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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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Kara can change her clothes in like half a second. That outfit doesn't look like something James is going to be able to put on or take off in a hurry. I guess he'd better hope whatever criminal he is wanting to stop hangs around long enough for him to change, or that Kara or whoever is patient whenever he needs to change back to meet them.

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Episode 2.04 description:




When Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Alex (Chyler Leigh) investigate the murder of an unregistered alien, the trail leads to an alien fight club run by Roulette (guest star Dichen Lachman), the ringmaster who commands aliens to fight in mortal combat for the entertainment of rich humans. While trying to stop the fighting, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter find themselves up against a surprising opponent. Meanwhile, Hank (David Harewood) is thrilled to have found another Martian and tries to get to know M'Gann (guest star Sharon Leal) better. Supergirl takes Mon-El (Chris Wood) under her wing and begins to train him.

James Marshall directed the episode written by Paula Yoo & Eric Carrasco (#204). Original airdate 10/31/2016.

6 hours ago, Trini said:

Typical Smith hyperbole, but:

The problem of course is that Smith's enthusiasm doesn't acknowledge the inherent limitations of trying to fit all of that into a mere 43 minutes.  Those three writers would have to be damn near perfect (and Kreisberg at the very least isn't) to not have written a bit too much, and then (like usually happens) it's going to be the cutting down stage where the integrity of a great script likely gets totally ruined. 


Kara can change her clothes in like half a second. That outfit doesn't look like something James is going to be able to put on or take off in a hurry. I guess he'd better hope whatever criminal he is wanting to stop hangs around long enough for him to change, or that Kara or whoever is patient whenever he needs to change back to meet them.

Any sort of realism with costume changes (superpowered or otherwise) is a lost cause.  Kara walks around in form fitting skirts and sleeveless tops - where the hell are the boots, cape, and (other) skirt hiding?  Also, Oliver Queen has never had any issue with instant changes.  In the most recent episode of Arrow he was walking around in public in a suit and tie and less than one minute later he showed up in full costume. 

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New article from Collider. Among the tidbits: they want Hoechlin back as Supes and are working on making it happen; Calista Flockhart is NOT confirmed for any more episodes this season, though similarly they're working on it, but it sounds like CF has some stuff going on that's making it hard; Mon-El and Kara will butt heads.

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12 hours ago, stealinghome said:

New article from Collider. Among the tidbits: they want Hoechlin back as Supes and are working on making it happen; Calista Flockhart is NOT confirmed for any more episodes this season, though similarly they're working on it, but it sounds like CF has some stuff going on that's making it hard; Mon-El and Kara will butt heads.

I've been seeing quite a few articles hoping and hinting at a Superman spin off. I'd be okay with that except they have made Kara's story SOOOO much like Clark's, it might be difficult to make a show that wasn't too much of the same. 

Sad to hear about Calista. That honestly doesn't sound too promising they will get her back. I believe they are already around episode 8. And they still can't reach an agreement to have her appear again?

Interesting they are making Kara and Mon-El (and their respective planets) somewhat of antagonists. 

Extended promo for Episode 3:


I'm posting it here because I think Alex's look at 0:24, right after we see Maggie Sawyer, seals the deal on who's going to be exploring their sexuality this season.  Special kudos to Chyler; I have a decent amount of respect for actors who can sell things with just their eyes.

52 minutes ago, Kendra said:

I've been seeing quite a few articles hoping and hinting at a Superman spin off. I'd be okay with that except they have made Kara's story SOOOO much like Clark's, it might be difficult to make a show that wasn't too much of the same. 

Sad to hear about Calista. That honestly doesn't sound too promising they will get her back. I believe they are already around episode 8. And they still can't reach an agreement to have her appear again?

I know in another interview AK said they would have CF for 6 episodes this season. I had originally guessed that we would see Cat at midseason and then in the last 1-2 episodes, but maybe her appearances would be more backloaded if they can get her? It does add some context as to last night felt like a real goodbye though, if they truly aren't sure she's coming back. Then again, they've played so coy with CF's appearances that he might be fibbing. At SDCC, for example, the actors must have known she was coming back for at least a few episodes (they already had the script for 2x01) but had clearly been told to say they had no idea if she was coming back.

On the bright side, if they did a Superman spinoff, it might FORCE them to stop writing Kara as a genderbent Clark and make her more of her own character?

1 hour ago, MarkHB said:

Extended promo for Episode 3:



I'm posting it here because I think Alex's look at 0:24, right after we see Maggie Sawyer, seals the deal on who's going to be exploring their sexuality this season.  Special kudos to Chyler; I have a decent amount of respect for actors who can sell things with just their eyes.

I'm predicting next week will launch three new 'ships': Maggie and Alex, Kara and Mon-El, and J'onn and M'gann. 

One thing I'm suspicious about though is there may not be much variety in how they establish the romances. Seems like all three ships could be built from the pairs initially being antagonistic toward each other.  

EW Spoiler Room:


If you recall, Brenda Strong’s creepy Cadmus doctor insinuated that Jeremiah Danvers is no longer quite human, much in the same way John Corben had become Metallo. “We want to keep the mystery of who and what Jeremiah is alive,” EP Andrew Kreisberg says. “He’s been under Cadmus’ control for the last 12 years. The Jeremiah that we see might not be exactly what people expect.”



Mon-El vs. Supergirl: At the end of this week's episode, the mysterious man (Chris Wood) in the pod that crash-landed outside Kara's apartment finally woke up inside the DEO, and immediately attacked Kara. "The last thing Mon-El remembers was being on an alien world and then he jumped into a pod and suddenly he wakes up on a strange world," Kreisberg says. "He's all alone, he's surrounded by people with guns and he's having a reaction. He's reacting to the fact that he suddenly has superpowers, which he wasn't expecting … We're going to explore the idea that [Mon-El's home planet] Daxam and Krypton were sister worlds but they didn't really get along, so there's a lot of innate hostility that Mon-El and Kara have for each other simply because of their backgrounds, which is interesting because Kara's not exactly on her best behavior." He will become the main suspect in the next episode when the President of the United States (Lynda Carter) is attacked.

I think Kara, like many classic heroes, becomes a bit more interesting and dynamic when she's antagonized by something or someone... so bring it on, I guess. As long as the writing's not too stupid (which I realize is something I shouldn't expect from this show, unfortunately).

Edited by FurryFury

Also, doesn't the whole premise much go out the window when busted by someone as powerful as Supergirl? I mean, if they have tech that can neutralize or compel her, they'd be ruling the world with it instead of running an underground fight club.

As to how a Superman spin-off could be different, I would be quite OK with a slice-of-life romantic drama featuring Hoechlin as Clark Kent for 99% of the screen time and almost no superheroics, playing to his demonstrated strengths.

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17 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I hate the Alien/Superpower Fight Club thing. It's been done to death. Birds of Prey, Smallville, Angel and even Mutant X had episodes featuring it. 

Yup. Loved the first two episodes of the season but not liking these.  I heard that the show runners were going to make the show more comic booky but apparently that means more silly.

1 hour ago, Bruinsfan said:

Also, doesn't the whole premise much go out the window when busted by someone as powerful as Supergirl? I mean, if they have tech that can neutralize or compel her, they'd be ruling the world with it instead of running an underground fight club.

As to how a Superman spin-off could be different, I would be quite OK with a slice-of-life romantic drama featuring Hoechlin as Clark Kent for 99% of the screen time and almost no superheroics, playing to his demonstrated strengths.

I'm thinking they probably are holding someone Supergirl cares about captive and so she must stand in and fight to try and get them back. Maybe Miss Martian? Or Mon-El? 

I think the synopsis for the episode says supergirl begins to train Mon-El. So I'm wondering if maybe he gets taken and she and J'onn have to go get him. 

Otherwise, yeah...there is no way they can catch Supergirl and make her fight in their underground fight club. 

Synopsis for episode 6:


THE GUARDIAN DEBUTS IN NATIONAL CITY – The Guardian debuts to lend a hand after a parasite alien drains Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) of her power. Mon-El (Chris Wood) considers a less than desirable new career which then leads him to contemplate his motives. Alex (Chyler Leigh) struggles with a new reality. Andrew Kreisberg and Caitlin Parris wrote the script based on the story by Greg Beranti. The episode was directed by Larry Teng (#206). Original Airdate 11/14/2016.

A parasite alien that drains Kara of her power. Didn't we already do that in season one? Seems a bit quick to already be recycling plots

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Episode 5 description didn't get posted:




Supergirl must beat a ruthless new gang who has been armed with dangerous new alien technology. When Cadmus sends a video to the DEO, the team realizes Cadmus is the one staffing the criminals for a secret mission. Meanwhile, Kara gets Mon-El (Chris Wood) a job as an intern at CatCo, James makes an important decision and Lena (Katie McGrath) invites Kara to attend one her fundraisers.

Glen Winter directed the episode written by Gabriel Llanas & Anna Musky-Goldwyn
(#205). Original airdate 11/7/2016.

28 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

Press release for 2x07.

That's got to be Jeremiah, right?


beware... comic book spoiler ahead.


in the comics, the current (rebooted) Cyborg Superman is apparently her BIOLOGICAL father.  So it would make sense to flip it to her Earth father to follow a similar theme.

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Re: Cyborg Superman, my money is evenly divided between Jeremiah (which I would hate) and the real Hank Henshaw, who was the original Cyborg Superman in the comics, and who went off of a very large cliff so, presumably, no body was ever found.

I do know that both Chyler Leigh and David Harewood reacted loudly to the 207 script on Twitter when they read it.

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Re: Cyborg Superman, my money is evenly divided between Jeremiah (which I would hate) and the real Hank Henshaw, who was the original Cyborg Superman in the comics, and who went off of a very large cliff so, presumably, no body was ever found.

There's no drama if Cyborg Superman is just the real Hank - he was a xenophobe whom J'onn met for about a minute.  Jeremiah, on the other hand, creates a crisis for everyone.  I suppose they could go a Frankenstein route and have them somehow merge Jermeiah and Hank into one cyborg body with both personalities fighting for control.

8 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

There's no drama if Cyborg Superman is just the real Hank - he was a xenophobe whom J'onn met for about a minute.  Jeremiah, on the other hand, creates a crisis for everyone.  I suppose they could go a Frankenstein route and have them somehow merge Jermeiah and Hank into one cyborg body with both personalities fighting for control.

Also lets them use a former Superman for Cyborg Superman, so that might get media interest.  

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Spoiler TV has promo photos for the upcoming episode 2x07 "The Darkest Place"

Skipping ahead though, have we seen a press release or episode info for 2x08? I just checked imdb and it says 2x08 is called "Medusa", and we know 2x09 is Kevin Smith's episode entitled "Supergirl Lives", but is there info for 2x08 ( info other than the ending which we know includes Barry and Cisco crossing universes to come and get Kara to kick-off the 4 show crossover)?

Ah. Thanks, @Trini. That is weird.  Weirder still for Supergirl because it doesn't really play a role in the crossover, so... Give it up, CW. Give me the information. I want it.

Welp, since I  don't know anything ( I haven't even checked to see if there's a DC Comics connections to someone or something called "Medusa", though maybe they're going with an allusion to Greek mythology?), I will speculate that Medusa refers to the many heads of Cadmus but they couldn't call it Hydra because that's already taken :D (salutes Marvel's AOS - Hail Hydra.)

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A NIGHT OF CONFESSIONS; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER KICKS OFF TONIGHT — Eliza (guest star Helen Slater) comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. Alex (Chyler Leigh) decides it’s time to come out to her mother; Kara (Melisa Benoist) is shocked when Eliza suggests Mon-El (Chris Wood) has feelings for her, and Winn (Jeremy Jordan) and James (Mehcad Brooks) consider telling Kara the truth about the Guardian. Meanwhile, CADMUS unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity so Kara enlists an unexpected ally – Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath). The epic superhero crossover kicks off tonight when Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) and Cisco Ramon (guest star Carlos Valdes) seek Kara’s help with an alien invasion on their Earth. Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode written by Jessica Queller & Derek Simon (SPG208). Original airdate 11/28/2016.

Link to episode descriptions for the rest of the crossover episodes: http://www.ksitetv.com/flash/invasion-descriptions-cws-four-show-dc-crossover-episodes/129905/


Are awkward Thanksgiving dinners going to be a thing on Supergirl?

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36 minutes ago, BaggythePanther said:

A NIGHT OF CONFESSIONS; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER KICKS OFF TONIGHT — Eliza (guest star Helen Slater) comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. Alex (Chyler Leigh) decides it’s time to come out to her mother; Kara (Melisa Benoist) is shocked when Eliza suggests Mon-El (Chris Wood) has feelings for her, and Winn (Jeremy Jordan) and James (Mehcad Brooks) consider telling Kara the truth about the Guardian. Meanwhile, CADMUS unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity so Kara enlists an unexpected ally – Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath). The epic superhero crossover kicks off tonight when Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) and Cisco Ramon (guest star Carlos Valdes) seek Kara’s help with an alien invasion on their Earth. Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode written by Jessica Queller & Derek Simon (SPG208). Original airdate 11/28/2016.

Link to episode descriptions for the rest of the crossover episodes: http://www.ksitetv.com/flash/invasion-descriptions-cws-four-show-dc-crossover-episodes/129905/


Are awkward Thanksgiving dinners going to be a thing on Supergirl?

I really had to laugh at the fact that they're trotting out that old "awkward family Thanksgiving" trope.  Of course Alex would decide that Thanksgiving is the perfect time to come out to her mother.  Then again, I have a feeling that Dr. Danvers probably isn't going to have that hard a time dealing with it.  Mothers generally somehow tend to know these things about their children long before their children confirm their suspicions. My mother did.  Her reaction (when I told her the day after Mother's Day) was basically, "I always suspected it for years.  I just figured you'd tell me yourself when you were ready.  As long as you're happy, I'm OK with it."  I'll really be surprised if Dr. Danvers has any different reaction.

Yeah, I'm expecting the show to swerve on this--I think Alex is going to really freak out about coming out to her mom, and Eliza is gonna be like "NBD. Pass the potatoes?" A strong contrast from last year.

BARF to Mon-El/Kara. Just say no.

I do love that this show is going all-in on awkward family Thanksgivings. Fits with the family theme the show cultivates overall!

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17 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

Yeah, I'm expecting the show to swerve on this--I think Alex is going to really freak out about coming out to her mom, and Eliza is gonna be like "NBD. Pass the potatoes?" A strong contrast from last year.

BARF to Mon-El/Kara. Just say no.

I do love that this show is going all-in on awkward family Thanksgivings. Fits with the family theme the show cultivates overall!

This is probably what will happen, but Alex will be freaked out by the non-reaction. And I won't be able to take any Mon-El/Kara ship teasing seriously in an episode that will probably have a lot of Kara/Lena interaction. I know they won't go there but I enjoy their chemistry anyway.

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1 hour ago, legaleagle53 said:

Mothers generally somehow tend to know these things about their children long before their children confirm their suspicions. My mother did.

Mine was completely blindsided, and she really shouldn't have been. She took it fine, though.

I enjoy the awkward family dinner trope. (It was always one of the best parts of Gilmore Girls.) Many people do choose to come out around the holidays, too, either because it's one of the few times everyone's together or because they assume people will be in a happier, more receptive mood. Hopefully Eliza handles it well. If everyone keeps reacting like it's no big deal (or rather, that it's a big deal to Alex but not something that changes how they feel about her), that'll help a lot with Alex's confidence.

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Spoilery interview with Jeremy Jordan, but, um, have we stepped into Bizarro Land?


Winn has clearly picked up on the fact that there’s something growing between Kara and Mon-El. How will that story continue to develop this season?
It was promising at first, Winn and Mon-El being best friends, but in episode 4, Mon-El really took advantage of Winn. While it was funny and fun, I don’t think Winn was super cool about it and on top of that, he starts to see this blossoming relationship [between Mon-El and Kara] that could be turning into something. Winn never really dealt with his feelings for Kara, and they never really dealt with it together. They kind of spoke all the stuff aloud and then kind of avoided each other and then swept it under the drug. I think that stuff starts to resurface and it becomes a little bit more like, “Well, this dude actually might be coming in and taking over.” You can only ignore your feelings for so long. I don’t know how Winn will ultimately deal with it, but I think he’s not going to be super excited for a happy new couple of Mon-El and Kara if that’s what it ends up becoming.

Wasn't I subjected to several painful episodes of Winn and Kara becoming friends against last season? Or was that just a nightmare that I dreamed? wth.

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15 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

Spoilery interview with Jeremy Jordan, but, um, have we stepped into Bizarro Land?

Wasn't I subjected to several painful episodes of Winn and Kara becoming friends against last season? Or was that just a nightmare that I dreamed? wth.

No, that happened, but it was far too unrealistic a resolution for my tastes.  Winn should have taken a lot longer to heal from being shot down by Kara than he actually did, and he should have been the one reaching out to Kara when he was ready to do so.  Kara rejected him, not the other way around, and she really didn't even validate his feelings when she did so.  Instead of at least being honest and admitting that she just didn't feel the same way about him that he did about her, she copped out by saying that she didn't want their existing relationship to change.  That implies that she actually did have those feelings for him but was just too afraid of messing up the friendship if she acted on them and the relationship later ended badly.  What she did was even more hurtful, and the show should have acknowledged that in a more realistic fashion instead of making Winn look immature and headed towards the Dark Side because he didn't immediately just shrug his shoulders and say, "Well, it's all good, Kara.  We'll still be BFFs.  Are we on for Game Night on Tuesday?"

Edited by legaleagle53
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