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S05.E14: Anthropologists Move In

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Kody comes across as a calm surfer dude, but he goes from 0 to 90 when he gets mad. He doesn't like to be challenged or embarrassed. I didn't think the fight between the brothers would actually cause security to step in, didn't it happen inside the car? How would the security guy even see it?

It might be the security guy saw all the cameras and the Brown family crowd. Or it might be that some producer pointed them out to him.  Yeah, probably that.

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I was amused when Kody asked Maddy how she became attracted to LDS or something like that.  He said did you ask a question or something and then people came to your apartment?  She said YES and he was like Oh that it explains it then..  I was a missionary myself for 2 years.


Har har har   Never express an interest in anything to LDS or Jehovah Witnesses, friends, you'll never get rid of them and I don't have much patience anymore.  To them there is no such thing as curiosity, if you ask anything, you are a likely convert and have to be ministered to relentlessly.

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I would guess it is Kody lying, no surprise there.


Same here. He probably didn't like that being said, that they can only afford to go a few times year. Maybe he thought it would make him look cheap and like a bad provider. When, in reality, most of us wish this family would show some more prudence when it comes to their spending. 

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Going to movies is idiocy if you're short of money. Just admission, popcorn and drinks is about $100 for our boring monogamous family of four so we simply don't do it when money is tight.


Given that they're utterly convinced that polygamy is superior to monogamy, I'm mildly curious about what's going through their little brains when they watch movies. Generally they're going to be looking at other boring monogamous families and romantic relationships with only one woman. Do they feel sorry for those losers on the screen who will never know the blessings polygamists enjoy? Is Robyn hissing at her kids not to watch? Do the kids think, "I want to be one of those normal happy people"?

  • Love 2

Had another thought about the stupidness of taking that whole family to the movies. How do they decide what to see? I have 3 kids over 7 years age span and even that is enough to make it hard to find something everyone wants to see, not to mention different interest and tastes. How do you find a move that all those different people want to see?


For heaven sake's people, you have 4 huge homes and treat all your money as disposable. Why not just buy a monster-sized TV with surround sound, a blu-ray, and a netflix account and make a home theater if you want movies so badly. You could probably do that for the cost of taking the whole family to the movies just a couple of times.

  • Love 7

I can't imagine 4x's a year let alone once a month. I can't tell you the last time I went to the movies. Probably when I got a gofobo free pass. Hubby and I want to see American Sniper as a Valentine's date and I'm trying to figure out a day we can go to a matinee. Too darn expensive. 


Janelle said 4xs a year. And holy cow she lost a lot of weight. Good for her. Maddie gave a great response to why she wanted to join the LDS church. Isn't that the reason many of us convert to a particular religion?  I can't imagine having to explain myself to 5 parents. 2 was hard enough for me. But, as usual the last few years, she handled it well and put Christine and her "why didn't you call me?" in her place quite well. She's going to do just fine.

  • Love 5

I can't imagine 4x's a year let alone once a month. I can't tell you the last time I went to the movies. Probably when I got a gofobo free pass. Hubby and I want to see American Sniper as a Valentine's date and I'm trying to figure out a day we can go to a matinee. Too darn expensive. 


Janelle said 4xs a year. And holy cow she lost a lot of weight. Good for her. Maddie gave a great response to why she wanted to join the LDS church. Isn't that the reason many of us convert to a particular religion?  I can't imagine having to explain myself to 5 parents. 2 was hard enough for me. But, as usual the last few years, she handled it well and put Christine and her "why didn't you call me?" in her place quite well. She's going to do just fine.

I found it disturbing that this group of smug, entitled, self-righteous assholes pounced on Maddie in the guise of "we're just so curious about why you made this decision".  Janelle should have halted that gang-up in it's tracks and said, "Wait a hot shit minute!  My daughter has made a very personal and adult decision, and NONE of us are going to question her."  Shame on Janelle for allowing that, and most of all, on national TV!  Maddie shouldn't have to explain her rationale to anyone... especially those dolts!  After all, this is "The America"...No?


Edited to change plain old righteous to self-righteous.

Edited by BitchOnWheels
  • Love 9

If these were real students they would just observe and not bring their own experiences and bias into the project. And no family could really be themselves if they were being observed all day.


Kody comes across as a calm surfer dude, but he goes from 0 to 90 when he gets mad. He doesn't like to be challenged or embarrassed. I didn't think the fight between the brothers would actually cause security to step in, didn't it happen inside the car? How would the security

Totally agree that the anthropology students should have used better observational behavior.  Their technique of getting involved in the family activities was a dumb idea.  Did they think the Browns would "forget" they were there?  They should have just interviewed them all separately.

I found it disturbing that this group of smug, entitled, self-righteous assholes pounced on Maddie in the guise of "we're just so curious about why you made this decision".  Janelle should have halted that gang-up in it's tracks and said, "Wait a hot shit minute!  My daughter has made a very personal and adult decision, and NONE of us are going to question her."  Shame on Janelle for allowing that, and most of all, on national TV!  Maddie shouldn't have to explain her rationale to anyone... especially those dolts!  After all, this is "The America"...No?



Besides which, sheesh. She moved to Logan, Utah. Public school or not a large percentage of her neighbors, friends and classmates undoubtedly are LDS. Maddie's skepticism re the family line has been clear to anyone with eyes and ears. LDS feels like a relatively safe path for one (or more) of their kids to take. It's not as if she's rejected religion altogether (or, gasp, chosen to be a Presbyterian "shark").

  • Love 2

They don't know what to do or what not to do because they are not really anthropology students.  This whole premise is so far removed from any type of legitimate study that you can't see it with a telescope.

Is it TLC or the Browns that think we are stupid? hmmmm  https://twitter.com/Sense_Appeal/status/564995180923588608  Description on twitter of Sense Appeal:

@Sense_Appeal Dr. Antoinette Izzo: Cultural Anthropologist; sex-positive, poly-positive, kink-positive resource for incorporating intimacy and sexuality into life-betterment Las Vegas, USA

Edited by ginger90
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Is it TLC or the Browns that think we are stupid? hmmmm  https://twitter.com/Sense_Appeal/status/564995180923588608  Description on twitter of Sense Appeal:

@Sense_Appeal Dr. Antoinette Izzo: Cultural Anthropologist; sex-positive, poly-positive, kink-positive resource for incorporating intimacy and sexuality into life-betterment Las Vegas, USA

sex-positive, poly-positive, kink-positive..... sounds like a disease. 

  • Love 8
Going to movies is idiocy if you're short of money. Just admission, popcorn and drinks is about $100 for our boring monogamous family of four so we simply don't do it when money is tight.


Going to the movies in 2015 is a luxury.  It's not like when my dad was a kid when he said he could watch a movie and get popcorn  and a drink for a damn quarter! I'm sorry, but when you're filing bankruptcy left and right then you have no business taking your family to the movies for a bazillion dollars a pop.

  • Love 6
Going to the movies in 2015 is a luxury.  It's not like when my dad was a kid when he said he could watch a movie and get popcorn  and a drink for a damn quarter! I'm sorry, but when you're filing bankruptcy left and right then you have no business taking your family to the movies for a bazillion dollars a pop.


Amen, sister! If anything, Kodouche and company should be rotating shifts at the movie theater, to start paying off some of that debt. 

Is it TLC or the Browns that think we are stupid? hmmmm  https://twitter.com/Sense_Appeal/status/564995180923588608  Description on twitter of Sense Appeal:

@Sense_Appeal Dr. Antoinette Izzo: Cultural Anthropologist; sex-positive, poly-positive, kink-positive resource for incorporating intimacy and sexuality into life-betterment Las Vegas, USA

I'm afraid I might catch something if I simply click that link. ;)

  • Love 7

Well, since an archaeologist studies ancient cultures, unless ole Rich is digging in their backyard for artifacts, what the hell is he doing there?  I can see the Kinky Woman since the Browns certainly fit the Off the Charts Bizarre profile but, just, really?  I didn't think TLC could get any more idiotic.  Guess I was wrong.

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Janelle, Kody and Kody's and Janelle's parents were all at one point mainline LDS. It might be a heart breaking their for them to think that one of their kids is "defecting" from "perfect polygamy" on national TV, but it is a religion they know and like at least 80% have similar values to. She isn't becoming a Buddhist or any other religion they have no cultural grasp of, both her parents were born in to that religion and only converted a young adult (same as Maddie is). And its 100% not surprising given that she was the most outspoken against polygamy since the first season and almost all of her college friends are likely to be LDS. In later years depending on how long the show lasts they might be happy that Maddie "only" converted to LDS and didn't drop out entirely. Logan seems well on his way and Mariah might have gotten a wake up call with her parent's divorce.

Edited by Featherhat
  • Love 1

Going to the movies in 2015 is a luxury. It's not like when my dad was a kid when he said he could watch a movie and get popcorn and a drink for a damn quarter! I'm sorry, but when you're filing bankruptcy left and right then you have no business taking your family to the movies for a bazillion dollars a pop.

Word. I took my son to a matinee Sunday. It cost $45 for the two of us! That was two tickets, a large popcorn, a medium drink and one box of candy. I couldn't imagine taking 20 people.

Going to the movies in 2015 is a luxury.  It's not like when my dad was a kid when he said he could watch a movie and get popcorn  and a drink for a damn quarter! I'm sorry, but when you're filing bankruptcy left and right then you have no business taking your family to the movies for a bazillion dollars a pop.

Janelle was smart enough to know how it would look to the public so she added in "that is why we only do it four times a year". Then Kodys ego was bruised so he had to boast on twitter how they all go to the movies once a month.  Kodys stupidity and ego know no bounds.

Disney is their thing, so I'm sure they enjoy all the animated films that have come out.  Maybe even Kody can sing the songs of Frozen!

I picture Robin on her new legal wedding day singing "Let it Go" to all the sister wives.

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I'm amazed that none of Kody's older children want to worship at the church of his ego. They sure swept that right under the rug, too. Then Logan declared that he's not even religious, and Maddy is joining a church that will most likely push her to see very little of her polygamous parents. And the Brown parents are all La-La Life is Grand. Ummm, okay. The kids all seem to be doing well, but no one except Mariah wants a life like the one they grew up in. I've also noticed very little bond between the kids and their non-biological sister-mother. The kids are close to each other, but they aren't close to the other moms.


I also noticed that Maddy said she had been depressed, and not one of the Brown parents asked her why. That tells me the whole discussion was staged and they had already talked about it.


And Robyn? You're shacking up too, no matter what you want to call it. So shut up.

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Oh, and Shithead, who goes to the movies, gets ready to pay without knowing how many people are in the group?

I’m guessing usually each wife goes and buys tickets for “her” kids out of “her” money, and Robyn buys Kody’s ticket.  Unless it’s Janelle or Christine’s  birthday or something, and then THEY get to buy Kody’s ticket.


I didn't feel bad for Maddie in the "discussion" scene -- it was basically scripted.  Kody hands the producers a scene where the family demonstrates just how completely cool and accepting they are.  Christine and Robyn were straining to act it out.  Janelle was cool because she actually doesn’t care so long as her child is happy and fulfilled.  I don’t even think Kody necessarily minds – like Janelle, he was LDS himself, so he can’t see them as “other” the way Christine does.  I don't know if she's already trapped on his planet or not, so I can't speak to that.   And Maddie wanted to get on record that she’s out of here (and possibly collect an appearance fee as an adult).  Check, check, check – everybody’s happy!  


Add in the fact that the security guard was there, and that probably added to that stress level.



It is stressful.  Christine’s grandfather was taken away by a mall cop.

  • Love 8
And Robyn? You're shacking up too, no matter what you want to call it. So shut up.

PRECISELY. The only difference is in how she CHOOSES to frame her situation as having high spiritual gravitas. How anyone else might choose to honor and revere their extra-legal cohabitation is apparently irrelevant to Queen EyeBoogie.

For heaven sake's people, you have 4 huge homes and treat all your money as disposable. Why not just buy a monster-sized TV with surround sound, a blu-ray, and a netflix account and make a home theater if you want movies so badly. You could probably do that for the cost of taking the whole family to the movies just a couple of times.

And Meri happens to have a few rooms to spare for creating the home theater. Snacks on the wet bar, everybody!

OK, did I really hear that jagaloon, Kody, state something along the lines of "I'm not involved in day to day discipline. I just take care of the big issues"? Well, duh! That's how you do everything else in this family of three single moms, one empty-nester and a punkin pie haircutted sperm donor.

Which is precisely why the kids smirk at his phony, bloviating "discipline": If you don't establish your parental cred in the day-to-day stuff, when the larger problems crop up you are essentially a non-entity.


sex-positive, poly-positive, kink-positive..... sounds like a disease.

...and don't forget herpes-positive. Love ain't the only thing multiplying around there.

  • Love 4

I *heart* Dayton. 


That is all.


           Why does it seem he is more mature and has more common sense than the adults in this crazy rodeo

?   Maybe it's an aspie thing but he does not seem like he is about to go off on a cloud into all their collective magical, hare-brained schemes, so good on him. Maybe they can learn a thing or two from him about being 'reality adept' (as opposed to the tag 'socially inept' that is put on kids with asperger's). 

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Does Aspyn not come to the Sunday Cul-de-sac services? I always thought she was one of the older ones who was cool with their religion/polygamy.

I believe they said that Logan, Aspyn, Mykelti, Maddie, and Mariah were all missing from the church service. Then they said that Logan was hiking and Maddie's becoming a Mormom. Then they flashed to a comment of Logan stating that he's not even religious anymore. The only one who had a valid excuse for not attending was Mariah, who was in Utah.


Also, there was something unorganized about that church service that makes me wonder if they even do it every single Sunday, or if it was another show for the cameras.



But if they stay home, Kody doesn't get his attention fix by walking into a theatre with his entourage of wives and offspring. Look at me!!!! look at me!!!


And if you need that many tickets, why not just buy them off Fandango or something? I doubt that whole family ever goes anywhere all together unless there are cameras rolling. I keep going back to Christine once saying her kids go a whole week without even seeing Kody. And this was after they moved in to the new "compound".

But if they stay home, Kody doesn't get his attention fix by walking into a theatre with his entourage of wives and offspring. Look at me!!!! look at me!!!


That's the crux of it right there. He gets such a thrill out of everyone staring at him. And if he can work the plural "wives" into the conversation, he's just thrilled. Damn, dude, if you like attention that much go join the circus. There might be an opening for a werewolf man. 

  • Love 4

That's the crux of it right there. He gets such a thrill out of everyone staring at him. And if he can work the plural "wives" into the conversation, he's just thrilled. Damn, dude, if you like attention that much go join the circus. There might be an opening for a werewolf man. 

He did join the circus. It's called "reality" tv. 

  • Love 3

I believe they said that Logan, Aspyn, Mykelti, Maddie, and Mariah were all missing from the church service. Then they said that Logan was hiking and Maddie's becoming a Mormom. Then they flashed to a comment of Logan stating that he's not even religious anymore. The only one who had a valid excuse for not attending was Mariah, who was in Utah.


Also, there was something unorganized about that church service that makes me wonder if they even do it every single Sunday, or if it was another show for the cameras.




I dunno, not attending The Church of Kody because you have something you'd rather be doing on your weekend off from studies and classes seems like a pretty valid reason to me, not even an excuse. 

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Well, since Kodoofus seemed to be winging it at the only "church service" we were privy to, I can see where just about anything would be better than spending time with him blathering on about nothing.  I bet the mention of Sunday services are dredged up for the sake of the cameras every few seasons, not something they normally do.


Of course, there was Sobbin and her tearful "stealing my precious gift" lecture that was an eye roller.  Just the thought of a replay of that hot mess would send me running.

  • Love 2

TV wasted on kody staring at the tickets printing out and 10+ min on a kid car squabble, really? Is this just so the kids can have lines and thus also get paid, or are they that desperate for stuff to do on the show that isn't normal adult interactions, which one doesn't get to see much of on this show, there has to constantly be some 'event' or activity happening that takes the focus off the individual relationships, which is kind of weird- maybe they are all good with that because then they don't have to act like all is peachy-keen and get free pizza to boot (or all-you-can-eat steak or movies or whatever). It just seems weird that the focus is usually something external like 'how are we ever going to coordinate getting all these vehicles out of the cul-de-sac, this is crazzzzy!'

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Who was that random (non-Caucasian?) child in the living room with the Browns at the beginning of the episode?

Is it just me or are the show-runners allowing outsiders to be more critical of the Browns this season?  In the past, whenever it looked like folks were about to tear into the Browns' lifestyle, it was typically a bait and switch .... Now we have people actively questioning them on difficult issues.


Minor point, but I think it's telling of the power dynamics in these relationships: Kody mentioned that he "gathered Garrison, Gabriel, and Janelle," NOT "Janelle and I gathered Gabriel and Garrison," to discuss the fight.


If those two so called students had any inkling of what they were doing, they would of been silent and just observing.



As a social scientist, I just want to say that's not accurate.  The purpose of ethnography/participant observation is to integrate yourself within a community.  Sometimes researchers are passive fly-on-the-wall observers but other times they choose to be more active participants, and that's fine too from a methodological standpoint.  I could give you numerous examples of legitimate studies in which the researchers actively participated in the communities being studied.  In fact, I once had a reviewer be critical of my work because he felt I had erred *too* much on the passive side in my approach.  That said, there were multiple issues with what these "anthropologists" were doing, and I do wish someone at some point would have clarified that the purpose of ethnography is NOT to determine whether you, personally, "agree" with a lifestyle or about determining whether it's "good or bad."  I mean, shit, that's one of the first things I tell my freshmen in our methods course.  Social science is not a normative project. 


Meanwhile, my husband and I are going on a Valentine's date tonight.  Maybe I'll feed him off my fork!  Wouldn't that be zany??  What would the waiter think!?  It'll be the craziest prank ever!

Edited by ladle
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Now we have people actively questioning them on difficult issues.


Except they are not answering.  They never have and never will.  


And since neither of these students are as represented, their conclusions mean squat. Apparently TLC assumed we are too stupid to know an anthropologist from an archaeologist.  Sheesh!

  • Love 2

He's so fulla shit his eyes are brown.


Not to mention his name.


Just watched this epi as when it aired I was actually in Las Vegas (and did not run into the Browns, or any of their crappy joolry). My mouth was hanging open when Robyn sneered at those who live together without being legally married, when that is exactly what she is doing. Ugh.


I am glad that I am not the only one who thought that the whole church service conducted by Kodylocks (thanks to the poster upthread for that - priceless!) was for the cameras/fake anthropologists and not a regular occurence. I have always gotten the feeling that religion is just a byproduct of the Browns' poly lifestyle and not in the least the cause.


The fight between the brothers was way overblown. Good grief. If this is the Browns at their worst, they are living a charmed life.


Edited to add:  I didn't watch the All Robyn Episode as I wasn't interested in a Robyn Rehash. Did they actually reveal that Kodylocks divorced Meri and married Robyn? Or is that to come this week. I also had never read the Wife Swap thread, so had no idea this had happened. I didn't think it was possible to have less respect for Kodouche. But I guess it is.

Edited by UsernameFatigue

My mouth was hanging open when Robyn sneered at those who live together without being legally married, when that is exactly what she is doing. Ugh.



Well technically she isn't since Kody doesn't actually live with her. She actually just has a guy who stops by for a booty call when he's in the mood. And we know that's so much more righteous and moral than having a committed relationship with one person whom you live with every day but haven't married. 

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