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S04.E12: Madness

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Wow, things are moving fast. So the red head isn't CrayCray...

So now Ben knows the Amanda /Emily saga. The big bad Malcolm Black is supposedly caught and released.. Everyone is in danger of course.... And he has Emily and Victoria now.

And Queen Vic is mothering Margeux.. How sweet. So glad to see Emily stand up to Victoria and call her on sending the FBI chick Emily's way, And next week they have to work together....

Is this the last season for Revenge?

Malcolm Black, the world's hardest Canadian criminal who is Canadian but isn't Canadian.  David Clarke, borefest anti-villian.  What happens, do we care?  Frenchie is still knocked up but no one cares :(  Can we replace Chibbs with Juice, because I liked him better?  Nolan is still in negative investors cause David Clarke was an asshole, Emily vs Victoria, ya right, she's the only Grayson left.  They aren't going to kill her even with Canadian Hitler.

Who are Chibbs and Juice?

Characters from SONS OF ANARCHY.  The actor playing Malcolm Black was the character Chibbs.juice-and-chibs-eat-animated-gif.gif

Ugh, I am not interested in Malcolm Black or his crap at all. We already the super villain plot in season 2, & it sucked then too. Enough.

Seriously.  The only way I'll be entertained is if Malcolm and David surprise us by making out, just like the Tyler/Nolan reveal in the first season.

Edited by CofCinci
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So disappointing.  There were points in the episode where I thought things were turning around--Emily going out with Nolan, Emily smiling occasionally, etc, and then we had the arrest and release of Malcolm, and I am not looking forward to the capture/torture scenes.  I am so over that part of Revenge.  And I agree with others that I don't really care what happens to David.  


I wish they would have just ended this show when Emily was going to run off with Aiden (that it would have actually happened).  At this point I don't see any Revenge that could make all of the awful things that have happened be worthwhile.

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Maybe Malcolm and David together will be one of those cases where two negatives make a positive because right now I don't give a crap about either of them.


While I agree that Louise's brother seemed to genuinely have no idea what Nolan was talking about with the laced pills, I hated that Nolan truly thought that her brother was poisoning her and then totally revealed his hand. That just seemed stupid.


I can't decide whether Louise's mother is the one who arranged for the doctor to give Louise crazy pills or if Louise has Munchausen syndrome and has been drugging herself.

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I'm still trying to figure out how Louise fits into this group.  Emily, Nolan, and Jack are so tight, and it was a struggle even for Aiden to gain everyone's trust.  Louise should have a harder time of it, I'd think.  It would appear that the gang is getting ready to revenge Louise against her mother, which should be interesting -- but what does that have to do with the Graysons or the Clarks?  And are we really supposed to accept at face value that Louise has no hard feelings about being betrayed in the hospital by Victoria?

Edited by FineWashables

Oh my gosh.  I am loving this  season!  For a show that lost it's way, they have found the most delicious ways to make it entertaining again.  For those who wanted Emily to ride off into the sunset, I think you're watching the wrong show.  It's pure camp.  I'm not expecting reality.  I don't know how they can keep it up, though.  It is probably the last season.  If it is, it's going out with a bang, in my opinion.  

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I can't decide whether Louise's mother is the one who arranged for the doctor to give Louise crazy pills or if Louise has Munchausen syndrome and has been drugging herself.



It would appear that the gang is getting ready to revenge Louise against her mother, which should be interesting -- 

I'm very confused, isn't Louise's mother dead & she keeps hallucinating her?

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I thought so until this episode where Louise said that as long as she's mentally incompetent, her mother controls her trust fund. So now I'm not so sure.

She's said that before, but I don't think she mentioned her mother while her brother was around, she only talks about her to other people. I wonder if she's the one who adds the drug to her tranquilizer so that she can "see" her mother? I just can't think of any reason why she would be hallucinating someone who was still alive.

She's said that before, but I don't think she mentioned her mother while her brother was around, she only talks about her to other people. I wonder if she's the one who adds the drug to her tranquilizer so that she can "see" her mother? I just can't think of any reason why she would be hallucinating someone who was still alive.

I never assumed she was dead; I just thought the mom is the negative voice in Louise's head, and Louise hallucinates her presence when she's falling apart. I've seen enough Lifetime movies to recognize the trope ;) I'm certain that mom and/or Lyman murdered the dad and Lou's part of the cover-up. 

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I'm still trying to figure out how Louise fits into this group.  Emily, Nolan, and Jack are so tight, and it was a struggle even for Aiden to gain everyone's trust.  Louise should have a harder time of it, I'd think.  It would appear that the gang is getting ready to revenge Louise against her mother, which should be interesting -- but what does that have to do with the Graysons or the Clarks?  And are we really supposed to accept at face value that Louise has no hard feelings about being betrayed in the hospital by Victoria?

It's seems like Louise and her family is the fallback position if ABC runs out of money for Emily Vancamp or Madeline Stowe. That's okay becasue I love Elena Satine and she was totally badass on Matador.

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are we really supposed to accept at face value that Louise has no hard feelings about being betrayed in the hospital by Victoria?

Or that she has truly forgiven Nolan for spilling about her brother to Margaux, having it published, and getting her brother mad enough to fly to the Hamptons to take her home?

So Queen Victoria knows Batmanda is Bruce Wayne? And also Amanda Clarke? Huh. I must have somehow missed that in my general rush of not caring about this crazyfest anymore.

She suspected way back in S1 when Fauxmanda was still alive, and she ran a DNA test to see if Charlotte and Fauxmanda were related to confirm her suspicions. Emanda had the lawyer switch the results. Then Victoria ran another DNA test at the end of last season that confirmed Charlotte and Carl were not related. In the season finale, Victoria knew that Emanda was David's daughter. She said so at the cemetery and again at the mental institution. After David turned up alive, he confirmed it toVictoria.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I actually adore Louise and hope she really isn't behind her own bad behavior. She's so sweet and accepting of other people. Also, there's something that tickles me deeply about the idea of her and Emily being gal-pals. Not to bust up her friendship with Nolan, but so Emily can have a female friend again herself.


Since her drugs caused obsessive behavior as one of the side-effects, it's possible her attachment to Victoria will wane naturally once she stops taking her meds.


Ben now knows the truth about Emily/Amanda.  But do we trust him?  Did he tell Malcolm?

Interesting idea.  Malcolm clearly knows since he caressed Emanda's face and said, 'Amanda Clarke is alive.'  After he tranquilized her.


But what's Ben's motive?  This is clearly not a good guy.  If Ben finds out that Malcolm killed his shot at a promotion and stuffed him into a crevice someplace or dropped him into the Atlantic, don't think Ben's going to want to play footsie with him any more.

Exactly. I don't think Ben told Malcolm, either. Malcolm has been monitoring David's phone, which is how he got to the lighthouse to listen in on Victoria and Emily.


I don't remember how I got the impression that Louise's mom is dead, but I guess just because she's in Louise's hallucinations doesn't mean she's dead. I suppose it is possible that Louise set up both Victoria and Emily by leaving that picture out for Emily to find. But I hope she is just a nice girl who was being poisoned, because the cray-cray villain thing would be such a Tyler redux.


Count me in as someone who wants to see Louise and Emily be gal pals!


Also, it was nice to see Emily have Nolan's back. It's about time! Though when she was going on about how Nolan's friend could be dangerous, I was like "you're the most dangerous friend he has! Pot meet kettle!"


When David said he was going to go away with Emily so that they could get to know each other, I was like "well, this is it, David is so dead." Color me surprised that he hasn't died yet. Maybe next episode?

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So far the point of Louise was to set up a way for Emily to find out Victoria, well... set her up to be found by Malcolm Black's daughter. I'm hoping Louise didn't do that on purpose because I'm kind of tired of the "person who seems nice turns out to be evil psycho" trope. Let's have an "insane person who seems to be up to no good turns out to be nice" plot once in a while to even things out a bit!


Victoria is getting on my last nerve with her "I'm the victim here" schtick. She's really not blaming herself at all, just putting it all on Emily. I was rooting for Emily to give her hell.

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I loved this episode. While I'm still convinced this is probably the season to end the show with, things are picking up rather nicely though.

Louise started off being midly amusing, got annoying and then became more amusing and now rather sympathetic.

I liked that it turned out her family are manipulating her through her medication and that she's actually a good person.

More to the point, I like that it was Emily (after some understandable initial misgivings) who realised what was being done to Louise.

If Lyman isn't directly drugging Louise, then their mother most certainly is. Are we actually going to see Mrs Ellis for real any time soon?

Victoria finally telling Margaux about Emily/Amanda has been one of the few sensible things she's done on the show. I wasn't expecting Ben to overhear the conversation but I'm cool with it.

David continues to be a dumbass as does Jack for the most part. Malcolm's comedy Irish accent is not making him a credible threat but the last scene was a good twist, 8/10

It's funny that everyone is debating about whether or not Louise's mom is dead. I always thought that she was dead and that Louise killed her and that's why she was institutionalized with Victoria. She was hallucinating about her mom because she felt guilty about killing her. I don't even know how came to that conclusion but I clearly have no idea what's going on with this show!

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It's funny that everyone is debating about whether or not Louise's mom is dead. I always thought that she was dead and that Louise killed her and that's why she was institutionalized with Victoria. She was hallucinating about her mom because she felt guilty about killing her. I don't even know how came to that conclusion but I clearly have no idea what's going on with this show!

I thought the same thing until Louise said mom was controlling the purse strings. I suppose Louise could be cray-cray enough to be under the delusion that her mom is alive after having killed her but I think with all the digging Nolan did in Louise's background, he would have noticed her statement about mom being alive if she wasn't.

Edited by kariyaki

I don't think Ben is bad.  I could see him being involved somehow in helping Emily and Victoria escape. 


I like the idea that Louise left that picture out intentionally.  I just don't trust her.  Otherwise, I don't know why she's in this show.  I don't think she's there just to be sweet.


Louise has been bumped up to regular status, so I guess she's going to be hanging around.

David continues to be a dumbass as does Jack for the most part. Malcolm's comedy Irish accent is not making him a credible threat but the last scene was a good twist, 8/10

Tommy Flanagan plays Malcolm, and while not Irish, he was born in Glasgow, Scotland.

The accent is authentic. He was the only thing I liked about Sons of Anarchy lol.

I thought Louisa was drugging herself. I don't trust her yet.

I loved that moment too. The mark of a true friend is being genuinely happy for someone else even if it means that you will lose them. His initial reaction was to be thrilled that she was finally getting what she wanted. A second later he said he would miss her but it was obvious that he was thrilled that she was getting the happy ending she had been dreaming of for years and that missing her would pale in comparison to that knowing that she was off somewhere being happy with her dad. That moment made me love Nolan that much more.

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Emily and Nolan's friendship is easily the best thing about this show. Always has been.


Totally. And it's the only reason I keep watching.


I am embarrassed to say that plot-wise this season I am really confused about what's going on to the point that I basically couldn't describe the show to anyone. The return of Emily's father was so anti-climatic that it's turned me off from the whole story. The show seemed to refocus last season but now there are so many characters and story lines and not of it is interesting to me.


However, I keep watching because of Nolan. The actor is so good and consistent, even when working with very little. 


I miss the good old days of Emily red X'ing her enemies.

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I am embarrassed to say that plot-wise this season I am really confused about what's going on to the point that I basically couldn't describe the show to anyone.


After every episode I do a mental delete, so I don't store long-term memories of this mess. As a result I too am sort of half-following the general plot. I can't even remember if we had a dramatic reveal where Victoria found out that Emily was really Amanda.


The return of Emily's father was so anti-climatic that it's turned me off from the whole story.


Same. It doesn't help that David seems to be a total jackass.

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Good episode in my opinion. But things are moving very fast now, I guess this season is going to be the last one. Poor Jack by the way, always doing the wrong thing, not thinking ahead. I honesty don't know why he is always getting a storline, in which he has to proove beeing dumb, setting unfortunate things in motion. It seems the wirters don't know where to go with his character at the moment.


I was a little upset that Ben already (I think too early) found out about Emily's secret in such a cheap way (sure, Vicoria tells her and Emily's darkest secrets with the door open in a hospital room ^^), I mean he easily could have found out himself later on, but so be it. I'm just not sure how this Emily/Ben romance will make any sense now that he knows. The only interesting thing is what he is going to do with this intel, prooving if he is part of the team or on the dark side of the force. Still this Bemily teasing seems like a storyfiller a little bit, and whe are already at episode 13, and know nothing about him (besides beeing Jack's partner).


Regarding Malcolm Black, as I have mentioned things are moving rather fast now, he already kidnapped Emily and Victoria, so I guess the end game for this character will come very soon, in my opinion he won't be around for long, and I honestly think one thing that this show does NOT need is another supervillain without a real personal connection to Emily.

I was just thinking how the story would have changed if Conrad had a fatal heart attack by accident in that first episode. The show has kind of implied he was the "Real" villain, even though Victoria is as bad as he was. Would Emily or David for that matter need to go through all the crap they did? Then I realize I'm just having these thoughts because I want this show to end.

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