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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m annoyed and exhausted. I had four (well 5 but I feigned sleep and didn’t answer the last call at 1 am) phone calls from a very tipsy friend who wasn’t making much sense. She isn’t making good choices with her life right now and although I give her sound advice I think she would rather drink than get with the program and do the right thing. I care but at some point I’m going to have to draw a line in the sand. I feel guilty. 

Please don't feel guilty.  You're a good friend.  Unfortunately, whatever good advice you have will fall on deaf ears until she's ready.  If you like, let her know she can use your number as an emergency number for whatever forms she needs to fill in if she does "get with the program".

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The next chapter of the health insurance saga...

I called the new payment admin people to find out what my online user ID is. The rep gave me a 12-digit number. I asked her how I was supposed to know what that was. She said it was in a letter they sent detailing my current plan elections (health, vision, dental...). I remember that letter and wondered why I was getting it because it's not annual enrollment time. I promptly shredded and tossed it in the recycling bin.

I saltily told her that I knew it wasn't her fault, but it made no sense to not have the user ID on the letters that were actually about making the payments via the online portal.

It's no wonder I pay $600 a month for Cigna since they send three letters to tell me what they could have in one, and I have now spent at least a half hour trying to sort this out over the phone.

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The thermometer hit triple digits, so I'm staying inside today (not that that differs from any other day). I told my doc yesterday that I burst into flames out under the sun, and he said, "You do have a 'Victorian' complexion." Ha!


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32 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

The thermometer hit triple digits, so I'm staying inside today (not that that differs from any other day). I told my doc yesterday that I burst into flames out under the sun, and he said, "You do have a 'Victorian' complexion." Ha

I’m so going to use that line! I usually go with “I’m delicate, like a flower” (hint: I am not) but I like yours better.

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8 hours ago, PRgal said:

It's Tronno, Toe-RON-noe or Trawnah, people!!  

Those of us in the rest of the country call it something else. 

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4 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

I’m so going to use that line! I usually go with “I’m delicate, like a flower” (hint: I am not) but I like yours better.

Ha!  I can't be out in the heat either.  Over the weekend, Toronto's temperature was at 35 Celsius (or 95 F) but felt way hotter due to the humidity.  Ugh!  I like being outside, but it can't be too hot.   I spent the weekend downing water just to keep myself comfortable.  

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6 hours ago, bilgistic said:

The thermometer hit triple digits, so I'm staying inside today

We hit the road for Charleston this afternoon.  Heading down I-77 towards Columbia, the reading on the dash showed 102 degrees.  Glad the A/C works well in the Durango!

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@forumfish, I have a "mild" case of sleep apnea, diagnosed after I did the home test (one night) three years ago. The clinic told me it was up to me if I wanted to get the CPAP machine. I did. I have not been good (I've been very bad) about using it. I've been trying again recently. The CPAP machine syncs with an app on my phone, which tells me how many "events"--times I stopped breathing more than 10 seconds--per hour. I average one per hour.

My mom has a more severe case. She did the in-clinic overnight study (she lives in a different city than I do) and they put a mask on her because of how many times she stopped breathing. She loves her CPAP machine.

The home test is weird because there are lots of cords and wires. I felt like I was in a sci-fi movie as the subject of a mysterious experiment. I was eager to find out my results.

Good luck with the test!

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

The fireworks have started. :|

None here yet, but it's also just turning dark.  I was surprised there were none going off when I got home Saturday night, since it wasn't quite midnight yet, and I didn't hear any Sunday night, either.  Maybe it will be tonight through the weekend, because it is never just the 4th.

I'll be keeping the windows closed until it's done, despite the resulting AC use, just in case Riley would be sitting in front of an open one, react just wrong to a particular boom, and push out a screen.  I dread the lost pet posts that will inevitably ensue on Nextdoor after the 4th; every fucking year there's someone who swears, despite all the warnings, their pet isn't spooked by anything and/or can't get out, so they don't need to take precautions, and then, golly gee, the pet got spooked and bolted out a window, over/under a fence, etc.  And, guess what, those animals that are brought into the shelter and placed on an owner hold can result in animals already up for adoption running out of time, getting euthanized for space.

Speaking of Nextdoor, I was just scrolling through postings, and found a truck being advertised for sale, the ad consisting solely of one line listing the following information:

[Year] [Make] [Model] [Mileage] [Price]

Really?  You're going to try to sell a vehicle without any details?  (In free ad space, no less, so it's not like you're paying by the word.)

Edited by Bastet
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12 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

@Mindthinkr  You know who likes to call people at 11am, 12am, 1am, 2 am? Drunks. You know who doesn't like to answer the phone at 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am? Drunks. Call your friend at 6am for several mornings and ask her how she is doing. It's only fair, haha

This is terrible advice. @Mindthinkr's friend obviously has some challenges and issues they need to deal with and petty vindictiveness is not going to solve the problem, or stop the late-night calls.

You know who also doesn't like to answer the phone that early? Sober people. Anyone calling me at that hour better have an emergency.

@Mindthinkr your friend certainly has some challenges ahead. Putting your phone on silent at bedtime is taking care of you. Don't feel guilty. Al-Anon may be a good resource to help you learn some coping skills to help your friend / manage your friendship https://al-anon.org/

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So this happened.

As far as I can tell there was no particular reason either.  It started raining this morning, but not significantly and no wind to speak of.

Unfortunately it is too big to drag into the backyard until I can deal with it properly.  Plus, rain is forecasted for the next few days and on Saturday, we are heading out of town for a week.  I'll see if my lawn guy can deal with it.




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49 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Hahaha, I think many would be surprised at how easy it is to redirect a drunk into leaving you alone.

There is a distinct difference between "a drunk" making incoherent drunk dials at all hours, someone who is drunk making drunk dials at all hours and someone in crisis reaching out for help (albeit in an inappropriate way).

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4 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

There is a distinct difference between "a drunk" making incoherent drunk dials at all hours, someone who is drunk making drunk dials at all hours and someone in crisis reaching out for help (albeit in an inappropriate way).

I think this was more of a crisis situation. In order to be available for this guy she likes she has let everything else go. She had her own business (cleaning) but now has no customers. She wasn’t reliable and began to cut corners. This led to some day drinking which led to a DUI. She is borrowing money from anyone who’ll lend it (not me). She isn’t taking good care of herself and was supposed to go across country to be with him for this holiday. Then she found out that a previous girlfriend of his would also be there. After finding out that they still sleep together she chose not to go. I’d drop him but I’m not her. 

My advice to her was to get her own life back together. Begin with building up a clientele and then sticking to the schedule. Make money and begin to save some. Then pay her bills on time. She needs to take the DUI class but is resistant. The Judge won’t look at her kindly if she doesn’t get proactive about a possible problem with alcohol and her sentencing might reflect that. She needs to go to AA.  Then she should pay back the dosh she owes to others. Stop obsessing over this man and to concentrate on herself. He is a heavy drinker and not a good influence. She needs to build up her self esteem and getting down on her for her troubles would not have helped. Think of my help as tough love mixed in with a teaspoon of honey. I cannot abandon her while she is down but can only encourage her to make better choices and to get her act together. I can’t help her if she doesn’t want to help herself and at a certain point I may have to distance myself from her. I will not enable her and even though she has asked to come stay with me I can’t have it. I’m not going to watch her pick up a bottle and get to the point where I’m uncomfortable in my own home. It’s sad really. She used to have it together and was a joy to be around. I’m praying for her well being. 

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@Mindthinkr sounds like a crisis situation (but I'm no psych professional) that is going to take a while to dig out of. I hope your friend can get her life together sooner rather than later. In the mean time, take care of you and your boundaries. It's so hard to watch a friend go down a dark path.

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A minor peeve but a peeve nonetheless. I am attempting to re-enroll at a university that I previously attended but dropped out of. Part of the re-enrollment process is having to schedule a interview with a counselor. The counselor told me to fill out a questionnaire and send it back to her within 10 days and then she would schedule an interview. This was in the beginning of June. I sent it back to her and did not hear a word until July 1st. She then sends me back a list of times to meet with her next week, all of them either conflicting with my work schedule or would be cutting it close since the school is over an hour's drive away (my new major would be a completely online program). I'll be just returning from vacation tomorrow (wah!Idon'twanttogoback) and didn't want to request more time off so soon,  so I picked a time just a few hours before my shift starts, and prayed that the traffic gods would be nice to me that day so I wouldn't run late. She then emails me back, AFTER I chose the time/date, that as a fully online student, I can elect to do a phone interview instead. Why didn't she tell me that beforehand? If that was the case, I could have taken a later option than the early morning one I chose. I'm glad I don't have to drive all the way down there, but am annoyed that I have an early morning phone appointment when I could have had a early afternoon one instead. 

Edited by AgentRXS
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27 minutes ago, forumfish said:

@TattleTeeny -- when the neighbors moved across town, they put the cat in a box in the back seat of the car. As soon as they got to their destination and opened the car door, the cat took off. He eventually showed up in our yard. We called the former neighbor who said she would come get him in a week or two, would we please try to keep him around? We started feeding him on our front porch (allergies meant we couldn't bring him indoors) and by the time he was "living" with us, the neighbor had changed her mind about coming to get him.

You're good people forumfish! We ended up with a darling little, tailless part Siamese who had belonged to an old lady who died and her family just kicked the cat out to fend for herself. Poor thing was terrified, obviously an indoor cat who had no idea why she being left out in the elements.

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When I was a kid the neighbors moved to a city about 45 minutes away. One day their cat showed up. It made its way back to their old house. My parents took care of it for years until he died.


4 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

You're good people forumfish! We ended up with a darling little, tailless part Siamese who had belonged to an old lady who died and her family just kicked the cat out to fend for herself. Poor thing was terrified, obviously an indoor cat who had no idea why she being left out in the elements.

That pisses me off and makes me so sad. It's so distressing to me when someone dies and their pets are dumped in the street or taken to a shelter. They just lost their hooman and now they are either left outside to fend for itself or taken to a noisy, horrific shelter to live in a cage and probably be euthanized. My friends mom just passed and she posted on FB looking for a new home for her moms dog. Poor thing. My parents have two very unsocialized cats (they hide) and these cats may very well outlive my parents. Which means I'll have inherited two very unsocialized cats. About 6 months before they adopted these cats, I had been begging them to take the two kittens I had been guilted into adopting (not the kittencat and the catcat). They wouldn't and my mom helped me rehome them with a coworker. I still feel awful for leaving my sweet friendly boys at this noisy, chaotic house. They had no idea what was going on when I left and I hope they have / had a good, loved life.

And now I'm crying.

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3 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

When I was a kid the neighbors moved to a city about 45 minutes away. One day their cat showed up. It made its way back to their old house. My parents took care of it for years until he died.


That pisses me off and makes me so sad. It's so distressing to me when someone dies and their pets are dumped in the street or taken to a shelter. They just lost their hooman and now they are either left outside to fend for itself or taken to a noisy, horrific shelter to live in a cage and probably be euthanized. My friends mom just passed and she posted on FB looking for a new home for her moms dog. Poor thing. My parents have two very unsocialized cats (they hide) and these cats may very well outlive my parents. Which means I'll have inherited two very unsocialized cats. About 6 months before they adopted these cats, I had been begging them to take the two kittens I had been guilted into adopting (not the kittencat and the catcat). They wouldn't and my mom helped me rehome them with a coworker. I still feel awful for leaving my sweet friendly boys at this noisy, chaotic house. They had no idea what was going on when I left and I hope they have / had a good, loved life.

And now I'm crying.

I'm sorry. I never meant to upset anyone. (((hugs)))

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Sorry to be sexist, but an ongoing pet peeve is thoughtless (narcissistic?) men who take all the credit.  Today's example -- FB post from someone proud to announce the arrival of "my" grand-daughter.  He's a nice guy and I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it, but I think "our" grandchild would have been a less egotistical way to put it.

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12 hours ago, Brookside said:

Sorry to be sexist, but an ongoing pet peeve is thoughtless (narcissistic?) men who take all the credit.  Today's example -- FB post from someone proud to announce the arrival of "my" grand-daughter.  He's a nice guy and I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it, but I think "our" grandchild would have been a less egotistical way to put it.

It's not just guys though.  There are plenty of moms-to-be who say "my baby" rather than "our baby" - even if they're married/in a long term relationship.  Heck, I catch myself saying "my baby" sometimes.  

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1 hour ago, PRgal said:

It's not just guys though.  There are plenty of moms-to-be who say "my baby" rather than "our baby" - even if they're married/in a long term relationship.  Heck, I catch myself saying "my baby" sometimes.  

I do too, but I think context is important.  This is the first grandchild, and he and his wife have mainly mutual friends.

I am perfectly prepared to accept I may be over-sensitive after 20 years of marriage to a pathological narcissist!

Edited by Brookside
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19 hours ago, forumfish said:

@TattleTeeny -- when the neighbors moved across town, they put the cat in a box in the back seat of the car. As soon as they got to their destination and opened the car door, the cat took off. He eventually showed up in our yard. We called the former neighbor who said she would come get him in a week or two, would we please try to keep him around? We started feeding him on our front porch (allergies meant we couldn't bring him indoors) and by the time he was "living" with us, the neighbor had changed her mind about coming to get him.

Ohhhh, OK. Still kind of concerning but better. Also, you're good to care for him. 

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2 hours ago, Brookside said:

I am perfectly prepared to accept I may be over-sensitive after 20 years of marriage to a pathological narcissist!

Understandable.  Are you still coupled with the narcissist?  And was the grandchild in question yours? 

In that context, peeve away.

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2 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Understandable.  Are you still coupled with the narcissist?  And was the grandchild in question yours? 

In that context, peeve away.

Thankfully, no longer "coupled".  We do have a cordial relationship (which I'm grateful for and work at) and a lot of mutual friends, so see each other frequently at big meals, social occasions, etc.

The grandchild is not mine, just sensitive I think to seeing him take all the credit for spawning a grandchild and not acknowledging his wife.

Edited by Brookside
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Technically speaking (unless something has gone very wrong)  grandchildren are supposed to have FOUR grandparents. Yet, I've never seen anyone say 'My spouse and I, along with my kid's in-laws, have a new grandchild'.

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22 hours ago, Brookside said:

Thankfully, no longer "coupled".  We do have a cordial relationship (which I'm grateful for and work at) and a lot of mutual friends, so see each other frequently at big meals, social occasions, etc.

The grandchild is not mine, just sensitive I think to seeing him take all the credit for spawning a grandchild and not acknowledging his wife.

My ex-husband is remarried, and both of his stepdaughters have had children, he is all over FB bragging about how they love their "poppy" with pics of the babies and outings everywhere. I feel bad for my daughters who have always felt their stepmother pushed her kids in front of them since day one.  While neither of them has plans to have children in the near future, I do worry that he will be bored being a "poppy" by then.   

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1 minute ago, GoodieGirl said:

My ex-husband is remarried, and both of his stepdaughters have had children, he is all over FB bragging about how they love their "poppy" with pics of the babies and outings everywhere. I feel bad for my daughters who have always felt their stepmother pushed her kids in front of them since day one.  While neither of them has plans to have children in the near future, I do worry that he will be bored being a "poppy" by then.   

I feel badly for your daughters. My ex remarried (I think he’s on #3 or #4...lost count) and he has nothing to do with my child ever. She has stopped sending birthday cards etc but her pain never stops. 

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Ugh, this heat.  I rarely turn the AC on in the whole house (I usually just cool the room I'm in) and I usually set it at 80, but yesterday I had it going in all rooms at 78 most of the day, and today the same -- starting at 9:00 in the morning!  I'm going to pay more for electricity this week than I normally do in a month.  It's already 110, and still climbing.  I'm happiest at around 85, but I'm fine up to about 95.  This 100+ stuff is madness and I'm glad we normally only have a few days a year this hot.

And then I got to spend my morning changing a breaker that had gone bad, but at least it wasn't the one the air conditioner is on!  I'm kitty-sitting while the newlyweds are on their honeymoon, and last summer at peak heat their AC had to be fixed.  Hopefully it doesn't conk out this year, too, because I don't think Riley would like the addition of three cats.

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Pet peeve about a recent news article:  three people, who make their living off doing dangerous stuff and posting it on youtube.   They called themselves "High on Life"  and described themselves  as adrenaline junkies. they  fell off a waterfall.  well, one slipped, the other two tried to save her, all three died.  This was in Canada - all three people were banned from US federal land previously for doing a stunt at Yellowstone involving an unstable hot spring. 

OK, I can feel bad for their families.  

BUT -  then a search and rescue team had to be involved, including helicopters, to try to save them, taking many hours and costing tons of money, not to mention the rescuers risking THEIR lives to attempt to save them, and then to recover their bodies.  It just doesn't seem right that people  who have devoted their lives to saving others have to risk their lives to save famewhores who brag about doing dangerous stunts. 

yes, it's too bad they died.  but it was inevitable, they kept upping the ante, with each stunt more dangerous than the last.  I'm just glad the rescuers were OK. 

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my personal pet peeve -  

I had to go to jury duty.  In Cook County, a day of jury duty pays $17.20.   I am self-employed, so that is the total of what I got paid that day.  (if you have an employer, they have to pay you the difference between that and your regular pay.)

so - to get there, I had to  drive and park at the train station, ($1.50 to park)  then buy train tickets - total  cost $15.00.  From the train, it's over a mile walk to the courthouse.  I could have driven, but driving to downtown Chicago is a nightmare, and parking would cost even more than $15.  

I get it, it's my civic duty.   But you know what?   The courthouse should then provide bottles of water, plus coffee and tea, for free.   By the time you get to the courthouse, and pay $1.50 for a bottle of water, you're already in the hole, and then you have to buy lunch.   Yeah, I know, I could have brought a cooler, with a sandwich and drink, but lugging all that from the train to the courthouse would be a pain, not to mention then going through the security check to make sure I'm not bringing in anything I'm not supposed to.  If I'm going to sit all day waiting to be called for a jury (they didn't need me after all)  a free water, a cup of coffee is the least they can provide.  

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31 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

It July 6th so why am I still hearing fireworks? ?Enough is enough. I think every sane person is tired of this shit by now.

Funny that I just read this as I’m hearing a loud display as I write this. It’s over folks. Please stop. The local animals are traumatized enough. 

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I was hearing stuff this afternoon. My cat and I got woken up from a nap we were taking together due to whatever people were shooting off. Once I realized what the noises were I was wondering why whoever it was decided to shoot stuff off during daylight hours. There were quite a few people in the neighborhood Nextdoor group and neighborhood Facebook group who were more then happy to make light of others who were asking people to think of traumatized people with PTSD (including military) and traumatized pets before shooting off the various stuff people do. It's illegal within city limits. One lady kept going on that people just don't want kids to have good clean "SUPERVISED" (she made sure to capitalize that word) fun. Apparently she thinks teaching kids to shoot fireworks and whatnot is good clean fun.

I was hoping the 4th would get rained out again this year since that seemed to keep things quiet the previous two years before. Luckily it wasn't too bad on the 4th which I was thankful for.

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We went to Chili's tonight for dinner.  They have some little tablet stand that you can pay from.  For the tip it automatically shows 20% but you can adjust it from there, but it calculates on the post-tax amount and not the pre-tax subtotal.

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

We went to Chili's tonight for dinner.  They have some little tablet stand that you can pay from.  For the tip it automatically shows 20% but you can adjust it from there, but it calculates on the post-tax amount and not the pre-tax subtotal.

I will never understand percentage tipping.  

Like, if I have a $10 burger and an ice tea, a server has to work just as hard to deliver that to my table as if I have a $35 steak and a $12 cocktail.  but the tip would be much different.  

And 20% figured on the after-tax amount?  no way!  

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2 hours ago, DeLurker said:

We went to Chili's tonight for dinner.  They have some little tablet stand that you can pay from.  For the tip it automatically shows 20% but you can adjust it from there, but it calculates on the post-tax amount and not the pre-tax subtotal.

One of the reasons I will occasionally go to Chili's is that I love the little tablet stands. I adjust the tip as needed. What appeals to me is not having to sit there for an extra 5 minutes trying to flag down the wait staff to bring the check. However, after a truly horrible experience at one a couple of years ago with some chicken that was essentially raw in the middle, on two consecutive trips, if I go, I limit myself to chips and salsa, veggies, or dessert. So my pet peeve overall with them is they need to train their cooks how to prepare poultry so that it's cooked all the way through, not almost burned on the outside and raw in the middle. 

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15 hours ago, backformore said:

my personal pet peeve -  

I had to go to jury duty.  In Cook County, a day of jury duty pays $17.20.

Wow. I would have thought you'd get paid more there. We get $20 a day plus mileage here, in a county with a population of about 80,000 in a state with a lower cost of living and free parking downtown. The parking time is limited, but I think if you are there for jury duty, you can get it validated so you don't have to pay a ticket. The few times I've had jury duty and had to actually report for a case, I got there before 8 a.m. so I could park in the courthouse parking lot and not on the street. There's street parking with no time limits, however, if you walk just a few blocks. I was just lazy. It's just 2-3 blocks, though, so it's way less than you had to walk.

11 hours ago, Jaded said:

It's illegal within city limits. One lady kept going on that people just don't want kids to have good clean "SUPERVISED" (she made sure to capitalize that word) fun. Apparently she thinks teaching kids to shoot fireworks and whatnot is good clean fun.

So she thinks it's good to teach kids it's OK to break the law? That's one reason we don't buy fireworks. It's illegal to even possess them in town, and although I like to play chaotic good characters in RPGs, I consider myself to be lawful good. The other reasons are that it can be dangerous and we don't have a place to shoot them because we live in town and don't have close friends who live in the country. If we're ever at my mom's, we might go out to my brother's farm and watch him shoot fireworks. He's a fire chief, though, so I figure he knows what he's doing.

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So she thinks it's good to teach kids it's OK to break the law?

I saw Hamilton recently.  I sat beside a woman and her preteen daughter.  Before the show, they were taking selfies, and asked me to take their photo with the stage in the background.  I explained to them, politely, that, not only is it against theater rules and etiquette to take photos even before the show, it is actually illegal because the set is copyrighted.  The mother said "But look at all those other people doing it." I replied "Yeah, that's what my mother taught me. As long as everyone else is doing it..." 

There was a decided frost coming my way throughout the show. 

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8 minutes ago, Quof said:

I saw Hamilton recently.  I sat beside a woman and her preteen daughter.  Before the show, they were taking selfies, and asked me to take their photo with the stage in the background.  I explained to them, politely, that, not only is it against theater rules and etiquette to take photos even before the show, it is actually illegal because the set is copyrighted.  The mother said "But look at all those other people doing it." I replied "Yeah, that's what my mother taught me. As long as everyone else is doing it..." 

There was a decided frost coming my way throughout the show. 

I had something similar happen years ago at a rock concert in which some underage folks tried to bug me to buy them booze but I refused. Thankfully, their hostility towards me just stayed nonverbally frosty but that was one reason why I avoid going to rock concerts. IOW, if a person wants to commit an illegal act and wants to risk consequences for themselves, that's on them  but don't try to guilt me into participating in something that could mess my own life for your own selfish whims -especially if you don't know me from Adam or Eve while trying to raise Cain!

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35 minutes ago, Quof said:

I saw Hamilton recently.  I sat beside a woman and her preteen daughter.  Before the show, they were taking selfies, and asked me to take their photo with the stage in the background.  I explained to them, politely, that, not only is it against theater rules and etiquette to take photos even before the show, it is actually illegal because the set is copyrighted.  The mother said "But look at all those other people doing it." I replied "Yeah, that's what my mother taught me. As long as everyone else is doing it..." 

There was a decided frost coming my way throughout the show. 

Interesting. At our theater they announced no photos or video during the show but had no issue with anyone (nor were there announcements) to not take photos before the show.

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^^^ The only thing about others copying set design is this:  official photos are already out there, on show websites, etc..... so people can copy them regardless.  

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14 hours ago, backformore said:

I will never understand percentage tipping. 

I don't understand tipping at all.  Pay your fucking employees yourself.


21 hours ago, backformore said:

By the time you get to the courthouse, and pay $1.50 for a bottle of water,

They don't have water fountains at the courthouse?

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