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S04.E01: Joint Session

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The full trailer for season 4 is out today:




The thing that stood out to me is that when Selina is giving the joint address to Congress at around 0:13, her old pal Senator Doyle is sitting in a presiding position above her. Doesn't that suggest that he's the new president of the Senate -- that is, the new veep?

Edited by Dev F
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FYI - the episode title has been released! It's "Joint Session."


Episode description:

Selina makes her first major speech as president to Congress, but her staff struggles to make sense of her message. Meanwhile, Gary worries about his limited access to Selina; Jonah is wary of the new vice president's chief of staff; and Amy has a meeting with ruthless political operative Bill Ericsson.
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What's more Selina then letting herself get mired in a back-and-forth with a five year old child over whether she's the president? LOL She can't even pull off a softball photo op without the claws coming out.


This show is all about watching Selina go off the rails and then try to rein it back in.


Didn't last season end with her being the president, but having to run for president at the same time? Was that resolved, or is she still running for the office she already holds? ;-)

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Oh, dear, dear, Selina: You should have known better than keep the incompetent fools you surrounded yourself with when you were Vice President.  You didn't just shoot yourself in both feet - you cut them off.


Of course, VP Andrew (not ex-husband Andrew) and Sen. Furlong will try to be thorns in Selina's side.  Too bad they selected Jonah to be their underling.


Richard the Poor Gary Substitute is still around.  Why? I don't know.

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I was a little disappointed in this episode but I will chalk it up to being the season opener. My only real laugh out loud moments were Jonah, Gary and the school book depository and of course anything that Furlong says. And nobody does awkward pauses like JLD.

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It was a little jarring to see the different set and those couple of new people, and I'm still not sure where the show is time-wise, but I still think I just experienced the funniest 29 minutes of my life.  Sorry about the extra page.

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"That was a cock-cock!"


I'm pretty sure the submarine would have been a viable work around. Cut its budget by 10% and reassign the direction of that contract, but naturally this staff completely implodes on herself.


I do enjoy how when the show throws Selina into the fray she show's herself to be a good politician, her weakness has been convincing herself that she needs this group of half-wits to do her thinking for her. Which leads me to my other favorite line of the night. "My whole career is flashing before my eyes. It's fantastic!"

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Every major defense program has spending and jobs spread around multiple districts, so having a bunch of folks who've been in Washington longer than five minutes fall for that was a bit of a stretch. The way it played out was fine, and the ending with Selina unspeakably pissed at every single one of them was satisfying. 

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Does anyone know if Veep borrowed the Oval Office set from House Of Cards? Both productions film close to each other (I believe), so it would make sense.


I am still pacing myself through S3 of House of Cards, so I can not help comparing Selina Meyer and Frank Underwood and their surroundings. Imagine what would happen if they replaced each other.

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I'm squeeing with joy. Loved every moment. Richard is hilarious. Patton Oswalt is hilariously short. Future Whatever.

There are literally no words.

Potus calls me Mike!

That's your name.

Am I talking? It's hard for me to hear me!

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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I'm pretty sure the submarine would have been a viable work around. Cut its budget by 10% and reassign the direction of that contract, but naturally this staff completely implodes on herself.

I do enjoy how when the show throws Selina into the fray she show's herself to be a good politician, her weakness has been convincing herself that she needs this group of half-wits to do her thinking for her.


I think it would have been a workaround too. I mean, that's how politics works. Maybe you shift some other projects around. 


Selina did well with future whatever, but not for nothing though, Selina knew there was already a problem with the speech and was able to talk on the fly. She was the one who read out the $60 billion and she knew it wasn't right. Yeah, the staff screwed up, but come on. 


What did they call Gary Cole? Gray Elvis?


This was pretty fast paced and I like how it's nonstop activity. Sue seems to be the only one who hasn't missed a beat and is still competent. 

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What did they call Gary Cole? Gray Elvis?


Yes, and Dan calling that other guy "Dobby the House Elf" totally cracked me up. That and "Cheese Dick, Wisconsin." Great episode. Two of the hikers died. Wait, what hikers??


Yeah, you'd think by now Selina would fire that whole staff. Just goes to show how insecure she is without her posse no matter how badly they screw up. 

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One little piece I liked was Ben repeatedly defending Hughes, well as much as stating "He's not dead!" can be considered defending. But it showed that as much as Ben used to rag on POTUS, he was originally hired by Hughes and has some loyalty to him and won't partake in the smearing of his name by the current group.

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I loved Amy referencing a "chicken and egg" scenario and Richard trying to amuse her with something about the chicken refusing to ovulate.

And, of course, Gary's dismay upon realizing that, "This bag was not returned to me in the condition I expected. There were a lot of loose lids!"

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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I didn't think PO's point was that bad. He's the chief of staff, no? He doesn't want people just barging into the office. 


I'm not shooting the messenger. I'm the messenger and I'm shooting you. 


I don't know that the staff is totally incompetent though. It's just when they screw up they really step in it. 

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No, I totally felt for Jonah. That guy was terrifying- the way his smile instanlty dropped as he walked away *shudder*.

I was actually kind of surprised they went for such a dark vibe, compared to the tit grab, that was hands down assult.

Not that the tit grab wasn't assult! It was just played more lightheartedly, gah am I making sense?

Also poor Gary.

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Anyone else think maybe Selina loses the nomination, gets offered a spot on someone else's ticket, and ends up veep under him? With a TON of crow to eat from all these people she's gloating over right now? Karma itself just hovers over this woman's life, gleefully waiting to strike...

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Selina with Underwood's staff (I'm including Stamper here) would be perfect.


Yeah? I am thinking more of the high-intensity Frank Underwood working with the band of fools that is Meyer's staff. Imagine how long it would be until Frank gets his first stroke or heart attack.


I'm looking at you, but I'm shaking somebody else's hand!


Watching that scene, I was wondering what a real President say in that moment. What did Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush et al say when doing that handshake?


Its being the first episode, I do not know exactly who is who. Who is the White House Chief of Staff, for example. Amy was the Vice President CoS, then she became the Campaign Manager. Ben OTOH, was the WH CoS under Hughes. Does Selina retain Amy as her own CoS or Ben as the original WH CoS?

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I'm confused too; I've never had a handle on who Ben is supposed to be. He was CoS under former POTUS and now CoS for Selina? I know Amy is the campaign manager. I'm also confused about who Roger Furlong ("Dobby the House Elf") is supposed to be - is he a Senator? I'm not sure who the Patton Oswalt character is supposed to be either.


Finally - I've also lost track of where Jonah is. He's on staff in the new Veep's office? What happened to his news blog thing? How on earth did he get back into the WH? 

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Ben is Selina's Chief of Staff, she begged him to take the position last year, which he didn't want because of the ulcer the job had already given him, but begrudgingly accepted.


I'm pretty sure Furlong is still a congressman, and member of the Party Leadership in the House. Patton Oswalt's character looks to be Doyle's Chief of Staff.


Jonah looks to have gotten his White House Liaison role back, which was due to Selina's promissing him a White House position in exchange for his Uncle's(?) connections with the seniors' vote in New Hampshire.

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Gary is killing it with his love and longing for POTUS. Plus the staff picking on Jonah never gets old.


"Bitches be crying and pimps be dying it's Jonah Ryan!" (or something like that)

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Gary is killing it with his love and longing for POTUS.

I adore Gary and I adored Buster Bluth. So adorable when Gary murmured that he had never looked at Madam President from that angle, and that she looked radiant. Also, "You're holding it wrong!"
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Every major defense program has spending and jobs spread around multiple districts, so having a bunch of folks who've been in Washington longer than five minutes fall for that was a bit of a stretch. The way it played out was fine, and the ending with Selina unspeakably pissed at every single one of them was satisfying.

Thank you, this annoyed me as well. Also, the VP has his own daily intelligence briefing separate from the President's.

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