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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

I explained that his light is blinding me when I come home at night and he said he won't purchase a lampshade as he wants his patio to be bright as possible to keep critters out of his garden area.  So every day before work I put the blanket over the divider but by morning he peels it off.  Both the divider and the blanket are my purchases so I don't know what makes him feel so entitled to touch my things. He's so aggravating.

How about - "I won't touch your light, if you don't touch my blanket and divider." 

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I will never understand why "multifamily" housing is not built with better soundproofing and insulation.



11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

If I'm outside just trying to enjoy the weather, he will come outside a start a loud conversation on his phone or smoke a cigarette and blow the smoke over in my direction.  The only time I've ever been able to sit on my patio in peace is when he is out of town or when my ex used to come over as he was intimidated by him. He is just a nosy old man that needs to know everyone's business at all times.

When he likes a cigarette, point a fan in his direction and blow it back at him and where headphones to cancel out his yammering.  But he is just a nosy old man and a young person's activities are much more interesting than his own.  You up your game and he has infinitely more time to contemplate how to up his.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, riley702 said:

Can you complain about him touching your stuff?

I could but it would do no good. My landlord has stated several times that she doesn't want him smoking on her property yet he always does. The neighbor on the other side of him has complained about the smell wafting to his unit as well and all she does is talk to him about it and then once she leaves, he lights one up almost immediately.

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

I could but it would do no good. My landlord has stated several times that she doesn't want him smoking on her property yet he always does. The neighbor on the other side of him has complained about the smell wafting to his unit as well and all she does is talk to him about it and then once she leaves, he lights one up almost immediately.

Document it, as in take photos. He'll get the idea and it will give your landlord the proof that she needs to put a stop to it. It will also give you proof that he's fussing with your stuff. You can also sneak photos of his ashtray (which I doubt he brings in or cleans after every cigarette. I hate it for you. 

  • Love 5
On 12/28/2017 at 7:57 AM, theredhead77 said:

As a result of the ear plugs I overslept all my alarms.

A million years ago I bought a vibrating alarm clock designed for deaf people, and it ranks right up there with the best decisions I've ever made in my life.  It is so vastly much better to be awakened by a little shaking than a sound, much less a screeching sound.  That's just savagery.

It's called Shake Awake, and I think they don't make it any more because an internet search had mostly dead ends and out-of-stocks.  Here's what mine looks like:


Aah--it's interesting to see what the icons are on that top button--mine have completely worn off.  Anyway, I saw some other vibrating alarm clocks that might be okay.  Mine has two AA batteries that I suspect are for the vibration, and one AAA that I think is for the clock.  I don't know if the battery size would affect how vigorous it is, but it might be something to keep in mind.

My version starts out with an intermittent vibration that gets quicker if you don't respond, and after several seconds becomes a constant vibration.  It's never failed to wake me up, even when it slides out from under the pillow and is just lying on top of the memory foam mattress.  (But if you're a pillow flipper, beware because that thing can really whip around and your head is right there in the line of fire.)

  • Love 3
On 12/28/2017 at 9:58 AM, Quof said:

I boarded my last flight to discover parents with a toddler across the aisle. Great. They didn't bother to board early, so blocked everyone else while they loaded their abundance of stuff into all of the surrounding overhead bins.

I've noticed on several flights over the last few years that fewer airlines are announcing early flight boarding for families with young children/infants.  If you are not in one of the 'elite' status groups, you're stuck with boarding with everyone else.

I wonder if the parents didn't realize that that there actually is a space to change a diaper in the airplane toilets.  If you don't know about it, you might not realize it, because you have to pull down the changing table that is above the toilet.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

A million years ago I bought a vibrating alarm clock designed for deaf people, and it ranks right up there with the best decisions I've ever made in my life.  It is so vastly much better to be awakened by a little shaking than a sound, much less a screeching sound.  That's just savagery.

You're not from California, are you?

I am going to vehemently disagree with your assessment. Also my alarms are music I like, I just couldn't hear it with my ear plugs in since my phone wasn't under my pillow.

  • Love 3

There are also alarm clocks that mimic the sun rise to wake you up.

I can tell you, being accustomed to the South, there is nothing that will wake you up faster than traveling North for business and having a panic attack that its as bright as 10AM Southern morning at 6 AM.

So a sunlight clock could be just as fun as an earthquake clock:)

When I was younger, I had a skill.  I could incorporate alarm buzzing going off into dreams and silence them in my sleep without actually turning them off.  I had to set up a redundant system of different things turning on during finals week in hopes of something getting through.

That has gone away. Now I just slam the snooze button a lot.

On 12/28/2017 at 5:12 PM, AgentRXS said:

I lived in my last apartment for almost 13 years and had to move because new upstairs and next door neighbors were constantly playing loud bass heavy music almost 24/7 and both my landlord and the condo association refused to address the issue.  Loud bass-heavy music is my biggest peeve ever--in both homes and cars. Why do people have to play it so loud that EVERYONE can hear it? Nobody wants to hear it, no one thinks your cool because you have the loudest system ever. All it does is make everyone think of you as an obnoxious asshole. Sorry you have to deal with that crap. I hate apartment living.

That reminds me of a friend of mine who had neighbors one floor below who had loud parties at random days whereas she had to work in the morning, and her revenge was to put the bass on, loudly, with speakers on the floor, the morning after, while she was getting ready for work. Not sure it bothered them, but it sure made her feel better :) Plus, nothing beat loud music with extra bass on to start the day! 

  • Love 2
41 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

There are also alarm clocks that mimic the sun rise to wake you up. ... So a sunlight clock could be just as fun as an earthquake clock:)


I used to have neighbors around the corner who kept a rooster in their backyard & he was my favorite alarm clock.  One day, the crowing stopped -- I don't know whether the neighbors made soup out of the rooster or moved, but I miss waking up that way.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

There are also alarm clocks that mimic the sun rise to wake you up.

I can tell you, being accustomed to the South, there is nothing that will wake you up faster than traveling North for business and having a panic attack that its as bright as 10AM Southern morning at 6 AM.

I need one of those, and a SAD light. I'm having a hell of a time adjusting to the pitch black mornings here in hell (GA).

  • Love 2

Before we got married, my husband and I visited his parents in West Africa. They had chickens, including a rooster, in the backyard, and my bedroom was on that side of the house. The windows were open all the time because of no air conditioning. I did not enjoy waking up to the rooster crowing at 2 a.m. every day. He did not crow when the sun came up. He crowed all through the night. I hated him.

  • Love 2

If an earthquake wakes me up, I may open one eye and engage my brain enough to ascertain an approximate magnitude, but unless it's a big one, I'm not doing more than that. 

The Northridge quake had stuff moving and falling all over my bedroom, so I pulled the covers up over the cat and me in case anything glass broke and sent shards flying.  That was an unpleasant awakening.  I also did not appreciate the huge aftershock that hit while I was in the shower.

My duties as the world's most reluctant maid of honor kick in tomorrow, when I have to accompany my friend to look at bridal gowns.  She doesn't want to spend more than $500, so there aren't a lot of options at any given store, and I dread winding up doing this in multiple stores.  And I just know the "consultant" or whatever the sales clerk is called - you have to have an appointment; you can't just browse and try on - is going to annoy the shit out of me; how could anyone who sells wedding dresses for a living not?  They better serve wine.

We started looking at bridesmaid dresses online, and unfortunately the ones I like are closer to $200 than $100 (we put in a range of $100-200).  Which I know is cheap compared to what some choose for a wedding, but I'm only going to wear this damn thing once.  Spending hundreds on a good suit or a couple hundred on a cocktail dress, sure; I can get enough use out of them to feel good about it.

But, I did get her to agree sticking her sister and me in the same dress is unrealistic, since we are shaped completely differently - she's short and slim, I'm tall and curvy - and thus unlikely to both look good in any given style of dress, and now the plan is for the bride to pick the color, and we'll each pick a dress.  We have actually found two we both like, but neither of us have gone anywhere to try them on.

The whole thing just irks me - why can't we just go rent dresses somewhere like the groom and his attendants are going to go rent tuxedos?

Moving to my next peeve, because my team is playing like ass in their bowl game and I'm cranky -- people paid very good money to announce/comment on the game should, you know, WATCH the play, so that when I can clearly see a spot is bad, a hold occurred, etc., they are not "Oh, what's this?" surprised when there's a replay, a late flag, etc.

  • Love 7

@Bastet I used to hang out in bed but I'm just not a fan of surprises in general, and the earth shaking without notice is one terrible surprise.
Regarding wedding dresses - what about going to a department store? A good friend of mine ordered her dress online but she likes to take crap-shots like that. And she can rent a dress, renttherunway has a whole wedding dress (and bridesmaids dress) section.

  • Love 1

@Bastet, I have never understood why fashion designers feel compelled to create dresses that are suitable only as bridesmaid dresses. I understand why the wedding dress itself is considered to be a one-off, even though I still think the entire concept is somewhat foolish. My first wedding was the only one for which I had a formal church wedding, with a maid of honor and a few bridesmaids. I took the maid of honor with me to look for bridesmaid dresses, and my sole criterion for them was they had to be a style that could be used for multiple occasions. I got married around Thanksgiving and so went with a rich wine color for the bridesmaid dresses, but the dresses themselves looked simply like a dress you would wear to a formal occasion, not necessarily a wedding. And in fact I recall the mother of one bridesmaid telling my mother how happy she was with the choice, because after the wedding, the mother took the dress and added a little beading or something to the neckline and turned it into a dress that the daughter could wear to an upcoming formal event.  At that time, it was possible to find a reasonably priced formal dress that did not scream "bridesmaid dress" and so I was happy with the choice.

In your situation, I'm glad for your sake the bride realized that given the different body shapes, it's better to stick to one color but for the sister and you to find a style that works for you.  There are way too many wedding photos out there with bridesmaids in identical dresses, usually in some horrific color/material combination, and it's obvious that style dress would work for someone with a medium height and build, but looks awful on someone short/tall and slender/curvy. Maybe you can find a dress that you can re-purpose.

  • Love 3

But, I did get her to agree sticking her sister and me in the same dress is unrealistic, since we are shaped completely differently - she's short and slim, I'm tall and curvy - and thus unlikely to both look good in any given style of dress, and now the plan is for the bride to pick the color, and we'll each pick a dress.  We have actually found two we both like, but neither of us have gone anywhere to try them on.

A recent trend has been mis-matched bridal party dresses, do a Google search, some of the photos are beautiful. Dresses have to have something in common, fabric, color, length, design, but differ widely. Here's one site.

When my niece got married, she had all her bridesmaids wear black. They were from all over the country, so they didn't shop together, just each wore solid black, any length, any style.  The carried huge bouquets with peach and orange and red flowers and ribbons hanging down from the bouquets.   I thought black was an odd choice, but they looked gorgeous.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 4

Have recently signed up to Pinterest, and came across a board full of old newspaper and magazine ads - mostly from the early-to-mid 20th century. A lot of them are incredibly corny, a few marginally funny. But quite frankly I was quite appalled at the number of sexist/racist/homophobic ads out there!!

I won't name names or brands, but OMG what a complete surprise to find strap-lines like "Learn to train your wife ....", "if your wife can't cook don't divorce her: keep her for a pet!" or "Women! Keep your mimsy clean" or "Get noticed: wear a nipple bra!" or Stevie Wonder saying "If I could play video games you bet it would be A***i"

The ads concerning black and Asian people are even more offensive, none of which I will repeat here, not even the strap-lines.

Part of me is thinking, are they actually genuine or just recently faked? But doing a little more research on the web suggests a lot of them really are for real. I realise the 30s, 40s and 50s etc. were a completely different era and mindset compared to today, but I really cannot believe what these advertising companies got away with back then. 

  • Love 3

@Zola, I wish they were faked.  But no, that's what it was like back then.  Even into then 70s, when I was a teenager, the ads reflected that the times - way more overtly sexist and racist.  A friend of mine got divorced and moved to Indiana in the 90s.  When she went for a mortgage, the bank wanted her ex-husband to co-sign.  Not for financial reasons but because he was a man.  In the 1990s.  The ads reflected that.  We've still got a long way to go but those ads are a reflection of how far we've come.

  • Love 5

And it wasn't just the ads either; sales people exhibited the same attitudes. In the late 1970s I was recently married and my husband and I had decided we wanted to sell our current car and get another one. I had gone with him a couple of years previously when he was car shopping, before we were married, and I mostly kept in the background but observed the way the sales people interacted with him. If he expressed the slightest interest in a particular car, they suggested a test drive, and ran the numbers for him on at least 3-4 cars.  Two years later, albeit in a different and smaller town, I wanted to do the looking around because this was going to be the car I drove; the husband had a Mustang he was restoring (don't even get me started on that) but it was in running shape and he used it on a daily basis. So I went to a car dealership and was looking at used cars, then found one that I liked that was a couple of years old and in very good shape. I was a little surprised that no salesperson had approached me, but figured maybe they were busy with other customers. So I went inside the dealership, indicated I was in the market for a car, and that I had found one I was interested in. and wanted to test drive and talk about what they would give for a trade-in, etc. Their response: No, we can't let just anybody who walks in here test drive one of our cars. If you're really serious about buying a car, then you need to bring your husband down here and we'll let him test drive it and discuss financing with him. 

I was in such shock that I don't remember what I said to them, but I left there literally shaking in rage.  I don't think I had ever encountered such overt sexism in that kind of setting before. My husband was angry enough to call the dealership and demand an explanation for their treatment of me, and their excuse was that they thought I was just a teenager trying to scope out a car for graduation. Which, WTH? Let's say I am a teenager approaching high school graduation; you're going to be so rude to me that I go home and tell my parents how much your dealership sucks?  I called the dealership myself a couple of hours later and although the manager was apologetic, he still commented that they always preferred to have the husband come in because "the husband is the one in control of the wallet and making the decisions."

So, while there may be some fake sexist/racist/homophobic ads out there from the first half of the 20th century, there are loads of very real ads that are just astonishingly offensive. I remember seeing one in the last couple of years, I think from the 1940s or 1950s, with an illustration of a man spanking a woman, with the caption cautioning women to be sure to buy Brand X coffee, so as to avoid their husbands punishing them for making the wrong choice. 

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Zola said:

"Learn to train your wife ....", "if your wife can't cook don't divorce her: keep her for a pet!" or "Women! Keep your mimsy clean" or "Get noticed: wear a nipple bra!" or Stevie Wonder saying "If I could play video games you bet it would be A***i"

I couldn't help but laugh myself silly reading those!! 

I don't think the Stevie Wonder one should be a problem - he obviously didn't have a problem with it since he chose to endorse it.  

The nipple bra reminded me of Joel Schumacher for obvious reasons!


12 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

I have never understood why fashion designers feel compelled to create dresses that are suitable only as bridesmaid dresses


I'd heard that the whole point of ugly bridesmaid dresses is to make the bride look better (how dare anyone else in the wedding party outshine the bride!).  Some brides I've known have actually subscribed to the theory!


On 12/28/2017 at 7:50 PM, AgentRXS said:

My neighbor peeve is that my neighbor continues to not allow me to relax on my patio in peace. He entertains on his patio and I can hear every bit of the conversation but I never say a word.

If I try to sit on my patio and have a phone conversation, he comes outside and immediately starts loudly playing a video on his phone to try to disrupt me. If I'm outside just trying to enjoy the weather, he will come outside a start a loud conversation on his phone or smoke a cigarette and blow the smoke over in my direction.  The only time I've ever been able to sit on my patio in peace is when he is out of town

What a jerk!  Life is too short to live it as an asshole.

If you legally own a firearm, perhaps you could clean it in full view of this guy.  Don't aim it at him obviously, (or make threats),  just let him think about messing with you is not a good idea.  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, magicdog said:

What a jerk!  Life is too short to live it as an asshole.

If you legally own a firearm, perhaps you could clean it in full view of this guy.  Don't aim it at him obviously, (or make threats),  just let him think about messing with you is not a good idea.  

No. Just. No.

  • Love 8

The whole thing just irks me - why can't we just go rent dresses somewhere like the groom and his attendants are going to go rent tuxedos?

My son was in wedding last summer and the rental on the tuxes was $160.00 plus tax. 


Their response: No, we can't let just anybody who walks in here test drive one of our cars. If you're really serious about buying a car, then you need to bring your husband down here and we'll let him test drive it and discuss financing with him.

This makes me angrier than I can even express. There have been time in my marriage and everyone here as well when I made more money than my husband. A. Lot. More. I recently fired our attorney for treating me like a child, went out on my own (gasp) and hired another one we're much happier with. Not only did he lose our business, he lost any future business he could have had with our son.

Edited by peacheslatour
  • Love 11
4 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

So I went to a car dealership and was looking at used cars, then found one that I liked that was a couple of years old and in very good shape. I was a little surprised that no salesperson had approached me, but figured maybe they were busy with other customers. So I went inside the dealership, indicated I was in the market for a car, and that I had found one I was interested in. and wanted to test drive and talk about what they would give for a trade-in, etc. Their response: No, we can't let just anybody who walks in here test drive one of our cars. If you're really serious about buying a car, then you need to bring your husband down here and we'll let him test drive it and discuss financing with him. 


A single woman co-worker bought a car a few months ago and encountered a similar scenario.  She's cute as a button, intelligent, and extremely personable, but was basically ignored at two or three dealerships. She ended up buying a Subaru (which she loves) because that's where she found a salesperson who would talk to her. Unfortunately, we haven't come a long way, baby!TM

  • Love 8

Regarding weddings - in some areas you can rent bridesmaid gowns and bridal gowns.  In many areas you can find bridal consignment stores.  My friend just got married last Sept and got a beautiful dress for <$500 at a consignment store.  You'd never know.  It looks like a $1000+ dress (probably was, originally).

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

Regarding weddings - in some areas you can rent bridesmaid gowns and bridal gowns.  In many areas you can find bridal consignment stores.

Yeah, you're just much more limited in options, and thus may very well spend time traipsing through multiple stores - we want one afternoon to find her dress, and then later an afternoon to find bridesmaids dresses that will complement her dress style, boom, done.

We found a dress for her today; a great style for her body and for an outdoor summer wedding for $350, so - sold.  We'll look at bridesmaid dresses in February, but via online browsing will have it narrowed down to just a few each her sister and I want to look at.

And, I must say, the person helping us was not at all annoying; in fact, she and I clicked nicely.  The person at the check-in desk, however -- holy shit, she was every bit the perky stereotype I had been dreading. 

  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Yeah, you're just much more limited in options, and thus may very well spend time traipsing through multiple stores - we want one afternoon to find her dress, and then later an afternoon to find bridesmaids dresses that will complement her dress style, boom, done.

We found a dress for her today; a great style for her body and for an outdoor summer wedding for $350, so - sold.  We'll look at bridesmaid dresses in February, but via online browsing will have it narrowed down to just a few each her sister and I want to look at.

And, I must say, the person helping us was not at all annoying; in fact, she and I clicked nicely.  The person at the check-in desk, however -- holy shit, she was every bit the perky stereotype I had been dreading. 

Glad you found a dress for her already! Not sure if you saw my post but rent the runway has bridesmaid dresses on their site.

  • Love 1

My current pet peeve: 

That green left-turn arrow is only going to be green for 12 seconds or so.  BE READY!  Don't pull out your phone at the red light and text someone while you wait for the light to change, because then I have to wait for you to finish, then turn, and by then it's too late and I have to wait another light cycle.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 15

My work peeve this week -  Boss sets up a collection bin for the homeless shelter, along with a list of items that are needed - handwarmer packs, warm socks, knit hats, toiletry kits.  To give the homeless shelter some extra stuff for Christmas gifts.  We've had a cold snap, and these items are needed.   

So the items were donated, and collected.  And guess where they are?  STILL IN THE BIN IN THE OFFICE.  with temperatures around the zero mark, boss never got around to dropping them off at the shelter.  So much for Christmas presents! 

I made my donation directly to the shelter, not to the office.  

  • Love 8

I'm not excited about 2018. I guess I'm a terrible person because of that, but if things keep going the way they have been, I don't have high hopes.

In other stupidity, get this garbage: I checked the mail today on my way in from getting groceries, and had a letter from my COBRA plan saying I could elect a different plan by 12/22. It was postmarked 12/20 and dated 12/19! I checked the mail sometime last week (I get very little mail) and it wasn't there, but I still wouldn't have gotten it on time. I could've picked a cheaper plan. They'll be hearing from me Tuesday.

That is really shady, anyway. Think of how many people were out of town and not checking their mail around the 22nd.

  • Love 6

The only thing I'm looking forward to in the new year is the mid-term elections. That being said, I'm peeved with the amount of canned emails I've gotten within the past two days from politicians asking for donations . One of them had the headline "You're our only hope". LOL If that's the case, this world is in greater disrepair than I thought.

  • Love 12
On 12/29/2017 at 5:28 PM, theredhead77 said:

Born and raised. I am terrified of earthquakes, especially ones that happen in the middle of the night.

I've been in only one earthquake, and it was in the middle of the day. 

The shaking by the alarm clock doesn't feel like an earthquake--even though I'm asleep when it goes off, it's obvious it's not the whole world, or even the whole bed, shaking.  Just something vibrating enough to get my attention.  I love that thing.

Sizes -- women's at least -- are insane now! My mom wore a size 8 in the '70s* and she was 5'8" and 120, if that (I say was because she's not 5'8" anymore!). 

* I remember this because my great-grandma back then had an obsession with asking people their clothing sizes even though she didn't even buy us clothes, haha! But that knowledge has served me well in my vintage-clothes shopping; I wear the same now in '70s stuff.

  • Love 2

Clothes shopping with my 13 year old daughter yesterday.  She wears either a 12 or 14 in girls jeans, depending.  She wears anywhere from a size extra small to a medium or 0 to a 4 in misses tops, or a size 12 to 14, large or extra large in girls tops, depending.  

She was tired of having to try on everything in 1, 2 or 3 different sizes.  i told her welcome to the world of buying female clothes.

  • Love 9
21 hours ago, backformore said:

ARGH!   I saw an ad for a cute shirt, clicked on it, but checked for sizes. 

Misses sizes

XS - size 0

S - size 2

M - size 4

L size 6

XL size 8 

WTF?  Size 8 is XL?  

This surely must be Asian-sizing. I got suckered into buying a haul of clothes from one of those crazy cheap online retailers PopJulia last summer---the clothes looked absolutely adorable and were so affordable!

I know Asian sizes run smaller so I checked the measurements accordingly before I ordered. Made sure to go for L in the looser tops despite wearing a S-M typically.

Then I get the clothes nearly a month later...and they don't look like they do in the pictures. They sure as Hell don't fit like I thought they would. I felt so fat and disgruntled as I packed everything back up to re-send to Japan. Never mind that I'm *still* waiting on my refund....yeah, fool me once---no more Asian clothing hauls for me after that!!

  • Love 6

I was about to add that, @Sun-Bun! I am on the smaller side but, oh man--if I want a few cheapo fun things from those sites (Shein, Romwe [I think], etc...), I go for the L or even XL! And once, I had to give the leggings to my BF's 11-year-old niece anyway, haha! I guess that'll teach me some kind of lesson about greed (and maybe even sweatshops or whatever).

  • Love 1

Given how long it takes for clothes to come from China and its 50-50 whether they'll fit or look like the photo, my New Years Resolution is not to buy anything from FB or Amazon that is coming from China.  I ordered a few things from a FB link back in early November and still haven't gotten them.  So much for Christmas presents.  I'll just save them for next year, if they ever show up.  If I don't get them soon, I'll just issue a charge-back on my credit card.

  • Love 4

I have to constantly tell my mom to not buy things she sees in Facebook advertisements. I've sent her links to those comparison sites to show her things look nothing like they do online.  Nevertheless, at least once a month she asks me if I've seen an ad for some sort of crap and I always say no, and remind her to not buy things via Facebook ads. If she ever does and it never shows up I'll never hear the end of it.

  • Love 1
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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