Trini December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 So how soon until Iris finds out about Barry's powers? Will she figure it out, will Barry tell her himself, or will someone else? I'd love it if she finds out herself, but for maximum *drama* she might find out through a third party. 1 Link to comment
phoenics December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 Well... hmmm... This is an unspoiled take... but I think that (or hope that) Iris will figure it out on her own. Something has to happen to trigger Iris' investigative nature - something deeper than writing a blog. I keep hoping she'll move on from the blog to something more solid - an actual career. Maybe she'll actually finally try to become a reporter (I hope so). If so - maybe she shares the contents of her blog (or maybe that's what gets her her first job as a reporter?) and the news outlet wants her to find out who the Flash is? Just speculating. I think that the show is going to have Iris split between her fascination with the Flash and her feelings for Barry. I think she'll struggle with her feelings for Barry and that will definitely be the focus of the second half of the season, but I also think that she'll be focused on trying to figure out who the Flash is. Not to mention if she does finally go past the blog and be a reporter, then she'll end up in dangerous situations just because of that. Lord I hope Joe stops harping on her about "danger". Now I kinda want to see Iris taking self defense classes, lol. Even though she's obviously learned how to take care of herself. Anyway - I do think Iris will figure it out on her own. I'd prefer that. And given how clueless she was about Barry's feelings for her, I wonder if she'll become extra, extra tuned in to everything going on around her - including the Flash and everything about him. First thing I would notice would be how The Flash vibrates his face so I couldn't see him... which leads to the question: Why would he do that unless I KNOW him? I hope Candice starts thinking like that. 1 Link to comment
Trini January 1, 2015 Author Share January 1, 2015 He's Dad of the year to Barry, that's for damn sure. Poor Iris. I'd love the show to develop/show more of the Joe/Iris father/daughter relationship, but then --in typical TV fashion-- she'd find out he had been lying about Barry/Flash, and there goes that. 2 Link to comment
driedfruit January 1, 2015 Share January 1, 2015 Seemed to me like they hinted at Iris being an info bank in terms of metahuman activities. As her blog grows, she'll start getting more and more reports of sightings and even videoclips. That should make her useful to the gang in the long run. Anyway - I do think Iris will figure it out on her own. I'd prefer that. And given how clueless she was about Barry's feelings for her, I wonder if she'll become extra, extra tuned in to everything going on around her - including the Flash and everything about him. I want the Flash to indadvertedly leave her a clue, like say something that reminds her of Barry. Maybe then she'll connect Barry's confession to the Flash's flirting and his attacking Eddie. 2 Link to comment
ohjoy January 3, 2015 Share January 3, 2015 The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Wells is a future version of Barry, who is committed to making sure that all the major moments in Barry's life happen "according to plan" so that Barry will be in the right place/time for the battle against Reverse Flash (who could easily be Eddie, or not). If Future Flash went "missing" because he went back in time during some big battle against RF (which spilled over into him trying/failing to prevent RF from killing his mom), I fould even headcanon that he somehow got stuck or decided to stay in the past to protect "himself" and also "prepare himself for that future battle, taking on the identity of Dr. Harrison Wells. Link to comment
bettername2come January 3, 2015 Share January 3, 2015 I've been thinking that since almost the beginning. They do look kind of similar. What throws me off though, is that Wells has a history and credentials and a dead wife in this timeline, right? Doesn't that make it harder to infiltrate as a Barry from the future? Link to comment
Oscirus January 5, 2015 Share January 5, 2015 Something has to happen to trigger Iris' investigative nature - something deeper than writing a blog I hinted at it in another thread but I think that her seeing Barry's board for the first time is what's going to lead her down the path of becoming a reporter. I also speculate that one of Joe/ Iris will probably die during the season finale. There are too many mentions of death for it to not be of some relevance on future events. Link to comment
Sakura12 January 5, 2015 Share January 5, 2015 (edited) Iris won't die she's a big part of the comics and from watching Arrow, the EP's are big on sticking with the comics no matter what. Joe could die though. But I hope not, I don't want this show to get as depressing as Arrow. Edited January 5, 2015 by Sakura12 Link to comment
KirkB January 9, 2015 Share January 9, 2015 Oh no, if they want to do depressing they'll get Barry's dad out of prison and then kill HIM. 1 Link to comment
bettername2come January 9, 2015 Share January 9, 2015 John Wesley Shipp died on Dawson's Creek. He died on Teen Wolf. Let's face it, he'll die here. 1 Link to comment
driedfruit January 10, 2015 Share January 10, 2015 LOL he's the Sean Bean of tv land. 2 Link to comment
Trini February 4, 2015 Author Share February 4, 2015 (edited) I hate being the naysayer, but one of Barry's dads is going to die by season's end. I can't choose. I love them both. I'm going to bawl if they kill either of Barry's dad's. This show is going to make me cry yet. The relationship Barry has with his two dads is incredible. And tonight, we got a tripple dose of heartstring tugging with Papa/Original Flash. Too bad this means he's probably going to die. :( La la la I CAN'T HEAR YOU... I hope they don't, then it really might start getting as depressing as Arrow. But it's true, hero shows love killing off parents. If they want the audience to take Iris seriously as a reporter/investigator, she should figure out the Flash's identity on her own. Edited February 4, 2015 by Trini 1 Link to comment
marketdoctor February 12, 2015 Share February 12, 2015 From last week's episode: What if Sherry is actually a plant of Dr. Wells? The thinking is this: 1. She bought the house at an estate sale, which would have been easier to set up if you're a time-travelling supervillian. 2. She seemed really into Detective West. 3. Usually blonde women don't wear as much black as people with other hair colors, because blonde hairs show up more. 4. It's consistent with Dr. Wells to have more than one tactic planned to stop/slow/obscure the investigation. Counterpoints: 1. Occam's razor (which doesn't always cut it in the Flash/Arrowverse) would suggest she's just a very good-looking woman who likes cops. I had a friend who met his wife that way, so it can happen. Detective West seems attractive enough to women that this is reasonable. 2. Some women change their hair color and don't get rid of outfits that look great on them. 3. This is a fun show; it'd be nice to see Joe West have a happy relationship. "Nice"=/="Expected", but it's possible. It's also possible Sherry is just because someone needs to own the house, and not everything has to fit in the grander story arc. Or she fits a different story arc entirely and she now goes by her maiden name of "Lance." So this one could go either way. Link to comment
Trini February 20, 2015 Author Share February 20, 2015 (edited) So if the promo is to be believed, the Flash Mob finds out that Wells is Reverse Flash when the show comes back. I wonder if it's going to be a fakeout; it seems just a little too soon for that reveal. Edited February 20, 2015 by Trini Link to comment
bettername2come February 21, 2015 Share February 21, 2015 (edited) So if the promo is to be believed, the Flash Mob finds out that Wells is Reverse Flash when the show comes back. I wonder if it's going to be a fakeout; it seems just a little too soon for that reveal. I'm wondering too. I can't help but think it will happen, but then Barry and/or Wells will screw with the timeline and it won't have happened. On the other hand, this show has revealed things earlier than I thought they would before (Joe finding out, Barry telling Iris he loves her). Also, I think the "you have shown me what it's like to have a son" and "you're smart, but you're not that smart" are directed towards Cisco and not Barry. 'Cause the last thing Barry needs is more father figures, but Cisco's been established as trying to build a family at STAR labs and definitely has more self-esteem issues. So my theory is, Cisco finds out he's Reverse Flash, tries to tell Barry and Caitlin but isn't believed, Cisco sets ups a sting to get proof, Wells is onto him, Wells says the above quotes in his creepy voice and knocks Cisco out. And metahuman time travel shenanigans. Edited February 21, 2015 by bettername2come Link to comment
driedfruit February 21, 2015 Share February 21, 2015 Cop out. It'll probably be like those cracky Smallville episodes where Clarke's secret was out, only everything got rebooted by the end with no one remembering. It's either going to be an alternate timeline that gets wiped out, or it's a near future, set around the time of the season final. On the other hand, this show has revealed things earlier than I thought they would before (Joe finding out, Barry telling Iris he loves her). I don't think this show moves fast, with Joe being the exception. There were some big reveals in the mid season final, but they've had no impact on the plot and were more teases than game changers. We got Wells being revealed as RF, Eddie finding out about metahumans, and Barry confessing his love to Iris. And the result? Wells' RF arc is getting stalled. Eddie who? And Iris/Barry did their own version of a reboot by ignoring what happened. But maybe closer to the final we'll see a few things progressing. Link to comment
Cirien February 21, 2015 Share February 21, 2015 (edited) I think all the spec about it being an alternative timeline that's wiped out by Wells fixing it is the correct one. Over on ONTD they speculated that this is something that Wells has done before as well, so the ep could end with everyone being unconcerned about Wells and fully trusting in their mentor....well Joe would still be suspicious of course but slightly more trusting....cut to Wells shady grin. End of the Ep. Because if they're planning on bringing Hartley onto Team Flash......they have to give him a redemption arc, and we're already in ep 14. So if they do plan on giving him an arc, it'll be next season maybe the third. I can't imagine they'll reveal Wells til then. OTOH. Tom spoke about his concerns that they were revealing too much too soon and the writers said they still have more story to tell so IDK Also: What is going on between him and Caitlyn???? Edited February 21, 2015 by Cirien Link to comment
driedfruit February 22, 2015 Share February 22, 2015 (edited) I think all the spec about it being an alternative timeline that's wiped out by Wells fixing it is the correct one. Over on ONTD they speculated that this is something that Wells has done before as well, so the ep could end with everyone being unconcerned about Wells and fully trusting in their mentor....well Joe would still be suspicious of course but slightly more trusting....cut to Wells shady grin. End of the Ep. I can see this, though the writers better have a tight grip before the timey wimey gets out of control. The other possibility is that Barry changes something small earlier in the timeline and that erases everything that happens in the episode. Because if they're planning on bringing Hartley onto Team Flash......they have to give him a redemption arc, and we're already in ep 14. So if they do plan on giving him an arc, it'll be next season maybe the third. I can't imagine they'll reveal Wells til then. It'd be tedious if Wells isn't revealed by the end of season one. And a big let down given all the people currently investigating him, and how he's being set up as the season's big bad. On the other hand, Wells is the best character on the show and he has to remain relevant, so I wonder if he'll keep his image and record clean, despite Barry, Joe and Co. knowing better, meanwhile he coordinates other villains and their activities. He already has a sort of alliance with Grodd, and I'm assuming he's going to lure Eddie down the line. Edited February 22, 2015 by driedfruit Link to comment
FurryFury February 24, 2015 Share February 24, 2015 Personally, I expect Wells to be eventually redeemed if he's left on the show - that is, if he didn't kill Barry's mother (which seems likely). Otherwise, it would be a waste of an interesting character and a good actor, and the show's kinda lacking in both. However, it's possible that before that, he'll have to battle Team Flash for a season or a half, kinda like Slade in Arrow 2B (which I sadly didn't enjoy as much as I expected to). Let's hope he won't be the one to tell Iris that Barry is Flash, though! Link to comment
Trini April 9, 2015 Author Share April 9, 2015 So when do we think Barry and Iris will be officially together as a couple? (Because I do think the producers are working towards that.) I was thinking about some of my favorite genre shows, and what some of them had in common was that the main couple didn't become 'official' until season 3. And the Flash seems to move a little faster(heh) than most shows, I'm guessing mid-Season 2, or the end of Season 2 for Barry and Iris. Then again, maybe I shouldn't underestimate showrunners' dagging things out for "drama". Semi-related: How long do you think Eddie will stay on the show? Once Barry and Iris get together, it will probably be super-awkward to have him around, yet, I don't think they can kill him off since he's the ancestor of Reverse Flash. I actually hope they don't make him a villain. I like Rick Cosnett, and the character. 1 Link to comment
Oscirus April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 (edited) So when do we think Barry and Iris will be officially together as a couple? (Because I do think the producers are working towards that.) As of the current time, they are so far apart they're not even in the same show half the time, I think that midpoint of season 3 would be the perfect time but with the way this show accelerates things it could go anywhere from midpoint season 2 to midpoint season 3. Semi-related: How long do you think Eddie will stay on the show? I'd assume he's around for the long haul. It seems that Eddie's turn to the darkside ( if he even does turn. For all we know, he might just have evil sperm) is likely going to be a slow burn. I wouldn't be shocked if next season's arc turns into Eddie trying not to become a villain.\\ When Iris finally finds out will these writers be cliché enough to have Iris slap Barry? Edited April 10, 2015 by Oscirus 1 Link to comment
bettername2come April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 I think she should punch him. Girl's got a mean swing, and it's better continuity. 2 Link to comment
BkWurm1 April 11, 2015 Share April 11, 2015 (edited) Here's my unspoiled spec based really on nothing than a desire to come up with a reason not to lose the lovey dynamic of Wells, Caitlyn, Cysco and Barry. I'm half expecting to somehow get the real Wells back. How? Could be a time travel save, could be a switch in the brain that puts the real Dr. Wells back in charge since it seems our imposter has access to his memories, why not a situation where the Reverse Flash is no longer in charge? They've already played around with the idea a little with Ronnie and Firestorm. Edited April 11, 2015 by BkWurm1 Link to comment
bmoore4026 April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 Anyone else have the sinking feeling that perhaps the one who killed Barry's mother is Barry, and that's why Barry's dad decides to take the blame? I mean, really, for what reason does The Reverse Flash have to kill Barry's mother? Link to comment
phoenics April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 Anyone else have the sinking feeling that perhaps the one who killed Barry's mother is Barry, and that's why Barry's dad decides to take the blame? I mean, really, for what reason does The Reverse Flash have to kill Barry's mother? I thought in a previous episode, Eobard confesses that he was trying to kill Barry and got his mom by mistake? Wasn't that what happened in the episode where he killed Cisco? 1 Link to comment
bettername2come April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 (edited) What I don't get is how it was an "accident?" He's alone in the house after Flash runs off with Kid!Barry, right? ETA: Well, he doesn't say accident, but neither Barry seems to be in the room when Nora's killed. ETA again: Anyone else think they had Caitlin try CPR on Cisco because she did after she got off the phone with Barry in 1x15? I have a feeling we'll see a flashback to what happened then and it will parallel. Edited April 15, 2015 by bettername2come Link to comment
phoenics April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 I think the whirlwind they created caused something to lift up and stab Nora. When RF tried to get little Barry, big Barry whisked him away - I think Nora had already been stabbed by then, but I need to go back to look. Link to comment
driedfruit April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 (edited) I'm half expecting to somehow get the real Wells back. Doesn't sound like Tom Cavanagh is cool with playing a plain good guy scientist. Edited April 15, 2015 by driedfruit Link to comment
BkWurm1 April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 Doesn't sound like Tom Cavanagh is cool with playing a plain good guy scientist. I wouldn't want to lose his menacing side forever either but I've been trying to think of how to extend what has worked so well in season on past the point when everyone knows. If Good Wells came back in charge for awhile, we could have him unknowingly doing bad stuff or just get taken back over, it's sounding more farfetched but how do you keep Well's character relevant to the story if he can't regularly interact with everyone? He can permanently be in the B storyline but that gets tiresome after a while. I suppose the alternative is them deciding they have to work together for the time being "for the greater good" or something but that likely would look like the weekly trip to the holding cell to do the Silence of the Lambs chit chat. They either are not going to be able to keep Wells as a regular or they have to do something tricky to reset the relationship in some manner. Of course I say all that but my most recent crack theory is that Wells ditched Wells and takes over Eddie's body. Chances are with Time Travel now an option they can explore lots of crazy stuff without having to settle on something. I'll probably be watching the finally with a timeline written out in front of me. Link to comment
Trini April 16, 2015 Author Share April 16, 2015 I swear, I got so freaking excited seeing him for five seconds on Arrow. That`s how much I love Cisco. He can even make me like Ray! That`s practically a superpower in and of itself! So, they have now established in the most recent Arrow episode that Meta humans can exist without being exposed to the explosion? Foreshadowing Cisco`s eventual powers? I don't know about Cisco; But they may be setting things up for the spin-off, by putting the possibility out there that powers can have other sources. 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Either they are going to have to explore powers have other sources (and with this new meta showing up on Arrow, it seems like they are) or they are going to have to have another mass empowering event. If they want to do a whole big TV DCU, they are going to need a whole lot more meta`s. Link to comment
bettername2come April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Aren't their some metahumans who are just born that way like the mutants in X-men? Frankly, I'd prefer that to having 15 different explanations for why there are metahumans. Didn't they say the explosion unleashed all kinds of energies into this world? I'd assume that energy would still be around and causing metahumans. 1 Link to comment
Actionmage April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 After reading the last couple of posts, I looked up what DC means by "metahuman" (from the DC Comics Database -- ) Metahumans: A term coined by the alien Dominators, and used to describe any human being with what are commonly described as "super powers". The prefix meta-, in this context, simply means "beyond"—as in metastable, which is "beyond regular stability; ready to collapse at the slightest disruption", or metamorphosis, which is "the state of going beyond a single shape". So, "metahuman" simply describes persons and/or abilities beyond normal human limits. (Italics mine) Also, the page had this as a note: "◾ A Metahuman in the DC Universe is roughly equivalent to Marvel Comics' Mutants." So the splitting of hairs comes with are you a natural meta or a made meta, I guess. Like in Marvel, they have mutants, folks born with the mutant gene(s) like Storm and Professor Xavier, and mutates, like Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, who received their mutated genes in some fashion other than biologically(?). To me, it's not a big distinction, unless there is a science thing that needs to only effect one or the other version. That doesn't happen very often, so in Marvel they are all mutants. For DC, they're all going to probably be lumped into the metahuman label, unless they are Captain Cold or Atom, where it is clear that the powers aren't generated by the person, unlike Deathbolt or Flash. Or a hero/villains' power is mystical, but there hasn't been whispers of any mystic heroes besides Constantine. Madame Xanadu could be a very cool mystic. Anyway, I hope that DC's definition helps. Link to comment
Cirien April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 (edited) Doesn't sound like Tom Cavanagh is cool with playing a plain good guy scientist. Well knowing that your identity has been dragged through the mud by the future supervillian who killed your wife would turn any "purely good" guy dark. He can be grey and still be on the side of the good guys. Especially as he constantly has to redeem himself for something he didn't do. That would be interesting to see. At some point Eobard *has* to turn back into Wells doesn't he? otherwise won't it mess everything up? Edited April 17, 2015 by Cirien 1 Link to comment
Actionmage April 28, 2015 Share April 28, 2015 If Oliver is too dark/broody, then how about an appearance by John Constantine, Chas and Zed? There is something Barry can't just run at/around/hit in order to defeat the menace of the week. Our Other Heroes show up on scene and Barry likens it to gobbledygook. In actuality it's just an elemental that got plopped in town by an evil force it was fighting, as Zed translates. John sends the elemental back to where it needs, but in order to do so, Barry needs to generate an electric charge/ take them to a more secluded or natural space for the ritual Paranormal and just outright weird possibilities were set-up in the pilot. Introducing the CW DCTVU to the mystic side would be nice. Using the Constantine folks would be good, as they already know their roles. Constantine might even name-drop someone easier for Barry and Co. to call if they need help of that sort again. As far as Harrison Wells? Since, as per last episode, that's going to be hard going forward, I believe they may go back. Barry goes Superman '78 and brings "old" but actual Dr. Harrison Wells forward. Not being able to bring Tess would help in the now-Wells-is-gray-not-evil characterization. My thoughts, based on how women have been treated to-date: Barry doesn't go back to a non-traumatizing day, but the car wreck or Barry just doesn't think to bring Tess with him. Show could surprise me with Barry tries to bring Tess but Eobard fights him or the car wreck killed her instantly and there is no way to save Tess. Or even Barry tries to bring Tess, but she, on faith, knows that if she goes that that is more strain on the timelines and could cause worse repercussions. It would allow Wells his tartness and edge towards Barry. But that's me. Link to comment
bmoore4026 April 29, 2015 Share April 29, 2015 On tonight's episode, we found out that the computer AI that Dr. Wells/Reverse Flash uses is called Gideon and that Barry will eventually create it. I have a feeling that Gideon will be tied to Barry's mother, somehow. Like based on her brainwave patterns or something. I also have a feeling that Barry will use Gideon in someway to keep his father from going to prison in the past, like leaving the AI behind in the form of Mrs. Allen. Link to comment
marketdoctor April 29, 2015 Share April 29, 2015 but I think that (or hope that) Iris will figure it out on her own. Nice one! This might be off the rails, but I hope for the final episode, it's revealed that Barry's dad was originally named Jay Garrick, and that's why Dr. Tina McGee knows him...but he kept everything secret because he knew the world wouldn't understand (and the death of his wife confirmed this.) 1 Link to comment
Tarasme April 29, 2015 Share April 29, 2015 From the episode thread: ... I want Eobard dead, but love TC so much. How can they keep him around for season 2? Have Barry time travel to save him from dying, then have him create the particle accelerator earlier so it won't mess the timeline? I could see an S1 Finale where team Flash temporarily defeats RF and he goes where all the metahumans go. Certainly at this point Cisco could rig one of the dungeon-y SL cells to accomodate RF/ Wells. It would mean less TC, but he'd still be a presence. I could see Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Eddie making stealthy visits to Eobard's prison. Eddie, in particular, could end up in situation where everything good has been stripped from him, and, in a not-so-nuanced but very realistic vulnerable time, go to Eobard for advice, encouragement, and ultimately a team up that releases RF. Link to comment
Lord Malvolio May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Flash has always been close to GL, and with the constant references to Coast City seen in a few episodes, it is only a matter of time till Hal Jordan shows up (and probably will be a spin-off series). My bets are season three (with maybe a foreshadowing/seed planting in season 2) Link to comment
phoenics May 2, 2015 Share May 2, 2015 (edited) My theory about the finale (brought over from The Trap thread): Yeah I don't think they'll (Barry and Iris) get together anytime soon - but I also think that they are going to do "Crisis" now... and instead of Ollie's (Bruce's) dad dying, it will be Ollie who dies and his dad will be Arrow? Or Tommy? And then Barry has to spend a few episodes trying to regain his powers so he can reset the time stream. And then he'll reset the future (but remember all of it), but he'll reset it in a way where he won't know which parts got changed vs others... Gideon will somehow be destroyed so he can't look at the future paper, Wells will be trapped here in this time, possibly without powers (for now) and Cisco and Caitlin may or may not end up as hero and villain... and Iris may or may not end up Barry's wife... Until they have Bart Allen show up in the present, ;) I think the end of the season will have some bad stuff happen - but the upshot will leave the future uncertain. Again - shades of Roswell's End of the World. Edited May 2, 2015 by phoenics Link to comment
Trini May 6, 2015 Author Share May 6, 2015 I have no idea what's going to happen in the Arrow finale, but I'm betting that Oliver's appearance in the next Flash episode will screw with continuity. The CW really needs to make sure they can stick to a specific scheduling if they want multiple crossovers. Link to comment
quarks May 6, 2015 Share May 6, 2015 I have no idea what's going to happen in the Arrow finale, but I'm betting that Oliver's appearance in the next Flash episode will screw with continuity. The CW really needs to make sure they can stick to a specific scheduling if they want multiple crossovers. Yeah, this. The crossover episodes in the fall did stick with continuity, so it can be done, and I can mostly make Cisco and Joe's visit to Starling City fit in Arrow's continuity, so it can even sorta be done. What to me is a slightly larger concern is some of the offhand bits - for instance, Cisco and Ray over on Arrow noticing that metahumans are appearing outside Central City. I realize that was a setup for the spinoff, but it's still something that Team Flash really needs to know about, but which Cisco has yet to bring up on Flash. (Team Arrow, Laurel and Quentin should also know about this, but I'm willing to handwave it slightly over on Arrow since Ray technically isn't part of Team Arrow yet, depending upon what happens in tonight's episode, he hasn't really interacted much with Quentin, and his interactions with Laurel have been hostile.) There's also the little things like Cisco's comment on Lyla, which....doesn't make much sense unless she hasn't quit ARGUS yet. Those are the things I'd like the shows to keep track of. Link to comment
ruby24 May 7, 2015 Share May 7, 2015 (edited) I actually think this is the kind of show where it wouldn't necessarily be a hindrance to just let Barry and Iris be together as a couple. You know, without all the on-and-off back and forth stuff, as hard as that seems to be for most TV writers to imagine. But they could easily work together as partners in some way, and be happy together and not necessarily be boring either. I've just never believed that allowing a show's main couple to be together has to mean they're boring. If people like both characters on their own, there's no reason they wouldn't be likable together- now Iris and Eddie on the other hand? That's a boring couple, but that's because Eddie's name might as well be Cardboard Cutout Man, for how incredibly dull he is. Edited May 7, 2015 by ruby24 2 Link to comment
Trini May 8, 2015 Author Share May 8, 2015 I might be in the minority here, but I don't want Amanda to replace Wells at star labs. I feel her character will not fit in much with the team, she lacks the chemistry with the team Wells had. My wish is that somehow we can get real Wells back even if we keep Well/Eobard. Tom is too precious an actor to lose. Even if somehow Barry defeats Eobard, that may not mean Tom C. is off the show permanently. (I doubt they'd kill him off; maybe he actually makes it back to his future.) They may make him recurring, or bring him back for an arc. I'd like the real Harrison Wells to be around too, but there just might be too many plot/logic contortions to make that happen. Link to comment
Maverick May 8, 2015 Share May 8, 2015 If Barry goes back in time to save his mom he could end up stopping Thane instead and save the real Wells. Of course TC has said he'd be bored playing a nice guy like Real Wells so not sure how that would work. Link to comment
Eegah May 14, 2015 Share May 14, 2015 With Ray blowing himself up on the Arrow finale, I'm guessing that the Flash finale will also feature the deaths of Captain Cold and Heatwave. Then Legends of Tomorrow will open with Booster Gold plucking the three of them plus Sara out of the timestream at the moment before their deaths to become his team (with Cold and Heatwave going along because, as the Kingpin put it, "There is no profit to be made in the destruction of the planet. It is very bad for business."). Link to comment
Trini May 18, 2015 Author Share May 18, 2015 I don't know if Barry will be able to save his mother, but I really hope that he at least finds a way to exonerate his father. Because somehow, I doubt even a confession Reverse-Flash will be enough to free Henry Allen. Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I wonder if we will see anymore from the original timeline (the Prime timeline ??) -- when the real Wells and Tess built the Starlabs particle accelerator, and turned it on much later (since Eobard kept talking about making the particle accelerator accident happen years sooner). Because that eventual accident also caused Barry to become the Flash -- and eventually became archenemies with Eobard Thawne. Did the Flash follow Thawne back from the distant future to stop Thawne from killing Barry's mom, but Thawne apparently ran out of juice to return to the future ? So where did Barry from the future go ? Because Future Barry would have returned to a different future (a la Back to the Future 2 since we know that Barry can change the future). Or is it Barry from 2015 who goes back in time once he finds out about how Thawne traveled back to the past in a controlled manner (probably from Gideon, so that Barry can return to a specific date and time and come back to present day) in order to prevent his mother's death. If he succeeds in preventing his mother's death (and maybe killing the Reverse Flash in the process) Barry would also be returning to a substantially altered present -- because his mother would be alive, his father would not be in prison for his mother's murder, which in turn would reduce his relationship with Joe and Iris, real Wells and Tess would be alive, and the particle accelerator accident wouldn't have happened yet to create the Flash or any of the other metahumans. So, a bit of a paradox. Would real Wells have even hired Cisco, Caitlin and Ronnie ? Link to comment
KirkB May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 Paradoxes are the bane of time travel stories but I do so love talking about them. I've been wondering about this myself. Did Barry go back in time to stop Thawne or did Thawne go back in time to stop Barry? If Barry succeeds in saving his mom he might never become the Flash, and it seems like Thawne needs the Flash to have his own powers. So ironically, Barry going back to save his mother might be what causes Thawne to kill her in the first place. Link to comment
phoenics May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I thought Thawne said he went back to the past to kill young Barry Allen? 1 Link to comment
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