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S05.E06: Medford, 90210

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I think you make an excellent point, Matilda Moody, and I do agree-- but not entirely.  Lisa V. does put out this haughty, "diamonds and Dahlings" attitude, to quote Brandi (did I really just quote Brandi?) and does act like the Duchess of BH at times.   I recall her dismay on almost every HW trip that the accommodations or service weren't up to her oh-so-elevated standards.  In Puerto Rico, she complained bitterly that she had to stay in a hotel room where she would have to share a bathroom with her own husband (oh, the humanity!) I seem to remember various occasions where Lisa V acted as though she was the authority on taste and decorum.   And it isn't solely a question of Lisa V being perceived as being a great lady when, in reality, she is tacky, or even bawdy.  I like bawdy... but you have to be funny.  Lisa V just leaves me saying "ewwww" when she starts with the bestiality routine and the other nonsense that somehow gets labeled "British Humor."  Yeah, no.  She is just gross sometimes.

Aside from the PR comments, which to me were more about her feelings of having to spend too much time with Ken, the other women made a bigger deal of how Lisa would react to the accommodations than Lisa did. Colorado, Palm Springs, in those instances it was Kyle or someone else who questioned how Lisa would handle things and in those instances Lisa was all, "It wasn't what I was used to, but I was game to give it a go." 


And, I haven't seen her act as though she were THE authority on taste an decorum, only her giving her opinion on how something should be handled, which is something all of the women do. Her doing so with a British accent, doesn't make it any more of her acting above everyone else and is more like her behaving like the others only with an accent.


As for bawdy, I agree funny is important, but for some reason people think that Benny Hill's bawdy humor was funny and I never got that either. So, obviously, when it comes to humor mileage varies, but bawdy and raunchy seem to be universal.

  • Love 4

Really messing up this "quote" feature. SOORY! Anyway, just wanted to thank Ghoulina for picking up on Lisa V and this this vulgar and disgusting "sex with pets" stuff. I remember when Lisa V. got the golden retriever puppy, and she was gushing over that fact that he was sooo cute, she just HAD to have sex with him-- said it several times, as I recall. Yup, that's right. Sex with her pet. It gets better--she names him "Rumpy Pumpy", which is apparently a well known British slang word for anal sex. So, the family pet is named after a sex act. So classy and elegant. Maybe it is part of that " dry British Humor" that I am apparently too unsophisticated to "get." So, then, this season, that poor itchy little dog has been re-named "the sex monster." Cute. And now, the swans, who are sooo sexy, Lisa just wants to stick her hand up their "feathered bottoms." What is her deal with sex and animals? At a minimum, it certainly explains to me how she and Brandy were able to be such good friends.


Lisa Vanderpump constantly misappropriates the word "sexy," presumably in an attempt to seem younger and cooler than she actually is. Substitute "cute" 75% of the time she says sexy and you'll get her gist.

  • Love 4

Rinna's daughters are horrid. Self-entitled, spoiled brats with no knowledge of the world outside their sphere of Beverly Hills affluence.



Just a touch heavy handed?  Is any teenager full of knowledge outside their world?  I'd hazard a guess that more often then not the answer to that is a big fat "Hell no."

I know I wasn't.  In fact until I went to Russia as a senior in high school it was foreign to me that people didn't own cars.


Was what they said wrong?  Factually, no.  Morally, yes. 

And I've been known to point out the fact that there are two fast food joints across the street from each other, which in itself is more ridiculous to me than the girls pointing it out.  It's a pretty well known joke that there are Starbucks' on every corner.


Rather than being overly judgmental about what the girls said as adults I feel I should employ my years of living on the planet and advise myself that sometimes people say insensitive shit.  I find it slightly hypocritical to sit in judgment of them while admonishing them for sitting in judgment of others.  Had I been Lisa, I might have said something.  Maybe she did later and off camera.  The girls have been on this show for 2.5 seconds so far and I'm not about to paint them with a brat brush just yet.

  • Love 8

Lisa Vanderpump constantly misappropriates the word "sexy," presumably in an attempt to seem younger and cooler than she actually is. Substitute "cute" 75% of the time she says sexy and you'll get her gist.


When Lisa calls Giggy a sex monster, I can't help rolling the eyes, even if I should be used to it at this point. That poor little dog dodders even more than Ken, and I'm pretty sure being a sex monster isn't even on his radar.  If she'd sub "cute" for "sexy" even 10% of the time, she'd be a lot easier to take. At my house anyway.

Edited by harrie
  • Love 3

The girls said nothing about fast food. They said  there are a lot of chub chubs around here. To act like they don't see chubby people in LA is ridiculous. That is like saying that they've never seen people of other ethnicity or race. Even in LA people have genetics, health conditions or have to take medications that cause weight gain. Like was said up thread by a wise woman, substitute chubs for Blacks or Mexicans and you wouldn't be like, there are just teens and say stupid things.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 4

Lisa doesn't limit the animal sex talk to her own animals -- I forget whose dog she "met" and instantly started with "I want to have sex with him!"


It's really bizarre.  No, I don't think she means it.  I think she said it once and people giggled, and ever since she's made it her thing -  she thinks she's being adorable, and the more she does it, the more adorable we'll find her.  


But it's way beyond beating a dead horse now. 

  • Love 2

The girls said nothing about fast food. They said  there are a lot of chub chubs around here. To act like they don't see chubby people in LA is ridiculous. That is like saying that they've never seen people of other ethnicity or race. Even in LA people have genetics, health conditions or have to take medications that cause weight gain. Like was said up thread by a wise woman, substitute chubs for Blacks or Mexicans and you wouldn't be like, there are just teens and say stupid things.


Not to get into a debate about obesity and all of that, but the amount of people who have those kinds of ailments and issues is a drop in the bucket when we're discussing the out of control weight problem in this country.  And until people start being honest about it, it will continue to kill worse than any ailment they have which causes their weight gain.


And they did say something about fast food. One of them commented about two McDonald's being within 5 minutes of each other or across the street (I forget what they said).  That is saying something about fast food.  

I find comparing it to race to be ridiculous and over the top.  And I'll probably be edited or deleted for that comment but.....like I said, if you want to teach the girls how judging people they don't know is wrong you don't do it by judging them in the same way.  

  • Love 6

I was equally put off when the Rinna girls talked about church in such a derogatory way. Saying that Lisa attending as a child explained a lot about her (in a negative way). Interesting. So I'm not just bagging on them for their sheltered remarks about "chub chubs" and Medford being a horrible place that they feel so very sorry that their mom had to grow up in. I know teens are bratty in general but these girls seem pretty awful.


Then again, I would never want to raise kids in L.A./Hollywood. This is exactly how I would expect them to turn out.

  • Love 2

Rinna's daughters are horrid. Self-entitled, spoiled brats with no knowledge of the world outside their sphere of Beverly Hills affluence. I also don't believe they've been to Medford before which in itself is awful. So they almost never see their grandparents? Real nice.

Well, for someone who supposedly never saw their grandparents, the girls gave them an excited and welcoming hug.  They also got emotional when Lisa's father talked about not wanting to live much longer. 

Edited by twilightzone
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Then again, I would never want to raise kids in L.A./Hollywood. This is exactly how I would expect them to turn out.

Well, small town America can also be known for their bigotry and hypocrisy and discriminating class structure and being close minded to others who are different.

Edited by twilightzone
  • Love 11

Aside from the PR comments, which to me were more about her feelings of having to spend too much time with Ken, the other women made a bigger deal of how Lisa would react to the accommodations than Lisa did. Colorado, Palm Springs, in those instances it was Kyle or someone else who questioned how Lisa would handle things and in those instances Lisa was all, "It wasn't what I was used to, but I was game to give it a go." 


And, I haven't seen her act as though she were THE authority on taste an decorum, only her giving her opinion on how something should be handled, which is something all of the women do. Her doing so with a British accent, doesn't make it any more of her acting above everyone else and is more like her behaving like the others only with an accent.


As for bawdy, I agree funny is important, but for some reason people think that Benny Hill's bawdy humor was funny and I never got that either. So, obviously, when it comes to humor mileage varies, but bawdy and raunchy seem to be universal.

Well, I think we disagree on this.  I recall Lisa V. being all kinds of put out during the Palm Springs girls' trip about the lowliness of the accommodations-- in between gang ups on Joyce and Kyle, of course.  And, having grown up in a large family with ONE bathroom, I recall shaking my head at how appalled Lisa V was at the prospect of having to share a bathroom with her very own husband for a weekend.  It was not because it would require her to spend more time with Ken, assuming that is a problem for her (?).  No, IIRC,  she haughtily said that she had never used the same bathroom as Ken in their entire marriage and she wasn't going to start now.  I remember a statement to the effect  "Am I supposed to sit here while he uses the toilet in the next room?"  The point was to show,  yet again, how very precious and full of luxury her life is-- she has never even had to put her ass on the same toilet as her husband or heard him pee in 30+ years of marriage.  Contrast that with Eileen, who claims to have had to scrub toilets to make a living at some point.  Yeah, Lisa V is a phony in several different directions at once.  Since she is so bawdy and raunchy, however,  it will be interesting to see how she responds to Brandi,  the Princess of Raunch herself, when Brandi uses some "bad" words and, perhaps, tries her hand at bawdy humor by suggesting sex between herself and Lisa--  two humans, not even one dog involved!-- in the next episode. 

  • Love 4

I find it slightly hypocritical to sit in judgment of them while admonishing them for sitting in judgment of others.

Welp...that is what you get for sticking your teens on a reality show. They will get "judged," particularly when they make poor choices and decide to roll their eyes and make fun of the fat, religious people (assuming the religious include their grandparents) in "flyover country" in front of millions.

I read an earlier interview with LR and she said she gets up to Medford once every 2 years. Unbelievable to me when she has the resources (time and money) to travel and, even 10 years ago, her dad was still 80+ so travel for him was probably not that easy for him to go visit California, even if she paid their way. (I would like to believe that her parents went to LA to visit so they did see her and her family more often than once every two years.)

  • Love 8

As an Oregonian, I have to defend Lisa R. I grew up in a small town in Oregon (people actually slept outside the night before, to be the first person in the door at our McDonald's grand opening) and have since moved to the northeast. While my hometown is in a much prettier region of the state than Medford, it is not dissimilar in its population profile.

Every time I go home I notice how chubby my hometown is compared to other places I've lived and in the past 18 years, and the number of fast food restaurants had grown substantially. And while as an adult, I wouldn't dare say on camera that people were "chubs", my teenage self absolutely wouldn't have thought twice about it. But without question, I have remarked to my husband that the people in my hometown do not appear fit/healthy every time.

In any event neither Lisa or her daughters comments bothered me. Could she have added that Medford was a nice place to grow up....sure, but that may not have been her experience.

  • Love 6

Welp...that is what you get for sticking your teens on a reality show. They will get "judged," particularly when they make poor choices and decide to roll their eyes and make fun of the fat, religious people (assuming the religious include their grandparents) in "flyover country" in front of millions

Yes, you'll be judged. Esp. on TV online forums! Isn't that why we're here? To watch our favorite shows and come here and snark with others?!

  • Love 8

Brandi continues to be vile. I'm honestly wondering what exact personality disorder she has that causes her to blurt out the most vulgar things in any company-even people she has just met and on camera!

Name that disorder! I think it's fame. She started on the show acting this way, she wrote best-selling books about it, she has a podcast, and apparently lots of "fans" who buy her books or tweet her or tell her how great and funny she is all the time. I think she does it because she's encouraged to do it, and rewarded for doing it.

  • Love 2

Lol! I probably was a rude teen. I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that most people said & did some things as teenagers that would make others cringe. And I've watched just about HW show that's ever aired and their comments don't even come close to the levels of offensiveness that we've seen from other howive kids. And while their comments were not kind, I felt that we saw very sweet and genuine affection from them both when they greeted their Oregon relatives.

  • Love 3

The reason I feel shrugging off the "chub-chub" comment as simply stupid teens..... Is that it's saying its ok to body shame people. What next? Full out bullying?

what if this was San Francisco & she asked "isn't there a lot of fags around here? I don't know if I'm comfortable with that."(she did say something bout not being comfortable around " chubs")

If that was the case, just can't see the shrugging off happening. And I bet LisaR would have been mortified & addressed it in some capacity

And my rage is at Rinna/Hamlin for allowing them to say such things, not as much at the teens themselves.

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 4

Lol! I probably was a rude teen. I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that most people said & did some things as teenagers that would make others cringe. And I've watched just about HW show that's ever aired and their comments don't even come close to the levels of offensiveness that we've seen from other howive kids. And while their comments were not kind, I felt that we saw very sweet and genuine affection from them both when they greeted their Oregon relatives.

No doubt. I do not think anyone has suggested these girls are beyond redemption.

But they come across as mean girls. Wonder how many chub chubs in their high school have been the objects of their mean comments? That is not a stretch, particularly when it seems as if their mother just sort of throws up her hands with a "teens....whaddya gonna do about it?" attitude and when their mother talks about how she is too fabulous for middle America. (She had the same kind of reaction on her blog - they are such a "hoot" and are gonna say what they are gonna say even if it "tortures" her. Cannot blame "editing" there for a lack of reaction.) I have a daughter the same age as her older daughter. Mine claims she does not personally know of girls who make comments about random fat people on the street. Maybe they are used to it not being surrounded by all of the "beautiful people" like in Beverly Hills so they are desensitized to the horror of seeing fatties out and about.)

Well, small town America can also be known for their bigotry and hypocrisy and discriminating class structure and being close minded to others who are different.

So are big cities.

  • Love 8

Well, I think we disagree on this.  I recall Lisa V. being all kinds of put out during the Palm Springs girls' trip about the lowliness of the accommodations-- in between gang ups on Joyce and Kyle, of course.  And, having grown up in a large family with ONE bathroom, I recall shaking my head at how appalled Lisa V was at the prospect of having to share a bathroom with her very own husband for a weekend.  It was not because it would require her to spend more time with Ken, assuming that is a problem for her (?).  No, IIRC,  she haughtily said that she had never used the same bathroom as Ken in their entire marriage and she wasn't going to start now.  I remember a statement to the effect  "Am I supposed to sit here while he uses the toilet in the next room?"  The point was to show,  yet again, how very precious and full of luxury her life is-- she has never even had to put her ass on the same toilet as her husband or heard him pee in 30+ years of marriage.  Contrast that with Eileen, who claims to have had to scrub toilets to make a living at some point.  Yeah, Lisa V is a phony in several different directions at once.  Since she is so bawdy and raunchy, however,  it will be interesting to see how she responds to Brandi,  the Princess of Raunch herself, when Brandi uses some "bad" words and, perhaps, tries her hand at bawdy humor by suggesting sex between herself and Lisa--  two humans, not even one dog involved!-- in the next episode. 

LOL, then you might not want to watch "House Hunters" on HGTV. It seems to be a growing trend among the more wealthy clients, either separate "master bathrooms" or at least a separate room for the toilet, "water closet", in the master bath. Most homes in England and France seem to have the "water closet" set up for the toilet so the sink, shower/tub is in a separate room sometimes adjacent or just next door. 

  • Love 2

I was equally put off when the Rinna girls talked about church in such a derogatory way. Saying that Lisa attending as a child explained a lot about her (in a negative way). Interesting. So I'm not just bagging on them for their sheltered remarks about "chub chubs" and Medford being a horrible place that they feel so very sorry that their mom had to grow up in. I know teens are bratty in general but these girls seem pretty awful.


Then again, I would never want to raise kids in L.A./Hollywood. This is exactly how I would expect them to turn out.

What really got me, okay I'm being judgmental, was their apparent unfamiliarity of their grandparents' home town. And their utter surprise that their mother not only went to church but loved going. I know they are teenagers but how do they know nothing of these bits of their own family history? And also, wasn't that Lisa's half-sister (same father, different mothers)? So the half-sister was caring for Lisa's mother, not her own. Is that right? 

  • Love 8


There was a McDonald's 2 blocks from my LA apartment. in my "nice" neighborhood in Central CA there is no fast food for a couple of miles. It's not an LA thing, it's a rich person thing. Poor neighborhoods have more fast food/7-11 type places.


I realize it's too much to expect a show of this 'calibre' to address broader social problems BUT it is a social problem that poor neighbourhoods have limited options for healthy, affordable food. The way Lisa's girls dealt with the issue was offensive and - yes - calling people 'chub chubs' is a blame-the-victim way of talking about obesity issues - It was probably an opportunity for a teaching moment for Lisa with her girls to address the issue more constructively. For all we know, she DID have that conversation and it was edited out of the show.

Edited by Beebee111
  • Love 3

What really got me, okay I'm being judgmental, was their apparent unfamiliarity of their grandparents' home town. And their utter surprise that their mother not only went to church but loved going. I know they are teenagers but how do they know nothing of these bits of their own family history? And also, wasn't that Lisa's half-sister (same father, different mothers)? So the half-sister was caring for Lisa's mother, not her own. Is that right?

That is how I understood it, too. Lisa's mother might have been like a mother to her half-sister so I don't think it has to be totally unusual. Lisa is at least 50 so they have had a lot of time together as"family," at the very least.
  • Love 2

In all fairness to the Hamlin girls-they spent Christmas Eve dishing out food to the homeless on skid row.  I doubt it was gluten free or low calorie just a meal to fill the tummies of the disenfranchised.  Whether it is a tradition or new to them this year it was a nice thing to do.


I blame Lisa R. for making these kids act  as if they have never been to Medford or experienced middle America. Kids are being taught nowadays that fast food leads to obesity.  I don't know that these girls were condemning an entire class of people are simply commenting on the frequency of fast food restaurants in their mom's home town.

I don't think you can discount the fact that Lisa's daughters also wanted to give their mother a hard time about where she grew up and the people that live there for the sheer pleasure of giving their mom a hard time. I used to torment my mother mercilessly about Spokane, WA, where she was raised.

As for Lisa throwing Medford, OR under the .... I grew up with the understanding that Medford was, for lack of a better description....the redneck capital of Oregon. My hometown would probably run a close second. It is possible that Lisa wasn't fully disclosing her reasons for not ever feeling comfortable there. I grew up with classmates that truly believed homosexuals should be exiled to an island so as not to spread disease (no f----in joke)....and that doesn't even touch upon the attitude towards Mexicans. There are many wonderful aspects to being a young white person raised in a town like Medford or my hometown, but there are also some ugly aspects to it as well. Anyways that's just my two cents.

I know these shows make the kids fair game for criticism; however in the event that they or their family read this forum, I think it's equally fair that they find some support.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 7

Then again, I would never want to raise kids in L.A./Hollywood. This is exactly how I would expect them to turn out.

Even though I think the scene was a set up with producers telling them to drive around town and talk about how vastly different it is from their life in LA, and even though teenagers can be little jerks, I do think this was a rich snobby LA thing. Doubt these girls would have reacted the same way to seeing two Starbucks in a one mile radius, when just as many useless calories can be found there.

I was a little surprised that they were shocked by their moms church attendance. Didn't Kyle say her daughters were in a "spirituality for children" class with the Rinna girls? Would think spirituality and faith would be expected in that household. Maybe not Christianity itself but still.

I still like Rinna and don't hold this against the girls. But there's something to Rinna's relationship with them that's unsettling. Like she wants them to like her and be interested in her but somehow doesn't garner that respect? When she was talking about wanting them it come with her and they were brushing it off, why couldn't she say "my parents are getting older and it's hard for me to deal with the thought of losing them and need your support." Because that's what was really going on.

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I think that if you're an alcoholic for most of your children's young lives, then it means you were indeed a neglectful parent, at least in part. That doesn't mean she didn't love them, it just means what it means. I also don't know if any of us can say that her kids all turned out to be "good people." That doesn't mean that they're bad, it just means we don't know much about them because they've hardly been featured on the show - and that's a good thing!. It's possible the kids said they didn't want to be on the show, or maybe just wanted to be in the background, it's possible the fathers had a say, or its possible it had something to do with Kim's drinking. It's even possible that it was Kim's decision. I doubt it, but if that's the case, then I'll give her credit for making a good parenting decision!

Her kids were a little old to be roped into appearing on TV (only Lil' Kim was under 18 when the show started), and Whitney and Kimberly seem pretty together (I know Whitney was talking about grad school in S1.) Chad seemed nice in S4 when he appeared frequently, but has some congenital mental health issues. I do think Kim tried hard to keep a psychotic episode he had in S4 off the air - she was furious at Lisa for even mentioning he had a health problem - and therefore relied on Lil' Kim and Kingsley for a home storyline. I would imagine there's the most codependency with him of any of Kim's kids. Brooke has made a good impression on camera (and seems nice enough), but one can definitely cast some aspersions from afar on her for dumping Kingsley and associating with the lovely Paris.

My last word on Kim's parenting is that I think she was probably more able to parent her kids and be emotionally present when they were pre-adolescent. When she's talking to or about her kids, it's kind of elementary school level. When they became teens and equaled or surpassed her in emotional maturity - and could be more cognizant of her erratic behavior and its sources - she became the child, even if she made an (impaired to varying degrees) effort at parenting. Part of the reason I think Kyle or other family/family friends took the brunt of parenting is that Kim and Kyle seem to defer to Big K when it comes to parenting - insofar as they could not abide by the thought of hiring some woman from an agency to raise their children. Like their mother, they're possessive, for better or for worse...and hiring a nanny would be like forsaking their kids and admitting failure. Kyle could have hired a nanny for Portia with her means, but to all evidence she just uses part-time babysitter/s like Justin or leaves her with "Maurice" or her older kids.

I could see Yolanda being rehired. I just kind of resent her getting 500 K per season to be rich and boring. Models are often boring (Tyra excepted.) I'm sure there are other, more entertaining, rich and entertainment industry connected women in West LA. They just aren't as desperate as Johane/Yolanda and therefore willing to expose themselves totally to the scrutiny of Andy Cohen for for a check dangling on a string and signing away all their rights. I also think the King and the supermodel daughters haven't paid off as much as Andy wanted. Barbra and Celine aren't guesting on RHOBH. I do agree that Yolanda will probably have to continue to fight for screen time. Lisa will never be more than cordial to Yolanda (or Kim, although they were never friends) after PR, even if she blames the brunt of it on Brandi, so it's wise of Yolanda (and producers) to cozy up to Kim and Kyle for airtime.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 3

It seemed like Brandi's talking heads about Eileen this episode served as another expression of her fixation on the negligible age disparity between herself and the rest of the cast. During Eileen's stint on Days, Brandi would have been well into her 20s, so I doubt she was watching Marlena Evans and John Black "every day after school." I wonder, as well, if she proved good for that Benjamin because she lost the wager she made: Krista Allen Morett definitely succeeded Lisa Rinna as Billie Reed.


I've never found Lisa V to be especially over the top with the superciliousness and megalomania among her cast mates. She may have lamented the accommodations in Palm Springs and jockeyed for single rooms, but that doesn't stand out for me on a program featuring women earnestly commiserating about just how hard it is not to physically clean a Malibu mansion but rather supervise a team of paid staffers to do it on their behalf. You just dont' understand how ex. haus. ting it can be. Flashback to Lea Black of Miami marveling that both of her maids had called in sick on the same day and she had to open her own front door: "this is my life!"

  • Love 4

Ah, thou must have missed his turn as, who was it, Perseus? WooHoo! 







I'll admit, at the risk of being chastised, that when I was in my 20s I left NYC, where I had been living for year, to drive to Michigan. We stopped at a restaurant in Ohio, and I remember thinking "WHOA, there are ALOT of fat blond people out here!" only because the ratio of both was so much higher than what I saw in NYC.  I don't think I said it out loud, but if I was riding in a car with my family and I was a teenager, I might have.  And yeah, they should have realized that it would sound bad on camera, but I think those kids are probably so used to cameras being around they don't even think about it anymore.



Yeah, I've had the same experience.  And while it seems there are less "overweight" people here in NYC (as in BH), I'm not sure that's true.  And even if if it is, so what?  Those girls are absolutely gonna encounter people of various sizes when they venture out of their sheltered BH world.  Will they not be able to deal with anyone who isn't thin?  


And what actually would define a  "chub-chub" to Rinna's idiot daughters?  Ugh, that term makes me shudder.  Would it be anyone over a size 2?  Well, Rinna did say these girls had no filter, so she couldn't have been surprised they'd say something so thoughtless, stupid & cruel.  They could just as easily have let loose with racist put-downs as well.  And where would that leave Rinna -- as she desperately jockeys for more gigs?


Hey, I totally understand the anger at Rinna's daughters, but Idk, I'm more disturbed at it than anything else.  I'm not even especially angry at Rinna either.  I'm just trying to figure out why she'd let the girls be featured so prominently when she knows they're loose cannons.  And I'm wondering if they're gonna say worse.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2
I also think the King and the supermodel daughters haven't paid off as much as Andy wanted. Barbra and Celine aren't guesting on RHOBH.



Actually, the only reason I don't FF thru Yo's scenes is to see if the King is gonna bring on Babs or Diana or Celine or Stevie Wonder.  Clearly, they wanna stay far away.  But surely there are plenty of others he knows, who may not be as super-duper A-list, but could still be kinda fun to watch.  Why ain't he bringin' on any of them?  That singing blonde, when Yo brought the king that Bed Bath & Beyond picnic basket, seemed talented, but I didn't know who the heck she was.  Me wants to see of those famous peeps the king wipes the tooshies of.

  • Love 1

OK, I'm not an expert on this topic at all, so please help me out here, but I didn't especially think Lisa's Brian Atwood shoes looked like hooker shoes at all.  Did anyone?  I thought hooker shoes looked more like these-




I kinda liked the color & the design of Lisa's shoes.  Altho I thought they maybe looked a bit clunky.  Ah, but Lisa only chooses very high-heeled shoes with a high platform & she stumbles so uncomfortably in them.  Pretty much makes Lisa & her shoes look clunky & clumsy.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Hey, I totally understand the anger at Rinna's daughters, but Idk, I'm more disturbed at it than anything else. I'm not even especially angry at Rinna either. I'm just trying to figure out why she'd let the girls be featured so prominently when she knows they're loose cannons. And I'm wondering if they're gonna say worse.

Lisa Rinna is a fame whore desperate for attention just like the rest of them. If her vacuous numbskull daughters are the key to air time, then so be it--she'd gladly serve them up on a platter with an apple in their mouth if that's what it took. Rinna swore up, down and sideways fresh off her Celebrity Apprentice stint she would never join the RH franchise and lo and behold, one year later she's a full fledged cast member. I found her rather dimwitted and innocuous on The Apprentice but it does seem like she might be doing some harm to the world after all by unleashing those two teen terrors upon us.

Edited by Rahul
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To be honest, what other story line does Brandi have than to complain that Lisa V. won't just blot out the entire last year of Brandi's attacks and venom and make nice-nice?  And Brandi is still pot-shotting Lisa TO HER FACE ('oh, that's right, you never cry!').  #$%^&*()

Seriously, Bravo must've bribed Lisa V. to continue on the show, because she certainly doesn't need this aggravation.  


No one gets to control who you're friends with except you.  And continually demanding that Lisa 'get over it' doesn't advance Brandi's position with Lisa.


I am on Lisa's side on this and there's no way, in her position, that I would attend a housewarming or any other event that Brandi was hosting.  I would avoid that woman with all my power.

  • Love 6

I don't even like Lisa V, but felt sorry for her when Brandi just kept on about the RVSP to her sure-to-be lame Housewarming. It was giving me shades of pathetic Marlo nipping at Nene's heels at the Family Day event last season.

If I knew Brandi, I'd hesitate to touch her because she grosses me out

I wouldn't let her sit on my furniture, and she'd be sipping from Dixie cups.
  • Love 9

Brandi made her share of missteps all on her own at Kyle's English country barbecue, but slick Lisa did her share of baiting. When they were outside Kim and Brandi were talking and Lisa interrupts and says that she got Brandi's message. Brandi starts chattering about Lisa's voice mail greeting and it was actually Kim who asked Lisa if she plans to attend Brandi's housewarming which opens the door for Lisa to speechify about how she needs to take things slowly. At first I gave Lisa credit for not going the route of immediately forgiving someone and then demonstrating through passive-aggressive comments and actions that she is still holding a grudge, but actually Lisa is just toying with Brandi and the audience. She's not giving Brandi a definitive yes or no answer about attending which leaves the door open for Brandi to keep calling her, Brandi and others to ask whether or not she's coming, and Lisa to talk about how she was done wrong / PUERTO RICO!.

When Ken and Lisa were leaving Brandi did go up to Lisa and said something like she really hopes Lisa would come to her housewarming. Lisa dabs her eyes and then announces that she's not crying, Brandi responds with something like, "you never cry," and then Lisa responds with something like "yeah right, remember Puerto Rico!"

And while I am somewhat defending the odious Brandi, Kyle's friend brought up Brandi's vagina surgery. I could not make out what Brandi was saying but I think she was talking about something sexual, so she opened the door, but the other woman brought up the surgery, and then Eileen jumped in and said "what vagina surgery?" and Brandi then elaborated.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 6

You're right Quinn, Brandi did not bring up the vaginal rejuvenation - and she wasn't even talking about anything sexual. She was talking about Calabasas (why do these ladies always talk about Calabasas??) and the random Brandi fan was all, "You said in your book you liked Calabasas - yes you did, you lived there before the vaginal rejuvenation! Hahahaha!" And that was when Eileen asked about it.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 5

Brandi uses the c word which Lisa doesn't like, and IIRC even called Lisa the c word, not on camera, but Lisa mentioned it last season at the SUR dinner.

OK this really doesn't make sense to me. The c word is thrown around pretty casually in the UK. I've heard lots of Brits call others (men and women) "fecking kents". Am I wrong here?

  • Love 1

I don't think Yolanda is going anywhere, but I hope they bring La Toya Jackson on.  Not sure how her reality show is going, but she has ties to most of these women.  She was on Celeb Apprentice with Lisa Rinna, fought with NeNe (different franchise, but...), was friends with Kathy Hilton growing up (apparently she, Michael Jackson and Kathy had a pact to name their first daughters Paris), and I know she's done WWHL and she's been rumored to be on the casting list before.  


Jacksons are control freaks,and in her show she mostly deals with her immediate friends and family.  I'd love to see her in the RHBH mix!  

  • Love 1


I'm not even especially angry at Rinna either.


I'm in no way angry at Lisa R for what her teens said. Shoot, I know teens say that kind of stuff a lot. I am amazed though that she didn't at least say something about it. My mom would have flashed me her patented look which would have stopped me in my tracks. The thing that bugged me even more about these kids and their mom was when Lisa R said she wanted them to go with her, they were all no like there was an option! Holy crap Lisa you are the adult and the mom - tell them they are going! Again my mom would have shut that junk down.


I enjoyed this episode because at last Eileen was in the mix more. I loved the looks on Vince's face during much of Brandi's nonsense. I enjoyed the stories about acting. I watched that episode of Magnum PI on Netflix and yeah Kim was not very good with the tennis!


I'm brand new to this particular version of Housewives and so I don't know anything about whatever it is Lisa V and Brandi are going on about. And frankly I don't care who did what: I'm team Lisa V only because I cannot stand Brandi! I can't even figure out why she's on this show. By that I mean who is she? Her actor husband cheated on her and divorced her and that's pretty much it, right? At least Kim and Kyle have known family, were both actresses and from what I gather here Kyle runs a shop of some sort. Lisa V and her hubby have all their business stuff. Yolanda is an ex model and has a somewhat famous hubby. Eileen is currently on 2 soaps and her hubby used to be an actor and tennis player, Lisa R used to be on soaps and has a famous hubby. Where does Brandi fit in to this?


I guess I'll figure out more as I go, but so far Brandi makes my skin crawl.

  • Love 7

OK this really doesn't make sense to me. The c word is thrown around pretty casually in the UK. I've heard lots of Brits call others (men and women) "fecking kents". Am I wrong here?

I'm not British but I know that in the c-word is not as offensive (in general) to British sensibilities as it is (in general) to American sensibilities, but Lisa did say she did not like the word, then Brandi said something like "I say it with love," and Lisa responded with something like, "I don't care how you mean it, I don't like it and don't say it around me." Edited by quinn
  • Love 2

In the matter of Kim's mothering skils, I don't doubt for a second that she loves her kids and she was the best mother she could be but the issue of her alcoholism as Kim herself admitted had robbed her of many good times with her kids. IIRC in one of the first episodes of season 1, kim got very irritated with Kyle because her daughter Brooke consulted with kyle about something that she should have asked her mother and kim was upset about that.

That small scene gave me some insight into the unique relationship that Kim's daughters share with Kyle, Kyle was not just the regular aunt like Kathy, Kyle in many occasions seemed to have been the surrogate mother of Kim's daughters, maybe because Paris and Nicki were older or maybe because Kyles daughters were closer in age with Kim's , but a lot of little details have lead me to believe that Kim's daughters share a very special bond with Kyle and Kyle's daughters. The fact that Kim was mentioned as being Mauricio's second wife makes me believe that the Umanskies were heavily involved in the day to day intricacies of Kim's household.

Does that mean that Kim is not a good mother? U hmmm , I guess as good mother as an alcoholic person can be, there were probably moments were she was an excellent mother, there were probably moments I the depths of her addiction were she was too gone to care for any other human being and somebody had to pick up the pieces. Luckily for Kim she had the means to pay for nannies, the children's fathers or have sister Kyle to the rescue , one way or another the kids were taken care of and I guess that accounts for their upbringing. the kids were lucky to have a strong support system and I only hope that Kim is able to acknowledge that. Not all kids of alcoholic parents are that lucky.

  • Love 5

Welp...that is what you get for sticking your teens on a reality show. They will get "judged," particularly when they make poor choices and decide to roll their eyes and make fun of the fat, religious people (assuming the religious include their grandparents) in "flyover country" in front of millions.

I read an earlier interview with LR and she said she gets up to Medford once every 2 years. Unbelievable to me when she has the resources (time and money) to travel and, even 10 years ago, her dad was still 80+ so travel for him was probably not that easy for him to go visit California, even if she paid their way. (I would like to believe that her parents went to LA to visit so they did see her and her family more often than once every two years.)

To me, there is a big difference between mocking people based only on their appearance, and noting that observed behavior is unattractive or unacceptable. As noted, We've seen very little of LisaR's girls. However 90% of the time, they were making nasty comments.

In the short amount of time, they dissed:

Chub chubs/fast food


Helping their grandparents move

Doing work just to be helpful and not for "cash dollars"


Visiting their grandparents (They objected when Lisa said she wanted them to come with her, and not just about the driving test)

The one redeeming thing was when they actually greeted their grandparents. A big plus, but it doesn't excuse their haughtiness nor their lack of desire to actually help said grandparents.

  • Love 3
Let's be bored by the Amalfi Coast, Yo Yo, and head out to Turkey for an exclusive vacay with the King instead--places where no lowly tourists go.  She said she just loved it and I'll bet she did but I'd also bet that if she had to actually interact with a citizen of Turkey, anyone other than a multi-millionaire, she'd have her usual issues.



OMG, I totally forgot about that. Yes Yo, the coast of Amalfi can be  oh so boring year after year.I really wonder when these howifes say shit like that if they actually mean it or if they are just trying to sound all jet setty. Either way, if makes them come off sounding like major douchebags. 


Especially when they're going on and on about how they want to keep things "simple," and how "simple" is the way to go because managing other people who take care of everything for you is so hard, y'all!

  • Love 4

We use that dog food!  Natural Balance.  It's very, very good.  I had no idea he made that much $ from it, though.  I do know it was bought by a bigger company a few years back, and they promised to keep the same production and not compromise it.  So I guess that was a big payday.

Here is what I found out, Natural Balance combined with VMG partners and sold the company to Del Monte for a reported $500 million in May of 2013.  I don't know what it means distribution wise to the Van Pattens,  the natural Balance company had a non-Van Patten at the helm at the time of both the VMG deal and the sale to Del Monte.

As always, I don't like to hear anyone say mean things about someone else's weight, especially on a public platform.

I thought using the word "homosexual" is discouraged here. I'm not trying to be rude or "smart," just confused.

As for the Brandi quote from fhe preview, it really doesn't bother me. I mean, it doesn't look the time or place to start cursing, but what exactly she said didn't make me lose my marbles.

How many times have I heard a man say, "what, do you want me to suck your whatever?" to say that they feel like they're having to placate or suck up to another man.

It's just less common to hear a woman say the equivalent to a woman. Again, not the time or place, but the thought of a woman going down on another woman didn't make me faint or turn off the tv.

But then again if a man gets hurt by or jealous of another man, it seems to equate that to them being gay. If a woman does it the most that's ever said is that she's like a woman upset by her boyfriend.

Edited by Betweenyouandme

I'm having a chuckle over all the interesting comments about LR's daughters and the comments made while in Medford.  The editors seem to love throwing these controversial bits out there, especially when the children are involved -- (watch spoiled children of privilege make stupid comments that offend the USA!). Teenagers are insecure and angry little people -- they're just starting to figure out what a rotten world this can be, how hypocritical adults are, and how childhood is gone forever -- with full adulthood still far away.  They do and say really dumb, ignorant, obnoxious things all the time.  You don't need to be a BH kid, I suspect, to drop in on Medford, or any other American town or city, and start making fun of other people in ways that are insipid and cruel.  Who knows what was left on the cutting room floor?  I don't watch these shows for any of these kids so I tend to tune out whatever they've got going on -- including their weddings -- and just keep it moving. I would rather spend time in the slammer than have my kid out there in reality tv land.  Truly.


That being said, the comments here about their comments are still way more interesting than anything we saw on tv -- and way more interesting than anything the grown-up HWs brought to the episode.  


Betweenyouandme -- I get what you're saying and pondered a similar reaction when I was thinking about all this a few days ago, but my thing is that I can do without all talk of sucking anything ever at anytime for any reason.  And I'm not really a prude either -- I just think this kind of lame talk is a default setting for these shows and I hate it.  The sex act itself is what it is but, in my world, what Brandi asks Lisa in that clip, is something that ONLY two consenting women should say to each other, behind closed doors, in the privacy of their relationship.  And to say it in anger makes it even more disgusting -- Brandi is posing the question as in insult.  She's a master at this kind of verbal attack  -- the question manages to degrade all three of the players at the same time -- Brandi, Lisa, and Ken.  If ANY of my girlfriends had the audacity to ask me such a thing, and in that tone, she would definitely get a full piece of my mind.  And Sayonara for sure.


It's a generational thing, I guess.  I'm old enough to remember all too clearly how much effort went into women securing any kind of sexual freedom, dignity, or equality.  When I was growing up, and where I was growing up, the only respectable options were marriage and children or life as a virgin career woman.  I hate watching these entitled, ignorant, witless women throwing this kind of smutty banter around like it makes them edgy or radical or liberated.  Or funny! I'd be tempted to say they can go suck it but all of that is much too pleasurable and natural an activity to be thrown about like any kind of any insult. 


It's even beyond not having any class -- it's basically not having any real wit. Brandi seems to have no real clue as to how to make a life for herself and those children, who, mercifully, we never see.  She cobbled together with bits of string and chewing gum.  I don't think for a minute that going to bed with her would any kind of a blast.  She seems to have zero reverence for sex.

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