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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Is it okay to say that I LOVE you people?


There's all of the judgment and none of the "joy" in the Duggars' religion. And I can't imagine what's going to happen when Jessa Blessa and Jilly Muffin are back on the air while the rest of the family is a) uncompensated and b) no longer the center of attention... Jim Boob "midlife meltdown", anyone?

  • Love 11

Is it okay to say that I LOVE you people?


There's all of the judgment and none of the "joy" in the Duggars' religion. And I can't imagine what's going to happen when Jessa Blessa and Jilly Muffin are back on the air while the rest of the family is a) uncompensated and b) no longer the center of attention... Jim Boob "midlife meltdown", anyone?

I hope it compels JimBob to go to the ends of the earth to find Jana and Jinger decent husbands.
  • Love 2

Is it okay to say that I LOVE you people?


There's all of the judgment and none of the "joy" in the Duggars' religion. And I can't imagine what's going to happen when Jessa Blessa and Jilly Muffin are back on the air while the rest of the family is a) uncompensated and b) no longer the center of attention... Jim Boob "midlife meltdown", anyone?

I just figured out what is wrong with the JOY acronym and what would be a better one for the Duggars. Judgment On You would be a better fit than Jesus, Others, You.
  • Love 16
Is it okay to say that I LOVE you people?

Awww ! Yeah, it's okay, Mrs. Kisses ! Isn't it awesome (I'm gonna Duggar-ize here) and special and precious ?!  Seriously, though - this is a pretty great group of people. The cross-section of ages, backgrounds, points of view, etc, etc, all mashing together in a symphony of snark !  :)


Just had a random thought about JB and Michelle, mostly Michelle, as she seems to be more vocal and judge-y...


If they, the Duggars, are somehow the recipients of auto-forgiveness, solely because they say so, how do they know that other people aren't the very same people and having their sins washed away ? It's not like "sinners" have a big ole' "X" hovering over their heads like a "Sims" character ! You can't tell by looking at someone if they're forgiven or not, right ?! 


So what gives them, particularly Michelle, the right to go around making pronouncements about who's saved and who's damned ? Did I miss the memo from God or something ???


Dear Everyone - Michelle is now the boss of you. That is all. 

  • Love 15

I hope it compels JimBob to go to the ends of the earth to find Jana and Jinger decent husbands.

It just might. I think courtships are far more interesting for the viewers than babies. Jessa popping out Blessing Seewald is old hat at this point. We've seen this play out already with Michelle, Anna and Jill. However a courtship generates interest, snark, speculation, love-watching, hate-watching etc. It could very well be Boob's ticket back to a regular series.

  • Love 6

 It could very well be Boob's ticket back to a regular series.

He's not going to find anyone remotely functional to marry his daughters, because anyone with half a brain already knows that the Duggars are a slow-motion trainwreck they and their families want nothing to do with. The only volunteers will be famewhores or guys that make Bin and derickdillardduggar look normal.


One has to wonder how desperate Jim Boob is and what he can threaten his elder unmarried children with so they'll comply with his plans. I'm guessing whatever he's come up with so far hasn't been enough for them to do what he wants.

  • Love 4

I just figured out what is wrong with the JOY acronym and what would be a better one for the Duggars. Judgment On You would be a better fit than Jesus, Others, You.

I don't know why, but Judgment On You is cracking me the hell up. I can't wait to start proclaiming that at people. With appropriate hand gestures. Judgment on YOU! MOFO!

  • Love 8

Is it okay to say that I LOVE you people?


There's all of the judgment and none of the "joy" in the Duggars' religion. And I can't imagine what's going to happen when Jessa Blessa and Jilly Muffin are back on the air while the rest of the family is a) uncompensated and b) no longer the center of attention... Jim Boob "midlife meltdown", anyone?

I wish he would have a melt down caught on camera. I'd watch that.

  • Love 3

Apparently stupid  JimBob and Michelle are so out of it and delusional they think that Halloween is about magic spells and witches. God is going to be mad at someone trying to steal his thunder, oh no!  No you morons Halloween is about little kids having fun dressing up in costumes to go around the neighborhood with their friends for free candy.  No one is purposing to go around casting magic spells.  The Duggars are so freaking delusional.

  • Love 5

I find it interesting that God is okay with the Duggars dressing up as pirates, AKA real-life human criminals, as long as we stay away from those evil witches.

Pirates are OK because, I'm trying to think of a reason here, um, because they don't cast spells?  They probably aren't very religious but they aren't female?  They only steal and sometimes rape but they aren't as powerful as witches?  I wonder if the Duggars believe in burning witches at the stake.  Maybe Pirates can be converted but witches can't?  The Duggars are kind of pirate like when you think about it.  Money for nothing, fund me scams, porn stars, molesting.  Yeah pirates are OK.  

  • Love 8

Does anyone know where they are in this picture? It doesn't strike me as particularly Christ-centered.

It's a jester selling violins at a carnival.  Jesters were medieval entertainers who performed tricks and magic at fairs and carnivals.  A picture is hard to deny - looks like the Duggar's violins were bought from a magician. 

  • Love 8

Does anyone know where they are in this picture? It doesn't strike me as particularly Christ-centered.

Quote from Growing up Duggar:


Magic, sorcery, witches, spell-casting and the like are all part of the demonic realm that God wants us to stay away from. One specific thing that our parents have always been careful about is magic, which often shows up in children’s movies.”

Vintage Michelle (via Pickles and Hairspray)


  • Love 3


“Magic, sorcery, witches, spell-casting and the like are all part of the demonic realm that God wants us to stay away from. One specific thing that our parents have always been careful about is magic, which often shows up in children’s movies.”

"Now put on this cross necklace to ward away evil, and chant Jesus' name every time you want something!".

  • Love 16

Is that really a Duggar boy? The boys always had on polo shirts buttoned up to the throat, tightly tucked into kackies. I never saw one in a tank-top, and certainly never a cartoon character shirt!

I noticed that too, and figured it was Someone Else's Kid. Who probably gets to trick or treat and do other satanic things...
  • Love 6

Quote from Growing up Duggar:

Magic, sorcery, witches, spell-casting and the like are all part of the demonic realm that God wants us to stay away from. One specific thing that our parents have always been careful about is magic, which often shows up in children’s movies.”

I feel so sad for those Duggar robot children. They haven't been allowed to experience fairy-tales, magick or make-believe. Not one of the Duggar girls ever wanted to dress up like a Disney princess for Halloween? How sad.

  • Love 4

I feel so sad for those Duggar robot children. They haven't been allowed to experience fairy-tales, magick or make-believe. Not one of the Duggar girls ever wanted to dress up like a Disney princess for Halloween? How sad.

Or to grow up understanding that it is imaginary. Kids don't usually walk away from those movies expecting to rub a lamp and get a genie. They know they can't run into walls at subway stations and get to a magic train. Do they have such stupid children that they can't tell the difference? Maybe they shouldn't make believe they are pirates or cows. They really put restrictions on creativity, private fantasies and imagination. JB and Michelle should be ashamed of themselves, taking innocent issues and twisting them, while the real nasty is going on in THEIR home and they reduce it to something common.

  • Love 14

So. These are adult individuals. And they believe in magic. And that witches are real. And that spell-casting is an actual thing. That people do. For real.





I just can't imagine how strange their mental landscape must be what with witches and magic and demons lurking around every corner; it's almost medieval. It's actually fascinating in an anthropological sense. Take a modern human, remove all the reason, thought and knowledge of the past 300 years, add a shit-load of superstition, ban critical thinking, and the end result: a Duggar.

  • Love 16

Pirates are OK because, I'm trying to think of a reason here, um...



Because it gets you free doughnuts, of course! If Krispy Kreme announced that they would be giving away free doughnuts on Halloween to everyone who shows up dressed as a witch or a devil, Jim Bob would find a way to rationalize doing it.

  • Love 8

So. These are adult individuals. And they believe in magic. And that witches are real. And that spell-casting is an actual thing. That people do. For real.


I just can't imagine how strange their mental landscape must be what with witches and magic and demons lurking around every corner; it's almost medieval. It's actually fascinating in an anthropological sense. Take a modern human, remove all the reason, thought and knowledge of the past 300 years, add a shit-load of superstition, ban critical thinking, and the end result: a Duggar.

Witches and casting spells are real. The Duggars falsely believe that witches worship Satan and that their purpose is to cast evil spells and ride broomsticks. If you were to tell the Duggars that witches do not, in fact worship Satan, I think it would blow their minds. I would even bet that if you were to go back into Jim Bob or Michelle's family tree, you would find witches, druids etc. who worshipped Mother Nature until good ol' King James wrote the Bible and saved all of those godless heathens from eternal damnation. Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 7
Witches and casting spells are real.

In the sense that there are people who consider themselves witches and who believe in what they're doing, sure. Magic in the sense of actually changing or manipulating the physical laws of nature and the universe in the service of some demonic power, like the Duggars appear to believe, not so much. But then they won't even let their kids talk about imaginary magical creatures like unicorns, so there is clearly some severe inability to separate fiction from reality going on.


I just feel sorry for those kids for not being allowed to read Harry Potter.

  • Love 10

Should we tell them about special effects? Nah

That's absolutely the funniest thing I've read all day ! I LOVE this post... :)


Funny, but I was watching the new Jurassic Park last night and asked my boyfriend if we were somehow able to show parts of it to someone 100 years ago would they think it was real ? I'd bet a dollar to doughnuts that the Duggarlings would believe it was ! 

  • Love 3

That's absolutely the funniest thing I've read all day ! I LOVE this post... :)


Funny, but I was watching the new Jurassic Park last night and asked my boyfriend if we were somehow able to show parts of it to someone 100 years ago would they think it was real ? I'd bet a dollar to doughnuts that the Duggarlings would believe it was ! 

Jurassic Park is a documentary about what happens when the beasts from the bible attack the sinful, and JB & Michelle will not have you telling their kids any different. Heathen.

  • Love 8

So. These are adult individuals. And they believe in magic. And that witches are real. And that spell-casting is an actual thing. That people do. For real.


I just can't imagine how strange their mental landscape must be what with witches and magic and demons lurking around every corner; it's almost medieval. It's actually fascinating in an anthropological sense. Take a modern human, remove all the reason, thought and knowledge of the past 300 years, add a shit-load of superstition, ban critical thinking, and the end result: a Duggar.

I once worked with a very nice woman who grew up Lutheran but, upon marriage, joined her husband's wacky church. She adopted all these weird beliefs and fears about Halloween. Her kids went their church's school and on Halloween they dressed up as Biblical figures and lectured each other about who they were portraying. Big fun. Her kids of course were banned from knowing about Harry Potter, which was the personification of all things ungodly.

She also once informed me that God knows everything that is going to happen. "He knew we were going to have this conversation. But there's still free will, too." Then she kind of looked confused and changed the subject, which I didn't wish to pursue at work, anyway.

Her husband also turned out to be an abuser who threatened to kill her when she finally decided to leave. She turned to the church for help but got none because, you know. Her fault somehow. (She did escape but basically went underground to do so.)

But the outside world is evil and scary. Do everything we say. God's will if things aren't working out for you. Don't even think about escaping or questioning it, not even with a little fantasy time at the movies.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 5
Or to grow up understanding that it is imaginary. Kids don't usually walk away from those movies expecting to rub a lamp and get a genie. They know they can't run into walls at subway stations and get to a magic train. Do they have such stupid children that they can't tell the difference? Maybe they shouldn't make believe they are pirates or cows. They really put restrictions on creativity, private fantasies and imagination. JB and Michelle should be ashamed of themselves, taking innocent issues and twisting them, while the real nasty is going on in THEIR home and they reduce it to something common


I think part of the thing is that once kids find out that there is make-believe out there in the world, they might make that leap to wondering whether God might be imaginary as well.

  • Love 9

Looks like Michelle and Jim Bob might get another lucrative speaking engagement cancelled.  The president of the organization that hired them posted his personal email online, so you can write to him and voice your opinion.  (It's a homeschool conference in Canada)



  • Love 2

Or to grow up understanding that it is imaginary. Kids don't usually walk away from those movies expecting to rub a lamp and get a genie. They know they can't run into walls at subway stations and get to a magic train. Do they have such stupid children that they can't tell the difference? Maybe they shouldn't make believe they are pirates or cows. They really put restrictions on creativity, private fantasies and imagination. JB and Michelle should be ashamed of themselves, taking innocent issues and twisting them, while the real nasty is going on in THEIR home and they reduce it to something common.

Everything you just said is right on target.  Now if only JB and Michelle could read that and get some sense knocked into them. 

  • Love 1
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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