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"The View": Week of 01/19/15

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What I still don't understand is why there's been no mention of Whoopie's behavior in the media. I expected that there was a blackout because some news would be dropped this afternoon. Being Friday, it made sense. Some nugget about Whoopie's contract, etc. but absolutely no fallout from this week's appearance? Incredible. Had it been Rosie, there would have been a feeding frenzy.


The simple answer is racism.  To protect her image Whoopi would cry it was racism pure and simple and ignore the fact she was literally high on painkillers.  

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Still, it's interesting that the "inside source" that was feeding the tabs all the crap about RO is so quiet this week, which kind of tells me it was generally coming from someone on Whoopi's payroll. 

I actually saw TMZ mention the weird chairs thing on Whoopi's first day and how they disappeared the 2nd day except for Whoopi's. But no mention of her drug-induced state...

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I found today's show almost unbearable.  Stacy London, Nicole W. and Mario couldn't stop talking and trying to  out yell each other.  None of them knew when to shut up which makes it hard to  listen to any of  them.  . 

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This was a completely known void lasting 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANd they failed as far as I can tell.


Rosie P is only out for 1 month. They started back after New Year's on Jan 5 and she'll be back on Feb 3. It's not that long, and they couldn't have anticipated Whoopi being out at the same time.

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I can't watch the show anymore; I can't stand any of those women.  They need to replace all of them with:  Star Jones, Wendy Williams, Ann Coulter and Kathy Griffin. 


I'd watch that show.


If Ann Coulter signs on, I'm out.  I find her absolutely detestable.


As far as Nicole-


"I get goosebumps"


Then stop wearing sleeveless dress, you idiot. 

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But I think my essential point still stands.


RP was known to be out for 4/6 weeks (give or take) and they somehow did not manage to book a single guest co host that was interesting.


Ok I found Mario interesting in his role as Whoopi's fill in and we got to see a more real Mario which is a real endearing guy, IMO!


 But sadly I really have no positive (or negative) memory of anyone who was to replace RP in her absence.


Thus my original point.......




Where are the interesting people......I find my nieces and nephews really interesting because they are all different and articulate and smart and a pleasure to be around even when their opinions differ.  Where are those 20/30 somethings on the view????



Just sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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c.  I'm a Republican.

d.  Republicans don't do that.

e.  I'm a Republican.

j.  I'm a Republican.



Interesting to me is that she declared the party of her choice early on.  Many of us already knew it.  Is anyone else coming out and mentioning his/her political party?  Is there any reason to.   I agree...let's stop with the Republican stuff.


If Ann Coulter signs on, I'm out.  I find her absolutely detestable.



I don't like to see Ann Coulter on TV more than once or twice a year...but it would be fun to see her on the panel with Nicole to see if Nicole can maintain her "appealing" stance.   Kathy Griffin on the same panel would be delicious!

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A friend went to see the Larry David play that Rosie is in tonight - I believe she was out for rehearsals but now that the play has regular hours I don't see why she wouldn't come back. Rosie O would not be making her announcement every day if she was not coming back.

Rosie P is, to me, a lot more interesting than any of the young women they have had on. She has had quite a long show biz career and worked with a lot of famous people. Plus, I think her heart's in the right place, and with RO in the driver's seat I think she will be able to express herself more easily than with Whoopi there.

The show has been much more pleasant but about 40 minutes in it starts to drag, and I usually erase the rest without watching it.

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Cousin Amy, I agree about Rosie Perez. I get a kick out of her when she talks about boxing. She knows her stuff! I also think she is very down to earth and has a lot of heart. When there is a topic brought up that she really feels passionate about, I enjoy her animated demeanor.


I can't believe that Rosie Perez is fifty!

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A friend went to see the Larry David play that Rosie is in tonight - I believe she was out for rehearsals but now that the play has regular hours I don't see why she wouldn't come back. Rosie O would not be making her announcement every day if she was not coming back.

Well, the play was scheduled for previews to start on Feb 2 but the show doesn't officially open until March.  After listening to actor after actor talk about the schedule of doing a Broadway play (eight shows a week, etc) I'm surprised Rosie P wants to continue this show.  Then again, she was cast on The View as a last minute (two weeks?) decision - so maybe she's going to try doing both.  I don't know but if she doesn't come back I won't be surprised. 

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I'm surprised ABC let the Whoopi on drugs episode air.  It was that bad and they certainly did Whoopi no favors by airing it, despite the lack of talk in the media.  


Also suprised that Mario is 55.  I would have guessed late 40s.


Regarding all the giggling about balls, Brooke Shields was subbing for the ladies of Today during the third hour yesterday and they also did a lot of giggling about balls.  But her banter with Willie Geist had me giggling too.  She was really, really funny.  She would have made the View more watchable.


I also cannot see how Rosie P will be able to handle doing both shows.  It sounds pretty crazy.  Does anyone know if she is only scheduled for a limited run?

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I've been laughing at "balls" in most instances but it has become a little overblown.  I'm imagining the folks at ESPN find it hard to keep straight faces at times.


I would love to have seen Brooke Shields set in for Rosie P these last weeks.  I imagine she's still doing plugs for her book though.  She would have helped solidify the panel a little more IMHO, especially given that Whoopi's absence allowed for (actually begged for) better discussions. A missed opportunity. Maybe there's still hope for this when RP's show begins.


Edited by Fisher King
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Ann Coulter? I'm not sure if The View is the right forum for hate speech.

The simple answer is racism.  To protect her image Whoopi would cry it was racism pure and simple and ignore the fact she was literally high on painkillers.

But how could she? And who would buy it? Everyone knows America is post-racial now that we have a black Muslim president. ;)
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But how could she? And who would buy it? Everyone knows America is post-racial now that we have a black Muslim president. ;)


I don't know your race Milk-Eyed Mender, I'm a gay white man myself, but unless you are african-american you don't know nothing about no racism.  According to the great Whoopi, unless you are black you can't know racism...forget the fact if you are a woman, GLBTF, yellow, red, green, purple, or blue, only if you are black can you know racism.


Don't worry everyone, we are having a joke based off of Whoopi's rants on the show, so no need to get anybody's nose bent out of shape.

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Ha ha ha! I don't like Stacey either.  


Rosie P will not be back until her play is finished.  They said when that was but I have forgotten.  March?   


I did read on this thread that someone thought she was going to be on to clear up some rumor about something but that itself was  rumor!  


ETA.  She will be back Feb 23rd.

I thought Whoopi said she was going to speak and eradicate the despicable rumors floating that she was leaving the show. I'm catching up the last three days now. 

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Cousin Amy, I agree about Rosie Perez. I get a kick out of her when she talks about boxing. She knows her stuff! I also think she is very down to earth and has a lot of heart. When there is a topic brought up that she really feels passionate about, I enjoy her animated demeanor.


I can't believe that Rosie Perez is fifty!

I would like to see Rosie P for a significant number of days without Whoopi to help me decide how good a fit I think she she. I believe Whoopi had an effect upon Rosie's trying to get comfortable. 

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My apologies about Larry David's play - a friend saw him at different play last night, obviously in the audience. My bad. 


Actors in daytime soap operas - especially the ones based out of New York City - have often moonlighted in Broadway or off-Broadway shows while carrying their full daytime schedules. Kathy Brier played the lead in Hairspray every night while continuing on One Life to Live as Marcie.


The demands of a daytime drama role far outweigh the difficulty of sitting down and chatting for an hour on The View. I think it was the rehearsal time, not the energy required, that kept her away from the show. 


Anyway, we shall see pretty soon; I think Whoopi's more at risk (of dropping out, perhaps?) than Rosie P. The excuse could be that her back prevents her from sitting in any chair for a full hour. 

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I was coming here to catch up on where Whoopi went.  Thanks everyone!  it was very odd that she was back for Tuesday, Wednesday, was she back on Thursday as well?


If she was there on Thursday and not on Friday then perhaps the taped show was taped when she was out?

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I think, at least originally, that the taped Friday show is done following Wednesday's live show.   If so, it would show the speed to which they responded to Whoopi's behavior, by yanking her from the second show.

I have no clue about last week. Apparently the day varies though. This coming week the Friday show will be taped Wednesday. The week after that it tapes on Thursday.

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I think, at least originally, that the taped Friday show is done following Wednesday's live show.   If so, it would show the speed to which they responded to Whoopi's behavior, by yanking her from the second show.

I think the Friday show was taped on Wednesday, as Stacy London was a guest on Wedesday, and was always scheduled as a co-host on Friday.

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I think the Friday show was taped on Wednesday, as Stacy London was a guest on Wedesday, and was always scheduled as a co-host on Friday.


That's generally how you can tell when the Friday show is taped, one of the co-hosts or guests will be included in Friday taping.  It gets a little trickier if it's a Mario day though, imho.

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I watched Wednesday's show today.

Holy hell! When WG got up and started to look for the animals eyes on that big screen. RO looked shocked.

I knew she should have stayed home longer for herself and for us.

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I think the Friday show was taped on Wednesday, as Stacy London was a guest on Wedesday, and was always scheduled as a co-host on Friday.

Well, that makes sense. I thought it was odd that sudden London was on twice. Wed. was clearly to promote her new show. But what was Friday, I wondered. They sent Whoopi home and asked London to stay. Makes sense to me. 

If you go here, http://1iota.com/Show/385/The-View  it shows what time the show is taped each day. On Wednesday January 28th there are 2 tapings, for example.

Funny how pretty much all of Feb. is sold out, but there are tickets available this week. 

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I think Whoopi's more at risk (of dropping out, perhaps?) than Rosie P. The excuse could be that her back prevents her from sitting in any chair for a full hour. 


Or she could have herself rolled out on a bed. Sort of like Yoko Ono having a bed in the studio during some Beatles recording sessions. 

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Or she could have herself rolled out on a bed. Sort of like Yoko Ono having a bed in the studio during some Beatles recording sessions. 

Heh.   I remember Ellen doing that for a show when she was on bedrest for some reason.   I remember it because Jon Bon Jovi was on the show (and I'm a big JBJ fan).   So, since it's been done before and done better - it would be perfect for The View, lol. 


Oh, I found a link - (or two) I guess it was a back issue as well.  Anyway, when talking talk show talent Ellen and Whoopi are apples and oranges.  

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I'm surprised ABC let the Whoopi on drugs episode air.  It was that bad and they certainly did Whoopi no favors by airing it, despite the lack of talk in the media.

The show is shown live-


The only thing they could've done was recognize that Whoopi was having difficulty and keep her off (or remove her 

in the middle) of the show

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HOLY HELL!   All those years of watching/waiting for the wheels to come off on The Spew they finally did, but on The Whoopi Goldberg Hour.  That whole show was a disaster but not because of a fight between the co-hosts or Babs fumbling or Bitsy screaming and crying but all on Whoopi who talked NON-STOP for the entire show. 


After her statement of people "not knowing what they were watching while she was gone" I am convinced she is convinced this is her show, she is the star, and the other two or three co-hosts are her sidekicks.   Hey Whoopi, if people didn't recognize The View while you were gone it's because it was actually an ensemble show and we got to hear other people finish a thought.  She acted like she had to come back and save the show while I suspect her big fat ego demanded it. 


Loved RO's comment that Joni Ernst proves "anyone can be a US Senator".  She should have added, "If they are backed by the billionaire Koch brothers, that is" since it was their money (and few other select billionaire's cash) that got her from a short stint in the state legislature to the US Senate.   And  I'm sure  Ernst is just thrilled that Whoopi thinks she grew up during The Depression since she is ONLY 44 years old! 


I always roll my eyes when a member of the 1% rails against taxes but Whoopi's rant on bridge tolls and gas tax was bizarre - even for her.  She thinks that the gas tax goes to the oil company?   Where does she think the money to fix/maintain/and build roads/bridges comes from?  Good grief. 


Even after reading about it here, I couldn't believe the dinosaur thing.  That was beyond, beyond.  I think even Nicolle was rendered speechless and I loved RO's  side to the camera. 


Hahaha!  I totally love this theory!!  I remember that commercial too.   She totally stole it.  Ready. Set. Lick.


Whoopi introduced Stacy London as "one of the most amazing women I know."   Hahaha.    I think Whoopi's 'style' is probably the stuff of London's nightmares and the only amazing thing was Whoopi in her ridiculous outfit wasn't part of the segment.   Of course I think Whoopi dresses like a high end bag lady most days, but add the low office throne/chair and knit cap to the mix and she looked like some ancient old troll at the table.

Wait....The All knowing Whoopi is 44?! I'm older than her crotckety ass! She puts it out there like she is in her 60's!  

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Oh Thank You Cosmocrush! Whew! I ironically take painkillers for my neck and back C3-6 and the sciatica&  spinal stenosis ;) Jus checkin myself;) Oh and if you take them correctly you won't slur and and act a fool. I may not be able to spring into dance but I can speak coherently. 

Edited by FairyDusted
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