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S04.E14: Season 4 Reunion

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The whole Benjamin/Sonjia fabric thing was so ridiculous.  If he had already decided to use that fabric and was ready to buy it, he should have.  Then it would have been her problem to decide if she wanted to use the same fabric he had just chosen.  Ugh, how be bugs.  


I also hated the condescending tone with which he was shown saying "It's so cute how excited Gunnar is to be out of the country for the first time ever," or whatever it was.   Geez, cut the guy a break, he was only expressing joy.

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I thought Sonjia came off a bit as a sore loser with her bad attitude and all the eye-rolling. If she's as great a designer as she thinks she is, she shouldn't have had a problem competing with previous winners.

This. I don't understand the designers who complain about past winners competing.  If you really want to prove you're the best, then you shouldn't have a problem going up against winners. Not to mention that, IMO, the winners already have their luck stacked against them because they already won--I've been kind of surprised at the judges' willingness to award past winners two seasons in a row. 

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Patricia, Alexandria, Gunnar and Justin made Alyssa baby gifts.  That sounds about right.


And Samantha!


I didn't mind Sonjia as much as others did. She seemed a little tipsy to me, and that was encouraging her outspokeness. Loved her hair.


Ugh, Michelle. Whoever said she seemed to lunge in front of the camera to get attention was right. What an inept, tacky person. Did anyone else notice once how she was almost crying at some comment or other? I'm forgetting exactly what it was, and I've already deleted the show off my dvr. She can dish it out, but can't take it. The worst kind of bully.


Kate can often bug, but I liked her last night, and I loved her hair color and cut. Very flattering.


Patricia is a doll. Benjamin is a twit (I wanted to spell that with an 'a' but I'm not sure if that's a banned word). Justin wasn't too soppy. I agree with Gunnar that he looks better with darker hair (liked his hat, too). :-)


Helen is still so childish.

Edited by carrps
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I'm 6 feet tall and not built like a thin Amazon.  I need some clothes with long enough sleeves and pant legs, as well as jackets that fall where they should.  You'd think that the standard clothes in a department store were made for tall people, but they're not despite what runway models look like.

6'3". Sing it. I feel like my daughter dodged a bullet being 5'11" with a high waist.

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Oh! And I think a lot of boys AND girls are going to have a crush on Professor Sholokhov... :)


I thought he was looking very good last night. The suit and vest combo, with those (what looked like) leather pants? Hot.  *GRIN*



Patricia, Alexandria, Gunnar and Justin made Alyssa baby gifts.  That sounds about right.


I wish we'd gotten a chance to see those gifts. If they made baby clothes, I bet they were adorable!

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Was Kate there? If so, I'm glad she didn't put her foot in her mouth like she did at the S12 reunion. And if not, I'm glad she wasn't there to put her foot in her mouth like she did at the S12 reunion.


Either way, I still love her, Helen friendship notwithstanding.

Kate was there, looked pretty, didn't say much except that she had enjoyed her trip to Italy after not having had a vacation for a long time.  There was sort of a funny snarky response from someone:


"It's because you're on Project Runway every year."

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Kate was there, looked pretty, didn't say much except that she had enjoyed her trip to Italy after not having had a vacation for a long time.  There was sort of a funny snarky response from someone:


"It's because you're on Project Runway every year."

The snark was from Michelle. Of course.

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I actually agree with Sanjia about previous winners not competing on All Stars. It's not like you're just competing for bragging rights; you're competing for a gigantic prize that could start or jumpstart your business.  To have someone who has already won that shot win it again just doesn't seem right to me.  Dmitry got his prize package two seconds ago; he should be building his brand or whatever.  Those who missed out on the money and sewing machines and hair and makeup and all that should get a chance.  It's not a matter of going up against the best -- it's competing for investment money. 


I thought Alyssa was a great host -- just enough stirring the pot to get them going.  She seemed more natural, too, maybe because she was back to full lung capacity with every breath. 


I loved Kate's Nina story, about Nina asking her why she was designing for Nina and not for herself, because that's what got her eliminated.


In the end, I do think Dmitry ripped off Chris' design, but I think Benjamin should have bought whatever fabric he wanted (assuming there was enough) or in a different color, and let his design do the talking.  I'm not trying to hear "that other person kept me from doing my best work."

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Alyssa and Sonjia both looked much prettier last night than they did on any of the episodes.  I really liked the dress Dmitry made for Alyssa, although I didn't like the yellow and black shoes she wore with it.




I was kind of 'meh' about the gold dress. Neither the dress nor the photo had impact. I can't figure it out, but there's something about the half of the dress above her waist that says "frumpy" to me, even though it's extremely low cut. Maybe it's because it's so shapeless.





The montage about how funny/clever Isaac and Georgina are didn't reveal either of them to be exceptionally funny or clever.  I guess somebody in production thought the whole "boob-schmoob" thing was a real laugh riot.


The whole Benjamin/Sonjia fabric thing was so ridiculous.  If he had already decided to use that fabric and was ready to buy it, he should have.  Then it would have been her problem to decide if she wanted to use the same fabric he had just chosen. 

I respectfully disagree. All of the designers on this show know it's a horrible idea to use the same fabric as someone else. If he bought it first and she bought it second, they still would have both suffered for it, and he didn't want to take the risk. I do think that once he realized she wasn't going to make up her mind any time soon, he should've just moved on. I also think it was completely disingenuous of Sonjia to pretend like she couldn't understand why Benjamin was upset. Yes, she had every right to take her time to make a decision. But don't act like you don't know it's causing stress for someone else.


I don't understand the designers who complain about past winners competing.

I wanted someone to ask Sonjia if she thought only also-rans like herself should be allowed to compete.  Project Runway All-Losers.


Speaking of (designer) Samantha, I thought it was awkward and tacky when she randomly pulled out her baby presents and made a special point that they were from, like, three of the twelve designers in attendance. Way to make everyone else feel like rubes for not bringing gifts to this non-baby-shower event, honey.


Unless, of course, all were invited to make/bring something and only those three or so did.

I didn't like that either. The thing with the baby gifts was weird. Even if they had asked everyone and only a few actually produced something, it's still came across as "look how generous and thoughtful WE are." (And how selfish/thoughtless everyone else is by comparison).

Edited by sleepyjean
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Chris looks so unhealthy.



My biggest take-away from the whole show was that Chris needs medical attention.  I am very worried about his health!  He looked the way I remember Chris Farley looking at the end -- awful color, sweating, bloated, haggard.  He did not seem like his usual self, either.  Very worried.  

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I actually agree with Sanjia about previous winners not competing on All Stars. It's not like you're just competing for bragging rights; you're competing for a gigantic prize that could start or jumpstart your business.  To have someone who has already won that shot win it again just doesn't seem right to me.  Dmitry got his prize package two seconds ago; he should be building his brand or whatever.  Those who missed out on the money and sewing machines and hair and makeup and all that should get a chance.  It's not a matter of going up against the best -- it's competing for investment money.


I agreed with her until I thought about it some more.  *GRIN*  I agreed that someone winning a big prize shouldn't get to go for it again. However, Alyssa made a good point that this is "Project Runway All-Stars" which (in theory) would mean they choose from those they consider to be the best of the best, which would include former winners. Someone who hasn't won regular PR could be like Kate and go back to that competition for another shot at investment money and such prizes. They're two different competitions. One is "going up against the best" (subjectively speaking, of course), the other is competing to become known in the first place and (one hopes) build their brand and business and get some investment money.

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I was kind of 'meh' about the gold dress. Neither the dress nor the photo had impact. I can't figure it out, but there's something about the half of the dress above her waist that says "frumpy" to me, even though it's extremely low cut. Maybe it's because it's so shapeless.




I don't think that pale gold is good with her skin tone, for a start.  The color would have been much, much better on someone with a darker complexion.  Beyond that, I've been trying to put my finger on what seems off about the dress.   I think that the big chunky pleat in the front and the thickness of the bodice area would have looked better on a longer skirt.  The length and the design seem mismatched to me.

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Eek, those yellow shoes.  How in the world do people not understand that legs--especially stumpy legs--benefit from the six extra inches of eyeline you get with a pump?  I gave extra points to any designer who didn't cut his models' legs into bedposts with thick black QVC ankle straps.


(Sorry.  Pet peeve.)

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I don't think that pale gold is good with her skin tone, for a start.  The color would have been much, much better on someone with a darker complexion.  Beyond that, I've been trying to put my finger on what seems off about the dress.   I think that the big chunky pleat in the front and the thickness of the bodice area would have looked better on a longer skirt.  The length and the design seem mismatched to me.


I agree, and I think some of it is the width of the "straps" from just above her breasts to the shoulders.  Less bulky fabric would have helped in the area over her breasts, but with that bulky fabric plus the wide shoulder area too, it comes off as matronly. 

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I can see Sonjia's gripe about past winners competing, too.  It's not like there is really a "best designer".  It's all subjective and the winners come in with an edge in that the judging panel already is known to like their design aesthetic, even though there are some different judges.  I don't think it's like a past winner winning Survivor a second time, where there isn't a judging panel at all.  Not a pre-set, external one, anyway.  


I think the gold is too pale on Milano and the bodice strap thingies are too wide.  


Weed dress 2.0 looks more like a poinsettia.  I wonder if it was December.  She had the baby in early Sept. so probably it was earlier. 

I think the gifting should've been done off camera.  It was awkward.  And seemed designed to be.  Unless we get to see the gifts, why do we need to know who gave them?

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Chris March looked very unhappy.  He also looked like he had gained a ton of weight since he'd been eliminated and VERY unhealthy.


My Dmitry love is unabated and I have ALWAYS loathed the "legend in his own mind" Benjamin.


Can Michelle jus go VERY far away for a long time?

Dmitry's smack down of Benjamin was so great.  I loved the collective "ooooh burn" reaction from the other designers.


I third (or fourth) the worry about Chris March.  He is one of my favorites, partly because of the snark he brought on his season and he just didn't have his usual bitchy sparkle.  I was glad that he conceded that maybe Dmitry didn't exactly copy him because it seems like a basic thing to do with that material.  I can't stand the thought of 2 of my favorite PR designers not liking each other.

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I hope that is the last time Michelle's face (and voice and ugly tattoos) are ever anywhere near a TV again. Mine anyway. Ugh x 1,000,000...

I just cannot stand her, from the first moment she opened her yap on whatever season.

That weed dress looks horrible on AM. It is a horrible length on her, somehow. But not sure if there would be a right length. It just does not suit her. Makes her legs look very chunky. She looks better in the gold, somewhat. This season was a total fail for whoever chose her clothes.

I wish they would do an entire season using real women as models...or at least several challenges. AM is a perfect example of how not all clothes work on all bodies, and she is far from "plus" or anything extraordinary. But designers need to learn how to make clothes for regular women if they want to sell to the public in the years ahead. Use larger forms/mannequins, etc.

Is a Season 14 coming for sure? Much as this season was a mess, I am hooked.

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Dmitry and Michelle's complexions were so beautiful creamy white.  Pan over to Helen and she looked sort of corpse-ish.


I've always liked Michelle, but she was irritating (even to me) at the reunion.  The picture with her new guy shows she's actually pretty, but choses to go the Anthony Ryan route.  Her new guy was a definite upgrade - looks wise - from her first husband.


I could not tolerate Helen her first season.  I thought she seemed completely unstable for someone raised by psychiatrists.  This season I actually liked her.  She wasn't constantly shutting down the show to be coaxed off the ledge.  She also seemed pretty self-deprecating with a sense of humor.  She was a bit off at the reunion, but it didn't really bother me.


I loved Dmitry his first season.  His one-liners were some of the best.   This season - he seemed humorless, fractious at times, and even like he didn't really want to be there.  I didn't love him at the reunion.


I'm 6 feet tall and not built like a thin Amazon.  I need some clothes with long enough sleeves and pant legs, as well as jackets that fall where they should.  You'd think that the standard clothes in a department store were made for tall people, but they're not despite what runway models look like.  Additionally, the petite section in every single department store is much bigger than the store's selection of long items.  Too long items can be tailored.  Can't do much with pants that are high waters or shirts with cuffs that end above your wrists.


I'm only 5'9" and I have a heck of a time, so I feel for you.  Beyond the obvious problem of pant and shirt length, you're right about jacket lengths being off.  Even worse, any top that's empire waisted or even has a fitted waist, fits wrong.  Especially since I have bigger boobs.  I found a beautiful lacy empire waisted, sort of wrap blouse that I loved.  I bought it in black.  My five foot tall friend bought it in white.  The difference was laughable.  I was very skinny at the time so it fit well at the bust, but the sleeves ended at slightly below my elbows (it looked natural).  My friend's went to her wrists.  She looked like a child wearing her mom's top.  The sleeves were 3/4 length on an average height woman, which shows that neither tall nor short is being designed for.

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I thought she seemed completely unstable for someone raised by psychiatrists.


I thought lack of stability was a given if one's parents are psychiatrists.


Thanks to everyone who's posting here. Hulu doesn't seem to make the PR reunion shows available, so I'm living vicariously.

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Eek, those yellow shoes.  How in the world do people not understand that legs--especially stumpy legs--benefit from the six extra inches of eyeline you get with a pump?  I gave extra points to any designer who didn't cut his models' legs into bedposts with thick black QVC ankle straps.


(Sorry.  Pet peeve.)


Those weren't tennis shoes/sneakers? I thought they were those weird semi-high-heeled sneakers at first.

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I thought lack of stability was a given if one's parents are psychiatrists.

When did that come out? In her first season, Helen talked a lot about being influenced by her parents, who were both artists. I'm vaguely remembering that mom was a sculptor? Was she talking about their hobbies?

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Julia, now that you mention it I seem to remember from Helen's season that her parents are artists -- no idea if that's their hobby or profession. My snark ^^^ was based on someone upthread saying Helen's perceived instability was surprising given her parents are psychiatrists and I took it at face value, assuming it was mentioned in the reunion show which I don't have the ability to watch.


ETA to Julia, below: I didn't think you were challenging me, I was just trying to reconcile what I'd seen posted vs. what I recalled after you posted! No worries!

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The weird thing about Dmitry's dress on Alyssa is that the new leaf design looked sort of like faux lapels and tie, so I kept thinking she had a vest on over the dress.


Add me to the list of those worrying about Chris's health.  


I liked Sonjia better with the blonde hair.


Otherwise, kind of ho-hum reunion, except for Dmitry's smackdown of Benjamin.

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When did that come out? In her first season, Helen talked a lot about being influenced by her parents, who were both artists. I'm vaguely remembering that mom was a sculptor? Was she talking about their hobbies?


I guess I completely made that up.  I was sure it was mentioned.  Maybe I'm thinking of some other unstable goth wanna be designer.

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Okay, I know this is going to sound really stupid, but obviously I must have missed something ... at the beginning, Alyssa introduced someone named Samantha who was sitting behind her ... who was that? Not Samantha the designer, since she was with the group. I felt like I was supposed to know who she was and I've been a pretty devoted PR watcher but I've never watched one of the reunion shows before so ... help please?


I've also wondered about Dmitry's ... tastes, even though I realize the curiosity is totally inappropriate. There is just something about him that I find inexplicably sexy, though, and he really brought it last night (or whenever ... I just WATCHED it last night).


But I do love me my Fabio. He just seems like someone who would be wonderful to hang out with (and the rest of the designers generally seem to feel the same way). Deep dark confession: I actually bought one of his designs on the PR auction ... I fell madly in love with the dress (the paint-splattered fashion-forward one with the slit in the front and the odd bustle in the back) and I thought it might be my one and only chance in my life to have something truly one-of-a-kind that I might actually be able to wear ... I am impossible to fit (I'm short, high waisted, gravity has taken its toll on everything from shoulders to knees, and the girls are huge -- in other words, NOT a model). I asked him via Twitter if the dress might possibly fit someone whose measurements were not modelesque and he responded very quickly that the top had a lot of room.


And, indeed, it did! It actually DOES fit me on the top ... I need to get it hemmed a bit at the bottom because, again, I am 5-2, but it seems like it will be a pretty easy alteration. The bustle is odd but my butt is pretty small so it doesn't look too bad, and it looks really amazingly good in the front (the slit is just the right height to show some leg but still allows me to sit without flashing the world) so I'm very excited ... there was/is a little bit of the model's matte makeup at the neckline so I'll get it dry-cleaned first but I thought that was sort of a neat touch. I'll take a picture ;)

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 I'll take a picture ;)

COOL!    I can't wait to see the picture--will you post it here or the Fabio thread?


(Front Samantha was Justin's sign language person.)

Edited by candall
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Okay, I know this is going to sound really stupid, but obviously I must have missed something ... at the beginning, Alyssa introduced someone named Samantha who was sitting behind her ... who was that? Not Samantha the designer, since she was with the group. I felt like I was supposed to know who she was and I've been a pretty devoted PR watcher but I've never watched one of the reunion shows before so ... help please?


That was Justin's sign language interpreter.  If she is really the only interpreter they had, then what she did was amazing.  When I taught a 3 hour class with two deaf guys, the school would send 2 interpreters and they'd switch every 30 minutes.  It's hard work!


The production crew did a magnificent job of keeping her out of the shots as well.

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COOL!    I can't wait to see the picture--will you post it here or the Fabio thread?


(Front Samantha was Justin's sign language person.)


AAAAAAAAAAAH DUHHHHHHHHHHHHH thank you!!! Of course!!!! I knew I should know but I got thrown by the Samantha/Samantha! 


And yes, I'll post it here ... or at least the picture of the makeup at the neckline LOL ... if I get a photo of myself in it that doesn't crack the lens I'll post it here too ;)


BTW, the comment about needing to switch interpreters every half hour ... SO true! My work entails, among other things, doing specialized copy-editing/proofreading of court transcriptions where there is, as often as not, the need for interpreters and I've gotten used to the shifts they do (usually about 15-20 minutes, sometimes more and sometimes less) and I am continually gobsmacked at how exhausting their work must be as I listen to them!

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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I don't understand why you shouldn't participate in all stars if you won all stars? I personally think all stars should be all winners, isn't that the definition of all stars? I have yet to see a sports team or an athlete say, well I can't compete because I won ONCE. Or an actor turn down an award be because they won ONCE. I compete in quilt shows and if I won first prize I would sure be back the next year. Makes my resume that much better. It's a competition not a special snow flake game like in elementary school where everybody wins. Getting off my soapbox now.

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I think I'd be less bothered by winners getting two shots at the brass ring if I trusted the judges, or the show, pretty much at all. But, you know, Anthony Ryan. So it's not so much about everyone getting a trophy as it is about everyone putting their lives on hold and going through what seems to be a fairly unpleasant experience when, did they but know it, the trophy has already had a name engraved on it. Also not so much into their season-long attempt to sell us Michelle.

I do think all Alyssa Milano's ruffled feathers about winners being there because, dammit, that's what All Stars _means_ were kind of ridiculous, considering it was presented as a big innovation when they started it. Last season, wasn't it?

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It seemed like they showed us Helen's "agony" over cutting up the others' work three time, confirming Helen's title of "Fakest fake crying by the fakest crier who ever fake cried."


And Michelle gets the title of "Most obnoxious egotistical bully."  If I made a list of adjectives that describe characteristics I don't like in people, the majority of them would apply to Michelle 


Oh, Michelle is such a bullshit artist. They showed her at Mood asking the woman at the worktable whose fabric it was and sharing that it wasn't brocade before Sanjia bought it. That she's pathetic enough to play her subsequent shit stirring as friendly helpfulness is just so her. It was amusing watching her fess up to other peoples' nasty comments because she couldn't remember exactly whch toads and snakes came pouring out of her own mouth.


Michelle is so enamored with herself that she can't fathom that any comment that the producers would deem worthy of mentioning on air would have bee uttered by anyone but her.  I was surprised that when they said Benjamin tweeted those things, Michelle didn't immediately say, "I told him to say that"

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Eek, those yellow shoes.  How in the world do people not understand that legs--especially stumpy legs--benefit from the six extra inches of eyeline you get with a pump?  I gave extra points to any designer who didn't cut his models' legs into bedposts with thick black QVC ankle straps.


(Sorry.  Pet peeve.)

I know Heidi on regular PR always talks about not doing that.  I don't see how she doesn't see what it does to her legs.  

I jumped every time they busted in with Helen's fake crying. lmao  That girl should be all shades of embarrassed, but I doubt it ever crossed her mind.

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Dmitri is from Belarus, I think?



As for the omission of significant other, didn't he say that he was very single during the love life challenge? I guess he is still very single lol

And my gaydar is silent on him. Especially since I remember the way he looked at Heidi when she was dressed as a Roquette. There were also couple more moments where he reacted as a very straight (and a bit deprived ;) ) man lol

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I finally got around to watching this--says something about the season and its participants that I wasn't in any way eager to watch.

My main impression was that it was the opposite of a Survivor reunion, where a female winner gets a few words and then Jeff Probst fawns over whatever buff male guy (even far down the chain) he thought was the perfect example of a he-man true Survivor.  In this world, we got an almost-silent Dimitry (except where he had to answer accusations/tweets by Chris and Benjamin), and so much of the rest of it was the Sonjia show.  Why the interminable clip package of baby girl-baby girl-baby girl-work it etc. following on top of her lengthy explanation of why she is so great and deserved to win?  (and I like Sonjia just fine, too.  It just seemed excessive).

In a preview it seemed like they all ganged up on Alexandria, so I was relieved to see that it was mostly Michelle yelling "Alexandria!" in response to who was the most difficult to work with, and then Sonjia following up on that at length (because Sonjia show).  I'm glad it was not as feeding-frenzy as I feared it would be.

Patricia and Justin came off looking great.  May they be successful back with their caring partners in their happy lives.  

Actually I want them all to be happy, even Helen and Benjamin, because if they are happy with their lives maybe they won't be so mean.  And I want them to  be happy off in their private lives and never see them again unless it's succeeding in their fields outside of PR.

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