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Teen Mom 2: Small Talk

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2 hours ago, LBS said:

Count me in as craving a hot dog now.  Especially since it finally warm* enough for the grill.  I want a hot dog grilled slightly charred/burnt with diced raw onion and mustard.  Ahh... family reunion picnic memories. 

*been a b^tch of a daughter spring here in Chicago and today was the first day in the 70s.  My husband opened up our windows while doing laundry and walked into the bedroom to both cats OUTSIDE on the narrow window ledge.  They managed to unlodge the safety bar, nudge open the small screens, and get out.  We live on the 10th floor with concrete below.  My heart is still racing and currently all windows are locked until we figure out a plan.  Cats are permanent toddlers.  


ETA: this will be our second spring/summer here hence the safety bar we added to the screens so they couldn’t get out.  Those worked all last season.  Apparently during our long winter our two wonderful jerks hatched a plan to tan outside.

OMG how scary!!! Glad your husband saw them in time.

Chili dogs sound good right now.

3 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

We had hot dogs (turkey dogs..blah), annie's mac and cheese, trader joe's tater tots and carrots.


Tomorrow is taco tuesday...so I have to do something taco-y. I have been wanting enchiladas, though. We always use the green sauce. Highly recommend the green sauce.

What shall I bring? :-)

I love both red and green sauce, but I tend to make the red sauce ones more often. I put chicken in my enchiladas.

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My cat snuck out last night too. I live in the boonies and there are a lot of animals out there that can hurt her. She's 6 and the only times she's been outside is to go for her vet appointments.  She has a spot deep in my closet where she sleeps if it's hot and I thought she was in the closet. Later I heard a noise on the porch, I go check and she's all freaked out on the porch.  You know how when cats get scared and their hair stands up? That's how my Trixie was when she came in. She climbed on my lap and shook for an hour. Something happened out there. The good part is that she now runs in the other direction when we open the front door. 

@FairyDusted, I only eat beef hot dogs too. The other kind tastes nasty.  But I steam my buns, I like them soft. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 11

Turkey hot dogs are definitely a let down. My little is on a "healthy" kick. So I explained to him they were turkey hot dogs. 

We steam the buns too! I do it over the hot water when the macaroni is boiling. It's pretty good but last night they got a little over steamed. I think the water was boiling too high. Using a bigger pot. I use one of those splatter screens over the top of the pot and it usually works nicely. 

I usually just use cheese in the enchiladas, but we *do* have some leftover chicken thighs...hmmm...thanks for the idea!

Since we're on to cooking, I'm also brining some pork to make Matty Matheson style pochetta. I don't care much for the Italian style because it usually has liver as one of the layers. I'm fine with pate but not a fan of cooked liver. Hubs loves Matty. This was a good find! https://munchies.vice.com/en_us/article/ywnde7/perfect-porchetta-recipe

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Great. I found out this morning  that we have a mama and 7 baby skunks living under our house. When I went out early this morning I saw mama go under the house then a few minutes later all of the babies came out.  They are so damn cute, they were playing like little kittens. I was able to get super close to the babies. I could have touched them but I didn't because I didn't want mama coming after me. 

As cute as they are, those fuckers have to GO!  Now I get to figure out how to get rid of them. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

Great. I found out this morning  that we have a mama and 7 baby skunks living under our house. When I went out early this morning I saw mama go under the house then a few minutes later all of the babies came out.  They are so damn cute, they were playing like little kittens. I was able to get super close to the babies. I could have touched them but I didn't because I didn't want mama coming after me. 

As cute as they are, those fuckers have to GO!  Now I get to figure out how to get rid of them. 

Call local animal control and ask for numbers of wildlife rehabbers that  work in your area. Since the babies are coming out and about, it should be fairly easy to use them as "bait" to trap mama. Then, they can all move far away from your place and  be happy little stinkers ☺

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

Raccoons in the walls here. 

Holy crap, I feel for you! I only have to deal with them eating the barn cat's food. 90% of the time, they're cool and take off when I walk into the barn and yell at them. But, last year I had two with no fear of humans that ran at me, even when I chased them with a shovel. They were dispatched to that great forest in the sky. The only thing they have going for them is the cute factor. There is a reason they're considered a nuisance animal. Have you called anyone about the little buggers?

  • Love 3

Bought trail cameras, been putting food on the doorstep, got pics of a big Fox feeding every morning, then one night a huge Raccoon, a Badger, then even a Deer showed up. Now there are Rabbits running around, along with a family of Grouse, and a few Owls walking around the yard. Love having pictures of them all.

Sad news, I had to put my 16 year old, Bichon-Shih Tzu boy down 12 days ago. I got Tuffy when my daughter was in Palliative Care in town, used to bring the tiny guy to visit her, he would snuggle in her neck, the 2 of them would nap all afternoon that way. He was my last connection to her. Losing him was so hard. I wish dogs could live as long as humans do. I still have 2 other younger dogs, a rescue Maltese named Lacey, and Tuffy's little brother, Buster. Tuffy and Buster did everything together, Tuffy groomed him every single day, like a cat. Buster has finally stopped crying in his sleep, it is so sad that he has lost his best friend. I am trying to get Lacey & Buster spending time together without me around, hoping they will form a stronger bond that way. When I got Lacey, she was always left at home alone, with the t.v on and pee pads on the floor, her owner would leave her like that for a month at a time. She was 4 pounds under weight, and was so sick, had Stage 4 Periodontal disease, but after 6 months and $1200., she was back to great health again. I don't know how I would have survived Amy's death if I never had the dogs with me. They saved me, for sure. For a few years, I ran a doggy daycare out on our acreage, and took care of all kinds of small dogs. Tuffy and Buster loved and accepted every dog that came to stay here, were kind and gentle with all of them. I will always miss my Tuffy boy. Rant over:)

  • Love 13
11 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Holy crap, I feel for you! I only have to deal with them eating the barn cat's food. 90% of the time, they're cool and take off when I walk into the barn and yell at them. But, last year I had two with no fear of humans that ran at me, even when I chased them with a shovel. They were dispatched to that great forest in the sky. The only thing they have going for them is the cute factor. There is a reason they're considered a nuisance animal. Have you called anyone about the little buggers?

We are moving in 3 weeks!

  • Love 4
On 5/1/2018 at 5:45 PM, Maharincess said:

Great. I found out this morning  that we have a mama and 7 baby skunks living under our house. When I went out early this morning I saw mama go under the house then a few minutes later all of the babies came out.  They are so damn cute, they were playing like little kittens. I was able to get super close to the babies. I could have touched them but I didn't because I didn't want mama coming after me. 

As cute as they are, those fuckers have to GO!  Now I get to figure out how to get rid of them. 

Bwahahaha "those fuckers have to GO!"  I hear ya. I wouldn't want them stinkers around my home.

We get an occasional possum. I had to shoo one away when it was on our fence. That fucker hissed at me as I approached it with a broom. Asshole! I was once surprised to see a raccoon on a neighbor's tree. Not used to seeing raccoons in the suburbs.

@mittsigirl my sympathies to you on your loss. Pets are family. I am crying here for what you all are going through.

  • Love 5

Thanks Kazu, you are so sweet:)

2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

@mittisgirl, I'm so sorry. I'm right with you wishing they could live as long as we do. I have three oldies right now (My dog, my cat and a sheep) and I know every day is a gift with them. Hugs to you ?

Thanks Lovesnark, enjoy every day with your 3, love on them all you can:)

10 hours ago, Mkay said:

We lost our chocolate lab to cancer two yrs ago this past January. It still hurts us. She was 14.  Most definitely like a kid to us.  I’m so sorry for your loss. 

Sorry you lost your Lab. They do become like kids to us, losing them is so painful:)

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Apparently I have skunks in my backyard. They are digging it up to eat the grubs (I have an infestation). Lucky for them I’m letting it go for this year, but I’m redoing the backyard next summer so they need to move. We also have deer, raccoons, bunnies, turkeys, a fox and coyotes. I live in the suburbs of a major city so it’s weird to have so much wildlife. Now if a bear shows up, I’m selling. 

  • Love 4
On 4/30/2018 at 10:35 PM, LBS said:

Count me in as craving a hot dog now.  Especially since it finally warm* enough for the grill.  I want a hot dog grilled slightly charred/burnt with diced raw onion and mustard.  Ahh... family reunion picnic memories. 

*been a b^tch of a daughter spring here in Chicago and today was the first day in the 70s.  My husband opened up our windows while doing laundry and walked into the bedroom to both cats OUTSIDE on the narrow window ledge.  They managed to unlodge the safety bar, nudge open the small screens, and get out.  We live on the 10th floor with concrete below.  My heart is still racing and currently all windows are locked until we figure out a plan.  Cats are permanent toddlers.  


ETA: this will be our second spring/summer here hence the safety bar we added to the screens so they couldn’t get out.  Those worked all last season.  Apparently during our long winter our two wonderful jerks hatched a plan to tan outside.

Last year the side curtains on my bedroom ac just gave out. I had some sheetrock so cut that in tiles to jerry rig (side curtains are 82 bucks a side!). one day I was in the car at the bank drive through when I got a text from my upstairs neighbor. One of my two was sitting outside on top of the ac sunning herself. She had undone the tape on one side, behind the curtain where I could not see it, and made a little swinging door for herself. I have no idea how long she had been letting herself out there. Luckily I am first floor and have an awesome neighbor who got her back in, readjusted the tile the best she could, and got ahold of me right away.


Side curtains are still 82 bucks and I am still too far behind after a several years long lymphatic system ordeal, so I will be jerry rigging again, using more copious amounts of heavy duty electrical tape.

12 hours ago, mittsigirl said:

Thanks you guys, reading all your replies made me bawl so hard. Why can't they live as long as we do? Not fair.

Sorry Fairy Dusted, your loss is also recent.

I am convinced people choose to have kids because they last longer. I am so sorry...I will mourn every one until the day I die.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Kazu said:

Bwahahaha "those fuckers have to GO!"  I hear ya. I wouldn't want them stinkers around my home.

We get an occasional possum. I had to shoo one away when it was on our fence. That fucker hissed at me as I approached it with a broom. Asshole! I was once surprised to see a raccoon on a neighbor's tree. Not used to seeing raccoons in the suburbs.

@mittsigirl my sympathies to you on your loss. Pets are family. I am crying here for what you all are going through.

Ugh possums - they are in my neighborhood too and my dogs have caught 4 of them.  The first was the worst, it was a baby and my dogs played tug of war with him in the backyard.  This was right after I separated from my ex so I had to clean that up by myself lest they continue to "play" with him - which required vodka, a shovel, trash bags and more vodka.  One was brought into the house via dog door, but was thankfully "playing possum" and disappeared after I pushed it back outside with a broom.  The other 2 were left on the back porch by my dog after I locked her out long enough for her to give up on bringing them in.  I know they are beneficial creatures to have around but I wish they were smart enough to just jump off the fence and run away when my old girl goes running at them.  I swear she's going to knock the fence over at some point.

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I'm one of the few people that thinks oppossums are cute ? When they're cornered and show you their teeth and hiss, that's pretty much all they've got. The next step is to 'play possum' and act like they're dead. For years, we had a regular at the cat food dish in the barn and she got so used to us being out there, she'd keep snacking while we went about whatever we were doing. My son made friends with her and she'd eat out of his hand. Somewhere, I have a pic of her doing it and her babies are peeking out of her pouch. They eat so many nasty things, they're very beneficial. One of the mainstays of their diet is ticks - yuck - go on eating those creepy things, little possums!

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@mittsigirl, I'm so sorry for the loss of your fur baby. I

@Maharincess, let us know what you do to get rid of the skunks.  Maybe it will also work on the nutrias in our area.  They aren't smelly/pesky as I'd imagine skunks are, though.  Yuck. What a pain! @lovesnark, possums always hiss at me and NEVER play dead. I guess I've never made it to the "next step" with one. LOL. I didn't know they eat ticks.  I will stop complaining about how they're always hissing at me when I encounter one since they do a public service.

I just want to thank all of you Buddies (and the lurkers who donated but don't post here) again for all of the encouragement & support since finding out I have ovarian cancer. Words are insufficient to express how grateful & humbled I am.  Thank you and thank you for the donations!  We are more than half way to the goal amount and it is such an enormous help to our family.

I'm going to have my surgery Wednesday (5/9).  I'll be on the forums between now & then, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU again.  I love ya'll like Jenelle loves her bath time bongs and like Addy loves Wal-Mart. Thank you. 


  • Love 19
3 hours ago, lovesnark said:

I'm one of the few people that thinks oppossums are cute ? When they're cornered and show you their teeth and hiss, that's pretty much all they've got. The next step is to 'play possum' and act like they're dead. For years, we had a regular at the cat food dish in the barn and she got so used to us being out there, she'd keep snacking while we went about whatever we were doing. My son made friends with her and she'd eat out of his hand. Somewhere, I have a pic of her doing it and her babies are peeking out of her pouch. They eat so many nasty things, they're very beneficial. One of the mainstays of their diet is ticks - yuck - go on eating those creepy things, little possums!

I don't think they are cute, but I don't wish them any harm - I've even slammed my hand against the closest window a couple times that one was frozen on the fence hissing at my dog while she jumped against the fence repeatedly to knock them into the yard.  It startled them enough for them to get running away.  Of course, I also don't want to have to break out the shovel of death again, so kind of selfish too.

Sending good vibes @MyPeopleAreNordic!!

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@MyPeopleAreNordic I have you on my mind and in my heart. Praying and sending out positive vibes to you. Oh, and a big hug!

@TexasGal that story about the possum being torn apart by the dogs reminded me of the time I saw two large dogs go after my neighbor's cat in the middle of the night. The horror of watching them tear apart the cat is something I will never forget. The cries of the cat...OMG. It woke me up. I look out the living room window and saw two dogs, but couldn't figure out what exactly was happening until it was too late. My husband ran out there with a shovel to protect himself from the dogs, but it was too late to protect the cat. I felt horrible for my neighbor as she saw what happened to her pet.

Edited by Kazu
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