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Hart Of Dixie - General Discussion

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I like AB and George together.  I'm still annoyed that they were thrown together from spare parts.  But they are just so damn likeable, I cannot help but smile if they smile.


I'm sort of confused about Alice.  She said "I was so young." I assume that she meant when she married Brick, but she said it as if it related to actions in leaving.  She had to have been in her 30s at least when she left Brick and the girls.  Magnolia can't be less than 12 years younger than Lemon.  So even if Alice had Lemon when she was 18, she would have been 30 when she had Magnolia.  I guess she could have meant that she got married too young and was never truly happy in the marriage.  But it's weird that they had another child more than 10 years into the marriage and then left. 

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It was a nice ep, despite my intense dislike of the George/AB pairing.  Wade's apology was excellent, as were the Breeland sisters.  Ethel is so cute... I can't even be annoyed by Shelby because of her.


I know they needed to do something with George and AB, but I cannot stomach him with anyone other than Tansy.  I'm still a recovering Lavon/AB-shipper.


The lack of age difference between Meredith Monroe and Jaime King is messing me up each time I see them together.  If I didn't know Monroe's general age because of Dawson's Creek, it probably wouldn't be so big of an issue.

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But it's weird that they had another child more than 10 years into the marriage and then left.

Maybe Magnolia was an accident? Hence the large gap between her and Lemon. Lemon would have been in her mid/late teens when Magnolia was born so maybe Alice was planning to pursue her acting or whatever reason she gave for leaving once Lemon left for college or whatever and then Magnolia came along and she decided it was now or never? But then Scarlet's only a few years younger than Magnolia so it can't exactly have been parenthood she was running from since she basically went right back to that.

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I really hope they explain that before the series ends, because it makes no damn sense that she just up and left instead of getting a divorce, and on top of that she let a decade go by without ever trying to see the kids again or explain herself until she was caught.   

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I really hope they explain that before the series ends, because it makes no damn sense that she just up and left instead of getting a divorce, and on top of that she let a decade go by without ever trying to see the kids again or explain herself until she was caught.   


Did she leave when Magnolia was a baby or a few years old? Because it could have been a post-postpartum depression thing that influenced her.  Her explanation about being young makes no sense because Lemon was a teenager when she left.  She wasn't a new mother or anything like that. 

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It still doesn't explain why she never came back to see her children, unless PPD lasts about a decade. 

No, but maybe she was just ashamed and thought it would be easier to start over than go back and make things right.  Not that that's an excuse.  

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My uncle left his kids and family to start up a new one just a state away. Never paid child support, only seen them once since. My mother-laws father did the same. I know of lots of examples of this happening only its with a man walking out never to look back.

Edited by mandn
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Maybe Alice was miserable with Brick and Lemon for ten or so years but decided she would just ride it out until Lemon was old enough.  Lots of people see their kid turning 18 as their route to freedom.  I know people who had their kids young so that when the kids were out of the house, they'd still be young enough to enjoy life.  Maybe Magnolia was an accident and another 18 years was just too much for her to comprehend, so she bolted.  She had dreams of acting but by that time she would have been at least 30 and there aren't many jobs out there when you start at that age.  So she resigned herself to being a mother, got remarried, and there was Scarlet.  Boom.  Then she just never came back because it would have been embarrassing and what do you say to the family you abandoned at that point?  How do you explain that to your new family?  I'm not making excuses for Andie McPhee but I don't think the show has time to explain at this point.


Wade Kinsella is so dreamy.  My gosh.  


Agree with George and AB just being spare parts thrown together to build a car, but they are the cutest.  Separately, they're my favorite characters so they just make me smile together.  I wish we'd gotten this pairing before. 


3 episodes left. :(  I'm going to miss these people!

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Wade Kinsella is so dreamy.  My gosh. 


Yes. I like how this flirting storyline was just a big picture to tell us how Wade is the most charming person in all of Bluebell second only to Lavon. I thought they let Wilson Bethel really have fun with the flirting. It was adorable. 


Sigh. Countdown to the end, but it's been a lovely final season so far.

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I can see why Zoe would be annoyed at Wade over his flirting, considering his past.  I would be annoyed if my boyfriend was constantly flirting with other women.  Obviously in most of the cases its harmless, because he's known most of these women his whole life.  I would be worried over the younger single girls who might take it the wrong way.  You never know.


Looking forward to see how Alice explains herself for her abandonment.  I generally don't like Lemon, but I felt for her this episode and I totally get her anger and resentment towards her mom.  I would feel the same way.  Loved Lemon, Magnolia and Scarlett at the end having lunch together.  I wonder if Alice's husband knows about Lemon and Magnolia?

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He might have known Alice left another family and just not known exactly who they were.  But probably not, cause if she was afraid to reach out to her children, she probably wouldn't have wanted to admit it to someone else.

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Magnolia was 2 and Lemon was 16 or 17 when Alice left. She stuck around for a couple years after Magnolia was born, so I don't think they can spin it as being overwhelmed at the thought of another baby. I hope they don't try to explain it at all honestly- let Lemon and Magnolia bond with Scarlett, but I hope they don't pull out the trope of the absent parent reuniting with their kids with an excuse, being forgiven, and quickly forming an amazing bond.

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I'm starting to think this "final season" was a waste of every one's time. I really don't care for many of these couples. With the exception of Zoe and Wade, they all bore me. AB was best suited with Lavon. Lemon is far too immature to be with anyone - her relationships are doomed from the start. And I still don't buy Brick with Shelby or that Lemon or Magnolia would be so OK with it. And that's all the show is about now. Wrapping up the stories of these major couples. *sigh*

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I'm starting to think this "final season" was a waste of every one's time.

It's all a matter of perspective and personal opinion, though. Personally, I am loving every sappy moment of this last season. I like all the couples, including George and AB, which I didn't really think I would until it happened (it helps that while I was fine with her with Lavon, that pairing didn't do much for me).  


I also love all of the little details they're doing, like explaining where the amazing pastries come from every morning in Lavon's kitchen. Meatball and the Truitts are pretty ridiculous (but funny) characters, but they've also made their musical blossoming not completely unbelievable. And my favorite thing about this episode was Zoe and Lemon, and that last scene with the wooden duck from Harley.


I'm a bit of a sap, I'll admit. But this show in its current state brings on all the warm fuzzies along with giggles, and that's exactly what I want from it. I can understand if that's not everyone's cup of tea, but I am so so very glad we got this last season. 

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Did anyone else notice the announcer say "One more episode until the Season finale" not series finale.... Dare I hope?

I know the actors have all dispersed to other things, but I would love it to stay on

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And my favorite thing about this episode was Zoe and Lemon, and that last scene with the wooden duck from Harley.


The wooden duck was a great moment. Sometimes the show gets too caught up in being offbeat and crazy with Bluebell but moments like that bring it back.

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Fudgesicles. That last scene with Lemon and Zoe made me cry like the sap that I am. I'm going to need like 2 or 3 more seasons to develop their friendship from this point. We could all use more breakfast with Wade, Zoe, Lavon, and Lemon.

Still enjoying AB and George Tucker more than I should. Again, I could use 2 or 3 more seasons of this relationship.

I hate it when writers strike gold during the final season of a show. Where was this awesomeness when we were stuck with Joel and crazy eyed Linely?

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I can't get enough of this show but can you imagine coming to Zoe when you are terrified about a physical symptom you are experiencing?  I'd rather be treated by Lucille Ball.


I laughed so hard at this one... Zoe is a terrible doctor, she's always jumping to conclusions or breaking doctor patient confidentiality to gossip.

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Since the answer is always "...because, script," I'm just going with the flow and loving it.  


The interactions between Zoe and Lemon, Lavon and Wade- how adorable AB and George are (even if their romance was rushed) and the quirkiness of the town, and Brick's birthday silliness.  It looks like it's the end of the show, and if the threads are not being tied up neatly, I'm enjoying the sprightly fun of people getting their happy ending.


It's a nice antidote to the other more popular (but infinitely depressing) shows that I watch.

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That duck moment, awwww.  These past two episodes have felt like Season One to me, back when I fell for this show hard.


Did anyone else notice the announcer say "One more episode until the Season finale" not series finale.... Dare I hope?

I know the actors have all dispersed to other things, but I would love it to stay on


I thought it was already canceled too, but TVByTheNumbers still has it as a "certain to be canceled' so I guess it isn't official yet.  But I wouldn't get my hopes up, the only reason this season happened is "the syndication Gods."

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I love Wanda and Tom so much. I think they're my favorite secondary characters.

I'm glad Zoe and Lemon are civil to each other now. I got tired of the fighting.

Good Lord, Wilson Bethel is attractive. I'm going to miss seeing him every week.

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Good Lord, Wilson Bethel is attractive. I'm going to miss seeing him every week

He'll be in The Astronaut Wives Club sometime this year.


I really like this season too. I'll miss this show when it's over.

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I like that Zoe and Lemon are still kind of prickly with each other even as they realize they can successfully be friendly, if not actual friends.


I'd rather the show end and things be tied up with a bow than end abruptly and leave us hanging. Even if things are a bit too neat, I like seeing everyone happy.

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Alpacas are cuter than shit.

Zoe looked too bronze today. Her maternity dress was ridiculous. Lemon looked a bit odd too with the double ponytail (are those in?) and outfit. Then the topknot fishtail braid? When did Lemon turn eighties?

Tom's meltdown rant was hilarious. "I'm not letting my baby keep me from providing for my family!"

Lol Zoey reading the headline "Kris Jenner pumps her own gas! They're just like us! " Very meta since she and Jaime King we subjects of those Us Weekly and Ok features showing them doing something mundane like buying toilet paper or eating ice cream like its laudable action or a big foot sighting.

The song at the end was from-16 Candles? Right? -- "if you were here I could deceive you..." That movie was superior to the more praised Breakfast Club btw. And that tie in and how great it is would make me fall in love with this show if I didn't already love it.

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I will miss the Butter Stick, Fancy's and the Rammer Jammer.  I found the show to have those bits of Gilmore Girls and Northern Exposure that made me smile. They live just a little up the road from Mayberry or that little town where Gibbs' dad was from.


I too enjoy this break from my dvr full of shows that all seem to start with a "meet cute" for finding the body. Would that be a "meat cute"? Watching this show is like reading a light novel for fun and relaxation.  Suspension of belief comes part and parcel with this not so guilty pleasure. It's not a show I hate watch (never have understood that). It's not a show that I'm quietly waiting for it to be cancelled, but still watch out of some weird obligation (thank you Desperate Housewives for finally pulling the pin).


I will miss my Friday night combo of Heart of Dixie and Grimm. 

Edited by kb3
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It's all a matter of perspective and personal opinion, though. Personally, I am loving every sappy moment of this last season. I like all the couples, including George and AB, which I didn't really think I would until it happened (it helps that while I was fine with her with Lavon, that pairing didn't do much for me).  


I also love all of the little details they're doing, like explaining where the amazing pastries come from every morning in Lavon's kitchen. Meatball and the Truitts are pretty ridiculous (but funny) characters, but they've also made their musical blossoming not completely unbelievable. And my favorite thing about this episode was Zoe and Lemon, and that last scene with the wooden duck from Harley.


I'm a bit of a sap, I'll admit. But this show in its current state brings on all the warm fuzzies along with giggles, and that's exactly what I want from it. I can understand if that's not everyone's cup of tea, but I am so so very glad we got this last season. 



Fudgesicles. That last scene with Lemon and Zoe made me cry like the sap that I am. I'm going to need like 2 or 3 more seasons to develop their friendship from this point. We could all use more breakfast with Wade, Zoe, Lavon, and Lemon.

Still enjoying AB and George Tucker more than I should. Again, I could use 2 or 3 more seasons of this relationship.

I hate it when writers strike gold during the final season of a show. Where was this awesomeness when we were stuck with Joel and crazy eyed Linely?

I Love Love LOVE this season.


Count me in as someone who cried during the wooden duck swap. It's like we saw Lemon's heart grow three sizes that day! I very much enjoyed Zoe's description of how she and Lavon spent time together. "No! that's when we watch So You Think You Can Dance! We save up all week!" Tee!


"But he gives me my strawberries in the shape of a smiley face!"


Also, I tweeted to LBB that since Grey's Zola has become a toddler, baby Ethel is officially the cutest baby on tv. I'm not too proud to admit that I squee'd aloud when she replied - she said that Baby Ethel is actually played by a little boy named Loyal.


I think RB has knocked it out of the park this season with her timing and delivery. I can only hope she lands somewhere else on my dial in a comedy of her own.

Edited by betsyboo
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I also think this season is awesome and I'm always crying at the little stuff. I'm going to miss it! And cutest baby on TV is the baby that plays Avery on General Hospital. Your ovaries will melt at the sight of her!

I love that George's parents love AB. I was ready for them to throw a fit but it was nice to see them getting along with her. They do suit eachother so well, especially supporting one another.

Meatball is a pretty awesome singer. Got all nostalgic at the 80's song.

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I will have to say that baby Hope on Raising hope is the cutest.

I loved this episode. I am really enjoying George anf AB's relationship. I even wish that they had been together all along. I love how supportive they are of one another.

I also love Zoe expressing her familial love for Lavon. I don't think its something that is touched upon too much. I have kind of just accepted how close they are but it was really nice to hear her explain it.

I don't think Lemon understood just what Lavon represented until that moment. I kind of wish Lavon had heard it as well.

This season is so much better than the last one. I hope the show gets one more season.

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Well, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who cried during Lemon and Zoe's final scene. I was a little bit embarrassed about that, but it seems like I'm in good company! I thought it was probably one of the sweetest moments we've ever seen on this show. Despite the relatively hostile "friendship" Zoe/Lemon have had over the years, I've never doubted that they'd be there for one another in a real time of need. This was a great illustration of that, and I was happy to see the olive branch come from Lemon this time. 


I'm still not sold on Lavon/Lemon, especially since I absolutely LOVED AB/Lavon, but there's this genuine sweetness about AB/George that makes me feel like even though it is rushed, this isn't a rebound for either of themm and I think that's what makes me OK with Lavon/Lemon (if everything must be wrapped nicely into a bow).

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I'm still not sold on Lavon/Lemon, especially since I absolutely LOVED AB/Lavon, but there's this genuine sweetness about AB/George that makes me feel like even though it is rushed, this isn't a rebound for either of themm and I think that's what makes me OK with Lavon/Lemon (if everything must be wrapped nicely into a bow).

I wonder if AB is just more credible than Lemon in any couple pairing. 

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I love that George's parents love AB. I was ready for them to throw a fit


I would have been really surprised if George's parents didn't like him dating AB.


I don't think Lemon understood just what Lavon represented until that moment. I kind of wish Lavon had heard it as well.

I don't think Lemon understood, either, but I think Lavon knows, as he called Zoe his best friend, as well.


I wonder if AB is just more credible than Lemon in any couple pairing.

Lemon's come a lo-o-o-ng way since the first season. I

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I would have been really surprised if George's parents didn't like him dating AB.

AB seems like the perfect mix of social standing and breeding they clearly crave and the warmth and lack of neurosis that George's mother thought Lemon had.

Plus she's an Auburn legacy. I was worried there might be some initial tension just for the sake of drama on the part of the writers, but I'm glad they didn't go there.

Edited by Swansong
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I Love Love LOVE this season.


Count me in as someone who cried during the wooden duck swap. It's like we saw Lemon's heart grow three sizes that day! I very much enjoyed Zoe's description of how she and Lavon spent time together. "No! that's when we watch So You Think You Can Dance! We save up all week!" Tee!


"But he gives me my strawberries in the shape of a smiley face!"




I love how she spoke of her relationship with Lavon.  How we got an inside peek at just how often they are together and love one another.  One of my absolute favorite TV friendships!

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I love when Wade calls Zoe "Doc" and kisses her forehead. Both him and Brick looked so cute with Ethel.


George/AB are great and Lemon/Lavon are fine, but it all feels so rushed. I do feel Lavon/AB were the best pairing of these.


My eyes were not completely dry when Lemon and Zoe had their last scene together.

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I love that George's parents love AB. I was ready for them to throw a fit but it was nice to see them getting along with her.


Definitely. I was all prepared to roll my eyes if they were disappointed he was with AB.


That being said, I never liked how George's mom treated Lemon. For all her faults, Lemon just wanted the woman to like her and George's mom had to have known her family history she could have been a bit more understanding.

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That being said, I never liked how George's mom treated Lemon. For all her faults, Lemon just wanted the woman to like her and George's mom had to have known her family history she could have been a bit more understanding.

I always felt that George had successful but emotionally aloof parents, almost as bad as Zoe's.  That's probably another reason why George and Zoe would have been a bad pairing, no good parental role models.  I know..Crazy Earl, but at least he was a bad parent in an entirely different way than Zoe's parents, I mean mother and step-father, were.

Edited by MaryHedwig
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It's been obvious since the season 10 order they were cancelling, not to mention when CW renewed every other show. Yet CW still refused to say anything even during the TCA's.


Its tacky and spineless on the networks side they have the actors and showrunner announcing it via tweets and instagram before the network said a word. 

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The ten-episode order was partly because of Rachel Bilson's pregnancy. It's one thing to write out Lemon for a few episodes for Jaime King's maternity leave, but writing out Zoe for Bilson's is a much bigger issue.


That said, I do think the CW should shit or get off the pot.

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