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Grease Live (Fox) - General Discussion

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Say what you will about the NBC live musicals, but you know what they had over this?  No "wooooooooooooo"ing peoples.  You take that "wooooo"ing to American Idol, "wooooo"ing peoples.

OMG.  This.  I don't mind applause after a performance but the screaming when Kenickie drives in with the car or during the dance routines.  And seeing the audience?  Not working.

Speaking of the dance routines, those are fun.  In fact, I hope NBC and FOX realize how important choreography is to adding energy to these productions. 


I don't mind that Aaron looks old. I dig his voice. Julianne is doing nothing to add energy to this role. I get that it's a super dynamic part but she doesn't feel like the other lead.

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The soundtrack's already up on iTunes, in case anyone's interested.

There'll be an actual physical CD version, with 4 more songs (at least some from the movie version which either didn't make the cut to the live show, or maybe just not to the soundtrack for it), available at Target stores as of March 4th.

The linked article gives the downloadable track listing, as well as the 4 songs added to the Target CD version.


Perhaps they cut Hopelessly Devoted... (if they did... maybe they just moved it in this version; it's on the soundtrack for this) because (at least in the movie) it was an outdoor number (Sandy sang it sitting at the edge of a little kids' swimming pool & walking around the backyard of whichever character's house the sleepover was at) & they've been having rain, including severe thunderstorms, in the LA area since about midafternoon, & they didn't want Julianne to look like a drowned rat for her next scene.

Eve Plumb was AWESOME.


I'm okay with Julianna Hough as Sandy.   She carries off the innocent little girl part well.   

I'm giving Vanessa Hudgens every break tonight.   I cannot imagine how she is getting through.


My problem is the guys.   They do not look like T-Birds.  They look like they are all the most popular guys in school instead of greaser outsiders.   (yeah mixing my movies here).  Now granted John Travolta had years of playing Vinnie Barbarino to practice.   But this Aaron guy is just not bringing it.   And there will be only one Kenickie.

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I'm enjoying it, not as much as I had hoped, but still.  While some of the vocal talents are lacking, I keep trying to figure out if there are mike issues. Aaron Tevit can sing, but sometimes you can hardly hear him.  And there's something, some spark, missing in the main girls that the movie actresses had. Jepsen is close. I do think the kid plating Doody is doing great!  And I really enjoyed his song - anyone know if that is from the stage version or for this show?


On the upside, these guys are way better dancers than the movie cast. 


Boys 2 Men!!!!  

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