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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Pet peeves, I have many, but continuing the air travel theme, I despise airlines that charge for inflight entertainment.  Don't they realize that offering it free keeps passengers occupied?

I wish I could afford first class, but the trip I take twice a year is c $1000 economy or c $6000 first/business.  Not happening any time soon.

My flight is 10 hours and for the last one I finally bought ear-cancelling headphones.  I got pretty much the cheapest pair and they made a huge difference, especially with regard to reducing engine noise and enhancing sound quality on movies.

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13 hours ago, fairffaxx said:

Like this, bilgistic, but in red?  Looks comfy -- maybe she had one for each day (that's what I do with robes that I love).

I swear I thought I replied to this last night. Anyway, yes, that's it. But imagine it in tomato color with black and white stripes. She had only the one, and it was thick. I don't know how she could stand it. I would be sweating all the time in it.

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Mine today is people who post absolutely heinous acts on social media. I was watching a chat show and they showed (I had to look away but they told what was seen in detail for those of us who would be disturbed by it) of some boys in Kansas City using a cat as a football. They were kicking it to score field goals and judging by what I heard someone was able to send the cat flying over the goalpost. The mere thought makes me sick. Those kids posted it on Snapchat. They were laughing. They need to be found and prosecuted for animal abuse. 

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11 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Mine today is people who post absolutely heinous acts on social media. I was watching a chat show and they showed (I had to look away but they told what was seen in detail for those of us who would be disturbed by it) of some boys in Kansas City using a cat as a football. They were kicking it to score field goals and judging by what I heard someone was able to send the cat flying over the goalpost. The mere thought makes me sick. Those kids posted it on Snapchat. They were laughing. They need to be found and prosecuted for animal abuse. 

Was it dead? 

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5 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Was it dead? 

I don’t know but the boys who drug a kitten tied behind their Jeep earlier in the year did kill it and were caught and went to court and sentanced to 4 years in prison. This seems to be a Missouri thing. Albeit a terrible terrible thing anywhere anytime. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
I’m upset and didn’t space between words.
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17 hours ago, fairffaxx said:

Like this, bilgistic, but in red?  Looks comfy -- maybe she had one for each day (that's what I do with robes that I love).

I'm peeved because I was curious about whether the robe was like one my mother has that I use at her house so I clicked the link, and now I'm going to get ads for robes that I don't want.

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This may be an extension of "people who can't shut up and/or stop offering unsolicited opinions." A post on my community message board asked for recommendations for a good nonstick frying pan. The guy bolded it and even added a couple sentences asking folks to please pay attention and only offer suggestions for nonstick, specifying that he DID NOT WANT CAST IRON.

Ding ding! The third response was a long screed about the superiority of cast iron: "I know you said you weren't interested, but ..." Then of course 3-4 others chimed in supporting how wonderful it is.

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Request: (and peeve) can you please spoiler these animal abuse stories? It's almost as bad (to me) reading about them as it is seeing them on social media. By the time I realized what I was reading it was too late.

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Yesterday, there was some kind of traffic jam near the rotary.  Traffic getting off eastbound was backed up.  I was coming from the north and wanted to continue on south.  I figured I was OK because half of the rotary was clear.  But then just ahead of me someone who was headed east decided to get out of the inner lane so into the outer lane to wait.  How was that even going to help him? He wasn't going to get anywhere any sooner and he blocked the path to go south sooner than need be.  I imagine it would have been blocked shortly anyway.  Luckily for me the car in front of him decided he didn't want to wait and he got off going south, the car in front of me pulled ahead and I was then able to get off.

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27 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Request: (and peeve) can you please spoiler these animal abuse stories? It's almost as bad (to me) reading about them as it is seeing them on social media. By the time I realized what I was reading it was too late.

My sincere apologies. Consider it done. 

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7 hours ago, forumfish said:

My peeve today is people who don't pay attention. I may have mentioned getting a "school bus safety arm" violation notice in the mail. It was addressed to my dad because he's the owner of the minivan and the system goes by the vehicle's license plate. I filled out the "I request a hearing" form at the bottom of the page, and wrote a note on it explaining that I was driving the vehicle on the day in question and Dad no longer drives. I figured eventually I will have to pony up the $300, but it isn't right that the violation be in my dad's name.

It's a civil violation, like a parking ticket, so it will be in the registered owner's name.  He won't get points on his license or anything, so I doubt they will change the name on the violation.  It's the same way with red light camera tickets in New York, it goes to the owner based on the license - the owner is responsible for paying the fine (they can hold up your registration renewal if you have outstanding fines) and if the owner wasn't driving, it's up to him/her to get the actual driver to cough up the money.

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10 hours ago, 2727 said:

Ding ding! The third response was a long screed about the superiority of cast iron: "I know you said you weren't interested, but ..." Then of course 3-4 others chimed in supporting how wonderful it is.

Why would those jokers insist on cast iron, when the purchaser clearly expressed a non-interest in cast iron?

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4 hours ago, bmasters9 said:

Why would those jokers insist on cast iron, when the purchaser clearly expressed a non-interest in cast iron?

There are some cultist types who believe that they can make a convert of you in a post and then you will be enlightened too.

Most of us have some family members cut from the same cloth.

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16 hours ago, 2727 said:

his may be an extension of "people who can't shut up and/or stop offering unsolicited opinions." A post on my community message board asked for recommendations for a good nonstick frying pan. The guy bolded it and even added a couple sentences asking folks to please pay attention and only offer suggestions for nonstick, specifying that he DID NOT WANT CAST IRON.

Ding ding! The third response was a long screed about the superiority of cast iron: "I know you said you weren't interested, but ..." Then of course 3-4 others chimed in supporting how wonderful it is.

That made me think of this meme I saw recently:



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16 hours ago, 2727 said:

This may be an extension of "people who can't shut up and/or stop offering unsolicited opinions." A post on my community message board asked for recommendations for a good nonstick frying pan. The guy bolded it and even added a couple sentences asking folks to please pay attention and only offer suggestions for nonstick, specifying that he DID NOT WANT CAST IRON.

Ding ding! The third response was a long screed about the superiority of cast iron: "I know you said you weren't interested, but ..." Then of course 3-4 others chimed in supporting how wonderful it is.

But at least the cast iron advocate acknowledged the OP's statement that he wasn't interested in cast iron before launching into his pitch.  It's annoying, but possibly even more annoying are the people whose responses make you wonder, "Did you even read the whole post before spending all that time writing your response, and expecting people to spend their time reading your response?"  If the person starts with, "I know you said you weren't interested..." it a quick cue for others to skip the post, which I prefer to having to read something for a while before realizing it won't answer the question. 

And that brings up a PTV-related peeve--no "rules" like at TWOP about reading X number of pages of a discussion before commenting.  Posts on a particular episode of a show that start, "I haven't read the previous comments, yet, but..."  So you can't be bothered to read others' comments, but you want everyone to read yours.  Nice.  The thing is, if there are already a lot of comments on a snarkworthy show, chances are someone has already nailed it in superb fashion--something you would know if you read the posts. 

It's unfortunate for people on the west coast, who have a lot of catching up to do once the show airs for them, but that's life. 


15 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Request: (and peeve) can you please spoiler these animal abuse stories? It's almost as bad (to me) reading about them as it is seeing them on social media. By the time I realized what I was reading it was too late.

I'm that way about many news stories, which is one reason I'm not on social media.  But it happens elsewhere, so I've developed a twitch in my brain that lets me see stories coming that I know will upset me and I turn/click away before damage is done.


13 hours ago, bilgistic said:
17 hours ago, Katy M said:

Was it dead? 

Does that matter?

From the cat's point of view, probably.

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On 6/19/2018 at 3:07 PM, backformore said:

Oh no. You don't drug kids to make them quiet, please!  It's dangerous, there are no medications without side effects, and you don't know how your kid will react. Also, the commonly used cold/allergy meds that make some people sleepy can actually have the opposite effect on young kids.

ETA: giving kids a medication because the child needs it is one thing. Doing it to shut them up so they don't bother people? I am firmly against it. 

My older son had some serious challenges growing up.  Cold medicines, even Benadryl (he had allergies) made him hyper and agitated. Our pediatrician told us it was not uncommon for some kids to have that reaction. If we had ever given him Benadryl to sleep on a plane, it would have been a nightmare.

This, same reason you don't give a cat the cat equivalent of valium, because some become hyper agitated instead of sleepy. 

Personally, I found it easier to keep a small child quiet than a cat: in baby/toddler stage, a baby bottle of water eases any ear pain, so I used that during takeoff and landing. Later, either the same, or talk and reassure them that the pain will ease. TALK, people, is the key, as with any physically painful experience, I get it concentrates the mind on something other than the pain, but it also convey that yes, it hurts now, but it will soon cease, which kids from 6 or so understand and believe if they trust you.

With a cat, the only think you can do, if the airline allows it, is keep the cat in the bag on your lap, and pat it for comfort. I did it twice, the first time my cat urinated right away during takeoff, the second time (20 years later, so different cat), she was relatively calm. It might have helped that I was much calmer the second time. 

On 6/20/2018 at 1:35 AM, backformore said:

I am not in any way anti-meds for children.  (I work in the mental health field)  SOME kids need meds to function. 

I am, however, against medicating kids for the convenience of adults.  I've known parents who give their kids cold/allergy meds every night, not because they're sick, but just to get "peace and quiet."  lazy parenting, in my view, because kids need to learn how to settle down without meds.  Giving kids meds in order to keep them quiet in an airplane or on a car trip is not an appropriate use, because it's not about the child having any illness or symptoms, it's just to shut them up.   chamomile tea, lavender essential oils, and a calming video on a tablet can get kids to settle. Sucking on a pacifier or bottle helps prevent the ear-plugging and pain that can happen on a plane.  

Exactly, you beat me to it. And at any age, I'd say talking and having interesting interaction can be distracting enough for a child. Mine had this song he made up that he liked to sing softly at takeoff, I would join in and we would whisper it together, ridiculous as that may seem (and only us two could hear it). I do however make an exception in case of colds, blocked nose or any minor illness that can cause severe earaches, in which case I'm all for cold medicine, allergy medicine or other, as the case may be, that help clear the airways, including in the day before the flight. 

As to why people take a baby or small kid on a flight, I've lived in some parts of the world heavy in expat population (Hong Kong, Singapore) and find it normal that families take their babies with them when they go back home. Of course, there are always people who will look at babies with apprehension, especially in business class, but really, a business class seat is like a queen or king size bed to a baby, and they will sleep more than adults, so overall (and with a few exceptions, granted), they are less disruptive that the businessman who will drink his way to a 12 hour flight while watching a movie with all the toilet breaks that go with that, or who won't shut off the light because he's working. In my experience, business women are more likely to work a bit then doze off :)  

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33 minutes ago, Katy M said:

well, if it was already dead, it's still sick, but it's not cruelty to animals.  No more so than eating a steak.

Even then, it might depend on the cause of death.  I read Candice Bergen's memoir a million years ago and my main recollection is that she invested in a business that made leather products (I think) but only from cows that died of natural causes.  It was not a big success.

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Personally, I found it easier to keep a small child quiet than a cat: in baby/toddler stage, a baby bottle of water eases any ear pain, 

When my son was a baby he drank a bottle of water every day. His pediatrician was amazed when I told him and said he wouldn't need to prescribe any fluoride treatments then.

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Trying to find a house to buy.  I use Trulia, Zillow, and Estately every day (plus a big local agent office website).  I went to some open houses, mostly in order to train the kids how to behave in house tour situations.   Met a realtor who seemed nice.  She engaged me in conversation and asked if she could send me info on listings.  I said ok.  (Keep in mind, it’s been over a decade since I bought a house.  My first house and first realtor was chosen for us via some bank loan discount program.  She was useless, but we found our house for her, so it worked out ok.)


Then I get sent an email of MANY listings, I have trouble getting the viewing links to work, but I can tell I’ve seen them all online via websites listed above.  The email instructs me to tell her exactly what I like, and don’t like about each one.   I’m annoyed.  I’m a busy person and I don’t need “homework assignments”.   Then I get a weird voicemail where she sounds desperate and manic.  It tells me that she NEEDS me to respond to her email because she NEEDS to know how to help me.  It rambles on and on and on and I delete and hang up before it is even finished because I don’t have time for this nonsense.


I get another email that says something like, “I can tell this is not a good time for you, so I’ll stop contacting you until you are ready.  I use an automated response to say, “OK, thanks.”  I guess that encouraged her because the next day I get another email of listings.  I don’t wish to receive these emails, so I tell her, “Unless you have a listing not yet online, I’ve already seen it and don’t need to receive emails about it.”  


At some point, I gave her links to two homes that were on the market recently that were my ideal, so she could see exactly what I want.  I also said I am not interested in neo-urban neighborhoods.  Of course, she sends me a link to a home that is close to hitting the mark, BUT is in a new-urban neighborhood.  I tell her the neighborhood is not for me.  I get a reply that says, “Then please tell me what you want so I can better help you” and wanting to know WHY I don’t want that type of ‘hood.  Aside from being irritated that, to me, it sounds like she was irritated with me in that email, I don’t like the demands for me to justify my likes and dislikes.  Also, I did tell her why and afterwards I felt uneasy about it, as I felt she really didn’t need to know some things disclosed, and I am mad at myself for being too accommodating and mad at her for being too pushy.


I haven’t looked at any houses with her.  At first, I thought I could just use her once found the right house, thus rewarding her for the time spent sending me listing info I don’t really need.  Now, I’m feeling like I just want to cut bait and bail.


 I am sure I just wrote a tome.  Thanks for reading.  I’m open to any advice.

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My mom can only wear 100% cotton pajamas (I prefer them, but I have some that are a blend and they're not a problem for me), and it's annoying how hard they are to find in cute styles at a reasonable price.  Macy's usually has some good offerings under their Charter Club label.

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I used to shop around a lot for sleepwear that I liked.  I usually only got new nightshirts or pjs at Christmastime from family (we each make a list of suggestions for the others).  A couple of years ago, I bought a couple of nightshirts from Wal Mart.  They are a cotton/poly blend (feels like jersey material), short-sleeved, end just above my knees, v-neck and come in what seems like an endless array of patterns (cats, coffee, holidays, clouds, sheep to count, etc.).  They are less than $6 each and I've loved them.  I would buy one or two every few trips to WalMart until I had a drawerful (and I think I only duplicated the pattern once).  They are cheap and comfy.  Now those are all I wear for sleep except during the few cold weeks we have around here.  That's when I wear thicker pjs or long nightshirts. 

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Let me take a moment to brag about getting to use the plunger twice today for two different reasons.

After I made my various sorbets (see Chit-Chat forum), the disposal side of the sink and the other side were backing up into each other. They do that to a degree as part of their function, but then they eventually drain out. They weren't draining out. So I got out the plunger (the old, cheap kind) and went to work on the non-disposal side of the sink. I plunged and plunged and plunged to no avail. I'll have to call maintenance tomorrow.

This evening, I was taking care of business and flushed and the water started rising. I pleaded with the toilet, "No, no, no!!" but up came the pee water spilling all over the bathroom floor--the whole floor. My bathroom isn't big, but there wasn't a dry spot. I got the trusty plunger from the bathroom closet while throwing all the towels onto the floor. Of course the cats had to come in and see what was going on. I unclogged the toilet then used 75% of the towels I own to sop up the floor. Into the washing maching with boiling hot water they went. I spray-cleaned/hand-wiped the bathroom floor on my hands and knees.

I took a shower immediately after, but I will never feel clean again. 

Edited by bilgistic
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I have to wear 100% cotton to bed (have to have 100% cotton sheets too).  It can be hard to find pajamas/gowns in 100% cotton, unfortunately.  I found some cotton knit jogger style pj pants at H&M last fall and they're awesome, I with I had bought more.  I recently purchased some cotton sleep pants at Gap, and really like them.  I don't usually go for sets, because I always wear a cotton tank top.  One thing that is annoying to me are pants with tie waist...I'd much rather have just elastic.  I end up tucking the ends of the ties into the pants.

I do sometimes wear long nightgowns, but only in the summer and they have to be white (and 100% cotton).  LOL  We all have our weird ways!  I typically get one from Koh's each summer...I can also find them at Talbots, Appleseeds, Nordstrom etc

I also like a thin, long robe...but again, it can be hard to find them in 100% cotton.  I had one that served me faithfully for over a decade but it finally had to be tossed.  I picked up a 100% cotton robe at Gap about 6 months ago, and it's really cute.  It's thin 100% cotton, and has "LOVE" embroidered on the back.  It wouldn't be something I would normally buy, but it was $7 on their clearance rack so I decide to give it a try, and it's really cute.  I'm short, so it comes down to mid calf on me and it's been great at home, after the pool/hottub, traveling etc  


Edited by Kelly
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Earlier, I heard maintenance go to the apartment next door with which I share a kitchen wall. As he was working, brackish water came gurgling up in my sinks. I ran next door to tell him and that I had already put in a service request for my sinks and that my toilet backed up last night. He said he'll have to call a plumber to get "down deep" in the pipes.

My life is exciting.

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I sleep in sleeveless tops year 'round with the ceiling fan on. Right now, I have a floor fan also on, aimed so that it ricochets off the wall instead of hitting me directly. I'll wear leggings or lounge pants when it's cooler.  

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On 6/20/2018 at 4:17 PM, Mindthinkr said:

Mine today is people who post absolutely heinous acts on social media. I was watching a chat show and they showed (I had to look away but they told what was seen in detail for those of us who would be disturbed by it) of some boys in Kansas City using a cat as a football. They were kicking it to score field goals and judging by what I heard someone was able to send the cat flying over the goalpost. The mere thought makes me sick. Those kids posted it on Snapchat. They were laughing. They need to be found and prosecuted for animal abuse. 


With you. And it is so much more than a peeve--it's like a damn mini mental breakdown for me. I lose my shit, I cry, I sign petitions and make donations (that I don't know for sure are credible or able to do anything). I go home and hug and kiss my cats, probably a bit more than they prefer. It all haunts me and lingers in my head. I hate even thinking about it the vague way I need to just to type this. And I recently read somewhere about Snapchat being a real problem for this kind of thing--I mean not that it's Snapchat's fault, but that Snapchat is where people post this kind of thing most often (or at least where it's not nabbed and deleted and fast as it is on other platforms). It's like I can't accept that people do these things but I also can't accept that I can't stop it (and I think this kind of thing is actually a "trigger" for my OCD tendencies, to be honest).

Edited by TattleTeeny
Spoilered for Redhead, because I know the feeling.
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On 6/21/2018 at 7:50 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

And that brings up a PTV-related peeve--no "rules" like at TWOP about reading X number of pages of a discussion before commenting.  Posts on a particular episode of a show that start, "I haven't read the previous comments, yet, but..."  So you can't be bothered to read others' comments, but you want everyone to read yours.  Nice.  The thing is, if there are already a lot of comments on a snarkworthy show, chances are someone has already nailed it in superb fashion--something you would know if you read the posts. 

It's unfortunate for people on the west coast, who have a lot of catching up to do once the show airs for them, but that's life. 


This drives me nuts too, and if I don't have time to read all the posts, I don't reply, even though I may be dying to share what I know is unique and exceptionally witty. 

I live on the west coast, and feel for people who live in Hawaii.

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The plumbers came this afternoon and worked on my neighbor's and my kitchen drains for quite a while. Everything is working again, but I'm gunshy. I ran the dishwasher, and it worked. Last night it didn't drain. I need my dishwasher. The cats get a clean plate each at four feedings a day. Yes, they are the most special babies ever.

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Humans in general are my peeve today. Its just another regular day, nothing out of the ordinary so its not like someone pissed me off. I'm just thinking about the overall destruction we as a species have done (and are continuing to do) to this planet and to each other. Its 2018 and we STILL haven't figured out how to treat each other respectfully. We are an invasive species that is destroying the earth because of our overpopulation. We have an average life span of roughly 80 years but a select few of us feel like we have the right to dictate where others can go and why. It feels like its unsafe to travel to half of the most beautiful places on earth, and its a damn shame.

I'm not naive enough to think that world peace can be achieved but we can and should be doing so much better. Sorry if this offends anyone, not my intention.

Edited by AgentRXS
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I agree, @AgentRXS.

I am heartily pissed at my new Medicare health insurance company. They want me to participate in a bunch of preventive tests and classes and help me "manage" my health in partnership with them and their staff. I'm not interested; I have my own doctor and specialists. They send me postal mail at least twice a week offering coupons and gift cards if I come in. They used to call me a few times a month (I didn't answer) until I finally changed my phone number. I have told them directly that I'm not interested in any of it.

They also contact my doctor but she doesn't pay them any attention. Today I got a call from the pharmacist where I get my prescriptions. He said the insurance company had contacted him and asked him to recommend that I change one of my prescriptions. His voicemail sounded hesitant and he actually said he didn't agree with them.

Honestly, what the fuck? GET OFF MY BACK! I've never had an insurance company who thinks they're my doctor before and it feels extremely intrusive.

The other side of a peeve: It's kind of a cottage industry for older folks to mock millennials, but I've recently seen several online comments to the effect of, "Stupid boomers ruin everything; can't wait 'til they die off." I'd genuinely never thought of it that way! Made me laugh.

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This pisses me off for some dumb reason. I saw an ad for it in my Instagram feed. It's a keyboard constructed of metal and it connects wirelessly to laptops, tablets, etc. It has a carriage return. WHY.

It's $250, by the way.


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I’m so peeved when I should be celebrating.

So I got a nifty new job three weeks ago! At least, I think I did?? I got emailed a letter of ‘intent to hire’ which I gleefully signed, and then spoke with their HR person there. Several days later she sent me another email requesting copies of my passport and SS card. Even though I was on vacation at the time, I gladly took my time to get that stuff scanned and sent her way from my hotel’s business office.

Here it is over a week since I sent that stuff her way, andddd....nothing. Okay, whatever, maybe she’s on vacation this week? So I leave her a voicemail today just to inquire how things are going and check in. 

And now I’m still just sitting around obsessing about it and wondering if/when I need to be concerned. I don’t want to be a pest, but I’d like to get on with my life already. Plus, I’m sitting on another job offer and I really don’t wanna shit on my Plan B situation if indeed Plan B has to turn into Plan A.

Why do HR people put us through this Hell? A quick check-in email would be so damned appreciated at this point! 

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5 hours ago, 2727 said:

I agree, @AgentRXS.

I am heartily pissed at my new Medicare health insurance company. They want me to participate in a bunch of preventive tests and classes and help me "manage" my health in partnership with them and their staff. I'm not interested; I have my own doctor and specialists. They send me postal mail at least twice a week offering coupons and gift cards if I come in. They used to call me a few times a month (I didn't answer) until I finally changed my phone number. I have told them directly that I'm not interested in any of it.

They also contact my doctor but she doesn't pay them any attention. Today I got a call from the pharmacist where I get my prescriptions. He said the insurance company had contacted him and asked him to recommend that I change one of my prescriptions. His voicemail sounded hesitant and he actually said he didn't agree with them.

Honestly, what the fuck? GET OFF MY BACK! I've never had an insurance company who thinks they're my doctor before and it feels extremely intrusive.

Why would an insurance company insist that you deal with their medical staff, instead of letting you have your own?!

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10 hours ago, bilgistic said:

This pisses me off for some dumb reason. I saw an ad for it in my Instagram feed. It's a keyboard constructed of metal and it connects wirelessly to laptops, tablets, etc. It has a carriage return. WHY.

It's $250, by the way.




This does seem kind of crazy (especially the carriage return!) but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that there's really something so appealing about it.

Humans in general are my peeve today. Its just another regular day, nothing out of the ordinary so its not like someone pissed me off. I'm just thinking about the overall destruction we as a species have done (and are continuing to do) to this planet and to each other. Its 2018 and we STILL haven't figured out how to treat each other respectfully. We are an invasive species that is destroying the earth because of our overpopulation. We have an average life span of roughly 80 years but a select few of us feel like we have the right to dictate where others can go and why. It feels like its unsafe to travel to half of the most beautiful places on earth, and its a damn shame.

I'm not naive enough to think that world peace can be achieved but we can and should be doing so much better. Sorry if this offends anyone, not my intention.


Preach it, man. I feel done with people. And yet I am still becoming all charged up over these things (and more) and the baffling (to me) and backwards opinions people have about them--and are now, in the last year or so, unabashedly sharing. 

I don't know where it went, but I originally commented that, whit that typewriter keyboard is kind of crazy (especially the carriage return, haha!), I also find it very appealing!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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5 hours ago, bmasters9 said:

Why would an insurance company insist that you deal with their medical staff, instead of letting you have your own?!

Money? When I originally signed up for the plan, the agent told me I didn't have to use the network doctors. True. "But they will absolutely hound you if you don't," went unspoken.

@Sun-Bun, that is terrible! Also dereliction of duty on HR's part, which should definitely be a thing in corporate America.

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8 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Why do HR people put us through this Hell? A quick check-in email would be so damned appreciated at this point! 

Is it possible to email the HR person and who you would be reporting to with an "I know I just left you a voicemail on Friday, but an important matter has come up and I will have limited phone service for the next couple of days so an email reply would be the best way to contact me.

To recap, please let me know if you need any additional information to complete my New Hire Package.  I will be available to start as early as July 2, 2018."

Chances are, the department that has the position probably does not know HR has dropped the ball.

11 hours ago, 2727 said:

Today I got a call from the pharmacist where I get my prescriptions. He said the insurance company had contacted him and asked him to recommend that I change one of my prescriptions

I recently got a couple of calls from my pharmacist too asking about how my prescriptions were working and if I had any questions.  This had never happened before.  When I got the second call and asked the pharmacist about it, he explained it was at the insurance company's request.

I was seriously freaked out thinking my local pharmacist was becoming a stalker at first.

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11 hours ago, 2727 said:

The other side of a peeve: It's kind of a cottage industry for older folks to mock millennials, but I've recently seen several online comments to the effect of, "Stupid boomers ruin everything; can't wait 'til they die off."

I was born in the early 80s, which makes me either an early Millennial (hate that term) or, as we prefer to call ourselves, Xennials (Gen X/Millennial hybrid). Its hard not to feel resentful toward the Baby Boomer generation. The Boomers had an fairly inexpensive college education and housing market, and yet they caused the price for both to increase exorbitantly for the subsequent generations. Now, they are gentrifying working class neighborhoods in cities all over the country as they prepare to retire, and pricing us out. And when they retire, they are going to put an enormous strain on social security, which will come out of our pockets. Not to mention their powerful grip on politics, as most of our congressmen and world leaders fall into that generation.

So yeah, no offense to my Boomer friends on here, but its hard not to feel bitter and underrepresented at times.

Edited by AgentRXS
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Bad weather ruined my birthday celebration back in February. And now, today, bad weather might ruin my good, old-fashioned fun: seeing Poison at an outdoor venue! What can I say--I love summer and cheesy hairbands, haha!

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41 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Is it possible to email the HR person and who you would be reporting to with an "I know I just left you a voicemail on Friday, but an important matter has come up and I will have limited phone service for the next couple of days so an email reply would be the best way to contact me.

To recap, please let me know if you need any additional information to complete my New Hire Package.  I will be available to start as early as July 2, 2018."

Chances are, the department that has the position probably does not know HR has dropped the ball.

Thanks so much for that helpful hint, @DeLurker! I’ll definitely be e-mailing the HR office with that message on Monday afternoon if I haven’t heard back by that morning. I know offices tend to be a little more lax right now due to summer vacationing, but I still need to know what’s up on their end before I can do anything.

I guess the amount of ghosting that happens nowadays with supposed professionals is what always keeps me leery about these things; it’s like even most HR workers would rather just flake out than gently let candidates know what’s up. Very frustrating.

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58 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

I was born in the early 80s, which makes me either an early Millennial (hate that term) or, as we prefer to call ourselves, Xennials (Gen X/Millennial hybrid). Its hard not to feel resentful toward the Baby Boomer generation. The Boomers had an fairly inexpensive college education and housing market, and yet they caused the price for both to increase exorbitantly for the subsequent generations. Now, they are gentrifying working class neighborhoods in cities all over the country as they prepare to retire, and pricing us out. And when they retire, they are going to put an enormous strain on social security, which will come out of our pockets. Not to mention their powerful grip on politics, as most of our congressmen and world leaders fall into that generation.

So yeah, no offense to my Boomer friends on here, but its hard not to feel bitter and underrepresented at times.


The amount of money we've paid into the system is outrageous, stolen by Congress, used for Medicaid people who paid nothing into the system. I resent the hell out of that.

Edited by riley702
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44 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

So yeah, no offense to my Boomer friends on here, but its hard not to feel bitter and underrepresented at times.

Sorry. :-(

I thought my generation was peace, love, and antiwar protests but apparently my 60s experiences growing up as a San Francisco hippy weren't actually the norm. Who knew.

This Politico article about how my retirement community is affecting elections was extremely annoying to read. I sympathize with being part of an impotent minority.

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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

The Boomers had an fairly inexpensive college education and housing market, and yet they caused the price for both to increase exorbitantly for the subsequent generations.

I'm at the tail end of the boomers, but college shot up substantially during the time I was there (1982 - 86).  Between scholarships, grants and student loans, I got through the first 3 years at a state university with minimal additional support from my parents.  By my final year, grants were severely cut back and the cost of tuition had been rising throughout.  I borrowed as much as I could, but my parents did pay a fair amount of that final years.  They were looking at a kid with 3 years of college and an AA if they didn't.  If attending had cost what it did in my final year when I had started, it would have been a big question mark if I would have been able to go.

My former co-workers/friends who are closer in age to you than me came out of college with so much student debt.  When I heard the amounts, it was what I thought you would have hit going to medical or law school - not just to get your Bachelors.

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