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S04.E12: Marechaussee

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Nick and Hank investigate a series of murders that lead back to the Wesen Council and a mysterious bounty hunter. Elsewhere, Juliette’s meeting with Henrietta brings about more disturbing news than she was expecting. Meanwhile, Adalind and Viktor make their way back to Portland.



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Oh goodie, nothing can de-hex Juliette.   Well good thing she has this awesome power so she could defeat the scorpion that not even a GRIMM could beat.   Oh and thanks for all the deliberate misunderstandings between Juliette and Nick about his desire to kill one certain hexenbeist not all of them.   Nope, your not-husband hears "hexenbeist" and he just goes beserk and starts killing them all.


Oh and of course, we had to have wangsting Nick because the the scorpion went ot his house.   Not than any NON-wesen criminals ever go after cops.   Nope, all his fault for being a Grimm and endangering poor dear Juliette.


Again, the show is Grimm, not how Juliette showed she is the specialist snowflak that ever specialed.  

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"He missed."  Okay, that was pretty fucking cool.  Henrietta looked pretty worried when her science project boiled over.


Also, props to the special guest star tonight.  No, not Arnold Vosloo, Henry, who is actually Bitsie Tulloch's dog.

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"He missed." Best..line...ever. Juliette as a Hexenbiest could be really bad ass.


I so enjoyed this episode. However, the stupidity of the Council got on my nerves. Really, Nick killed every assassin the Royals sent after him. Your assassin is so stupid he keeps the pictures on his iPad, plus he killed a cop. This is how you keep flying under the radar. That secret society needs to learn how to be a little more discreet.


The previews had me cheering. Get her, Juliette. And throw a punch in for poor Magique.

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I am enjoying Wu in the know much more than I thought I would.  On the flipside, I am disliking Juliette as hexenbiest much more than I thought I would too.  It kind of diminishes her, makes her less special.  She was pretty badass on her own, but that wasn't enough.  Now she needs to be better than the Grimm, more powerful than any other hexeniest, etc. 

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"He missed."  Okay, that was pretty fucking cool.



Henrietta looked pretty worried when her science project boiled over.

Do you think it was molecular acid?



Also, props to the special guest star tonight.  No, not Arnold Vosloo, Henry, who is actually Bitsie Tulloch's dog.

Does Henry get SAG points?


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Well! That was a fun hour!


*Wu being his usual  helpful, groovy self. (Like a poster last week noted, he gave a better crime scene rundown to Nick and Hank.)

* Juliette looks like she's twigging to hexen-powers = not totally bad. (Liked the pepper mill scene! And poor Henryetta's house!)

*Poor Rosalee; Monroe begging to see if he can play with his friends almost as soon as they get in the house. *g*  "That didn't take long" indeed!

*Arnold Vosloo! Still looking mighty handsome. Glad he was on.

*The Wesen Council. Ya'll better just leave Portland alone. Nick's the sheriff in that town, and Sean's backing him. Give it a wide berth and worry about everywhere else. Also, you might want to get faster updates. A certain new hexenbiest may take exception to you causing yet another ruckus in her damn house.

*Viktor. Dude, you are just a well-dressed anarchist. You bring Adalind along, knowing how she is; it's so you can act all "shocked" when something happens, right?

*City Jail officer? Dude, you had one directive. Don't taunt the prisoner if he's crying. It's okay for anyone to cry. See? This is patriarchy hurting men too.

*Oh, look, it's Sean's snake friend. Going by his on-screen scorecard, he will die at Kelly's hand because he will get found before he realizes it. I did like the eyeroll he gave Renard after being told she was a grimm. And the side-eye of Nick as he left. *g*

*Juliette? I know you were pissed, but hon, don't take it out on the patients, huh? Off topic: That was an adorable doggie she was working on!


Next week looks insane, in the good way. If Juliette doesn't tell him after next episode, I may have to walk away. TPTB are running out of runway fast and the plane may crash if they can't get this part of the story up.


eta: I was hoping it was Henry, but I couldn't remember his breed. Very good, doggie.

Edited by Actionmage
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Did that fake fortune teller say the spirit they were calling up was called Fido and then that guy wogued into a...dog? Thought that was pretty funny.

I think Juliette being a hexenbiest is going to be cool and I can't wait until she gets down with Adalind next week. And she took down that giant scorpion thingy.

I think she should tell Nick her secret. He was able to take away Adalinds powers once, he can probably take away Juliette's powers maybe?

The Only thing that bothered me tonight was how unsympathetic Nick and co. Were when the scorpion thingy killed the one cop at the end. They just looked at him laying dead on the floor like something foul they just stepped in.

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"He missed." Best..line...ever. Juliette as a Hexenbiest could be really bad ass.

Definitely a "hell yeah" moment. I think there's a lot of potential here. I suspect that whether it was Adalind's doing or Renard's mother's doing, maybe they didn't get quite the effect they were looking for. Perhaps all that stuff that has been done to Juliette up until now -- the coma, the coma cure, the obsession, the obsession cure -- made things not quite go as planned.


And I don't think it was that Nick couldn't take out the assassin. He was being forced to operate in "cop" mode against a guy who wasn't playing his hand. We don't know what Nick might have done one-on-one in private in Grimm mode, when he didn't have to play nice and didn't have Hank and Wu pulling him off the guy because they weren't sure he was the assassin. We also don't know how the assassin would have fared against Juliette if he'd known what he was up against. She was able to get him while he was still surprised by finding himself up against a jacked up Hexenbiest when he was expecting a feeble human woman.


However, the stupidity of the Council got on my nerves.

At least Santa Wesen (that guy reminds me of The Miracle on 34th Street) and his assistant seem to agree that putting a hit out on Nick was a dumb move.

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And again Juliette says on the phone to Nick, "We need to talk."

...Also, props to the special guest star tonight.  No, not Arnold Vosloo, Henry, who is actually Bitsie Tulloch's dog.

So if she has a dog who can act, why hasn't he been their pet all along? It still bugs me they she's a vet with no pet. Or maybe Henry has terrible stage manners and that's really why he was wearing the cone of shame.
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...And I don't think it was that Nick couldn't take out the assassin. He was being forced to operate in "cop" mode against a guy who wasn't playing his hand. We don't know what Nick might have done one-on-one in private in Grimm mode, when he didn't have to play nice and didn't have Hank and Wu pulling him off the guy because they weren't sure he was the assassin. We also don't know how the assassin would have fared against Juliette if he'd known what he was up against. She was able to get him while he was still surprised by finding himself up against a jacked up Hexenbiest when he was expecting a feeble human woman...


Juliette even said she got lucky. And she did.The element of surprise made all the difference in that encounter, plus a heaping helping of arrogance by the scorpion guy. Juliette's powers seem to get stronger the more intense her emotions get. She was terrified and angry, and she was able to Hexenbiest some extra strength to stab the guy with his own tail, just like she exploded the guy's brain.

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So if she has a dog who can act, why hasn't he been their pet all along? It still bugs me they she's a vet with no pet. Or maybe Henry has terrible stage manners and that's really why he was wearing the cone of shame.



Probably because she doesn't have a dog who can act. 

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It's not a cone of shame; it's a tiara.  At least, that's what I tell the pets at the animal hospital where I work part time.  Wasn't Henry in the first season, too?  Juliette had a patient in her home after office hours - probably a neighbor - I don't remember that part. All I recall is she was fixing up a doggy in her home.


And now that I actually know some vets on a personal level -- yeah, *everybody* that works there has more than one pet. 


The "spirit" was Fadó, not Fido.  LOL.


And here's the wikipedia link to Manticore

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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I think I'm going to like badass Juliette.


I think she should tell Nick her secret. He was able to take away Adalinds powers once, he can probably take away Juliette's powers maybe?

Since it seems she may be the most powerful hexenbiest ever made, it's my guess the Grimm blood trick isn't going to be enough to take away her powers.

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I had to laugh (sarcastically) when Imhotep died of his own venom. All animals that have venom or any kind of toxic agent are immune to their own agent. Of course. Otherwise what happens if a cobra bites its own tongue? :-) Seriously, makes no sense at all.


My nitpick is that Imhotep is named as a Marechaussee, and a Marechaussee is said to care only about money. Basically they are mercenary. Worse yet, the wesen that sent a "Marechaussee" is based in the Netherlands. In real life, Koninklijke Marechaussee of the Netherlands is a gendarmerie force with long and proud history.


Having said that, I like the last conversation of those two at the Wesen Council that they may have opened a front with the Grimm...

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Way too little good use of Imhotep. That guy is too good of an actor for that little bit.

But SWEET PETER on a Popsicle Stick I FINALLY got my Renard/Viktor scene.....I'll be in my bunk

Also, everytime I heard Manticore I wanted Alec McDowell to show up and I would have died a happy happy gal.

Edited by catrox14
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I had to laugh (sarcastically) when Imhotep died of his own venom. All animals that have venom or any kind of toxic agent are immune to their own agent. Of course. Otherwise what happens if a cobra bites its own tongue? :-) Seriously, makes no sense at all.

Maybe it wasn't the venom that killed him, but the big honkin' hole in his chest.

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I totally from the preview last week, that Juliette was going to Hexenbeast all over Arnold Vosloo's ass, but it didn't make it any less awesome.  Now, this is a Juliette I can get behind.  Of course, I still wish she would tell Nick, but it sounds like judging from Henrietta's comments, the show is really going down this "Nick would freak out and try to kill her!" road, which, sorry, I'm not buying it.  Not in the least.  I think Nick's love for Juliette would more then make up for his unfavorable stance on Hexenbeasts.  I'll just wait until they do finally reveal it, which I'm sure will cause plenty of drama.


Welcome back, Monroe and Rosalee.  Not even unpacked, and y'all are already helping the Scooby gang out.


I continue to like how Wu has been inserted in the case of the weeks.  It still is mainly about Nick and Hank, and Wu isn't overshadowing them or taking anyone screen-time away, but it is bringing enough to it, that it feels refreshing compared to the past cases.  I did like how all of his book reading helped him already theorize over potential Wesens who did the killing.


I don't know why, but I was amused that when Arnold Vosloo was sending the pictures, the Wesen Council was actually was the named in the contact list.  I would think you would be more discreet about this, but I guess Arnold isn't about being covert.


Viktor and Adalind are in Portland finally.  May it end with both Juliette and Renard kicking their asses, but I suspect that won't be the case.


The Only thing that bothered me tonight was how unsympathetic Nick and co. Were when the scorpion thingy killed the one cop at the end. They just looked at him laying dead on the floor like something foul they just stepped in.

Good part of me agrees.  Bad part of me was down with the idea that Nick was like "Dude, I told you not to get close to the cell, and you did it anyway.  This is what you get for not listening to your superiors!"

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...Welcome back, Monroe and Rosalee....

I was so relieved to see that they weren't sidelined (more than usual) for another week or two that I clapped my hands like a little girl.


...I continue to like how Wu has been inserted in the case of the weeks....

Yes. Finally back to his snarky self. Please let's not have him get put in a coma or anything.


...Bad part of me was down with the idea that Nick was like "Dude, I told you not to get close to the cell, and you did it anyway.  This is what you get for not listening to your superiors!"

High five, thuggy!
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A little more humor was nice- the Fido thing was great & of course the pepper grinder.

I was really giving Juliette the benefit of the doubt when she didn't tell Nick about her Hexen-problem. Monroe & Rosalee finally got to go on their Honeymoon- I just figured Juliette didn't want to rock the boat right after Wesenrein & I was cool with that. But tonight- she said that she was afraid to tell Nick. Really?!? She actually thinks Nick would hurt her?? Also- what happened to her trust in Rosalee? Where did all this come from? If this turns into some crap storyline where "The person Nick loves the most becomes his worst enemy" I will stop watching. I doubt the writers will go there- but you never know!

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I liked it.

Nice to see the Mummy as the Wesen of the week. The Manticore still remains one of the biggest threats on the show, Nick still hasn't killed one yet. I see the Council on this show is as ineffective as the Council from Buffy. That cop guarding the cell totally deserved to be skewered like that by Imhotep, Nick flat out told him to stay away from the dangerous guy. The crying trick is the oldest trick in the book! Gets them every time! The writers are really trying hard to make Juliette badass though. I hope they don't forget that this show is called GRIMM.

Episodes with Juliette not telling Nick: 4

Edited by icewolf
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First, Juliette is still a vet! I was wondering if her being a Wesen would cause a problem with animals, but I guess not.

Second, how long are they going to keep this a secret? This was the perfect time to tell him, it's so ridiculous to keep acting like NIck is going to go "WHAT???, you are one of the beasts now???? YOU MUST DIE!!!!!" He hasn't tried to kill Rosalie or Monroe or Bud or Renard, why would he suddenly try to kill Juliette?

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Maybe it wasn't the venom that killed him, but the big honkin' hole in his chest.

Plus a side order of hexen-whoop-ass. She's exploded a car engine and a guy's brains. I'm sure when she's as worked up as she was, there was more than her muscle strength  and the manticore's venom taking care of the situation.


Yes. Finally back to his snarky self. Please let's not have him get put in a coma or anything.

Seriously. We've had Juliette in a coma, Nick zombiedead. Don't need Wu to play another sleeping beauty variant. He's much more fun getting his snark on.


Juliette is still a vet! I was wondering if her being a Wesen would cause a problem with animals, but I guess not.

They did start barking and whining in the background when she got upset after Nick's phone call let her know about the manticore. I suspect it's like Monroe with dogs-- if he woges, they smell him or sense him and freak a little. But when he's just being a dude about town, we haven't seen any problems.


I was excited about the scene where Sean sends a cop after Kelly, telling him she's a Grimm. I don't remember seeing that character before. So does it mean Sean is still keeping secrets from Nick and Co, and there are other allies on the cop force that are in the know, and even closer to Sean than Our Heroes? Or did I just forget the character from a previous sighting?


Monroe and Rosalee really should get paid for their consulting work for the Portland PD.


Juliette being afraid to tell Nick is ridiculous and seriously annoying. I don't understand why the people who make this show are so intent on doing out of character stunts like that. It just makes them look like idiot slob hacks.


The hole created by the Juliette blood mixture reminded me of the hole that opened up when she was out of the coma but hadn't remembered anything yet. They should have thrown something down it, to see what happened.


A story about the Council following so closely after one about the Wesenrein seems a little unimaginative, too. Maybe they are trying to draw a parallel, but I dunno. It felt more like recycling than commentary.

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I feel like they probably used up all their special effects budget for the rest of the season on this episode, what with "Fádo" sitting around talking in woged form, lots of Juliette and Henrietta woging, Juliette talking in woged form, random pimp talking in woged form, and that whole scene of course with Juliette defeating the Manticore.  I hope they saved some money for the Biestfight!


I like tough Juliette but totally don't buy that she'd think Nick would automatically just reach for his axe upon hearing that she's now a 'Biest.  Maybe she just thinks that it would cause them to break up, would could be a more realistic fear.


I actually felt kind of sorry for the jail guy that the Manticore killed.  Yeah, Nick ordered him to "keep his distance," but that's not really specific enough instruction for a human who doesn't have any idea what this particular prisoner is capable of.  Surely they have some other Wesen on the force besides just Renard.  There's gotta be some Wesen that could be assigned guard duty for special Wesen prisoners that are extra dangerous.  At least give the job to somebody who knows that "keep your distance" means "stay out of deadly stinger range."

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If Nick and Hank brought a baseline human mass murderer into the jail and away from other prisoners (which is what it seemed they did with Wilder), told the guard officer to not interact with him, but the guard did? That would be on Nick and Hank or the adult who disobeyed a direct, reasonable order from someone of a higher rank? Disobeyed it simply because he heard a man crying in his cell.


Again, I blame sloppy, contrivance-riddled writing because we had to get Wilder the manticore bounty hunter/merc to Juliette. That's why Officer No Name is treated so cavalierly.  Yet, a reasonable request- leave the prisoner alone, don't interact with him- was ignored for the stupidest reason possible. It resulted in death for the officer and barely any on-screen concern from Our Heroes. I would label myself as victim-blaming, but characters have no control over how they are written.

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It makes sense for Juliette to keep her powers, because it gives her a way to protect herself (gun and frying pan won't always work, especially against very dangerous wesen).  But I'd prefer for her to revert to ordinariness again, and to have the writers leave her the hell alone for a while.  Not every case Nick gets needs to "hit close to home!"


Would a Grimm's blood not work because she is a created hexenbiest?  I really wish the writers would address this; they can't have forgotten what happened to Adalind.



Juliette being afraid to tell Nick is ridiculous and seriously annoying.

Yes, and despite what others have told her about how Nick might react, I'm hoping she doesn't actually think that. She's just afraid because she's afraid of her own powers and of everything else that has happened; i.e., it's more denial than actual fear that Nick would try to kill her (nightmare notwithstanding).  That said, I assume she is going to tell him now, because I don't think he'll actually buy that the manticore missed and killed himself by accident.

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I feel like they probably used up all their special effects budget for the rest of the season on this episode, what with "Fádo" sitting around talking in woged form...

I guess. It looked so much like a team mascot that I had trouble not laughing. If they had pronounced it "Fido" I would have really lost it. Heh.

Was this only the second time Juliette has said to Nick, "We have to talk"? And has he been asking her "what's wrong?" very often? Because I wonder if they're heading to a Nick-Juliette scene with: Why didn't you tell me?! including her wogiing and uncontrollably attacking him. Who would get hurt worse?

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A story about the Council following so closely after one about the Wesenrein seems a little unimaginative, too. Maybe they are trying to draw a parallel, but I dunno. It felt more like recycling than commentary.


It actually kind of makes sense.  It was mentioned in "Wesenrein" that despite being officially illegal, there was a lot of support on the Council for the Wesenrein and purity movements in general.  Nick (and friends)  just stomped a Wesenrein tribual into a mudhole.  This is likely pushback from that.

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Juliette seriously needs to tell Nick there is no reason for her to hide it. She knows the only Hexenbeast Nick wants to kill is Adalind who everyone on the show wants to kill.  They also really need to address the grimm blood thing. They could have her try it and it not work.


Anyhow, I liked badass Juliette though I was hoping to see Nick fight the guy. I enjoyed the pepper scene. And I liked that we got to see that Juliette was at work.

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I think they did address the Grimm blood thing when Henrietta basically said there's no undoing it. I get they didn't explicitly say "but what about the way he de-Hexenbiested Ad before?" but I think going too far down that exposition hole would be clunky. Very like this show and its usual clunkiness, but what can I say, if for once they go a less clunk route I'm not going to complain. I don't think they forgot about having established that as previously possible. I thought H's serious-eyed "nope, nuthin'" was meant as, no really, not even any of the many ways she could've thought of undoing it, probably including but not limited to Grimm blood, based on whatever juju was in Juliette's blood, all those options are a no-go. They basically just said "no outs".

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So, did Juliette's blood test go all China Syndrome or did it eventually stop when it reached the Earth's mantle, I wonder?  Glad to see her back at her vet practice and plying her trade, for once.


Juliette's not telling Nick again about her transformation into hexenbiest is really, really, really getting ridiculous at this point.  Stupid writers!!


I was excited about the scene where Sean sends a cop after Kelly, telling him she's a Grimm. I don't remember seeing that character before. So does it mean Sean is still keeping secrets from Nick and Co, and there are other allies on the cop force that are in the know, and even closer to Sean than Our Heroes? Or did I just forget the character from a previous sighting?


Surely they have some other Wesen on the force besides just Renard.  There's gotta be some Wesen that could be assigned guard duty for special Wesen prisoners that are extra dangerous.  At least give the job to somebody who knows that "keep your distance" means "stay out of deadly stinger range."

I've been wondering for some time now if there are other Wesen on the Portland PD force besides the ones we've already seen.  It seems ludicrous that the ranks of the PD would not have a significant percentage of Wesen officers, considering that the general population of Portland itself, it seems, contains an extremely large minority of Wesen citizens--accordingly to Grimm, anyway.


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Are Grimms and Hexenbeist natural enemies now?  This show disregards its own lore too much.  I can't stand that we have another idiot ball plot where Juliette and Nick don't talk about something.  Hey writers, they've been together for years, so why aren't the comfortable enough to talk with each other?


Apparently Juliette is just too powerful and special to be cured by Grimm blood.  Something she concedes to from a woman she met like once over her boyfriend she's been dating for awhile. 


Hopefully we get to hear from Nick's mom sometime soon.  I mean she's been trying to destroy coins that give the person wearing them a ton of influence.  They were so powerful that Hitler used them to start WWII, and she's been doing that since season 1.  Now she is just a glorified babysitter to purple eyed baby Diana...

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Yeah I'm kind of confused as to why Juliette is not telling Nick other than plot contrivance. I kind of hope he already knows in some instinctual way but doesn't care and all the secrecy turns out to be pointless

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I think they did address the Grimm blood thing when Henrietta basically said there's no undoing it.


That doesn't address the issue to my satisfaction. For all we know, Henrietta doesn't know that Grimm blood will take a Hexenbiest's powers away. And we have no idea if Juliette knows exactly how Nick disempowered Adalind in the first place. This is all very annoying because it's sort of playing out like soap opera 101 - lack of communication is at the root of the whole problem.


I admit it was cool as hell to see Juliette go all bad-ass on the Mantacore, but this whole storyline is just another in the myriad offshoots of this show. There are way too many little sub-plots going on and dangling all over the place.


And if Wu hadn't found out about the whole Grimm world a week ago, he would have certainly had it spelled out for him this week when he looked at that guy's iPad and saw a big old picture of Nick with the word "Grimm" underneath it.

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...And if Wu hadn't found out about the whole Grimm world a week ago, he would have certainly had it spelled out for him this week when he looked at that guy's iPad and saw a big old picture of Nick with the word "Grimm" underneath it.

Or it could have been a great one liner: He doesn't look so grim to me, anyway, the perp's a terrible speller.
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Well, that was definitely a fast moving episode and there were a number of things I liked about it:

- I think my prediction about Wu actually being the brains of the group is coming to fruition. He also pretty much made any trip to the magic trailer unnecessary.

- There were definite hints that the Wessen Council is not the agent of good that Rosalee thinks it is. I think we might see more of that in coming episodes.

- Even though they are chest deep in keeping secrets (AGAIN), the writers have been doing more of actually showing Nick and Juliette as a couple, which is something they should have been doing since episode 1.

- Henry!

- The promo for the next episode looks thrilling.

- I'm thinking Henrietta will be a much more malevolent force than anyone expects. She hopped very quickly to the"there's nothing you can do and let me teach you how to be a super hexenbiest" to Juliette.

What I didn't like:

- Rosalee is not growing her bangs out

- Seriously, did the writers just forget about the Blood of a Grimm? This was not some little fact that flitted through one episode--it was a major plot point that they've brought up several times since it actually happened. I have a hard time believing that Juliette doesn't know about it, but we KNOW Renard knows and Henrietta is supposed to be some super-hexen, so she has to know...and no one has even mentioned it, even to prove that it won't work in Juliette's case?

- Juliette was a great kick-ass tonight and I am really, really, really looking forward to the biestfight next week, but I'm pretty sure I'll be done with Juliette has a hexenbiest after that. I think it is just one element too much in this stew of Grimm and, in the long run, it will be a detriment to the show (plus, I really can't believe the writers would pass up a chance for Nick to "save" Juliette once again).

- Hmm, Renard seems to have gotten over his mysterious stigmata pretty quickly. The last episode ended with that in such a climactic way and then it isn't even mentioned this week?

- As much as I'm liking Wu right now, my sense that Hank's days may be numbered is growing. Really, what is Hank's purpose in the Grimmerverse right now? Anything he can do, Wu does better....

Edited by OtterMommy
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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Hexen-Juliette. Even if she isn't a super jacked-up Hexenbiest because of side effects from all the stuff Adalind has done to her over the years and all the stuff done to her to undo what was done to her -- the coma, the coma revival, the memory spell, the obsession, the undoing of the obsession and memory spell -- her current condition is apparently a side effect of what she went through to undo what Adalind did to Nick when Adalind stole Juliette's identity, so in a way, Adalind is responsible, and I like the idea of something that was a victimization turning out to be a strength. In this case, what didn't kill her literally made her stronger. It will be lovely when that backfires all over Adalind in a big way. I like the sense of tables being turned.


I'm still somewhat sympathetic to Juliette not telling Nick because now she's been caught in her own delay. At first, I could see where she'd want to get some facts before talking to him, but now she's delayed enough to make it even harder to tell, and what she was told about his reaction doesn't help matters. If there hadn't been the Monroe crisis and she'd been able to blurt it out when it first happened, it would have been so much easier. Now it gets harder and harder until it will inevitably come out in the worst possible way at the worst possible time.

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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Hexen-Juliette. Even if she isn't a super jacked-up Hexenbiest because of side effects from all the stuff Adalind has done to her over the years and all the stuff done to her to undo what was done to her -- the coma, the coma revival, the memory spell, the obsession, the undoing of the obsession and memory spell -- her current condition is apparently a side effect of what she went through to undo what Adalind did to Nick when Adalind stole Juliette's identity, so in a way, Adalind is responsible, and I like the idea of something that was a victimization turning out to be a strength. In this case, what didn't kill her literally made her stronger. It will be lovely when that backfires all over Adalind in a big way. I like the sense of tables being turned.


I'm still somewhat sympathetic to Juliette not telling Nick because now she's been caught in her own delay. At first, I could see where she'd want to get some facts before talking to him, but now she's delayed enough to make it even harder to tell, and what she was told about his reaction doesn't help matters. If there hadn't been the Monroe crisis and she'd been able to blurt it out when it first happened, it would have been so much easier. Now it gets harder and harder until it will inevitably come out in the worst possible way at the worst possible time.


I fully agree with the first paragraph.  I always figured that Juliette had a deep well of anger and resentment for the shitstorm that magic has rained down in her life.


I agree mostly with the second paragraph.  For my part, I think it boils down to a simple, irrational thought: Telling Nick makes it real.


I figure that Juliette had been nursing a fairly reasonable expectation for her life: When we're ready, Nick and I will get married.  We'll have and raise children, who will have and raise grandchild.  We'll grow old together.


That's shattered now.  Hexenbiests don't seem to age the same way normal humans and Wesen do.  As a super-hexenbiest, Juliette might end up living for hundreds or thousands of years.  When death finds her, Nick could well have been bone dust for millenia.  Given their oppositional nature, can Grimms and hexenbeists even have children?  Will Nick even stay with her given that he'll regularly the horror of her hexen side.  Beyond her relationship with Nick, Juliette can't even count herself as a human being anymore.


Juliette wants to nurse the false hope that this is all temporary, that it will somehow all go away; so she hasn't told Nick, because telling Nick means it's really real.

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I'll join the chorus of it being frustrating they haven't actually said anything about Grimm's blood for taking care of Juliette's new problem.  For me it's an issue of suspension of disbelief.  Not in a suspend my disbelief about how the magic of this world works such that Nick's blood couldn't cure Juliette way, but in a taking me totally out of the show to wonder why if I (and obviously a lot of other people on the internet) can remember how Adalind lost her powers and started the whole mess, why can't the writers?  Are they incompetent, have they truly forgotten, did someone new come on board?  Why wasn't it mentioned?


I totally buy that Juliette can't lose the hexenbeist using Nick's blood, either in general because she is a created beist and not born with the powers, or specifically because the way she was created was when she transformed in Adalind to restore Nick's grimm-ness.  I just don't think it would have been that hard to slip in a couple lines like " Adalind losing her power is what started her whole vendetta in in the first place.  Why can't I lose my power away the same way she lost hers?" Reply: "It won't work, because your powers were created when you restored the Grimm and destroyed Adalind's spell, and so are immune to the blood of a Grimm."  Maybe the showrunners are worried about new viewers not knowing the whole backstory and they hope those of us watching since the 1st season will have just forgotten previous events?


It was good to see Juliette working her actual day job.

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And now that I actually know some vets on a personal level -- yeah, *everybody* that works there has more than one pet. 



Realistically, yes, Juliette should have a pet.  However, realism isn't a huge hallmark on this show.  Let's recall Renard's press conference describing the Wesenrein as a "murder-suicide death cult of, like, hate group bigots and stuff." 


One thing to remember is that animals in a show are a pain in the ass at best.  They have to be trained in every behavior they're supposed to perform and to perform that behavior at exactly the right time during filming.  I don't know who played his "owner" in the scene with Juliette, but that scene worked because Henry was kept calm and petted by his real master, Bitsie and only required to sit quietly.  Doing much else with him would require extra cost to cover a dedicated animal trainer to turn Henry into a working dog.  That all seems like a lot of extra time, money and effort just to cover the "vets have pets" base.


I'd much rather that stuff get spent on more skullnukes, carsplodes and stinger self-stabs.

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Realistically, yes, Juliette should have a pet.  However, realism isn't a huge hallmark on this show.  Let's recall Renard's press conference describing the Wesenrein as a "murder-suicide death cult of, like, hate group bigots and stuff."


Okay, I'm kind of glad that Nick and Juliette don't have a pet--I love animals and, let's face it, no dog or cat is going to survive half the crap that goes on in that house.  I don't really need to deal with dying animals on top of everything else.


Also, Monroe once made a comment about blutbads and house pets not getting along because the former had a tendency to eat the latter.

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Apparently Juliette is just too powerful and special to be cured by Grimm blood.  Something she concedes to from a woman she met like once over her boyfriend she's been dating for awhile.


That's what is so stupid.  She believes this stranger and has yet to tell her longtime boyfriend, and has not gotten the opinion of Rosalee who is pretty handy with them there potions.  Another reality bite:  isn't this the second guy in just a few weeks of their time who has been killed in Nick's house?  Right after Nick was on the scene of offing a bunch of haters in the park?  In my metropolis, that kind of cop gets headlines. 

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That's what is so stupid.  She believes this stranger and has yet to tell her longtime boyfriend, and has not gotten the opinion of Rosalee who is pretty handy with them there potions.  Another reality bite:  isn't this the second guy in just a few weeks of their time who has been killed in Nick's house?  Right after Nick was on the scene of offing a bunch of haters in the park?  In my metropolis, that kind of cop gets headlines. 

Two points:  One, the blood cocktail sizzling its way to the center of the planet is a pretty good indcator that something unusual is going down even by hexenbiest standards.


Two, By her own admission, Rosalee doesn't really know much about hexenbiests.  Meanwhile, Henrietta is a hexenbiest of considerable age, power and knowledge who has been indicated to be the expert on hexenbiests by Sean Renard, who is himself Team Grimm's expert on hexenbiests.  Figure Henrietta really does know what she's talking about.  Of course, she could be lying, but why tell that particular lie?


Consider that lies are told to either gain a reward or avoid a punishment.  Henrietta's statement does neither of those things.  A lie in that situation would be, "Well, there may be something we can do, Juliette, but you'll have to commit yourself to doing exactly what I says at all times and it will probably take some time."  That not what happened.  Instead Henrietta essentially said, "Sorry, Juliette but this is your new normal.  You're going to have to suck it up and learn to control it before you wreak enough havoc to get me burned at the stake along with you."

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Realistically, yes, Juliette should have a pet.  However, realism isn't a huge hallmark on this show.  Let's recall Renard's press conference describing the Wesenrein as a "murder-suicide death cult of, like, hate group bigots and stuff." 


One thing to remember is that animals in a show are a pain in the ass at best.  They have to be trained in every behavior they're supposed to perform and to perform that behavior at exactly the right time during filming.  I don't know who played his "owner" in the scene with Juliette, but that scene worked because Henry was kept calm and petted by his real master, Bitsie and only required to sit quietly.  Doing much else with him would require extra cost to cover a dedicated animal trainer to turn Henry into a working dog.  That all seems like a lot of extra time, money and effort just to cover the "vets have pets" base....

True, but they could have had her own a bird and/or an iguana or turtle.
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