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S11.E12: The Great Pretender

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So, I know that we know Meredith is not a touchy-feely, hands on mother. And that's fine, there are a lot of different ways to be a good mother. But please tell me the show will not act like she went away, leaving her kids with a virtual stranger for 48 hours, and DID NOT CALL THEM!?

Sure, Bailey is probably still too young but she could not have called Zola? Good Lord. She is the absolute worst.

Also, I am very much getting a "promo monkey misdirection" feeling from this.

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Thank god she ran into Maggie at the elevator so that she could find out where and how her kids are LOL.


But please tell me the show will not act like she went away, leaving her kids with a virtual stranger for 48 hours, and DID NOT CALL THEM!?


LOL certainly looks that way.  I don't understand how anyone could go away without telling the person caring for their children where they will be. What if there was some emergency with the kids?  If Derek was calling the house she must have never showed up or answered her cell phone. If he was expecting her he'd call her cell because he'd assume she was delayed traveling. Guess calling he or Maggie and her kids was too time consuming for her.


If Cristina was so far I'd think she was off with her soul mate for the weekend. Maybe she sat in the airport bar drinking on Skype with her again.  I don't care where she was but I'm going to guess its something lame, like she decided she wanted a little me time.

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I don't care where she was but I'm going to guess its something lame, like she decided she wanted a little me time.

If that is what it turns out to be then they are going out of their way to make her look like a selfish bitch who doesn't care about anyone other than herself. If it stands as in the promo Maggie, Derek and her kids hadn't heard from her and had no idea where she was. She could have scheduled a night alone simply by having Maggie watch the kids, without lying to everyone. 


If it wasn't such a given that Derek will be running back within a few episodes I would think they were gearing up for a custody battle and showing Meredith irresponsible and completely inconsiderate of her children.

Please don't tell me the storyline for Alex and Jo is a threesome?!! I can barely handle the scenes w Jo as it is. Alex deserves better than this junk.

I don't think there will be a threesome. Its just the promo. We'll be lucky if Alex or Alex and Jo get a total of a minute of time in the episode. It will probably be 10 seconds of them having sex as part of a montage and that's it. Alex definitely deserves more and better.

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If that is what it turns out to be then they are going out of their way to make her look like a selfish bitch who doesn't care about anyone other than herself.

I think this is confirmation that the arc they have in mind for Meredith is that she turns into Ellis until some come-to-Jesus moment in the future. (When she will revert back to her normal, annoying Mary Sue self, no doubt.)


I'm sure the promo monkeys are just teasing us with something illicit, but nothing can excuse the fact that she ditched her kids with a stranger (to them) and left that person with no way to reach her for an entire weekend. It's just what Ellis would do.

Alzheimer's test?


I was thinking that it might have something to do with Alzheimer's as well.  Either a test, or she got confused and ended up somewhere besides Seattle or DC for the weekend.  Or maybe she forgot what was happening and just wandered around the Seattle airport all weekend.


My other thought is maybe she went to Boston to try to get more info about Ellis and/or Maggie.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars

It looks like they show Meredith entering some kind of hotel room or something, so maybe she goes to visit Derek but he isn't there and she has second thoughts and stays someplace else, or she gets in a fight with Derek and he assumes she heads home which is why he keeps calling asking where she is. It's not cheating and I would be surprised if its Alzheimer's related, especially this early in the show. Even if they end next season, thats a long time to have her that affected that she would miss a flight/go to the wrong city, etc.

Just like I'm sure that there will be no attempted threesome between Jo/Alex/AZ. Alex might joke about it, but if anything, AZ will see that she needs to move out and on, and to bring her closer to Dr. Herman, per the synopsis. Silly Rabbits, Alex and Jo don't get their own storylines, only storylines that are about other character's plots.

I'm going to assume it's Meredith being like "holy crap, I'm alone, it's quiet, I'm going to sleep." It's a mom thing.

I don't see why they would have an Alex/Jo/Arizona threesome. Arizona is GAY. If anything Arizona should ogle Jo when she strips in front of her as a comedic moment, because, again, Arizona is GAY. But I assume it's like the S7 moment where Callie/Arizona strip and make out in front of Yang/Owen as a not so subtle kicking them out moment.

I'm going to assume it's Meredith being like "holy crap, I'm alone, it's quiet, I'm going to sleep." It's a mom thing.

I don't see why they would have an Alex/Jo/Arizona threesome. Arizona is GAY. If anything Arizona should ogle Jo when she strips in front of her as a comedic moment, because, again, Arizona is GAY. But I assume it's like the S7 moment where Callie/Arizona strip and make out in front of Yang/Owen as a not so subtle kicking them out moment.


I hope she doesn't ogle Jo - to me, that would be a bad move, like, "Oh, she is attracted to EVERY woman~!" No, she's not, just like I'm not attracted to every man.

I hope she doesn't ogle Jo - to me, that would be a bad move, like, "Oh, she is attracted to EVERY woman~!" No, she's not, just like I'm not attracted to every man.

Oh, I wasn't really thinking in that moment from the promo where it's just Jo/Arizona. More like Arizona does in front of Alex to piss him off.

But as I said, it's mostly a recycled moment from S7. Lol.

I'm going to assume it's Meredith being like "holy crap, I'm alone, it's quiet, I'm going to sleep." It's a mom thing.

I don't see why they would have an Alex/Jo/Arizona threesome. Arizona is GAY. If anything Arizona should ogle Jo when she strips in front of her as a comedic moment, because, again, Arizona is GAY. But I assume it's like the S7 moment where Callie/Arizona strip and make out in front of Yang/Owen as a not so subtle kicking them out moment.

I'm sure it's all a misdirect. But even if Mer takes a mom weekend, why wouldn't she call Maggie? I'm not sure they are going to be able to clear that up so well.

If I had to guess at the Alex/Jo/Az stuff, I would say that AZ come in to talk to Alex while he is in the shower, Jo gets annoyed, strips and gets in with Alex as a not subtle way to get some boundaries. Just like season 7 and before that, just like season 2 or whenever, when Cristina originally did it to get George out of her and Burke's place.

Then Alex will make some kind of joke about Jo and Az hooking up, haha, because he is now written like a 15 year old who is having sex for the first time in his life.

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I was thinking that it might have something to do with Alzheimer's as well.  Either a test, or she got confused and ended up somewhere besides Seattle or DC for the weekend.  Or maybe she forgot what was happening and just wandered around the Seattle airport all weekend.


I don't know very much about Alzheimer's but isn't it more gradual? Can Meredith really go from forgetting the nanny was there on a busy day to ending up elsewhere or wandering the airport?


It's a mom thing.


Its also a mom thing to call your kids while you're away and to let the person watching them know where you are. Even if she was REALLY I can't believe she slept the entire weekend.


If I had to guess at the Alex/Jo/Az stuff, I would say that AZ come in to talk to Alex while he is in the shower, Jo gets annoyed, strips and gets in with Alex as a not subtle way to get some boundaries. Just like season 7 and before that, just like season 2 or whenever, when Cristina originally did it to get George out of her and Burke's place.



That sounds like it could be it. Its dumb but if it gets the house back to Alex and Jo without roommates then good. Although thus far Arizona has been less of an issue than Meredith.

That sounds like it could be it. Its dumb but if it gets the house back to Alex and Jo without roommates then good. Although thus far Arizona has been less of an issue than Meredith.

It could also give Arizona the opportunity to take back what's rightfully hers in her own damn house that she wanted to hell with what Callie thinks. (Despite that dumb "I didn't kick you out" scene.) That'll be C/A's back half. Dating other people while being roommates in their house. If Shonda's they're going to learn to be friends or whatever thing holds up.

Heck, have Arizona and Amelia get a place together. They're friends. Even if the writers don't pay attention to timelines, Caterina and Jessica are aware that Arizona and Amelia should know each other, and they play it that way.

Its also a mom thing to call your kids while you're away and to let the person watching them know where you are. Even if she was REALLY I can't believe she slept the entire weekend.

I agree. I'm just going by how they're writing Meredith as not being wired that way.

It looks like they show Meredith entering some kind of hotel room or something,


It's the hospital elevator in both the promo and sneak peek.  The promo stuff is just a shortened version of the sneak peek.


I'm considering the Alzheimer's possibility because of all the Ellis flashbacks and parallels this season.

I filmed of a friend's mother in April. She was reminiscing and telling jokes. Two months later, she no longer recognized her daughter.

I had no idea it could progress that quickly. I really can't see that happening on the show right now. If Meredith can't remember where she is or where she is going she'd quickly be at the point where she couldn't operate and such and it would take her out of the hospital where most of the show takes place. If she were leaving or the show ended I could see it but not now.


She must not be in DC. I don't believe that Derek would be in a hotel and not an apartment or house. 

I think Meredith either met with Cristina somewhere (a symposium or whatever that Cristina might have attended) or maybe she remembered Lexie's half-sister and niece, or one of Derek's sisters. Who am I kidding, lol. She probably ran off to go apply/meet for some kind of grant for something she can do with the 3d printer since it made such an illustrious return last episode.

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People.com has a slightly longer version of the sneak peek. 


"Derek called me three times asking where you were," Maggie (Kelly McCreary) says to Meredith in the sneak peek above. "Meanwhile, you'd texted me telling me what a great time you were having, so … Whatever you were doing, whoever … he/she/they, whatever … it wasn't with him."



I think Meredith either met with Cristina somewhere (a symposium or whatever that Cristina might have attended) or maybe she remembered Lexie's half-sister and niece, or one of Derek's sisters. Who am I kidding, lol. She probably ran off to go apply/meet for some kind of grant for something she can do with the 3d printer since it made such an illustrious return last episode.



Why would she lie if she was going for a grant or meeting with Cristina? She lied to everyone, even telling Richard she was going off for emergency sex.  

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This one's easy. Meredith went to the airport. She was early, so she stopped at an airport bar for a drink. She meets a stranger. They talk. Next thing she knows, she wakes up in a bathtub of ice and she realizes that she's missing a kidney. Yet another another predictable storyline.

Being that this is Grey's, I'm kind of surprised they haven't gone there yet.

This is Meredith, though, so she would do all the suturing herself, go back to the hospital and 3D print herself a new one, then win the Harper Avery for it.

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1) Trailers are designed to have viewers think one thing but it's always the opposite. So I'm not taking that bait. 


2) WHO is Meredith going to cheat with? Let's be real here, there will never be anyone else willing or able to put up with her crazy ass other than Derek.


I see this story being something absolutely rubbish... 

Edited by timimouse
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I dug this episode. So Mere was still freaked about getting on a plane.  She had a "Me" weekend and realized how much better life is without attachments.  Okay. It would have been nice to let your husband and sister know where you are as not to cause a lot of unwanted drama...


Amelia and Hunt? Hopefully it won't make him a complete freak like when he and Christina got together.  Hopefully the PTSD is cured.

Man, this Grey's without Derek Shepherd is killing me. Amelia and Owen - just, no. The best thing about this episode was Callie, and I'm not even a fan.


Meredith bugged. She wondered if he'd be happy to see her? Enjoying life without him and the kids? I know a way that can be accomplished, Mer. Divorce him and give him full custody and you can be without anyone for the rest of your life. Or, move to Switzerland.

  • Love 8

Mere has now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is NOT the sun.  The sun fulfills its responsibilities of being a source of warmth and light.  Derek and the kids don't deserve her and she certainly doesn't deserve them.  Derek, Zola, and Bailey deserve way more.  Mere deserves Nothing!


@Lakelover, once again your post deserves an infinite number of likes for all of Eternity!

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If I didn't know any better (and I really don't), I would swear that Meredith's last line "I don't know whats going to happen with us" was about her and Alex, not her and Derek. Alex seems weirdly jealous of Maggie and Mer seems almost weirdly jealous of Jo. All platonically, of course. Or maybe Mer is just being her completely self-absorbed self and ignored what Alex said.

I thought that Ben's reaction to his brother was realistic, but I loved Bailey's "it's her!". Also, who was watching Sophia?

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 3
Okay. It would have been nice to let your husband and sister know where you are as not to cause a lot of unwanted drama...


Or at least answer Maggie honestly when she asks.  Maggie watched her kids all weekend and lied to Derek, I don't think it was inappropriate for her to ask Meredith where she was.  I can get wanting time to herself, but Meredith did come off as kind of selfish when she was talking about not wanting to be with Derek.


I liked Arizona and Herman in this episode, I think it is the first time I've actually found Herman likable.

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zzzzzz. I was bored by pretty much everything. Arizona and a newly chipper Dr. Herman were kind of fun, but that was it for me.


Is there some kind of requirement for TV shows nowadays to have a trans transitioning plotline? It's always the same thing, over and over.


Grey's does not work without Derek AND Cristina. It's barely holding on.



Divorce him and give him full custody and you can be without anyone for the rest of your life. Or, move to Switzerland.


This is my new head canon series ending. Meredith and Cristina, reunited far, far away.

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Bitch, please, if you leave your kids with someone FOR THE WEEKEND and your husband, whom you were meant to be visiting, needed to be lied to 3x, you do owe the person an explanation.  


The transitioning story line was odd because it was pretty obvious, but they kept talking around it.  I actually just went to a workshop about supporting students who are transgendered so the issue is timely.  However, I was thinking to myself how masculine he still seemed and why did the transition wreck his body?  Then when we found out he was doing some kind of DIY hormone therapy I guess that made more sense.  Does he not have health insurance?  Weird, and yes, this story felt shoehorned in to touch a "timely issue" button.

  • Love 4

Leaving for a weekend to recharge without the kids is fine. Not telling your husband or babysitter where you are so they have to worry all weekend is crazy. What if one of the kids got sick and needed to go to the hospital? If my husband said he was flying in to see me on such and such flight and never arrived and didn't answer his phone I would worry myself sick. Meredith was completely selfish.


I agree that Ben's brother seemed too masculine for what he was doing. Wouldn't he change his hairstyle and clothing? The story didn't play out quite right.

  • Love 7
Where were the kids when Meredith was over at Alex's?  Did Meredith even see them when she got back?

They were probably still at 24 hr daycare where Maggie dropped them off in the morning.  She certainly didn't seem to be in any rush to see her kids.


Why does she always need to barge in to talk to Alex.  Phones exist. Also, she should be calling Derek and talking to him. If he's calling her multiple times in a day then he seems to be trying to keep the communication flowing. I know its hard with PD off for a bit but a phone call could take place without the audience seeing him. Instead its Meredith avoiding talking to him and running to her friends.  


Agree with the posts that wanting/taking a vacation is fine but the way she lies and goes about things is always so weird and/or selfish.


Here's hoping Jo doesn't go nuts or die now that Alex said he's going to marry that girl.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 4

Meredith left her kids with someone who they don't know. So sO she can spend 48 hours alone at the airport drinking from the mini bar and jumping on the bed, instead of coming back to see them. She never called either, just texted. Then she spent all day at work then went to Alex's?


Those kids need to be packed up and sent to DC. They need Derek.  

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 10

Kind of a fun episode after the previous one. I didn't love it and didn't hate it either. Dr, Herman was out of control with her good mood but I liked this Herman and how inappropriate she was with Owen. And Amelia don't tell me you're not thirsty when it was clearly that you are! Not a fan of this transgender storyline. It felt out of place from the rest of the episode.  


oh I'm usually side with Mere but she is kind of a bitch isn't she? I thought Maggie was too nice to her. 

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