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S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch

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I hate Kim with the fire of a thousand suns.  She's just reveling in being fought over by Kyle and Brandi.  She should never put a coworker over her family that's been there for her for so many years whether she thinks so or not.  Brandi thinks she's been there for Kim more than Kyle?  Bitch, are you crazy?!  Your measly few months in no way outweighs the years of support Kyle has provided for Kim and her children.  I bet Kim's kids won't even engage with Brandi.  That fuckin drunken slut has big delusions of grandeur and needs to have her toxic ass fired off this show.


Lisa Vanderpu........zzzzzzzzzz.....


All of Yolanda's kids look just like her, which let's face it, is a blessing because Mohamed...not that great looking. 

I enjoyed the scene with Eileen at Lisa's house and their little talk. They seem to mesh with each other IMO.


Kim is as nasty as Brandi is!


Lisa V was standing and cheering on Brandi when she went after Adrienne, Kyle, Kyle again and Joyce. Cracking up a storm like she was watching the funniest movie ever when Brandi was coming at Joyce with her racist comments until Brandi turn on her than it wasn't funny anymore. People warned Lisa V about Brandi but she was just the truth cannon than.

Yes, Lisa had to learn the hard way about who Brandi really is at her core, rotten/nasty/bitter/hateful. Funny, 1 of the HW's that warned Lisa about Brandi was Kyle who sided with Brandi last season and is feeling the sting now herself....again. I guess she didn't learn the lesson her first time at bat with Brandi!


What kills me about Brandi is that in just the last episode, she claimed she felt okay about drinking around Kim because she knew Kim was so strong in her sobriety (or something of the sort), but after the shit hit the fan with Kyle, now Brandi talks about how vulnerable Kim is and how only she's been there for her. Brandi knows she is in trouble this season.

Lisa Rinna is fabulous for if nothing else, just putting it all out there. Thank you for simply calling out Brandi & Kim as both suffering from addiction. Ditto for Eileen. And I just don't know if I see Eileen doing a second season. She's just too smart and honestly, unless Y&R and DOOL go off the air, I don't see her needing the show.

Both Lisa R and Eileen have had the benefit of watching the show before joining so they already knew who/what Brandi was all about. Lisa R was on WWHL 2 years ago and said she did not like Brandi then, so she came on the show already prepared.


The only thing that gets me is that Eileen and Lisa R are giving Kim a pass for her ugly behavior and not addressing the fact that Kim is a long time addict, longer than we know about Brandi's addictions. Otherwise it was an excellent blog.


Lisa V and Yolanda used Brandi at first to do their dirty work.  They didn't figure that she was so unpredictable and stupid to turn on them.  Brandi has alienated everyone in the cast except Kim.  Stupid move.  If she doesn't think so, go ask Danielle Staub how alienating an entire cast worked out for her.


Brandi is stunted emotionally, acting like a rebellious teenager.  Her mantra is basically, "you're not the boss of me".  She keeps saying she's an adult, and she can do whatever she pleases.  Except, as an adult, you cannot always do as you please, because as an adult you have responsibilities and obligations that come first before your own wants or needs.  I shudder to think what her children have been exposed to in her many rental homes.


Interesting that both Eileen and Lisa R got the situation more quickly than the veteran cast members.  Brandi needs rehab and/or mental help; Kim is definitely relapsing.  Both are co-dependent, supporting each other's vices; maybe one is the sober one or more sober while the other gets wasted.  I'm sure it's a litany of how badly life has treated them and they commiserate together.


A bit telling that Brandi made no mention of being at the hospital with Kim's children (which Kyle spoke about).  


Add me to the chorus of dumping Brandi, demote Kim to FOH (she can come to visit Kyle or some parties occasionally), and maybe add Denise Richards.


I had to laugh that Yolanda offered Anwar a snack of almonds!  I wonder if she puts Anwar on her diet or is that exclusive to her girls.

I don't think either Lisa V or Yolanda used or directed Brandi to do/say anything, in fact, Brandi said that Lisa never asked her to do/say anything at all. They fell for her "I am a wounded/troubled soul/woman" act that, IMO, Brandi has perfected. At least Lisa learned her lesson, although it was the hard way, she at least learned it. Maybe Yolanda will as well but as of now that remains to be seen. Kyle is facing it this season and Kim will never learn a dam thing!

  • Love 7

Well, Lisa V. has a new dog, I think? That part was suuuuper boring.

But that is a big part of who she really is, she does a lot for rescue groups. I loved it but I like Lisa V and I love animals! LOL



Lisa is her most likable around her dogs (if she can avoid sexualizing them), and I'm glad she was willing to take in Avery - although I don't think Ken would have let the dog come home with him, if there was any doubt.  It is odd that all six of Lisa's original dogs are male.  She really does love their little balls, I guess.   Anyone know what the only non-Pom was of the little dogs?  He was second from the right when they were all lined up.  He looked kind of like a shaggy maltese.  I'm also wondering what happened to the old cocker spaniel, Buki. 


Anwar looks to be a very sweet boy.   He thank Blanca for giving him something, put his dishes in the sink, and then calls goodbye to Blanca as he leaves.  And I'm actually happy to see that Yolanda keeps a tighter yoke on her daughters than I thought.  Checking in with them morning, evening, and a supposed curfew - interesting.



To be fair, Lisa didn't have a problem with Brandi when she was attacking other people (before she turned it on Lisa), either.  In fact, Lisa laughed along to some of Brandi's most vicious behavior, participated in some of the cruelty herself, and defended and protected Brandi right to the end.   Lisa really has no moral superiority here.

Yes, that furbaby is a malt! Some of Lisa's laughing was nervous laughing, she would chastise Brandi face to face as well as in her TH but of course that had zero affect with Brandi. Sadly, Lisa had to learn the hard way. I don't think she likes to give up on "helping" people, even to her own determent.



I adored Lisa V's new dog. You could tell Rumpy needed a playmate. But....dog camp for three months? Who does that? I trained my dog in a couple of weeks to potty outdoors, don't chase the cat, sleep in your cage at night and don't bark at the old man who takes walks in the neighborhood.

Lisa tweeted that they tried home training but that he did not respond, he was a wild pup chewing up things in the house. With so many small dogs, a large excitable pup can be dangerous to the little ones.

  • Love 12

But that is a big part of who she really is, she does a lot for rescue groups. I loved it but I like Lisa V and I love animals! LOL



Yes, that furbaby is a malt! Some of Lisa's laughing was nervous laughing, she would chastise Brandi face to face as well as in her TH but of course that had zero affect with Brandi. Sadly, Lisa had to learn the hard way. I don't think she likes to give up on "helping" people, even to her own determent.



Lisa tweeted that they tried home training but that he did not respond, he was a wild pup chewing up things in the house. With so many small dogs, a large excitable pup can be dangerous to the little ones.


It also sounded as if Rumpy may have been neutered while he was away, as well...Lisa noted that his "package" was missing a couple of things, LOL!!!  ;-)

  • Love 1

This was a very good episode. It's just amazing how Brandi is in her talking head talking about everyone (well, Eileen) should loosen up.  Honey, you're a middle aged women.  Time to grow up.  Why should Eileen have to remove her children from the house because you think you're still in middle school.  Not only with your language but with your choice of clothing to go to back to school night at Lisa's fundraiser.    Speaking of which, I enjoyed that segment.  .  


I wonder how much Yolanda had to bribe (or threaten) her son to appear in a scene.  He seems like a nice kid but didn't want to be there.  We get it Yo.  You love your kids.  Stop trying to prove it.


I'm glad Rumpy or Pumpy found a a partner but please, Lisa, enough with the reference to him being neutered.   God, that whole scene seemed so forced.


The scene with Brandi and Gennifer...she was trying to reason with Brandi.  I give her credit.  Unfortunately, Brandi wouldn't let her talk.


I think Eileen and Lisa R. were shell shocked after poker night.  You could see (at least I could) that all they were thinking was WTF was that. 


The best part of the episode was the preview of next week's episode when Kyle says to Kim, "FU".  Yay! 

  • Love 5

Every time I see Brandi, I know why Eddie cheated on her. Could you imagine taking her to a business dinner?


She's a constant embarrassment with truly horrible social skills.  And every time she starts that ear-shattering whiny screeching (which is whenever she gets drunk or feels offended, both of which happen all the time), my heart goes out to Eddie.  I honestly don't know how he put up with that.  No matter how attractive, sexy, or whatever else he thought she was, that would have sent me headed for the door as fast as I could get there.

  • Love 5

Someone needs to tell me that this episode and WWHL sucked, because I'm on a Bravo-less business trip, I'm reading all this "Eileen rocks" stuff, and it doesn't seem fair that I cannot partake. It makes me want to claim victimhood Brandi-style and swear at people indiscriminately for the next 7-10 years of my life (minimum).

You can download a Bravo app to your phone and watch the channel in real time. Full eps of both BH and WWHL are also available. (No Atl.)

  • Love 2

Did anyone hear Yolanda tell Brandi that she's on probation?  Is this real, or something Yolanda imagined?




Lisa R continues to crack me up. I had no idea what a top and bottom party was either!


I am neither male nor gay, but I thought I knew what she meant.  I live a very vanilla life, but read some great erotic fiction.  Top and bottom are terms in BDSM.  Also, when men have sex, the giver is the top and the receiver is the bottom.  I just can't believe that any of this would be talked about by prudish Kyle.

  • Love 4

She's a constant embarrassment with truly horrible social skills.  And every time she starts that ear-shattering whiny screeching (which is whenever she gets drunk or feels offended, both of which happen all the time), my heart goes out to Eddie.  I honestly don't know how he put up with that.  No matter how attractive, sexy, or whatever else he thought she was, that would have sent me headed for the door as fast as I could get there.

IMO, just mine, Eddie is attracted to crazy! He traded in 1 nut job for another nut job but she at least has some talent and money.


Brandi has been spending the night tweeting adopt not shop photos of her 'rescues' in response to Lisa's three minute dog bit tonight.  Brandi who keeps her 'rescues' in cages and has failed to housebreak them.

Not to mention the fact that she is always going off about "Buddy" on twitter. Swearing about him and calling him nasty names, to the point she has said that she "hates" him!

  • Love 3

Brandi has been spending the night tweeting adopt not shop photos of her 'rescues' in response to Lisa's three minute dog bit tonight.  Brandi who keeps her 'rescues' in cages and has failed to housebreak them.

Or, as in last season, try their hardest to escape, run away and hide from her, preferably in a home where they will be loved and taken care of....

  • Love 2

Did anyone hear Yolanda tell Brandi that she's on probation?  Is this real, or something Yolanda imagined?





I am neither male nor gay, but I thought I knew what she meant.  I live a very vanilla life, but read some great erotic fiction.  Top and bottom are terms in BDSM.  Also, when men have sex, the giver is the top and the receiver is the bottom.  I just can't believe that any of this would be talked about by prudish Kyle.

Yolanda said Brandi was on probation at her dinner party as well! Hmmmm, did Yolanda do that in response to Brandi's comment about Joanna/Mohamed? LOL

Yolanda said Brandi was on probation at her dinner party as well! Hmmmm, did Yolanda do that in response to Brandi's comment about Joanna/Mohamed? LOL


Did anyone hear Yolanda tell Brandi that she's on probation?  Is this real, or something Yolanda imagined?


Maybe Yolanda also has "friend contracts"???  It wouldn't surprise me, LOL!!!   :-)

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 4

The scene with Brandi and Gennifer...she was trying to reason with Brandi. I give her credit. Unfortunately, Brandi wouldn't let her talk.

I feel a little bad for Jennifer, because of course that visit wasn't random (hello, make-up!). I bet anything the producers set that scene up for her to finally address the topic of addiction/sobriety in a way that touches on her background - either by addressing Brandi's drinking (doubtful), or issues relating to Kim's addiction, Kyle's co-dependency, and Brandi's enabling (more likely). But Brandi, like a true alcoholic, knew what was coming and figured out how to disable the talk. Ironically, it ended up looking like a scene of Jen enabling Brandi's behavior - probably the opposite of what she wanted to represent.

  • Love 7

I'm from such a broken home that even the shoemaker's elves couldn't fix it. I had step & half sisters and brothers. So I want to know, is it a rule never to get between sisters, as all the ladies claim? That just seem so cliché to me. (plus it sounds like an Irving Berlin song)

I think they simplified, but it's a pretty common thing to not be an outsider trying to get involved in family business.

  • Love 1

I never liked Yolanda from Day One, and it seems that every episode gives me more reason.


She is much too much of a helicopter parent, especially after all her talk about letting them fly on their own and make their own decisions.  I have always had a great relationship with my mom, but I would have been horrified if she had hovered so much when I went away to college.  They have to check in with her every day?  And why do they have curfews?  They're adults and not living under her roof.  If she felt they were responsible enough to move to the other side of the country, then she should let them live their lives.  I don't mean bow out completely, but give them some space!  And does she not realize that when they text her each night to say they're safely home in bed that they could be texting from anywhere?  Including a bar, a wild party, or someone else's bed?


The scene with Anwar was very telling.  She never knew that he has to leave early for games because they warm up first?  Why was that news to her?  She seemed so disconnected from his life.  Does she go to the games?  Does she support him the way she supports her girls?  She said something about not being too happy with his chosen sport, so maybe he needs to go into modeling in order to get her approval and attention.  And the whole, "He had to be the man of the house at age 11" is ridiculous.  I was the single mother of two sons, and neither of them ever were made to feel they needed to be man of the house.  I was head of our household, they were kids, and it worked out just fine.


I wish Yolanda would stop filming these "I love my kids, I'm such a good, involved mother" scenes.  They're boring, stupid, and way too self-promotional for me.

  • Love 21

IMO, just mine, Eddie is attracted to crazy! He traded in 1 nut job for another nut job but she at least has some talent and money.



Yes, but he also traded in someone with an unbearable-to-listen-to voice for someone with a very nice voice!   Voices are a very big deal to me, which is probably one of the reasons I didn't like Brandi from the moment I first saw her.


I would take his current nut job over the one he traded in.  Brandi is borderline (maybe not-so-borderline) dangerous, and I would so much rather see their kids with Eddie & LeAnn than with Brandi.  Brandi, IMO, is a whole other kind of crazy.

  • Love 6

Watching this episode for the 2nd time. How funny is Kim's slurry "Where's my pizza?"


And Brandi says, "I threw it on the ground", followed by a shot of it lying there face-down.


Who goes to someone's house as an invited guest, throws pizza on the ground, and leaves it there?  What a pig she is!   No common decency at all, even enough to pick up something that is now garbage and throw it in the trash.  That's what a 3 y.o. does after a tantrum, with no thought to the fact that someone is going to have to pick it up.  I would have been scrambling to not only pick it up, but also to clean up any remnants while apologizing profusely to Eileen.  But then again, Brandi & I do not think alike. 

  • Love 18

I mostly liked Yolanda tonight, but I really hated the whole "man of the house" BS.  When my dad died, I was still in high school, and it was just me and my mom.  It's a wonder we survived since we didn't have a fucking male in the house.  I imagine that Anwar was the "man of the house" at the age of eleven, the same way that Yolanda had sole responsibility for her mom, brother, and herself, at the age of seven.

  • Love 18

And does she not realize that when they text her each night to say they're safely home in bed that they could be texting from anywhere?  Including a bar, a wild party, or someone else's bed?



Knowing Yolanda she probably makes them skype to show her that they are at their home and in bed.  Of course, that's not going to keep them from leaving once they check in with her so I agree that the whole thing is futile. 

  • Love 2

I feel a little bad for Jennifer, because of course that visit wasn't random (hello, make-up!). I bet anything the producers set that scene up for her to finally address the topic of addiction/sobriety in a way that touches on her background - either by addressing Brandi's drinking (doubtful), or issues relating to Kim's addiction, Kyle's co-dependency, and Brandi's enabling (more likely). But Brandi, like a true alcoholic, knew what was coming and figured out how to disable the talk. Ironically, it ended up looking like a scene of Jen enabling Brandi's behavior - probably the opposite of what she wanted to represent.


I thought the same thing.  She said that family members become "tired of it", but it's much more than that and I'm pretty sure she said so, but it was edited out.  And if not, then she is an enabler.  Family members are often advised not to "help", but rather to step back because the actions of the addict are not their responsibility.  Kyle has been thru decades of ups & downs, being lied to, not trusting, not knowing what to believe, getting hopes up , being let down, etc.  Emotions are so complicated because this is her sister and every instinct she has to reach out and help is pretty much the opposite of what she should be doing.  So it's endless conflict, heartache, worry, and helplessness.  For decades.  Not the five minutes that Brandi has been around. 


Brandi is ridiculous to think she can even begin to imagine what Kim's family (her kids, Kyle, etc) have been thru and she has no idea who has been supportive and to what degree.   Comparing her level of caring to Kyle's (and to Kim's children) is laughable.  Why can't she just be a good friend to Kim without turning it into a competition?  Everything is a contest with her that she's determined to win.  And she's not happy just winning - Everything she says and does is designed to make herself look good while making someone else look bad.  She's incredibly immature and insecure, and it's just not entertaining to watch her make a fool of herself on national television.


Does she seriously not see that pretty much all the crap that escalates is her own doing?

  • Love 13

I hate Kim with the fire of a thousand suns.  She's just reveling in being fought over by Kyle and Brandi.  She should never put a coworker over her family that's been there for her for so many years whether she thinks so or not.  Brandi thinks she's been there for Kim more than Kyle?  Bitch, are you crazy?!  Your measly few months in no way outweighs the years of support Kyle has provided for Kim and her children.  I bet Kim's kids won't even engage with Brandi.  That fuckin drunken slut has big delusions of grandeur and needs to have her toxic ass fired off this show.


Lisa Vanderpu........zzzzzzzzzz.....


All of Yolanda's kids look just like her, which let's face it, is a blessing because Mohamed...not that great looking. 


Actually I think Mohamed has a more interesting face than Yo. Both the girls have his eye shape. Gigi has her mother's blue eyes and the other girl who's name escapes me (Bella?) has her father's eye color, green (I'm a sucker for green eyes). Yo is just another blond Kewpie face and the Kids all have a good blend of the two.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 9

I really hope next week's preview with Lisa and Max is misleading.  I've made my opinion very clear on this adoption topic, and Lisa has absolutely no right to keep info on his biological parents from him - he's an adult.  She doesn't even want to tell him his original name.  In my mom's heart of hearts, she never wanted to tell me I was adopted, and really wanted me to know nothing about my bio family.  But she knew how wrong that was,  did the right thing, and I had my adoption papers prior to my eighteenth birthday.  If Lisa is insecure on this topic, she needs to re-examine their relationship.

Actually I think Mohamed has a more interesting face than Yo. Both the girls have his eye shape. Gigi has her mother's blue eyes and the other girl who's name escapes me (Bella?) has her father's eye color, green (I'm a sucker for green eyes). Yo is just another blond Kewpie face and the Kids all have a good blend of the two.


I agree.  I think Anwar look just like Mohamed facially.

  • Love 8

Violence is never the answer, but I just want someone to deck Brandi.  I feel like not a lot happened aside from everyone hating on Brandi, which she deserved.  I can't wait to see Kyle flip the double bird next week.



When Kyle said Kim was at Cedars-Sinai, I just nodded. Yep, home to Tori Spelling, and countless others who check themselves in and as long as they can afford it, the hospital will cater to them. I'm not knocking the hospital, but it seems to be the one they all go to when they want to hook up to an IV and relax.



Cedars-Sinai: the place to go to treat exhaustion and other euphemisms ailments.


Cedars is one of the top rated hospitals in the nation.  If you're in LA and you can afford it/they take your insurance and you don't live extremely far away, you're going to go to either Cedars or UCLA.  They do have some fancy amenities like super fucking nice labor and delivery suites, but part of their clientele is rich and expects it.  The standard of care is very high and the doctors, nurses, and staff at Cedars continuously win awards.  However, in my experience, their ER closes very early unless you are Britney Spears.


Someone needs to tell me that this episode and WWHL sucked, because I'm on a Bravo-less business trip, I'm reading all this "Eileen rocks" stuff, and it doesn't seem fair that I cannot partake.  It makes me want to claim victimhood Brandi-style and swear at people indiscriminately for the next 7-10 years of my life (minimum). 


You can watch online on the Bravo site.


I adored Lisa V's new dog. You could tell Rumpy needed a playmate. But....dog camp for three months? Who does that? I trained my dog in a couple of weeks to potty outdoors, don't chase the cat, sleep in your cage at night and don't bark at the old man who takes walks in the neighborhood.

Some dogs are easy to train at home and some aren't.  Some are easy to train in general but have other issues that need to be addressed by a professional and sometimes "bad dog boot camp" is the most effective way to do that.  However, 3 months is a really long time.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 4

OK, I"m officially confused.  All this time, I thought Demi Moore's first name was pronounced dehMEE (accent on the 2nd syllable), not DEHmi, but that's not what Yo's kid said when talking about going to the gallery withe DEHmi and Talullah.  (Andy's got to looove that casual name dropping.  It's so in synch with his Diaries book!)


How did I miss the blini comment?  Good gods, how could anyone insult blinis?  That's like insulting free money in my book!  \


At the end of the episode, I'm just sad.  I'm nearly the same age as Brandi, and I don't have 2 best sellers, a pod cast, and 2 reality shows.  I guess I'm not ambitious enough.  ;)


ETA: I'm being sarcastic, yet a tad bitter, about Brandi.  I think she is an uneducated (by choice) pile of meanness and hate.  I still want the book deal.  I have no time for her behavior in this episode.

Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 2

eDid Brandi really tell Eileen her house was American Gothic? I really doubt Brandi knows about the painting or the style. I thought Brandi conflated Psycho and American Psycho. Totally different.

I kept trying to figure out what Brandi meant since I knew she was wrong about comparing Eileen's home to American Psycho since the apartment in that movie is modern style. Thanks for that, it was driving me batty trying to figure that out.

  • Love 1




At the end of the episode, I'm just sad.  I'm nearly the same age as Brandi, and I don't have 2 best sellers, a pod cast, and 2 reality shows.  I guess I'm not ambitious enough.  ;)




The book thing makes me crazy.  I know several very talented, intelligent writers who have been trying for years & years to have books published.  One is a successful author of children's books that have sold well.  The others spend every single day writing, rewriting, and working really hard on a craft that they love.  And stupid Brandi breezes in with her asinine, trashy books and ends up with two best-sellers.  No one, IMO, is less deserving of that kind of success.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 14

I really wish WWHL wasn't pre-taped tonight, because I would have loved some actual discussion about everything going on with Brandi and Kim. I got the impression Eileen thought being on the show was an interesting experiment but has no real interest in returning next season.


And Vince behind the garage window was my favorite part of the episode. It looked like the safest place to watch everything play out!

  • Love 3

PS Brandi, your friend Jennifer is the addiction specialist. Kim is better off in her hands.Bu t I see you minimized Kim's behavior and shifted the discussion to her many problems. Obviously, you were not looking for accurate advice on how to handle Kim. And you quickly drove the discussion off the rails when Jennifer began to talk about understanding what Kyle has been through. Just like you deflected with Yolanda when she was talking about your personal inebriation, and you again went on a rant about everything Kim is dealing with and how that is the real issue. Keep it up, make sure you are the hot button, know-it-all center of attention.


I love it that Brandi was getting the lecture train. Maybe someday she will wake up and realize it's not everyone else who has the problem.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 7

Regarding Brandi's appearance... anyone I've known who was an addict or an alcoholic, their personal appearance was the last thing on their mind. Hair, clothes, makeup all took a back seat. They'd rather spend an hour knocking back a few drinks than taking a shower and dressing nicely. I had someone working for me once and I knew they were developing a problem due to the lateness, the lack of hygiene, the general appearance. Brandi is no different.

All those signs could be caused by depression or other mental health issues. I think it's wrong to assume people are drug addicts. Your coworker could have been going through a rough time.
  • Love 8

Given that Brandi is still fixated on the Mauricio cheating rumors, I'm more inclined to think she made up the whole tabloids thing or seriously inflated the story.


Yeah, Brandi, let's hear it again about how LisaV wanted to drag along YOUR tabloids to PR. And, of course, you are so honorable that you would never stoop so low as to get in someone's face about her husband's fidelity.


I can't believe I used to like this girl.

  • Love 7

And Vince behind the garage window was my favorite part of the episode. It looked like the safest place to watch everything play out!



I bet the phrase, "CAT FIGHT!!!" was going through his mind.  lol


Brandi is ridiculous to think she can even begin to imagine what Kim's family (her kids, Kyle, etc) have been thru and she has no idea who has been supportive and to what degree.   Comparing her level of caring to Kyle's (and to Kim's children) is laughable.



It's pretty obvious to me that Brandi has no sense of family whatsoever.  She said she's not close to her sister and has talked bad about her father many times and mentioned that they aren't speaking.  She doesn't know how the close family dynamic works and that in the end outsiders usually aren't welcome when it comes to family matters unless that help is warranted due to some kind of abuse to someone in that family and even then it's not usually welcome but necessary.  At the end of the day, Kim's family members are the ones who have to pick up the pieces when she fucks up.  I wonder how much Brandi would be there if Kim started asking to borrow money from her, or if Kim's dog bit one of her children, or if Kim was to lose her income and began to steal from Brandi to feed her addiction, would Brandi still be her good friend then?  And finally, if Kim (Heaven forbid) dies, is Brandi prepared to pay for her funeral expenses and step in as a surrogate mother to her kids?  I highly doubt it.  Would Kyle do all of those things?  Absolutely, and has probably been doing some of them already.  Brandi needs to fuck off and try to mend her own screwed up family. 

Edited by swankie
  • Love 22

Brandi's posturing when she was arguing with Kyle was so ridiculously over the top. When she talks about going ghetto and tells Kyle that Kyle's been there for Kim "zero" it's like she's trying to do her version of hood or something. How can she not see how obnoxious she is. Does she think it's a coincidence that everyone on this show save addled Kim has a legitimate problem with her?

The "hire a fucking nanny" comment from Brandi shows how clueless and trashy she is when she can't even conceive of having fun at a party where she isn't being drunk, loud, and overall inappropriate. It isn't Brandi's fault if any kid happened to be disturbed by her antics because it was up to the host to know that children should be sent away if Brandi is coming over to a party. As with Kim, things are never Brandi's fault. Other people just don't understand, they don'tget her or they're mean. She's the last person who should be assisting Kim in any way with her sobriety.

I loved LisaR making sure that she wouldn't have to ride back with Kim. "Yeah, you two go together and I'll go with Kyle." She didn't want any part of of a ride back with Kim or Brandi.. She also gets points for straight up calling Brandi a drunk who needs rehab.

I'm glad we got the scene of Eileen and Lisa. I wanted them to get along and I liked seeing Eileen get the tour. I can't remember how Andy phrased the question exactly but when he was asking Eileen about the housewife she liked most or something along those lines, she chose Lisa . I was surprised because I'd mentioned that I thought they'd had a chilly start but she was full of praise so it'll be interesting to see that relationship develop in terms of group scenes with the other women.

As for the previews, good for Kyle. No surprises that Brandi would go for the low blow about Mauricio.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 10

Re: Kyle's "I've given Brandi so many chances" intro to the final scene, as well as the commiseration with Lisa over supper in general- girl, let's get real. Last year, Brandi was the cast's resident paragon of credibility when the situation presented an opportunity to exact revenge on Lisa (despite, you know, Carlton expressly contradicting Brandi's account and Yolanda offering really weak support). Just like Lisa opted to overlook the massive, semi-truck-sized holes of logic in Brandi's "poor me" accusations against Adrienne because it was convenient. Both of these women could and should have seen Brandi's fabulism from jump; the only difference for me is that Kyle had even less reason to entertain Brandi with any credulity since she herself admits she was never close to her and she had not one but two examples of Brandi's trigger-happy

I don't think that what happened last season was that Kyle had sudden blind trust in Brandi. I honestly think that had more to do with coming off season three with Lisa making her comments about Mauricio pretty much being a user as well as Lisa's early season four behavior.

Since Kyle was on the receiving end of her (once good) friend's frenemy jabs (one of which included the pile on at Carlton's plus the Dream Team nonsense at Yolanda's), it makes sense to me that she would wonder if Lisa had, in fact, plotted to have some tabloid confrontation on camera, too.

Brandi just happened to be the messenger there, but it seems that Kyle was more focused on the ways in which Lisa had acted toward her from reunion taping until the tabloid drama.

  • Love 12

I love Eileen more every episode.  She had way too many good lines tonight, but my favorite of all was to Brandi: "Oh, shut up.  How about a little Neosporin?  Get a grip."   LOVE.


If Eileen didn't already have my complete love and devotion this line would have solidified it.  Her ability to not fall prey to the bullshit is one of the big reasons why I think she's too good for this show.

  • Love 17

So it seems it's "I can fight dirty with her, but you better not!" It's certainly complicated. Perhaps I was better off seeing family once a year, after all. I did like the preview when Kyle basically said, "I'm done!" My favorite part is still Eileen's husband whack-a-mole rendition in the garage window.

"Blood is thicker than water" as the saying goes!  I have 2 sisters very close in age.  We may have fought when we were young, but if anyone said or did something mean or nasty to one of us, we'd have each other's back.  It is complicated.


I actually thought that was fine - her girls are only 18 and 19 years old.  She should be keeping tabs on them....but, then, I wonder if she keeps tabs on Gigi when she on location, or partying with rock stars......

Haha well according to OK and STAR magazines (which I read for free at the library), there have been pictures of Belle "leaving parties" etc. in the hands of Miley Cyrus!  Gigi was just somewhere (Dubai?) with 5 or 6 other young 20s getting paid to party - yes I read it in STAR! or was it OK magazine.

  • Love 3

Lisa and Brandi had a friendship, of convenience but friendship nonetheless, Lisa and Brandi were two peas on a pod, Lisa IMO was the mastermind and Brandi was the executor, they talked for hours on the phone everyday and according to Brandi she got tired of discussing the other castmates way too long. Lisa and Ken were both very fond of Brandi, they did plenty of activities during the off season and Lisa by her own accounts took her under her wing. The disturbing images of Lisa condoning and defending Brandi's behavior when she revealed the surrogacy, when she lied about the lawsuit, the way she laughed when Brandi was being such an asshole to Joyce and her husband forever changed my opinipon of her.


Yolanda and Brandi are friends but IMO they are not as close as Lisa was, Yolanda can't entertain Brandi for hours on the phone and she is always out of the country so their friendship to me looks more like a shallow friendship were Brandi has played Yolanda to a T by doing what she does best, playing the victim, the victim of the other jealous women with more money than her (Lisa or Adrienne) and poor Brandi damsel in distress needed a champion and Yolanda loves that roles, beyond that I don't see too much, Brandi would love for it to be a closer friendship but I just don't think Yolanda has the time or energy and never had.


Kyle and Brandi were never friends, they were mending fences and trying to get along, that is what dumb Kyle thought anyway, after so much love declarations from Lisa about how Brandi is misunderstood and how much of a true cannon she really was, after realizing that they will be filming together for the foreseable future IMO Kyle decided that it was better to bury the hatched and sort of keep your enemies closer type of deal, were they calling each other on the phone for hours? NO, Brandi would have had great joy in saying so, did the yhave some gigs together during off season? YES, mainly acting gigs or cameo appereances during different shows, was Brandi invited to Kyle's house during the off season? NO, at least I never heard about it. I don't blame Kyle for believing Brandi about the magazines anyway. Up to that point Lisa made her mission during the first 5 episodes of last season to mention Mauricio's cheating rumors like clockwork, Lisa had an obvious agenda so when Brandi revealed the issue of the magazines, Lisa's behavior towards Kyle made it believable. The fact that Brandi boldly mentions that production was there and they confirm to Kyle about the magazines probably is what gave credence to Brandi's allegations.

  • Love 16

Regarding Brandi's appearance... anyone I've known who was an addict or an alcoholic, their personal appearance was the last thing on their mind. Hair, clothes, makeup all took a back seat. They'd rather spend an hour knocking back a few drinks than taking a shower and dressing nicely. I had someone working for me once and I knew they were developing a problem due to the lateness, the lack of hygiene, the general appearance. Brandi is no different.

Absolutely! I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.  Brandi was a STUNNER just a few years ago.  Like, gorgeous!  And I thought maybe she was just over-doing the fillers (she looks better on apprentice - I don't know what the time line is - except for the reality TV fuchsia mouth ) but I think it probably is alcohol and PILLS.  The latter can do an unexpected number on your looks.  She's holding weight in weird places, which is a classic sign of some kind of medication over-use/abuse.  Seeing the difference in appearance from an earlier episode (dinner fight with Kyle) was shocking.  

  • Love 3

Back away, Brandi! You are too controlling, too crazy, and you need to stop inserting yourself and your completely erroneous opinions. Just shut up! You're not Kim's savior. You're just a toxic person who needs to get yourself straight before you start working on someone else. Never mind. Get straight, then just go away.


Regarding the so called friendship between Kyle and Brandi, IMO Kyle just just trying to keep the peace and move on, Brandi was playing her usual game, she was collecting information, Kyle probably wasn't giving too much of it so she decided to go for Kim, Kim probably when she is on "something" gets loose lips and spills about everything, that probably was heaven for Brandi. Still keeping friendly with Kyle but actively accumulation information about her that she can later use. Brandi hasn't clicked with the new ladies, Yolanda obviously is everywhere but in BH so that left only the Richards' sisters. Brandi is her drunk mind figured that she could use all the antagonistic information obtained from Kim against Kyle and sbetter yet, she could do it while looking like the great friend and upstanding lady who protects the underdog. In Brandi's mind this was a win-win situation, how could she loose?


Lisa was loved and Kyle is hated by most viewers , Brandi figured that she would protect Kim and make it look like Kyle is picking on her sister again, viewers would love Brandi again for being such a good friend. Throw a little bit of information about how she has cared for Kim for the last six months (now it has grown to a year) and there you go. Brandi is good and Kyle is bad.


Maybe if Brandi wasn't such a slushy drunken mess her strategy could have worked, maybe if Brandi would have used her experiences from last season to reflect on her awful behavior when she is drunk, it would look more organic, but as it stands right now her strategy has backfired big time, overwhelmingly the viewers' opinion is that Brandi has her own alcohol problem and should take care of her own issues before trying to medle into the Richard sister's issues. Brandi is probably convinced that at the end of the season everybody will see how a wonderful friend she is. Looking at the events of next week episode I beg to differ, Brandi is on a sinking ship.


Brandi has followed her ill conceived strategy, she might be a drunk mess but this doesn't negate the fact that during RHBH she has always played teams and strategized to get on the show, to secure her position, to stay relevant, to have a story line, this time Brandi miscalculated and she just can't believe it . Kim is just collateral damage, Brandi wouldn't know what a true friendship is if it would hit her in the face, neither would Kim.

  • Love 11

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