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Season 11 (Kaitlyn) Spoilers

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RS had some photos of Britt and Brady taken this weekend. They weren't physically close in those shots, but new couples are not obligated to hang all over each other every single minute for the benefit of curious reality TV fans like me. Or so I tell myself.

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I am not sure Britt acted by her own design.  I believe production was behind moving this along to one bachette.  We will probably hear more about this at some point.  

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They look cute together. And I have to agree with the commenter that says Britt is the true winner. She got a relationship with a guy who gave up the famewhoring on TV and traveling for her. That's pretty sweet. 

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I'm pretty sure I saw Britt in the DWTS audience last night. I'm not a good "recognizer" so don't know if Kaitlyn was there as well.


What is a Professional Status Loss Control Consultant (Shawn Booth)?

Edited by saber5055
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I'm pretty sure I saw Britt in the DWTS audience last night. I'm not a good "recognizer" so don't know if Kaitlyn was there as well.

What is a Professional Status Loss Control Consultant (Shawn Booth)?

I have no idea. Sounds like somebody who gets paid to repair someone's public image, like a post-scandal pr person.
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Sounds like somebody who gets paid to repair someone's public image, like a post-scandal pr person.



Then he's in the perfect place to find lots 'o clients ... The Bachelor Family!

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As a non--fan of Kaitlyn, I think these guys are perfect for her and this trainwreck of an upcoming season.  As long as the boys bring the drama and eye-rolling stupidity for me to laugh at, then I don't have to pay too much attention to her!  Because sadly, they aren't bringing the eye candy.

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As a non--fan of Kaitlyn, I think these guys are perfect for her and this trainwreck of an upcoming season.  As long as the boys bring the drama and eye-rolling stupidity for me to laugh at, then I don't have to pay too much attention to her!  Because sadly, they aren't bringing the eye candy.


I think just from what Reality Steve has posted so far that this season has epic trainwreck written all over it with:


1. Clint imploding--going from getting a rose on his 1-1 date to being shown the door before the next rose ceremony cause he is such an ass

2. Nick acting like a big baby when he is hazed by all the guys

3. multiple guys leaving plus Kaitlyn sending guys home early herself


So we should be good with lots of stupidity to laugh at and really that's what is important as like RS said, Kaitlyn surely isn't interested in finding a husband from this gaggle of mactors/famehos.  


Now to just figure out who ABC/Fleiss want as (1) the next bachelor and (2) to drink it up on Bachelor in Paradise 2.0

Edited by CindyBee
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I am seriously hoping they bring back Josh Murray as the next Bachelor.  I think he's got the whole package to do an Emily 2.0 season, minus the kid: Good looks, a camera-ready family, heartbreak with Andi, an entreprenurial job he can put on the back burner and experience with the whole production. 


I honestly don't see anybody in the current crew that screams "Bachelor", but of course that could change as the season progresses.  I still like Josh & would be happy to see him on my TV for another run. 

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I too want Josh Murray to be the next Bachelor but its the ABC brass that has the final say and they could be wary of the fact that its been a year since he's been on the show.   Shoot man, his brother is single now so bring on Aaron as a two for one.  Well football season would interfere with that but now that would be a must see season. 


The only one of Kaitlyn's guys that  I think could be a possibility is the cheesy dentist, Chris that put himself through dental school by being a model and has experience on Janet Dickenson's modelling show.   He is rumored to have gone far.   I need to see Reality Steve's final boot order to think of who else could be a possibility.  

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I don't even need to watch that video to know I have zero interest in watching a season with Josh and his overly buffed, overly tanned self. Of course, the contestants and their crazy is what truly makes the seasons interesting in my opinion (unless you're one of those who really watch for seeing an "amazing and real" love story) so it hardly matters who is the lead. Which speaking of:


1. Clint imploding--going from getting a rose on his 1-1 date to being shown the door before the next rose ceremony cause he is such an ass



3. multiple guys leaving plus Kaitlyn sending guys home early herself



Personally, these two things just make me think Kaitlyn doesn't suffer fools easily and sounds like she had no time and patience for bullshit. Good for her, I say. Why keep guys around who may be idiots that she already knows there's no future with. As for her not really looking for a husband, I don't buy that either Kaitlyn or Britt are truly dead set on getting married right now so whatever. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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What is a Professional Status Loss Control Consultant (Shawn Booth)?


It would be tempting to think that he has a unique and interesting job that deserves that mouthful of a title, but having spent my existence doing things like being alive on Earth, my guess is that he works at the unemployment office.

Edited by reggiejax
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Oh, please no with Josh as Bachelor.  He is the definition of decorative, not functional.  I could not stand listening to him mourn his lost minor league baseball career for an entire season.  He was just so... vapid on Andi's season.  If they'd bother to cross pollinate, I'd love to see a Bachelor season with one of the blind date guys from this season's Amazing Race.

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Reality Steve has seen the first episode and ran a recap on his site this afternoon.


points of interest include:


-its edited to seem like Kaitlyn is the underdog with the first few guys all greeting Britt first but we all know that the limo exits are edited out of order.  It probably was pro-Kaitlyn in real time but since that didn't fit with the storyline, the editors got busy.


-Ryan M, Nikki's ex is the drunk;  Steve says he's going to be the one folks are talking about on Tuesday AM.   Guess we'll see him in Paradise next.


-Shawn B, one of the guys that is rumored to go far seems to have fallen in love with Kaitlyn at first sight.  Or some nonsense like that.   


-Brady & Britt hit it off and no surprise that he bails when she doesn't win the vote.   Who knows, Britt & Brady might end up being the couple that last from this season, since they are still together. 

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Anyone else anxiously awaiting what Reality Steve has to say about the ending of the season today!!?  


I'm hoping for a great shock, like no engagement for Kaitlyn.    Guess we'll see what RS has to say in a few hours.  He usually comes out with his blog around lunch time but I'm sure he'll drag it out for lots of hits on his site.

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Am I alone in being a tad suspicious about Britt and Brady's match? The back story makes perfect sense, and my inner romantic hopes it's all true. But that last set of photos didn't show couple-ish body language, which makes me wonder if they were evading cameras, caught in an off moment, or just going through the motions.

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Am I alone in being a tad suspicious about Britt and Brady's match? The back story makes perfect sense, and my inner romantic hopes it's all true. But that last set of photos didn't show couple-ish body language, which makes me wonder if they were evading cameras, caught in an off moment, or just going through the motions.



Usually when I see a singer/songwriter on these shows, it does give me pause on just how sincere ole Brady is but the fact that he was willing to walk away from being on Kaitlyn's season makes me wonder just a bit if there was something real.  Either that or TPTB pulled him aside and promised him lots of publicity if he walked away to pursue Britt.  That said, it would be nice for them both if something real comes out of their time on the show.   I guess we'll see what they say this week, when I'm assuming they will be hitting the press circuit once Britt is eliminated and Brady follows her.

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Either that or TPTB pulled him aside and promised him lots of publicity if he walked away to pursue Britt.



Exactly. I'm not saying that's exactly what's happening here because sure, it may very well be instant true love but isn't the rumor that their "love story" was filmed a bit during the season as well, so it gets some screentime? All I'm saying, for all the dismissive, "it would be hilarious if Britt is the one who comes out of this with true love instead of Kaitlyn", I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see both relationships fizzle out soon after the season wraps. 

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Reality Steve's blog is up.


I have to go to lunch but just real quick, for those that don't read his site the final one is:




Yes, Kaitlyn pulled a Brad and picked no one out of Shawn B and Nick.


Actually, the ending is quite crazy with six guys in Ireland, Shawn B, Nick, Ben H, Joe, Jared, and Dr. Chris with Joe, Jared and Dr. Chris all being eliminated.  Then the final 3 stay in Ireland for fantasy suites and with Ben H getting sent home.  


Nick and Shawn B's hometown dates are their families being flown to Utah for a private meeting at a ranch.  Then the end takes place in LA with no one being picked!


Should be a crazy ass season!

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As one of possibly a very few, who had no issues with Brad not choosing anyone during his first go round as the Bachelor, I have no issues if Kaitlyn feels she's not where she needs to be with either of the guys and chooses no one. That being said, while I'm not fully discounting RS's sources, I wonder if this is just a case of him being cautious and not wanting to end up with egg on his face. In other words, it's possible he just doesn't know for certain who she picked and so is going with no one, just in case.


And therefore, if he's wrong and she does pick someone, he can at least say he didn't pick the wrong guy. Because the thing is, for as right as RS has been in the past, he's definitely had his goofs, none more so than Desiree's season where he swore that Brooks would return and propose and obnoxiously attacked anyone who second guessed him. And well we all know how that turned out. I believe he also was certain that Brad picked Chantal in his second season. 


The reason I'm being slightly skeptical is because I've been following information in the past week at the other board - the one that was the only one to spoil Jef as Emily's pick and as good as they often are with their "sleuthing", many of them are confirming that they are stumped. No one really seems to know anything for certain once the group flew to Ireland. There have been some speculations, including about the HTD maybe being the family getting flown to meet with Kaitlyn (which actually makes me side eye RS and wonder how much of this is really his sources or him drawing stuff from there) versus her going to the guy's hometowns. This was suspected after there was some information about a few of Nick's family members flying somewhere, a few weeks ago. 


The thing is, the last Bachelorette season with Andi was heavily, heavily spoiled, between Nick's blabbing on an airplane and that same site discovering Josh as Andi's top follower on Snapchat or her on his, before it was quickly deleted. Basically it was pretty clear long before the season premiere, who Andi picked and as the season went on, many of Josh's family and friends I thought were also not too subtle on social media. But so far, it's been like radio silence and it may be possible that the show just surprisingly did a really good job of keeping things quiet, especially given how public the season was at the start with Kaitlyn having the boxing date in public, the rapping date in NY, the group date in San Antonio, etc. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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You could be right, truthaboutluv, but I figured RS must have someone on the inside leaking info to him. Like with Chris and Whitney, he knew very early, who Chris had picked. Disclaimer: I haven't read RS's actual wording of it to see if he was hedging at all.

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I have no problem with her picking no one - at least it's honest.


I'm giving RS 50/50 odds of being right this time, however. 


Did he say anything about Britt and Brady? I started to read his site, but it crashed my computer and I'm wary of going back today.

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I believe it because I thought Kaitlyn was in it for the experience and to have fun - nothing more.


Bella, RS says Britt & Brady are still together.

Edited by judie
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I had no issues with Brad picking on one, I actually admired him for it. I do side eye Kaitlyn because she made a huge deal about being TB'ette and being bitter about the whole two b'ettes and I never, ever believed she had any intention on doing the show for love. Just like Britt, she wanted recognition but ironically Britt, who is actually in a relationship with someone from the show, got slammed and raked over the coals by fans and the press. And Nick, you are an idiot. I think he lost because he was posting cryptic sad comments on social media. Stay away from the show dude.

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I don't know how the general watching public and mags like People are going to treat Kaitlyn but she could be in for a very bumpy ride, especially if Shawn B turns out to really have fallen for her;  most probably won't care about Nick since he's controversial figure from Andi's season.  I can see alot of "dude, you shouldn't have gone on the show again" posts about Nick.


As for Britt, if her relationship with Brady is perceived favorably and seems genuine, she could have a complete reversal in her tabloid/net coverage.    


Time will tell to see what happens with all this.   Should make for an interesting summer viewing.   

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Woohoo! What great spoilers! I am definitely IN for this season. I don't hate Nick but he was just asking to be humilated by getting back on the show again. Sounds like he got his wish. Looking forward to it.

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Saying she picks no one is just like saying she picks someone. (On a multiple choice test, "None of the above" is as definitive an answer as "A" or "B.") In fact, it's an even riskier answer, given how rare that is. RS is not hedging his bets.

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You could be right, truthaboutluv, but I figured RS must have someone on the inside leaking info to him.



I think he used to have someone but since the whole lawsuit and all that drama, I'm not so sure. And as I said, it's not like RS has been unflappable with his information. Again, he completely messed up Desiree's season and as I recall, that season was a confusing one also because even the other site wasn't sure what really happened but they did question and challenge RS's claim that Brooks returned. Again, I'm not saying he's wrong, he very well might be right but just stating that reading stuff on the other site, it is clear that there is little information about what happened once the group left the U.S. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I just commented on Steve's site that I think Kaitlyn did THIS show so she could eventually go on "Dancing with the Stars" this fall.  A cute, CASUAL boyfriend in the audience is ok, but a fiancee would seriously hinder her chances at a possible hot showmance with one of the pros.  


And jeez, every damn new season somebody drags out Des & Chris as Steve's ONE incorrect ending.  He gets the goods for real, not a bunch of half-baked possibilities.  People need to just deal. 

Edited by leighdear
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Reading those spoilers just made my day.  Most of Kaitlyn's guys seem like lunkheads (just a vibe I get from reading their bios and spoilers).  So what will "special snowflake" Nick do or say on the ATFR show to top last season's outburst?  That may be the only episode worth watching IMHO.


Edited to add - even now Nick fans are speculating/hoping that this is all a ruse by K & N to have a relationship on their terms because why would she bring him on the show if she wasn't serious about him and they already had a "connection" before, blah, blah, blah...


I hope RS is right and publishes another series of emails from those convinced he's wrong.

Edited by LuLu123
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And jeez, every damn new season somebody drags out Des & Chris as Steve's ONE incorrect ending.  He gets the goods for real, not a bunch of half-baked possibilities.  People need to just deal. 


He also got Ali's and Brad 2.0's endings wrong. He got three out of the past ten Bachelor/ette seasons wrong, so his success record is 70%. Part of the fun for me is watching to see whether RS was right.

Edited by chocolatine
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Reading those spoilers just made my day.  Most of Kaitlyn's guys seem like lunkheads (just a vibe I get from reading their bios and spoilers).  So what will "special snowflake" Nick do or say on the ATFR show to top last season's outburst?  That may be the only episode worth watching IMHO.


Edited to add - even now Nick fans are speculating/hoping that this is all a ruse by K & N to have a relationship on their terms because why would she bring him on the show if she wasn't serious about him and they already had a "connection" before, blah, blah, blah...


I hope RS is right and publishes another series of emails from those convinced he's wrong.


When the bios came up last week, my first thought was "man, they really did just cast with bachelor in paradise" in mind so if by that slim chance Kaitlyn was serious about finding a serious relationship, she had very slim pickings. 



And I too hope RS is right and saves all the great emails from the delusional folks out there as that was must reading after Chris' season. 

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Absolutely right, Chocolatine, I forgot about them.  I didn't watch Ali's season and didn't start reading Steve until Emily.  But I know he's spoiled more than 10 cycles, including Bachelor Pads and Bachelor in Paradise.    I think his success rate is higher than 70% with all shows included. 

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I thought in Ali's season, he said Roberto or no one.  It was spoiled to be Roberto because someone who worked for the same insurance company (State Farm?) found out that he had applied to be licensed in CA and was moving to the San Diego office.  Funny thing, some fans of Chris were so convinced that Ali had picked him that they dismissed this information outright.  (Why else would a guy who had just set up shop in Charleston, SC turn around and move across the country?).  They were quite nasty about it on one of the boards I read at the time. 


Confirmation basis is what leads many to question RS or anyone who posts spoilers.  Some folks get so obsessed with a heavily edited version of a contestant and are convinced that they are watching the love story for the ages, that they will discount anything that gets in the way of this. 

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I just commented on Steve's site that I think Kaitlyn did THIS show so she could eventually go on "Dancing with the Stars" this fall.



Well that would be silly on her part since DWTS actually hasn't had many Bachelorette contestants on the show. That is a big misconception among Bachelor/Bachelorette fans - that whoever is the lead is an automatic guarantee or consideration for DWTS. As someone who has watched DWTS since the first season, more so than I've watched this show, that's simply not true. The show has had only two female Bachelor/ette contestants - Trista, the original Bachelorette and that was during the DWTS' first season and many seasons later they had Melissa Rycroft who was actually a replacement for Nancy O'Dell who had been cast but got injured before the premiere. They've really had the Bachelors more than the female contestants and that's only been Jake, Chris and Sean. And there has been now many seasons of this show?


And jeez, every damn new season somebody drags out Des & Chris as Steve's ONE incorrect ending.  He gets the goods for real, not a bunch of half-baked possibilities.  People need to just deal.



Funny because I think the people who seem to "stan" for the RS and his spoilers are the ones who seem to get very touchy and offended whenever his information is challenged. As noted below, it hasn't only been Desiree's season he screwed up. He was adamant that Brad chose Chantal instead of Emily, he had no clue who Emily chose but yet he was still dismissive and obnoxious about the other site who said it was Jef and as noted, he has been wrong about who would be the Bachelorette and Bachelor at times.


No one is saying RS hasn't been right more often than wrong but the reason his being wrong, particularly with Des' season, gets brought up all the time is to show that no matter how many times he's been right, he's not immune to being wrong. And more than that, for me personally, the reason I will ALWAYS bring it up is because of his arrogance. It wasn't just that he said "look, here's my info, believe it if you want." He was belligerent, dismissive, condescending to anyone who simply said, "I don't know, this just doesn't seem like it's adding up." Like how dare anyone question him ever. So yeah, when he ended up with egg on his face, it was glorious. 


Edited to add - even now Nick fans are speculating/hoping that this is all a ruse by K & N to have a relationship on their terms because why would she bring him on the show if she wasn't serious about him and they already had a "connection" before, blah, blah, blah...



I haven't read the comments, but isn't RS himself the one stating that the two talked practically all the time while Chris' season was airing and basically suggesting that they were much closer than was let on, long before he came on the show? So I guess I can see why some might want to believe she really picked him if he made it all the way to the end. Again, RS seems to be the one suggesting that there was way more between them than a few flirty social media exchanges like people first thought. But actually, the person I've seen speculated the most as F1, on the other site, is the Shawn guy. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Funny thing is that many on "the other site" were convinced that the Nick video was an elaborate hoax designed specifically with screw with RS.  That defies logic and is in of "the moon landing was fake" category.  Back in Ashley's season, there was a quite a disturbing story completely made up by about JP by those who wanted Ben to win on that board.  RS did spoil Jef being the winner in Emily's season but said he held off for reasons which later became clear once the dual cheating stories surfaced.


Is RS an arrogant ass but is usually correct?  Yes.  Do folks go out of their way to discredit him and disregard him? Yes.  These two things are not mutually exclusive.

Edited by LuLu123
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Steve has actually spoiled 10 Bachelor seasons, from Andy to Chris and 8 Bachelorette seasons, from Deanna to Kaitlyn.  Plus 3 Bachelor Pads and BIP.  That's 22 cycles of drama, bad acting, drama, drunkeness, drama, boredom, drama, lies, drama, wrong reasons, drama and a few random love stories.


Even if he were to stop spoiling or never again be right, I'd still read & enjoy his snark.  He amuses me to no end!   

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 RS did spoil Jef being the winner in Emily's season but said he held off for reasons which later became clear once the dual cheating stories surfaced.




Wasn't it more like he confirmed that Jef was F1 after more than half the season was over? AuntyLove of Bach forum revealed that Jef was F1 the day after filming and months before RS did.

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Wasn't it more like he confirmed that Jef was F1 after more than half the season was over? AuntyLove of Bach forum revealed that Jef was F1 the day after filming and months before RS did.

This exactly. He kept saying he was getting conflicting reports and wasn't confirming anything. And then late in the season, when it was becoming clearer that it was Jef, he eventually said he still wasn't sure but that he knew for certain it wasn't Arie. And I had no idea he messed up Ali's season as well, because I didn't really watch that season.

Interesting, the user who first spoiled Jef because she's actually been saying that Nick was eliminated soon after they got to Ireland, which if true, throws the second half of RS's spoilers completely out of wack. And I think she's said that Chris, the guy who shows up in the hot tub car I believe, is actually the F1 or she's speculated he is. Which is why again, I'm saying it seems details are kind of sketchy about what happens once they leave the U.S. So I'm not declaring RS absolutely wrong, just wondering if he's hedging his bets because he doesn't know for certain what happens in the end.

Funny thing is that many on "the other site" were convinced that the Nick video was an elaborate hoax designed specifically with screw with RS.

Seems to me the people who thought so were the ones who liked Nick and wanted him to be the F1. On the flipside, the Josh fans wholeheartedly believed the video was real as well as all the spoilers and hated Nick - many still do. Also, many over there pieced a number of things together that further convinced them Josh was the pick, such as the Snapchat incident, there was some picture of Josh with his dog that many correctly predicted was a safe house visit between him and Andi and as I said his family and friends were hardly subtle on social media.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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AuntyLove of Bach forum revealed that Jef was F1 the day after filming and months before RS did.

So what about her predictions for all other 28 season of the show?  *LOL*   Because if she's got Steve's stats for all the other seasons, I'd definitely jump on her site!

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Interesting, the user who first spoiled Jef because she's actually been saying that Nick was eliminated soon after they got to Ireland,  which if true throws the second half of RS's spoilers completely out of wack. And I think she's said that Chris, the guy who shows up in the hot tub car I believe, is actually the F1 or she's speculated he is. Which is why again, I'm saying it seems details are kind of sketchy about what happens once they leave the U.S. So I'm not declaring RS absolutely wrong, just wondering if he's hedging his bets because he doesn't know for certain what happens in the end.

I do not believe the spoiler about Chris (cupcake car guy) to be true. Steve's spoilers are very detailed up to a point and if Chris is her pick that would mean he did not get an individual date until the last few episodes of the season. Had she had such a connection with him, it would've happened sooner. It just doesn't happen for those guys that get late dates.

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Just for the record, I said I think, I'm not sure. There is more than one Chris in the season right? And I don't know that she's said definitively it is the Chris guy. What she has said is that Nick is eliminated soon after they get to Ireland. 

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So I'm not declaring RS absolutely wrong, just wondering if he's hedging his bets because he doesn't know for certain what happens in the end.


Saying "she picks no one" is not hedging bets. He's putting all his money on "no one." If she picks someone, he loses.

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Just for the record, I said I think, I'm not sure. There is more than one Chris in the season right? And I don't know that she's said definitively it is the Chris guy. What she has said is that Nick is eliminated soon after they get to Ireland. 

Just one Chris. He's a dentist.


I think the producers would want to keep Nick around to embarrass him again but I really don't buy her being attracted to busted! Ryan Gosling either. Why not Ben? I suppose she was gracious enough not to drag him to the end. Did the producers force that so he could be the bachelor. Gotta see these guys in action to fully understand her decision. 

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