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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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Kim seemed awfully mad at Kyle about losing her rolling bag at the airport and forcing them to wait.  I'm wondering if Brandi put a bug in Kim's ear while they were waiting for Kyle to find her bag.


I hate Brandi, but I think Kim's anger was all her own here. Granted, it may have been bubbling and boiling up after months of repeated comments from Brandi about her sister not being there for her blah blah, but I'm not sure she said anything to her right then. It seemed like Kim was just waiting for something to blow up about about and even better if it could be about Kyle. Angry, unhappy, toxic woman. I don't even know what else to say about her. The whole thing is depressing and sad to me and I wish the people around her luck.


I like Yolanda's dress.  A lot.  


Holy cow, yes, Yo's dress was gorgeous. She looked amazing in it. I was surprised by how much I liked Kyle in that jumpsuit. 1 - I hate jumpsuits 2 - Kyle is short. Yet somehow, it actually looked pretty killer. Still not going to try it myself, though.

  • Love 9

There has been some talk about whether or not Kyle is using Lisar as her voice to bring Kim's issues to the surface, while keeping her own hands clean. I have been dubious of this from the beginning just because of past history, but even more so after last night. Kyle seems all kind of uncomfortable whenever any talk of sobriety comes up, even if not directly about Kim (Lisar talking about Harry in the limo). It looks to me as if she wants the conversation to end quickly and hopes to discuss anything but this.

  • Love 16

I'm inclined to agree with those who think that Kim was soberish during that flight and that she was not happy about it.

Also, it just occurred to me that Harry and Kim are both supposed to have been sober for the same amount of time, three years and for some reason this puts me in mind of a quote from Harry Hamlin's character on Mad Men. Changed up a bit to apply to Kim and delivered by LisaR:

"Prior to joining the show I'd sometimes think, what's Kim up to? Your air of mystery especially in the first couple of seasons! Now that I've gotten a look backstage? I'm deeply unimpressed, Kim. You're just a bully and a drunk/addict."

  • Love 10

I'm surprised that Lisa didn't want to go to the charity event.

Someone said that both Lisa V and Eileen had to work, so they were joining the rest in Amsterdam.

Why didn't Kim get mad at Brandi for bascially stomping all over her at the escalator and leaving her there to fend for herself??

Oh, right....she needs her connection. Can't piss that one off.

  • Love 14

I really don't like to post about Brandi because I want her gone from the show, and any attention on Brandi just seems to validate her, but I can't believe how much Brandi showed what a snake she is in this epi.

Brandi telling kim about her conversation with Lisa but leaving out any mention of how she validated and agreed with Lisa's questions was bad. But I can't help contrast Brandi fawning over Kim in the limo ride back from Poker Night, even removing Kim's fake eyelashes like she was Kim's gay bull mastiff replacement, to Brandi shoving past Kim in the escalator in Amsterdam. That was looking to be a pretty dangerous situation and Brandi was "motherfucking" out of there. I think Brandi, in her panic, forgot the cameras were there and showed her true ass self.

  • Love 16

What is up with all the effing luggage? Are they going to stay in Amsterdam for 3 months? Jeez most people go to Europe with a bag or two, I counted 6 or 7 for each How many pairs of white jeans were in Yo's bag? Haven't these women ever heard of laundry service? Most nice hotels have it.


I had to laugh at that.  Last summer I went to Ireland for a week and managed to put everything I needed into a carry-on bag.

  • Love 11

There has been some talk about whether or not Kyle is using Lisar as her voice to bring Kim's issues to the surface, while keeping her own hands clean. I have been dubious of this from the beginning just because of past history, but even more so after last night. Kyle seems all kind of uncomfortable whenever any talk of sobriety comes up, even if not directly about Kim (Lisar talking about Harry in the limo). It looks to me as if she wants the conversation to end quickly and hopes to discuss anything but this.




Who said that? I read many blogs and I haven't seem that theory out there, just because Kim's defenders try day in and day out to find or hold someone else responsible for Kim's behavior doesn't make it true. LisaR has has her own share of kim's erratic behavior and if you add to that the conversation with Brandi where Brandi tells her how bad Kim really is, like "worse than nobody knows" and talks about suicide and what not then I do think that LisaR has her own legitimate concerns and was coming from a good place.


Not that Kim will ever recognize that because in her world there is only two kind of people , "her" people who hide , lie and turn their heads the other way to her addictions and her "enemies" who someone try to make her accountable. Brandi belongs to the first group, LisaR to the second group, but if you ask me who has her heart in the right place I would venture to say that LisaR cared mored about Kim as a human being than Brandi did. Lisa was honestly concerned and trying to help even if Kim can never accept that kind of help. Brandi on the other hand is only using Kim as a pawn to hurt Kyle and get a story line for the show, this IMO is way disgusting but this is just who Brandi is, a really disgusting person.


No wonder Kim and Brandi get along so well.

  • Love 9

Le sigh.... I don't have much to add. You all seem to have it covered. But one thing that just was glaringly obvious to me this episode was how much Kyle needs attention and reassurance.  When she was going out with the girls and asked them if her jumpsuit was "fancy" enough, I cringed. When Kim picked the fight with her about her luggage, she turned to Yo and said something to the effect, why does she always do this to me? And was she on stage with the donors? I know she likes to do splits and twirl her hair at any moment and speak loudly about her connections, but this week seemed to show her as more needy. Discuss...

  • Love 10



Who said that? I read many blogs and I haven't seem that theory out there, just because Kim's defenders try day in and day out to find or hold someone else responsible for Kim's behavior doesn't make it true. LisaR has has her own share of kim's erratic behavior and if you add to that the conversation with Brandi where Brandi tells her how bad Kim really is, like "worse than nobody knows" and talks about suicide and what not then I do think that LisaR has her own legitimate concerns and was coming from a good place.


Not that Kim will ever recognize that because in her world there is only two kind of people , "her" people who hide , lie and turn their heads the other way to her addictions and her "enemies" who someone try to make her accountable. Brandi belongs to the first group, LisaR to the second group, but if you ask me who has her heart in the right place I would venture to say that LisaR cared mored about Kim as a human being than Brandi did. Lisa was honestly concerned and trying to help even if Kim can never accept that kind of help. Brandi on the other hand is only using Kim as a pawn to hurt Kyle and get a story line for the show, this IMO is way disgusting but this is just who Brandi is, a really disgusting person.


No wonder Kim and Brandi get along so well.

It has been discussed on this forum on several occasions.  The theory being that Lisar and Kyle have been friends for years, and thus none of Kim's behavior is actually news to Lisar.   The debate follows is that as Kyle's close friend, Lisar is saying the things that Kyle wants her to say but cannot for fear of backlash from fans, Kim, or her family. Since the days of Faye, some have always believed that Kyle gets others to do her dirty work. I agree with you that this doesn't sound plausible. 

  • Love 8

I don't think that you can teach someone with a genetic predisposition to addiction to safely drink by drinking all the time. I don't think drinking every night is responsible behavior modeling.

I don't think Lisa is drinking g all the time. The kids MAY have the gene and the GARBRB1 gene MAY cause alcohol addiction. As a non Drinker I appreciate my kids seeing people with healthy a relationship with alcohol. I don't think Lisa is doing anything wrong by drinking a glass of wine in front of her kids. If Harry was botherd by her drinking it's up to him to say something and I am sure she would stop. People should not have to walk on eggshells around alcoholics and worry about weather or not they can be around drinking. It's up to the recovering alcoholic on what they can handle, and up to them to have an escape plan when out with friends. That plan should not rely on others having to leave to accomadate them. It may mean Kim needs to make a quick appearance at events and bring a thoughtful gift to show appreciation and support and skedaddle out. Her problem should not be everyone else's. This isn't her first rodeo, she chooses to do the show instead of be sober. I have little hope for her recovery, as even after seeing her behavior on film she cannot accept it.

  • Love 12

Well, this episode could have actually been a pretty entertaining one if it weren't for Wet Blanket Kim. First she has to bitch and moan the entire time during the scavenger hunt. Why did she even go? It's not like it was a surprise what they were showing up for that day. If she seriously was sick and in pain, why even go? And yet somehow her team still won. Go, Eileen! 


Then she completely flipped on Kyle at the airport, found a way to make things all about her again. What an unpleasant, unforgiving bitch. Kim, Kyle misplacing her bag at the airport is NOT the same as you chronically showing up late to things because you were just whacked out of your mind and couldn't be bothered to care about anyone else. But go ahead and look for the first opportunity to call Kyle call out. 


I see Brandi has really been buzzing in her ear. And what was that shit with just HAVING to tell Kim about Lisar before the trip?? Why? So there can be tension and fighting and it can ruin everyone's good time? Typical Brandi. 


I thought Lisar handled herself well. She didn't try to argue with Kim's claims of just taking one pill, claims that she was totally sober. She just shut up and said, "Okay" and seemed ready to let the whole thing go. So I'm surprised to see she totally loses it next week. Kim must have really said something shitty about Harry. I found it interesting that Lisar said Harry had been sober for "three years". Was he an alcoholic as well? Or did he just make the choice to stop any kind of drinking after losing his brothers? 


Kim can lose me with her "the pill did not agree with me" BS. Next thing you know she'll get a DUI for driving down the wrong side of the LA freeway and claim, "Man, those 10 shots of whiskey just did not agree with me". I've never been as over her as I am right now. She's actually pissing me off more than Brandi. 

When she was going out with the girls and asked them if her jumpsuit was "fancy" enough, I cringed


I do agree that sometimes Kyle seems needy, but I didn't get that in this instance. I just thought she was double-checking with Yo because A. She was not familiar with the event and B. The other women were wearing dresses and she wasn't. 

  • Love 23

Yes, and studies show that people who never drive a car don't have car accidents and folks who don't have sex don't get pregnant. We could all avoid a whole world of potential pitfalls if we just don't participate in the behavior. Driving is risky, having sex is risky, and drinking can be risky. Giving folks the tools and information to make informed choices is the way most folks tend to lean. The alcohol deal is tough to navigate because it is socially acceptable and prevalent.  It is everywhere and a large portion of the world considers it perfectly acceptable. If Lisar has decided that the best way to approach the situation is to show her daughters that drinking can be done responsibly, then she is probably doing a good job of preparing them for the numerous situations they will be faced with in their lives. 

    This times a hundred. I don't drink because alcoholism runs rampant in my family, and I lied a bit on the first page. It was my daughter who was afraid when seeing a friends parent drink, and she was 10. I don't think that is a healthy attitude for my kid to have. I want my kids to see people drinking responsibly, even getting tipsy and silly and having fun, but not crazy drunk. I don't want my kid to be holier than thou and judgmental about people who drink either.. Now that she is older I have explained why I don't drink. It is up to her to figure this out, as it will be for each of my kids as they get older.


I actually meant to came here  and say I have only watched "Drama Queens" and this episode the whole season, and missed most of last season, and its still pretty much the same! I do like the two new ladies based on the little I have seen. I was prepared to dislike Lisa R.

 but I don't, and I am liking Kyle better, and think she looks fabulous, particularly in her talking head with the blue dress, it brings out her eyes. 

Edited by Cheetosandchoc
  • Love 12

Le sigh.... I don't have much to add. You all seem to have it covered. But one thing that just was glaringly obvious to me this episode was how much Kyle needs attention and reassurance.  When she was going out with the girls and asked them if her jumpsuit was "fancy" enough, I cringed. When Kim picked the fight with her about her luggage, she turned to Yo and said something to the effect, why does she always do this to me? And was she on stage with the donors? I know she likes to do splits and twirl her hair at any moment and speak loudly about her connections, but this week seemed to show her as more needy. Discuss...

This would all fit in with her growing up in a dysfunctional family, and being Kim's caretaker, and feeling guilty as I bet she did for fighting with Kim and she was dragged through the wringer by Brandi who basically told Kim, Kyle is not there for her and she needed protection from Kyle. I think her shock and pain a that was real. The thing about alcoholism is that the environment and the trauma people who live through it runs very deep. Not what you wanted I bet.


I also think anything anybody wears to one of Yo's events needs to be approved by Yo. They only showed Kyle asking for her approval but off camera they had a line of people, and she went through each and every one of them telling them who may enter and who may not. They also bowed and kissed her ring, and thanked her profusely, even the ones deemed not worthy.

  • Love 8

For all the times Yolonda has been the "hostess with the mostest" dictating how everyone is to behave, I was surprised she was sitting in the floor of the jet, quiet as a mouse, while Kim and Lisa R were going at it in front of everyone. Wonder why she didn't get up and tell Kim to quieten down and deal with it once they were off the jet?

  • Love 5

Lisa V accosting that poor bicyclist was hilarious.  Nice to see her hair went right to frizzy from exertion and heat - just like mine.


Kim went straight to bitch without meds.  I don't like her high or not high.


Mr. Mytmo and I are looking forward to next week.  In his words "Why would anyone want to fight in Amsterdam?"

  • Love 11

This is the first time that I've heard someone say, "The pill did not agree with me." That's a phrase you use when you ate too much pizza or a spicy burrito.


I don't like Kyle, and today I have a new reason. She does a  weird thing with her mouth like a cow chewing her cud, but she does it when she's on the limo ride to the scavenger hunt. It doesn't help that she has an underbite and prominent lower teeth.


Also, Kyle, which is worse: sharing a milkshake straw with skank Brandi or mouth-kissing Steven Tyler?


Oh, and scavenger dude, you're annoying as hell. Turn it down a notch or 10.

For all the times Yolonda has been the "hostess with the mostest" dictating how everyone is to behave, I was surprised she was sitting in the floor of the jet, quiet as a mouse, while Kim and Lisa R were going at it in front of everyone. Wonder why she didn't get up and tell Kim to quieten down and deal with it once they were off the jet?

Maybe she soiled her white pants. Was she wearing white pants? I just assume so...

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 2

It must be exhausting being a Beverly Hills rich bitch. Always having to worry about having perfect hair, makeup, clothes, jewelry. God forbid anybody ever sees you in any outfit twice or you wear anything not expensive enough. Hence all the reason for the massive luggage they carry around. I rather like it when they are filmed at home in jeans and t-shirts. 

  • Love 9

I don't like Kyle, and today I have a new reason. She does a weird thing with her mouth like a cow chewing her cud, but she does it when she's on the limo ride to the scavenger hunt. It doesn't help that she has an underbite and prominent lower teeth.

Ha! She also says 'but' like 'baaaahhht', all drawn out.

I disagree with this. She should model the behavior she wishes them to adopt. What a gift it would be to both her children, and her husband to abstain with them especially if Harry was changed by alcohol consumption. Bravo to him  for quitting!


I don't drink and have never in front of my grown daughters and neither do they in their early 20s and late teens so that is also showing them responsible behavior.

Though I disagree with you I don't think you are all wrong and don't want you to think I am attacking or discrediting what you say. There can be more than one right answer or one right way of handling a situation. I think it's great your kids don't drink.

  • Love 10

First let me say that I don't like any of these women, not one. I only have lesser degrees of dislike for each of them. I'd have to say that I dislike Eileen the least, then Yolanda.That doesn't mean I like her, it means she's the type of person that I'd be able to tolerate for a short time. They're all so needy for attention that it makes them look old, sad and desperate. I like women that are self-confident without being arrogant, assertive without being bossy, have a high self-esteem without being narcissistic.Yolanda is the only one that I see all these traits in.


Kim and Kyle are both messed up emotionally. They're needy, they need constant admiration and attention. I hate that. They've lived in two state of minds since childhood one being a supportive sister to the other, and the other being competitors for attention. One turned to drugs and alcohol and one was lucky enough to get a husband that provides the high maintenance she requires.


I'm not really digging LisaR lately. I watched her choosing clothes for her trip with her daughter sitting on the bed giving her input on the selections (yeah as if that would happen). Lisa seems to be going through a bunch of clothes hanging from a clothes pole that appears to be right in back of a bed. (Isn't there a closet in that room?) Anyway, she picked up a black raincoat and her daughter says "oh I didn't know you had that, I'm gonna steal that" and Lisa says "it's from Target" to which her daughter replies with a half smile "oh". Lisa quickly says 'no' and puts that rag back on the bargain rack. For a split second I thought how really great it would be if LisaR wanted to really prove to us how 'down to earth' and 'just like us' she is by taking that Target raincoat and wearing it in Holland while the others were dressed in Galliano, Georgio Armani or Versace. I'd be her fan for life if she ever did something like that. Okay, I still have a child's imagination, that ain't happenin'.


I liked Brandi's depiction of how Lisa V would smoke a joint, that was hilarious. All the back and forth about 'oh I'll smoke' and 'oh no not me' was a bit silly to me. Alcohol is a legal drug and none of the women have any problem drinking wine any time after 12:00 noon. Pot is a drug but in Holland it's a legal for anyone to use. I must say that if Kim really has been sober for 3 years as she claims then she gets kudos from me for being able to stay sober being around these women that drink some kind of alcohol every time they're together and for resisting the heavy duty opiates that Monty is taking. It's like a diabetic being forced to work in a Lindt chocolate factory.

I wish they hadn't broken up this episode by having the scavenger hunt in half of the episode then the Holland journey at the back end. When the women are traveling to locations outside of Beverly Hills, I like to sit back and just soak up all the details of the experience. Private jet, luxurious hotel suites, and amazing dinner dresses, how much better does it get for voyeurism?


Wow, what a long post, sorry I didn't mean it.

  • Love 6

I think Kim revealed that HarryH has cheated on LisaR and after LisaR got upset  Kim justified it as a tit for tat by bringing up something LisaR didn't want known.


Yes, that's usually how 5 year olds handle arguments and since Kim hasn't progressed past that age.....


That's how I heard it.  Kyle asked how long he was sober.  Rinna seemed to pause, then answer, which made me think she was revealing something semi-secret and had to consider whether to do it.  So, I took it as Harry once had a problem, not just the possibility of developing one.


I took her pause as her trying to add up dates in her head.


Le sigh.... I don't have much to add. You all seem to have it covered. But one thing that just was glaringly obvious to me this episode was how much Kyle needs attention and reassurance.  When she was going out with the girls and asked them if her jumpsuit was "fancy" enough, I cringed. When Kim picked the fight with her about her luggage, she turned to Yo and said something to the effect, why does she always do this to me? And was she on stage with the donors? I know she likes to do splits and twirl her hair at any moment and speak loudly about her connections, but this week seemed to show her as more needy. Discuss...


She's definitely needy, but I would be too if every time I did something someone had an issue with it.  Currently dealing with my ever constant victim BFF pulling this on me.  No matter what she always finds an issue with something I've done and then makes sure to let everyone know I've upset her.  When I respond, if it's not to her liking, I'm raked over the coals.  In our group of friends, when they first saw this happening everyone always ran up to find out what was wrong and showed her sympathy, it drove me insane.  Then one by one they started to get her game.  I didn't even realize it until one of them pointed it out to me.  She plays the victim and lashes out when I have seemingly done nothing.  Then she goes into a corner and cries, histrionics, weepy facebook posts, inspirational quotes on Instagram.....you name it....in the hopes of gaining sympathy.  People are now starting to turn away from her and support me.  It's a rather interesting thing to see.

So yes....Kyle needs people to tell her she's handling things correctly.  Even things that have nothing to do with Kim.  That probably has to do with her mother and the constant "Always take care of your sister no matter what" bullshit she grew up with.  I always believed you supported your BFF no matter what too.

  • Love 10
Harry Hamlin was an alcoholic?  Nice to out him Lipsa.  Yet you still drink?  If he's only been clean 3 years, that must be tough, and yes, if it runs in families, perhaps you should be more aware of drinking in front of your girls.


Yes, Harry Hamlin allegedly was/is an alcoholic or has tendencies (and she didn't out him). Lisa Rinna is not so I am confused as to what her drinking has to do with it...or in front of her daughters. I'm sure her kids are aware that alcohol exists.


If Kim had been the one to lose her suitcase and keep everyone waiting for over an hour, Kyle would have been bitching, rolling her eyes, and implying "Kim's not SOBER!" and "Oh poor me, look what I constantly must put up with!"  As she's always done before.  Kim was right about that.


We don't know this. I have never seen act the way you describe, but if she did, I'd blame her not at all. I've seen her look worried and maybe afraid to say anything definitive about what she thinks is going on.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 9

Did I miss the scene in which Kim apologizes to LisaR for the limo ride from hell?  Has this ever happened?  It's amazing how entitled Kim is.  All the blackouts must make it easy to convince herself she never misbehaves. 


LisaR was smart to just let her show her true colors on the plane.  Travelling with Kim and Kyle, no matter where, looks like an exhausting experience. 

  • Love 19

Brandi should try extending that cleanse, she was almost behaving like a normal person.. well for Brandi that is.


An overall enjoyable episode with the final minutes effectively foreshadowing the drama and rough waters to come.



  • Love 3

Has there ever been a time on this show where David was part of the episode that Yolanda didn't make some sort of toast or speech about him?  After a while it gets a little overkill.  I know this time it was warranted because it is his foundation, but I'm pretty sick of her always toasting and praising him in front of everybody.  Nobody else on this show does that when their husband is featured in the episode.  We get it Yo, you love David!  Sheesh!

I think that maybe it is in Yolanda's contract that anytime David appears on screen, she must toast him, LOL.  God forbid that Yolanda doesn't stroke David's ego whenever possible.  I sometimes feel bad for her, because it seems like that is a requirement in their marriage - to constantly praise and compliment him.

I will say, though, this season for this franchise, specifically, it is really nice seeing the women more than the men - in past seasons, and on other franchises, it seems that some of the men work just as hard for camera time as the women do.... (Atlanta and New Jersey, for instance).

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 3

If Kim had been the one to lose her suitcase and keep everyone waiting for over an hour, Kyle would have been bitching, rolling her eyes, and implying "Kim's not SOBER!" and "Oh poor me, look what I constantly must put up with!"  As she's always done before.  Kim was right about that.

EXACTLY! Kim isn't a saint. What I saw on that trip is that Kim is acting standoffish because she's surrounded by people who want to either confront her about something, ask her about something, question her about something, imply something or straight out claim something about her, talk amongst themselves about her etc. etc.. I get it she's an addict but where does that mean that everyone can go on and on and on and on about it? ONE, night turned into other awkward and disturbing moments because it was this ongoing topic that the women wouldn't let go off. It's funny how people lose their senses when they join the reality show cast of the RH. It's been mentioned before if an addict isn't ready to claim xyz then that's that. These women are taking it a to very inappropriate level and they can miss me with any justifications like well I have to be around her here and there, once in awhile, while the cameras are on for a few months out of the year so I have every right to be so blatant and involved and opinionated about Kim's lack of sobriety. Oh and I knew someone who died of it so I am definitely an authority on the matter and Kim Richards falls into my jurisdiction.


Lisa R's blog is up and it bothers me when they use what they've seen and the impression of the public to write their blogs instead of what was actually happening.  During Lisa R's conversation with Brandi, Lisa was talking to Brandi about her behavior yes but then this is what happened. Lisa R comments that she's noticed that Brandi's involvement has caused a negative aftermath with the Richards sisters. This leads Brandi to discuss and validate her friendship with Kim in order to defend why she's even involved. She doesn't bring Kim up to talk about her problems she brings Kim up because Lisa R is implying that Brandi's causing problems or has caused problems between the sisters and this is why the conversation veers into talking about Kim. How Brandi has been there for Kim and that Brandi isn't just inserting herself just for shits and giggles. First of all I think Lisa R knew what she was doing. If she wanted to stick with the subject of "why Brandi behaves that way" then first she really didn't have to even bring up the Richards or more accurately "the aftermath" she could have just stuck with the behavior she was questioning and Brandi's reactions to everything. Brandi's talking about it because these women eventually want to roll around to the subject of Kim and its no secret.


Lisa R also gets very semantic about Kim saying she did talk to her face when she did. Ummmm, yeah, AFTER you've been talking about her with any and everybody. She voiced her opinions to Kyle, to Lisa, to Eileen all before actually talking to Kim. If you're that interested then where's the private visit to her home or phone call or if it has to be on camera then lunch? One on One. Each time Lisa R wants to talk to Kim about it it's in public around the other women. I mean really? EVERYONE knows that Kim isn't the most upfront about her battle and honestly assholedness aside I don't understand what's so wrong about keeping that part of her life close to her chest. I don't find it odd. I get that she's made a public display of it but I still don't understand the logic surrounding the idea that because Kim has displayed some questionable behavior publicly that is has to be pounced on over and over again by people who aren't really invested in her genuinely. Having good intentions or moral obligation still doesn't negate the inappropriateness of the level of insertion. Having to share air with her on occasion isn't justification either but IF one still feels the need wouldn't a one on one attempt be the best way to show genuine concern and express a heartfelt need to reach out?


I mean an addict with a lifelong battle like Kim's isn't going to do cartwheels about coworkers or associates jumping right into her nightmare with directions on how to slay demons all from the sidelines and only when the cameras are rolling. Kim has the right to be unhappy with the approach. It's been pretty messy and hasn't helped anything and to be honest there is more to Kim's battle than what the other women have witnessed so I think it is a huge overstepping. It has been mentioned a lot before but the way Yolanda offered her support to Kim is what I felt to be the most heartfelt and non intrusive way to handle something as serious as another persons addiction when you are not an intricate part of that persons life. Yo's way gives an opening, not laced with pressure or judgment and simply isn't heavy handed.  I think Kim's reaction and standoff attitude towards Lisa is because she doesn't appreciate the way Lisa R has gone about it. Yes, it is a sensitive subject in general and as "difficult" as people want to make Kim's behavior if nothing else the SUBJECT should be treated with more respect regardless if it's Kim or some other addict. The approach really annoys the shit out of me and considering all this shit is about Kim I'm not surprised she's not too happy with Lisa either.


Oh and Kyle, really? She never misses an opportunity to play up a situation and her "anxiety". That whole baby girl, curled up in her chair practically using her pillow (or blanket?) as a shield making sure she managed to be in a conversation in which she did not speak one word. Kim calling Kyle out didn't surprise me at all because Kyle was sitting there with wide eyes and body language that screamed "mommy, I'm scared" oh so traumatized. That didn't escape me either but of course there's big bad Kim again confirming just how hard Kyle's had it. Blah! And yes I totally saw where Kim was coming from because every time it had been Kim that caused delays Kyle was always quick to do that whole "I've been here before", "Sometime's Kim....", dance and really highlight the situation.


Look, Kyle makes it a point to convey what she wants to convey about how Kim's addiction has affected her. I get it.  Let's be honest Kyle's hasn't actually kept the secret she just never spoke on the subject, avoided speaking on it with actual words or officially confirms things to people but you look back and can see all the body language, TH's, comments, facial expressions. What kills me is how quick she is to go into that whole guarded, but not guarded place where you know what she's "trying to say" without actually saying or confirming anything and the message always has something to do with being confused about, or doubting or questioning Kim's sobriety.  Kyle can take the audience there with one well place comment, facial expression, or by getting into a fetal position on a plane. 

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 5

All the talk about how LisaR should not drink, for her daughters/husband.

We don't know if Lisa even drinks at home, it might only be out socially. And at Kyle's party or some other party, LisaR made a comment "if I had to 2 glasses of wine, I'd be wheww!" I took that as Lisa R does not drink a lot. Lisa and Harry, I'm sure know what works for them and their family.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

I replayed the upcoming preview several times and noticed Lisa R was tossing her drink at Kim, not Brandi, as I previously assumed. Kim was provoking her by repeating "Just say," and then "Everybody will know what you don't want." Whatever the heck that all means. Deliberately being nastily provocative. Kyle got up and ran off!

I hate to tell you, Kim, but it was your BFF who first said you caused the suitcase pileup, not Kyle. And she was looking royally pissed. Also, when your sister got on you about being late, you were often several days late, or at least hours, and it had nothing to do with you losing your luggage in a crowded airport, but instead your general lack of concern for anybody besides yourself.

Used to love her, but that snotty narcissist is getting on my last nerve, along with her poor excuse for an AA sponsor.


And, Kim DID cause the suitcase pileup...her cart got stuck at the top of the escalator!!!  And, in typical fashion, Brandi let loose with a very loud "Motherfucker!!!" comment (Great way to welcome yourself to Amsterdam, Brandi, btw), and climbed around Kim to storm off.  I was wondering at that point who was going to grab Brandi's cart??  She bitched about Kyle and "there's no butlers around"....just who was going to retrieve Brandi's cart of luggage from a MOVING STAIRCASE???  


Why the hell these women were trying haul fifteen suitcases each on luggage carts ON A FREAKIN' ESCALATOR in the first place???  That was ridiculous - of course someone's cart was going to go askew!  I think that Yolanda and another random woman came over to help.  That was dangerous and unsafe - five women following each other with unwieldy luggage carts on a moving staircase!!!  


But, of course, in Kim's world, somehow, the fact that her luggage cart got stuck and was ALL Kyle's fault!!!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 12

Love, love, LOVED last night on WWHL when the poll sided with Lisar 83/17!!!!! Talk about a landslide. Hope widdle kimmie was watching!

I'm sure she wasn't. Brandi will tell her. I hope Brandi was watching when Dakota Fanning said she would kick her off the show.

She summed it up pretty good. She said Brandi was just too aggressive for her liking.

While I really dislike Brandi and have for awhile. I think she does not belong in this group. And is big ol'liar. My main issue with her is she is do damn aggressive with the other women. These are grown women and she threatens to bash their teeth in and grabbing Kyle's wrist and holding them over her head. Even the scene she is stuck on the escalator, her over the top mother fuckers this and that. And in the scene for next week screaming on the street. Calm down Brandi!

Yes I know drama drives these shows but I don't want to see something that might turn physical at any second.

  • Love 8


Lisa R's blog is up and it bothers me when they use what they've seen and the impression of the public to write their blogs instead of what was actually happening.  During Lisa R's conversation with Brandi, Lisa was talking to Brandi about her behavior yes but then this is what happened. Lisa R comments that she's noticed that Brandi's involvement has caused a negative aftermath with the Richards sisters. This leads Brandi to discuss and validate her friendship with Kim in order to defend why she's even involved. She doesn't bring Kim up to talk about her problems she brings Kim up because Lisa R is implying that Brandi's causing problems or has caused problems between the sisters and this is why the conversation veers into talking about Kim. How Brandi has been there for Kim and that Brandi isn't just inserting herself just for shits and giggles. First of all I think Lisa R knew what she was doing. If she wanted to stick with the subject of "why Brandi behaves that way" then first she really didn't have to even bring up the Richards or more accurately "the aftermath" she could have just stuck with the behavior she was questioning and Brandi's reactions to everything. Brandi's talking about it because these women eventually want to roll around to the subject of Kim and its no secret.


The problem is that thanks to Brandi, Kim now has an incorrect idea of what is going on. She thinks that the other gals are talking about her and it pisses her off. She thinks they are out of line and it is none of their business. What she doesn't know is that Brandi has expressed - on camera - more "concern" about Kim than has anyone else. She doesn't know that it is some of Brandi's own words that has made the situation seem more urgent. If Brandi had so desired, she could have probably shut this shit down when she met with Lisar. She could have said, "hey, Kim has been going through a lot. She took a pill and has acknowledged she should not have. She said it was a mistake she regrets it.  I've never seen her anything do anything that would make me question her sobriety, so I think we should just cut her some slack here". She actually did say some of this, but she threw in ominous phrases about how no one really knows just how bad it is. About how overwhelming it is for Brandi because she isn't equipped but there is no one else around who cares. Ultimately Brandi is the one who was on board with some type of intervention and seemed to champion the idea that someone other than Brandi needed to approach Kim about her issues. She actually said that she couldn't be part of it, but that someone else should do it. This is what Lisar did, and yet Brandi is not taking any ownership in her part of the deal. She didn't tell Kim that she was the one who suggested that someone should talk to Kim. IMO it is Brandi that is being shady about what is going on here. 

  • Love 18

Good lord!  Kyle has been there for her and supported her through all the years of her addictions.  What more does she expect from her sister?  I don't know if I could keep doing what Kyle has done over and over and over again without finally saying "Enough is enough!" and sticking to it.  Especially when Kim makes it perfectly clear that she doesn't appreciate Kyle for continuing to stand by her.  I just want Kim to go away! 

Why do we believe that Kyle has been there like an immovable rock for all these years? Being there as a rock of support is one thing but being there while throwing rocks is another. I'm not inclined to believe that Kyle has been this complete pillar of strength who should now be revered by Kim for the rest of her life. Not buying that Kyle's allowed Kim to trample all over her life to the degree that is implied. I think that's the impression Kyle likes to give off but there's something between them that suggests to me that the resentment we see from Kim also has something to do with how Kyle portrays her role in Kim's life and battle over the years. I feel like Kim would like to set the record straight but in order to do that she would need to reveal way more about her addictions than she could ever handle so instead she just rolls with the whole idea that Kyle's been this awesome, supportive, non-wavering presence in her life. Besides Kim knows any claims she would make would be met with pure skepticism and most likely disregarded. Anytime Kim gives a hint that she's about to criticize Kyle it's derailed into the generic declaration from Kyle that she always, only ever want to be there for Kim.... yada yada yada. Wash, rinse, repeat.

  • Love 3
She would be better off not drinking. Studies show that children who see their parents use alcohol regularly are more likely to drink. That's the truth so If I were Lisa I would choose to have an alcohol free life so my kids wouldn't think it is acceptable for them to drink regularly.


But drinking regularly is acceptable to many people. It's not against the law and it's not a problem for everyone who does it. Why would Lisa need her kids, once they're grown, to be complete teetotalers or find it unacceptable to drink? Alcoholism runs in my family (maternal side). My parents (and their friends at parties) drank in front of me all the time from when I was a little kid to the time I moved out, mostly in a "normal" fashion, sometimes "irresponsibly." I drink now, not excessively or even every day and not usually to the point of being drunk (though sometimes I do and it's fun). I don't have an alcohol problem and I certainly don't expect, say, my BF to abstain around me because a few members of my family had problems.


I'm not inclined to believe that Kyle has been this complete pillar of strength who should now be revered by Kim for the rest of her life.


I'm not inclined to believe that Kyle believes she should be either. I don't think "complete pillar" is even relevant; Kyle shouldn't have to be anything at all for her adult sister who chooses to do everything she can to destroy herself.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 11

EXACTLY! Kim isn't a saint. What I saw on that trip is that Kim is acting standoffish because she's surrounded by people who want to either confront her about something, ask her about something, question her about something, imply something or straight out claim something about her, talk amongst themselves about her etc. etc.. I get it she's an addict but where does that mean that everyone can go on and on and on and on about it?


Maybe she should stop acting like an asshole and then people will stop taking her to task for her behavior.  I see nothing wrong with people who care about her wanting an explanation for her behavior.  Or expecting an apology when she lashes out at them for no reason.  She didn't have to go on the trip if she didn't want to, Lord knows she's missed things before because of her flaky bullshit.

  • Love 22

If only Kim and Brandi would think this much about their kids when they choose to get intoxicated to the point were the ycan control their behavior all would be wonderful.


Here we are talking about how devastating it would be for the Rinna girls to see their mom occasionally drink a glass of wine at home, something I have yet to see, she enjoys some wine while out with friends as most people do.


In the meantime there is factual evidence in the form of photos of a Brandi drunk out of her mind and showing her tampon string, Kim kicked out of a plane because she is too intoxicated to board the plane. The is video evidence of Brandi being drunk in Palkm Springs and slurring her words and being belligerant, there is video evidence of Kim being high in many different occasions, too many to name , evidence of Kim being high at Poker night and Brandi drunk as a skunk' and here we are discussing the Rinna girls?


What about Brandi's boys or Kim's children, those kids/ adult children have been through hell and back and still will be for many more years to come, the embarrasing behavior of their mothers is what is happening right NOW, not something hypotetical that might or not happen in the future or become a problem , the real innocent victim of their mothers' selfishness are those two boys who are living day in and day out with a mother like Brandi and Kim's children who have had to endure a life of torment with something as selfish as Kim.


My worriment is placed with Brandi's and Kim's children. The Rinna's girls would be just fine , until I see evidence that LisaR drinking is a problem then I will discuss it, so far it has not happen so I rather discussed what is actually happening today with the two addicts and their displayed behaviors on the show.

I don't disagree. Like I said before....none of these women are sober. Would it be okay if they were taking a couple of bong hits in front of their children? What if they lived in Colorado or Washington?


I don't think Lisa is drinking g all the time. The kids MAY have the gene and the GARBRB1 gene MAY cause alcohol addiction. As a non Drinker I appreciate my kids seeing people with healthy a relationship with alcohol. I don't think Lisa is doing anything wrong by drinking a glass of wine in front of her kids. If Harry was botherd by her drinking it's up to him to say something and I am sure she would stop. People should not have to walk on eggshells around alcoholics and worry about weather or not they can be around drinking. It's up to the recovering alcoholic on what they can handle, and up to them to have an escape plan when out with friends. That plan should not rely on others having to leave to accomadate them. It may mean Kim needs to make a quick appearance at events and bring a thoughtful gift to show appreciation and support and skedaddle out. Her problem should not be everyone else's. This isn't her first rodeo, she chooses to do the show instead of be sober. I have little hope for her recovery, as even after seeing her behavior on film she cannot accept it.


Every time I have seen her she is drinking. Even if it is socially, that sends a message that one can only be social with a drink in their hand.

Yes, and studies show that people who never drive a car don't have car accidents and folks who don't have sex don't get pregnant. We could all avoid a whole world of potential pitfalls if we just don't participate in the behavior. Driving is risky, having sex is risky, and drinking can be risky. Giving folks the tools and information to make informed choices is the way most folks tend to lean. The alcohol deal is tough to navigate because it is socially acceptable and prevalent.  It is everywhere and a large portion of the world considers it perfectly acceptable. If Lisar has decided that the best way to approach the situation is to show her daughters that drinking can be done responsibly, then she is probably doing a good job of preparing them for the numerous situations they will be faced with in their lives. 

But it shouldn't be for them because they are at great risk. The fact that 2 of their father's siblings and he himself had issues with drugs and alcohol is significant. @ of them died from their addictions. That would be enough for me to determine that I would want to show my girls that I can socialize3 and live my life without alcohol or drugs at all. 


Yes, Harry Hamlin allegedly was/is an alcoholic or has tendencies (and she didn't out him). Lisa Rinna is not so I am confused as to what her drinking has to do with it...or in front of her daughters. I'm sure her kids are aware that alcohol exists.


We don't know this. I have never seen act the way you describe, but if she did, I'd blame her not at all. I've seen her look worried and maybe afraid to say anything definitive about what she thinks is going on.

I'm sure they are aware that cocaine exists too. It is a good way to stay skinny, right? It's nothing new to this group. Faye Resnik, Kyle Richards, Kardashian momma.

  • Love 1

So funny that the Yolanda-mandated scavenger hunt (please, Bravo, no more of these!) included the women basically being forced to down milkshakes they clearly didn't want.  The whole thing, with the exception of seeing Camille, was a total drag and a bust.  I was half-expecting Lisa to take off on that bike and cycle back home! And, I'm sorry, but that bottom of hers is simply not natural.  How you can expect women to bond and resolve anything when they are forced into the heat on foot to do all kinds of stupid stuff they have zero interest in is beyond me.  I'm surprised a fist fight didn't break out on the street of LA.


I was impressed with David's charity, the number of years he's been at it, and the amount of money raised in one night.  Good for them.  Can only imagine just how grateful any family in that horrible situation would be to get that kind of crucial assistance. I like to hear Yolanda speaking Dutch.  Too bad we saw none of Calgary.  I love Canada and all things Canadian. 


Kim showing her true colors on the plane and at the airport was an added bonus.  It seems pretty clear to me that Kim's interest in going back to work is slim to none.  Why go out of your way to alienate the few cast members who actually still work in the industry?  She's SO envious of Eileen Davidson that it oozes out of her.  And, of course, LisaR can never be forgiven for being the one to experience all her lunacy in that limo ride.  Like the man said, You always hate the person you have treated unjustly.  Kim doesn't seem to realize that the final judgment is the audience's and that the cameras tell a tale.


Watching the two Richards pick and snipe at each other, while trying to get the others to take sides ... I mean, really, they are both so immature and full of themselves.  I would hate to travel with them.  Also, who in their right mind, when jetting with jewelry, doesn't carry it in her purse?  Unless she's taking so many enormous pieces of costume jewelry that a separate suitcase is required?  Think I just answered my own question. 

  • Love 6

Why do we believe that Kyle has been there like an immovable rock for all these years? Being there as a rock of support is one thing but being there while throwing rocks is another. I'm not inclined to believe that Kyle has been this complete pillar of strength who should now be revered by Kim for the rest of her life. Not buying that Kyle's allowed Kim to trample all over her life to the degree that is implied. I think that's the impression Kyle likes to give off but there's something between them that suggests to me that the resentment we see from Kim also has something to do with how Kyle portrays her role in Kim's life and battle over the years. I feel like Kim would like to set the record straight but in order to do that she would need to reveal way more about her addictions than she could ever handle so instead she just rolls with the whole idea that Kyle's been this awesome, supportive, non-wavering presence in her life. Besides Kim knows any claims she would make would be met with pure skepticism and most likely disregarded. Anytime Kim gives a hint that she's about to criticize Kyle it's derailed into the generic declaration from Kyle that she always, only ever want to be there for Kim.... yada yada yada. Wash, rinse, repeat.


I think you took this to the extreme.  The poster you quoted did not say Kyle was an immovable pillar of strength.  However, Kim herself has verbalized in the past that Kyle has supported her and been helpful to her during her recovery.  No one is perfect and I would venture to say none of us here paint Kyle with the saint brush.  But Kim is entitled and acting like a petulant child.  In this instance, in the last few episodes, Kyle has done nothing to warrant the vitriol she's been subjected to by her sister.  She's been confused, scared, and worried, but I have yet to see her bully, or be vindictive or rude to Kim.  Whereas Kim has done quite the opposite.  When she and Kyle are alone, Kyle is her support system, her best friend and supportive sister.  However, when other people (or cameras) are around suddenly Kyle's an unsupportive bitch.  So, I'd venture to say out of the two of them, the one who's guilty of showing off for cameras right now is Kim.

  • Love 18

Why do we believe that Kyle has been there like an immovable rock for all these years? Being there as a rock of support is one thing but being there while throwing rocks is another. I'm not inclined to believe that Kyle has been this complete pillar of strength who should now be revered by Kim for the rest of her life.


I don't think Kyle feels she should be revered by Kim for dealing with the years of addiction.  I think she would just like to be able to enjoy herself without some drama being caused by Kim.  I'm talking about the drama she brought to events like holding up Adrianne and Paul's flight because she was stumbling around at home, unable to find her passport or whatever, the times the group stood around waiting for her to show up to get on a boat or other transportation, the over the top behavior at Eileen's poker party, etc.  The ladies have all seen her higher than a kite at some point in the show, and I'm sure they'd all like to have a good time without Kim either being under the influence or bringing the bitchiness like she did last night. 

  • Love 12

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