturbing.

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I thought it was a picture of him dragging his matching red-clad clan to the polls in his ill-fated 2002 Senate run. It takes about a year for a show to get into development, which put it squarely in the eye of Smuggar's diddling. The filming started in late 2003 when MEchelle went for the Jackson gender reveal (he was born 5/04, IIRC). So, Smuggar actually did his penance while TLC was negotiating/developing the first special. They HAD to know what had happened. If not, it certainly speaks to Boob's greed to keep it quiet to cash that check.

I think it was the first show, when they were living in the rental house Josh had a regular short haircut. Then on the episode where they move into TTH, Josh had a buzz cut, like they get at Alert and other correctional programs.

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Isn't Dad Maxwell the one with the crazy beard who looks like an axe murderer? I have many thoughts about him which are speculative in nature, so I won't post them but he scares me. Literally.

No, that's Michael Pearl, another Duggar pal, of To Train Up A Child fame. Pa Maxwell had some minor facial hair for about a year (goatee, I think), but he appears to be shaved clean in recent pics. 

I think it was the first show, when they were living in the rental house Josh had a regular short haircut. Then on the episode where they move into TTH, Josh had a buzz cut, like they get at Alert and other correctional programs.

Josh had the buzzcut when they moved from the Johnson Rd. house to the "rent house." I think that was an ALERT buzz that happened after his stint at the IBLP construction site. 

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Josh had the buzzcut when they moved from the Johnson Rd. house to the "rent house." I think that was an ALERT buzz that happened after his stint at the IBLP construction site. 

Nope.  Josh got his head shaved when Jim Bob caught him viewing porn and masturbating.  The home church made him confess his sins and they shaved his head to shame him. (It was 3 years after he was sent for rehab at the Gothard facility in Little Rock.)


Edited by Mollie
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That would have been in 2006, and they were already in the TTH by then. They moved to the TTH in early 2006. Smuggar had all his hair in early 2006 when he turned 18 and they took the RV trip. The head shaving happened before all that. Don't forget that there were two house moves. I'm pretty sure this was the first move, not the move to the TTH when TLC was trying to show off how efficient the Duggars were at everything. 


eta: There was that scene in the Moving In special when Smuggar showed off his AV room. Remember, he said something like, "No rugrats allowed." He had his hair then. Those screencaps were the only time he was shown with the shaved head. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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That would have been in 2006, and they were already in the TTH by then. They moved to the TTH in early 2006. Smuggar had all his hair in early 2006 when he turned 18 and they took the RV trip. The head shaving happened before all that. Don't forget that there were two house moves. I'm pretty sure this was the first move, not the move to the TTH when TLC was trying to show off how efficient the Duggars were at everything. 


eta: There was that scene in the Moving In special when Smuggar showed off his AV room. Remember, he said something like, "No rugrats allowed." He had his hair then. Those screencaps were the only time he was shown with the shaved head. 


From Ellie's & Liliy's blog  http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2011/12/tour-duggar-home.html



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That prayer closet reeks of creepiness! I don't know of a single teen-ager, even the super religious, purity types, who would willingly go there for prayer.

Why is there a mattress on the floor, in the corner of the play room. If a Howler needed a nap, did he just drop into the corner and nap? We've seen other randomly placed mattresses in that house, on the floor of an attic closet, a storage area, etc. Was it for isolation punishment, or just a place for much needed privacy.

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Josiah looks to be under 10, so this is the right time period. But how long after they moved in, or was this a screengrab from the special? I don't remember it. 

This is what is written before the photos:


"In January 2006, the Duggars moved into their spacious, 7,000 square-foot home. With guidance from Clark Wilson, a carpenter and close friend, the entire family was involved in the construction process. From the laying of the foundation to move-in day, the project took the Herd of Turtles (aka H.O.T. Crew) almost four years. What did the house look like soon after it was built? Take a look at these photos!"

That prayer closet reeks of creepiness! I don't know of a single teen-ager, even the super religious, purity types, who would willingly go there for prayer.

Why is there a mattress on the floor, in the corner of the play room. If a Howler needed a nap, did he just drop into the corner and nap? We've seen other randomly placed mattresses in that house, on the floor of an attic closet, a storage area, etc. Was it for isolation punishment, or just a place for much needed privacy.

I think that might be placed below the climbing wall for cushion if they were to fall.

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Yes, I think they're park of the system the put in to track Josh's movements.

The set up reminds me of those control rooms where corrections officers monitor prisoners. What a creepy house.

Edited by BitterApple
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I don't think we have ever talked about Chad's yummy brothers have we?


Much like the Maxwell blog it's a bunch of pictures and lots of SAHD to get courted off.



Oh good, more denium skirts- even while Camping! Well, at least they are not dragging to their ankles. I see knees and even pencil denim! That is one thin bunch of people. Which is good as long as they are fit and healthy, vs a lack of food. Having so many boys in the family has probably done a lot to make Chad a good husband; no sisters to do all the work!

Never mind! It looks like half girls, half boys. How fundie are the Paines? If they wore bible T-shirts while camping, probably a lot?

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Dr. Paine is on the Gothard Board of Directors. Strange that he picked up on Gothardism of keeping children uneducated since he is a medical doctor.

Why so many unmarried children?

Since doctors are known have a large contingent of narcissistic and controlling types among themselves...add on a fundie male for all their lovely personality issues...and voilá...you have a recipe for a dictator. Their squicky obsession with their daughters' purity is beyond sickening. Even though many world cultures focus on female purity, they don't usually adhere to these rigid modesty standards and allow their youth to somewhat participate in mainstream culture.

It doesn't surprise me as many dictators who renounced intellectualism were themselves often educated at some of the best universities in the world. This guy obviously gets on the power trip of deciding by whom and when his daughters can marry. Maybe as a doctor, he's better off than most Fundy families so the kids know they got it good compared to most of the like minded children they were allowed to associate with. The Bates had dirt floors in part of their house when the Smuggars came to visit first, IIRC....

I'm not sure how a doctor can be complicit in a lot of the things these ATI loons believe....it's utter shite!

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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Ankle length denim skirts, ratty flip flops, and an oversized polo...the Fundie Misery Fashion Trifecta!

And of course a beaming "keeping it sweet" countenance sans makeup (or badly applied makeup) framed by a crunchy mullet of home permed ratty hair that no Fundie Barbie would be complete without...

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When Chad's brother Thomas married his wife Dakota, she wore a sleeveless dress and also wore shorts and tank tops on her honeymoon. I have a feeling she's a lot like Alyssa Bates and Brandon Keilen's sister. They don the Fundie Frumpwear to visit family and then it's back to regular clothes once they cross the State Line.

It's odd there seems to be such an imbalance of single females to single males in this group. I guess more guys marry "out" than girls.

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When Chad's brother Thomas married his wife Dakota, she wore a sleeveless dress and also wore shorts and tank tops on her honeymoon. I have a feeling she's a lot like Alyssa Bates and Brandon Keilen's sister. They don the Fundie Frumpwear to visit family and then it's back to regular clothes once they cross the State Line.

It's odd there seems to be such an imbalance of single females to single males in this group. I guess more guys marry "out" than girls.

Being that they will be the headship, they might pick brides that will or are willing to fall in line. Since the ladies are helpmeets, daddy needs to find them the proper headship.

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Since doctors are known have a large contingent of narcissistic and controlling types among themselves...add on a fundie male for all their lovely personality issues...and voilá...you have a recipe for a dictator. Their squicky obsession with their daughters' purity is beyond sickening. Even though many world cultures focus on female purity, they don't usually adhere to these rigid modesty standards and allow their youth to somewhat participate in mainstream culture.

It doesn't surprise me as many dictators who renounced intellectualism were themselves often educated at some of the best universities in the world. This guy obviously gets on the power trip of deciding by whom and when his daughters can marry. Maybe as a doctor, he's better off than most Fundy families so the kids know they got it good compared to most of the like minded children they were allowed to associate with. The Bates had dirt floors in part of their house when the Smuggars came to visit first, IIRC....

I'm not sure how a doctor can be complicit in a lot of the things these ATI loons believe....it's utter shite!

I have read two books, each written by women who have left IFB cults. Both describe visits to IFB doctors who would never report marks on children caused by overzealous, even daily, spankings.

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I have read two books, each written by women who have left IFB cults. Both describe visits to IFB doctors who would never report marks on children caused by overzealous, even daily, spankings.

I have read two books, each written by women who have left IFB cults. Both describe visits to IFB doctors who would never report marks on childsren caused by overzealous, even daily, spankings.

This is really sad....Child abuse....spousal rape and abuse...and incest...all hidden behind "religious freedom".

No sane adherent to Christianity is able to support or defend any of this!

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It's interesting though because for every nut job like Steve Maxhell and David Rodrigues there's guys like Chad Paine and Zach Bates. I mean, I don't get the impression that Zach is smacking Whit around if he gets home at five and his dinner isn't on the table. Chad hasn't forbidden Erin from earning money by continuing with her music, so maybe they're a mixed bag like regular folks.

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*ignore this weird glitch...see below*

It's interesting though because for every nut job like Steve Maxhell and David Rodrigues there's guys like Chad Paine and Zach Bates. I mean, I don't get the impression that Zach is smacking Whit around if he gets home at five and his dinner isn't on the table. Chad hasn't forbidden Erin from earning money by continuing with her music, so maybe they're a mixed bag like regular folks.

I don't think Smuggar was slapping around Anna either, but we all know how that turned out. Erin, Sierra, and a few other fundie wives are making money in submissive, fundie-approved ways that don't take them out of their primary role of homemaker. Sierra's husband actually DEMANDED that she find herself a "miinistry" very early on in their marriage. This is obviously the justification used when helpmeets need to help augment a deficient headship's family support skills. 


I remember when Erin went to record the Christmas album and the other one with her college friend. I suppose as these are short projects, they're fundie-approved, because Ministry. I can also see Chad being a bit more permissive since it's clear that Erin isn't going to be a super breeder. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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It's interesting though because for every nut job like Steve Maxhell and David Rodrigues there's guys like Chad Paine and Zach Bates. I mean, I don't get the impression that Zach is smacking Whit around if he gets home at five and his dinner isn't on the table. Chad hasn't forbidden Erin from earning money by continuing with her music, so maybe they're a mixed bag like regular folks.


Steve M and David R sort of enlisted on their own into their specific cult-types post-puberty, didn't they? While Chad P and Zach B were either born into the particular groups of which they're now members or were brought in by their parents as young kids, right? If that's the case, then I'd say that's certainly a pattern you see a lot and a pattern that accounts for the drop-off in membership of most of the cults as they approach the third and fourth generations.


The people who enlisted on their own after attaining the age of reason are often going to be much more avid. For one thing, they're defending their own choices by their avidity. If the actual choice was your parents', not yours, you don't feel the same compulsion to embrace it madly to justiify yourself, I expect. (You might even run, or at least ease your way out of it over time.)

Edited by Churchhoney
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The Bates girls do seem to be more independent and less Fundy in some ways, yet they all popped out a kid as quick as possible. Even pants wearing Alyssa. And Whitney is pregnant again. Erin had a hard time with her pregnancy, but the jury is still out to how deep her Fundyism is in regard to birth control. The Duggar kids & the Bates kids are all born about a year to two years apart. Alyssa and Jill will probably be pregnant within the 6 months. Time will tell with Erin. And Michael should be having a baby this year. And then it'll be Jessa's turn again.


Just between Whitney, Alyssa, Michael and Jill, Jessa & Anna, they could reach 19 kids between them by 2019, if a couple of them have multiples. They're about half way there and Michael hasn't even started yet.


Bradley Bates, October 29, 2014, Allie Webster, April 11, 2015, Carson Paine, May 14, 2015, Mackynzie Duggar, October 8, 2009, Michael Duggar, June 15, 2011, Marcus Duggar, June 2, 2013, Meredith Duggar, July 15, 2015, Israel  Dillard, April 6, 2015, Spurgeon Seewald, November 5, 2015

Edited by GeeGolly
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I don't think Smuggar


I remember when Erin went to record the Christmas album and the other one with her college friend. I suppose as these are short projects, they're fundie-approved, because Ministry. I can also see Chad being a bit more permissive since it's clear that Erin isn't going to be a super breeder.

At least with Erin and Lawson selling their CDs is a much more honest living than Duggar grifting!

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If I remember correctly, I think it was an article in the New York Times or another newspaper about the Duggars after JB ran for office, and the article caught the attention of TLC.


Well see, now that just shows that despite the TLC folksy "aw-shucks" nonsense cornponed out by the TLC rep a couple months ago, TLC staff are probably overwhelmingly NY/LA trained (and, without looking, I suspect their parent company is a glaring shiny modern organization), and get their scoops from the likes of the NYT. 


We got the Duggars instead of another family, because TLC being city slickers, didn't know the Duggars weren't unique freaks.


Also, I suppose, there was more promise than payout in the setup where he'd been the subject of a political campaign.


Why do fundie men always hold onto their wives as if afraid wifey will wander?


Funny, but I gotta give them a pass on some of them, because in staged "Say Cheeeeeeeeeeese!"photos, the default position is to scrunch together and cling to each other like limpets, because there's only so many places you can hold your arms and still sqwinch four people into the frame.  If they were candids, maybe.  My family's got me clinging for dear life to my grown sister in all our Christmas staged photos, etc.

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I'm thinking TLC used to be based in Knoxville - odd, I know, but that may be why so many of their shows were filmed in and around the South and mid Atlantic.

When the Duggars first started TLC was more like the educated freak show channel - everything was the huge family, little people, conjoined twins, tree man, etc. A lot of medical oddities, but from a more sophisticated point of view than 'look at those freaks - we'll explain the oddity while we stare.' That and a bunch of home decorating shows, and A Wedding Story, A Baby Story.

I guess the Duggars fit all three categories - odd size family, home improvement, and babies/weddings. It wasn't until a few specials and Michelle's biological clock started ticking that they became obsessed with having more and more kids, or at least they were more subtle about it.

The Duggars were definitely more visible due to Jim Bob's senate run, and they were very willing to film.

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I have read two books, each written by women who have left IFB cults. Both describe visits to IFB doctors who would never report marks on children caused by overzealous, even daily, spankings.

I'm assuming one of them was I Fired God? That was an amazing read, although infuriating and heartbreaking. May I ask what the other book is? I'm interested in it.


It's interesting though because for every nut job like Steve Maxhell and David Rodrigues there's guys like Chad Paine and Zach Bates. I mean, I don't get the impression that Zach is smacking Whit around if he gets home at five and his dinner isn't on the table. Chad hasn't forbidden Erin from earning money by continuing with her music, so maybe they're a mixed bag like regular folks.

That's true. Of course we'll never know what goes on behind closed doors, but I have to agree that I just can't see Chad or Zach being cruel or abusive. The above post made a good point that those who joined the cult as adults are probably the most zealous. Brain chemistry comes into play too -- some people are just plain more drawn to tendencies like being controlling. David Rodrigues, though -- I get a very bad vibe from him. 

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I'm assuming one of them was I Fired God? That was an amazing read, although infuriating and heartbreaking. May I ask what the other book is? I'm interested in it.


That's true. Of course we'll never know what goes on behind closed doors, but I have to agree that I just can't see Chad or Zach being cruel or abusive. The above post made a good point that those who joined the cult as adults are probably the most zealous. Brain chemistry comes into play too -- some people are just plain more drawn to tendencies like being controlling. David Rodrigues, though -- I get a very bad vibe from him.

The second book I read was "Girl At the End of the World" by Elizabeth Esther. Yes, I Fired God was the first!

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