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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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1 hour ago, Katy M said:
1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

n windy roads with blind curves that are barely 2 lanes wide (just 1 lane in each direction):
You are not driving a car.
You are not traveling at the speed of car traffic.
Cars coming up behind you have to either reduce speed to 5 miles per hour or swerve around you into oncoming traffic.

On the other hand:
If you walk against the traffic,
a car in your lane can stop until you have walked past.

Read more  

To be fair, sometimes there's just no safe way to get to the other side of the street.

Sure, like if you have just gone into labor and your car broke down during rush hour on the portion of a California freeway where there are 8 lanes in each direction -- then there would be "no safe way to get to the other side of the" highway.
But in the scenario to which I was referring:
   "windy roads with blind curves
    that are barely 2 lanes wide
    (just 1 lane in each direction)"
I cannot imagine it being unsafe to get to the side of the road facing traffic,
although if there was a dead skunk on the side facing traffic,
you would want to walk in the other lane for a bit. 

21 minutes ago, ABay said:

Aren't children taught anymore that if you have to walk in the street, walk so that you can see oncoming traffic . . .

According to my adult children, the safety rule of walking against the traffic is now only taught to cross-country running teams -- not in the classroom.

Edited by shapeshifter
descriptive nouns are generally better than pronouns
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4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

But in the scenario to which I was referring:
   "windy roads with blind curves
    that are barely 2 lanes wide
    (just 1 lane in each direction)"
I cannot imagine it being unsafe to get to the side of the road facing traffic,
although if there was a dead skunk on the side facing traffic,
you would want to walk in the other lane for a bit. 

We have a 2 lane highway.  One side starts out with a sidewalk (no sidewalk other side).  It ends abruptly. It's a busy highway.  I'm not crossing it.  Of course, I drive if I have to go out that way, but not everyone has that option.

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You're fast asleep in bed having a really nice <sexy> dream; you're comfortable and everything is just right.

But then there's the inevitable need to pee! 

It doesn't matter how hard you fight it the pressing need on your bladder just isn't going to go away. But you're so comfortable, and so "into" your dream that you try to resist, and resist a bit more..... but inevitably you relent and get out of bed, take a walk down the hall and continue with your business. 

But when you get back into bed it doesn't matter how hard you try you can never find that comfy spot, and neither can you get back into that scrummy dream!

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3 hours ago, Zola said:

You're fast asleep in bed having a really nice <sexy> dream; you're comfortable and everything is just right.

But then there's the inevitable need to pee! 

It doesn't matter how hard you fight it the pressing need on your bladder just isn't going to go away. But you're so comfortable, and so "into" your dream that you try to resist, and resist a bit more..... but inevitably you relent and get out of bed, take a walk down the hall and continue with your business. 

But when you get back into bed it doesn't matter how hard you try you can never find that comfy spot, and neither can you get back into that scrummy dream!

Probably because needing to pee can make you horny, so once you pee, that takes away the stimulation.

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My pet peeve is something my sister does, and I've had a couple of friends who do something similar.   

Getting take out at Panera, or coffee at Starbucks, I will take a FEW extra napkins.  I'm going back to work, and I grab a few napkins, anticipating the inevitable spill on my clothes. on my desk, whatever.  A FEW extra napkins.  and if I don't need them all, I stash them at work.   My sister grabs bunches of napkins.  I'm not kidding - like 20.  She brings them home and puts them in her napkin holder.  If she grabs food/coffee on the way to my house, or my dad's, she'll bring a bunch of napkins.  she jokes about how they're 'free'  so she doesn't have to pay for napkins at the grocery store.  I guess it's the dishonesty, taking advantage of the establishment that provides napkins, straws, etc.  And I know, the defense is that the place overcharges for food and drink, so she feels she's entitled to the freebies.  But its tacky and cheap - you can buy napkins for a few bucks.  And maybe the stores wouldn't charge so much if people didn't take advantage like that.  (I know, they would anyway)  

I had a friend in college who would grab ALL of the packets of coffee sweetener in a restaurant and put them in her purse to use at home.

And maybe what bothers  me is when people who do this don't think of it as stealing.   They feel entitled to take what they want.  Restaurants provide sweetener to use in the coffee that you consume at the restaurant, not for you to use at home.  Napkins are provided for the meal you just purchased, not for the following week.  

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I guess this year's holiday gift to your sister should be a carton of napkins from Costo!

My objection is not just the theft, but those are some flimsy-ass napkins.

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@tinkerbell, dare I ask: is your sister a senior citizen? Because having done some time in food service years ago, I can attest that the worst cases of petty napkin/straws/sweetener packet theft I witnessed were at the hands of old people! The diner where I worked eventually had to quit keeping sweetener packets/napkins on the table because it was such a problem; I even saw a lady put an entire glass sugar dispenser in her purse!

My 70-something mother has also fallen prey to the allure of petty theft—-she steals napkins/straws too, but her main drug of choice is condiment packets from the grocery. I opened her fridge this past weekend and saw at least 40 packets of horseradish sauce, bbq sauce and mustard that she’d obviously swiped from her grocery store deli. When I informed her that she was stealing, her answer was to simply say, “Well they put those out for their customers to use and I’m a regular customer.” Never mind that those packets are meant for customers to use on fresh food bought the grocery store deli area, of course!

I don’t get it, the entitled idea that somehow it’s A-ok to just take all the extra items you want just because it’s there. You can literally go to the dollar store and pay one buck for a pack of napkins, straws or a bottle of sauce!

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Years ago, my grandfather was in an assisted living facility. He had the second seating for meals. He brought a ziplock bag with him and took all of the jelly that comes in the little packs. His reasoning was, after the second sitting, they all got thrown away. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 

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I wonder if some of the elder behavior of taking “free” things comes from their childhood growing up. My mother went through the depression and scarcity was the norm. She hated waste and had times when she knew not where her next spoonful of sugar would come from. She kept a small stash...maybe 6 packets. Even kids who were born from parents like mine always were afraid of having naught because of the stories that they were brought up with. 

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4 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I wonder if some of the elder behavior of taking “free” things comes from their childhood growing up. My mother went through the depression and scarcity was the norm. She hated waste and had times when she knew not where her next spoonful of sugar would come from. She kept a small stash...maybe 6 packets. Even kids who were born from parents like mine always were afraid of having naught because of the stories that they were brought up with. 

Yes, I think it definitely is.  Nowadays we live in a land of plenty where we don't think of wasting anything.  We throw out more food than we consume (yes, I know that's not quite true), we would rather buy new than to fix, etc.  But, it wasn't always that way. Clothing had to be made to last for years by letting out hems and patching.  People were so hungry they wouldn't dream of not eating food if they had it.  And, if something was free and you could use it, you took advantage of it.  Not sure what the grandfather was going to do with the jelly packets, though. 

My grandmother died four years ago and it was quite a chore cleaning out her house because she never got rid of anything because she might need it (or something similar) someday and she might not be able to get it then.  She used to yell at my mother (her daughter-in-law) for having garage sales and selling sweaters because "you don't know if you'll be able to get sweaters later.  Then you'll be cold."

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19 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

My pet peeve is something my sister does, and I've had a couple of friends who do something similar.   

Getting take out at Panera, or coffee at Starbucks, I will take a FEW extra napkins.  I'm going back to work, and I grab a few napkins, anticipating the inevitable spill on my clothes. on my desk, whatever.  A FEW extra napkins.  and if I don't need them all, I stash them at work.   My sister grabs bunches of napkins.  I'm not kidding - like 20.  She brings them home and puts them in her napkin holder.  If she grabs food/coffee on the way to my house, or my dad's, she'll bring a bunch of napkins.  she jokes about how they're 'free'  so she doesn't have to pay for napkins at the grocery store.  I guess it's the dishonesty, taking advantage of the establishment that provides napkins, straws, etc.  And I know, the defense is that the place overcharges for food and drink, so she feels she's entitled to the freebies.  But its tacky and cheap - you can buy napkins for a few bucks.  And maybe the stores wouldn't charge so much if people didn't take advantage like that.  (I know, they would anyway)  

I had a friend in college who would grab ALL of the packets of coffee sweetener in a restaurant and put them in her purse to use at home.

And maybe what bothers  me is when people who do this don't think of it as stealing.   They feel entitled to take what they want.  Restaurants provide sweetener to use in the coffee that you consume at the restaurant, not for you to use at home.  Napkins are provided for the meal you just purchased, not for the following week.  

We were in a fancy restaurant and my Mother took her rolls home.  I was so embarrassed.  But they were hers so she wasn't stealing.  Back at the hotel room at snack time my sister and I are scrounging around for some snacks and my Mother pulls her rolls out and with a sly grin on her face eats them. She's passed on now but honestly, it's one of my favorite memories.  

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I'm not sure why bicyclists in my area choose rush hour to go for their evening ride and slow traffic even more. It's summertime and the sun doesn't set until after 7; is 5-6pm on a major artery the best time and place you can think of to participate in your hobby? So aggravating.

By the way, we have like 5-6 parks in the general area where they can ride to their hearts content without disrupting traffic but I guess that would make too much sense.

Edited by AgentRXS
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25 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

I'm not sure why bicyclists in my area choose rush our to go for their evening ride and slow traffic even more. It's summertime and the sun doesn't set until after 7; is 5-6pm on a major artery the best time and place you can think of to participate in your hobby? So aggravating.

By the way, we have like 5-6 parks in the general area where they can ride to their hearts content without disrupting traffic but I guess that would make too much sense.

If you asked them, they might say that they're busy commuting in an environmentally responsible way.  That's what every bicyclist obstructing traffic here in Calif always seems to say.   

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Customers who rate a product they've purchased online with a star (between 1 and 5), but no follow-up comment; or if they do leave one its generally a "great!", "ok" or "crap!"

I see this quite often on Amazon where a product has either some favorable or mixed ratings and you have to rely on the comments to make a decision. But a lame "ok" doesn't help anyone, so why bother leaving a comment?

And when you check that person's profile you see they've "reviewed" over 100 products, but when you look closer they have yet again left one word replies, or sometimes nothing at all!

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1 hour ago, Zola said:

Customers who rate a product they've purchased online with a star (between 1 and 5), but no follow-up comment; or if they do leave one its generally a "great!", "ok" or "crap!"

What about the people who rate such comments as helpful?!

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9 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I'm not sure why bicyclists in my area choose rush hour to go for their evening ride and slow traffic even more. It's summertime and the sun doesn't set until after 7; is 5-6pm on a major artery the best time and place you can think of to participate in your hobby? So aggravating.

By the way, we have like 5-6 parks in the general area where they can ride to their hearts content without disrupting traffic but I guess that would make too much sense.

Some people actually use bicycle to get from point A to point B as opposed to just riding their bike.  So, if they're riding at rush hour, maybe it's so they can get back home after work.  And they're being environmentally friendly.

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24 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Some people actually use bicycle to get from point A to point B as opposed to just riding their bike.  So, if they're riding at rush hour, maybe it's so they can get back home after work.  And they're being environmentally friendly.

I should have made it clear in my original post. These aren't people commuting--they are decked out in professional bike gear and clearly just participating in their hobby. 

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9 hours ago, fairffaxx said:
10 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I'm not sure why bicyclists in my area choose rush our to go for their evening ride and slow traffic even more. It's summertime and the sun doesn't set until after 7; is 5-6pm on a major artery the best time and place you can think of to participate in your hobby? So aggravating.

By the way, we have like 5-6 parks in the general area where they can ride to their hearts content without disrupting traffic but I guess that would make too much sense.

If you asked them, they might say that they're busy commuting in an environmentally responsible way.  That's what every bicyclist obstructing traffic here in Calif always seems to say.   

Sure. And they might be commuting in their bike outfits. But there is a bike trail running parallel to the road just one block over. So annoying!

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10 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Sure. And they might be commuting in their bike outfits. But there is a bike trail running parallel to the road just one block over. So annoying!

Well in that case, it doesn't make much sense.  It would be safer and I imagine more enjoyable on the bike trail. 

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So, my car was towed last week--after my blood pressure rising and freaking out that it was stolen at first, because why would it be towed? I was parked where I could park at my complex. In the space that my property "shares" with its sister property. I call my leasing office and they tell me they didn't call for towing. I then ask for them to call the other property, before I call the cops to file a report in case it was stolen. And yep, they did. I'm told because I didn't have my parking permit, which is just bullshit. It's right there on the car; then I'm told I was parked in the wrong space. When I've parked there multiple times?

So, I leave work early, rush home; take a Lyft to the towing place. The asshole there says that the only form of payment they'll accept is a credit card=and that the credit card has to be in my name because it's my car. Then he INSISTS my car is gray, which it's NOT. I gave him my license and provided the plate number. What more does he fucking want? After about 10-15 minutes, I get my receipt/bill, sign the sucker and go to my car. Of course I check it out, to make sure it hasn't been damaged. And the permit is right there where I put it. Upper left hand corner of the rear window.

So, I call my leasing manager and tell her about it, and she emails me the map that shows us where we can park. Guess what? I was parked in the correct space. So I tell her, and she informs me to contact the Towing company and let them know. If I get push back, then she'll intercede on my behalf.

So I call to request COLOR pictures of my car, because I can't see Jack shit from the black and white images on my receipt. I'm told only the manager can do that and to call the next morning at 9. Sit down, guys, this is gonna be a loooong one.

I call at 9 and am informed (by the same twit who told me to call at 9) that no, manager won't be in until noon.

I call at noon. "oh. You JUST missed him." I leave my name, phone number and invoice number.

He doesn't call back. I call back after two hours. "Oh. He's in a meeting right now."

"When will he be out?"

"He's not here. He's offsite at another property and I don't know when he'll return."

I'm pissed. WHAT is with the run around? All I want is for them to email me color images so I can verify/prove that my permit was on when they towed me.

So, I call AGAIN around 6. I speak to another person, who then proceeds to tell me that they "NEVER" make a mistake when they tow. And that the reason for towing "No permit" is ALWAYS used when someone is parked where they shouldn't be. And that they don't care if our properties share parking space. If my car doesn't have the correct sticker that shows which property I'm a resident of, then my car gets towed.

I'm now incensed. I call my leasing office to convey to them what I was told--that the map they provided to us, doesn't mean squat to the towing company. I hear hemming and hawing about how he can't do anything. I have to tell him I KNOW that. All I'm doing is telling him to tell the assistant manager and lease manager what I WAS told. I swear, I've been here nearly six years, but in the past year, with a new management company taking over, a lot of the services have gone down the tubes. There are nitpicky rules for every fucking thing now and no ONE wants to or is willing to listen or help. If I could afford it, I'd move. But at least the leasing manager does listen to me and tries to help.

So, I emailed her and let her know what transpired. She called them yesterday, and guess what? It seems, for the PAST SIX YEARS, I've been using a parking permit that is NOT of the property that I'm a resident of. I explain to her that it's the only one I've ever had, and have been using for the past six years. Otherwise I would have been towed on a regular basis.

So I doubt I'll get my refund. Or maybe I might, seeing as it was the property's fault for not providing me with the correct permit. But I'll be getting it today, and we'll see what happens. IF there is a silver lining, it's that I learned I am one lucky person, to have been able to park here WITHOUT A PERMIT for the past six years.

But I doubt the Towing company will refund the charges. Even though it's not my fault.

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The fucking power just went out AGAIN. It's a clear day. I called Duke Energy, and surprise--it's the same number of people affected as every time: 3360. Fix the fucking problem already, damn!!!

The power blinked on and off last night when it was just drizzling outside. I'm beginning to think the transformers are held together with scotch tape and chewing gum.

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11 hours ago, Zola said:

Customers who rate a product they've purchased online with a star (between 1 and 5), but no follow-up comment; or if they do leave one its generally a "great!", "ok" or "crap!"

I see this quite often on Amazon where a product has either some favorable or mixed ratings and you have to rely on the comments to make a decision. But a lame "ok" doesn't help anyone, so why bother leaving a comment?

And when you check that person's profile you see they've "reviewed" over 100 products, but when you look closer they have yet again left one word replies, or sometimes nothing at all!

Because sometimes Amazon gives you a pop-up asking you to rate an item, and they make it so that you have to rate it and comment to get rid of the pop-up.  it's annoying form both ends - reading it, AND having to rate something that you don't really care about. 

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12 hours ago, Zola said:

Customers who rate a product they've purchased online with a star (between 1 and 5), but no follow-up comment; or if they do leave one its generally a "great!", "ok" or "crap!"

I see this quite often on Amazon where a product has either some favorable or mixed ratings and you have to rely on the comments to make a decision. But a lame "ok" doesn't help anyone, so why bother leaving a comment?

And when you check that person's profile you see they've "reviewed" over 100 products, but when you look closer they have yet again left one word replies, or sometimes nothing at all!

Or people who give a book a 5 star rating months before it's published & either leave no comment or something like "I can't wait to read this book!"

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10 hours ago, 2727 said:

What about the people who rate such comments as helpful?!


My rating pet peeve is the "I give this 2 stars because the Amazon packaging and/or delivery service was terrible. The product itself is excellent."


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22 minutes ago, GaT said:

Or people who give a book a 5 star rating months before it's published & either leave no comment or something like "I can't wait to read this book!"

Yes.  There are over 6,500 rating on Goodreads for Winds of Winter.  a book that will likely never be published.

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So, I emailed her and let her know what transpired. She called them yesterday, and guess what? It seems, for the PAST SIX YEARS, I've been using a parking permit that is NOT of the property that I'm a resident of. I explain to her that it's the only one I've ever had, and have been using for the past six years. Otherwise I would have been towed on a regular basis.

So I doubt I'll get my refund. Or maybe I might, seeing as it was the property's fault for not providing me with the correct permit. But I'll be getting it today, and we'll see what happens. IF there is a silver lining, it's that I learned I am one lucky person, to have been able to park here WITHOUT A PERMIT for the past six years.

But I doubt the Towing company will refund the charges. Even though it's not my fault.

I would deduct it from your next rent payment.  Whoever is in charge of hiring the towing company is ultimately responsible for what they do.  And if they did not provide you with the correct permit that is 100% on them. 

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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


So, my car was towed last week--after my blood pressure rising and freaking out that it was stolen at first, because why would it be towed? I was parked where I could park at my complex. In the space that my property "shares" with its sister property. I call my leasing office and they tell me they didn't call for towing. I then ask for them to call the other property, before I call the cops to file a report in case it was stolen. And yep, they did. I'm told because I didn't have my parking permit, which is just bullshit. It's right there on the car; then I'm told I was parked in the wrong space. When I've parked there multiple times?

So, I leave work early, rush home; take a Lyft to the towing place. The asshole there says that the only form of payment they'll accept is a credit card=and that the credit card has to be in my name because it's my car. Then he INSISTS my car is gray, which it's NOT. I gave him my license and provided the plate number. What more does he fucking want? After about 10-15 minutes, I get my receipt/bill, sign the sucker and go to my car. Of course I check it out, to make sure it hasn't been damaged. And the permit is right there where I put it. Upper left hand corner of the rear window.

So, I call my leasing manager and tell her about it, and she emails me the map that shows us where we can park. Guess what? I was parked in the correct space. So I tell her, and she informs me to contact the Towing company and let them know. If I get push back, then she'll intercede on my behalf.

So I call to request COLOR pictures of my car, because I can't see Jack shit from the black and white images on my receipt. I'm told only the manager can do that and to call the next morning at 9. Sit down, guys, this is gonna be a loooong one.

I call at 9 and am informed (by the same twit who told me to call at 9) that no, manager won't be in until noon.

I call at noon. "oh. You JUST missed him." I leave my name, phone number and invoice number.

He doesn't call back. I call back after two hours. "Oh. He's in a meeting right now."

"When will he be out?"

"He's not here. He's offsite at another property and I don't know when he'll return."

I'm pissed. WHAT is with the run around? All I want is for them to email me color images so I can verify/prove that my permit was on when they towed me.

So, I call AGAIN around 6. I speak to another person, who then proceeds to tell me that they "NEVER" make a mistake when they tow. And that the reason for towing "No permit" is ALWAYS used when someone is parked where they shouldn't be. And that they don't care if our properties share parking space. If my car doesn't have the correct sticker that shows which property I'm a resident of, then my car gets towed.

I'm now incensed. I call my leasing office to convey to them what I was told--that the map they provided to us, doesn't mean squat to the towing company. I hear hemming and hawing about how he can't do anything. I have to tell him I KNOW that. All I'm doing is telling him to tell the assistant manager and lease manager what I WAS told. I swear, I've been here nearly six years, but in the past year, with a new management company taking over, a lot of the services have gone down the tubes. There are nitpicky rules for every fucking thing now and no ONE wants to or is willing to listen or help. If I could afford it, I'd move. But at least the leasing manager does listen to me and tries to help.

So, I emailed her and let her know what transpired. She called them yesterday, and guess what? It seems, for the PAST SIX YEARS, I've been using a parking permit that is NOT of the property that I'm a resident of. I explain to her that it's the only one I've ever had, and have been using for the past six years. Otherwise I would have been towed on a regular basis.

So I doubt I'll get my refund. Or maybe I might, seeing as it was the property's fault for not providing me with the correct permit. But I'll be getting it today, and we'll see what happens. IF there is a silver lining, it's that I learned I am one lucky person, to have been able to park here WITHOUT A PERMIT for the past six years.

But I doubt the Towing company will refund the charges. Even though it's not my fault.

I sincerely hope they pay you back—with interest!

I had a cop leave a ticket on my windshield for parking without the permit that was on my windshield. After much aggravation at the local police station, the ticket was removed from the system — but no apologies or admission of wrong doing, just that they couldn't prove I hadn't done something to deserve the ticket even though they were still sure that I did (I'm pretty sure I was targeted for reasons I am not going to include here).

A couple of months later in the same parking lot, I saw a policeman looking for cars to ticket and asked if he was Officer B (the name on my ticket) because if it was Officer B, I was going to try to get my long overdue apology. I finally got some satisfaction when this other policeman replied, "No, I'm not that old fart," although it made me wonder why my landlord's tax dollars are paying the salary of That Old Fart (note: I'm probably older, and, yes, it is an ageist slur, but, I was too mad at Officer B/Old Fart to mind that very much).

More recently I asked another policeman in that parking lot if he could open the lot at 5am instead of 6am in the summer for those of us wanting to walk, run, or swim before it gets hot and/or before work and/or to see the sunrise, and ever since then it's been open at 5.

So at least I'm not mad at the whole department anymore.

Edited by shapeshifter
Whole and hole not the same
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27 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

So at least I'm not mad at the hole department anymore.

I am ridiculously mad at the hole department.  Because of them I fell down a stupid hole and was almost beheaded by a stupid queen who played croquet with flamingos.  They need to be more careful where they put holes.

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3 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I am ridiculously mad at the hole department.  Because of them I fell down a stupid hole and was almost beheaded by a stupid queen who played croquet with flamingos.  They need to be more careful where they put holes.

😄 Hah! I fixed it because I no longer see the whole department as being a sh1thole.

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On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 10:30 PM, tinkerbell said:

  My sister grabs bunches of napkins.  I'm not kidding - like 20.  She brings them home and puts them in her napkin holder.  If she grabs food/coffee on the way to my house, or my dad's, she'll bring a bunch of napkins.  she jokes about how they're 'free'  so she doesn't have to pay for napkins at the grocery store.  I guess it's the dishonesty, taking advantage of the establishment that provides napkins, straws, etc. restaurant and put them in her purse to use at home.

We were on a family vacation a few years ago and my (ex) sister-in-law didn't like the pillow provided by the hotel.  She went to a local department store, bought a pillow, then returned it at the end of the week.  She didn't see anything dishonest about this.

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I had a 9am doctor's appointment this morning. It was stressed to me the importance of showing up early. I show up at 8:45am. It is now 10:30am and I still am waiting to be seen by a doctor. This system is beyond ridiculous. I'm ready to just walk out at this point. Why not just give me a 11am appointment if that is what time I will see the doctor anyway? So aggravated.

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15 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

I had a 9am doctor's appointment this morning. It was stressed to me the importance of showing up early. I show up at 8:45am. It is now 10:30am and I still am waiting to be seen by a doctor. This system is beyond ridiculous. I'm ready to just walk out at this point. Why not just give me a 11am appointment if that is what time I will see the doctor anyway? So aggravated.

Sadly that is the way it happens too often these days. I once had a 8:30 appt and didn’t get seen until noon. Then they wondered why my BP was high! 

Regardless, I hope that it goes well. 

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I understand medical emergencies, but office staff should freaking schedule to allow for same-day appointments! I don't know why so many offices seemingly haven't figured this out.

Also, a lot of the chronically late doctors are specialists who don't even have emergencies. I was quite salty with the dermatologist's office last time they made me wait.

My limit is 45 minutes. The receptionists always look shocked when I tell them I'm leaving.

I also don't care how competent and caring a doctor is, I can't continue to see them if their front office and nursing staff are bored or rude, don't answer the phone or call me back, don't check their patient portal emails, screws up appointment or prescription requests, etc.

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Every doctor's office I've been in has a sign out that says "Let us know if you've been waiting more than X minutes" where the X is usually 15 or 20.  I'm not sure what they do in those cases, because I've almost never had to wait that long (knock wood).  On the few occasions where I have waited longer they did tell me in advance and it still wasn't more than 30 minutes.  

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7 hours ago, 2727 said:

... Also, a lot of the chronically late doctors are specialists who don't even have emergencies. I was quite salty with the dermatologist's office last time they made me wait. ...

Remember when Phyllis (Cloris Leachman's character on The Mary Tyler Moore show) complained that her husband Lars had been having a lot of late night emergency calls and Rhoda (Valerie Harper's character) pointed out that Lars was a dermatologist?  The truth was that Lars was having an affair with Sue Ann Nivens (Betty White's character, star of "The Happy Homemaker" show on the TV station where Mary worked), and that's why he was never home at night.  Who knew that dermatology could be so much fun!  

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10 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

Every doctor's office I've been in has a sign out that says "Let us know if you've been waiting more than X minutes" where the X is usually 15 or 20.  I'm not sure what they do in those cases, because I've almost never had to wait that long (knock wood).  On the few occasions where I have waited longer they did tell me in advance and it still wasn't more than 30 minutes.  

You obviously have better insurance than me!

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@Brookside, same here! There's no sign like that in any of my doctors' offices! It's an unmentioned "suck it up and wait" attitude.

Which leads me to the one time I walked out on a doctor, and let the receptionist & nurse know that I would not be returning. When my oldest daughter was an infant, 28 years ago, I was referred to the most arrogant, self-important, judgmental pediatrician known to man. Every appointment was at least a 45 minute wait, and then once I finally got in to see him he would tell me how busy he was and rush through my appointment. One time I left in tears because I had asked a question about weaning my daughter off the breast and he berated me for 10 minutes about what a horrible mother I was for not continuing until she was a year old. She was 6 months and I was going back to working full-time. The next appointment I sat waiting for an hour, I went to the desk only to be told "he'll be with you soon". After another 30 minutes I went to the desk and asked again, the b*tchy receptionist turned to me and said "He will be here when he gets here, he had an emergency out of the building!" As she was saying this the nurse walked up nodding her head in agreement, so I looked at both them and said "You mean to tell me I have been sitting her for 90 minutes and he isn't even in the building, and you didn't feel the need to offer to reschedule?" No response except glares, so I told them forget it, I'm done here, I will be transferring to a new pediatrician who actually has time for his patients, with a staff who understands that everyone's time is important, not just the doctor's. 

Years later I told this story to an acquaintance and she exclaimed "Was it Dr. So-and-so? And I said "yep!" and she told me she had the exact same experience with him. I was glad to hear it wasn't just me. 

Edited by GoodieGirl
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3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Why did my neighbor's cat poop in the grass right beneath the middle of the clothesline?

You neighbor's cat is paranoid.  It gave him some cover to do his business out of the direct line of sight of those beady little bird eyes.

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I worked in a doctor's office for a few years as a medical assistant.  Most appointment slots were double or triple booked, though I would double book an office visit with something that took a minute or two like a wound redressing or if a patient was a known, serial no-show.  Part of my job was keeping the rooms moving. I don't think anyone ever waited more than 20 minutes unless there was a patient that took an inordinately long time with their appointment because of a complex issue.

We used to have this one elderly woman who always wanted the first appointment in the morning at 8am.  She would then proceed to show up at 7:30, before any of us had even arrived to open the office, and then complain that she had to wait in her car.  She would do this every time she had an appointment. Had she shown up at her actual appointment time, her wait would've been less than 5 minutes. 

Keeping you waiting over an hour past your appointment time is ridiculous.  There is only one doctor I'll wait that long for, and it's my neurologist because she actually listens to me, which is a rarity.  I actually have an appointment with her Monday at 11am.  Between waiting and the actual procedure, I'm sure I'll not be out of there before 1pm.  Every other neurologist I've seen has been a raging, arrogant asshole, to the point where I thought it might've been a prerequisite for choosing that specialty. 

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1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:
5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Why did my neighbor's cat poop in the grass right beneath the middle of the clothesline?

You neighbor's cat is paranoid.  It gave him some cover to do his business out of the direct line of sight of those beady little bird eyes.

Heh. Maybe.
And why did I step in it?
Maybe the cat noticed I only use my yard to hang towels and swimsuits, and he doesn't want me in his territory.

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On 7/19/2019 at 9:37 AM, Katy M said:

I think I would excuse an actual phone call for that:)

Not gonna lie, I'd probably just start yelling, haha!

Ugh, you guys--yes to all the doctor appointment complaints! I was at my allergist the other day and 30 minutes after my appointment was scheduled for, the nurse who took my blood pressure and all the stuff the actual doctor doesn't do said so cheerfully, "She'll be right with you--she's with a patient right now." But I was supposed to be the patient!

At another doctor (ugh, the Lady-Business Doctor, my least favorite kind), I had been waiting in the exam room for 30 minutes. I was already tense and annoyed (I am a terrible patient at that kind of appointment) so I called the front desk from there and asked when the doctor would find his way to me. They didn't think I was clever or funny at all.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

At another doctor (ugh, the Lady-Business Doctor, my least favorite kind), I had been waiting in the exam room for 30 minutes. I was already tense and annoyed (I am a terrible patient at that kind of appointment) so I called the front desk from there and asked when the doctor would find his way to me. They didn't think I was clever or funny at all.

That's the worst kind of appointment to be kept waiting for. Ugh.  A lot of people (myself included) have anxiety about that particular visit.  To be kept waiting in the exam room? Fuck that.  

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2 minutes ago, janestclair said:

That's the worst kind of appointment to be kept waiting for. Ugh.  A lot of people (myself included) have anxiety about that particular visit.  To be kept waiting in the exam room? Fuck that.  

RIGHT?! Sitting there in a paper robe fixating on the impending foul business to come! Ooooh, no. The damn doctor already prescribes me Ativan for a checkup so don't make me wait!

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41 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

The damn doctor already prescribes me Ativan for a checkup so don't make me wait!

Waiting doesn't help soothe any anxiety, that's for sure.

Over the last couple of years I've developed white coat syndrome and my BP and heart rate spike while I'm kept waiting.

Then the doctor freaks out and wants to put me on BP medicine. I take my own sphygmometer to show the history is normal, but the last doctor pushed it away and said he doesn't "believe those things". But he does believe I need medication after one visit when I'm nervous and upset.

Edited by 2727
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2 hours ago, 2727 said:

Over the last couple of years I've developed white coat syndrome and my BP and heart rate spike while I'm kept waiting.

Then the doctor freaks out and wants to put me on BP medicine. I take my own sphygmometer to show the history is normal, but the last doctor pushed it away and said he doesn't "believe those things". But he does believe I need medication after one visit when I'm nervous and upset.

My BP is always higher than it should be when I visit the doctor (white coat syndrome and also because they take the BP while you are sitting stiffly upright on that tall exam table with your feet dangling and you are probably nervous at what the doctor might say about--supposedly routine--test results), but my doctor knows I have a reliable monitor at home and check it periodically.  He just told me that if I started getting higher than normal readings at home to let him know.  I like that. 

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At my HMO, it's standard practice to take BP with the patient seated in a chair, feet flat on the floor, following a wait of at least 15 minutes after arriving (not immediately after driving, parking, walking across the lot, climbing stairs, etc.).  If those results are high, they wait at least 10 minutes and then test again with the patient standing, arm extended at heart level, hand resting on the BP machine -- that almost always helps to bring my numbers down.

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