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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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12 hours ago, Moose135 said:

Because they are assholes and can't help themselves.

I was walking on a sidewalk one day and a bus came by and hit a puddle and completely drenched me.  Not a Carrie Bradshaw splash, but like I'd been completely dunked in water.  Man, it made me mad.

Then a few years later, I was driving in a residential neighborhood and drove by a woman standing on a corner and hit a puddle and splashed her.  It was a TOTAL accident, and more of a Carrie Bradshaw splash than a dunking.  I had a flashback to when I got splashed so I stopped the car and took a towel I keep in the car over to her and was trying to dry her off and she really wasn't interested in my help.  I apologized as much as I could, and she really just wanted me to go away.  I felt terrible.

Now I'm super alert whenever I'm walking and there are puddles around, or when I'm driving and there are people and puddles. 

  • Love 4
49 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I was walking on a sidewalk one day and a bus came by and hit a puddle and completely drenched me.  Not a Carrie Bradshaw splash, but like I'd been completely dunked in water.  Man, it made me mad.

Then a few years later, I was driving in a residential neighborhood and drove by a woman standing on a corner and hit a puddle and splashed her.  It was a TOTAL accident, and more of a Carrie Bradshaw splash than a dunking.  I had a flashback to when I got splashed so I stopped the car and took a towel I keep in the car over to her and was trying to dry her off and she really wasn't interested in my help.  I apologized as much as I could, and she really just wanted me to go away.  I felt terrible.

Now I'm super alert whenever I'm walking and there are puddles around, or when I'm driving and there are people and puddles. 

some of the roads by me are in quite poor condition, with many pot-holes and deep cracks all over. So a driver may see a puddle in the near distance and not think much of it. As a consequence the driver will drive through it totally unaware that it's actually a deep pot hole filled to the brim with rainwater. Not good for any pedestrians close by, and not good for the driver who may end up with a broken suspension

  • Love 1

In a few minutes, I will be getting ready to stuff my cats into their carriers, and drag them over to the rabies vaccination clinic that my job is sponsoring in my neighborhood. Even though my cats never step one paw off my front yard (even if they do accidentally make an escape), I have to get them vaccinated and licensed each year or face a $600 fine per animal.

I always love when I have to start my day by rounding up the cats and stuffing them into carriers LOL.

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:


I always love when I have to start my day by rounding up the cats and stuffing them into carriers LOL.

That was me yesterday but our fines are not as steep as yours. Our vets used to collect the county tax but now they are making us go online to pay and register our animals. The fine for not doing so is $100 compared to your $600

The vets office just called me to let me know that Big boys blood work was all WNL. I asked them for a copy of the results. I guess many people don't ask for that as she seemed flummoxed by my request. I'll pick it up on Monday. 

  • Love 2

You know, I think I’ve just (barely) managed to tolerate the egregious incorrect use of grammar (“your” when they CLEARLY MEAN “you’re,” as in you are), but trying to read comments as if this site is a telephone and persons are typing as if they’re texting (“ur” for “you’re,” NO PUNCTUATION, run on sentences, not bothering to spell names correctly, wrong use of words (cab when they mean can)), is driving me BATSHIT CRAZY.????? And no, English is not a second language for them.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

You know, I think I’ve just (barely) managed to tolerate the egregious incorrect use of grammar (“your” when they CLEARLY MEAN “you’re,” as in you are), but trying to read comments as if this site is a telephone and persons are typing as if they’re texting (“ur” for “you’re,” NO PUNCTUATION, run on sentences, not bothering to spell names correctly, wrong use of words (cab when they mean can)), is driving me BATSHIT CRAZY.????? And no, English is not a second language for them.

I'm very sorry. I'm probably one of your worst offenders! Sometimes it's the darn autocorrect and sometimes it's just my mistake. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

I'm very sorry. I'm probably one of your worst offenders! Sometimes it's the darn autocorrect and sometimes it's just my mistake. 

It’s not you! Someone on another television forum/threads. ?☺️

I feel if it was someone on these threads that they wouldn’t be offended if I gently corrected them.  I hope.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 5

Incoming first-world pet peeve...

I took a survey for a pet food company, and I'd like to order their food, which is very expensive ($3/can). Taking the survey yielded a $25 coupon off a $50 order.

On the website to order the food, a $50 order gets you free shipping. Just one selection (case) of the canned food is over $50. Yay! Free shipping! But then...when I go to check out and put in the coupon code, I'm now being charged for shipping ($12! That equals four cans of food!).

This happens on more than just that site. Here's the thing: The food I'm ordering and the weight of the food didn't change because of my coupon. The value is still the same. The only thing that's changing is an automated tick going "price is now less than $50 = charge shipping".

I emailed the company and they replied with a canned response basically saying "orders over $50 get free shipping". Like, how about being cool and saying, you know, you've been a valued customer and that's why we sent you the survey. Here's a code for the free shipping. Have a great day!

I am not a crackpot.

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 11
18 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

This happens on more than just that site. Here's the thing: The food I'm ordering and the weight of the food didn't change because of my coupon. The value is still the same. The only thing that's changing is an automated tick going "price is now less than $50 = charge shipping".

But, they're not offering free shipping because they are getting rid of x amount of food.  They are offering free shipping because you are giving the x amount of money.  Which you are no longer doing. I know, it kind of defeats the purpose of the coupon, unless you go ahead and get two cases at the same time.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

You know, I think I’ve just (barely) managed to tolerate the egregious incorrect use of grammar (“your” when they CLEARLY MEAN “you’re,” as in you are), but trying to read comments as if this site is a telephone and persons are typing as if they’re texting (“ur” for “you’re,” NO PUNCTUATION, run on sentences, not bothering to spell names correctly, wrong use of words (cab when they mean can)), is driving me BATSHIT CRAZY.????? And no, English is not a second language for them.

I am with you, Boo!  We all make the odd mistake, but these constant errors go beyond the pale.  Doesn't anyone (proof)read their own posts?  Or do people just not care?  Or, even worse, do people just not know the difference between correct and incorrect words, spelling and grammar?  I fear the latter, and shudder at the thought of our future.

Edited by walnutqueen
because I proof read my posts - even after the fact
  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, Katy M said:

But, they're not offering free shipping because they are getting rid of x amount of food.  They are offering free shipping because you are giving the x amount of money.  Which you are no longer doing. I know, it kind of defeats the purpose of the coupon, unless you go ahead and get two cases at the same time.

I do get that, but they are currently getting zero money from me because of this. I'm considering where else I may buy the food if my girls continue to eat the trial run. I could keep buying it from the local store. I'd rather give them my money than use a manufacturer's "coupon" that has conditions.

Plus, I can't ever buy two cases because as soon as I buy one case, the girls decide they hate the food!

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I am with you, Boo!  We all make the odd mistake, but these constant errors go beyond the pale.  Doesn't anyone (proof)read their own posts?  Or do people just not care?  Or, even worse, do people just not know the difference between correct and incorrect words, spelling an grammar?  I fear the latter, and shudder at the thought of our future.

Agreed. And another annoyance is receiving formal emails from people that have to resort to text speak. So rather than saying something like "See you later", I have to put up with the internet slang of "CUL8r". And then there's "BTW", "TYFM" and "FWIW" etc. Most of these I recognise and use where appropriate, but certainly not for formal correspondence in a letter or email.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Zola said:

Agreed. And another annoyance is receiving formal emails from people that have to resort to text speak. So rather than saying something like "See you later", I have to put up with the internet slang of "CUL8r". And then there's "BTW", "TYFM" and "FWIW" etc. Most of these I recognise and use where appropriate, but certainly not for formal correspondence in a letter or email.

When in doubt, spell it out. 

I abhor "text speak".

  • Love 7
Just now, DeLurker said:

My super human talent is finding the grocery shopping cart that pulls to one side or rolls over a molecule which throws the wheels ability to rotate properly out of whack.

I am not a crackpot.

Ha! I typically try to grab one in the parking lot and “test drive” it up to the store. If it checks out, I keep it. If it’s got a bum wheel, I swap it. 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

The vets office just called me to let me know that Big boys blood work was all WNL. I asked them for a copy of the results. I guess many people don't ask for that as she seemed flummoxed by my request. I'll pick it up on Monday. 

My vet automatically emails me the results, and then calls me to discuss them.  I think it's a shame more people don't look at the actual numbers, because if they're within normal limits, but are significantly different than the last tests, or continue a pattern of increase or decrease, that's important to note and monitor.  And, sadly, not everyone can rely on their vet to do that; too few vets look at the results in the context of the patient's history rather than just scanning down the page looking for red numbers.

So, that's a peeve, as are jurisdictions that require pets to be "up to date" on rabies vaccinations not accepting titer test results, thus requiring people to over-vaccinate their pets.  I'll take that over the anti-vaccination movement in people, but they both boil down to denying science, and that's far beyond a peeve.

As for posting peeves, today's is this: If you've watched a show for 25 years, viewing most episodes multiple times, have you never managed to glance at the credits?  If you participate for years in a forum discussing that show, have you never seen the actors' names written there?  If you have seen the credits, or such posts, five, six, or 587 times, how in all hell do you not know how to spell the name of one of the (two) lead actors?

  • Love 4

I'm addicted to video essays about bad movies (because I'm a petty little so n' so). I have to admit, it annoys me in the comments section (I know! I know! I shouldn't read them at all!) when someone's idea of an impassioned, intelligent, withering defense is, "I like this movie", or, "This was my favorite movie as a kid", or "My kids love this."

Okay, first of all, the reviewer doesn't care what you (or your damn kids) think, they're expressing their opinion. If they're criticizing something you like, you have the option to just ignore it altogether. "I like this" isn't going to change anyone's mind. 

Now, if the reviewer missed the point of something, or is just plain wrong about a crucial detail, by all means point it out, because that will help them be better critics. Otherwise, just get over it. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

My super human talent is finding the grocery shopping cart that pulls to one side or rolls over a molecule which throws the wheels ability to rotate properly out of whack.

I am not a crackpot.

Mine is always getting on the line that moves the slowest!! Usually someone ahead of me will "Be back in one minute; I forgot one thing." or "Let me find my checkbook."  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

My super human talent is finding the grocery shopping cart that pulls to one side or rolls over a molecule which throws the wheels ability to rotate properly out of whack.

I am not a crackpot.

When I get one of these I generally find it easier to pull it behind me rather than veering to the left or right when pushing.

And I have a cracked pot.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, JTMacc99 said:

Ha! I typically try to grab one in the parking lot and “test drive” it up to the store. If it checks out, I keep it. If it’s got a bum wheel, I swap it. 

Sometimes, when I hand a cart off to someone who's heading back to the store (and offered to take the cart), I'll say something like "Drives well, low miles."  No one ever gets my little joke. So maybe it's not really a joke after all.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

In a few minutes, I will be getting ready to stuff my cats into their carriers, and drag them over to the rabies vaccination clinic that my job is sponsoring in my neighborhood. Even though my cats never step one paw off my front yard (even if they do accidentally make an escape), I have to get them vaccinated and licensed each year or face a $600 fine per animal.

I always love when I have to start my day by rounding up the cats and stuffing them into carriers LOL.

I have a video of my cat completely rolling his carrier over--like, upended longways with the front part face-down on the carpet--in an effort to break out, haha! I remember telling my BF that he needs to know how to wrangle them should something happen when I am not here to do it, so before our most recent trip to the vet, he did. Or, rather, mostly got one of them in. I also remember his face when I not-so-delicately (but not all-out roughly, of course! I would never--I hope that goes without saying!) just shoved the other into the second carrier. You gotta do what you gotta do!

Unrelated, has anyone noticed that autocorrect has gotten more...aggressive or presumptuous? I am admittedly not the best texter--sometimes you'd think my bony fingers were the size of stuffed sausages--but the shit it comes up with after I type only two letters is crazy, man!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I must be missing something here. I don't understand. The older folks in my town aren't as handy using their debit cards or they do it on purpose and I believe that their check will bounce. 

I rarely see anyone use checks anymore but if I do said person is guaranteed to be over age 70 and write slow as molasses and then fumble around for their I.D. or grumble about how they should not have to show their I.D. in the first place. That being said I've also witnessed many 70+ people in the store who can not figure out how to use their debit card and I feel bad for them and want to step in and help but it's a weird world now a days and help isn't as generally accepted- especially when it comes to people's money/bank cards, etc. I once stood in line for 15 minutes waiting for an older lady to make her purchase using a debit card and the cashier did step in to help out but she was around the same age. I finally had to go to another lane because I couldn't wait any longer. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

I rarely see anyone use checks anymore but if I do said person is guaranteed to be over age 70 and write slow as molasses and then fumble around for their I.D. or grumble about how they should not have to show their I.D. in the first place. That being said I've also witnessed many 70+ people in the store who can not figure out how to use their debit card and I feel bad for them and want to step in and help but it's a weird world now a days and help isn't as generally accepted- especially when it comes to people's money/bank cards, etc. I once stood in line for 15 minutes waiting for an older lady to make her purchase using a debit card and the cashier did step in to help out but she was around the same age. I finally had to go to another lane because I couldn't wait any longer. 

Just the other day, I was behind a person whose card transaction kept getting hung up three or four times.  It turns out that she was using a credit card and asking for cash back -- you can only get cash back with a debit card (at least that's the case in Big Y).  Given the amount of time it took to try and retry and so on, then figure out what the problem was, I wish the person had just been able to write a check; it would have been faster.  (Which is not to say I haven't had my moments of stupidity, or transactions gone wrong; but it's such a pain whether you're the screwup or the unsuspecting person who got in line behind the screwup.)

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Zola said:

And I have a cracked pot.

I've exploded a Pyrex baking dish.  Those things, they shatter.  And the shards, they fly.

3 hours ago, Quof said:

Do you travel to the supermarket in a Way Back Machine? 

My Mom will only use checks in grocery stores.  Feels its bad to pay for necessities with debt.  I've had the debit cards, reward credit cards, and its not debt if you pay the card immediately conversations.  Its not like she doesn't use credit cards for gas and major purchases.  Its literally a grocery store + credit cards = bad thing that got ingrained at some point.  And I think part of it is recording the expense in a checkbook which no one seems to do with credit or debit.

I personally refuse to be tied to a cell phone (although I have one and have to cope with people behaving like I'm the crazy one for not acting like its necessary to my very existence), so I have no room to argue about keeping up with the times.

Edited by ParadoxLost

My mother once had a problem with her debit card at the grocery store, so used her credit card to pay.   When she got home, she immediately transferred the money from her chequing account to her credit card.  I said "You know you don't get charged any interest as long as you pay within 30 days after you get your credit card bill?" 

She worked in a bank for 40 years. She still didn't understand. 

  • Love 3

I quit using checks when I closed my Wachovia account in (*looking it up*) 2008, when Wells Fargo bought Wachovia, which was headquartered in my hometown. I already had an account with a credit union, so I just moved everything there and never looked back.

If I need to send a paper check, I can have the credit union mail one from my account.

I still get actual paper birthday checks from my 91-year-old grandmother. I'm fine with older folks using checks. I'm 43 and I don't use Bitcoin like the kids today. (Please don't explain to me what it is or how it works. I don't care.)

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

I've exploded a Pyrex baking dish.  Those things, they shatter.  And the shards, they fly.

So did my sister and I in our teens! LOL. So, about 40 years ago. We were making the family recipe for brownies which starts out by melting butter in the metal cake pan, thus buttering the pan as well. Mom had just gotten a Pyrex cake pan and we weren't smart enough to realize a burner would heat only part of a cake pan, and that unequal heat would make it explode. Glass and melted butter everywhere! We got the shards cleaned up before Mom got home, but the floor and countertops were... shiny, so we had to confess sooner rather than later. And buy her a new pan, of course.

  • Love 3

About 7 years ago I got to the grocery store checkout and realized that I didn't have my debit card with me (turns out I left it at the restaurant I had eaten it the night before). I had to write a check-something I hadn't done in the store for years and haven't done since. The young checkout girl looked very confused. I still use checks for a couple of bills and send checks to my nephew and niece for Christmas and birthdays. It may be old fashioned but they haven't complained yet!!

  • Love 2

I still use checks for birthdays and bills (been trying for 6 months to get the electric company to enroll me in autopay to no avail so to "reward" them they get snail mail with a check) but mostly use my debit. My daughter tells me to use the Bill Pay online feature offered through my bank but I guess when you get used to doing it one way it doesn't always make sense to change it if nothing is broken. 

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, harrie said:

Sometimes, when I hand a cart off to someone who's heading back to the store (and offered to take the cart), I'll say something like "Drives well, low miles."  No one ever gets my little joke. So maybe it's not really a joke after all.

That would crack me up completely! 

12 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I've exploded a Pyrex baking dish.  Those things, they shatter.  And the shards, they fly.


So very true.  Corning Ware plates also shatter spectacularly and into teeny tiny pieces that take forever to find. 

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Bastet said:

As for posting peeves, today's is this: If you've watched a show for 25 years, viewing most episodes multiple times, have you never managed to glance at the credits?  If you participate for years in a forum discussing that show, have you never seen the actors' names written there?  If you have seen the credits, or such posts, five, six, or 587 times, how in all hell do you not know how to spell the name of one of the (two) lead actors?

Let me guess - Duchovney?  Because that is also making me twitch, though I don't remember if I saw it here or somewhere else.

I still pay all my (and my parents') bills by writing out a check and I'm 38.  I don't trust that autopay nonsense to not take out the wrong amount or take it out twice.  Plus, I like to look at the actual bill before I pay it to ensure that it's actually correct.  You can pry my checkbook out of my cold, dead hands.  However, I would never write a check at a store.  That takes entirely too long.  My dad doesn't believe in debit cards, so  when he needs cash he has me write out a check for the amount he wants, and then he goes to the bank to cash it.  I've tried to show him tons of times how it works but have given up.  At this point, it's easier to give him the damn check.

17 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Okay, first of all, the reviewer doesn't care what you (or your damn kids) think, they're expressing their opinion. If they're criticizing something you like, you have the option to just ignore it altogether.

Glad you said that, because for the longest time, I was under the impression that if a reviewer said to avoid a certain film, you had no liberty to disagree (and also, I wondered, why were certain films even made in the first place, if certain reviewers were going to say to avoid them, full-stop?). That is why I was afraid at first to see Joey King's latest film Wish Upon: because the majority of the reviewers slammed it down flat and said that you weren't even supposed to see it to see if you liked it (IOW, if they hated it, you were supposed to hate it too; ipso facto QED). Well, I got it on a flash drive through my nephew, saw it, and thought it was reasonably entertaining, for a film w/the same runtime as Sunday Morning has every week on CBS w/Jane Pauley.

Edited by bmasters9

My prior landlord didn't have electronic pay so I mailed a check and other than those 12 checks I think I maybe wrote one or two more throughout the year. I use online bill pay through my credit union or I pay my bill online as one-time payments, not autopay. I am about to send two checks to my friend's daughters for them to use it towards cookies for caring. I wish she had Venmo.

Both my parents (mid / late 70s) use debit and credit cards and only write checks when payment can't be made electronically. 

14 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I must be missing something here. I don't understand. The older folks in my town aren't as handy using their debit cards or they do it on purpose and I believe that their check will bounce. 

IIRC, technology has been in place for years that can scan a check and communicate with the bank to ensure funds during the check-out process.

Oh, you rock! I think I was starting to become too creative and, as such, created only gibberish!

In case anyone's curious, here's why I am looking: I saw this dress on an old blog post and I want it! It's nowhere to be found so I figured I could make something similar.


Edited by TattleTeeny
OH MY GOODNESS, I also found little baby tiger cubs! So cute! ...WAIT? Are baby tigers called cubs?
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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