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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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Alrighty then, here we are again!

Still hoping for a reprieve for AJ, and for Cojones.

Considering SK is leaving & RC's twitter fit, I have no hope of a reprieve for AJ. I know I shouldn't because Ron writes for Ron but I still have a flicker of hope for Cojones. The actors are comfortable together & they received some positive feedback & interests.

Can I just throw this out this one bit of personal sunshine out there...

Here goes: Even with all the crappity crap of the s/ls on my screen these past couple weeks, I am happy not to see Sabrina anywhere. Oh yesss, vera, vera, happy!

Yes, I am still waaaaaaaaaaay bitter over how they wrote Robin's exit, and NOT having that immediately followed up with more of Sabrina's "she didn't leave because of me" BS saved me from having to buy new glassware.  I know....I know those scenes are coming and I am gonna need a paper bag to breathe into during those moments but for now, I will take the sheer silliness of what we have in the What happened to Nina snorefest, and Donna Mills chewing scenery.

Oh and about that...I am kinda looking forward to Ava and Madeline having a moment or two to chat about their mutual interests *cough* hit lists *cough* 

Edited by scotlore
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Personally, even if Ben was just Dante/Britt's and not Dante/Lulu's, I don't think it mitigates what she did.  In that case, the story would be that she took a patient's sperm sample, that he only intended to have used to create a baby with his wife, and used it herself.  If a male doctor was using his own sperm to impregnate his patients without their knowledge or consent, people would (rightfully) call it assault, and there would be a demand for him to lose his license.  It should be the same in the other direction.  

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On paper I side with Lulu. And I still don't side with Britt really because I think she's delusional. But ER's performance just annoys the crud out of me.

Gigi, he's called Sonny by his first name here and there.

ETA: Unless Michael actually called him Sonny to his face? I don't think he's done that before.

Edited by ulkis


ER is so wrong for the part of Lulu. It's been a year & I swear she's getting worse.

I have to agree.  When she was first unfrozen I was holding out hope.  She's physically a better match for DZ than JMB was and she did pretty well with the confusion of the character in those first several weeks.  Since then she's just become very one-note and I haven't felt a solid connection between her and anyone other than KS. 


If a male doctor was using his own sperm to impregnate his patients without their knowledge or consent, people would (rightfully) call it assault, and there would be a demand for him to lose his license.  It should be the same in the other direction.

This. Absolutely. Britt should be in hella trouble at the hospital for this entire episode, but that will never happen.

I really like Britt with Nik. I do. However, not a fan of baby stealing Britt and I don't feel one bit of sympathy for the loss of her 'child.' Bitch, that child isn't and wasn't yours. Not ever.

No Sabrina for weeks now? Beyond heavenly. I wish she'd never return to our screens.

Carly was cracking me up today: Sonny wouldn't do this. Or something along those lines. Really? Sonny wouldn't shoot someone? Give me a break.

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Here goes: Even with all the crappity crap of the s/ls on my screen these past couple weeks, I am happy not to see Sabrina anywhere. Oh yesss, vera, vera, happy!

Yes, I am still waaaaaaaaaaay bitter over how they wrote Robin's exit, and NOT having that immediately followed up with more of Sabrina's "she didn't leave because of me" BS saved me from having to buy new glassware.  I know....I know those scenes are coming and I am gonna need a paper bag to breathe into during those moments but for now, I will take the sheer silliness of what we have in the What happened to Nina snorefest, and Donna Mills chewing scenery.

Are you me?

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I'm trying to figure out Dr. O's plan here. Going to Liz's place makes a bit of sense since it truly is the last place anyone would look for the immediate time being.
However....uhm where she is taking this crazy train...I can't even guess.  But it's Obrecht, so of course I'm glued. 

Unless there is something extra special about Ben I don't get her obsessive need to have Britt hold on to this kid. 

BestAuntEver I too am hoping Victor is tapped to pull her out of trouble and if they happen to chat about the frozen Cassadines and Robin. hey, that would be really swell too.  *grin* 

Edited by scotlore
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How much barware do I need to throw to get JMB back and to get Sam a story that doesn't involve Silas?

I wish Nik would have stayed mad at Liz for longer than two episodes.


I'll Bring you some extra barware If I can join you that's all I want too enough scenes without Silas,no convo about Silas anything without Silas for a little bit .ME characters  been stuck to Sam for 2 years now.

They let me come here, I have been lurking ,and you all think just like me. I hate the unholy now two, and I think FrankenRon are no better than Guza. horriable

 in a different way. I haven't watched today, but from what's been posted here, I will. I am very happy to finally find a group who thinks like I do. Will you still be welcoming people to the barge?

I'm trying to figure out Dr. O's plan here. Going to Liz's place makes a bit of sense since it truly is the last place anyone would look for the immediate time being.

However....uhm where she is taking this crazy train...I can't even guess.  But it's Obrecht, so of course I'm glued.

I assume Dr. O has plans to figuratively throw Liz off a parapet for ruining Britt's happiness.  

Plus, it puts Liz in a position where Prince Nik has to rescue her, ramping up the Niz, which blech.

Edited by TeeVee329

I believe it's still speculation at this point. SK was still taping through Friday I think so AJ will be on screen, presumably, for at least another month or so. I really hope they don't kill him off.

Yesterday was SK's last day. He tweeted about it & thanked the fans of GH & AJ. One tweet was cryptic to me. I'll see if I can find it, so you brilliant people can let me know whether I was over thinking it.

Coming from TWoP also...

I really wanted to create a thread about Liz because she has to be one of the most polarizing characters on this show but I'm just not clever enough to come up with a title. I understand wanting to keep everything in one thread, but the Liz wars can tend to take over sometimes.

I love the idea of a spoiler thread.

Edited by DanaMB

Coming from TWoP also...

I really wanted to create a thread about Liz because she has to be one of the most polarizing characters on this show but I'm just not clever enough to come up with a title. I understand wanting to keep everything in one thread, but the Liz wars can tend to take over sometimes.

I love the idea of a spoiler thread.

If there is a Liz thread, I'd like to put my request out there to not use the word "slut" in the title, as I know has been thrown out there.  Personally, I find it offensive and misogynistic, with no place in good fun snark.  

  • Love 3

This is all I could find on SK's twitter:

@seankanan: Thanks 2 all the GH fans who have supported me and AJ over the years. You make it all possible & worthwhile. Sorry 4 any disappointment.

Does he think HE disappointed us???

Sorry got distracted by real world stuff. That's the one. I kept trying to think if he thought he disapponted us as well or whether he was slying warning us about his upcoming exit storylines.


Maybe they're in suits because sonny and Ava are getting married?

I'm convinced Sonny and Ava will get married. Let me just say upfront, I have no interest in watching this pairing mainly because it would include Sonny. Having said that though, this marriage could have a lot of potential for drama and storyline.

Sonny believes he's married Ava so the two cannot testify against each other about AJ's shooting. Ava, of course, knows she's the one who actually killed Connie and figures Sonny can't testify against her if anyone actually finds out about that.

There could be potential with all of this, but RC doesn't have a  bit of talent and thus this will end up to be the same clusterfuck as all the other storylines on this show.

Maybe they're in suits because sonny and Ava are getting married?


If, and I hope to god that this never EVER happens (I will sell my soul to the devil and do whatever I have to short of murder to make it from being so), I highly doubt Morgan is going to dress up and attend. Sorry, I just don't believe that one for a second. He's not going to be all "Congrats, Dad! Wish you and my girlfriend the best!"

Another refugee from TWoP - constant lurker, occassional poster.

I have to admit that I liked that Liz actually looked like a mom who had just gotten her kids off to school. It's a small thing but I'll take what I can get.

Still of the opinion that Detective West is actully Nina's son. Here's a theory - teenage pregnancy & Madeline decided to raise him as her own. Nina wanted to tell him the truth but Madeline refused leading to either: Madeline trying to kill Nina and framing Silas or Nina actually did try to kill herself and Madeline is still framing him.

Ooh, maybe the father is one of the Cassadines, which is why Nina was at the same place as Stavros and Helena! Still do not believe for one second that Nina is actually dead.

Greetings! Another TWOPer who was entirely in lurk mode there and so glad to join you all here. GH without snark is not for me!

As to this purported wedding of Ava and Sonny (ugh) - where is Olivia in all this? She would have to be told explicitly that Sonny shot AJ and only by marrying Ava would he be protected from prosecution and she is going to buy into all this? The level of shrieking we could expect would be breathtaking. Nah - I don't think its going to happen...

I watch the show these days mostly for Brik (no Niz please!) as it were and Juliexis. So glad not to see Sabrina, Patrick or Felix recently - I don't like any of those characters much. Preferred the previous Lulu and enjoy tremendously Dr. O in all her nefarious machinations.



Still of the opinion that Detective West is actully Nina's son. Here's a theory - teenage pregnancy & Madeline decided to raise him as her own. Nina wanted to tell him the truth but Madeline refused leading to either: Madeline trying to kill Nina and framing Silas or Nina actually did try to kill herself and Madeline is still framing him.

Ooh, maybe the father is one of the Cassadines, which is why Nina was at the same place as Stavros and Helena! Still do not believe for one second that Nina is actually dead.

I've been guessing that Nina was West's mother and Silas was the father. Coma baby? But I don't watch the show every day, so I might have missed some critical info (like dates, etc.).

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