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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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3 hours ago, 2727 said:

It never occurred to me to take reusable straws to a restaurant; I just drink from the danged glass. In my area you have to specifically tell the servers not to bring straws. Even if they're left unopened on the table, I have a feeling the bussers just toss them.

I'm perfectly happy drinking out of restaurant glasses, so I always tell the server "no straw, please," because, like you, I just don't want to risk it being tossed instead of added back into the pile if I simply leave it on the table unopened.

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I prefer drinking from a straw because the ice restaurants put in their drinks make them too damn cold on my teeth otherwise. Sometimes I'll ask for no ice but then I feel like they think I'm doing it just to get extra beverage in the glass and I'm not.  

I also need to clean out my closets, file paperwork, and get rid of clutter.  Maybe tomorrow.  I found a storage crate full of clothes the other day from when I was 15-20 pounds heavier that I'm going to donate along with whatever I pull out of my current wardrobe. I have entirely too much in my closet for someone who never leaves the house except to go to work and run a few errands. The clothes are all size 8-10 and now I'm a 0.  Now, I lost weight, but not that much. Vanity sizing is ridiculous.   

Carvel ice cream cakes and flying saucers were the best growing up.  I was all about the crunchy layer too.  Of course, being Italian-American, we never had ice cream cake for birthdays or special occasions, only cannoli cake, which I loathe. 

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I shared this in the Transitions thread for those looking to donate I found this hassle free way to donate. It's run by Zappos (the shoe company) https://zapposforgood.org/

My pet peeve is people who let their cats outside, or abandon them when they move. No one ever thinks it's a good idea to let dogs roam, so why cats? Another one of the parking lot kitties in my complex died. The poor thing looked to be sopping wet, which means it was probably dying all alone in the miserable weather yesterday. Pisses me the fuck off.

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I finally got a form from DSS asking for my wages for food stamp approval. I assume my second phone call, which resulted in my leaving a message for the caseworker, prompted them to send out the form. They'd not sent any other correspondence. I put the pay statements in the mail the same day I got the forms. Please, please, universe, approve my benefits this week. I just got $40 in groceries because that's all the money I had left on my EBT card from November.

My parents gave me $500 (this NEVER happens) and I'm waiting on $500 from a liquidated life insurance policy. My sister paid for my tires and battery; she's given me $600 this month in total. It's still going to be extremely tight making rent and paying the expenses (bills and incidentals) credit card and new health insurance. I paid the last current health insurance bill ($600).

I've applied to several full-time jobs that seem like they'd be a good fit. I'm hoping things will pick up on that front after the new year. I don't know what I'm going to do if not. No other part-time job has panned out.


Well, that was a bust. The resale shop didn't want to take ANY of my clothes (not even the two shift dresses or dress shirts!) because they don't "take anything older than one to two years" and they aren't buying straight-leg pants. Newsflash: women are still wearing straight-leg pants. Ugh.

If I'm off Monday, I'll try one other shop and whatever they don't take, I'll donate so I can deduct it from my taxes.

Edited by bilgistic
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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

Well, that was a bust. The resale shop didn't want to take ANY of my clothes (not even the two shift dresses or dress shirts!) because they don't "take anything older than one to two years" and they aren't buying straight-leg pants. Newsflash: women are still wearing straight-leg pants. Ugh.

I've never had good luck at resale shops. They want the items that are still in the stores and want to pay next to nothing for them (offering slightly more if you take 'store credit').

Have you tried Facebook or OfferUp? A friend of mine has great luck on OfferUp or LetGo.

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3 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I've never had good luck at resale shops. They want the items that are still in the stores and want to pay next to nothing for them (offering slightly more if you take 'store credit').

Have you tried Facebook or OfferUp? A friend of mine has great luck on OfferUp or LetGo.

No; I've used LetGo before and like with Craigslist, there are people who say they're definitely, absolutely interested and then they bail (or ghost) at the last minute. I don't have the patience for that.

In "Peeves Revisited: We've All Bitched About This Before": This is the second night now that people have been setting off fireworks. You get ONE NIGHT, people, and it's not until Monday!

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10 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Sending you love, @AgentRXS. You are so much more than your size.

Thank you! My size is the least of my worries at this point as I am battling severe stomach and back issues. I know that realistically I am not healthy enough to exercise to the point of making a major dent in my weight. Its just that when I see my favorite clothes from 6-7 years ago I think "Maybe, someday...." and end up not being able to part with it.

I'm really hoping you find something (anything!) soon, and that it is a good fit for you.

I'm wishing for a wonderful 2019 for all of us. This year has been total trash.

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21 hours ago, ebk57 said:

I used to do that all the time.  But about 5ish years ago, I realized I'd never fit into that stuff again.  Now I just tell myself that if I somehow get down to that size, I'd much rather buy new, fun clothes than wear the old stuff.  That works!

Totally true. It has been a lot of fun. Also awesome: Donating bags and bags of clothes that are too big and knowing “I will NEVER buy another piece of clothes that size again.”

 And speaking as someone who lost two bags of water softener salt himself, I will say exercise-schmexercise. Calorie intake is a far more important component of weight loss and management than calorie burning. I did low impact stationary bike every day for thirty minutes, but I could negate all that effort and then some by simply choosing to have a pack of apple cinnamon oatmeal instead of a piece of fruit for breakfast. The bike did more for my head and emotional state than it did for my body. 

That is my two cents. And for an extra nickel I’ll toss in that calorie intake vs burning is just a math problem. The REAL key is between our ears. One has to be deadly serious about it, live every moment of every day being serious about it. No cheating. No eating things and not counting them fairly in your tracking. Otherwise it won’t be successful. 

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On 12/29/2018 at 7:14 AM, Mindthinkr said:

I was on Amazon shopping (before Christmas) and for $4.99 purchased 4 stainless steel straws with a cleaning brush. I gave them out as Christmas prezzies. I take mine out to eat in a ziplock, use it, put it back in the bag and bring it home for washing. Problem solved. Everyone loves them. Especially those who like milkshakes. They are so thick they don’t suck up through a paper straw. 

I gave some this year too! And I also have a stash of paper ones too, which I keep at work.

My straw peeve is the people on social media who get so bent about the mere suggestion to not use straws--their reactions are over the top, all "no one's taking away my rights!" and the arguments for it (something they probably aren't even all that passionate about in the first place) tend to be willfully dumb:  "one straw isn't gonna make a difference!"(because they are the only person on the planet)..."so I guess you have never used a straw then?!"..."just throw them away where they belong!" It's like they are opposed to understanding something at all.



My pet peeve is me. Inspired by the conversation going on in the Transitions thread, I cleaned out all my drawers of unnecessary paperwork/clutter, and I plan to do the closets sometime after the new year. My problem is that every time I go through my clothes, I convince myself I can lose the 10 or 20 lbs needed to wear some of the stuff again, knowing damn well I am not. I always  end up parting with very little. I know a lot of people struggle with the same issue, but I just annoy the crap out of myself every time I attempt to get started.

Wish me luck that this is the year that I finally wake up and smell the roses.


I hear you on this so much! I pretty much stay the same weight, but do have some...let's call it "redistribution," haha, so it's not that they don't fit anymore; it's more that I have a lot of clothes because I

  1. like clothes a lot
  2. have a decent (not great!)-sized but poorly laid out walk-in closet (seriously, I had to take the door off and hang a curtain, just so I could make use of the right-side wall)
  3. find the actual act of shopping fun, mainly in vintage/thrift stores 

So I get excited for a great find and maybe don't consider that I have something similar already (plus the fact that vintage finds are not always something that fall into the "regular rotation," so the "if you haven't worn it in 6 months, throw it out" rule doesn't apply). As a result, I make myself to cleanouts/reorganizations periodically and have been known to start that task much too late in the day! And, ooh, if I don't get the "get rid of" bags out that same day, I end up second-guessing myself!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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2 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I gave some this year too! And I also have a stash of paper ones too, which I keep at work.

My straw peeve is the people on social media who get so bent about the mere suggestion to not use straws--their reactions are over the top, all "no one's taking away my rights!" and the arguments for it (something they probably aren't even all that passionate about in the first place) tend to be willfully dumb:  "one straw isn't gonna make a difference!"(because they are the only person on the planet)..."so I guess you have never used a straw then?!"..."just throw them away where they belong!" It's like they are opposed to understanding something at all.

I was at a restaurant the other night. When they brought my water, the glass was filled with crushed ice. That hurts my teeth. I forgot to bring a straw (I had planned on having a glass or two of red wine). The server got in a huff when I asked for one, but when it arrived my jaw dropped. There was no paper covering on it and she casually dropped/threw it on the table.  She had her hands all over the dang thing and I am slightly picky about germs. Needless to say I didn’t drink the water. I didn’t ask for the straw to personally offend her. Note to self. Always keep a spare (non-disposable) in my purse. 

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I ordered 3 things on Ebay on December 22nd, one already arrived and I have yet to hear anything on the other two. I sent messages to both sellers yesterday to check on the status. Am I right to be annoyed or am I overreacting since last week was Christmas? I get that people take the whole week off but at least put a note on your Ebay page letting buyers know. 

I think I'm cranky since I seem to be fighting off a cold for the second time in two weeks. 

Edited by emma675d
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1 minute ago, emma675 said:

I ordered 3 things on Ebay on December 22nd, one already arrived and I have yet to hear anything on the other two. I sent messages to both sellers yesterday to check on the status. Am I right to be annoyed or am I overreacting since last week was Christmas? I get that people take the whole week off but at least put a note on your Ebay page letting buyers know. 

Even if they're gone on vaca, they most likely have internet access and could check every couple of days and should have let you know by email that your order would not be shipping until after the new year, or whatever.  So, while I wouldn't freak out about it, I do think annoyed is justified.

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5 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Even if they're gone on vaca, they most likely have internet access and could check every couple of days and should have let you know by email that your order would not be shipping until after the new year, or whatever.  So, while I wouldn't freak out about it, I do think annoyed is justified.

The good ones typically put a message in their accounts that anything ordered between this date and that will be shipped after the latter (see, I told you I shop too often!).

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23 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

Totally true. It has been a lot of fun. Also awesome: Donating bags and bags of clothes that are too big and knowing “I will NEVER buy another piece of clothes that size again.”

Careful though.  You don’t want to throw or give away something your kids might be highly attached to.  My Dad had this corduroy suit jacket with these amazing buttons that I loved dearly.  Mom gave it to me last year - I wear it because I love it and it is like having him with me.  I almost always wear it when I am feeling stressed.  The jacket is really good quality and was well made because it has to be 50+ years old.

But I actually asked for the jacket about 15 years ago when my parents were doing will prep.  They asked if there was anything I really wanted expecting me to call dibs (legally binding in my family) on something one traditionally lists on a financial statement. 

The other item is a silly t-shirt from his work.  He investigated financial crimes (white collar) and they had a couple big raids involving state or federal police & the FBI.  They had t-shirts made up to id themselves on raids - but these were very white collar affairs and the chance of drawing a gun was slightly higher than winning the lottery.  But it was a big deal to them and it makes me smile. 

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As follow-up to the discussion of reusable straws, it occurred to me that I should keep the drawstring bag of straws in the car, then that I should also keep a couple of restaurant doggy bag plastic containers there as well, then that I should get an insulated lunch bag/tote to hold it all. So I did and gave a set to my sister; she was delighted. Perhaps a gift suggestion for like-minded others?

Plus the totes are really cute!

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Peeve: people who ask you what you're up to and have no intention of including you in their plans when you say you're free and end shit with "I hope you have a good day" or "have fun!".

Two different people asked me what I was doing for NYE. When I replied no plans yet their response was about the things they were doing and ending with "hope you have fun!". Yea, sure. I'll be having a blast home, alone eating a nice dinner by myself and sitting on my couch like I do nearly every night. You have fun at the shindig you're going to!

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21 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Peeve: people who ask you what you're up to and have no intention of including you in their plans when you say you're free and end shit with "I hope you have a good day" or "have fun!".

Two different people asked me what I was doing for NYE. When I replied no plans yet their response was about the things they were doing and ending with "hope you have fun!". Yea, sure. I'll be having a blast home, alone eating a nice dinner by myself and sitting on my couch like I do nearly every night. You have fun at the shindig you're going to!

Well, I'm just too fucking tired to go out and partay. Turns out that my hemoglobin count dropped. THAT'S why I've been so tired lately, even though my sugar is under control. So it's back to the iron pills until I get that count up to 13 again.

That said, I'll be having my Moët Rosé Champagnee, while playing Operation. That's right, Operation! Let's see how long I can go without having the red-nose buzzer go off! My best friend may come by if her younger daughter has no plans. Either way, it's Operation, and whatever mood strikes me to watch either classic Bollywood movies or something Batman: Animated Series Related.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I haven't gone out on New Year's Eve since 1998.  When all the "millennium" hype occurred around NYE 1999 (never mind that the actual new millennium was still a year away), I decided I wanted nothing to do with it, and stayed home.  There was a Thin Man marathon on TCM, so my night consisted of martinis, a nice dinner, a bubble bath, my cats, and those films.  I enjoyed myself so much - no crowds, no over-priced food and drinks, no making my way home on roads populated with amateur drunks - I never went out on NYE again; a night in with a movie/TV marathon of some sort became my tradition.

So this is food for thought for me.  If I ask someone about their NYE plans - which I'm sure I rarely do, as I don't care - it's just a desperate attempt at making timely conversation, as I'm certainly not going to invite them to join me.  But if someone is going to a non-exclusive event and isn't prepared to follow up a "nothing yet" type response to what is probably just an absentminded inquiry into another's plans with, "Well, it's usually a good event and last-minute tickets can often be had; maybe I'll see you there," I guess they shouldn't ask to begin with just in case.

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I haven't gone out on NYE since the early 2000's. I've spent the day putting up Christmas decorations, making trash (a southern version of homemade Chex mix), and general cleaning. I'll make a nice dinner, take a hot bath, and watch movies with the dog and a small bottle of champagne I got from a team I support at work. A perfect, quiet end to a year I'm ready to see over.

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No excuse necessary.

I forgot one NYE out since my at-home tradition began, when I was in Orlando visiting my best friend during the brief time she lived there before high-tailing it back to Los Angeles.  She bought us tickets that got us into/drink specials at participating downtown bars.  The second one we went to had a nice rooftop space that wasn't unbearably crowded, so we stayed there all night.  There was a group of friends, two or three men and one woman, nearby and we wound up talking with them all night.  (The woman was dressed in a blue dress similar to "Miss Scarlet" in Clue, and vaguely resembled Lesley Ann Warren to boot, so my best friend and I - who have the entire film memorized - said something to her and that led to a night-long conversation with the group as there was a lot of overlap in all our tastes in music and movies, and we were all aligned on political/social issues.)

It was a nice night, but I'm still happiest at home.

Edited by Bastet
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It's supposed to be pouring down rain here at midnight so probably (I hope) no fireworks. My house is surrounded by the Ring of Fireworks; it seems like every town park in the county is in the corner of town closest to me. I pray for rain the entire week of July 4th.

Staying up until midnight requires far too much effort for the piddling pay-off unless it has been an exceptionally bad year and I want to make sure it is really, truly over with. 2018 was not the greatest 12 months of my life, but it wasn't god awful like 2016. 

Until bedtime, I plan to have a couple glasses of wine and continue watching El Internado on Netflix. I wish there were more seasons of El Ministerio de Tiempo but at least this is a mystery that doesn't make me want to call a suicide hotline. It's a peeve of mine that the "gritty" and "dark" depressing TV trend is global so it's hard to find any TV series from any country that's just entertaining.

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Because I'm a social anxiety-ridden idiot, I didn't leave home until after 5 to pick up my prescriptions. The pharmacy closed at 5. I figured they'd be open until 6, as on the weekends. My insurance changes tomorrow. The meds would've been free today because I long ago reached my deductible. Tomorrow, they won't be free. I'm so mad at myself.

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3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Because I'm a social anxiety-ridden idiot, I didn't leave home until after 5 to pick up my prescriptions. The pharmacy closed at 5. I figured they'd be open until 6, as on the weekends. My insurance changes tomorrow. The meds would've been free today because I long ago reached my deductible. Tomorrow, they won't be free. I'm so mad at myself.

Try to look at the bright side, this will help you hit your deductible in 2019 sooner:)

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Happy New Year to everyone!  I loved reading these recent posts and finding that many of you are not into big NYE plans.  In addition to my social anxieties, I hate driving at night on holidays where many people on the roads have been drinking.  I watched part of The Simpsons marathon on FXX and went to sleep.

My pet peeve that I'm sure a lot of you might be dealing with now?  Group text messages.  So annoying and sleep-disrupting early this morning when all these people I don't even know respond one by one.  This 'close' friend who initiated the message couldn't even be bothered to message me seperately since we spoke in September after I'd been in an accident that put me on disability for 2 months.  I'm tempted to add a 'F you all for interrupting my much needed sleep' to this inane group text.

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16 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

Happy New Year to everyone!  I loved reading these recent posts and finding that many of you are not into big NYE plans.  In addition to my social anxieties, I hate driving at night on holidays where many people on the roads have been drinking.  I watched part of The Simpsons marathon on FXX and went to sleep.

My pet peeve that I'm sure a lot of you might be dealing with now?  Group text messages.  So annoying and sleep-disrupting early this morning when all these people I don't even know respond one by one.  This 'close' friend who initiated the message couldn't even be bothered to message me seperately since we spoke in September after I'd been in an accident that put me on disability for 2 months.  I'm tempted to add a 'F you all for interrupting my much needed sleep' to this inane group text.

I ended up cancelling my mini plans, (We were just going to go out for dessert at 7ish) because we were supposed to get a combo of sleet/freezing rain/snow.  I think we just ended up with freezing rain. But, anyway, I said I wasn't going to drive in that muck with drunks.  My friend gets annoyed with me because of my driving fears, but if I'm not comfortable driving, I'm not comfortable driving, thus making me a danger to everyone around me.  I don't actually like driving at night at all any more, because my vision isn't that great. So, that brings me to my pet peeve.  People who are judgmental about limits that you set for yourself.  I figure I know what I can and can't do better than anyone else would know.  so, if I don't think it's safe, maybe that should be respected.

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On 12/31/2018 at 9:56 AM, TattleTeeny said:

I gave some this year too! And I also have a stash of paper ones too, which I keep at work.

My straw peeve is the people on social media who get so bent about the mere suggestion to not use straws--their reactions are over the top, all "no one's taking away my rights!" and the arguments for it (something they probably aren't even all that passionate about in the first place) tend to be willfully dumb:  "one straw isn't gonna make a difference!"(because they are the only person on the planet)..."so I guess you have never used a straw then?!"..."just throw them away where they belong!" It's like they are opposed to understanding something at all.

I hear you on this so much! I pretty much stay the same weight, but do have some...let's call it "redistribution," haha, so it's not that they don't fit anymore; it's more that I have a lot of clothes because I

  1. like clothes a lot
  2. have a decent (not great!)-sized but poorly laid out walk-in closet (seriously, I had to take the door off and hang a curtain, just so I could make use of the right-side wall)
  3. find the actual act of shopping fun, mainly in vintage/thrift stores 

So I get excited for a great find and maybe don't consider that I have something similar already (plus the fact that vintage finds are not always something that fall into the "regular rotation," so the "if you haven't worn it in 6 months, throw it out" rule doesn't apply). As a result, I make myself to cleanouts/reorganizations periodically and have been known to start that task much too late in the day! And, ooh, if I don't get the "get rid of" bags out that same day, I end up second-guessing myself!

I signed up for Stitch Fix earlier this year, I detest shopping for clothes but my closet was full of outdated, over worn, bland items. I made a promise that for every item I kept from my Stitch Fix box I would get rid of the same amount if not more. I’ve kept at it and my closet no longer looks like the wardrobe rack of a bad 90’s sitcom. 

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20 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I stay home on New Year's Eve to keep the cats calm from the fireworks. Is that a good excuse?

Is to me.  Kook is not the least bit disturbed by fireworks, but Catty Face is not happy about them at all.  There were so many, and for so long, in my neighborhood (where fireworks are not allowed) it was even unsettling for me.  I parked myself right next to Kook for protection and Catty Face parked himself on top of me. 

Kook got an extra long walk this morning as a thank you for the multi-hour multi-species therapy function he fulfilled last night.  We skipped the dog park though - there were some dogs that were quite worked up and had their owners intervening - definitely not our idea of a good time.  It isn't usually like that, so I wonder if some of the dogs still have jangled nerves from last night and it was coming out in some overly aggressive ways today?

45 minutes ago, Katy M said:

So, that brings me to my pet peeve.  People who are judgmental about limits that you set for yourself.  I figure I know what I can and can't do better than anyone else would know.  so, if I don't think it's safe, maybe that should be respected.

Anyone who is a friend should both respect and appreciate that attitude.  I applaud you for it.

My ex's grandmother was still driving at 85+ and she was fine because she knew her limits.  She no longer did interstates and freeways and she did not drive once dusk started.  She stopped driving at 90 when she moved to Oregon because she did not know the roads nor think she could learn them well enough at that point in her life.  Plus, it had been 50+ years since she had driven in snow or on roads that ice.  She was awesome and I miss her.

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56 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

My ex's grandmother was still driving at 85+ and she was fine because she knew her limits.  She no longer did interstates and freeways and she did not drive once dusk started.  She stopped driving at 90 when she moved to Oregon because she did not know the roads nor think she could learn them well enough at that point in her life.  Plus, it had been 50+ years since she had driven in snow or on roads that ice.  She was awesome and I miss her.

I think my grandmother was definitely driving longer than she should have.  About 15 years before she stopped driving, she wanted to go out to lunch.  I drove, but her backseat driving was putting me so on edge, I went home (living with my parents at the time) and said "I'm never driving her anywhere again.  A few weeks later she wanted to go out to lunch and I had her drive.  I went back home and said I was never getting in the car with her driving again, and I didn't, but it just scared me that she was out there at all.  Yikes.  Unfortunately that meant I had to go back to driving her.  I hate hate hate hate backseat drivers.  Sure, if you see a deer or a car or a kid or anything that is going to jump out in front of me, yell.  Otherwise, shut up.  And, I'll extend you the same courtesy when you're driving.

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It was drizzly and damp here last night, so the fireworks were thankfully few, but had been steady throughout the evening. I was in the bathroom at midnight getting ready for bed. I didn't realize the big moment had passed, since I can't stand the NYE shows on TV, and my neighbors were blissfully quiet. Oh well.

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2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I loved reading these recent posts and finding that many of you are not into big NYE plans.

Crowds indicate it's certainly a night on which many people go do something big, but it's also clear there are a lot of people who stay in or have/join small, low-key gatherings at a nearby house.  The idea that everyone does - or wants to do - something big and fabulous on NYE is simply false, and fosters this ridiculous narrative that the only ones who don't are losers who didn't get invited to any such soiree. 

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52 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Crowds indicate it's certainly a night on which many people go do something big, but it's also clear there are a lot of people who stay in or have/join small, low-key gatherings at a nearby house.  The idea that everyone does - or wants to do - something big and fabulous on NYE is simply false, and fosters this ridiculous narrative that the only ones who don't are losers who didn't get invited to any such soiree. 

I blame it on the ridiculous footage of Times Square.  Even on the rare occasions I'd go to a party they would always have the TV on tuned to it, all these millions of people packed in like sardines whooping like it's the best time ever - meanwhile I bet most of them are sporting pee-soaked diapers as they grin at the camera.

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On 12/28/2018 at 9:15 PM, Stenbeck said:

A few peeves:

I understand straws are wasteful and I respect the No Straw Movement. In fact, I'll often not use a straw at a restaurant. BUT if I'm at a restaurant that doesn't look 100% clean, I. WILL. USE. A. STRAW. I'm peeved by the baby killer looks I get from the waiter when I ask for a straw.

My birthday was a few weeks ago. I had a common, non-assuming boring cake. Which is what I wanted. Everyone was surprised I didn't have one of those extra super themed cakes that are basically all style and no flavor. People kept bringing it up so much I realized it'd been years since I've had a slice of simple birthday cake -- everything is covered in fondant and 3D these days. Bah, I long for simpler times. 

I'm with you.

I love to bake and I bake cakes for friends, family and other events. I will only make classic cakes. No lard frosting roses, no fondant, just classic cakes like grandma would have baked. When there are more than one cake on a table... mine are the first gone. I'm proud of that.


I hate fondant, especially the idea that someone has played with my food like playdough and expect me to eat it or scrape it off. NO!

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Times Square is just ridiculous. I live within 30 miles of the city, and there's no way in hell you will ever find me there on NYE (or even a regular day, really).  Count me in the group that stayed home and had a low key evening. I'm not a party person at all, regardless of occasion. And now I'm on medication that doesn't mix with alcohol, so there's absolutely no reason for me to go to a party. I watched Mythbusters/The Twilight Zone and talked to a friend for a good while.  I don't think I've had actual NYE plans since 2002, which suits me fine. 

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On 12/31/2018 at 2:17 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Peeve: people who ask you what you're up to and have no intention of including you in their plans when you say you're free and end shit with "I hope you have a good day" or "have fun!".

Two different people asked me what I was doing for NYE. When I replied no plans yet their response was about the things they were doing and ending with "hope you have fun!". Yea, sure. I'll be having a blast home, alone eating a nice dinner by myself and sitting on my couch like I do nearly every night. You have fun at the shindig you're going to.

Now that’s just fucking rude. Maybe it’s how I was raised, but it’s really bad manners to ask a friend/acquaintance about one’s NYE plans and then discuss your own party plans if you’re not offering a social olive branch. That’s why you always follow up with a “feel free to join us/stop by”, otherwise you sound like you’re smugly rubbing your own fun plans in people’s faces just to be a douchewaffle.

I’m not a big fan of NYE silliness myself, but my husband and I have hosted a few NYE parties in the past and always made sure to welcome anyone who wanted to drop by. No one should have to be alone on a major holiday if they don’t want to be alone.   

Edited by Sun-Bun
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8 hours ago, Bastet said:

Crowds indicate it's certainly a night on which many people go do something big, but it's also clear there are a lot of people who stay in or have/join small, low-key gatherings at a nearby house.  The idea that everyone does - or wants to do - something big and fabulous on NYE is simply false, and fosters this ridiculous narrative that the only ones who don't are losers who didn't get invited to any such soiree. 

Yes, especially when all the store ads - both print and TV/internet - are selling the sparkly evening dresses for NYE.   Ok, I guess there ARE people who go to fancy expensive places and pay an outrageous cover charge to be seen in their gorgeous dresses (and the men in tuxes)  but I don't think I've ever met any of those people.  If I'm going out, I might wear a sparkly sweater with my black jeans.  But 34 out of the last 35  NYE's, I've been home with family, and dressed very casually.  

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This just happened over the weekend.   I have to sign up for some Continuing Education seminars for my professional license.   I got a brochure from a community college with the appropriate courses listed, and went online to sign up.   I chose the classes I needed, then went to "register".   I get a screen that says I need Adobe Flash in order to proceed.   As ridiculous as that is, OK, fine.  I can delete the flash player after I sign up, right?   I don't know why you'd need a flash player to register - the class is not online, I just have to register, pay, and then show up to the class.  

So, I go ahead and try to download the stupid flash player.   It won't download right. Well,  It downloads, but then says I need the updated version, the version I have (that I just downloaded)  is outdated.   AND - the college website recommends that I use Firefox in order to do this step. I try it a few times with my current browser, no luck, error messages.    SO -  I have to download a new browser, and then use that browser to update the flash player that I didn't want in the first place?  And worse yet, when I go to update the flash player,  there are boxes already checked that I agree to also download McAfee.  I hit the "Update now" at the same moment I realized this, so then I had to cancel, go back, and try again, this time without McAfee.  

At this point I realized how ridiculous this whole thing was.   In order to register online for a class, the college was asking me to change browsers, install a  security service, and add a flash player?  Do the people in the continuing ed department have any idea that this is what they are asking?   

I decided to just skip trying to register online.  I filled out the form, and will mail it in with a check instead.   

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I've had social anxiety since childhood and have gotten panic attacks in large crowds. This has only intensified since mass shootings have become more prevalent. I've never gone to a NYE bash at a club or event, and never plan to. My family is small with no small children in it so Christmas is a casual gathering. My peeve is when I tell people I don't celebrate like them, they say "Awww" as if I am to be pitied.

I enjoy my own company (and the cats, of course). I am prefer a book or movie to socializing any day of the week. I tried joining social groups at church (blech) in my mid-20s and all I end up doing is blending into the background and being ignored, so I'd rather not bother.  I can purchase what I want if I want it, I don't need people buying me gifts nor do I want the hassle of feeling obligated to buy for others (my dad won't accept gifts and my sister and I don't exchange gifts as we have the same attitude about Christmas).  I hate when people feel sorry for me because I don't have many friends or don't participate in huge gatherings.  That kind of life isn't for everyone and isn't meant for my life, and its okay by me.

Edited by AgentRXS
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17 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

For the New Year, on my pet peeves list, I really wish I would stop hearing these words ever used again : 





I'm sure I will think of others. 

prolly :-)

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9 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Yes, I would throw shade at anyone that says that as well

Its totes annoying

hee there are more, but I can't think of them at the moment. Your list is a great start :-)


ETA awesomesauce

all the feels

amaze balls

Edited by ari333
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19 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

For the New Year, on my pet peeves list, I really wish I would stop hearing these words ever used again : 





I'm sure I will think of others. 


And calling a school's students "our friends." They're not the teachers' friends. They are students. Am I the only person in the world who thinks there should be a certain level of formality in the relationship between a teacher and his or her students?

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46 minutes ago, auntlada said:

And calling a school's students "our friends."

For real?  A school does that?  I think that's OK for nursery school, and maybe even kindergarten, but not after that.

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1 minute ago, Katy M said:

For real?  A school does that?  I think that's OK for nursery school, and maybe even kindergarten, but not after that.

My son's school does. It's just a regular public school and not at all out there and weird, so I've been guessing that most schools do it now. Other than a few small annoyances (to me) like that, it's a pretty good school. That just annoys me, along with the general expectation of giving birthday and Christmas gifts to teachers, but I think that is an almost universal thing now, too. I'm just philosophically opposed, but as I believe I've mentioned before somewhere on these forums, I'm old and stodgy.

Edited by auntlada
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On 12/31/2018 at 2:56 PM, theredhead77 said:

Peeve: people who ask you what you're up to and have no intention of including you in their plans when you say you're free and end shit with "I hope you have a good day" or "have fun!".

Two different people asked me what I was doing for NYE. When I replied no plans yet their response was about the things they were doing and ending with "hope you have fun!". Yea, sure. I'll be having a blast home, alone eating a nice dinner by myself and sitting on my couch like I do nearly every night. You have fun at the shindig you're going to!

I had the opposite issue, I liked staying home on NYE watching movies in my pj's but when I told inquiring people my plans I'd get the sympathetic head tilt and the "Oh no, you have to come to my party/gathering, you're not staying home alone!" I would politely decline and be told that I had to come. And inevitably if I did attend I would be bored out of my skull making conversation with people I barely knew. It's bad enough I just got through Christmas gathering monotony, no way I'm dealing with it on NYE!

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20 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

For the New Year, on my pet peeves list, I really wish I would stop hearing these words ever used again : 





I'm sure I will think of others. 


3 hours ago, ari333 said:

prolly :-)



3 hours ago, ari333 said:

ETA awesomesauce

all the feels

amaze balls


1 hour ago, auntlada said:



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22 minutes ago, GoodieGirl said:

I'd get the sympathetic head tilt ...

Oy, the SHT! Concerned brows optional.

I try to forestall it when replying to such questions: "Thankfully, no plans." Or "Thankfully, I live alone."

20 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:



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yes @2727, I realized I needed to say I had plans instead of being honest. Sheesh. 

"Littles" ugh, yes!! Can I add:  any family unit that uses a hashtag to announce themselves, i.e., #theSmittys #herecomethejaspers #jamesfamilyadventures??  I'm FB friends with a couple young families who do this with every post and it makes me want to pull my hair out. 

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