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7 hours ago, politichick said:

It's not at all a serious event like a state dinner or by any meaning of the word, frankly, and just all about the fun, like prom but for reporters and politicians. I went a few times when I was a Washington reporter and one time sat next to Trevor Noah. It was before he was really big. But the weekend is all about drinking and parties and receptions. Different publications invite celebs.

Did you get any good gossip? I know several people who wouldn’t know cause they were black-out drunk.

politichick is absolutely right about the more recent “celebrity” additions. I believe Kim Kardashian went one year.

Welcome to “celebrity” Ariana!

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Haha that reminds me of a "where are they now" show about the women from "Flavor of Love" and one of them said something about, "Now that I'm a celebrity . . ." and I don't remember how she finished that statement, maybe because I was laughing so hard!!! 😂

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17 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

Was the food good?

Not at the dinner--standard hotel banquet fare. It's not about the pasta!

Goodies at the receptions, though. That was one of the best things about working on Capitol Hill--zillions of receptions every week Congress is in session. Miss that!

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Watching this second half of the season, knowing what we know, is so fascinating. I think psychologists, criminologists, sociologists, etc, will be able to use these episodes as a teaching tool for human behavior while lying.

You can see almost minute by minute, second by second, Tom's brain working and deciding to lie, what lies to tell, how he's trying to spin it to make himself look good, going on the attack to distract...it's all there. And because the watchers know for a fact he's lying? So worth studying.

With most reality show stories, things are said about someone's behavior and because of how the drama is shaped, it's often debatable if they did the thing or not, or at the very least leaves an opening for those fans who like the person and want to not believe the thing.

That's not happening here. I have seen fans of Sandoval give excuses for him, ie Ariana and he were not happy, he tried to break up, etc. But I've not seen anyone try to claim the cheating didn't happen. So everyone watching knows the thing has happened and is seeing as Tom and Raquel dig themselves ever deeper and deeper.


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I gave up on this show a few seasons back, although I had really liked the first couple of seasons. I am only back because of the affair. I assume I am not alone in that. It is far more I interesting knowing what we know.

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3 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Okay, I know we’re supposed to be anti-Sandoval, but this man has had quite the glow-up compared to his usual scrawny self. Has to be steroids, right? 

shirtless Sandoval:


He is not scrawny for some years. Like others, he started working out more during Covid. But he looks more buffed in those photos. 

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The C-Span camera just scanned Ariana & Lisa VanderPump walking to their table at the Nerd Ball (The White House Correspondents Dinner).  Both look pretty good - but like ducks out of water.  Ariana looks a little embarrassed.  Hard to receive all those looks & words of pity - instead of recognized for achievement.  But heck, she walked out on two feet.  No need to mope Ariana - hold your head high - you dodged a bullet. 

Edited by realityplease
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Just watched the White House Correspondents Dinner, and Roy Wood (comedian) whose thru-line was "scandal".  He said something like " From the scandal on VanderPump Rules, to the scandal of Tucker Carlson firing blah blah."

The cameras zoomed sort of in on the table where Ariana and LVP were and all I got was a short sec of Ariana's fingernails over her face.  Never saw LVP at all.

So there you go.  Those dumbass long fake nails.  

Rest of his jokes were really funny and some were kinda cringey but still; zingers.  It was good.

Ariana and LVP should be grateful to the Daily Mail for inviting them to this.  How awesome.

On 4/28/2023 at 5:02 PM, JenE4 said:

Okay, I know we’re supposed to be anti-Sandoval, but this man has had quite the glow-up compared to his usual scrawny self. Has to be steroids, right? 

shirtless Sandoval:


That cannot be Tom Scandoval!  He's so scrawny!!  I think they must have photoshopped his head on someone else's  body.  Even those legs look bigger!

Did he get a body transplant while on that "self discovery" time???

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On 4/26/2023 at 6:31 PM, RoseAllDay said:

Didn’t want to post in the show forum…anyone know how many more episodes are left?

This past week was episode 12 (April 26). My guess is this season will be LONG with many more episodes to air, perhaps up to 8 or more ? Even before the reunion. My reasoning is in Real Housewives' franchises when a season is particularly good, popular, exciting, ratings high, a season can go 20 or more episodes.

So surely, Bravo will milk this season as much as possible due to the Scandal.

That said, we could be looking at the season running until  July, even before the Reunion, which in itself will be most likely be 3 episodes .

It's gonna be a L O N G summer !

Edited by Bossa Nova
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On 4/27/2023 at 9:00 AM, Pop Tart said:

Watching this second half of the season, knowing what we know, is so fascinating. I think psychologists, criminologists, sociologists, etc, will be able to use these episodes as a teaching tool for human behavior while lying.

You can see almost minute by minute, second by second, Tom's brain working and deciding to lie, what lies to tell, how he's trying to spin it to make himself look good, going on the attack to distract...it's all there. And because the watchers know for a fact he's lying? So worth studying.

With most reality show stories, things are said about someone's behavior and because of how the drama is shaped, it's often debatable if they did the thing or not, or at the very least leaves an opening for those fans who like the person and want to not believe the thing.

That's not happening here. I have seen fans of Sandoval give excuses for him, ie Ariana and he were not happy, he tried to break up, etc. But I've not seen anyone try to claim the cheating didn't happen. So everyone watching knows the thing has happened and is seeing as Tom and Raquel dig themselves ever deeper and deeper.


I heard a woman on a podcast say that one of the reasons this is of interest to so many is that we are watching an affair play out both on screen and in real life. Usually, you just hear or read about them. 

Count me in as fascinated watching the big dig of T & R and the cast connecting dots.

And then there is the dopey, "Lumpy" Schwartz, navigating his new single life, redefining a relationship with his ex, and money stress of a new business while dealing with his "partner"s strange priorities and disappearing act, band, nails, affair. If in fact, he was unaware of Romeo and Juliet, wonder if he acknowledges how poorly he was treated by them. I'm guessing no, from his comments on WWHL. Then again, because of sandoval, he continues to be on a show and has a business. Doubt this would be happening if he was not riding with the ever repugnant sandy.


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Yes, I know this is not serious state dinner stuff, but it's still a big thing. I still say I  find it ridiculous that Arianna and LVP were there. As much as I detest KimmyK, she definitely has a lot more weight in the public eye compared to these 2. Well good for them.


I'm going to be away for the reunion part 1. I sure hope they continue to replay ad nauseum for when I come back so I can catch up......:)

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Maybe it’s just because I am more repulsed by him every time I see him on my TV, but I think Tom looks gross and desperate for attention (as always).  I’m sure he’s leaned out during the stress of the fallout of the affair and breakup, as has Ariana.  The good ol’ Breakup Diet…

I do hope they’re all truly getting help for the toll this surely takes on one’s mental health, especially while so public.  It’s defintely gonna leave a mark that will be there for some time.  

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4 hours ago, CallmeCray said:

I do hope they’re all truly getting help for the toll this surely takes on one’s mental health, especially while so public.  It’s defintely gonna leave a mark that will be there for some time.  

Of course I do agree with you here. On the other hand though, I do often feel like even more is staged so who knows what the "reality" is. I know, at times I scare myself with conspiracy theories so to speak. I'm torn between feeling sorry for them because it's their lives ( and our gossip) but then I do wonder how much is just happening in real life.

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On 4/25/2023 at 3:51 PM, Polliwollidoodle said:

Anyway, I want to say that if LVP and Arianna are going there, invited, then gimmeabreak but if this is the White House Correspondents' Dinner- I might have to really question what the media does when reporting important political stuff.

The White House Correspondents' Dinner has always been a sleazy MSM circle jerk. If memory serves, President Wilson started it as a way to get chummy with the media in order to get more favorable coverage from them.

23 hours ago, Bossa Nova said:

This past week was episode 12 (April 26). My guess is this season will be LONG with many more episodes to air, perhaps up to 8 or more ? Even before the reunion. My reasoning is in Real Housewives' franchises when a season is particularly good, popular, exciting, ratings high, a season can go 20 or more episodes.

I remember the one year RHoA had 236 episodes in a season!

Edited by Gharlane
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5 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

I do wonder how much is just happening in real life.

These people appear to behave as they always have, even considering producer shenanigans. The only one that has shown an obvious 180 is rachel/raquel. Quite astounding actually. At the moment, I believe the theory that the egomaniac tom gets a good deal of credit for the sexually charged portrayal of r/r's "make moves on all men" as a cover and the cocky crap coming out of her mouth. I think he had a grand plan to remove Ariana and replace her with a more compliant female (younger) in a way he would come out looking good and maintain his "brand".

We see him planting seeds this season-bad/depressed Ariana. He gets caught red-handed and the plan is destroyed. His public talking about Ariana's mental health on the mandel podcast is really low and his ego is tap-dancing and blaming his way out of this.

If he was smart, like Ariana, he would shut up. But he can't.

The behavior of both Romeo and Juliet (seriously, a restraining order and pr firm) has fueled the frenzied interest. They both look physically awful, (including schwartz) and he sounds unhinged.


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8 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

On the other hand though, I do often feel like even more is staged so who knows what the "reality" is.

It's fact that they went back and filmed more scenes after Scandoval broke and filming had already wrapped.  Some of the scenes, especially in this last episode, just seem waaayyyy too convenient.  Any chance that conversations that relate to what has unfolded were added after the fact?  Like was Sandoval really going around saying all this about Ariana, or was Schwartz really suddenly interested in their relationship enough to ask about it?  I see where Sandoval could be trying to pre-build an excuse for the affair, but if he truly didn't know at the time of filming that the affair would be exposed, I'm not sure he'd be saying all of this.  Hope this makes sense.  I'm just wondering if some of these scenes are supporting and creating a storyline that was not occurring during the time of filming.  

Edited by Kiki620
Added a thought.
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9 hours ago, Gharlane said:

The White House Correspondents' Dinner has always been a sleazy MSM circle jerk. If memory serves, President Wilson started it as a way to get chummy with the media in order to get more favorable coverage from them.

Probably. But the President of the United States is still there. I’ve lived on Capitol Hill for over 25 years (not in government now or ever) and I saw Bill Clinton once at The Nutcracker in the mid-90’s and that’s it.

Used to see John Bohner a lot. His DC apartment (basement garden) is by me and he used to power walk and smoke through the park to work followed by the Secret Service (I was with dog). I also know a bunch of people who worked for him so have met him (he’s a good time).

But that’s the extent of my DC power experience. 

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Holy crap, I didn’t even realize that was Kristen at the end until I watched it twice.  

Why in the hell was Rachel laughing while she said something like “it turned out so horribly wrong”?  Good God, she has no self-awareness whatsoever.  She is either exceptionally emotionally immature - as in, an INFANT - or she’s a damn sociopath.  (Yep, I’m circling back to that again 😂

Am I the only one who believes LVP fancies herself a better actress than she really is?  I wish I believed her tears.  I don’t doubt she cares very much for Ariana, but I still don’t buy ‘em.  

Seeing those clips just made me feel that much more sure Rachel and Tom will not last long at all.  He’s going to get bored of her immaturity and lack of intelligence.  The fact that she thinks he’s the shit will only get them so far.  

I think Scheana’s referring to Rachel as Ariana’s best friend was just another way to make the love triangle even more dramatic.  I don’t believe for a minute that they were closer than Ariana and Scheana.  

Edited by CallmeCray
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Look who is at the Yankees game tonight….

Ariana is living a hell of a better life than the nincompoop she left behind.


Edited by b2H
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On 4/27/2023 at 9:00 AM, Pop Tart said:

So everyone watching knows the thing has happened and is seeing as Tom and Raquel dig themselves ever deeper and deeper.


Yes! There must be Walmart security cam video at 2 a.m. of those 2 buying a shovel, clorox, latex gloves, trash bags. 

Not saying Sandoval and Raq are smart enough to plan a murder but they do appear to be stupid enough to think they could do it. 

I'm  looking forward to this whole entire Sandoval and Raq affair to go the fuck away. 2 big losers taking up screen time, my time, oxygen. 

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On 5/2/2023 at 5:51 PM, peachmangosteen said:

Just the trailer for anyone who doesn't want to wade through the article lol:

So, Sandoval cheated on Ariana before Raquel according to Scheana! Well, we heard that before, recently.

Sandoval said he would break up with Ariana, affair, or not.

Raquel acts like she is clueless. She doesn't show any remorse, she is even laughing. There is something fundamentally wrong with her. 

Kristen is coming to the additional season filming (which was filmed in March) with guns blazing!


Edited by ZettaK
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22 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

Quite the physical contrast between extra tom and ariana. Is he going for an old keith richards look?

 It seems like he aged suddenly after Scandoval broke.

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BREAKING NEWS…Andy will NOT — I repeat — will NOT fire Sandoval. 


(And in other news, water is wet.)


6 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

Quite the physical contrast between extra tom and ariana. Is he going for an old keith richards look?

He looks like shit. Either he’s not aging well, or he’s letting himself go. I’ve been watching previous seasons on Peacock, and he was not too bad looking — now, he just looks sleazy. Like somebody fresh from a 1970s disco party. 

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15 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Was Rachel Ariana’s best friend? I thought Ariana and Scheana were closer.

I do think Tom/Ariana and Raquel/James (when they were together) were close and did couple things together. At the last reunion they mentioned they had gone to Disneyland together just a few days before. When Raquel and James broke up, Ariana and Scheana were very supportive of her and I think they became closer as friends then. Which is why Ariana didn't bat too much of an eye with Raquel constantly hanging around. And why she defended her so much.

Scheana saying best friend loses it's meaning because she says that about everyone but I do think Ariana and Raquel were close.

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9 hours ago, ZettaK said:

So, Sandoval cheated on Ariana before Raquel according to Scheana! Well, we heard that before, recently.

Sandoval said he would break up with Ariana, affair, or not.

Raquel acts like she is clueless. She doesn't show any remorse, she is even laughing. There is something fundamentally wrong with her. 

Kristen is coming to the season finale filming (which was filmed in March) with guns blazing!


I am embarrassed to admit this, but I have missed Kristen. She is just the right level of crazy for BRAVO TV. Still say the best season was her stalking Tom and Arriana and dragging Miami girl into it. I am glad she will get her "I told you so" moment, even though I am sure she won't say those exact words. 





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40 minutes ago, chlban said:

I am embarrassed to admit this, but I have missed Kristen. She is just the right level of crazy for BRAVO TV. Still say the best season was her stalking Tom and Arriana and dragging Miami girl into it. I am glad she will get her "I told you so" moment, even though I am sure she won't say those exact words. 





My favorite moment was her telling the Sur assistant manager to mind her own business (might have been much stronger language than that), then defiantly lighting a cigarette. That, and her saying “I’m leaving my own damn house” when Katie and Stassi (I think) were tearing into Carter at the housewarming.

Come back, Kristen, all is forgiven, LOL.

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On 4/30/2023 at 5:52 PM, ZettaK said:

So, another three episodes before the reunion.

I could be wrong, but like the Superbowl, to build hype, I can almost see a week off prior to the Bravo Reunion of the Century?  Not that I have any idea of course.

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14 hours ago, b2H said:

Ariana is living a hell of a better life than the nincompoop she left behind.

Rooting for the Yankees is something Sandoval would do.

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3 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

BREAKING NEWS…Andy will NOT — I repeat — will NOT fire Sandoval. 


(And in other news, water is wet.)

Not that Andy deserves fairness, but... to be fair:


“Well, if we started firing people on ‘Vanderpump Rules’ for cheating there would be no cast,” he told Access Hollywood.

I'd be curious to see if that holds up, though, as far as not firing Tom.  I think his profile is only to keep going down and there is a limit at this point to how much they want to damage a brand that is now super red hot; and there's plenty of time to do so.

To me, the smart play (because seriously, who knows better than me?  Goddamnit why can't I get this excel column properly ordered!) is making sure whoever casted Max and Bret and Dayna is digging holes in a desert and try and get EVEN ONE decent new face, if not two.

Edited by Lassus
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42 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

My favorite moment was her telling the Sur assistant manager to mind her own business (might have been much stronger language than that), then defiantly lighting a cigarette. That, and her saying “I’m leaving my own damn house” when Katie and Stassi (I think) were tearing into Carter at the housewarming.

Come back, Kristen, all is forgiven, LOL.

I’m pretty sure what she said was “Suck a dick” and was promptly fired.

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1 hour ago, RoseAllDay said:

My favorite moment was her telling the Sur assistant manager to mind her own business (might have been much stronger language than that), then defiantly lighting a cigarette. That, and her saying “I’m leaving my own damn house” when Katie and Stassi (I think) were tearing into Carter at the housewarming.

Come back, Kristen, all is forgiven, LOL.

She told her to “suck a dick” I believe.

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32 minutes ago, Lassus said:

Not that Andy deserves fairness, but... to be fair:

I'd be curious to see if that holds up, though, as far as not firing Tom.  I think his profile is only to keep going down and there is a limit at this point to how much they want to damage a brand that is now super red hot; and there's plenty of time to do so.

To me, the smart play (because seriously, who knows better than me?  Goddamnit why can't I get this excel column properly ordered!) is making sure whoever casted Max and Bret and Dayna is digging holes in a desert and try and get EVEN ONE decent new face, if not two.

I don’t seem to recall Andy discussing Rachel’s future much. I mean, fair is fair here.

Andy’s comment: I don’t see Sandoval as a “person you love to hate,” which justifies keeping a lot of otherwise repellent people on these shows. He’s burned too many bridges by his overall attitude, even before the scandal. At least AFAIC. He can go, and take Schwartz with him. Also, this was a pretty long term relationship that he shat on, especially considering Ariana’s particularly vulnerable state. People tend to not look on something like that very kindly.

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Oh, I think he SHOULD go.  But I can see why in the "no such thing as bad publicity" way why they might not decide to do (or announce) that RIGHT NOW is all.

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A few pages back on this forum I posted a guess that this season would go to 20 or more episodes, to milk the scandal and ratings.  

I was wrong ! This week's episode is #13 (May 3rd), and previews of the finale have just been released by Bravo. The finale is next week, episode #14.



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I didn't expect anybody to be fired. Andy Cohen is right, nobody was ever fired for cheating.

And again, we knew the reunion would have a million parts to take advantage of ratings. Some episodes this season had double the viewership than episodes during the last couple of years!

Edited by ZettaK
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