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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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Wow, the guy who hit my car recently has Progressive and all they've offered to do is fix it, no money for my pain and suffering (although I wasn't injured). Turns out it's costing almost as much to fix it as the car is worth ($6,500 in repairs and Kelly Blue Book says it's worth around $10,000). I'm really surprised they didn't total it, but I'm also kind of relieved because it's paid off and I don't want new car payments right now.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

In addition to the money they paid me, they of course paid to fix my car with brand new parts (because my car is/was just a few months old).

Well, there wouldn't be an used parts or aftermarket parts available. Also, some jurisdictions ban used parts, making life difficult for the wrecking yards.

9 minutes ago, ennui said:

Well, there wouldn't be an used parts or aftermarket parts available. Also, some jurisdictions ban used parts, making life difficult for the wrecking yards.

It was just the bumper and they could have repaired it, and a friend of mine who is an adjuster for another company said that is all his company would pay for. I made a pretty big stink and got it replaced.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, afterbite said:

You're right - there were a couple of 'take a pill' replies, along with 'just confine them to 1-2 rooms in the house and have the allergic person avoid those rooms'. So, what I'm hearing here is that someone who already needs someone there as a caregiver (hence, moving in with mom to provide care) should just take a couple of pills or avoid entire areas of her house like it's no big deal? These are not trivial considerations.

And that won't work either.  When you're allergic to cats, it's to the dander - which is the dried up saliva that flakes off and floats in the air. 

Cat dander is in the air, so it goes through the intake vents and is circulated through the heating/air conditioning system. 

  • Love 3

It can work; my best friend had to move in with her parents for over a year quite a few years ago, and her dad has the strongest allergic reaction to cats I have ever seen.  She had two cats (and two dogs).  It was some effort by all parties, and the size and layout of their house made it possible where for others it wouldn't be, but it went fine.  Not ideal for anyone, human or feline, but not an unreasonable burden on any of them, either, and worth it to keep the family together through the temporary situation. 

It's so situation-specific, which is why it's important for bystanders to resist the instinct to immediately condemn someone who finds a new home for their cat under those circumstances, and important for owners to research ways of potentially making it work and trying out those that may apply to their situation before automatically going to rehoming.  But there's too much of the opposite going on, on both sides. 

My Nextdoor pet peeve is people who seem congenitally incapable of putting their posts in the correct category.  "General" does not equal "I'm too damn lazy to think for half a second about where my post should go."  Good grief!  There are only a handful of main categories; it is just not that hard.  Posting about something that has been lost or found?  Here's an idea - post it in Lost & Found!  Recommending a local business or service provider?  Okay, maybe you can't find the right sub-category, but you can't put it in Recommendations at least? 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, ennui said:

a "California stop"

As a native Californian many decades nonresident there it is oddly exhilarating to see that California continues to retain the credit for this particular driving no-no.  The same satisfaction I feel about terms like  Irish confetti (i.e., rocks) maintaining the proper degree of respect for Irish tradition. :)

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I ended up getting kicked off next door when someone reported me for using a fake name (which was a name of one of my favorite sci-fi characters).

I live in an area with a fairly high homeless population. Sure, there are probably some of them who could be labeled "unstable" but for the most part they go about their business and are harmless. The neighborhood board was full of people constantly complaining about them, complaining that the city won't do anything about them (there are plenty of services), etc... I finally had it after some guy said the neighborhood was so bad he wouldn't "let" his girlfriend go outside alone at night. I lit into him, mygod, they live 2 streets away, the neighborhood is fine! I'm more concerned about a random coyote (animal) or drunk leaving the bar than a homeless person. He threatened to make me afraid of my own shadow and then I guess reported me to Nextdoor for using a fake name. 

  • Love 1

Since it is the start of kitten season down here, my peeve is people who feed stray cats and don't bother to spay/neuter them. My county has SO many low-cost (and in some cases, free) options and yet they can't be bothered to take advantage of them. And then when they get in over their head, they blame the cats as if they expect them to turn away from free food. Or they call animal control for assistance when the cat gets injured/in medical needs as if its ok to just feed and not be held responsible for the cat's well-being.

If you don't plan on providing proper care for an outdoor cat, please don't feed it. How hard is it to grasp that concept?

  • Love 1

@theredhead77 Progressive has offered me $1500 for my "pain and suffering". I'm being nice to the adjuster so far, but I'm 98% likely to sue them, anyway. When they first made that offer, I was even more insulted than I feel now and I'm pretty happy with myself that I didn't let any of that bleed through into my reaction. The adjuster has been nice throughout. So, there is that.

Personally, I had State Farm when we lived in Kasson. Then I switched to Liberty Mutual for a year because the price was lower. However, I didn't read the documents closely enough and they'd reduced my coverage to get me that price. I found out when I skidded off the road, murdered a road sign, and explored the depths of the embankment. After that, I changed to Farmers in part because I always felt like State Farm was a little too high and because the Farmers agent is about 10 blocks from my home. And after suffering through the closest Liberty Mutual agent to me being in Minneapolis (an hour's drive, minimum), I decided I wanted a local agent that I could actually talk to.

I dislike Progressive because they don't have any local agents; it's all online, if I recall correctly. Also, we got hit by one of their insured back in 2009 or 2010. This 20-something girl was in the right lane driving slowly. From a couple of blocks away, I could sense she was lost and wasn't sure which direction she wanted to go - and I expected her to make a left turn out of the right lane. However, when I got within about a half block of her, she put her right turn signal on and she was approaching the intersection where I'd originally expected her to make a left turn. But she put her signal on so I figured the confusion was resolved and she was going to go right. As I pulled alongside her (2 lanes in each direction), she suddenly decided to turn left from the right lane and without checking her mirrors. Progressive only paid me 90% of the total cost to fix the damages because they felt I should have known to stay away from her and, therefore, I contributed to the accident.

Then, in Jan 2016, I was in a roundabout/traffic circle in the outer of two lanes when someone insured by Progressive (who was in the inner lane) decided to change lanes into my lane in order to get up on US 61 southbonud (where I was also going to go) and side-swiped me. They didn't check their mirrors and they didn't put their turn signal on. I verbally assaulted the woman when she got out of her vehicle and she called the police. She tried to claim that I rear-ended her. The officer could see there was no damage to my front end and so the police report controverted her claim. The body shop also noted all the damage was on the side and none in the front. And the adjuster flat-out told me that if it weren't for those two things, then they would only have paid me 50% of the cost to repair the damage. This prompted me to put dash cameras in both my vehicles.

And the dash camera in my wife's vehicle paid for itself inside a week. She went to a local store and pulled into a parking spot on the driver's side of a vehicle which driver's side mirror was broken and hanging uselessly by its cables. My wife went into the store to do whatever she was there. When she came back out, the woman who owned the vehicle was there with a police officer and was telling the cop that she watched my wife pull into the parking spot, side-swipe her car, and knock the mirror off. My wife replayed the video for the officer right there on the spot and you could clearly read the woman's license plate and see that there was never any contact (or danger of any contact) between the vehicles. (My wife was alone and so it wasn't a case of the passenger door opening and causing the damage.) The officer told my wife she was free to go. When the woman asked if she also was, the cop said, "No. You're getting a ticket for filing a false report." Since the woman's mirror had electronics in it (turn signal, electronically adjustable, etc), I figure it would have cost me at least $500 to fix it. The dash camera cost me $350, with 128Gb memory card.

@ari333 Whoever you were speaking to was just being a pedantic asshole. The question of "What are you making for dinner?" is a sort of malapropism for "What are you preparing for dinner?" So, he was just being a stupid dickhead by taking the "making" literally. And even then he didn't do it right because you didn't actually "make" the rice or the asparagus, either! Probably a good thing he wasn't physically present when he decided to be an ass because I suspect you (like me) would have just punched him in his douchey face.

And I only saw Jaws because boobs. You can't really blame me. I was like 15 when I caught it on HBO or some similar channel. Just imagine how awesome 15 year old boys think True Blood is!

  • Love 3

Okay, I fully agree with Agent RSX. My next door neighbor (we will call her C)  and I have been feeding/sheltering a family of feral cats for a few years now. All of them we have been able to trap and have taken to the animal shelter where they were spayed/neutered and returned "home".

Now, on to my peeve. The creep across the street and his wife moved in about 2 years ago, long after the cats had established their hangout between my garage and C's driveway. He came storming over about two weeks after moving in, and began yelling at me about "my" cats and how they were wrecking his yard. I told him they were feral cats, not mine, as I have two indoor cats of my own.  I told him C and I provided them with food and they kept the mouse/gopher population down.  He stormed back across the street muttering to himself.

Yesterday, as I was pulling into my garage he yelled at me from across the street (first time I have heard from him since his "visit" two years ago) " When are you going to get licenses for those damn cats?"  I told him, once again, that they are feral, not mine.  He then said "Well, they live in your damn garage."  Nope, there is a bowl of food in the garage for them, and if it's bad weather they may prefer to stay in the garage now and then. They do not live there. The cats are also at C's house, but he can't see them because there are two vehicles parked in the driveway.  Once again. he gave me a dirty look and stormed off.

To this day, I have no idea what that man's name is. He has never introduced himself. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

News websites that decide a giant picture of a spider is appropriate for the front page.


11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Since it is the start of kitten season down here, my peeve is people who feed stray cats and don't bother to spay/neuter them. SNIP If you don't plan on providing proper care for an outdoor cat, please don't feed it. How hard is it to grasp that concept?

Non-feral / stray outdoor cats are a huge pet peeve. Cats belong INSIDE, especially in my suburban neighborhood with lots of traffic and the random coyote.

11 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I much prefer the shark to a spider!


11 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

You would think differently if your parents had scarred your psyche by exposing your poor infant brain to Jaws.


10 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I see your point!  At least I was a teenager when Jaws was released.


4 hours ago, Blergh said:

Same here! At least one doesn't have to worry about sharks coming out from dusty corners in basements or attics taking out good chunks of flesh with their bites like brown recluses do.

I saw JAWS as a kid and I grew up spending a lot of time in the ocean. My parents managed to convince me that there was no way Jaws' siblings could swim from the east coast to California. While looking for a different article about the great white pups chilling out off the coast, I came across this story, which happened where I spent my teen years in the ocean.

4 hours ago, MrSmith said:

@theredhead77 Progressive has offered me $1500 for my "pain and suffering". I'm being nice to the adjuster so far, but I'm 98% likely to sue them, anyway.

There's no need to be rude or mean to the adjuster; they're just doing their job within the constraints of their employer. It's not personal. If you aren't getting what you think you deserve, you should sue. One doesn't have to do with the other.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, theredhead77 said:

There's no need to be rude or mean to the adjuster; they're just doing their job within the constraints of their employer. It's not personal. If you aren't getting what you think you deserve, you should sue. One doesn't have to do with the other.

True enough. And that's one reason I'm practicing it.

  • Love 2

Speaking of cats...my current pet peeve is with evil pets that attack and the owners who claim them, since I just got bitten by a mean cat.

I was on a downtown home tour and this cute cat walks right up to me---I love all creatures, dogs and cats especially, so naturally I very calmly bent down to say hello to the kitty by lightly petting its back. Bad idea since the damned thing suddenly screeched and sunk its teeth into my hand! I was shocked and laughed it off((the owner then came up to me and said "Didn't you see my 'Beware of cat' sign? She bites!" No, no I did not, and even if I had, I would've considered it to be facetious like many of those cutesy signs often are)), but I wasn't laughing later on when I read online how seriously harmful cat bites are. So after two hours at the hospital getting a tetanus shot and an antibiotic prescription, I'm about 500 bucks poorer thanks to a cat owner who found it perfectly acceptable to allow her demon cat from Hell to wander around during a busy public home tour.

Why she didn't put the cat away or cage it or just have it stay elsewhere in the meantime is beyond me. Although I simply cannot fathom owning an animal that hurts other people---that's just insane to me, the idea of having a pet that hurts humans. Guard dogs I can somewhat understand for protection's sake, but all those other potentially vicious housepets? No way, no how. That goes for pet snakes too. I just don't think I'd want to own a Hellbeast. But maybe that's just me...

  • Love 5

I'm surprised the cat went out where strange people were wandering throuh, @Sun-Bun. My cats would have been hidden under the bed. They also won't bite or scratch if you pat them while they are walking by. Now, if they are on top of a bookshelf, don't try it. One will love it, but another will scratch. Up high, out of reach is his signal to leave him alone.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, stewedsquash said:

I always ask before I ever touch or interact with a person's pet no matter how friendly the pet seems to be. I do the same thing with people's monster kids. I assume all kids are monsters and ask if they bite before I even speak to them. 

Oh hey, lesson officially learned, stewedsquash! A very expensive and annoying lesson. All my former giddy animal-loving, immediate petting instincts died in one quick bite.

And I do agree about possible lawsuit material, PradaKitty---I briefly considered it, but it's probably more time/trouble/expense than I ever care to consider. Plus, I'm slightly embarrassed that I thought her cutesy "Beware of Cat" sign was just that: cute. However, I did take great delight in reporting the evil demon cat and its owner to animal control, so there's that. 

  • Love 4

I also would not touch someone else's pet, whether inside or outside, without permission. The animal may be perfectly fine with its owner and other people who live in the same household. But from the cat's or dog's point of view, a strange person comes up to it and then proceeds to invade its space. I don't see anything particularly surprising about the animal's biting in response to what it perceives as a threat, and I don't think doing so makes the animal especially dangerous.  IMO, a dangerous animal is one that will attack someone when that person is not attempting to touch it or do something harmful. So, if I'm standing on my front porch and someone's unleashed dog runs up on the porch and bites me, that would be a dangerous animal. When I am visiting someone or out walking, sometimes a dog owner will tell me that the dog is friendly and can be touched. With other people's cats, though, even if the owner has told me the cat is friendly, my approach is to wait for the cat to come to me and either purr or rub around my ankles before I touch it. Walking up and touching a strange cat or dog is like people who walk up to you when you are pregnant and rub your belly without asking first. Some women may not mind that; others, like me, would have to resist the impulse to grab that person's hand and jerk it off my body, not caring if I happened to twist the offending person's arm while doing so. 

Edited by BookWoman56
  • Love 13
2 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

I also would not touch someone else's pet, whether inside or outside, without permission. The animal may be perfectly fine with its owner and other people who live in the same household.

We owned a dog years ago that I just loved to death; she was great. She was half Tibetan Mastiff and half St. Bernard, about the size of a Labrador, 80 pounds of toned Alpha Female, with natural guard dog instincts. (And she could hear moles underground and would hunt them! Best. Dog. Ever!) She hated all men, except me, and eventually hated all children due to being teased by the neighborhood "Bebe's kids" when we lived in a townhouse complex. Her hatred of men was totally and completely natural, too; I never abused her or anything like that. Just when she turned two, she decided she hated all men. In fact, I had a friend come over one day to pick up some computer hardware from me. Alpha Female went and laid down on the floor half-way between my friend (who stood at the front door) and my wife (who was sitting on the couch) and just glared at him the entire time. As soon as I came back downstairs from retrieving whatever it was he had come for, she got up and went and sat right next to my wife - still glaring at my friend. And she was the dangerous kind of dog that would bite: She wouldn't growl, wouldn't tuck or wag her tail, and wouldn't flinch. In fact, if you didn't recognize the fact those are the classic signs of a dog that is intent on killing you if you cross them, you wouldn't expect anything from her. We even had an incident once where we warned a person who insisted on trying to pet her that she absolutely, unequivocally, and without hesitation will bite you and they nearly lost their hand. (They were less than 1/2 inch from her mouth when they flinched and her mouth snapped shut on empty air.) And she was always, always, always on a leash or in a yard fenced with at least 8 foot fences. (We had her jump a 6 foot fence once.)

Anyway, my wife was out walking the Alpha Female and our other two dogs (a full St. Bernard and a year old puppy from the St. and the Alpha Female; both of these were friendly at the time...) one afternoon when three guys were walking the other way down the street and stopped to see/pet the dogs. My wife warned them the Alpha Female will bite and they insisted on trying to pet her, claiming "all dogs love us." Well, as one of the guys was bending down to put his face in the Alpha Female's face, one of his friends thought it would be hilarious to push him toward her. And it was because of that that she lunged at him. He damn near lost his face to her, was completely shocked that she tried to bite him, and threatened to call the cops. My wife was like, "Go right ahead. First, all my dogs are leashed. Second, I warned you multiple times that the Alpha Female will bite you and told you to leave her alone. Third, you insisted on forcing yourself on her and almost paid the price for your stupidity. So, what do you think the cops are going to do?" Ended up that they took off running in fear. LOL.

Edited by MrSmith
  • Love 7

So, my car is fixed and ready to be picked up early (they had originally told me it would be ready on May 2). I got a call at 5pm that it's ready and I have 24 hours to pick it up or I have to start paying for the rental car (background story, a guy flying down a major highway was looking down at his phone and rear ended me so hard it sent me flying across two lanes of traffic and totaled his car; his insurance, Progressive, has accepted all liability). Given that it was 5pm, the place to pick up my car is over an hour from my house with traffic, it's Friday evening, the place isn't open on weekends and I have to travel for work on Monday, I told them I wouldn't be able to pick it up until Wednesday. The insurance adjuster started threatening me with paying for the rental car and I about lost it--I very politely but firmly reminded her it's their client's fault the car has to be repaired in the first place, I have a police report stating this fact and I wouldn't be paying a dime for any of this because of these facts. I now have the rental car until Wednesday morning and won't be charged.

  • Love 9
On 4/26/2017 at 0:26 PM, Petunia13 said:

I had a mia wedge years ago in beige with a beige sole with contrast stiching. It was about 4.5 inches and extremely comfy.  

You're a mod now?!  When did that happen?  Where the hell have I been?!  I'm not the most observant person on the planet apparently. 

@Sun-Bun, please be very careful. I was bitten on the wrist by my old neighbor's cat and ended up in the hospital with a very nasty infection and almost lost my hand. Cat bites are no joke.  

@theredhead77, I completely agree about outdoor cats. Its so so irresponsible to allow your pet cat to roam the neighborhood. I hate when people say that its cruel to keep a cat indoors, or that its a cats nature to roam. I've been told both of those things many times. I've had pet cats my whole 51 years of life and every one has been indoor only.  I hate when people let their cats out. It not fair to the cat, to the neighbors or to the local wildlife.  People who do that shouldn't be allowed to have cats.  The only times my cats have gone outside is in their carrier to go to the vet.   I must be a bad cat mama though because even after having probably more than 40 cats in my life, I've never counted a calorie in their food, I never have set feeding times, I fill their bowls and they've eaten when they're hungry. I buy whatever brand of cat litter is on sale that week, etc. 

I know that all of you are on the edge of your seats,  waiting with bated breath to hear about this so I'll let you know that my sandals fit!  I like them so much that I ordered three more pairs. I might even order a couple more in colors I've already bought and put them up so I'll have them when I need them. I'm sure I have now made your days by telling you this important news. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 9

New peeve, new post. (sticking my tounge out to people who don't like double posting). 

My new peeve is know it all assholes who think they know everything about everything when in actuality, they know nothing about nothing.  They read google and spout information like they're the smartest people in the world*.  

@bilgistic, is he ok?  What happened?  He's so handsome. I LOVE orange kitties. 

*Oops. I didnt realize I had posted this. I thought I saved it.   I have a friend who knows everything, just ask, she'll tell you. The one that broke the camels back and made me call her out is that she has the ugliest house I've ever seen. There is no decor at all, there's a couple of couches and the TV, nothing on shelves, nothing on the walls anywhere.  My daughter is redoing her house and this friend offered to give her some decorating tips. She's never cooked anything harder than Hamburger Helper but she tries to tell me how to cook. This is the psycho friend I've talked about before. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

New peeve, new post. (sticking my tounge out to people who don't like double posting). 

My new peeve is know it all assholes who think they know everything about everything when in actuality, they know nothing about nothing.  They read google and spout information like they're the smartest people in the world. 

@bilgistic, is he ok?  What happened?  He's so handsome. I LOVE orange kitties. 

My mother has always said that our family motto is, "People who think they know it all are especially annoying to those of us who do." This was, of course, long before google.

  • Love 7

Yes, he was getting acupuncture for the first time, because I'm insane. I took him to a new holistic vet, and she's fantastic. Incredibly expensive, but fantastic. He seems to have more pep in his step today, and is laying in a more relaxed position. He'll be 16 next month.

My sweet boy has irritable bowel disease and pancreatitis, which are very hard to manage. He's on a lot of meds and the vet wants to try to lessen his need for them, which will make both my and his life easier. Along with the acupuncture, we're implementing herbals, omega oils, hopefully different food, and lots of other tips. Doing it s l o w l y and one thing at a time.

My cat has had acupuncture but I haven't...

  • Love 7

I'm an Animal Control Officer in my county....unfortunately @Sun-Bun if you were in my county, they would consider your situation a provoked bite, and there wouldn't be much an ACO could do except quarantine the cat if it wasn't vaccinated for rabies. And I sympathize with you, because I've been bitten a couple times by cats and they are no joke. 

And we don't care if you feed outdoor cats, just spay/neuter, care for them if they get sick, and don't leave food out all day as not to attract wildlife. I don't think my county's laws are unreasonable in that regard and yet, people just want to feed and feed and watch as the cats multiply without even bothering to control the situation. I actually have people blame the female cats as if they have any control/willpower over getting pregnant.  Or as if they are supposed to somehow get spayed on their own, without human intervention.

Also, how hard is it to provide food, water, and shelter for your outdoor dog? Today, my co-worker had to rescue a 100-lb Mastiff who was left out in the 90 degree heat and was almost dead from heat stroke.  The dog was left out in the sun all day without water. Things like this make me really hate people.

  • Love 16

My son's best friend has a Mastiff named itty bitty and she's also a total sweetheart. I used to babysit her when her daddy would go out of town but they moved away last year. Sad face. 

@AgentRXS, I am with you on the people hate. Every time I leave my house I hate them a little bit more, thats why I'm becoming a homebody recluse. I stay here in my happy place where I can pretend that people don't suck. 

Give head butt kisses to your boy @bilgistic.  I honestly thought he had fallen into a cactus or something, accupunture didn't even cross my mind. I hope it makes the handsome guy feel better. 

Edited by Maharincess
Because J isn't my son's beat friend.
  • Love 4

Every time I leave my house I hate them a little bit more, thats why I'm becoming a homebody recluse. I stay here in my happy place where I can pretend that people don't suck. 

I've been like this my whole life.  South FL is almost on par with NY for its reputation of rude people. People use to tell me "If you just move north, you'll find that people are ALOT nicer".  After reading these forums and seeing everyone's peeves, I no longer believe that is necessarily the case LOL.

Although I am glad I found this little online community---you all have restored my faith that there are still people out there with common sense and decency.

  • Love 5

My, like, pet peeve is like, podcasters who like, keep saying, like, like all the fucking like time. It's bad enough when people (mostly students) do it, but you're on a podcast! There is nothing to, like, distract people from, like, how you, like, talk. How can you, like, not know you like sound like an an idiot and try to correct it?! I had to stop listening to one last night because the guest kept doing it, and I'd give up on Crime Writers on... if the woman was the only speaker. GAH!

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, ABay said:

My, like, pet peeve is like, podcasters who like, keep saying, like, like all the fucking like time. It's bad enough when people (mostly students) do it, but you're on a podcast! There is nothing to, like, distract people from, like, how you, like, talk. How can you, like, not know you like sound like an an idiot and try to correct it?! I had to stop listening to one last night because the guest kept doing it, and I'd give up on Crime Writers on... if the woman was the only speaker. GAH!

Indeed!!! Another spin on this is trend is like, when people add "you know" at the end of every sentence, y'know? Like they're literally fumbling for words to end every sentence yet they sound so stupid as they talk, y'know? It's like they're too dumb to like, talk coherently and eloquently, y'know.

  • Love 6

Speaking of people who suck, on my drive back from the vet yesterday, I had two people honk when they thought I didn't go fast enough taking off at stoplights. I was in front of these two men at separate times.

The first time, I stalled out because I didn't give my car enough gas when taking my foot off the clutch. I was wearing flip-flops, and I sometimes do that when wearing them. Forgive the hell out of me, asshole, for making you wait one whole second as I restart my car.

The second (and third) time was a man in a very large imposing pickup (I could barely see him in my rearview mirror because of how big the truck was). For no reason other than being a dick, he honked because I didn't jump the light. And then again at the next light. I didn't stall out those times; I went at a normal speed, taking off at the same time the car in the left lane did.

That happens A LOT around here. If you don't literally watch for the opposite light to turn yellow then jump your green light, people honk angrily. Well, sorry assholes, but I'd really rather not get killed by a red-light runner from the opposite light.

And I reflexively cursed loudly at them from the safety of my car, upsetting Bilgisticat, who was already freaked out from being in the car and having been to the vet. I have road rage for assholes.

  • Love 6

@stewedsquash, you can also access free college courses (or just single lectures) at Open Culture.  I used to have a very boring job, and often listened to/watched  lectures from there.  If you have occasion to run across anything by Joanne B. Freeman from Yale (at TED, Open Culture, or anywhere), I found her to be an excellent speaker. 

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Random weird alert:

Not sure which part to quote, but I think this covers it. 

When you say wienie wagon, are you talking about the one shaped like a hot dog? Or are you talking food cart?  

Im a problem solver, so I need to start with this information before tackling your lecture series. 

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The assholes are out again today.

I've been running errands. I was in the right lane behind a car in front of me in a business and residential section next to the hospital. In front of that car was a bicyclist. The driver honked at the cyclist. WTF!

I get that no one particularly enjoys driving behind a cyclist, but you give them space, wait for a chance to pass them, and move on with your day.

Well, that's not how today's going, it seems. The cyclist stopped in the middle of the lane, and made the hand gesture to wave the driver to go around him. It took a couple minutes because of the oncoming traffic in the left lane. The driver finally passed, and the cyclist gave him a sarcastic wave.

Here's the thing: They were both being assholes.

The cyclist wasn't even wearing a helmet on a very busy road. The driver could've just mowed him down and caused serious damage.

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Traffic rudeness/idiocy in general seems to be on the upswing. About a week ago, I was leaving my apartment complex during some pretty hard rain. I got to the end of the exit driveway, and stopped because there was a ton of traffic on the road. Because of the way the road curves, if you want to see oncoming traffic, you have to get right to the end of the exit driveway, so there was not much space between the front of my car and the road. There was also a car behind me at that point. As I was waiting for traffic to clear enough to pull into the road, a guy in a wheelchair came down the sidewalk to my left, obviously wanting to go across the front of the apartment driveway to where the sidewalk resumed on the other side. The guy in the wheelchair began yelling at me to get out of his way. And I'm sorry that you are in your wheelchair in the pouring rain, but exactly how do you want me to get out of your way? Back up and hit the car behind me? Pull out into oncoming traffic, causing a wreck that could very possibly send cars swerving or spinning right into your wheelchair?  It's not like I was going to be blocking his way any longer than I had to, because the traffic light at the closest intersection would change soon, providing the break in traffic that I needed. There was literally no way I could get out of his way without causing an accident until there was enough of a break in traffic to pull into the road, so WTF was I supposed to do? I'm a cautious and safe driver, but not insanely slow; it wasn't like I'd been sitting there for several minutes waiting for there to be absolutely no visible traffic. I was instead waiting until it was safe to pull out, given both the volume of oncoming traffic and the road being slippery as hell. 

Edited by BookWoman56
Card and car are not the same things.
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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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