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S05.E13: Sister Act

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That's right.  


Within the context of the show, and Kim's damaged brain, how does it benefit her to sober up and stay clean?  She gets two tons of attention and show focus by being the mess she is when she's using.  Everyone talks about her, tries to figure out what's going on and what she's ingesting, how to help her, whether she even needs help, and on and on it goes. It becomes the Kim show.  What else does she have outside of this never-ending drama?  She's vapid, listless, without any kind of real wit and certainly not bringing the pomp.  So ... while it would obviously benefit her to try and save her own life in what we call the real world, how does it help her stay on the show?  Maybe she's determined it doesn't so screw it.  Negative attention is better than none.  We've already gone down the rabbit hole of sucky Kim addiction.  In her mind, total win -- she gets to use AND become the central focus and star of the thing.  Having a falling out with her sister is just the price to pay for all this glory -- She loathes Kyle.  That's becoming clearer by the minute. 


As for Kyle, here's what I don't understand:  If you know your sister is using and that she does and says things under the influence that either make no sense or make too much sense and leave you as her sister feeling like your ass is hanging out to dry, then why keep on berating her about doing and saying dumb and hurtful things?  Do you believe she's an active addict or not?  If you do and you think she's back at it, why hold her to the standard you would use against an earth person?  How does  that benefit either one of them in any real way that moves the ball forward?


Kim didn't defend Mauricio and Kyle's marriage against Brandi?  I give Kim credit there on two counts -- negative credit for probably having spilled to Brandi all kinds of stuff about the Umanskys marriage -- and positive credit for not taking Brandi's bait.  Kyle, unless she's a total knuckehead, must realize that Kim has been talking dirt about her behind her back to loose lips and that Kim can hardly get into a kerfuffle about any of that with Brandi for obvious reasons.  


Why does any of this crap even matter at this point, really, if Kim is going down that road again?  Who did what to whom when, why, and how!  Seriously, time to grow up, girls.  Also, just on a body language basis, having Eileen sit in between warring sisters across a table from one another was bound to be unhelpful, especially since Eileen was trying, not very effectively, to mediate a dispute with roots burrowed deep down into the South Pole at this point. 


The reason 12-step recovery programs set up their own rules and regs and get accused sometimes of being cults is because folks in real recovery know that it's pointless to pretend that having a beef or a dispute with your using addict is the same thing as having a disagreement with a rational, responsible, together person. It's like bringing a knife to a gunfight.  


That Eileen scene was murder.  And a great demonstration of how good intentions are just "grist for the mill" when it comes to this shit.  Amazing how kyle and kim eat up the innocent scene and rotely spit it out.  You could really see where kyle falls in terms of the addict's-orbit and its outside.  She in Kim were on common fucking ground.


Do we know if Kim actually has anything on Kyle?  I mean, I assume she does.  But, on the other hand, I also assume that Kim knows how to ride a banal detail into cause for a deep resentment.


And, to those above who've said it, I, too, thought maybe Kim would commit suicide.  She looked so fucking empty, like there were no stakes whatsoever to compound into any kind of meaningful bottom.  It's weird.  I feel bad just typing it, like I'm not taking it seriously enough.  But then it's like who the fuck is?


I don't generally feel implicated as a viewer.  I am usually appropriately invested or at least eventually pull myself back without getting too cynical, etc.  This feels sort of dirtier than usual.  And I watch Vander Fuck Rules.

Edited by runforcover
  • Love 5

It looks like I'm in the minority, but I didn't see Brandi's comment as an attack on Bella. I think she was attempting to say that you can screw up while intoxicated without being physically addicted. She clarified several times that Bella was not an alcoholic, and in regards to the FOX News-esque "some people say" remark, I thought she might have been referring to the e-mail from Yo to Bella that got hacked? Anyway, my issue was that it was a completely false equivalency, obviously because Bella's 17 and Brandi is 42, but also because Bella (from what we saw) accepted the consequences of her actions and appeared remorseful and cognizant of how in addition to putting lives at risk on the road she was adding to her sick mother's stress. As opposed to Brandi who gets mad at everyone else for cramping her style.

I am apprehensive as I type this because it's clearly an unpopular opinion, but I personally don't like how Lisa R is handling Kim's addiction. She seems more concerned with people owning their behavior than Kim's well-being. Granted, she was on the receiving end of that horrific limo ride -- and for that she deserves a massive apology, which Kim hasn't acknowledged at all from what we've seen -- but if Kim relapsed and is fully back into the cycle of addiction then she needs to focus on her health, not who is owed an explanation. If she doesn't want to address it on TV or concede failure to a person who herself admitted she had never seen Kim be anything but sweet before that incident, well, I don't blame her. People act like taking a pill when she should have known better automatically means she's giving $2 blowjobs and robbing banks. Relapses happen. It's not good but it's not an automatic ticket back to rock bottom.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 7

Oh wait!


Just me or was the most addict-y thing out of Kim's mouth when she snapped at Eileen for insulting "anyone she loved."  That shit was dark.


Heh. ETA not "Kim-mouth" but maybe I should reconsider.  She does have this kind of non-sentient thing that barnacles have.  Oh God, can Kim get more abject?

Edited by runforcover
  • Love 6

Yes, they are.  It's becoming unwatchable.  


I don't particularly like Kyle but I don't mind watching her, the drunk addict on the other hand...


In real life I don't tolerate drunks or addicts nor their behavior. If they happen to be around me I distance myself and have nothing to do with them. I don't watch Kim; I more often than not fast forward past her and watching the never ending merry-go-round of Kyle dealing with the shit of her sisters life is getting old too. A one hour show I used to enjoy has become a 10-15 minute show and sadly some episodes are even less.


Now I watch it pretty much for the house and party porn.

  • Love 3

I am apprehensive as I type this because it's clearly an unpopular opinion, but I personally don't like how Lisa R is handling Kim's addiction. She seems more concerned with people owning their shit than Kim's health. Granted, she was on the receiving end of that horrific limo ride -- and for that she deserves a massive apology, which Kim hasn't acknowledged at all from what we've seen -- but if Kim relapsed and is fully back into the cycle of addiction then she needs to focus on her health, not who is owed an explanation. If she doesn't want to address it on TV or concede failure to a person who herself admitted she had never seen Kim be anything but sweet before that incident, well, I don't blame her. People act like taking a pill when she should have known better automatically means she's giving $2 blowjobs and robbing banks. Relapses happen. It's not good but it's not an automatic ticket back to rock bottom.

Don't be.  Lisa R is a parasite, just like the rest. She's just better at it.  But I think you are right.  Her tell is her emphasis on confrontation rather than anything else.

  • Love 7


Last year she played Kyle, which I would have though impossible. Kyle is the first and only person to ever really thoroughly question and doubt Brandi. She knew who Brandi was and had been trying to tell Lisa for a couple of years. But all Brandi has to do is snuggle up to Kyle and whisper those sweet nothings in her ear - "you were right all along Kyle. Lisa is manipulative".  Bang, Kyle and all of her insecurities over having been hated for saying those words fell away because Lisa's BFF and trusted confidant was agreeing with her. That was no doubt Kyle's biggest mistake yet. She is to blame for listening to Brandi, but Brandi knew what she was doing and she did it so well.


I disagree to an extend


Kyle just didn't believe :Lisa about Mauricio out of thin air, she didn't believe Brandi just because she said so. Lisa was the one who first talked about it on screen, Lisa is also the one who kept harping about it to anybody who would listen, it has been said that production confirmed to Kyle thatLisa was involved with  the magazines so I donot blame Kyle for believing that Lisa's agenda was tp keeptalking about the issue.


Lisa is playing dumb this season but I do remember how she brought time and time again the issue of Mauricio and Kyle only befriending others for finanical gain, and it was Lisa who constantly talked about the rumors, from there to believe that these two could have been in cohoods about using the magazines was not a huge strech. Lisa was very nasty and mean in her comments towards Kyle even if she now she ispretending that none of this happened.


Even then Kyle didn't become Brandi's BFF like Lisa, she was nice to her and she socialize with her but to pretend that the relationship between Lisa and Brandi was equal to the relationship between Kyle and Brandi. Kyle has always kept Brandi at arms' lenght and I doubt she shared any relevant information about her family or marriage with her . That is why Brandi had to befriend Kim, she was the weakest link who could provide her with all the juicy information she needed and that is now using against Kim.


Kyle might have been stupid enough to think that if she was polite with Brandi she would not behave like an a$$hole towards her and she was dead wrong on that one but in every step where Brandi has been wrong Kyle is the one who has let her know and has gone to battle with her for that, surrogacy, the bullying of Joyce, while Lisa laughed and protect Kyle confronted Brandi, Brandi is now making her pay for it,

  • Love 5

She totally is! It's hilarious--she doesn't even have to be a good manipulator. She can just stand there and openly claim that Kyle is airing Kim's tragic laundry and only cares about her so she can look good...while airing Kim's tragic laundry and make sure everyone knows how good she looks when caring about Kim, which is so hard. And it's all on camera, so it's not even like everyone's not seeing her talking out of both sides of her mouth.


Honestly, I didn't think she seemed overwhelmed at all. I thought she dropped things like "more than you know" to play out her part of handling this huge mess and being very important and responsible. Brandi's made it clear that the last thing she wants is Kyle getting involved in saving Kim.But in front of LisaR she's got to pretend to be about helping Kim rather than getting in between Kim and Kyle. The worst that can happen as a result of her asking LisaR to talk to Kyle, from Brandi's pov, is that Kyle actually tries to help so Brandi can tell us how she's only doing it for camera time. Even better if Kyle doesn't play into it and Brandi can say there's proof that Kyle doesn't care about Kim


Btw, Brandi claims that someone is sober until they admit they're not sober...is that how that's really supposed to work? Because Brandi is the person talking about pain patches here. 




The thing about the show is it's so impossible to ever really separate the two. I mean, I suspect that a lot of this stuff has realness to it. I think LisaR really does have strong feelings about this, that Kim and Kyle really do have these kinds of fights off-camera, etc. But they're also allowing it to be on TV and making it their story. 



Oh yeah, I totally got Brandi's argument with Bella--she was saying to Yolanda that peoples' perceptions can be wrong and using Bella as an example--with a little glass houses threat thrown in, because Brandi knew she couldn't suggest such a thing to Yolanda without Yolanda getting defensive about it. But of course, Brandi also makes a point of throwing out "Kyle was drunk that night and I was stone cold sober, like usual" as much as possible.



Because the person making the claim needs to provide evidence for it and Kyle's substance use has simply never been an issue where Kim's and Brandi's (and even Bella's) has (whether or not Bella or Brandi are actually addicts). Someone's who's having other people tell them they seem to have a problem tossing out that in fact it's their arch nemesis who has the problem isn't a good reason to suspect that. Anyone could be a functioning alcoholic, including Kyle. Yet her alcoholism literally only comes out when someone is putting the spotlight on Brandi or Kim's more visible problem. 



This probably one of many reasons why everyone wonders if Kyle has gone to something like Alanon because...yeah. It's not even just the drugs, imo. That is, I don't think Kim's behavior is just a case of the drugs being at fault when she starts using. But Kyle after many decades really can't see the pattern that we've seen in just a few seasons of the show: Kim has two speeds with Kyle. In one she's silly/sisters 4-evah, but warily reminding everyone that she's forgiven Kyle for all her terrible deeds and is a big hero for conquering her addictions. Kim's always making herself vulnerable and taking a risk when she's friendly with Kyle, she never lets us forget. Her other phase is one big spiteful, resentful, passive-aggressive battle against Kyle. Clearly this isn't something that's going to be fixed by the two of them croaking at each other over and over.


Basically, Kyle's just reasonable enough to not be the person Kim wants her to be, an enabling drug buddy and champion. But she's not reasonable enough to objectively accept that Kim's not the sister Kyle wants her to be and let that go. So she stays in this middle ground of being overly optimistic when Kim's in speed 1 and freshly betrayed and confused every time Kim shifts gears to speed 2.


Exactly -- Thanks for being so lucid.  And both of them insist over and over again that the other women take sides.  They don't come out and say so but everything they do and say when they get started with this crap is meant to divide the women into teams and prove how they've been hurt and are more deserving of sympathy. There's a reason women like this end up on these shows and it's not just because of fame and fortune -- It's because in the real world of holding down a true job and having to get along like a grown-up, folks don't tolerate this kind of childish behavior. 


Both Richards chicks get stuck in wanting to "win" whatever battle is taking place between the two of them, sucking everyone around them into their vortex of crazy. They ought to be trying to figure out how to win the war going on inside each of them as individuals and then see if they make any peace between themselves. It not, keep it moving.  And get, PLEASE, that folks are tired of this story.  Kim isn't Philip Seymour Hoffmann and Kyle is lucky that she's as pretty as she is and has a nice family.  Her talking heads yesterday were so typically unlikable and smug. 


I really don't get Brandi with Yo.  If I were Brandi, who still cleans up nicely, I'd be trying to get in there with the Hadid-Foster crowd to secure another man.  Just being honest -- I totally would if I had nothing to offer beyond super lame sex talk. And maybe even if I did.  

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 3

If it wasn't for my girl crushes on Eileen and Lisa R, I would be totally done with this show. Stop it BRAVO. It's not funny. BRAVO escaped being truly blamed for Russell's death, but I don't think they will skate if something happens to the former child star that is Kim. It doesn't even matter at this point if the Suicide threats are real or not. We are watching a drunk messing with prescription medications. Gee, what could go wrong there?



Oh yes, this.  With a fire of a thousand suns, yes, this.   Your post above summed up my thoughs exactly as I was watching the show last night.  Bravo and TPTB should recognize that this franchise is creeping into dead Russell territory.  Kim just needs to be off the show period.  She is not well and if she hasn't gotten it together by now its not going to happen.  Sorry. 



I really wish Lisa R would not have had that conversation with Brandi. I kind of understand because of her past history with HH brothers, she feels like she can and should help. I just don't think it's going to do anything but hurt Lisa R. Kim is as low down dirty as her bff.


When I watched that LisaR/Brandi scene, I immediately wondered when and why it was filmed.  For all we know, it was shot towards the very end of filming, after something went down with Kim, so Bravo could claim they weren't at fault or weren't exploiting Kim's relapse.


I have nothing to back that up.  Heck, it could have been one of the first scenes filmed.  Do you remember that really transparent legal-CYA scene after Russell's suicide?  The women randomly got together with Taylor and her counselor, heard the approved talking points and prepared speeches, and then moved on.  Taylor even said something laughably vague like, "Things got violent."  For some reason, watching the LisaR/Brandi scene gave me the same vibe.  YMMV.

  • Love 2

Just read Lisa R's blog because I'm an active and enthusiastic non-contributor ;)


As much as Lisa R is correct, she is a little too proud of herself and having a little too much fun.  I've seen this before. Also, seen it in myself.  It's like getting excited to hold an intervention, which I have totally done.  I mean, looking back it was better the intervention take place no matter how much enjoyment facilitated its occurrence.  Nonetheless, my Calling It As I see It, Shooting From The Hip or whatever the reality-TV code for authenticity-as-opportunity-for-more-Me is..., kind of made me a bit of a dick, in retrospect.  


Now, maybe Lisa R is just kind of dumb (no, she definitely is) and means well, etc.  Again, her position is correct and, sadly, the most ethical.  But that's a low bar. 

  • Love 7

When I watched that LisaR/Brandi scene, I immediately wondered when and why it was filmed.  For all we know, it was shot towards the very end of filming, after something went down with Kim, so Bravo could claim they weren't at fault or weren't exploiting Kim's relapse.


I have nothing to back that up.  Heck, it could have been one of the first scenes filmed.  Do you remember that really transparent legal-CYA scene after Russell's suicide?  The women randomly got together with Taylor and her counselor, heard the approved talking points and prepared speeches, and then moved on.  Taylor even said something laughably vague like, "Things got violent."  For some reason, watching the LisaR/Brandi scene gave me the same vibe.  YMMV.

I remembered it being near the middle of filming because there was much news at the time about Lisa R being on Brandi's Podcast. Many folks speculated that they must be getting on well (despite some media reports) if Lisa was on her Podcast. I just checked the date, and it was Sept. 16.  That would mean this scene was in sequence.  

  • Love 3

Just read Lisa R's blog because I'm an active and enthusiastic non-contributor ;)


As much as Lisa R is correct, she is a little too proud of herself and having a little too much fun.  I've seen this before. Also, seen it in myself.  It's like getting excited to hold an intervention, which I have totally done.  I mean, looking back it was better the intervention take place no matter how much enjoyment facilitated its occurrence.  Nonetheless, my Calling It As I see It, Shooting From The Hip or whatever the reality-TV code for authenticity-as-opportunity-for-more-Me is..., kind of made me a bit of a dick, in retrospect.  


Now, maybe Lisa R is just kind of dumb (no, she definitely is) and means well, etc.  Again, her position is correct and, sadly, the most ethical.  But that's a low bar. 


LOL!  I hear you and, yeah ... it's tricky, ain't it?  Being helpful and indulging in self-satisfaction and vanity are rarely mutually exclusive -- a tangled web.   My favorite intervention scene will always be the one on "The Sopranos" with Cris-tah-fa.  I can totally see RHBH staging such a thing too.  They can bring on Kathy to play either Carmela or Paulie.

  • Love 3

I think Brandi is good at changing the conversation when it's about her and she feels wronged.

She probably felt Yo was throwing her under the bus by saying "if you're an alcoholic, you can come to me" remember she has kids, after all if they heard that it would destroy them (eye roll). Kyle saying that Brandi was a bully in some interview caused her to have a meltdown about her sons and what if they saw that. Never mind all the other things this vile woman does or says in front of cameras.

So while she did not say "hey, Bella is an alcoholic worry about her". She floated it out there knowing that it would change the conversation. As we know she hits low. She said it knowing it would shock and jolt Yo, and it did.

Yo, is not my favorite person but she has been good to Brandi without getting much out of it for herself.

  • Love 5

Don't be.  Lisa R is a parasite, just like the rest. She's just better at it.  But I think you are right.  Her tell is her emphasis on confrontation rather than anything else.

I agree with this and I retract my previous statement about Lisa R. being as genuine as you can get in a town like that.   They are all parasites. You don't survive or get ahead (sometimes just head) in that town without being devious, a consummate liar and willing to do just about anything.

  • Love 3

I feel sorry about Kim, I really do love her. I just feel sorry because no one takes her seriously, it's clearly that she was just suffering with almost no one by her side. And Lisa accusations? I swear to god I want punch her face, she's pathetic. Why does everyone keeps being foolish by Kyle? I used to like her but what she did with Carlton was despicable. She's so fake and mean, lost total respect.

  • Love 1

I disagree to an extend


Kyle just didn't believe :Lisa about Mauricio out of thin air, she didn't believe Brandi just because she said so. Lisa was the one who first talked about it on screen, Lisa is also the one who kept harping about it to anybody who would listen, it has been said that production confirmed to Kyle thatLisa was involved with  the magazines so I donot blame Kyle for believing that Lisa's agenda was tp keeptalking about the issue.


Lisa is playing dumb this season but I do remember how she brought time and time again the issue of Mauricio and Kyle only befriending others for finanical gain, and it was Lisa who constantly talked about the rumors, from there to believe that these two could have been in cohoods about using the magazines was not a huge strech. Lisa was very nasty and mean in her comments towards Kyle even if she now she ispretending that none of this happened.




I agree with all your points, but still believe that Lisa and Kyle were on their way to making amends before Brandi started reaffirming some of Kyle's earlier words. Namely that Lisa was a manipulative person. They were slowly working on their friendship, with the joint birthday party for Ken and Mauricio being the high point. Kyle has a ton of faults, but she is very good at forgiving and moving forward in relationships. She was doing that with Lisa, and Brandi didn't like that one bit. I think the turning point was when they went on that hike last year. That was the first time we really saw them sharing information. Brandi telling Kyle that Lisa didn't call her anymore because she was distancing herself, and so that meant Kyle was back in play. Slyly throwing out there that Lisa had manipulated her a bit in the Adrienne deal, which she had to have known would be a huge deal to Kyle. In the strangest turn of events ever on the show, Kyle ended up being somehow to blame for the way that folks reacted to the Adrienne Reveal. The hard words Lisa said about Kyle at the reunion were all about Kyle and Mauricio's reaction to what Brandi had said. Now Brandi is baiting Kyle, reminding her that Lisa said this about K&M. You could see the wheels in Kyle's head turning. Brandi was playing on Kyle's insecurities and fears about her friendship with Lisa, in the same way that Brandi is playing on Kim's fears now about Kyle. I guess I just wonder if Brandi would have ever gone there with the magazine deal if she didn't think that she had gained enough trust from Kyle that she would believe such a thing.  Brandi is to blame, but I hate that Kyle ever gave her the time of day. 

  • Love 4

LOL!  I hear you and, yeah ... it's tricky, ain't it?  Being helpful and indulging in self-satisfaction and vanity are rarely mutually exclusive -- a tangled web.   My favorite intervention scene will always be the one on "The Sopranos" with Cris-tah-fa.  I can totally see RHBH staging such a thing too.  They can bring on Kathy to play either Carmela or Paulie.

Oh My god.  What an excellent depiction of addiction and its recovery as a kind singular cultural symptom , through-and-through.  It's exactly who you'd want to sic on a bunch of codependents - your psychopathic, no-nonsense "uncles"  and then who are you going to sic on them?! Brilliant deflation of one fantasy, replaced by equally ridiculous one. I know it's a cliche; but that show is the greatest.  Actually, Chase did a master job at stringing culture of addiction through entire series. OK, I'LL STOP.


Do you guys think Lisa V's sudden-modest thing is calculated? I tend to buy it. Like I might think her bashful moments may be her most compelling. As moments. Of course 

  • Love 1

Sopranos intervention scene a classic -- one of my favorites of the entire series.  Beyond anything else, so so funny.  Stew Leonard's pork chops heist!


I don't think Lisa V is a good enough actress to have pulled off the scenes she did last night.  The first time, and I hope not the last, we got a real glimpse into the love and affection between mother and son -- with a nice dose of sister too.  It was sweet.  I kind of love how they are pushing all the tea drinking at the VanderTodds this season.  Not the first time we've seen their home life revolve around tea time but it's a definite theme this year.  Life is just better for folks when the availability of alcohol isn't the equivalent of having H2O on hand. And you can use your home phone system to order up a cup and some tea cakes. 


I'd love a RHBH pot smoking theme but I guess we're not quite there yet. 

  • Love 3

Here's the thing that is so 'interesting' about Brandi's implication that Kim was thinking about committing suicide.  Where is Kathy?  Did she call her?  Where were Kim's kids?  Chad lives at home.  No?  Kimberley is home from college by early May.  What about Kim's other children?  Did Brandi call them?  I think the truth is that Kim probably did say something off the cuff to Brandi.  Kim is 'dramatic' and her family knows this.  And knowing from past experience of seeing Brandi in action, she morphed and twisted it into something much more than it actually was.  This is what Brandi does.  Kyle won't respond for obvious reasons.  And obviously,  Kim didn't commit suicide.  Kim, with Brandi in her ear, is just soaking it all up because that is who she is.  At the time this was being filmed, she didn't see Brandi's interactions with the other women.  I hope she has watched the last two episodes.  Maybe she will be able to see that she was played a fool.


Can Brandi's ego be any larger right now?  CA has totally gone to her head.  She really thinks she's going to be the next great comedian.  I think she thinks she has moved on from RHBH.  I hope she does.  Then I don't have to watch her anymore. 

  • Love 10

Could someone refresh my memory, who is JR that Brandi was exchanging bodily fluids with in the bathroom back in whatever season?

That's the guy who works for Mauricio. They met at the White Party in S3,  and have been on and off for a few years.  Last year Brandi broke up with him on camera, then they got back together again, then this year she and Kim followed him around since he was apparently seeing someone else.  They are back "on" currently. I know this because Brandi said the other day that they had just had some great sex. 

  • Love 2

Exactly, if it was a nicotine patch or any other kind of patch Brandi wouldn't have bothered to even mentioned it. The glee on her face and the twinkle in her eye from that scene reminded me of other times when Brandi has revealed damaging information about others (Adrienne, Kim,Lisa, Joyce), Brandi knew what she was doing, she wanted to put it out there and so she did. 


Kim's crazy behavior can't be attributed to a nicotine patch, so the only assumption one has to make is that this is a Fentanyl patch that she is "borrowing" from Monty. The only reason why this morning we are even talking about a patch is because Brandi mentioned it, the only reason why we are talking about Kim commiting suicide is because Brandi mentioned it, the only reason why we have been talking about this 2:00 a.m. phone calls were obviously very private information has been revealed is because Brandi mentioned it. Brandi has put all this information about Kim on center stage, it is not like it wasn't obvious, it is just the hypocresy of Brandi being the one revealing it while chastising Kyle.


For someone like Brandi who declared last week that she wanted to protect Kim from her evil sister and that she would not allow Kyle to use her sister's addictions for a story line, Brandi sure has done a heck of a job letting us know all kind of information about Kim.


As if that was not enough, she has used Kim's adictions to get the heat off of her and pretend that her drunken behavior is nothing compared to what Kim goes through, now for the likes of it she is asking LisaR to host an intervention for Kim, LisaR who is not even close to Kim, wouldn't Brandi as the nominated BFF and the one who has her back would be the one who should host an intervention for her BFF Kim? and for all she has said that intervention should be off camera and without giving anybody a hint about it because that is what BFFs do? I bet my bottom dollar that Brandi goes running to Kim and tells her everything that LisaR said but conveniently forgets to tell her about the information she revealed and how she is the one who suggested the intervention to begin with.


Kim is nothing but a pawn in Brandi's twisted mind games, yet she is probably fortunate to live in la la land where she imagines she has a best friend who truly cares for her, Kim is oblivious to anything and everything that doesn't go with her agenda and Brandi has manipulated the shit out of her but Kim has been so nasty that she deserves exactly that. All her precious secrets, all her dirty laundry, all her addictions taking front and center stage just because a woman like Brandi figures that she needs to be the heroine of the season.


Kim is a selfish, unloyal and nasty addict but Brandi is a manipulative, conniving,  POS who is using an addict to make herself relevant in  a show where she has managed to allienate her other cast members. I don't feel sorry for either of them. They deserve each other.


Word to your entire post.


When Brandi was saying that Kim doesn't have "many friends" I have to admit I snorted.


She comes off as a manipulative asshole whether she's sober or not .  I can't imagine many people want those particular characteristics in a friend.  


I hope she was at least halfway sober and watched last night's episode.


And when she realizes Brandi has rolled her under the bus and goes crying to Kyle about it, I hope Kyle points that stumpy finger at her and says "I told you so."


It's going to be interesting to see how things unfold on social media between Kim and Brandi now that this episode has aired.


Sometimes social media interactions can reveal just as much, or sometimes even more, than the actual episodes do.  

  • Love 10

This from Brandi's blog:


"There seems to be a lot of talk of coming between sisters, so I’ll address this briefly. Kim asked me to be involved in her life. I’m her friend. It’s a privilege. I respect her privacy. I love her. That’s my choice and my business. I get a lot of joy and laughter from being Kim’s friend. She is kind, giving, and a very funny lady. There is so much of her you don’t see that is fabulous. The fact that Kim has a sibling isn’t relevant to Kim’s request of my involvement in her life or our close friendship. As I said, I’m not a sober coach or an expert on addiction, recovery, or sobriety. I don’t need to be. I’m a friend. The fact is, and I can promise you, lots of people all over the world have sisters AND brothers, and they still have friends, best friends, spouses, dogs, and even houseplants. I find the idea that I can’t be Kim’s best friend because she has a sister ridiculous."


It can be so hard to follow her, or to even try to figure out what she is trying to say.  On the one hand she makes it seem like Kim relies on her more because Kyle isn't as involved as she should be, so she picks up the slack.  Then in her blog she says the sister relationship actually has no relevance to their friendship. 


The most interesting part to me is that Brandi thinks this is a debate about whether or not people can form close friendships outside of their family. In both this blog and in her last one, this seems to be what she is arguing. Or course on it's merits that argument makes all the sense in the world. Obviously folks can have both. The problem is that this doesn't seem to be what the drama is all about. I've seen no evidence that Kyle didn't like Brandi being in her life until she realized she was trying to poison Kim against Kyle. 

  • Love 8

Now she's resentful, why did that happen to her? How could a man cheat on someone as beautiful as she? That's probably what Brandi thinks, she seems to be an angry woman, which could be another reason she drinks.

Agree. Let me add, Kyle mentioned in the limo ride to Burbank, that it was Brandi's anger over what happened to her marriage, that Kyle felt some sort of pity for her and was one main reason why she befriended her. Not exactly the words she used, but that was the message I got.

If you know your sister is using and that she does and says things under the influence that either make no sense or make too much sense and leave you as her sister feeling like your ass is hanging out to dry, then why keep on berating her about doing and saying dumb and hurtful things? Do you believe she's an active addict or not? If you do and you think she's back at it, why hold her to the standard you would use against an earth person? How does that benefit either one of them in any real way that moves the ball forward?

Because this is what enablers and those who deal with addicts do. It is the common reaction one has when dealing with an addict in their life. Until Kyle gets therapy to better understand addicts, she will continue to harp and sound like a broken record. By yelling at Kim, Kyle is hoping she can get through to her sister. I have mentioned before my dealings with addicts. Time and time again I found myself crying, praying, hoping, and confronting these addicts about the behavior they exhibited. Whether they remembered it or not, I made it my mission to give them a piece of my mind. No matter how many times it failed, I kept doing it. Just like an addict exhibits certain behaviors, those who deal with addicts have repetitive behaviors of their own. Until Kyle gets a grasp on how to NOT deal with an addict, she may continue with berating Kim, crying to her, begging Kim to see what everyone else sees, which obviously she can't because Kim is an addict. Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

Thing is with Brandi, I think Kim if FULLY aware in her Kimway that Brandi has been grooming and splitting, grooming and splitting.  But don't mess with addicts because we do grooming and splitting better than anyone else and when the time comes Kim will turn on Brandi with a vengeance and fury that will make Brandi's head spin.  Kim knows she's being used, I think, because she's basically been used most of her life and recognizes the condition.  She's letting herself be manipulated because it works for her and, no, you don't need any kind of long term strategy to do just that.  She wants to stay on this show, by hook or by crook, and Brandi will do as a means to that end. 


It would be 50 shades of awesome if Kim hadn't also managed to extract some lovely tidbits from Brandi while she's playing at poor helpless pill-popping fawn. 


If Brandi was suggesting that Kim is actively suicidal instead of just playing Russian Roulette, I think that would be fine with Kim.  Another few seasons secured right there. I don't disagree with the exploitation of Kim angle by Brandi and or Bravo but am coming to see that Kim is more than happy to exploit herself to remain a fixture.  A kind of meta-exploitation.  


Kim could be plunked down into the world of "Birdman" and fit right in -- find a home. 

  • Love 2

Agree. Let me add, Kyle mentioned in the limo ride to Burbank, that it was Brandi's anger over what happened to her marriage, that Kyle felt some sort of pity for her and was one main reason why she befriended her. Not exactly the words she used, but that was the message I got.

Because this is what enablers and those who deal with addicts do. It is the common reaction one has when dealing with an addict in their life. Until Kyle gets therapy to better understand addicts, she will continue to harp and sound like a broken record. By yelling at Kim, Kyle is hoping she can get through to her sister. I have mentioned before my dealings with addicts. Time and time again I found myself crying, praying, hoping, and confronting these addicts about the behavior they exhibited. Whether they remembered it or not, I made it my mission to give them a piece of my mind. No matter how many times it failed, I kept doing it. Just like an addict exhibits certain behaviors, those who deal with addicts have repetitive behaviors of their own. Until Kyle gets a grasp on how to NOT deal with an addict, she may continue with berating Kim, crying to her, begging Kim to see what everyone else sees, which obviously she can't because Kim is an adduct.


That was kind of a trick, rhetorical question on my part, Great Kazu.  I think that unless old Kyle is a totally lazy co-dependent, she's had ample time to deal with her own issues and get herself some old fashioned help,  I don't buy her faux theatrics at all.  She's a super phony.  And she's living in LA and BH -- home to therapies galore for all this stuff.  She's got the cashish to get herself what she needs and cut the crap. She's got Mauricio's mother in the mix too.  One phone call to what's her name and Kim would be in a months long rehab some place swell in Mexico, resort-style.  There's really no excuse at this point. Though what might really benefit Kim would be a true rehab, no resort about it -- straight up state sponsored 6 month rehab.  After that, if you can't dig it, go do your thing and unless you drive we leave you alone. 


So many labels get thrown around in dealing with this kind of thing.  I can't stand Kyle but hate to see her become the poster child for "enablers."  Enablers are just folks who don't know what's hit them when the addiction tornado uproots their lives and keeps on twirling. No one sets out to be an enabler just like no one sets out to be an addict. Sounds like you had a devil of a bad experience and I grieve for you -- Happy to see you made it to the other side. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 4

I honestly think Brandi was trying to make an example: "People always talking about me and my drinking, suggesting I'm an alcoholic creates incorrect rumors since my drinking is social and not constantly out of control to the level of alcoholism WOULD BE AKIN to  People taking the situation with Bella's DUI constantly talking about it and blowing it up to to suggests she's an alcoholic just because she has a DUI".  I know, I know it's that was big stretch of a comparison but I sorta got the point she was trying to make.  Brandi just doesn't know how to express herself correctly and it drives me nuts. I truly think she was trying to say "God, yes I get drunk, yes I drink at social events, yes I do drink more than I probably should but to always be talking about it, to always have these serious conversations with me about it like I have that level of a problem is as offensive as if someone where to suggest Bella is an alcoholic and go on and on and on about it, talk about it continuously and speculate possible alcoholism just because she got a DUI" I don't think she was trying to go after Bella I think she was trying to make a point about how offensive it is for people to make these official declarations about her the same way it would be offensive for someone, somewhere in the rumor mill to declare that Bella is an alcoholic based on the fact that she got a DUI.


I for one am annoyed that people feel the need to label someone an alcoholic just because they knew one, were one, was related to one, has a cousin on their aunt's friends side of the family was one. (Looking at you Lisa Rinna). Sure Brandi is shown acting out when she drinks but I mean damn I don't think Brandi is an alcoholic. Someone who can't handle their alcohol does NOT an alcoholic make. Someone who is a sloppy drunk does NOT an alcoholic make. Someone that has one, two, three too many when the opportunity presents it's (social events) does NOT an alcoholic make. An alcoholic has a physical and/or emotional DEPENDENCY on the substance. Someone who likes to drink to the point that they act stupid and show their ass and make irresponsible comments, behaves irresponsibly does suggests they have a problem regulating their alcohol but alcoholism is a disease and being an alcoholic involves more factors than the ones that most likely occur to 80% of the population who drink too much in a social environment.


Now tell me that Brandi puts away a couple of bottles of wine on a daily basis or every few days and can't get through a day without getting wasted then yeah I could get on board but it really gets me when people throw around alcoholic like drinking too much at parties and social events qualifies someone as an alcoholic. Is it the best behavior or decision to drink to that degree? Probably not but it happens all the time without half of the world getting labeled as alcoholics for crying out loud. I mean I like to drink a lot and sometimes I have one too many but I'm not an alcoholic because it isn't until the next social event that I'm drinking to that degree and may forget myself. Sure in between big bashes I have a glass or two of wine once or twice a week, go to a friends house and have a few beers but when I'm at a party or social gather I do take advantage of the drinking vibe and cut loose which is what I think is where Brandi is at with regards to her alcohol consumptions and I can relate to her because it is offensive for these women to put such a serious label on a person when all I've seen is Brandi drink at social gatherings which of course is natural. What she does do is drink more than she should but again drinking too much, acting like a bitch and or asshole doesn't mean someone is an alcoholic. To me that just means you can't handle your alcohol and well that you're an asshole.


Brandi is really hard to defend but she really is the queen of putting her foot in her mouth and overreacting to personal slights by using a Bazooka in retaliation when a simple slingshot would have been more appropriate with regards to her previous dealing with those that have come for her and her issues with the other women.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 7

My question is, would Kyle sign on for another season?


Why not? We just learned in last night's episode that Eileen's sister passed away months before she started filming this season. Eileen also shared that sometimes the relationship between the sisters was contentious. Should something awful and tragic befall Kim, is Kyle supposed to put a stop to her own financial endeavors?


Man! What I found so frustrating about last night's episode was the magnificent ways in which Kim and Brandi (deliberately?) didn't get what Kyle was saying when she pointed out how BFF Brandi was going around and talking on camera about Kim's fragile state. Kim is so effing stupid and in her head and put upon that she immediately says that she's disappointed in Kyle for the behavior.


An alcoholic has a physical and/or emotional DEPENDENCY on the substance. 

Sounds like Brandi to me. She's made claims that she started drinking after her divorce (as a way to cope). She's also said that she drinks when her boys are with their father because she feels lonely without them. That's dependency, I'd say. 


ETA this from Kyle's blog:


As I sat and watched Lisa Rinna sit down to talk with Brandi, attempting to have a similar conversation that Yolanda attempted to have with her, Brandi somehow spun it to turn into a conversation about Kim. Brandi says if Kim knew they were talking about her sobriety, she would die. Yet Brandi KNOWS cameras are there and that Kim will eventually see this. Why would Brandi have this conversation with Lisa Rinna, behind Kim's back, on camera instead of going to Kim directly if she had legitimate concerns? As you will see down the road, this proves to be a pivotal moment.


I'm wondering if this pivotal moment includes Lisa Rinna smashing a wine glass on the table. I can see Brandi twisting the conversation she had with Lisa R. to make it seem as though Lisa was at fault all the while Kim acts like she's the poor put-upon martyr...as per usual. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 10

Oh My god.  What an excellent depiction of addiction and its recovery as a kind singular cultural symptom , through-and-through.  It's exactly who you'd want to sic on a bunch of codependents - your psychopathic, no-nonsense "uncles"  and then who are you going to sic on them?! Brilliant deflation of one fantasy, replaced by equally ridiculous one. I know it's a cliche; but that show is the greatest.  Actually, Chase did a master job at stringing culture of addiction through entire series. OK, I'LL STOP.


Do you guys think Lisa V's sudden-modest thing is calculated? I tend to buy it. Like I might think her bashful moments may be her most compelling. As moments. Of course

Another example of the realistic portrayal of addiction is when Chris meets the realtor who is also a drug addict ( played by Julianna Margulies). They both know they shouldn't date but insist they'll be good for each other and help each other stay sober. Next scene? Both strung out on heroin. I think Brandi is Kyles worst nightmare.

  • Love 5


I agree that Brandi setting Lisa R. up to take a fall for "discussing" Kim is very likely.  I'm trying to think of what else would set off Lisa like what we saw in the previews.  I wonder if Brandi tells Kim that Lisa R. talked to Kyle (and Lisa V.) about an intervention and then Kim goes and attacks Lisa R. for it and she and Brandi gang up on her.  I hope you get wine in your eyes, Brandi, and I hope it burns.


I wonder if the Truth Cannon when cornered throws out something truly mean and disgusting about Harry's brothers.  She'd be lucky to only get a drink in her face.

  • Love 6

That was kind of a trick, rhetorical question on my part, Great Kazu.  I think that unless old Kyle is a totally lazy co-dependent, she's had ample time to deal with her own issues and get herself some old fashioned help,  I don't buy her faux theatrics at all.  She's a super phony.  And she's living in LA and BH -- home to therapies galore for all this stuff.  She's got the cashish to get herself what she needs and cut the crap. She's got Mauricio's mother in the mix too.  One phone call to what's her name and Kim would be in a months long rehab some place swell in Mexico, resort-style.  There's really no excuse at this point. 


So many labels get thrown around in dealing with this kind of thing.  I can't stand Kyle but hate to see her become the poster child for "enablers."  Enablers are just folks who don't know what's hit them when the addiction tornado uproots their lives and keeps on twirling. No one sets out to be an enabler just like no one sets out to be an addict. Sounds like you had a devil of a bad experience and I grieve for you -- Happy to see you made it to the other side. 

Kyle has zero ability to get Kim into a rehab facility short of a conservatorship.  Kyle can go to all the meetings she wants that give her tools to deal with Kim and until Kim gets to the point that she either realizes she has Korsakoff's Syndrome or some form of dementia  or admits to using drugs there is nothing Kyle can do.  When Kyle tried to intervene at Eileen's, Kim's greatest enabler Brandi went after Kyle.   The best thing for Kyle at this point is to take care of her family and reach out to Kim's adult children who should be stepping up to the plate these days in dealing with mom.  Judging by the continuing love fest between Kim and Brandi Kyle is pretty much screwed.  It is Brandi's goal and desire for she and Kim to destroy Kyle at the reunion.  I a getting the impression Kim is kind of those one friend at a time people and this would include she only needs one sister at a time.

  • Love 10

This topic is exhausting so I'm tentative about even venturing an opinion...but it has occurred to me that Kyle has and has had the therapy and training to learn to deal with an addict that she employs most of the year -- but when the RHOBH cameras are rolling, all bets are off, because Kim uses them as a get out of jail free card. Basically emotionally blackmailing her sister into appearing to appease and enable, because she knows Kyle won't "out" her again, and meanwhile doing whatever she wants drug-wise. So, given Kyle's reactive personality and a never-ending sense of dread where Kim is concerned, she eventually pops off in some way that makes her look bad, or continues to "enable" Kim by not outing her on television again.


In fact if the whole cast in past seasons has more or less agreed not to face Kim's behavior and addictions head on, she's in effect blackmailing everyone, including production, into going along with the narrative she thinks she's selling. (Which she is not, because she is completely deluded as to how she comes across to others.)



  • Love 9

This topic is exhausting so I'm tentative about even venturing an opinion...but it has occurred to me that Kyle has and has had the therapy and training to learn to deal with an addict that she employs most of the year -- but when the RHOBH cameras are rolling, all bets are off, because Kim uses them as a get out of jail free card. Basically emotionally blackmailing her sister into appearing to appease and enable, because she knows Kyle won't "out" her again, and meanwhile doing whatever she wants drug-wise. So, given Kyle's reactive personality and a never-ending sense of dread where Kim is concerned, she eventually pops off in some way that makes her look bad, or continues to "enable" Kim by not outing her on television again.


In fact if the whole cast in past seasons has more or less agreed not to face Kim's behavior and addictions head on, she's in effect blackmailing everyone, including production, into going along with the narrative she thinks she's selling. (Which she is not, because she is completely deluded as to how she comes across to others.)




Pretty great but because you need to enable all of us suffering here we want some sugar!

I like Lisa R, however, I find her whole schtick about being so concerned about Kim being an addict so fakety fake and producer driven. Her concern is way over the top. It's actually kind of creepy.  She hardly knows Kim, right?   


Since she's been a friend of Kyle's for years, it's possible she has an acquaintanceship with Kim, plus now working with Kim for however long this season was filmed.  


I attribute a lot of Lisa Rinna's concern about Kim to the effect she sees it having on Kyle.


It can't be easy to watch one of your friends being dragged down the rabbit hole continually for years with a sibling's addiction issues and not try to do something.


Maybe Kyle never conveyed to Lisa Rinna over the years just how bad things were with Kim, and seeing them first-hand might be shocking, to say the least.  


JMO, but I really like Lisa Rinna so it's possible my opinion on her motive is biased.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 11

All right, it's official now.  I completely have had it up to HERE with Kim Richards.  I think the chick needs to get off my teevee pronto, and take her sucky bestie Brandi Glanville with her.

To suggest that Kimmy MIGHT be suicidal is just the WORST.  She may OD herself at some point, but that is HER choice.  She's completely off the reservation.

Kyle's ONLY chance at having a "normal" life is to get herself to ALANON pronto. If not that, then go find that Psychiatrist.


  • Love 5

Kyle has zero ability to get Kim into a rehab facility short of a conservatorship.  Kyle can go to all the meetings she wants that give her tools to deal with Kim and until Kim gets to the point that she either realizes she has Korsakoff's Syndrome or some form of dementia  or admits to using drugs there is nothing Kyle can do.  When Kyle tried to intervene at Eileen's, Kim's greatest enabler Brandi went after Kyle.   The best thing for Kyle at this point is to take care of her family and reach out to Kim's adult children who should be stepping up to the plate these days in dealing with mom.  Judging by the continuing love fest between Kim and Brandi Kyle is pretty much screwed.  It is Brandi's goal and desire for she and Kim to destroy Kyle at the reunion.  I a getting the impression Kim is kind of those one friend at a time people and this would include she only needs one sister at a time.


Kyle has not 100 per cent but not zero ability to get Kim into real treatment.  Especially since they are both part of the Bravo gravy train. 

The problem I have with Kyle is, she's an asshole, too. From laugh-crying into Lisa V's bosom at the mixer (after saying she warned Lisa about Brandi first) to making fun of the Burbank Film Festival (as if any film she would be cast in today would be featured at Cannes), I was over her. She isn't a nice human being. And as disgusting and trashy as Brandi is, I believe her when she says Kyle doesn't want anything to do with Kim until the cameras are rolling. I don't blame Kyle for not wanting anything to do with Kim, but it's tacky to only show interest so her "fans" will believe she's a caring sister.



For Brandi to compare herself to Chelsea Handler is insulting to Chelsea Handler. Chelsea "gets away with" the things she says because she's an actual comedienne who worked her way up (anyone remember her on the Candid Camera-like show Girls Behaving Badly?) and developed a fan base and respect from the community. Brandi is on a reality show.


Brandi can't get away with the things Chelsea says because no one respects her and she's mean on a different level than Chelsea. Chelsea appears to be loyal to the people she loves. I don't know her, but she seems to wants her friends and family to be happy (she often takes them all on elaborate trips) while Brandi turns on her friends and doesn't seem trustworthy or mature in any way.

  • Love 7

If Kim (big IF since Brandi lies like a motherfucking rug) is telling people that she's tried to commit suicide, then she needs to be gone from my fucking set.  I don't even get why this is happening.  Bravo has insurance and liability issues, and if I were Kyle or Little Kathy, I would say that Bravo is putting addict/suicidal Kim in a precarious position w/r/t filming her all the damned time.  We already saw this shit play out with Russell, I mean, are we really going to go there again?


No intervention is going to work for Kim because Kim doesn't want to stop being an addict, and she has lots and lots of people telling her how wonderful she is, which just needs to stop.  You can love your mom, you can love your sister, but you don't have to keep taking care of them.  As with any person who is fucked, whether it's addiction or narcissism or abuse, sometimes the best thing for the person who has to deal with their shit is to stop everything, tell them you love them, and then cut them out, no contact ever again, thanks.  End of. 


To some extent, her being on this show is, in a way, taking care of Kim.  Just fuck it and drop her. I keep thinking how gross Andy is, rubbing his filthy paws together over this yummy, yummy storyline.

Edited by haydensterling
  • Love 4

Kyle has not 100 per cent but not zero ability to get Kim into real treatment.  Especially since they are both part of the Bravo gravy train. 

Only Kim can decide to go.  Bravo can make it a condition of Kim's continuing employment as talent that she test clean but they can't force her into rehab.   Last time Kim decided when to go.  Many and I am not referring to you, assume that once some one slips or relapses the only outcome is to go back to rehab.  They can go to meetings, in Kim's case Betty Ford now has an outpatient clinic in West LA.  At this point I think Brandi would have a better chance of getting Kim into rehab but as she said last night to question Kim's sobriety is a death sentence for both Brandi and Kim which is why she gladly passed it off to Kyle via Lisar.


I would suggest Monty but my guess is she would say she needed to there for him.  I would think her four children might have a better shot than either sister.


If the ratings keep going down over this storyline the best and most expedient thing to so is pull the plug on the storyline and Kim.  Collateral damage might be Brandi since she has attached herself to this storyline and successfully alienated every other RH in the franchise.

  • Love 3

I have bias for both Lisa R. and Eileen, which I will fully 'fess to.  My Billie!  My Kristen!


Besides which, they're honestly the only two people I can actually stand on this show right now, mostly because they haven't been around long enough to do anything that would make me start sideyeing them.


I used to love Lisa and Ken to pieces until they starting showing some pretty ugly racist tendencies towards Rocio.  For me it was even more upsetting than most of the shit that goes on, because it went unspoken by everyone, for the most part, even on the boards.  Joyce went to Lisa's and made a point to speak with Rocio in Spanish, and that was about it.  And now this year there seems to be a concerted effort on Pinky's part to be sweetsie neatsie to Rocio.  Which pisses me off, because that's playing for the camera, and I still remember the other shit that was said, like Ken telling Rocio she was so privileged, which made me throw up in my mouth not a little, but a lot.

Edited by haydensterling
  • Love 6

Santa Mae, as we used to say back in the old country.  


Forgetting about Betty and Veronica, just as I wanted to follow the Fosters to Italy last chapter, I'd SO love to see some real footage of a real party at their Malibu mansion. Not a dinner party but a real musicians etc drinks party with the camera just allowed to roam.  Would love to see the house like that with food and drink and good looking interesting people coming and going and doing their thing, including playing real music without David being anal. I think that YoDa when not doing their reality tv thingie probably throw a great, fun party.  And, yeah, Team Bella, but clean up your car and don't drive if you're going to turn into Edie Sedgwick. 


I've also changed my mind on the Hadid girls going for college -- Go for it and make that tough Dutch girl money.  Not really but oh well.  I notice that the whole Richards thing is SO toxic and world without end that it begins to infect us here.  Go away, light and dark meat!  You making me fight with people I like!


I don't get the sense that the Vanders share their pad in quite the same way but would love to see a real Foster  party.  Why Brandi didn't go for that I will never understand. 


And, yeah, no one we think in this equation can force Kim to do anything -- though why we assume this, I dunno -- but chicks can definitely help each other in more effective ways to explore other avenues.  Brandi is Brandi and I'm not on the Brandi train but I agree with her in part -- I think Kyle is a mighty sketchy sister at best.  And am definitely not signing off anymore on how much these sisters LOVE each other not at all.  Also, side eye to the Eileen business of not getting along with her sisters.  It happens sure but something just not right. 


The three least interesting and most fucked up women are ruling this show - Kyle Kim Brandi.  Sounds like a cocktail. 


And, hey, we're assuming that Kim is talking about whatever to Brandi because the stress is too much for her but stress works both ways.  If she's reached her limit talking care of husband number one it could've been an entirely different convo they were having at 2 am.  As it is, I don't think that Kim is intelligent enough to have a convo about either -- self-harm or other options where others are concerned.  Too dumb to have either chat and Bravo too little committed to us to tell us anything ever about doodley cuz it's not our business and because we expect the worst of LA.  I can totally see Kim at some point telling us, froggy, that she delved into Monty's stash because she was concerned about his wanting to go into it too quickly and deeply himself.  She saved him.  

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 3

If Kim (big IF since Brandi lies like a motherfucking rug) is telling people that she's tried to commit suicide, then she needs to be gone from my fucking set.  I don't even get why this is happening.  Bravo has insurance and liability issues, and if I were Kyle or Little Kathy, I would say that Bravo is putting addict/suicidal Kim in a precarious position w/r/t filming her all the damned time.  We already saw this shit play out with Russell, I mean, are we really going to go there again?


No intervention is going to work for Kim because Kim doesn't want to stop being an addict, and she has lots and lots of people telling her how wonderful she is, which just needs to stop.  You can love your mom, you can love your sister, but you don't have to keep taking care of them.  As with any person who is fucked, whether it's addiction or narcissism or abuse, sometimes the best thing for the person who has to deal with their shit is to stop everything, tell them you love them, and then cut them out, no contact ever again, thanks.  End of. 


To some extent, her being on this show is, in a way, taking care of Kim.  Just fuck it and drop her. I keep thinking how gross Andy is, rubbing his filthy paws together over this yummy, yummy storyline.



I have bias for both Lisa R. and Eileen, which I will fully 'fess to.  My Billie!  My Kristen!


Besides which, they're honestly the only two people I can actually stand on this show right now, mostly because they haven't been around long enough to do anything that would make me start sideyeing them.


I used to love Lisa and Ken to pieces until they starting showing some pretty ugly racist tendencies towards Rocio.  For me it was even more upsetting than most of the shit that goes on, because it went unspoken by everyone, for the most part, even on the boards.  Joyce went to Lisa's and made a point to speak with Rocio in Spanish, and that was about it.  And now this year there seems to be a concerted effort on Pinky's part to be sweetsie neatsie to Rocio.  Which pisses me off, because that's playing for the camera, and I still remember the other shit that was said, like Ken telling Rocio she was so privileged, which made me throw up in my mouth not a little, but a lot.

In the lies like a rug department Brandi most recent Podcast she is interviewing Tawny Kitaen a true loser of biblical proportions.  After Tawny complains about USMagazine making reference to her dated hair (which is a big unmanageable mess), Brandi moves the conversation along to Tawny's ex husband, former baseball pitcher Chuck Finley.  Brandi just blindsides this woman with you and he had a threesome with one of my good friends.  Tawny continues to deny it and says Chuck would never, Brandi prattles on then denounces her friend Michelle as a liar.  Next lawsuit for Brandi.  Chuck Finley vs Brandi Glanville.

  • Love 2
I for one am annoyed that people feel the need to label someone an alcoholic just because they knew one, were one, was related to one, has a cousin on their aunt's friends side of the family was one. (Looking at you Lisa Rinna). Sure Brandi is shown acting out when she drinks but I mean damn I don't think Brandi is an alcoholic. Someone who can't handle their alcohol does NOT an alcoholic make. Someone who is a sloppy drunk does NOT an alcoholic make. Someone that has one, two, three too many when the opportunity presents it's (social events) does NOT an alcoholic make. An alcoholic has a physical and/or emotional DEPENDENCY on the substance. Someone who likes to drink to the point that they act stupid and show their ass and make irresponsible comments, behaves irresponsibly does suggests they have a problem regulating their alcohol but alcoholism is a disease and being an alcoholic involves more factors than the ones that most likely occur to 80% of the population who drink too much in a social environment.



I think Lisa R is sensitive to it because, as she said, her two brother in law's died of alcoholism.  


There is a difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker.  Some heavy drinkers become alcoholics, some don't.   The thing with heavy drinkers is many of them are able to slow down if they see alcohol taking over their lives; as long as they're not addicted to it, it's not a problem.  

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