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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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My favorite is "Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the wee little donkey" courtesy of Chief Superintendent Hastings from Line of Duty.

It's the wee little donkey that just kills me.  I had to rewind I was laughing so hard.  Several times.


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11 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, go ahead and use it! Everyone has a personal, lowercase-h hell! Plus, there’s something so satisfying in its abrupt and vicious simplicity!

This. I may not believe in the hell referenced in the Bible, but there's definitely people I've hoped would suffer some kind of nasty karma/retribution for their awful deeds, so I think it still applies :). 

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3 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

This. I may not believe in the hell referenced in the Bible, but there's definitely people I've hoped would suffer some kind of nasty karma/retribution for their awful deeds, so I think it still applies :). 

I'm not sure how awful my awful deeds have been, but sometimes it does feel like I'm in hell. 
Probably most people whose lives are "hell on earth" did not do anything deserving of such a fate.
IDK, does that negate the usefulness of telling someone to "rot in hell" (presumably right before disconnecting the phone call)?

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Sorry up there .. got a phone call.  In regard to Condos.  I don’t want to be negative, so i will just shut up.  There are pros and cons we found out.  Don’t want to burst your bubble.  Lots of nice amenities.  Lots of rules.


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2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Most recent Not-Pet Peeve:
First, to recap: At the beginning of the month I moved into a condo that I am sorry I purchased. 
New Peeve: I do not know what the so-called "Portfolio Manager" for the condo association management association is supposed to be, but he is definitely worthless, and whatever they are paying him is too much. 

For starters: His phone number is blocked because he doesn't want people calling him. Seriously? You have one job. And there is such a thing as voice mail. And you can put your phone on silent.

He prefers to communicate by email, which amounts to a few technical words interspersed with a lot of "ifs" and "it depends" which basically translate to: 🤷‍♂️ 
--except I doubt he knows there is a shrug emoji, or else that would probably be all the condo owners would get.

Hahaha .. Welcome to Condo World.  More above.

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1 hour ago, SusannahM said:

My mother used to say "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" when she was really peeved with one of us kids.  It was sort of a cross between swearing and praying I think!

Yep, that's exactly it! I try not to swear, because I tend to think it's the last resort for people who have poor vocabulary. But when I'm incredibly frustrated, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" is my go-to.

It's all about perspective. My dad got on my case recently for "rolling my eyes" at him. I replied that wasn't it, I was simply looking heavenward to find my patience.

He didn't believe me. LOL

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12 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

Yep, that's exactly it! I try not to swear, because I tend to think it's the last resort for people who have poor vocabulary. But when I'm incredibly frustrated, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" is my go-to.

It's all about perspective. My dad got on my case recently for "rolling my eyes" at him. I replied that wasn't it, I was simply looking heavenward to find my patience.

He didn't believe me. LOL

Did he roll his eyes at you in response? 

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1 minute ago, shapeshifter said:

Did he roll his eyes at you in response? 

I think he told me to "go to hell", which he now denies ever saying. It was a fun morning.

(We actually have a great relationship. But we work together, which means we spend LOTS of time together. Sometimes too much.)

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9 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

I NEVER heard the word fuck growing up.  My parents never cursed at all. I first heard it when I got married.  Now I curse.  Maybe it’s a release.  It feels good, even tho it doesn’t sound ladylike, lol.  WTF?

I never heard that word from my parents either, plenty of hells and damns though. I learned how to swear on the street and in the school yard like a proper little lady.

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2 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I never heard that word from my parents either, plenty of hells and damns though. I learned how to swear on the street and in the school yard like a proper little lady.

Oh, the school yard .. my second home.  The park too.  We were there every chance we got.  It was the meeting place to go.  Men playing softball, the swings, the monkey bars, everything.  The “parkee” we called him who punished us if we were bad.  Good times.

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On 11/21/2021 at 10:51 PM, bilgistic said:

Except...no "replacement" parts for this mixer seem to exist anywhere online, not even on auction sites or the manufacturer's website. I did send them an email to make sure. There's got to be some matching beaters laying around the warehouse somewhere.

If you have the time & energy, try thrift stores.  I was in one recently that had a bin full of mixer/beater blades for about $1 each.  If you want to post a picture of what you were supposed to have, maybe we could have a nationwide scavenger hunt.  I don’t suppose the blades would have any manufacturer ID on them. That would be too easy.


There are a few of your model mixer for sale on Facebook Marketplace, and from the pictures, it looks like the beaters are the same as my KitchenAid ones.  But, hard be sure from a picture.

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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

I NEVER heard the word fuck growing up.  My parents never cursed at all. I first heard it when I got married.  Now I curse.  Maybe it’s a release.  It feels good, even tho it doesn’t sound ladylike, lol.  WTF?

For those who feel bad cursing: The health benefits of swearing include increased circulation, elevated endorphins, and an overall sense of calm, control, and well-being. 

1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

I never heard that word from my parents either, plenty of hells and damns though. I learned how to swear on the street and in the school yard like a proper little lady.

Haha! Hell and damn are my two favorites. I don't find them as vulgar. People are sometimes surprised that I curse. I'm normally quite nice unless you give me a reason not to be, have a slight build, and dress femininely. But I'm sorry, sometimes cursing feels SO good. 

My pet peeve is people who are extreme about cursing. I don't like the whole virgin ears, oh no naughty word attitude some adults have, especially when they will still be mean and say inappropriate things without cursing. If you tell risqué jokes, hearing a damn or hell out of my mouth shouldn't shock you sweetie. Also, cursing and locker room talk are not the same. Just because you hear me curse doesn't mean I appreciate men who have zero filter. 

I also think it's unnecessary to curse in every sentence, don't like cursing within earshot of kids, etc. 

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22 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

For those who feel bad cursing: The health benefits of swearing include increased circulation, elevated endorphins, and an overall sense of calm, control, and well-being. 

Haha! Hell and damn are my two favorites. I don't find them as vulgar. People are sometimes surprised that I curse. I'm normally quite nice unless you give me a reason not to be, have a slight build, and dress femininely. But I'm sorry, sometimes cursing feels SO good. 

My pet peeve is people who are extreme about cursing. I don't like the whole virgin ears, oh no naughty word attitude some adults have, especially when they will still be mean and say inappropriate things without cursing. If you tell risqué jokes, hearing a damn or hell out of my mouth shouldn't shock you sweetie. Also, cursing and locker room talk are not the same. Just because you hear me curse doesn't mean I appreciate men who have zero filter. 

I also think it's unnecessary to curse in every sentence, don't like cursing within earshot of kids, etc. 

Absolutely.  Some people are so proper, then stab you in the heart.  I have found the posters on this thread and Chit Chat, honest and wonderful.  They let you speak your mind without judgement.  Happy Thanksgiving to all.


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2 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Absolutely.  Some people are so proper, then stab you in the heart.  I have found the posters on this thread and Chit Chat, honest and wonderful.  They let you speak your mind without judgement.

Some of the kindest people I know have pretty big potty mouths. I've also known some cruel people who won't use one curse word. 

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9 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Some of the kindest people I know have pretty big potty mouths. I've also known some cruel people who won't use one curse word. 

Takes all kinds to make the world, I guess. 🦃🍗😷😍

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

My parents realized how much I picked up around age three, when my mom answered my question as to how something worked, and I replied to this revelation with, "Well, son of a bitch."

Two stories of co-workers - one had a person come into their home to give an estimate on some new windows.  They shut their dog in the basement but it was barking like crazy and their 4 year old casually said to the window guy, "That fucking dog never shuts up."  Gosh, I wonder where she heard that?

Another co-worker said fuck a lot and when she had her kids, I told her it was going to be their first word.  She said she NEVER swore in front of her kids.  Yeah, right.  One day her 3 year old took a toy away from the 1 year old and when told to give it back said, "Oh, he can have the fucking thing."   Hmm, I wonder where that was learned?

My pet peeve - having a bad night sleeping, feeling completely exhausted at work all day and thinking about an early night, but then getting my second wind once I'm home, which means a late night, then another work day feeling exhausted . . . .  lather rinse repeat.  Argh!  


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On 11/21/2021 at 8:37 AM, bilgistic said:

Speaking of broken things, the maintenance guy finally "fixed" the dishwasher Friday, but I swear it still isn't working correctly. Unless the dial (yes, this dishwasher is so cheap it has a manual dial) is set to a specific point to turn it on—one tiny click after where it used to start—it doesn't cycle through correctly. It won't run on "hot start" or "heavy wash" at all. I guess we have to wait until it dies completely to get another cheap replacement that will die again in another year.

It's almost like the management could save money by buying a more reliable and slightly more expensive model in the first place.

Just saw this post, after doing property management for over 20 years I will give some tips given by our amazing appliance vendor to hopefully help get your dishwasher ( or anyone's for that matter) to run better.

First: turn your kitchen faucet on full throttle in the hot mode, once it is steamy hot turn it off. (This brings the HOT water into the water supply line attached to the dishwasher and has the hot water available from the start of the cycle)

Second with your old dial knob style with the door open turn the dial to the setting you want and then shut the door, wait for the "click"  and it should start within a minute or two. (Sometimes the dial hash marks are off a bit off)

Also FYI if you have your own water heater for your unit make sure it is set high enough for hot temputure, usually the two "arrows" lined up (normal pre-setting) or setting A are fine, do not turn up past that or your water heater may die an early death from "over cooking" the internal burner. 

Hope this helps!

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On 11/20/2021 at 10:59 PM, Anela said:

I agree, and I'm also tired of having it implied that my opinion or feelings mean nothing, when it comes to certain things, because I'm an incredibly biased whatever. Like, a long-term online friend is always both-sidesing things, and when we were talking about something this week, she acted as though I'd included something political in my comments. I just pointed out that I hadn't, and stopped talking, because she was actually acting really biased, and making assumptions about me. I ended up getting a bit upset, and a tension headache/feeling sick to my stomach, thanks to the headache, because I realized I'd wasted this time talking about something, just to have everything I'd said ignored, and hand-waved as my not even being serious, when I was, and I'm sick of it. They decided one question had to be rhetorical, when it wasn't, and I'm tired of starting to talk about something, with someone I consider a friend, only to end up slamming into a brick wall of "nope" when they are heavily biased themselves, but don't think that they 


Sorry, mistake.  No post.








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25 minutes ago, Calvada said:

Two stories of co-workers - one had a person come into their home to give an estimate on some new windows.  They shut their dog in the basement but it was barking like crazy and their 4 year old casually said to the window guy, "That fucking dog never shuts up."  Gosh, I wonder where she heard that?

Another co-worker said fuck a lot and when she had her kids, I told her it was going to be their first word.  She said she NEVER swore in front of her kids.  Yeah, right.  One day her 3 year old took a toy away from the 1 year old and when told to give it back said, "Oh, he can have the fucking thing."   Hmm, I wonder where that was learned?

My pet peeve - having a bad night sleeping, feeling completely exhausted at work all day and thinking about an early night, but then getting my second wind once I'm home, which means a late night, then another work day feeling exhausted . . . .  lather rinse repeat.  Argh!  


Too funny.  My peeve now is peeing three times a night and waking up half dead. My daughter just told me to stop taking your pills before bed.  Duh.

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On 11/16/2021 at 3:14 AM, RealHousewife said:

Safari on the new iPhone update. 

Ok, stupid question.  Are we supposed to press”update”?  I afraid it will turn into something disasterous.  Auto Correct not working as you can see.   Maybe I- pad mad at me for ignoring “ update”.




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1 minute ago, kristen111 said:

Ok, stupid question.  Are we supposed to press”update”?  I afraid it will turn into something disasterous.  Auto Correct not working as you can see.

You're totally fine, and yes press update. :) My phone is normal! I think there was a combination of a coincidence of apps being down when I updated and getting adjusted to a couple things being different. You shouldn't have any problems. 

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5 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

You're totally fine, and yes press update. :) My phone is normal! I think there was a combination of a coincidence of apps being down when I updated and getting adjusted to a couple things being different. You shouldn't have any problems. 

Ok, thanks for the info.  I will press when it comes on again. 😀Thank goodness I got all my texts back the next morning.  It was weird.

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1 hour ago, Anela said:

My phone won't update. I made enough room to download it, but it won't install. 

Welcome to my world.

My ipad is outdated and will not load/install newer apps ,search engines, etc. Have tried every work around.

I am poop out of luck until I can get my hands a new gen.9 iPad unfortunately they are stuck in shipping containers off the port of Long Beach!

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3 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

Welcome to my world.

My ipad is outdated and will not load/install newer apps ,search engines, etc. Have tried every work around.

I am poop out of luck until I can get my hands a new gen.9 iPad unfortunately they are stuck in shipping containers off the port of Long Beach!

My dad surprised me with a new ipad, last Christmas. I hadn't expected anything like that, but he did it because I had the same problem. None of the apps would update. I've always had used apple products, so I keep forgetting that I've had apple TV for almost a year. :) I hope you get your ipad soon. 

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8 minutes ago, Anela said:

My dad surprised me with a new ipad, last Christmas. I hadn't expected anything like that, but he did it because I had the same problem. None of the apps would update. I've always had used apple products, so I keep forgetting that I've had apple TV for almost a year. :) I hope you get your ipad soon. 

Apple gen8 and gen9 are the same chip, just a different exterior look for gen9 skin.

Gave up on trying to update my old Apple TV "hockypuck" also-no go!

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People who have a know-it-all attitude. 

I know this one woman who thinks everyone who gets vaccinated is stupid. She also says she's not sure she can do Thanksgiving with family because some of them hate her due to her politics. I highly doubt that. It's the fact she talks down to others who don't share HER politics. She is also very pushy about her religious views. I think this woman has a good heart, but she has no idea how much she rubs people the wrong way by being so forceful with her views. She has self-awareness regarding her temper, but not the fact she talks down to people. Sometimes I feel sorry for her because she's lonely, but it's like she was never taught to treat people with respect. She just likes for everyone to listen to her. She talks about how she's so smart and has all this knowledge but no one will listen to her. Someone posted recently that a pet peeve is when people act like there's a war on Christmas. She's one of those too! Shocker, I know. 

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13 hours ago, kristen111 said:

I NEVER heard the word fuck growing up.  My parents never cursed at all. I first heard it when I got married.  Now I curse.  Maybe it’s a release.  It feels good, even tho it doesn’t sound ladylike, lol.  WTF?

I have a different take than most when it comes to swearing, probably because I'm a prolific swearer.  Sometimes I think we relinquish too much power to words, which really is hypocritical, since I also feel that there is no better release than that hard 'k' at the end of the f-word.  I'm not particularly religious, so I'm not offended by the use of JC or GDY, though I usually refrain from using those particular curses, as I know many are deeply offended.  Had my father and husband not been hearty cussers, perhaps I wouldn't be either, as I do consider myself to have an above average vocabulary, contrary to the opinion of many who look at cursers as having that deficit.

swearing meme.jpg

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12 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

For those who feel bad cursing: The health benefits of swearing include increased circulation, elevated endorphins, and an overall sense of calm, control, and well-being.

Thanks for posting this. Back in my non-profit fundraising days, I began to curse a bit (among fellow staff). Whenever someone would apologize for using a curse word, I'd always say that it was healthy for us to vent (mentally as well as physically). Re: the "f" word, it's the forceful efffff that helps me vent 😇


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17 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, go ahead and use it! Everyone has a personal, lowercase-h hell! Plus, there’s something so satisfying in its abrupt and vicious simplicity!

Maybe you could say "Go to ..." and add a personal choice of a country or any place you don't like, maybe even a disliked shop.

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7 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Sometimes I feel sorry for her because she's lonely, but it's like she was never taught to treat people with respect. She just likes for everyone to listen to her.

I tend to believe this is the big issue with a lot of people who are against wearing masks.. 'Cause if they have to wear a mask, then that means they might actually have to sit down and be quiet for a while, and listen to what others have to say instead of bulldoze over everyone with their oh-so-important thoughts and opinions. And they can't deal with that. 

2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Thanks for posting this. Back in my non-profit fundraising days, I began to curse a bit (among fellow staff). Whenever someone would apologize for using a curse word, I'd always say that it was healthy for us to vent (mentally as well as physically).

I also heard something once about how swearing when you hurt yourself can actually help ease, or at least distract you from, the pain of whatever injury you have to some extent. I could see that - sometimes the situation is the sort that really does just call for you to let loose with a good ol' swear word :p. 

I tend to swear more in written form than I do when speaking. I don't know why, I guess it's 'cause I feel like the words sound odd coming out of my mouth, perhaps, or something? But I've always felt more comfortable honestly expressing myself in written form in general, so that's probably a factor, too. It is amusing to see my friends' reactions whenever I do swear, though, 'cause they always seem so shocked to hear me curse :p. 

But yeah, I don't have an issue with swearing in general, myself, but if I'm with people or in a situation where I know such words wouldn't be appropriate or welcome, then obviously I'll keep that in mind and respect that. 

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8 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

People who have a know-it-all attitude. 

I know this one woman who thinks everyone who gets vaccinated is stupid. She also says she's not sure she can do Thanksgiving with family because some of them hate her due to her politics. I highly doubt that.

  • Dear Unvaccinated Person,
    I don't want to sit at a table with you because I am terrified of catching something from you and dying. 
    That is my problem (fear of death) not yours.
    But if you want to FaceTime or otherwise talk with me remotely, here's my contact info: [imagine info here]

Feel free to share this with anyone, but I can't promise I won't wind up ending any communication with:
I need to go now. Bye.

Or, if I get really mad, I might say they are a lying liar before ending the call/communication.

I haven't used the F word since my oldest daughter was born in 1979. It might have something to do with F-ing being a part of procreation or something. The meaning is a bit too confusing for me to use that word when I want to leave no doubt as to how I feel.

Actually, I didn't use any cuss words after I had kids. 
Although my oldest still likes to recall the one time I dropped a large hammer on my toe and said "Shit" and how she still thinks of how badly that must've hurt for me to have said that.
(Probably divorce issues were more painful at the time)

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5 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

“Go to the eye doctor!” 

“Go food shopping!”

Go get a root canal!

Of course, I'd probably be afraid to say that as a curse because I'm a flower child of the 70s who still thinks Instant Karma might be real.

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I didn't start cursing until college, I was the queen of "dang it" up until that point. My mom never uses curse words and my dad would use them infrequently, probably due to mom giving him "the look" when a "dammit" or "hell" escaped his mouth. Apparently when I was around 3 years old, he was putting together a swing set and repeatedly cursed it until little me told the neighbor "daddy says the damn swing set won't work." That was the end of his cursing for years, lol.

Now, I pretty much say any and every curse word, although I try to tailor it based on who I'm talking with. If a person curses first in our conversation, I feel fine to curse, too, but I try to avoid it if the person isn't as lax as I am. And I never curse around kids. But at home or with friends, hell yes, it's on. 

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4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I do consider myself to have an above average vocabulary, contrary to the opinion of many who look at cursers as having that deficit.

Same here.  I don't "rely on" or "resort to" curse words, I merely use them as part of my vocabulary.  I don't use - or quietly accept someone using in front of me - slurs or other discriminatory language, but arbitrarily designated words like "shit", "damn", and "fuck" are fair game in many situations.

Edited by Bastet
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11 hours ago, Anela said:

My dad surprised me with a new ipad, last Christmas. I hadn't expected anything like that, but he did it because I had the same problem. None of the apps would update. I've always had used apple products, so I keep forgetting that I've had apple TV for almost a year. :) I hope you get your ipad soon. 

As soon as my I pad goes crazy ( usually 3 or 4 yrs,) I go to the Apple Store and get a new one and let THEM set everything up, as I know nothing.  Worth it as it’s my life.  I’m constantly on “Ask.com”.  Lol.  I just threw out all my old Encyclopedias out.  I pad tells you everything.  Or computer.  Plus, I can now ask @RealHousewife, or @Shapefitter, and be a pain in the butt, lol.

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4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I have a different take than most when it comes to swearing, probably because I'm a prolific swearer.  Sometimes I think we relinquish too much power to words, which really is hypocritical, since I also feel that there is no better release than that hard 'k' at the end of the f-word.  I'm not particularly religious, so I'm not offended by the use of JC or GDY, though I usually refrain from using those particular curses, as I know many are deeply offended.  Had my father and husband not been hearty cussers, perhaps I wouldn't be either, as I do consider myself to have an above average vocabulary, contrary to the opinion of many who look at cursers as having that deficit.

swearing meme.jpg

I don’t think I say the actual word on here, but I do say “WTF” a lot.  Is that bad?  From now on, I’ll say “WTH” meaning Hell, not heck.  It’s stronger, Lol.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Same here.  I don't "rely on" or "resort to" curse words, I merely use them as part of my vocabulary.  I don't use - or quietly accept someone using in front of me - slurs or other discriminatory language, but arbitrarily designated words like "shit", "damn", and "fuck" are fair game in many situations.

Swear words are just another color in my palette of self expression.

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Speaking of the "F" word-funny story. When I was about 8 my friends and I saw it spray-painted on the back of a building. We puzzled over it because nobody knew what it meant. We tried to look it up in the dictionary-but it wasn't there. (I'm old). So at dinner time we decided to ask around and get back together after to compare notes. I went home and asked my mom "what is it and what does it mean?" I found myself on the floor and was told to Never EVER use that word. She never did explain it. So after dinner we got back together and none of us had gotten any intel and what it was except it was very bad. Of course later we figured it out but the funny part is when I became an adult, I  was helping mom do something and she hurt herself and hollered "Fuck!" I almost died laughing. I said "Mom, you aren't supposed to say that word" and she looked right at me and said "Fuck it!" God I miss her.

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I learned to swear in college.  I try not to in front of people who don't like it (like my mother!), and I've altered a few ("Son of a businessman!"), but there's really only one I don't like.  I read a fair amount of Brit Lit, where that particular one is used liberally, so I've gotten accustomed to reading it (and I'll use it when I play Boggle, too), but I prefer not to hear or say it.  It starts with a C.

I seem to be peeve-free today.  Possibly because it was a half-day at work, and I don't have to go back until Monday.  But I feel confident that the peeve-free state won't last.

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

Same here.  I don't "rely on" or "resort to" curse words, I merely use them as part of my vocabulary.  I don't use - or quietly accept someone using in front of me - slurs or other discriminatory language, but arbitrarily designated words like "shit", "damn", and "fuck" are fair game in many situations.

Same, I do not tolerate bigoted speech. It is a pet peeve when people dismiss how uniquely hurtful some words can be. 

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