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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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7 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

I dream of that!  I live in Florida where Summer lasts forever.  Believe me, that gets old.  Today I was thinking that it would be lovely to be up North on one of those winter days where it gets dark early and there is a drizzling rain.  And how wonderful it would be to be inside with a fire, good book and a mug of tea.  

Believe me the constant cold, short days and bad weather up here in New England get older even faster or we wouldn't have so many "snow birds" living down in Florida half the year!  I wouldn't like endless Summer either.  I have never understood the hype about Florida despite having gone there several times and having relatives there.  But I am also not a snow person.  Plus I suffer from SADS (seasonal affective disorder) so I really need the long days that are nice enough to be outside in the sun getting my vitamin D fix.

6 hours ago, partofme said:

Same in nyc.   I hate winter.  And summer flies by.  

I wish I had NYC weather!  I'm only 110 miles north of NY but you'd think I was in Canada the way it is up here in the Fall and Winter compared to NYC.  We get a lot more snow and are on that storm track where we never know if we're going to get a dusting, and ice storm or a blizzard.  It's very nerve wracking.  NYC and anywhere near the water (even CT near the shore) gets a lot less snow than we do up here.  Even the TV weather people give us two separate forecasts - one for the shore and one for the "inland areas".  And they are often very different.  I spent too many years of my life in NY to ever get used to the weather up here.  Up here the temps. are not as moderate.  We get higher highs and lower lows.  In my area we are often in the 90s when the downstate areas are in the low 80s.  It really sucks.  Unfortunately you often don't learn these things until you experience them.  I spent 8 years in Fairfield County where the weather was more like NY than here.  I never knew what I was getting into when I moved here.  The trees don't even turn green for over a week later than they do down in NYC.  And the leaves fall sooner, too.  So I have reasons to bitch about this, LOL.

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

People who don't wait their turn in line but act like YOU'RE the one who didn't. My sister and I were recently in line, waited there for a while, and this group of girls suddenly tries to cut in front of us to be with their friend. My sister and I weren't confrontational about it but tried to keep our place by moving up as the other girls were. One of them took issue with that and said "were you in line?" Um yeah, we were both just in front of you. We couldn't believe this group thought ONE person could save all their places. Is this considered a normal thing for one person to hold spots for 4-5 people? I get it if sometimes one friend leaves to get something and comes right back, cool, no prob. But sometimes you're on a time crunch and not going to bother waiting in line if there are several invisible people somehow in front of you. This shouldn't be a thing.

Yeah that would really bug me.  You know there's an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" where Sheldon gets his knickers in a twist over someone saving a spot in line for their friend in front of him.  He staged a fit about it but no one cared.  But that was only one person.  He did have a point that because they were waiting on line to see a movie that one person might make someone else not get a seat in the theater.  But being that was only one person I probably wouldn't have cared, but a whole group of people, yeah, that would have bugged me.  

I've seen it in the supermarket where one person stands in one line holding one item while their friend/spouse/partner waits on the other with the shopping cart, usually loaded to the brim.  They do this to see which line goes faster and whichever one does the one on the slower line comes to join their comrade.  And when I'm unlucky enough to be behind them when the overloaded cart joins the other person in front of me I get pissed off.  I've never said anything in those situations, though.  I once must have given the people an evil glance because they saw it, noticed that I only had a few items and asked if I wanted to go ahead of them.  I took them up on their offer and said, "Thank you".  But most of the time they're not that gracious.

Here's MY big line pet peeve:  When I'm on line at the supermarket and the person in front of me gets to the register and has a huge problem mid checkout that's taking forever to resolve.  The cashier calls for another register to open and then says that the "next person in line" can move to that opening register.  But I'm the next person and I've already unloaded my items onto the belt so it's not possible for me to just run over to the next register.  Of course all the people behind me rush over before I can do anything.  And there are no other registers open and I'm stuck there forever figuratively banging my head against the wall.  A few times I've been in that situation the cashiers have told me to put my things back in the cart because a new register is going to open, giving me a heads up to be ready when they tell everyone to move.  But that has been the exception, not the rule.

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7 hours ago, ABay said:

To me, winter in CT doesn't last long enough while summer drags on for freaking ever.

The reason the Winter drags for me is because I am less active, especially since Covid.  There is simply not as much to do outside the house in the cold weather and a lot of what I used to do has either gone away or I'm not rushing to do because of Covid spikes at that time of year.  At least in the Summer it's easy to travel, go for day trips, go walking, shopping all over, eating outside with my husband or friends, etc.  So that's why it passes by so fast for me.

The Summers now are getting more unbearable.  In CT we had 27 days of 90+ degrees so far, probably more including Tuesday, which was over 90 in the Hartford area.  I think they said that's a record.  We usually have no more than 20 days.  My favorite season is Fall because it is less humid and the heat breaks.  Spring is also wonderful once it warms up here in the "tundra", LOL.  I'm fine with the cold up until the end of Fall in December.  If we could have the same weather from then straight through to March that would be ideal for me.  I like the change of seasons.  I don't think I would like it warm all the time.  Besides now the Summers are warmer than they used to be.  I'm not a fan of 90 degree+ days and muggy weather either.

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Our winters the last few years have been relatively mild ones overall, with a lot more rain/freezing rain than actual snowfall. We actually had a tornado watch for my area a week and a half before Christmas last year, and it's been some time since I can remember us having more than a trace of snow at most at Christmas.

So I would very much LOVE to have a winter that actually felt like a real winter again. I miss those. And I want my snow at Christmas, damnit!

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13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Here's MY big line pet peeve:  When I'm on line at the supermarket and the person in front of me gets to the register and has a huge problem mid checkout that's taking forever to resolve.  The cashier calls for another register to open and then says that the "next person in line" can move to that opening register.  But I'm the next person and I've already unloaded my items onto the belt so it's not possible for me to just run over to the next register.  Of course all the people behind me rush over before I can do anything.  And there are no other registers open and I'm stuck there forever figuratively banging my head against the wall.  A few times I've been in that situation the cashiers have told me to put my things back in the cart because a new register is going to open, giving me a heads up to be ready when they tell everyone to move.  But that has been the exception, not the rule.

Ooh, I hate that one too!

As for the line cutter, this happened to me yesterday.  Oof.   There were three people in line at the grocery.  It's one line for all checkouts.  I was first.  One lady suddenly cuts in front from the side as if there were no line at all.  I said, politely, "Miss, there's a line," pointing behind me.  I mean if you shop at this store regularly, you know where the line is.  She actually argues that she had been in the line ahead of us and was incredibly huffy about it.  I went ahead and she jumped to the next one and continued huffing loudly the whole time. 

The truth is, at this store the line moves very fast no matter what, but that just got my goat.

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When you’re listening to a podcast, and one of two people hosting the podcast only contribute with “mm-hmm” or “yup.” I’d rather just hear what the main person has to say if it’s not a conversation because constant mm-hmms and yups get annoying. 

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On 8/28/2022 at 6:01 PM, PRgal said:

I'm not Kristen, but yeah, some people don't.  And why I worry about me.  I have severe social anxiety after an experience in middle school and have basically zero close friends (I'm working on it now that I have a young child by finding mom friends from my son's school).  Of course, I could be living in an independent living community when I'm in my late 70s/early 80s, complete with shuttle service!!!  

Same here, on severe social anxiety, the reason (school. mostly), and having zero in-person friends. I only have my dad, and a family friend who was my mum's friend. She took things to the hospital for my parents, when my dad was in the hospital, and her mum drove him home one time, but I haven't seen them for years. She has her own health issues, and so does another one of my mum's best friends, who calls occasionally. With all of the drama at home, for several years there, before losing my mum, I was a mess, and didn't feel like I was in any shape to meet new people, even if I'd known them online for years. Now, after the last two years, I'm just done in. 

My own pet peeve, and it's really annoying to me: I rarely get library books back on time. I've had some for too long, and I need to get them back, but some stubborn part of me wants to finish them. It's pointless, and it's annoying and depressing. I was better off buying the occasional book, after the pandemic started, and avoiding the library, unless I got a book through the online library. I'm going back to that, I think. I'm just embarrassed, and it drags my self-esteem down - I'm the mess who can't get library books back on time. among other things.

I love reading, when I can relax into it. I can't use the light on my phone, or a light attached to a book, because it terrifies one of my dogs. I don't like the lamp that much, but had one behind the couch for a while, that was bright enough to read by. I don't know where it is now. I would try to read outside, but it's been too hot and muggy, and it will soon be too cold. 

That also reminds me: a woman I follow, and have had respect for, for years, recently posted something about being proud to take care of your home. That she thinks "hot messes" are celebrated, and people like her are looked down upon. That was the idea. I don't feel celebrated at all. I follow accounts like strugglecare, and the secret slob, as a reminder that I don't totally suck, because the house isn't pristine, and neither am I. I have tragic hair, a lot of the time. No matter what I do. I feel like crying, even though I've had a good day, because of the damned library books. I'll get them back this weekend. 

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15 minutes ago, Anela said:

That also reminds me: a woman I follow, and have had respect for, for years, recently posted something about being proud to take care of your home. That she thinks "hot messes" are celebrated, and people like her are looked down upon.

I think people, especially if they have kids, get labeled as uptight if they have homes where things are always put away unless they're being used, but I disagree with her that those with ultra-messy homes are celebrated!  In fact, people are conditioned to be embarrassed if even a "regular" messy home is seen by others.

Of course we all want to take care of our homes, but we have differing standards for what's good enough and even what's ideal, and the degree to which we are capable of achieving either stage (because of time, physical, mental, and economic [the "jeez, have a housekeeper come in twice a month if you can't keep up with it" mentality, when plenty of people can't afford that] limitations) varies. 

I'm generally a pretty tidy person, with minimal clutter on a given day (and none when I'm first done cleaning), and things I do daily, weekly, and monthly to keep things to my liking.  But when my depression and anxiety, especially the depression, gets bad, I can't do any of it, so if that goes on for too long consecutively, I can really get behind the eight ball and the house becomes a true mess.  Trust me, no one - including me - has ever celebrated that!

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When I go to sporting events and the performer singing the national anthem and/or God Bless America thinks it’s their personal concert. Or the team lets someone who cannot sing it their life depended on it on the field/court/ice because they have a connection somehow. (At a hockey game some years ago they had a local radio host sing it and she was so bad people were trying not to laugh or make faces in the stands.) 

I’m at a minor league baseball game tonight, and the singer they used was from this area originally and was a former college or NFL player, and I had no idea what key he was even in half the time. Then when he did God Bless America in the seventh inning stretch he sang “Oh please God bless America” at the end. No. If you can’t sing it straight please find someone who can.

It reminds me of that SNL skit from the late 2000s or early 2010s when Maya Rudolph’s character goes out there and does all the runs and exaggerated vocals that have become so commonplace in anthem performances.

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5 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

When I go to sporting events and the performer singing the national anthem and/or God Bless America thinks it’s their personal concert. Or the team lets someone who cannot sing it their life depended on it on the field/court/ice because they have a connection somehow. (At a hockey game some years ago they had a local radio host sing it and she was so bad people were trying not to laugh or make faces in the stands.) 

You mean like Fergie turning the National Anthem into a torch song?

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Haha that Fergie one was bad! It was one of the ones I had in mind.

I remember this one too from an Ottawa Senators/Pittsburgh Penguins game in 2011. The lady had a great voice (so not quite butchered) but she dragged out the anthems forever, and it’s great to see the players try not to laugh at how much she’s drawing it out, and then the “Let me hear you!” at 3:18 when they all collectively lose it. 

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I don't care who sings it or how, I'm annoyed by the national anthem being performed at domestic sporting events.  If it's something in which Team USA is competing on behalf of the country (like at the Olympics), the national anthem makes perfect sense. 

But at a regular football, baseball, etc. game, no.  Why the practice began in the World Series when the government was getting ready to draft baseball players into WWI, I understand.  But that it persists with that context long gone pisses me off; keep nationalism - and that great American pastime of complaining about what people do or do not do during the song - out of sports, please.

Edited by Bastet
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Also, "The Star-Spangled Banner" is a terrible song (I love one music professor's description of it as an "aggressive, unsingable, relatively-recently-adopted, ill-constructed descendant of a raunchy bar ballad turned celebration of obscure military stalemate"), so I understand the impulse to change it up.  With that said, I laughed my ass off at Maya Rudolph's parody of the ways in which that is attempted.

Edited by Bastet
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9 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Haha that Fergie one was bad! It was one of the ones I had in mind.

I remember this one too from an Ottawa Senators/Pittsburgh Penguins game in 2011. The lady had a great voice (so not quite butchered) but she dragged out the anthems forever, and it’s great to see the players try not to laugh at how much she’s drawing it out, and then the “Let me hear you!” at 3:18 when they all collectively lose it. 

O Canada isn't typically butchered as much though.  I sang O Canada at basketball and hockey games in university (i.e. campus home games) and the most I'd do is maybe sing the last "for thee" higher.

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3 hours ago, Bastet said:

I don't care who sings it or how, I'm annoyed by the national anthem being performed at domestic sporting events.  If it's something in which Team USA is competing (like at the Olympics) on behalf of the country, the national anthem makes perfect sense. 

But at a regular football, baseball, etc. game, no.  Why the practice began in the World Series when the government was getting ready to draft baseball players into WWI, I understand.  But that it persists with that context long gone pisses me off; keep nationalism - and that great American pastime of complaining about what people do or do not do during the song - out of sports, please.

Thank you. I never get why we have so much forced nationalism in this country. 

And that Fergie performance is iconic. lol 


Edited by RealHousewife
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12 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Geez...Fergie's rendition of the national anthem could've easily been used in an SNL skit. 🙄

I wonder if that audience might have pondered whether the Duchess of York might have done a better job with it than her nickname namesake born Stacy Ann Ferguson?

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1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

I've always disliked it when singers mess with the national anthem. It's disrespectful. I wonder if this happens in other countries? Trying to imagine someone doing a Fergie-style rendition of God Save the Queen 😒.


Sorry, I know what you meant.

Edited by peacheslatour
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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:
7 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I've always disliked it when singers mess with the national anthem. It's disrespectful. I wonder if this happens in other countries? Trying to imagine someone doing a Fergie-style rendition of God Save the Queen 😒.


Sorry, I know what you meant.

I have no problem with the Star Spangled Banner being played before sporting events and don't find that "forced nationalism". Its only a few minutes - chill out and appreciate if its a good rendition; grimace and shake your head if the singer sucks. In any case its good to be reminded that we do live in in the home of the brave and the land of the free, despite our shortcomings and disagreements. As to the image above - I was and still am a huge fan of the Sex Pistols and the first time I heard this track I leapt up into the air waving my tiny fists about. If any American punk band does as good a job with the Star Spangled Banner, I'll love that too. Pet peeve: People being way too serious about bloody *everything* nowadays.

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27 minutes ago, isalicat said:

I have no problem with the Star Spangled Banner being played before sporting events and don't find that "forced nationalism". Its only a few minutes - chill out and appreciate if its a good rendition; grimace and shake your head if the singer sucks. In any case its good to be reminded that we do live in in the home of the brave and the land of the free, despite our shortcomings and disagreements. As to the image above - I was and still am a huge fan of the Sex Pistols and the first time I heard this track I leapt up into the air waving my tiny fists about. If any American punk band does as good a job with the Star Spangled Banner, I'll love that too. Pet peeve: People being way too serious about bloody *everything* nowadays.

As they say here, my pet peeves are my pet peeves, so I don't need to "chill out". 

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Arrrrggghhhh, we somehow lost the Roku remote, which doesn’t ever even leave the living room—which I tore apart to look for it: in, on, under, around the couches; in the cats’ toy box, cabinets and bookshelves. Then onto other places that maybe it would have accidentally been brought to and left: fridge/freezer, recycling bin, garbage, kitchen cabinet with snacks, bag of chips, bedrooms, bathrooms, my bag…not to mention the exact place that it’s kept, just to make sure we’re both not selectively blind and/or crazy. That thing is completely and illogically GONE.

I ordered another, so I expect to find the old one about 5 minutes after the new one gets here (and probably right in plain view).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Natural deodorant. Why can't I find one that works?! I'm not even a heavy sweater, I work inside most days, i don't think I'm an overly stinky person, and yet I haven't found one that lasts all day so far. Native, Tom's, Megababe, Lume, Schmidt's, etc. None of them have worked for me. I'm about to give up and go back to the regular Secret or Dove deodorants that I used to use,  even though I don't like the ingredients. 

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13 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Arrrrggghhhh, we somehow lost the Roku remote, which doesn’t ever even leave the living room—which I tore apart to look for it: in, on, under, around the couches; in the cats’ toy box, cabinets and bookshelves. Then onto other places that maybe it would have accidentally been brought to and left: fridge/freezer, recycling bin, garbage, kitchen cabinet with snacks, bag of chips, bedrooms, bathrooms, my bag…not to mention the exact place that it’s kept, just to make sure we’re both not selectively blind and/or crazy. That thing is completely and illogically GONE.

Wish I could tell how many times this has happened to me.  I have no semi-professional insights beyond what you have mentioned.  It'll turn up, which doesn't help you now.  I did order a replacement TV/Roku remote from Amazon, which arrived a few hours after I found the lost one.  Maybe try that, lol.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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5 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Natural deodorant. Why can't I find one that works?! I'm not even a heavy sweater, I work inside most days, i don't think I'm an overly stinky person, and yet I haven't found one that lasts all day so far. Native, Tom's, Megababe, Lume, Schmidt's, etc. None of them have worked for me. I'm about to give up and go back to the regular Secret or Dove deodorants that I used to use,  even though I don't like the ingredients. 

Have you tried Native? Not all of the styles are perfect for me, but there are 2 or 3 that are fabulous.

6 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Wish I could tell how many times this has happened to me.  I have no semi-professional insights beyond what you have mentioned.  It'll turn up, which doesn't help you now.  I did order a replacement TV/Roku remote from Amazon, which arrived a few hours after I found the lost one.  Maybe try that, lol.

I did—should be here tonight, moments before the old one shows back up, I’m guessing. It’s just crazy when this kind of thing happens!

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20 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Have you tried Native? Not all of the styles are perfect for me, but there are 2 or 3 that are fabulous. 

Yep, that was the first one I tried. I'm just not impressed with natural deodorant. They are all so pricey and just don't work well.

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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

When people don’t bother with apologies or acknowledging how they hurt you or were wrong but think a small gesture will fix everything. 

That's basically my BF, if it's a "small" issue (e.g., being snappy and snippy for no apparent reason!). He definitely has trouble apologizing, but manages for the bigger shit.

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Everyone is entitled to spell and pronounce their names however they (or their parents) see fit, so I'll keep my mouth shut IRL and vent here.

Currently listening to a podcast where one of the subjects is Christin (pronounced Christian), and another where there's a Dylan (pronounced DIE-lon).

My brain tells me Bethenny Frankel's name should be pronounced beth-ENNY.  And Janeane Garofalo should be Jane-anne.  Doesn't matter how many times I hear it the "right" way.

Oh and a local tv station had a weather person named Dominic - pronounced dim-IN-iss.

Okay I feel better now.

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9 hours ago, emma675 said:

Natural deodorant. Why can't I find one that works?! I'm not even a heavy sweater, I work inside most days, i don't think I'm an overly stinky person, and yet I haven't found one that lasts all day so far. Native, Tom's, Megababe, Lume, Schmidt's, etc. None of them have worked for me. I'm about to give up and go back to the regular Secret or Dove deodorants that I used to use,  even though I don't like the ingredients. 

Have you tried the Honestly Phresh brand? I’ve used the rose, sugar mint and barely sweet scents and all work well for me. As a bonus, they’re baking soda free, which is in most other natural deos and irritates my underarms badly. https://honestlyphresh.com/collections/deodorant-sticks

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15 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

That is crazy! I am listening to a podcast with a "Cristin," pronounced Christian! (If I mention a Denny's shirt, does it mean anything to you?)

Yes.  Yes it does.  Forgotten?  Or was it?

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37 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Again, why did they show the gross eye disease ad on this stupid site!? I selected the option on Google never to show it again, and it did nothing! 

Oh yes that ad. I've reported over on the bad ad thread so hopefully they'll kill it. On my laptop it's not an issue (thank you ublock origin) but when I'm using my tablet I have to change the site theme to ips default because ads don't show on that. I don't like that theme though because there's no option to enlarge the font size.

Edited by scriggle
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11 hours ago, emma675 said:

Natural deodorant. Why can't I find one that works?! I'm not even a heavy sweater, I work inside most days, i don't think I'm an overly stinky person, and yet I haven't found one that lasts all day so far. Native, Tom's, Megababe, Lume, Schmidt's, etc. None of them have worked for me. I'm about to give up and go back to the regular Secret or Dove deodorants that I used to use,  even though I don't like the ingredients. 

I'm not a heavy sweater either so I use Shower to Shower original scent. It's the cornstarch in the powder that makes me feel cool. I only use it for underarms (and at night around my neck).

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17 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Again, why did they show the gross eye disease ad on this stupid site!? I selected the option on Google never to show it again, and it did nothing! 

OMG .. me too.  I counted at least twenty times it was on my screen, and told them to stop it.  It is so gross, and I would have a stye on my lower lid for the first time in my life right now.

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15 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I'm not a heavy sweater either so I use Shower to Shower original scent. It's the cornstarch in the powder that makes me feel cool. I only use it for underarms (and at night around my neck).

I still use dusting powder, even tho you’re not supposed to.  I love it.  Right now it’s Shalimar from a set.  Then it’s Shower to Shower also.  I also use Ammens as I always used it for the kiddies.  They took talc off the market years ago.  Hard to find.

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Why do doctor's offices have a 15 minute recording you have to listen to before you can get to an actual person? No, I don't want to hear about your covid protocols, no, I don't need to hear about all the services you offer, no, this is not an emergency, I don't need 911, no, I don't know my parties' extension, no, I don't need directions to your office, JUST PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE ALREADY!!!!

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6 minutes ago, GaT said:

Why do doctor's offices have a 15 minute recording you have to listen to before you can get to an actual person? No, I don't want to hear about your covid protocols, no, I don't need to hear about all the services you offer, no, this is not an emergency, I don't need 911, no, I don't know my parties' extension, no, I don't need directions to your office, JUST PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE ALREADY!!!!

My doctor's office has an online patient portal. I just make appointments on there and if I have a question they usually get back to me within a couple of hours.

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7 minutes ago, GaT said:

Why do doctor's offices have a 15 minute recording you have to listen to before you can get to an actual person? No, I don't want to hear about your covid protocols, no, I don't need to hear about all the services you offer, no, this is not an emergency, I don't need 911, no, I don't know my parties' extension, no, I don't need directions to your office, JUST PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE ALREADY!!!!

They are too busy to pick up the phone .. meanwhile, when you go there, there’s fifty girls walking around doing nothing.

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3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

My doctor's office has an online patient portal. I just make appointments on there and if I have a question they usually get back to me within a couple of hours.

I love the patient portal for questions. It goes to the doctors team and I don't have to worry about someone on the phone misunderstanding my question. A few years ago I was having random pain in my upper arm and I was really concerned it was related to another health issue. I was able to find skeleton image online, circle the area that hurt and send it with my note. Thankfully, it wasn't related (I was sleeping funny) but I never would have been able to convey that over the phone.

I wish I could make an appointment via the portal. But this reminds me I need to make an appt. for my mammogram and physical. Thankfully, the medical group I use has a general call center to make appointments and the hold time is minimal.

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I wish I could make an appointment via the portal. But this reminds me I need to make an appt. for my mammogram and physical. Thankfully, the medical group I use has a general call center to make appointments and the hold time is minimal.

You can't make an appointment via the portal? That sucks.

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My gyno has a portal and it is the absolute worst. I tried for several days to make an appointment for my yearly exam and gave up and just called them. When I explained to the receptionist that I just could not get it to work in the portal, she basically said "yeah, we hear that a lot from patients." Then why tf do they insist on patients using the portal if they know it's a mess?

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