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S05.E06: Medford, 90210

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I have to agree with those like WireWrap who say Yolanda in particular (and most of the non-anchor Ho'Wives, really) are driven by desire for air time in the final cut. It often seems like one housewife depriving another of air time is the real reason she's angry with her. That's been Yolanda's main tack on this show from day one. Otherwise, she's just a character in search of a plot.


I think it's already pretty easy to see how this season will play out at this point, from a combination of what's happened already, rumors, and previews. Lisa Rinna and Brandi will compete to drive the drama in an attempt to ensure their contracts will be renewed (there's a rumor floating out there that Lisa R. is using her soap skills to act really outrageous in a bid to revive her career.) It won't be a season of straightforward teams that break apart like last season, but a season of more complicated one-on-one antagonisms. Lisa R. and Lisa V. will be aligned. Lisa R. will antagonize and provoke Eileen, Kim, and perhaps Brandi. Brandi will antagonize Lisa V. (in a continuing antagonism), Kyle (to create a dust-up in her relationship with Kim), and Eileen. Kim and Kyle will come into conflict, and Lisa and Kyle will become closer. Yolanda doesn't seem to much be a part of this, so I'm questioning her renewal for next season.

Yolanda will be on for as long as she wishes to film.  What Yolanda won't get is editorial or creative control and she may have to continue to fight to be in every scene.   Between the Foster and the up and coming supermodels there is just too much Hollywood to pass over Yolanda. 


I enjoyed watching Kim this episode.  The actress in her came out with the delivery of her tennis/VanPatten/Heston/Selleck story.  I can see Yolanda attaching herself to Kim, for camera time, but not really enjoying filming for the "B" Side.  Yolanda is all about work on RHOBH unless of course there is an opportunity to be with her King.  So daytime shoots at her home are must see TV and all RH should be there and Yolanda has yet to be able to gracefully accept polite declines to her invitations. 

  • Love 2

Maybe my screen name should have been doglady cuz here I go again: (former shelter in house trainer here):

In the dog world it's all about the breed(there are some exceptions of course)

Pit bulls need very strong leadership (as Bronzedog mentioned) kim tried to do that role via a trainer- but her personality is definitely NOT SUITED to that. Ugh ! I hate to see Kim's mistake caused harm to alexia.

Kim's previous dog, Savannah, was a lovely Golden Retriever. She was much more suited to kims personality- as mentioned by other posters - kim needs to dote on people, pets. Hence a Golden retriever is a nice breed for kim. I think kim needs a nice doggie to help her emotionally get thru her issues. The right dog can do that for people.

  • Love 9

Or it could be that Kim Richards is good mother.  There has never been any indication otherwise.  Kim, at her core has always been shown to be a kind, good hearted person.  The polar opposite of Brandi Glanville.

Kim admitted in more than one of her talking heads, in the middle of a crying jag of course,  that she was drunk most of the time her kids were growing up. That does not make her a good mother. I know she is trying to make up for it now, however, the scars must run deep for those kids. Living with an alcoholic parent is a living hell. 

  • Love 5

Oaky, super late in posting, due to the holidays (even though I watched live), but I actually had a lot to say about this episode. 


First - did Lisa seriously say she wants to stick her hand up a swan's butt??? I hope PETA is watching. Maybe all of her pets should get to together and form a union of some sorts, try to protect themselves from her constant sexual harassment. 


Also, are colored bras under white shirts a thing? I don't pay a ton of attention to fashion, but I always thought you were supposed to wear a white bra under a white shirt? 



So the real thing that was interesting to me was Rinna's trip home to Medford - because A. My husband is from Oregon and B. The whole situation with her parents moving to assisted living really reminded me of my mom going through that with my grandparents. Except my mom was the Nancy. She was the one sibling who still lived nearby and basically took care of everything. It was super hard on her, not just physically, but emotionally. And my grandparents were in much worse shape than Lisa's parents. But when she was kind of flippant about not being able to deal with it, that bothered me a bit. Yea, it is a super hard thing to go through, but think of all the hard things parents go through with their kids. When you grow older, the roles kind of reverse and you have to take care of them. I don't think she's a bad daughter; her parents clearly love her a lot. I just think she probably could have helped more and not left Nancy to shoulder the burden so much on her own. It's not like she doesn't have the time or money to come up more often. 


Anyhow, all those scenes of saying goodbye to the house and her dad saying he doesn't think he belongs anymore - so sad to me. Her father is a super talented painter too! They were cute. 


Lisa's daughters freaking out over Medford was so hysterical to me. What's the big deal about seeing two McDonalds within five minutes? Isn't there one on every corner in LA? At any rate, Medford isn't THAT podunk. They should take a trip down to Roseburg, where my husband is from. You wouldn't even find a McDonalds there. You'd see like one restaurant - and it would be called "Restaurant". You'd find it right next to "Bank", "Bar", and "Salon". Those girls are sweet, but a bit sheltered. 


The only other thing I got out of this episode is that Brandi is full of shit. She kept saying things like, "I'm not going to kiss her ass and beg her to be my friend" in re Lisa, but then she's begging her to come to her housewarming party every five minutes. Way to be obvious. And don't even get me started again on how stupid it is for her to throw a housewarming party - a renter, who gets evicted every 6 months. Lamesauce with a side of stupid. 

  • Love 9

Oaky, super late in posting, due to the holidays (even though I watched live), but I actually had a lot to say about this episode. 


First - did Lisa seriously say she wants to stick her hand up a swan's butt??? I hope PETA is watching. Maybe all of her pets should get to together and form a union of some sorts, try to protect themselves from her constant sexual harassment. 


Also, are colored bras under white shirts a thing? I don't pay a ton of attention to fashion, but I always thought you were supposed to wear a white bra under a white shirt? 



So the real thing that was interesting to me was Rinna's trip home to Medford - because A. My husband is from Oregon and B. The whole situation with her parents moving to assisted living really reminded me of my mom going through that with my grandparents. Except my mom was the Nancy. She was the one sibling who still lived nearby and basically took care of everything. It was super hard on her, not just physically, but emotionally. And my grandparents were in much worse shape than Lisa's parents. But when she was kind of flippant about not being able to deal with it, that bothered me a bit. Yea, it is a super hard thing to go through, but think of all the hard things parents go through with their kids. When you grow older, the roles kind of reverse and you have to take care of them. I don't think she's a bad daughter; her parents clearly love her a lot. I just think she probably could have helped more and not left Nancy to shoulder the burden so much on her own. It's not like she doesn't have the time or money to come up more often. 


Anyhow, all those scenes of saying goodbye to the house and her dad saying he doesn't think he belongs anymore - so sad to me. Her father is a super talented painter too! They were cute. 


Lisa's daughters freaking out over Medford was so hysterical to me. What's the big deal about seeing two McDonalds within five minutes? Isn't there one on every corner in LA? At any rate, Medford isn't THAT podunk. They should take a trip down to Roseburg, where my husband is from. You wouldn't even find a McDonalds there. You'd see like one restaurant - and it would be called "Restaurant". You'd find it right next to "Bank", "Bar", and "Salon". Those girls are sweet, but a bit sheltered. 


The only other thing I got out of this episode is that Brandi is full of shit. She kept saying things like, "I'm not going to kiss her ass and beg her to be my friend" in re Lisa, but then she's begging her to come to her housewarming party every five minutes. Way to be obvious. And don't even get me started again on how stupid it is for her to throw a housewarming party - a renter, who gets evicted every 6 months. Lamesauce with a side of stupid.

Oaky, super late in posting, due to the holidays (even though I watched live), but I actually had a lot to say about this episode. 


First - did Lisa seriously say she wants to stick her hand up a swan's butt??? I hope PETA is watching. Maybe all of her pets should get to together and form a union of some sorts, try to protect themselves from her constant sexual harassment. 


Also, are colored bras under white shirts a thing? I don't pay a ton of attention to fashion, but I always thought you were supposed to wear a white bra under a white shirt? 



So the real thing that was interesting to me was Rinna's trip home to Medford - because A. My husband is from Oregon and B. The whole situation with her parents moving to assisted living really reminded me of my mom going through that with my grandparents. Except my mom was the Nancy. She was the one sibling who still lived nearby and basically took care of everything. It was super hard on her, not just physically, but emotionally. And my grandparents were in much worse shape than Lisa's parents. But when she was kind of flippant about not being able to deal with it, that bothered me a bit. Yea, it is a super hard thing to go through, but think of all the hard things parents go through with their kids. When you grow older, the roles kind of reverse and you have to take care of them. I don't think she's a bad daughter; her parents clearly love her a lot. I just think she probably could have helped more and not left Nancy to shoulder the burden so much on her own. It's not like she doesn't have the time or money to come up more often. 


Anyhow, all those scenes of saying goodbye to the house and her dad saying he doesn't think he belongs anymore - so sad to me. Her father is a super talented painter too! They were cute. 


Lisa's daughters freaking out over Medford was so hysterical to me. What's the big deal about seeing two McDonalds within five minutes? Isn't there one on every corner in LA? At any rate, Medford isn't THAT podunk. They should take a trip down to Roseburg, where my husband is from. You wouldn't even find a McDonalds there. You'd see like one restaurant - and it would be called "Restaurant". You'd find it right next to "Bank", "Bar", and "Salon". Those girls are sweet, but a bit sheltered. 


The only other thing I got out of this episode is that Brandi is full of shit. She kept saying things like, "I'm not going to kiss her ass and beg her to be my friend" in re Lisa, but then she's begging her to come to her housewarming party every five minutes. Way to be obvious. And don't even get me started again on how stupid it is for her to throw a housewarming party - a renter, who gets evicted every 6 months. Lamesauce with a side of stupid.

He was even engaging Brandi in the conversation at the table, surprising since she crapped all over his company during her house search

Mauricio got to where he is by being a smart man. Friends close and enemies closer. He's not going to be an ass to anyone as long as it's being filmed. He needs to maintain his carefully created reputation as a nice, family guy. I also think he strongly suggested to J.R. that as an agent under his employ, to keep his distance from the Truth Cannon.  Just as I imagine he strongly suggested to Kyle that none of their children ever be in Kim's home again until Kingsley was gonesly.

  • Love 7

I thought their eye-rolling & snarking on her going to church was more offensive, but I still think they were just being typical snotty teen kids. Honestly, I'd just roll my eyes back at 'em & discount 'em as idiot kids. But I agree, Rinna should have said something to them, at least for the sake of being on cam.


We really don't know that she DIDN'T say anything to them....as usual, we are at the mercy of editing.  Who knows - the chub chub comment could have been the straw that broke the camels back and she gave them a reaming after it.  We'll never know - until Lisa R. addresses it due to the "outrage" LOL


Brandi is the truth cannon when it comes the things she says about Lisa. 

Don't know whether I should be reading sarcasm into that comment?  If not, why truthful only when it's something about Lisa?  If yes, then carry on!

It is one thing to feel like you were born for Broadway or something big and you wanted to get out of small town USA. But no need to throw your hometown under the bus for its fast-food places and fat asses and just general lack of fabulousness equivalent to your own. And then the irony of her stating that house made her a good person. We sure did not see that this episode, honey. I went from completely neutral on you to running to get my iPad to snark on you and your spawn.

I don't know whether it makes a difference to anyone but, Medford isn't her "hometown".  She said she was born in Newport Beach CA and lived there until she was 7 and her father was transferred to Medford.  Now I had to google both places and yes, if I lived for 7 years of my life in sunshine and near the water and now was uprooted to live in Medford, I'd feel a little out of place too.  

  • Love 1

None of us are perfect parents but at least Kim has never had her children saying stupid bratty mean things on camera. Her kids seem sweet and well mannered and so do Kyle's for the most part.

We really don't know that she DIDN'T say anything to them....as usual, we are at the mercy of editing.  Who knows - the chub chub comment could have been the straw that broke the camels back and she gave them a reaming after it.  We'll never know - until Lisa R. addresses it due to the "outrage" LOL


I somehow doubt Lisa R said what you suggest considering what we did hear her say.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 2

I was somewhat distracted by Tom Selleck's short shorts.  The 80s were a very strange time.

Agreed.  Yet, in twenty five years we'll look back at young men who wore their jeans so low that their underpants showed and think, "that was a very strange time."


For me, not short shorts on men, nor sleeveless turtleneck sweaters on women will there ever be a stranger fashion phenomenon than that.

  • Love 4

Really messing up this "quote" feature. SOORY! Anyway, just wanted to thank Ghoulina for picking up on Lisa V and this this vulgar and disgusting "sex with pets" stuff. I remember when Lisa V. got the golden retriever puppy, and she was gushing over that fact that he was sooo cute, she just HAD to have sex with him-- said it several times, as I recall. Yup, that's right. Sex with her pet. It gets better--she names him "Rumpy Pumpy", which is apparently a well known British slang word for anal sex. So, the family pet is named after a sex act. So classy and elegant. Maybe it is part of that " dry British Humor" that I am apparently too unsophisticated to "get." So, then, this season, that poor itchy little dog has been re-named "the sex monster." Cute. And now, the swans, who are sooo sexy, Lisa just wants to stick her hand up their "feathered bottoms." What is her deal with sex and animals? At a minimum, it certainly explains to me how she and Brandy were able to be such good friends.

  • Love 14


I don't know whether it makes a difference to anyone but, Medford isn't her "hometown".  She said she was born in Newport Beach CA and lived there until she was 7 and her father was transferred to Medford.  Now I had to google both places and yes, if I lived for 7 years of my life in sunshine and near the water and now was uprooted to live in Medford, I'd feel a little out of place too.  

I'm sure a snob like Lisa Rinna would rather identify with Newport Beach, CA than some town in southern Oregon. I think she just uses that as an excuse to turn her nose up at Medford because in the next breath she talks about the "house she grew up in" so I would consider that her childhood "home."  Since it wasn't a double-wide, I don't think they moved that from Newport Beach.  

  • Love 2
Anyone else think Mauricio has mostly been grumpy & barking at Kyle this season?  OK, there have been a few glimmers, maybe when he & Kyle were on vacay, where he wasn't.  But mostly he seems very, very anxious & distracted.  The first time I saw him upbeat was when he eyed Eileen & Vince, and was meeting them.  It was kinda like a piranha meeting its prey.  It's like I could see the thoughts goin' on in his head -- they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell . . .

Sorry, but Mauricio is not exactly hard to read these days.


I haven't noticed anything grumpy or distracted about him. I don't know the man, so how on earth, based on the tiny little wee fraction of his life we see, would I be able to notice whether a total stranger seems "distracted"? (Violently angry, maybe. Manic, perhaps. Inebriated, probably. But distracted?) He always seems pretty low-key and easygoing to me, and I don't find there to be much to "read." 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 8

Really messing up this "quote" feature. SOORY! Anyway, just wanted to thank Ghoulina for picking up on Lisa V and this this vulgar and disgusting "sex with pets" stuff. I remember when Lisa V. got the golden retriever puppy, and she was gushing over that fact that he was sooo cute, she just HAD to have sex with him-- said it several times, as I recall. Yup, that's right. Sex with her pet. It gets better--she names him "Rumpy Pumpy", which is apparently a well known British slang word for anal sex. So, the family pet is named after a sex act. So classy and elegant. Maybe it is part of that " dry British Humor" that I am apparently too unsophisticated to "get." So, then, this season, that poor itchy little dog has been re-named "the sex monster." Cute. And now, the swans, who are sooo sexy, Lisa just wants to stick her hand up their "feathered bottoms." What is her deal with sex and animals? At a minimum, it certainly explains to me how she and Brandy were able to be such good friends.


 I suppose that if I considered Lisa serious when discussing her pets being "sexy" or wanting to have sex with them I would be appalled but I can see that it's her humor even if I don't think it's funny.

  • Love 7
Also, are colored bras under white shirts a thing? I don't pay a ton of attention to fashion, but I always thought you were supposed to wear a white bra under a white shirt?


I don't own a single white bra, so don't go by me, but I think the "rule" is skin-tone bra under white so as to be as invisible as possible (white is just as visible under a white T as a black bra is). Unless you don't care about invisibility. I don't; I prefer a black bra under a white shirt (not that I have many, as I am a frequent coffee spiller…like, two minutes ago, in fact).

  • Love 5

 I suppose that if I considered Lisa serious when discussing her pets being "sexy" or wanting to have sex with them I would be appalled but I can see that it's her humor even if I don't think it's funny.

I don't even see it as an attempt at humor more as a hyperbolic expression of her love and the joy her animals bring her.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 6

 I suppose that if I considered Lisa serious when discussing her pets being "sexy" or wanting to have sex with them I would be appalled but I can see that it's her humor even if I don't think it's funny.

I laugh every time at it--I have no idea why it's funny. Maybe simply because "sexy" is so obviously not the word that belongs in serious sentences about one's pets (and I am sure Lisa knows this). Sometimes I call my kittens sexy ("Go, go, sexy kitten!" when they're racing around during the "Nighttime Crazies") and then laugh and laugh…at myself. Oy. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 6

I have to agree with those like WireWrap who say Yolanda in particular (and most of the non-anchor Ho'Wives, really) are driven by desire for air time in the final cut. It often seems like one housewife depriving another of air time is the real reason she's angry with her. That's been Yolanda's main tack on this show from day one. Otherwise, she's just a character in search of a plot.


I think it's already pretty easy to see how this season will play out at this point, from a combination of what's happened already, rumors, and previews. Lisa Rinna and Brandi will compete to drive the drama in an attempt to ensure their contracts will be renewed (there's a rumor floating out there that Lisa R. is using her soap skills to act really outrageous in a bid to revive her career.) It won't be a season of straightforward teams that break apart like last season, but a season of more complicated one-on-one antagonisms. Lisa R. and Lisa V. will be aligned. Lisa R. will antagonize and provoke Eileen, Kim, and perhaps Brandi. Brandi will antagonize Lisa V. (in a continuing antagonism), Kyle (to create a dust-up in her relationship with Kim), and Eileen. Kim and Kyle will come into conflict, and Lisa and Kyle will become closer. Yolanda doesn't seem to much be a part of this, so I'm questioning her renewal for next season.

This is my only Housewives show, so I'm wanting to understand more about the dynamic. When we see Brandi grovel to get Lisa V to her party, does that literally suggest housewives compete for future focus upon them by setting up scenes at their homes, yachts, etc. All of this isn't pre-scripted before the year begins? 

  • Love 1

Kim admitted in more than one of her talking heads, in the middle of a crying jag of course,  that she was drunk most of the time her kids were growing up. That does not make her a good mother. I know she is trying to make up for it now, however, the scars must run deep for those kids. Living with an alcoholic parent is a living hell. 

Alcoholism is a disease.  It does not mean that she was not a loving or caring mother; or one that neglected her children.  All of Kim's kids have turned out to be good people and they all seem to have a close relationship with her.  And she deserves credit for her part in that (along with her exes, whom she has maintained a good relationship with). My response was to the OP who assume that it was sisters Kyle and Kathy who stepped in to raise Kim's kids.  There has never been any indication of that what so ever. 

Edited by twilightzone
  • Love 5

So many of Lisa's mean spirited, crude or  inappropriate comments are chalked up to being "just her humor" -- I think she gets a pass for behavior that is not all that dissimilar from her former BFF Brandi,  because of that plummy English accent.   These multiple assertions of wanting sex with her pets-- not just saying her pet is sexy, but saying on TV, I want to have sex with my puppy or I want to stick my fist up a swan's "bottom"????  I  don't have any reason to think she actually sexually abuses her animals;  it is just so gross and vulgar to say it at all that I am astonished others see her in as this person of great class and elegance. 


It has always been this  "Emperor's New Clothes"-type situation with me and Mrs. VP-- and, speaking of clothes, I got this very cute,  maybe even sexy, cashmere sweater for Xmas-- good thing I don't know Lisa V in real life, 'cause she would probably want to have sex with it. 

  • Love 9

This is my only Housewives show, so I'm wanting to understand more about the dynamic. When we see Brandi grovel to get Lisa V to her party, does that literally suggest housewives compete for future focus upon them by setting up scenes at their homes, yachts, etc. All of this isn't pre-scripted before the year begins? 

The show is staged and semi-scripted. The producers arrange and pay for most, if not all, of the group trips and large gatherings before filing begins That way the HW's can arrange their own personal/private schedules to make sure they are free for filming, especially those that have jobs/businesses to run like Lisa V and Kyle. The more a HW shares their personal life, spouse/bf, home, kids, job, ect, the more they are filmed and the bigger their paycheck. 

  • Love 3

Brandi's ass-kissing, followed by her endless vows not to ass-kiss, is annoying. And, like I mentioned earlier, Yolanda's "that's what friends do" shit…ugh. Apparently another thing friends do is act like the aggrieved martyr and call you out on something minor in front of everyone at a social event as well. Oh, it was so whiny and passive-aggressive!

  • Love 8

Brandi, to me, is just a disgusting person. And she's just so attention-seeking. To say she would be exhausting to be around is probably an understatement.


Way back when the whole Eddie-LeAnn thing broke, and we didn't really know her, I was on her side. Now, though, I really think those kids were saddled with two shitty people for parents. (And I don't know how she parents. I'm not making a judgment on her parenting. Just on her personality.)

  • Love 4

Even forgetting about nannies, I wonder how much Kyle & Kathy were involved in raising Kim's kids. Were there plenty of times when Kim wasn't able to function properly as a caretaker, and maybe Kyle or Kathy stepped in to cover for her so she wouldn't lose custody? It would certainly explain the extremely close vibe I get between Kyle & Kim's kids. OK, I get it -- they're a close bunch, but still, Kyle seems closer to them than an aunt usually would be to her nieces -- at least to me.

I think this is more accurate. Kyle in particular probably helped out a lot, and Kim's older children are similar in age to Farrah. Apparently Kim hosted Paris and Nicky more than Kathy hosted her kids - P and N, while living in NYC in the '90s, would stay for weeks at a time in Kim's house in Calabasas. Brooke and P/N at least were very close, and I would surmise Brooke - questionably - saw them as older sisters. If her 2007 DUI at age 21 with Paris' Benz is any indication, they were kind of a bad influence on her.

I never said - in fact I didn't say - that Kim is a great, or even a good mother (whatever that means.) I think she loved and knew her kids well growing up, but tried to parent as an alcoholic who teetered between functional and non-functional, which is at best not fully possible and at worst impossible. My guess would be that her kids, prior to age 12 or so, enjoyed her and spent lots of time with her, too young to understand why she was often sad and at times physically absent. They then, as Wire said, parented her, at least emotionally, and probably approach her now with a mixture of love, anger, affection, and condescension, from what's seen on and off screen.

  • Love 3

Good thing you posted this the day after Christmas, walnutqueen.  Santa would have flown right over your house without a backward glance.


Sooo naughty. LOL


ryebread - Santa makes my house his last stop to put his feet up, drink some booze, smoke and talk naughty, which is so much better with an English accent.  And he lets me pet his reindeer.  :-)


Obviously, I have some of that LisaV crass sense of humor, which is why she still manages to amuse me, occasionally.


I'd really like to clean up my almost empty swimming pool swamp and make it a large swan pond.  But I fear they'd harass the feral cats too much, and I'd constantly be breaking up fights.  For about 8 years, a mating pair of ducks made this their honeymoon pond, and I miss them.  :-(

  • Love 7

I  don't have any reason to think she actually sexually abuses her animals;  it is just so gross and vulgar to say it at all that I am astonished others see her in as this person of great class and elegance. 


It has always been this  "Emperor's New Clothes"-type situation with me and Mrs. VP--


Oh, well, then you will definitely want to check out SUR if you're ever in LA - it is the tackiest, cheapest, gaudiest restaurant I have been to in a long time. The menus come in faded, stained leopard-skin valour covers. The decor tries to pass itself off as vintage, but it's not even shabby chic - just shabby. Any pretense of Lisa being elegant, sophisticated or uppercrust just flies out the window when you step inside the maze of tacky horrors that is SUR. Oh, and the food sucks.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 7

Oh, well, then you will definitely want to check out SUR if you're ever in LA - it is the tackiest, cheapest, gaudiest restaurant I have been to in a long time. The menus come in faded, stained leopard-skin valour covers. The decor tries to pass itself off as vintage, but it's not even shabby chic - just shabby.

The menu covers are faux leopard-skin, shut the front door! Dang I don't think that Teresa Giudice would do that but if she did the internet would probably break with all the snark, good-natured and otherwise, that she'd get over it.
  • Love 4

Alcoholism is a disease.  It does not mean that she was not a loving or caring mother; or one that neglected her children.  All of Kim's kids have turned out to be good people and they all seem to have a close relationship with her. 

I think that if you're an alcoholic for most of your children's young lives, then it means you were indeed a neglectful parent, at least in part. That doesn't mean she didn't love them, it just means what it means. I also don't know if any of us can say that her kids all turned out to be "good people." That doesn't mean that they're bad, it just means we don't know much about them because they've hardly been featured on the show - and that's a good thing!. It's possible the kids said they didn't want to be on the show, or maybe just wanted to be in the background, it's possible the fathers had a say, or its possible it had something to do with Kim's drinking. It's even possible that it was Kim's decision. I doubt it, but if that's the case, then I'll give her credit for making a good parenting decision!

  • Love 2

So many of Lisa's mean spirited, crude or  inappropriate comments are chalked up to being "just her humor" -- I think she gets a pass for behavior that is not all that dissimilar from her former BFF Brandi,  because of that plummy English accent.   These multiple assertions of wanting sex with her pets-- not just saying her pet is sexy, but saying on TV, I want to have sex with my puppy or I want to stick my fist up a swan's "bottom"????  I  don't have any reason to think she actually sexually abuses her animals;  it is just so gross and vulgar to say it at all that I am astonished others see her in as this person of great class and elegance. 


It has always been this  "Emperor's New Clothes"-type situation with me and Mrs. VP

But, that is just it. The audience is going to choose to see Lisa how they choose to see her. She from day one has always been up front about her bawdy sense of humor and has never put it out there that she is in anyway a "Manor Born" high society type. She has let it be known that she is failed actress who has appeared topless in B-Rated movies who adores pink, no matter how bad she looks in it. 


People assuming that she is some classy high society matron is based on their own assumptions and not anything that she has put out there. If people are seeing her as some high class matriarch, it is going directly against what she has put out there as 20-something of the debauched 70's night club lifestyle. And I think her love all things gaudy and dirty jokes proves that she hasn't been trying to pretend to be anything else. This is probably why she and Kyle were friends in the first place, as well as why she befriended Brandi against her own initial judgement. 

  • Love 11

Lisa's daughters freaking out over Medford was so hysterical to me. What's the big deal about seeing two McDonalds within five minutes? Isn't there one on every corner in LA? 


I don't live there, but I've been there more times than I can count and to answer your question....no, there's really not.  My friend lives in Koreatown and I'm pretty sure I can only think of one near her apartment in all the times she driven me around.  I know there's only one Burger King.  

A lot of the places to eat in LA are of the healthy variety.  Lots of hole in the wall joints (hello, The Griddle anyone?  mmmmmmmmmmmmm)


I live in Colorado and it's much the same way here.  While there are no shortage of McDonald's they are certainly not placed within walking distance of each other.  Most of the places to eat here are also of the more healthy variety.  Lots of sandwich shops (not Subway), Qdoba/Chipotle, Tokyo Joe's, Garbanzo's which are all healthy food (well more than McDonald's anyway).  


Out of everything the two of them said, I would consider this more a consequence of where they live than them being sheltered.  I went to visit my best friend in Alabama and I was floored by the fact that there is NOTHING there except fast food joints.  When I asked her if there was at least a sandwich shop around her she said no.


There's a reason we're getting fatter in this country.....LOL

  • Love 3

OK, so that's you, does it mean you're right & I'm wrong?  Why the nasty, needlessly belittling & insulting put-down on my observation?  Sheesh, why so upset about my describing Mauricio as distracted?  Yeah, I think he looks distracted ALL this season.  Relax, it's called having an opinion about one observes on the show.  We don't all have to agree.  He looks distracted as hell to me, maybe by work, who knows, but he does look distracted to me.  If that bothers you, shrugging hard.  Let's not needle each other for having different opinions or possibly being  "boring".  Let's stick to snarking on the show & not each other.  Not sure why it seems so shocking to some to have different opinions.

I just had a thought about what his seemingly distracted self might be about. I do think M always has his professional self in mind and only wants to present that while filming but after several seasons of big bitchy blow-ups at most functions I'd be wary and always waiting for the other Bravo Manolo Blahnik to drop. If I was a spouse on this franchise that would make me edgy as heck.

eta and also now knowing he was accused of cheating for most of last season has to add to his wariness big time.

Edited by Almost 3000

One thing Mauricio does that makes me nuts is say-"hey", to Kyle, instead of using her name. I think overall he is pretty warm and friendly, he seems to behave the same way when around his family. He was even engaging Brandi in the conversation at the table, surprising since she crapped all over his company during her house search. I think for someone who cut their beautiful yacht vacation short to attend his niece's wedding Mauricio was very engaging. After the way he was treated last two years by Ken and Lisa I am surprised he is so cordial.

You sound like Lisa and Ken. Of course if someone wants to sell their house Mauricio would like the listing. Most likely it will go to Chris Cortazzo, the Malibu agent that has had Camille's listing for the past three years and Yolanda's for over a year. Just as Ken and Lisa hope their friends and their friends of friends dine in their establishments.

A couple of things of late, apparently the injury to Alexia's thumb by Kim's dog was quite severe. Mauricio is supposedly not happy with Kim and vice-versa. Farrah, who dated Taylor, Thayer's brother for eight years stayed in Spain and vacationed with her cousins Paris and Nicki instead of returning to LA for their cousin's wedding. Sounds like it will be an interesting Reunion.

Hope not to see division between Mauricio and Kim again. That was uncomfortable as all getout to live through. Of course, Aunt Kathy and her brood never get snarked on, even when they miss graduations, unlike Lisa.

Edited by renatae

But, that is just it. The audience is going to choose to see Lisa how they choose to see her. She from day one has always been up front about her bawdy sense of humor and has never put it out there that she is in anyway a "Manor Born" high society type. She has let it be known that she is failed actress who has appeared topless in B-Rated movies who adores pink, no matter how bad she looks in it. 


People assuming that she is some classy high society matron is based on their own assumptions and not anything that she has put out there. If people are seeing her as some high class matriarch, it is going directly against what she has put out there as 20-something of the debauched 70's night club lifestyle. And I think her love all things gaudy and dirty jokes proves that she hasn't been trying to pretend to be anything else. This is probably why she and Kyle were friends in the first place, as well as why she befriended Brandi against her own initial judgement. 

I do think Lisa puts it out there that she is above the rest and has a place secure in the upper echelon of society.  I agree she has a bawdy side but she can also be very hoity-toity.  That is the self-proclaimed humanitarian, her claims of her character being assassinated, separate bathrooms and speaking down at almost all the accommodations provided to her by Bravo, the Bentleys, the Rolls, the servants, the mansions, the yacht, the name dropping (she is just as guilty as the rest) the out and materialism.  Bawdy is only one part of her personality, she and Ken do and try and put it out there they are better than the rest.  Ken was recently chastised by a dinner at PUMP when a diner said to Ken, holding the ever present Giggy, "he is better dressed than I am."  Ken's reply, "he is richer than you are."  No new friend was made there.


I have never heard Lisa refer to herself as a failed actress.  Indeed she considered herself a "Baywatch Babe" (she appeared in one episode of "Baywatch Nights") here is Lisa circa 2002-hardly bawdy and the beginnings of longing for the spotlight.  http://www.standard.co.uk/goingout/music/baywatch-babe-turns-club-queen-6308575.html  Just a note their previous LA restaurants were pizza places.  I am a little star struck by the fact that Ken was a best man at Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones wedding. 


It is funny because within two years of this article they Vanderpump/Todds were back in LA accompanying Pandora while she attended Pepperdine in Malibu.  So much for the LA lifestyle and spoiling of teenagers.

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I think you make an excellent point, Matilda Moody, and I do agree-- but not entirely.  Lisa V. does put out this haughty, "diamonds and Dahlings" attitude, to quote Brandi (did I really just quote Brandi?) and does act like the Duchess of BH at times.   I recall her dismay on almost every HW trip that the accommodations or service weren't up to her oh-so-elevated standards.  In Puerto Rico, she complained bitterly that she had to stay in a hotel room where she would have to share a bathroom with her own husband (oh, the humanity!) I seem to remember various occasions where Lisa V acted as though she was the authority on taste and decorum.   And it isn't solely a question of Lisa V being perceived as being a great lady when, in reality, she is tacky, or even bawdy.  I like bawdy... but you have to be funny.  Lisa V just leaves me saying "ewwww" when she starts with the bestiality routine and the other nonsense that somehow gets labeled "British Humor."  Yeah, no.  She is just gross sometimes.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I think the weird Kim/Kyle dynamic is goin' on here. I hesitate to place any blame on Kyle for this incident -- not yet anyway. It seems like her daughters are very close to Kim & her daughters. I don't know the deets, but was Alexia going to Kim's house often & maybe Kingsley hadn't behaved badly in her presence? Maybe that's why there hadn't been safety concerns? As usual, there's a lot going on between Kim & Kyle we know nothing about for sure & can only guess at -- at least for now.

I rather enjoyed Tom in his short shorts. Vince too. I don't think Harry ever wore 'em. Doesn't seem his style.

Ah, thou must have missed his turn as, who was it, Perseus? WooHoo!  http://thethirtysomethingbride.com/storage/20090425hamlin02.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1269612843108

Edited by renatae

Out of everything the two of them said, I would consider this more a consequence of where they live than them being sheltered.

Where they live is a Beverly Hills bubble where they are kept away, sheltered, from poor, fat .... er chub-chub people. To me it is the same thing.

I think had they just mentioned "Wow, Mom. There are a lot of fast-food restaurants here" without making derogatory, mean remarks about folks, people might buy the 'fish out of water' excuse. You can notice some things are different without the disdain for the people who live there and their 'unhealthy' lifestyles. As a high school teacher, I am forever grateful that most kids are not like these girls!

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 4

Rinna's daughters are horrid. Self-entitled, spoiled brats with no knowledge of the world outside their sphere of Beverly Hills affluence. I also don't believe they've been to Medford before which in itself is awful. So they almost never see their grandparents? Real nice.


Lisa R. seemed oddly detached about her childhood home and saying goodbye. No real emotion there even though her sweet mom was crying. I liked her a lot at first but now I'm seeing another side. I remember a couple episodes ago her saying that she said to Harry, "Imagine if we never had kids. I would be the biggest narcissist in the world" or something. She still is it seems. Very shallow and me-focused and teaching her girls to be the same way.


It's terrible that she didn't help her sister with any of the moving part. Left all of the heavy lifting, physical and emotional to the sister. It's all about Lisa! She must have had too many fabulous Mad Men parties to attend to be bothered.


Brandi continues to be vile. I'm honestly wondering what exact personality disorder she has that causes her to blurt out the most vulgar things in any company-even people she has just met and on camera! I can't believe she is someone's parent. Imagine what those boys are exposed to.


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This topic has already been discussed to death, but as an Angeleno, born and raised...yes, there are a ton of fast food restaurants and, gasp, fat people here. Even in nicer parts of town. Although in nicer parts of town you will probably see a larger variety of restaurants, and yes L.A. is definitely home to a plethora of "health" restaurants. Still, even if you drive a few miles through Bev Hills you will eventually hit a part of town where there are Mcdonalds on every corner. And no, these parts of town are not all "poor" (and the complicated discussion of economic status and how it relates to the way we eat is for another time, but still relevant as evidenced by the girls' remarks- and a couple of posters in this thread.) I really don't buy that Lisa's daughters are that sheltered; I dunno how you live in the sprawling city that is L.A. your entire life without being exposed to all the fast food and fat people that reside here. I really think they were just being assholes more than anything.

  • Love 11

I am going to come to the defense of Lisa Rinna's daughters.  Have you SEEN how wiry thin their mother is?? That takes extreme discipline. I am NOT saying that there aren't people who are just as disciplined out there, who due to genetics can't get as thin, but to stay that thin at her age you know Lisa is working out regularly, and very rarely is a transfat or carb passing her lips. She surely sees that as necessary for her career. Her girls have grown up watching this attitude towards food. Also, they live in Beverly Hills where many more people than elsewhere have those habits.  So they simply aren't used to seeing the ratio of overweight people that exist in most places. It could truly be a bit shocking to them, because they have spent their entire lives in an environment where being overweight is avoided.

I'll admit, at the risk of being chastised, that when I was in my 20s I left NYC, where I had been living for year, to drive to Michigan. We stopped at a restaurant in Ohio, and I remember thinking "WHOA, there are ALOT of fat blond people out here!" only because the ratio of both was so much higher than what I saw in NYC.  I don't think I said it out loud, but if I was riding in a car with my family and I was a teenager, I might have.  And yeah, they should have realized that it would sound bad on camera, but I think those kids are probably so used to cameras being around they don't even think about it anymore.

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