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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Great googly moogly.  A few days ago, I was perturbed to look across the street and see neighbors had turned on their Christmas lights (yes, turned on, not put up -- they leave them up year round; they have additional decorations they put out on the front lawn each year, and I can only hope I don't see those for at least a month), and now tonight the neighbors next to them have put up their own lights.  It's spreading!  What the hell, people?  It is barely November (and was still October when Fuckwit One started this).  These folks are as bad as the Hallmark Channel.

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I almost posted this in the hated commercials thread but when I thought about it more, I decided it goes here. It's a grammar peeve that I have been noticing a lot lately, most recently in an anti-smoking commercial being narrated by what I assume is a dead guy observing from afar his kids' lives without him. In it, he says, "I'm going to miss not being there." I keep hearing and reading this error all over the place lately.

While I am pretty picky about these things (it's literally my job) in my own head, I can definitely relax in terms of social media posts, actual conversations, etc. Shit happens, and not everyone knows the stuff I know, or cares enough to edit a Facebook post or make a correction in a casual discussion. Whatever. But in a commercial (of any kind)? Why not fix it, as it means the exact opposite of what they were going for!

Another thing I see a lot now is "apart being used for "a part"--i.e., "I do not want to be apart of that naked midnight clog-dancing event." Another thing that could be interpreted as the opposite of what the person means! I suppose that could be the work of autocorrect though, and far from its worst infraction!

Also, I want to add that I smoke and I try not to be rude, I ask if people mind if I smoke before I do it, I move away or just don't do it if they do mind, and I had no ire toward the indoor bans that happened a decade or so ago (though I do kind of miss the ritual of late-night diner coffee with a cigarette, haha!). I also use an ashtray in the car (though it's portable; I am not certain my car came with one, actually!). But I need to confess to you all: yesterday, while driving, I had to be a litterbug by accident because it broke while I flicked the ash and was all burning at a wild angle that I could not correct or handle in a normal fashion. I had to drop it and I'm sorry! I still have no idea what happened and I doubt I could reproduce it even if I tried. But even as a smoker, I am with all of you on your peeves! I cannot get my head around people who routinely drop their butts when there is a receptacle right there! Like literally, a place made sure that smokers have a spot they can legally go and you're not even respectful of that consideration? And don't get me started on my fellow condo dwellers, who toss them on the ground here. WTF are you doing? We all live here and we all have balconies or patios that can have tables and chair and ashtrays if we want, there's a garbage thing if you're out walking around and need to throw out a butt, you can take it back inside...so, again, I ask, WTF are you doing?

And while I am rambling about peeves this morning, two words: dyshidrotic eczema! I have it on my palms--mainly my right, which is my dominant hand--and I have been dealing with a gnarly flare-up for a few weeks. It's awful; it itches, it hurts, it flakes and peels, it makes me have trouble doing normal, everyday things, and it's not a great spot to keep all shmeared up, much less completely wrapped/covered, when you need to type all day. My house is not as clean as I'd like lately because it's hard to scrub things and also? I am allergic to most disposable gloves (plus, I find it difficult to clean wearing them)! I feel like my time is spent trying to balance keeping my hands clean, but not overwashing, and then putting lotion on 100 times a day (and then, inevitably, I need to wash a dish or a cat barfs and I clean it up and wash my hands again, and start all over with the lotion...). To make matters worse, because of my temporarily halfway inept right hand, I cut my left hand on a cat food can the other morning--right in the top crease of my index finger! It just would not stop bleeding so I had to stop getting ready for work and wait it out. Now I have a cumbersome Band-Aid on it (hypoallergenic, because I am also allergic to the adhesive on standard ones!) that also makes washing and applying lotion a real pain in my ass, not to mention getting in the way of a few creative, non-chore things I want to do with my weekend! Oy vey, it's all so, so stupid and I am cursing my own inferior genetics! My peeve is ME!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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12 hours ago, Bastet said:

Great googly moogly.  A few days ago, I was perturbed to look across the street and see neighbors had turned on their Christmas lights (yes, turned on, not put up -- they leave them up year round; they have additional decorations they put out on the front lawn each year, and I can only hope I don't see those for at least a month), and now tonight the neighbors next to them have put up their own lights.  It's spreading!  What the hell, people?  It is barely November (and was still October when Fuckwit One started this).  These folks are as bad as the Hallmark Channel.

I've been working part-time in a "gourmet" grocery store because a full-time job has proved elusive despite 1,000 interviews and 2,000 recruiters promising me the world but delivering squat. (P.S. "Gourmet" doesn't mean higher wages.) In the morning of November 1, one of the store managers started bringing Christmas decorations from the back of the store to put out on the floor. I shake my fist at the heavens. I assume Christmas music will soon replace the usual five Frank Sinatra songs played on endless repeat.

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Yep, I had two lousy glasses of wine last night and woke up with a headache. I did cry quite a bit last night (my uncle passed away this week and I was sitting with my aunt for a few hours), so I was probably dehydrated. But still, 20 year old me wouldn't have had any issues. 

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12 hours ago, emma675 said:

Yep, I had two lousy glasses of wine last night and woke up with a headache. I did cry quite a bit last night (my uncle passed away this week and I was sitting with my aunt for a few hours), so I was probably dehydrated. But still, 20 year old me wouldn't have had any issues. 

So sorry for your loss, @emma675.

Age does awful things to your body.  I can't count all the age-related stuff that has happened to my body that just pisses me off.  So unfair!  ;-)

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Here's a timely Pet Peeve: Sore fingers from trying to push in those tiny buttons on the sides of my wristwatch to change the time! ARRGH I hate Daylight Saving Time for that very reason- both coming and going!

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3 hours ago, Blergh said:

Here's a timely Pet Peeve: Sore fingers from trying to push in those tiny buttons on the sides of my wristwatch to change the time! ARRGH I hate Daylight Saving Time for that very reason- both coming and going!

Seriously. Why can’t each state allow its citizens to vote on whether we can keep it or not? Seems like the fact that we’re no longer so agriculturally-driven as a country is paid no mind by modern lawmakers...the days naturally get shorter on their own without us trying to further mess with the time. I guess I’m just extra salty because I hate having to change my giant human-sized living room clock twice a year...or deal with my special needs students who don’t understand why in the Hell we’re suddenly forced into a different schedule.

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I hate, hate, hate when we lose DST - it already gets dark so friggin' early this time of year, and now we're making it an hour earlier.  But I am going to be really excited tomorrow morning when my alarm goes off and it feels an hour later.  As soon as that wears off, though, it's just grumbling until DST comes around again.

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21 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I went out last night and didn't drink nearly enough Miller Lite and Coors Lite to feel this shitty today. I got out of bed and hour ago.

Getting old sucks


21 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

OH, @theredhead77, seriously! I have been noticing that too lately! Ugh, come on--I like a drunken night now and then, and until recently, was able to have one without any subsequent complications! Bah!


16 hours ago, emma675 said:

Yep, I had two lousy glasses of wine last night and woke up with a headache. I did cry quite a bit last night (my uncle passed away this week and I was sitting with my aunt for a few hours), so I was probably dehydrated. But still, 20 year old me wouldn't have had any issues. 

I found my receipts. I may have drank enough shitty beer to feel as terrible as I did yesterday!

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@emma675 so very sorry for your loss. And I second and third and fourth the age related complaints.  And the DST peeves.  Now that it's 5:20 PM and pitch black outside I'm almost ready to go to bed!  And speaking of getting old, would it be too much to ask to watch reruns of the Closer on Start TV without interminable commercials for healthcare and adult diapers? I'm not even Medicare eligible yet! At least it's not political commercials. 

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5 minutes ago, AuntieL said:

At least it's not political commercials.

I wish there was a way to disable these commercials once you vote. Give me a receipt I can slide into my cable box. LOOK! I VOTED! I don't see to see these ads anymore. 

Though I'd rather see political commercials instead of ASPCA and WWF commercials.

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The worst part of daylight saving is resetting the clock in the car.

I forget how to do it every time!


Me, too!  I've gone a couple of 'time changes' without re-setting it at all.  And, to top it off, the clock gradually loses a little bit of time on its own, so sometimes when others are riding with me I have to be sure to tell them that the clock is 10 minutes slow (or an hour and 10 minutes, if I didn't change the 'spring forward/fall back' time), especially if we have to be somewhere at a certain time. 

I love clocks, and used to have them all over my house.  I still have a few, but most don't work.  I just like the way they look.  But, when I had at least one or two in every room and they were working, it was a pain to have to change them twice a year.  Now, I just change three or four (and the two timers I have set up for lamps so I don't walk into a dark house at night). 

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Overly chatty people who don't get a fucking clue you don't want to talk with them. This is a story rant

I was in line to vote (this is not a political post, I promise) and the woman behind me was trying to start conversation (CW for "chatty woman"). I was polite and then hopped on my phone. She started chatting with the woman in line next to her (OW for 'other woman').  Nonstop chatter. OW was trying to be polite but not engage. Then CW started talking about my clothing, complimenting everything (jeans, a fleece and tennies, it was nothing worth complimenting). I said thanks and went back to my phone. This went on during the entire fucking line.

As we got to the front she started asking about the initiatives. I looked right at her and said if she didn't know how she was voting we couldn't help her and she should step out of line and review the sample ballots on the wall. CW got pissy and defensive then told OW she was really the person who was behind me (thank goodness!) . Then she told OW that she drank coffee and that is why she was so talkative. We finally got into the main voting area where it looked like OW and I would be in one row and CW would be in another. NOPE, CW decided she wanted an 'end seat' so she could sit by us. CW kept trying to talk so I told her I had a splitting headache and didn't feel like talking. CW started pouting in her seat. OW and I got called with our row to go fill out the paperwork (we're in GA). Thank goodness! Then next thing I know, CW is sitting next to me filling out hers, trying to talk. NOPE!

As we were waiting to be cleared to get into the line to turn in our paperwork and get our voting card she asks the poll workers if I could go ahead since I have a splitting headache. I just looked at CW like WTF?! and told the poll workers I was fine waiting my turn. CW started pouting again and muttering no good deed. 

No lady, we were stuck in line with you for over an hour. I was seriously considering getting out of line and going to the back to get away from you.

I try and be considerate of overly talkative people, especially in long lines. Many are lonely and just want someone to talk with but my god, get a clue. If both people you are trying to talk to are focused on their phone or something else they don't want to talk with you.

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I know my satellite receiver, computer, cell phone, and bedroom alarm clock adjust themselves automatically when DST begins or ends, but I have absolutely no memory of the fact my home phones do (it's one of those answering machine/base with multiple handset deals from Panasonic).  I've had them for years, and I don't ever remember them doing it before today.  My parents have a newer, similar version, and I had to change theirs manually this morning.  I would have sworn I had to do the same with mine, but when I went to do so upon arriving home, it was already on standard time.  It's like it developed a new function, but that can't be right (and would be freaky).  So that means I'm losing my mind even more than I thought because it's not even like when my alarm clock did it when it was fairly new and I thought, "Oh yeah, I forgot that adjusted automatically."  There is absolutely nothing in my memory bank about this happening previously.  (And, no, I didn't just leave them on standard time when DST began; I dutifully change all the clocks for each time change.)

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25 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I know my satellite receiver, computer, cell phone, and bedroom alarm clock adjust themselves automatically when DST begins or ends, but I have absolutely no memory of the fact my home phones do (it's one of those answering machine/base with multiple handset deals from Panasonic).  I've had them for years, and I don't ever remember them doing it before today.  My parents have a newer, similar version, and I had to change theirs manually this morning.  I would have sworn I had to do the same with mine, but when I went to do so upon arriving home, it was already on standard time.  It's like it developed a new function, but that can't be right (and would be freaky).  So that means I'm losing my mind even more than I thought because it's not even like when my alarm clock did it when it was fairly new and I thought, "Oh yeah, I forgot that adjusted automatically."  There is absolutely nothing in my memory bank about this happening previously.  (And, no, I didn't just leave them on standard time when DST began; I dutifully change all the clocks for each time change.)

I just watched a rerun of "Conspiracy Theory" (I know, I swore I'd never watch Mel Gibson again!).

You are not crazy.

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I'm so annoyed. I am a huge Amazon shopper. I usually get stuff delivered to my apartment at least once a week. Yesterday I had part of a shipment arrive (bedding and couch cover) and the comforter was to be delivered today.

I live on a corner unit in a residential neighborhood with no gated communities within at least a 3 mile radius. My package wasn't delivered because "USPS wasn't able to enter your building to deliver your package". WTF.  Now, on top of having a dental filling tomorrow, I have to contact USPS to find out what the fuck is going on.

So tired of the idiocy of people.

Edited by AgentRXS
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10 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Why can’t each state allow its citizens to vote on whether we can keep it or not?

You know what kind of a mess it would make to have a patchwork of states with different time settings?


1 hour ago, forumfish said:

Mine too! Do you drive a Dodge?

I've never had a problem with the clocks in my Dodges over the years.  In my current one, not only doesn't it lose time, because the clock is tied to the satellite for GPS, it adjust automatically not only for DST, but when I cross time zones too!  The only clocks I need to change are on the stove and my cameras.

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On 11/2/2018 at 5:00 AM, Kelly said:

I feel your pain...I have a few family members that are totally into essential oils. Some of their beliefs about the effacacy of the oils is honestly - a little disturbing. But hey - do what you want. The constant pressure to use and buy them gets extremely annoying.

Essential oils are being sold by multi level marketing companies, they have charts saying which oils do what.  If people are pressuring  you, they may have bought into the idea that selling the oils can make them a bunch of money.

I once made the mistake of stopping at a craft fair booth to look at essential oils and was subjected to a high pressure sales pitch. There's a chart to show which medical ailments will be helped by which combination of oils. 

All the claims seem crazy. Yes, some oils can relax you and some can energize  you. But really, the effects are pretty minor.  

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10 hours ago, BooksRule said:

I have a Saturn Vue.  It's been a good car (although I did just have to get the water pump replaced. :( )

OMG - I have a 2005 Saturn Vue!!!  Bought it in '06 with 19k miles; it now has a whopping 36k miles (I used to commute to a J.O.B.).  It hauls the cat food, litter & bird seed I find on sale that isn't delivered to my front door (embarrassingly over-packaged).

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3 hours ago, backformore said:

All the claims seem crazy. Yes, some oils can relax you and some can energize  you. But really, the effects are pretty minor.  

I recently had a problem with my garage door opener intermittently working/not working. The hard-wired button on the garage wall was fine, it was just the remotes. The repair person said it was probably interference. I ran through my recent purchases -- the bidet toilet attachment? Nah. The oil diffuser? Ahhh. Sonic operation.

So I'm a new convert and like the citrus and eucalyptus scents but come on. The way they're named is ridiculous -- calming, sinus, sleep, acne. Please. Donald Duck was less of a quack than essential oil pushers.

2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Bought it in '06 with 19k miles; it now has a whopping 36k miles

Yay! I have a 2011 car with (checking ...) 4,014 miles. I used to take the bus to work and now mostly use a golf cart as my primary transportation. Come here, low mileage car insurance discount.

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4 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I recently had a problem with my garage door opener intermittently working/not working. The hard-wired button on the garage wall was fine, it was just the remotes. The repair person said it was probably interference. I ran through my recent purchases -- the bidet toilet attachment? Nah. The oil diffuser? Ahhh. Sonic operation.

So I'm a new convert and like the citrus and eucalyptus scents but come on. The way they're named is ridiculous -- calming, sinus, sleep, acne. Please. Donald Duck was less of a quack than essential oil pushers.

Yay! I have a 2011 car with (checking ...) 4,014 miles. I used to take the bus to work and now mostly use a golf cart as my primary transportation. Come here, low mileage car insurance discount.

My garage door hasn't opened in decades!

Donald Duck was a pantless pervert.

Everything is within a mile and a half of my house.  Unfortunately,  there are no busses, and everything is uphill/downhill from my disabled self, so I need to drive out for the stuff that isn't delivered to my door (overpackaged).

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13 hours ago, forumfish said:

Mine too! Do you drive a Dodge?


13 hours ago, BooksRule said:

I have a Saturn Vue.  It's been a good car (although I did just have to get the water pump replaced. :( )

Mine loses time also.  I have a Ford.

15 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

As we got to the front she started asking about the initiatives.

I might be paranoid, but I'm starting to wonder if she was some kind of undercover operative trying to get people not to vote.  First she tries to annoy you out of line. Then, I imagine you could have gotten in trouble talking about the initiatives as you aren't supposed to campaign in the polling place.

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3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

OMG - I have a 2005 Saturn Vue!!!  Bought it in '06 with 19k miles; it now has a whopping 36k miles

47 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Yay! I have a 2011 car with (checking ...) 4,014 miles.

Slackers!  My 2014 Durango has 136K miles in 4 1/2 years.  They make these things to drive, you know!



46 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I recently had a problem with my garage door opener intermittently working/not working. The hard-wired button on the garage wall was fine, it was just the remotes. The repair person said it was probably interference.

I've had a similar problem at my place (an apartment complex, but I'm in a duplex with an attached garage) a couple of times the past few years.  When I went to office to report it, they said they had gotten a number of calls with the same problem.  Went away after a couple of days, so there must have been something in the area generating interference.

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The clock in my Corolla stopped working a few years ago. For a while, I used a battery-powered stick on clock but when the batteries died I didn't bother replacing it. If I really need to know what time it is, I'll check my phone, but most of the time it isn't a problem.

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2 minutes ago, forumfish said:

Dear bakery employees at the grocery store:

Please do not ice lemon-filled donuts with chocolate and label them "Bavarian Cream Filled."

That is sacrilegious! (At least here in the birthplace of Dunkin Donuts.) Also, kind of gross. Kind of like biting into a chocolate chip cookie and finding out it is raisin (the devil's candy).

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I might be paranoid, but I'm starting to wonder if she was some kind of undercover operative trying to get people not to vote.  First she tries to annoy you out of line. Then, I imagine you could have gotten in trouble talking about the initiatives as you aren't supposed to campaign in the polling place.

I don't think so. She struck me as a lonely, socially awkward, slightly paranoid person trying to make small talk and I'm a generally anti-social, easily annoyed person who doesn't want to have extended small talk with strangers. The other woman didn't get visibly annoyed for quite awhile though she wasn't engaging and CW was only talking with the two of us. If CW wanted to annoy a bunch of people out of line she did a really craptacular job at it.

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OMG - I have a 2005 Saturn Vue!!!  Bought it in '06 with 19k miles; it now has a whopping 36k miles (I used to commute to a J.O.B.).  It hauls the cat food, litter & bird seed I find on sale that isn't delivered to my front door (embarrassingly over-packaged).

Mine is a 2007, bought in late 2006.  Brand new (with around 200 miles on it--that many only because it had to be driven in from another dealer in order to get the color I wanted).  I now have a little under 117,000 miles on it.  I would have more miles, but I live very close to work and I know a long commute can pile on the miles. 

Peeve:  Website links that don't go anywhere.  I'm planning a trip and want to read reviews and check out websites for restaurants, shops, and such (mainly used book stores and interesting-sounding thrift stores).  But half the links aren't good anymore.  It's a pain when all I have is an address and can't find out if the place is worth making a detour off my interstate route to visit. 

Edited by BooksRule
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17 hours ago, BooksRule said:

Mine is a 2007, bought in late 2006.  Brand new (with around 200 miles on it--that many only because it had to be driven in from another dealer in order to get the color I wanted).  I now have a little under 117,000 miles on it.  I would have more miles, but I live very close to work and I know a long commute can pile on the miles. 

Peeve:  Website links that don't go anywhere.  I'm planning a trip and want to read reviews and check out websites for restaurants, shops, and such (mainly used book stores and interesting-sounding thrift stores).  But half the links aren't good anymore.  It's a pain when all I have is an address and can't find out if the place is worth making a detour off my interstate route to visit. 

You are a driver!  I'm the little ole lady from not-Pasadena who lets cobwebs flourish inside & outside her vehicle!  ;-)

My peeve is post menopausal brain.  I came here determined to post a really annoying peeve, but got sidetracked, and Poof, it is gone!

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Recurring peeve: podcasts that won't play on any browser on one of the pcs I use, like everything from the How Stuff Works crew, and the crappiness of the Stitcher app for Kindle. Half of my playlist gives an error message so I have to go to the podcast's own site and hope whatever they use will design to play. And iTunes on Android or a pc is useless.

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I recently bought a pair of men's Wranglers (for myself) because there was only one pair of women's that didn't have spangly crap all over the back pockets and it didn't really fit right. I was going to buy them anyway because I really need a pair of jeans that fit, but I thought I'd go try on a pair of the men's jeans just for the heck of it. I did not expect them to fit at all since I haven't worn guys' jeans since before junior high when I developed hips that were wider than my waist. I discovered that the men's jeans feel the way I think jeans are supposed to feel (the way women's jeans used to feel before the manufacturers started adding spandex) because they are still 100 percent cotton. When I tried them on, I found they fit about as well as the women's (which means they gap a little around the waist, but nothing so bad a belt won't fix it), so I bought them.

So here's my peeve. I wear a belt with these jeans and discovered they have more belt loops than my regular women's pants. I don't know if all men's pants have more belt loops or if it's just this kind of Wranglers jeans. This pair has a belt loop on each side of the zipper, one on each side, one in the middle of the back and one on each side between the middle back one and the side ones. My regular pants I wear to work don't have that extra set of belt loops in the back, so my belt always feels like it's riding up in back, which it's trying to do. Why can't they put two extra belt loops on so the pants will fit better? (And while we're at it, why can't women's jeans be 100 percent cotton and not be already ripped or look dirty when they're new? And how did my mother get into my body?)

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I have lots of birthdays coming up so I’ve bought the gifts. Now as I’m trying to wrap it’s taking me so much time to get the super sticky stickers off of them (because of the prices). Why can’t they put the prices on something easier to get off? It’s ruined my manicure. Grrr...

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48 minutes ago, forumfish said:

From the night before last. I have come to expect store-bought bread to go bad quicker than it used to, but home-baked cornbread from a dry mix?

That is awfully fast! And aggravating if you had your taste buds set for cornbread.

It's just me at home and I've started putting all bread products in the freezer and thawing them piece by piece as needed. I just can't eat a whole loaf of bread, box of English muffins, or bag of bagels that fast!

I'll cut around cheese that has some mold on the edges but won't do the same for bread. Out it goes.

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Got "diagnosed" with a stomach ulcer at the emergency room today.  I am so tired of doctors assuming that every woman's stomach issues stem from pregnancy.  I almost lost my shit today.

Me:  These are the symptoms and how long they've been occuring. The pain has only gotten worse since my period (sorry to the male readers) started.

Nurse: Ok, are you sure you're not pregnant?

Me: Absolutely sure, seeing as my uterine lining is shedding and all.

Her: Ah, ok!

Doctor: Ok, so what's going on?

Me: Repeats everything I said to Nurse--all gastro symptoms.

Doctor: OK, we are going to take a urine sample to rule out Pregnancy and urinary tract infection.

Me: .......Ok, nothing wrong with that part of my body but ok.....by the way, I'm on my cycle

3 hours later, after a ultrasound, bloodwork, and urine test:

Doctor: Everything came back fine with your ultrasound and bloodwork, but we are detecting blood in your urine.

Me: OMG, could that be due to my period that I've  now told you about 3 times?

Doc: Oh yeah, that would explain that!

Me: Great, so about those gastro symptoms that were the reason for me coming here and all?

Doc: Ah well, we don't really know but it sounds like it could possibly be an ulcer but we don't want to say for sure. Take a whole bunch of antacids, and call a gastro to schedule an endoscopy that will likely not take place until next year. Good luck!

America's finest in the emergency room, I swear. I'm doubled over in pain, can't walk without assistance, and felt like I was going to pass out at any moment and this is the idiocy I had to deal with.

Edited by AgentRXS
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7 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Doctor: OK, we are going to take a urine sample to rule out Pregnancy and urinary tract infection.

To be fair, there was a lawsuit (and I don't know how it turned out) where a woman assured doctors that she wasn't pregnant, they went ahead and did a procedure that they shouldn't have had they known, she lost the baby, and she sued. 


7 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Me: OMG, could that be due to my period that I've  now told you about 3 times?

Doc: Oh yeah, that would explain that!

Now, that's just stupid.  On the flip side, I went to the doctor and said there was blood in my urine and he asked me if I was having my period.  Gee, why didn't I think of that?  I run in here every month wondering why there's blood.  Oh, no, I don't.  So, this must be something different.

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7 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

The pain has only gotten worse since my period (sorry to the male readers) started.

Don't apologize for having a period, my pet peeve is that we women have to act like we are lepers during our menstruation. We have to suffer with cramps, headaches, and other accompanying issues and then feel bad for the men in our lives because we have 3-5 days of it? Nope. 

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I've been having gastro symptoms too.  When I had the endoscopy to see if it was an ulcer, I was on the first day of my period, and had to take a pregnancy test regardless. A month later, I had a CT scan, also on the first day of my period, and they took my word for it that I wasn't pregnant.  I was glad I didn't have to pee in a cup again, but a little consistency would be nice. 

Meanwhile, neither the endoscopy or the CT showed anything related to my stomach pain, and my stomach still hurts.  The PPI I was prescribed doesn't do a hell of a lot, so now the doctor wants me to get a gallbladder ultrasound, despite my having zero gallbladder related symptoms, and pain on the wrong side for it to even be my gallbladder.  So I guess my peeve is medical professionals who don't know what in the hell they're doing. I'm not going for any more random tests just because you have no idea what the problem is.

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More of a humor-related medical peeve, but on my last visit to the gyno, the nurse was (of course) looking at her computer and running through a checklist:

Nurse: "When was your last period?"

Me: "Uh. 17 years ago."

Edited by 2727
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1 hour ago, janestclair said:

I've been having gastro symptoms too.  When I had the endoscopy to see if it was an ulcer, I was on the first day of my period, and had to take a pregnancy test regardless. A month later, I had a CT scan, also on the first day of my period, and they took my word for it that I wasn't pregnant.  I was glad I didn't have to pee in a cup again, but a little consistency would be nice. 

Meanwhile, neither the endoscopy or the CT showed anything related to my stomach pain, and my stomach still hurts.  The PPI I was prescribed doesn't do a hell of a lot, so now the doctor wants me to get a gallbladder ultrasound, despite my having zero gallbladder related symptoms, and pain on the wrong side for it to even be my gallbladder.  So I guess my peeve is medical professionals who don't know what in the hell they're doing. I'm not going for any more random tests just because you have no idea what the problem is.

I feel your pain (probably literally--chances are, we are having the exact same symptoms).

Called the gastro, of course he is going out of town for the holidays. Got an appointment next week but was warned the endoscopy would probably not take place until next year. Cool, I love not being able to eat around the holidays.

The endoscopy will either show nothing or show that I have something that isn't curable (hoping this isn't the case) because that is my luck. If it shows nothing, I will just be prescribed an endless round of do-nothing PPIs (whichever one the pharm reps are shilling to the doctors this month).

It's amazing that this is their profession and yet they really are clueless about the gastro system. Half the time, my internet guesses are more accurate than their diagnosed ones.

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2 hours ago, janestclair said:

The PPI I was prescribed doesn't do a hell of a lot,


54 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

I will just be prescribed an endless round of do-nothing PPIs (whichever one the pharm reps are shilling to the doctors this month).

Careful with the PPis.  I was prescribed Nexium back when my separation/divorce proceedings were at the highest stress levels.  Not too long after I started taking it, I came down with pneumonia out of nowhere.  I would get it treated, it would clear up and then boomerang on me.  I finally came across a throw away line in an article that said Nexium and similar drugs may be associated with pneumonia. 

I stopped taking it, my pneumonia cleared with antibiotics and hasn't come back.  It may be coincidental but just wanted to throw that out there in case you experience it too.

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