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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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The painted lines of a cross walk are supposed to be a safety feature right?

So why are they so slick when it rains?  You aren't capable of putting some kind of grit in it to make non slip.

My ass, my hip, and my knee hurts.  My knee got the worst of it.  It must have looked spastastic.

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3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Peeve.  Neighbors who allow their chickens and rooster to roam free! They just roam around from yard to yard all day.   Talk about free range chickens.....literally.  The chickens are not so bad, as they eat insects, I guess, but, the rooster is loud as hell.  I mean, who thinks that kind of thing is okay?  They let them out every day and God only knows what happens to them at night. I guess they go home to roost! lol  

Maybe he’s being yelled at by the hens and isn’t taking it. It’s not like there’s a man cave for him...

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5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

the rooster is loud as hell.

He would be loud as hell even if he stayed in his own yard.  I've lived in several places (even here in NYC, in the Bronx and in Brooklyn) where folks kept chickens securely confined in their yard and the rooster spoke his mind every morning.  I minded less than other people since I am a super-sound sleeper, and honestly there were not  many complaints in those pre-gentrification days.  

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I've been married for eight years and *STILL* can't get my husband to eat his vegetables.  He'll have a nibble and then leave the rest.   And he's very selective.  He'll do carrots and broccoli.  He'll do zucchini, mushrooms and bell peppers.  And he loves onions.  He won't eat anything leafy, save for romaine and maybe arugula.  Kale?  Nope.  Spinach?  Not really.  No bok choy, etc...DEFINITELY no rapini or Brussels.  I can kind of get him to eat them if I mix it in things like fried rice.  Yesterday's pasta soup?  He left virtually EVERYTHING.  *GRRRRR*

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6 minutes ago, PRgal said:

I've been married for eight years and *STILL* can't get my husband to eat his vegetables.  He'll have a nibble and then leave the rest.   And he's very selective.  He'll do carrots and broccoli.  He'll do zucchini, mushrooms and bell peppers.  And he loves onions.  He won't eat anything leafy, save for romaine and maybe arugula.  Kale?  Nope.  Spinach?  Not really.  No bok choy, etc...DEFINITELY no rapini or Brussels.  I can kind of get him to eat them if I mix it in things like fried rice.  Yesterday's pasta soup?  He left virtually EVERYTHING.  *GRRRRR*

I know people like that. It is frustrating to cook for them. 

If it makes you feel any better I would have demolished everything in that bowl. 

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18 hours ago, bilgistic said:

This is REALLY not meant to start a phone alliance war, but I was curious enough to look up the price of the new iPhone (the deluxe, extra-special, maximum-thrills edition). It's $1400!!! I paid that for my second (used) car in 1992. I drove that car for seven years! The non-special-edition phone is $1000. What!?

I have a Nexus (Google) phone that was $400ish, which I think is still pretty outrageous, especially considering that it's not even two years old yet and the battery life has gone to shit. The battery isn't replaceable (sealed phone housing) because of planned obsolescence. I hope to be able to get some credit toward a newer Google phone when the time comes.

Technology is expensive! People have the cost looped into their bills and it's $50 a month more which to many is just what they've been paying all along. The "lease" or the plans where you got a "free" phone always included the cost of the phone added to the bill. I totally dig the BYOPhone plans now. When the Galaxy 9 was launched I was able to take advantage of a great 'deal' from Samsung, ended up paying $400ish for the phone (after discounts and trade-in credit) and my cell bill is $35 a month. But all I did was pay the $400 up front instead of as part of my bill. I also keep my phones for 2-3 generations; I've never been one to run out and buy a new phone (as a responsible adult. As a young adult I was and that's how I got myself in serious credit card debt).

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I do not need multiple texts at 4:30 in the morning to alert me that my brother's friend's mother passed in the evening.  I do not know her.  I have never met her.  I know him, but only in passing.

Multiple texts that come in quick succession that are distributed to sibling distribution groups in the middle when I am sleeping send me into instant panic mode.  Especially when we have recently been told another sibling's doctor has put at less than 6 months to live (we have serious questions on this after further investigation and so are taking that as a rolling 6 as of now).

I haven't told him yet because I was too freakin' angry to say it without multiple curse words and I'd need to borrow some from someone more proficient and colorful to get my level of peeve across.

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1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

Technology is expensive! People have the cost looped into their bills and it's $50 a month more which to many is just what they've been paying all along. The "lease" or the plans where you got a "free" phone always included the cost of the phone added to the bill. I totally dig the BYOPhone plans now. When the Galaxy 9 was launched I was able to take advantage of a great 'deal' from Samsung, ended up paying $400ish for the phone (after discounts and trade-in credit) and my cell bill is $35 a month. But all I did was pay the $400 up front instead of as part of my bill. I also keep my phones for 2-3 generations; I've never been one to run out and buy a new phone (as a responsible adult. As a young adult I was and that's how I got myself in serious credit card debt).

That's what I do. I buy the not-the-newest-generation phone, which has hopefully been rid of the major bugs since it was first released. My cell bill is $23 (Rebublic Wireless out of Raleigh)! I have only 1GB of data because there's always wifi somewhere.

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7 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I haven't told him yet because I was too freakin' angry to say it without multiple curse words and I'd need to borrow some from someone more proficient and colorful to get my level of peeve across.

If you need a hand, I’m quite creative and eloquent when it comes to a good rant. 

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8 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I do not need multiple texts at 4:30 in the morning to alert me that my brother's friend's mother passed in the evening.  I do not know her.  I have never met her.  I know him, but only in passing.

Oh, hell no. If my mother at some point in the future dies in her sleep in the middle of the night, I will be waiting until it's daylight to text/call my siblings. WTF can anybody do at 4:30 am to possibly help? It would be different if they texted you to say, "Sibling ABC is in the hospital and doesn't have much time left, so if you want to see him/her again, you need to come to the hospital now." The fact that the person who died is not even someone you are close to makes it even worse. I think the natural assumption by most reasonable people is that if you get a text or call at that hour, it's extremely bad news that is actually relevant and important to you and can't wait until the morning, or some kind of emergency request for help. I know there are people who are up all night working or whatever, and so to them 4:30 am might seem  a normal time to text, but most people understand that middle-of-the-night calls or texts will cause major anxiety for the recipient. 

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12 hours ago, PRgal said:

I've been married for eight years and *STILL* can't get my husband to eat his vegetables.  He'll have a nibble and then leave the rest.   And he's very selective.  He'll do carrots and broccoli.  He'll do zucchini, mushrooms and bell peppers.  And he loves onions.  He won't eat anything leafy, save for romaine and maybe arugula.  Kale?  Nope.  Spinach?  Not really.  No bok choy, etc...DEFINITELY no rapini or Brussels.  I can kind of get him to eat them if I mix it in things like fried rice.  Yesterday's pasta soup?  He left virtually EVERYTHING.  *GRRRRR*

I understand the frustration with picky eating, but OTH that's a decent sized list of vegetable that he WILL eat.   I've known plenty of people who wouldn't eat ANY until the inevitable health crisis forced them to start.

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I've never understood someone refusing to eat any and all vegetables.  They don't remotely all taste the same, or all have the same texture, so how can that be a genuine "no, I don't care for that" reaction to every single one and not just some stubborn crap?  Or conditioning, I guess, if all someone grew up eating was salt- and fad-laden processed/pre-made/fast food.  Or maybe if they grew up being served by someone who cooks vegetables to death and thus think that's how the vegetables themselves inevitably taste.  So I guess there are reasons, it's just weird to me to say I don't like an entire food group (which is different than I choose not to eat an entire food group due to ethical/health concerns).

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On 9/28/2018 at 9:06 AM, PRgal said:

I've been married for eight years and *STILL* can't get my husband to eat his vegetables.  He'll have a nibble and then leave the rest.   And he's very selective.  He'll do carrots and broccoli.  He'll do zucchini, mushrooms and bell peppers.  And he loves onions.  He won't eat anything leafy, save for romaine and maybe arugula.  Kale?  Nope.  Spinach?  Not really.  No bok choy, etc...DEFINITELY no rapini or Brussels.  I can kind of get him to eat them if I mix it in things like fried rice.  Yesterday's pasta soup?  He left virtually EVERYTHING.  *GRRRRR*

You married him, you did not raise him.  He's an adult, theoretically speaking.  Assuming he's medically healthy and does not fuss about what is put in front of him, this would definitely meet the criteria of a first world problem.  Heck, he'll eat a lot of vegetables I won't go near - mushrooms, bell peppers, broccoli...they give me the willies!  And I wouldn't touch a brussel sprout either.

As an adult eating lunch with close co-workers, we had a whole chain of food re-location program going on - if our dish came with something we didn't care for, but we knew someone else did, we asked for it on the side.  So Frank got my Bleu cheese, I got his avocado, Tami got black olives, Lisa got green & red peppers, etc...

Make what you like to eat and if he prefers something else, he can make it himself.


I sent a text later in the day saying that the early morning text about Bob's mom passing was really could have waited and why.  I'm glad I waited several hours to cool off, but damn it freaked me out.  I get these stupid nose bleeds when I get stressed out so yesterday was a fun day for me.

Edited by DeLurker
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7 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

You married him, you did not raise him.  He's an adult, theoretically speaking.  Assuming he's medically healthy and does not fuss about what is put in front of him, this would definitely meet the criteria of a first world problem.  Heck, he'll eat a lot of vegetables I won't go near - mushrooms, bell peppers, broccoli...they give me the willies!  And I wouldn't touch a brussel sprout either.

As an adult eating lunch with close co-workers, we had a whole chain of food re-location program going on - if our dish came with something we didn't care for, but we knew someone else did, we asked for it on the side.  So Frank got my Bleu cheese, I got his avocado, Tami got black olives, Lisa got green & red peppers, etc...

Make what you like to eat and if he prefers something else, he can make it himself.


I sent a text later in the day saying that the early morning text about Bob's mom passing was really could have waited and why.  I'm glad I waited several hours to cool off, but damn it freaked me out.  I get these stupid nose bleeds when I get stressed out so yesterday was a fun day for me.

Yeah, but why should I cook two meals?  And there's a lot of food wastage because a lot of it is already in his plate.  That's not something you want to save for the next day. 

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I said if he prefers something else, he can make it himself.

If you know he is not going to eat those vegetables, don't even put more than what you would eat in and don't serve him any of them.  Then they don't go to waste and you don't feel obligated to eat more than you should.  Throw in extra vegetables of the type he does it and serve them to him.

I probably should have started with the disclosure that I may not be the best person to give input  - I loathe any kind of red/yellow/orange/green pepper with the heat of a thousand nuns.  I can't even eat a dish made with them because the taste is so strong that they contaminate the entire dish and make everything taste like pepper.

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On 9/27/2018 at 9:49 PM, ratgirlagogo said:

He would be loud as hell even if he stayed in his own yard.  I've lived in several places (even here in NYC, in the Bronx and in Brooklyn) where folks kept chickens securely confined in their yard and the rooster spoke his mind every morning.  I minded less than other people since I am a super-sound sleeper, and honestly there were not  many complaints in those pre-gentrification days.  

Why do they even have roosters? I know a lot of people who keep chickens and unless they are breeding them they don't want fertilized eggs.

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9 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Why do they even have roosters? I know a lot of people who keep chickens and unless they are breeding them they don't want fertilized eggs.

I have a T-shirt that says "Eat your own leg. Leave mine alone assholes." While I think it is so funny (even before I went vegan), the picture on it is of a rooster and not a chicken, which is weird...though not necessarily a peeve (the lack of comma might be though).

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I'm watching Unforgotten on Amazon Prime. It's the version that aired on Masterpiece, which I know because at the start of every episode the Masterpiece theme BLASTS out and I have to mute the TV. So that's peeve 1. Peeve 2, since it was on Masterpiece, who knows what the hell's been chopped out. Peeve 3, before the theme BLARES, there has been a commercial. A commercial. When I'm already paying for Amazon Prime. And the Amazon search results are now full of sponsored shit because I guess I don't spend enough there. 

Edited by ABay
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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Why do they even have roosters? I know a lot of people who keep chickens and unless they are breeding them they don't want fertilized eggs.

Because they WERE breeding them.  They ate them and were selling them to their neighbors.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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14 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I sent a text later in the day saying that the early morning text about Bob's mom passing was really could have waited and why.  I'm glad I waited several hours to cool off, but damn it freaked me out.  I get these stupid nose bleeds when I get stressed out so yesterday was a fun day for me.

I once got a group text telling me that "Bruce"  had passed away.  I didn't know who it was from, and I didn't think I knew anyone named Bruce.     What's worse is that people kept responding with condolences - TO THE GROUP TEXT!  so I got the "Bruce is dead"  text, and then for several hours was getting "SO sorry, he was such a good man!" texts.  

the text gave the funeral home information, so I had to look that up, scan through the names, and eventually figured out that Bruce was the husband of someone I used to work with.   Apparently someone copied her phone book, and sent everyone the group text.   I get it.  But if you are texting to a bunch of people you don't know, wouldn't it be nice to use the first and last name?  

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20 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I have a T-shirt that says "Eat your own leg. Leave mine alone assholes." While I think it is so funny (even before I went vegan), the picture on it is of a rooster and not a chicken, which is weird...though not necessarily a peeve (the lack of comma might be though).

The lack of a comma is also making my sad brain read this as "Leave my asshole alone."  Can't explain my brain.

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12 hours ago, backformore said:

the text gave the funeral home information, so I had to look that up, scan through the names, and eventually figured out that Bruce was the husband of someone I used to work with. Apparently someone copied her phone book, and sent everyone the group text.   I get it. 

I don't.

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I hate it when I call my dr's office when they are supposed to be open and the answering machine is still on saying to call back during business hours. I called at 9:11am, their office hours start at 9:00am. If I didn't have a raging sinus infection that is causing the entire right side of my head to throb it probably wouldn't infuriate me as much.

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1 hour ago, GoodieGirl said:

If I didn't have a raging sinus infection that is causing the entire right side of my head to throb it probably wouldn't infuriate me as much.

Ugh. I have sinus issues too, so you have my sympathies. Hope you feel better soon.

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Thank you @AgentRXS, I finally got through! Sinus infections are the worst, and I probably let it go too long trying to treat it with sudafed and a netti pot. I don't really want to be on antibiotics but now it's gotten to the point where when I lay down and turn my head to the right I get dizzy. It made for a pretty rough night. Ugh.

Edited by GoodieGirl
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My peeve is headphones, earbuds, whatever, that while I'm listening to them, I inevitably have to turn up the volume on my podcast to hear it, then someone calls me and my ringtone just blasts at near unbearable decibles in my ears.

I had thought that maybe it was just cheap earbuds, but I got a pretty expensive pair for my birthday and same thing.

Its like that same thing that you have to turn up the volume high on a tv to hear the show, but then the commercials are like 3 times as loud.

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The news loves to report about anything weird that happens on the interstate.  So, today has been cows, cows, and more cows.  Today at 8, 12, and 5 we told you about the cows.  We'll tell you more about the cows at 11.  Seventeen hours of cow reporting.  I think I even herd heard them say running of the bovines.  They rounded up the last one, so maybe they will move on.

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7 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

The news loves to report about anything weird that happens on the interstate.  So, today has been cows, cows, and more cows.  Today at 8, 12, and 5 we told you about the cows.  We'll tell you more about the cows at 11.  Seventeen hours of cow reporting.  I think I even herd heard them say running of the bovines.  They rounded up the last one, so maybe they will move on.

Do you live by me? I got on the* 75 this morning and passed a cow between cement construction walls and some cops keeping an eye on it.


"You can take the girl out of CA but you can't take the CA out of the girl

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I can't think of the phrase I want, and it's driving me crazy.  My inner Victorian is having a well-bred fit about the number of things I've had to do at the bottom of the dive well without a mask on, and it's harrumphing about how you'd think people were losing their masks all over the place, but that's not the phrase it wants.  (Of course, the driving me crazy is balanced by the thought of Victorians in tail coats and corsets and scuba gear, which is making me laugh.)

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I hate that we've entered the time of year where it gets dark so damn early.  We haven't even lost my beloved Daylight Savings Time* yet, but when I closed up shop for the night at 7:00, it was full-on dark outside.  That's so wrong, and it sneaks up on me every year.  It's only going to get worse, and then awful when DST ends.  I hate when my outdoor daylight time comes only on weekends.  I miss being able to take my evening walks in daylight (at least the weather is generally still walk-friendly well into winter, but I could do without being occasionally accompanied by coyotes), and I just accomplish less in general because I feel like it's later than it is and am thus inclined to immediately curl up on the couch with Riley, TV, and drinks rather than being productive for a couple of hours and then doing so. 

*I hate the first week of adjusting to DST in the mornings, but, hoo boy, do I love what it does to the evenings, so that brief misery is well worth it to me.

Edited by Bastet
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15 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

The news loves to report about anything weird that happens on the interstate.  So, today has been cows, cows, and more cows.  Today at 8, 12, and 5 we told you about the cows.  We'll tell you more about the cows at 11.  Seventeen hours of cow reporting.  I think I even herd heard them say running of the bovines.  They rounded up the last one, so maybe they will move on.

Don't you mean moo-ve on? (Sorry, it's my Iowa showing)

Edited by MargeGunderson
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13 hours ago, Bastet said:

I hate that we've entered the time of year where it gets dark so damn early.  We haven't even lost my beloved Daylight Savings Time* yet, but when I closed up shop for the night at 7:00, it was full-on dark outside.  That's so wrong, and it sneaks up on me every year.  It's only going to get worse, and then awful when DST ends.  I hate when my outdoor daylight time comes only on weekends.  I miss being able to take my evening walks in daylight (at least the weather is generally still walk-friendly well into winter, but I could do without being occasionally accompanied by coyotes), and I just accomplish less in general because I feel like it's later than it is and am thus inclined to immediately curl up on the couch with Riley, TV, and drinks rather than being productive for a couple of hours and then doing so. 

*I hate the first week of adjusting to DST in the mornings, but, hoo boy, do I love what it does to the evenings, so that brief misery is well worth it to me.


when I was in college, I did a semester in London during the fall.  Coming from souther california, I was a bit surprised when it became dark shortly after 3:00 p.m. during the later months of the year.

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@theredhead77 yes, but near is relative with the traffic.  I've strategically located work and home so I don't have to use the 75, the 85, or the 285 often.  So I sadly missed the opportunity to make use of the Twister quote we've got cows in real life.

In other, this is the most random and odd thing to irritate me news....

Vanity license plates.  Or rather one single vanity plate that is just so precious that I can't stand it.

- It made up a word

-It rhymes

-It evokes that episode of South Park where they are enamored of their own farts.

They better obey all the traffic laws because if they don't, then some day a cop is going to ask if they got the plate and a witness is going to say:

Yes officer,  the plate was Trius and they were driving a Prius.

I'm mostly irritated because, like a song stuck in my head, I've been playing some dumb car game every time I drive, since Saturday, to rhyme makes and models to potential license plates.

And TriusPrius, if by some fluke you post here... I'm really just jealous that you probably remember your license plate number:)P

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Ok, there was a news article about a couple who was killed.   I'm sad for them, but the article pissed me off.  (wish I could link it here, but now I can't find it)

the headline was that a grandmother was killed, then the next line was that an "Elderly couple"  were the victims of a shooting.   They were 57 and 64 years old.    Now, I don't know about anyone here, but when I read "elderly couple"  I am picturing people age 80 or older, kind of frail, white-haired people.   NOT people my age.  I'm not "Elderly!!"  

Yes, I'm sensitive about it, but why do people have to be described as in an age group, or by their parent/grandparent status? And it's usually women who are described this way - "mother of 4"  or "grandmother", while men are more often described by their occupation, or if older as "retired"  and then their previous occupation.    

But Elderly?  give me a break.  Are we describing the president and certain senators as "elderly grandfather?"  

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10 hours ago, backformore said:

  Are we describing the president and certain senators as "elderly grandfather?

Only when a media outlet wants to cast doubt on their effectiveness at their job.  A senator for my state is 76 and is running for re-election. All these think pieces started popping up referring to him and posing the "How old is too old to run for office?" question. Articles referred to said senator as a grandfather and showed family photos with "x" amount of grandchildren.  Never mind that he is only 4 years older than the sitting president.

*This post is only responding to ageism in the media, not intended to create dialogue on whether older politicians are as effective at their job as younger ones.*

Edited by AgentRXS
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That's absurd, @forumfish

I had to find a new PCP after I moved. My old gyn recommended one so I was set for that. I found a practice associated with a great hospital system, saw a doc there once for a referral to a rheumatologist earlier this year. I saw her Once. So later this year when I had an ear infection I tried to see her, no appointments. Another doc in the practice could squeeze me in, was that ok? Sure. 20 minutes later I got a call that I could only see my original doc. What's the point of having a multi doc practice and it was for something unrelated. I didn't even have a relationship with the original doc. They sent me to Minute Clinic (so a whole other doc) and a doc at Teledoc ended up diagnosing me. 

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On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 10:15 PM, EighteenTwelve said:

I can't think of the phrase I want, and it's driving me crazy.  My inner Victorian is having a well-bred fit about the number of things I've had to do at the bottom of the dive well without a mask on, and it's harrumphing about how you'd think people were losing their masks all over the place, but that's not the phrase it wants.  (Of course, the driving me crazy is balanced by the thought of Victorians in tail coats and corsets and scuba gear, which is making me laugh.)

I'm sorry - maybe it's your post, maybe it's just me, but I have read this 4 times, and I still have absolutely no idea what any of it means.  

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I have a pet peeve when young people say they live "at home" - meaning with their parents.   Of course you live AT HOME.  that's the definition of "home" - where you live.  When you move away from your parents, you still live "at home."  it's home because you live there. 

I guess it goes back to when I was a college student on a scholarship, working nights, living in an apartment in the city.  I had moved away from my parents, was 100% independent.  People would ask me if I was "going home"  over breaks, or after graduation -  Yes, I'm going home to MY home, my apartment, where I live.   After graduation, people ask, "do you live back at home now?"   Yes, back at my apartment, which is my home. 

It might be a weird peeve, but when people say "I live at home,"  the redundancy irks me. 

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6 minutes ago, backformore said:

I have a pet peeve when young people say they live "at home" - meaning with their parents.   Of course you live AT HOME.  that's the definition of "home" - where you live.  When you move away from your parents, you still live "at home."  it's home because you live there. 

I guess it goes back to when I was a college student on a scholarship, working nights, living in an apartment in the city.  I had moved away from my parents, was 100% independent.  People would ask me if I was "going home"  over breaks, or after graduation -  Yes, I'm going home to MY home, my apartment, where I live.   After graduation, people ask, "do you live back at home now?"   Yes, back at my apartment, which is my home. 

It might be a weird peeve, but when people say "I live at home,"  the redundancy irks me. 

I always say I'm going home for Christmas.  What I mean is I'm visiting my parents in Florida. Where I have never lived.  So, apparently my definition of home is where my parents live.  Whom I haven't lived with for 22(?) years. 

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my son lives out of state, and not in college.   People ask me if he will be "home for Christmas this year."   And I think yes, he will be at home, because he is unable to fly in to be at our house.  So, he will not be attending the Christmas eve gathering because he will be "home."  

Its different when someone goes away to college, because a dorm is temporary.  You leave the dorm to "go home,"  home is your permanent address.  

The only time I'm really bothered, though, is when people say they "live at home."  It's a tautology.  

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7 hours ago, backformore said:

my son lives out of state, and not in college.   People ask me if he will be "home for Christmas this year."   And I think yes, he will be at home, because he is unable to fly in to be at our house.  So, he will not be attending the Christmas eve gathering because he will be "home."  

Its different when someone goes away to college, because a dorm is temporary.  You leave the dorm to "go home,"  home is your permanent address.  

The only time I'm really bothered, though, is when people say they "live at home."  It's a tautology.  

Second edit:  I somehow missed the posts up-thread about this and did not realize I jumped in mid-peeve discussion. 


Third edit: took to chit chat because I find the topic interesting and did not mean to imply the peeve had to be justified. My apologies.

Edited by theredhead77
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