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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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I was sure AJ would suddenly wake up a la Matthew Buchanan. But no such luck. They really killed him. Why???? So Sonny could win again? I really want Carly to go straight to the cops or at the very least, tell Michael what AJ REALLY said. But naturally neither of those things will happen because she wants to protect Sonny. And he'll whine to her about how AJ was choking Connie, I mean Ava, and how he just had no choice. He HAD to shoot him! Surely Carly of all people understands the problem, right? And Michael will hate him if he knows the truth. Which will just destroy Sonny. And we mustn't have that.

Now pardon me while I go lose my lunch...

This almost exactly what I posted over at TWoP. Except I forgot about the moobster whining part. Great minds and all that, Sake!

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I am still not thinking AJ is really dead. In fact I would bank on the idea that he is not. MB has a contract coming up and having the "Dead" AJ return in a few months would give them an easy out if MB wants to jump ship to Y&R. Even if he does not a re-cast AJ along with a re-cast Jason lets Ron play out the Cain and Able story that he wanted to when SK first signed.

I think we have six months to a year before AJ returns.

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I saw someone mention, at this point Silas is getting as much airtime mourning NoName as Patrick did Robin.

And he'll get tons more airtime mourning NoName than Monica will get mourning the death of her 4th child.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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I have already said my peace about the AJ death over at TWOP (while we still have it).

I am just too angry and depressed about it and what has been done to the Quartermaine family on the show.
It just didn't have to be this way.

I know that there is no such thing as "death" on a soap so I can be hopeful about AJ tomorrow, or next week. But not today. 

Edited by scotlore
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What's a little ridiculous about Silas' grief is that...it's been TWENTY years.  He, as the cold-as-ice doctor we first met ("Your kid has cancer, laters!"), would know her coma was practically irreversible.  And it's not like the lingering hope she would come back to him kept him from macking all over Sam.  

In conclusion, his grief is hollow as hell, just like the character himself.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I posted over on TWOP about this ad nauseum, but I just have to say it here too.  I am just SICK about what happened to AJ today, and can only hope that this is an epic fakeout and AJ is alive and being treated somewhere, because there is no sense in this

And not justice to a character who was crapped all over for miost of his adult life.  He was innocent, nobody knows this but him.  Sonny shot him, unarmed and in cold blood and will probably get away with it.  AJ got nothing out of this.

Both AJ Quartermaine and Sean Kanan got a bum deal in all of this.  While it breaks my heart to see Sean leave, I would like to at least know that AJ got out of this unscathed too.  To have him be truly dead after coming back from the dead only a year and a half ago is a huge slap in the face.  It would have hurt less to never bring him back than to bring back the actor who made this character shine and then dump on both of them.  Sigh.

Once SK last airs, I'll be done with GH too, but I'd like to check in with the boards anyway.  TWOp is leaving us too, but I'm glad to see you guys here.  Let the snark live on...and for cripes sake, let AJ live on too!!!

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Today's show was drek. Where was the Julexis? I was so pissed it opened with the day AFTER.  I want more sexy times.

FFed through everything but Julian and Sam. .


Sorry to anyone reading here and TWoP for my repetitiveness, but I am balancing both worlds for now. 

Edited by DanaMB
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I don't understand what motivation Carly would have to protect Sonny in this situation. She looks out for herself and it would be in her best interest to tell Michael the truth before he founds out some other way. She doesn't even have to "snitch" she can just make sure he "accidentially" overhears her talking about it with Sonny. 

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So, lemme get this straight.....AG's idea of how to portray EVULLUKE is to always let his mouth hang open, and color his lips Jungle Red, while not blinking.  Oh, and now and then he says a bad word.  And doesn't blink.  And lets his mouth hang open......Wanna bet this will be his next Emmy Reel, when it should be his application tape for a locked ward?

Luke as a character is so done, so over.  Almost as much as AG is as an actor.

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What's a little ridiculous about Silas' grief is that...it's been TWENTY years.  He, as the cold-as-ice doctor we first met ("Your kid has cancer, laters!"), would know her coma was practically irreversible.  And it's not like the lingering hope she would come back to him kept him from macking all over Sam.  

In conclusion, his grief is hollow as hell, just like the character himself.

Well said.  WHY are we supposed to care about a character we've never met being mourned by a character we barely know?  And his grief - gimme a break.  He was ready to jump Ms. Morgan's bones without even mentioning her, and now he's oh so sad like a lil' puppy...


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Sonny got to close the 50th anniversary which was no surprise at all but if you wanted someone to close the year instead of Sonny? I am not sure how to view the entire year without feeling like they tried everything but nothing stick out for me. I wonder what do you think about this year for GH? 

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I don't understand what motivation Carly would have to protect Sonny in this situation. She looks out for herself and it would be in her best interest to tell Michael the truth before he founds out some other way. She doesn't even have to "snitch" she can just make sure he "accidentially" overhears her talking about it with Sonny. 

Well, that would make sense if we looked at Carly's history.  But, Ron's idea is to say, "Fuck You, GH History!" and write PodCarly.


Also, cross-posting this with TWOP:


After tomorrow, I am done for a while.  I will still be here and at the new place to share your snark, eyerolls, anger and disgust and I will have AJ live on in my story, but I just can't take it any longer.  Like a well known story from the 2000's Llanview, I'm starting to see red when I see FrankenRon.  And I may be willing to do the same thing that character did.

And one last question.  Will we still be having the barge here as well?  And how do I make a long-term booking?

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Well said.  WHY are we supposed to care about a character we've never met being mourned by a character we barely know?  And his grief - gimme a break.  He was ready to jump Ms. Morgan's bones without even mentioning her, and now he's oh so sad like a lil' puppy...


boes!!!! You are the same boes that I see on Serial Drama, right? riiiiiight?!

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Re: Silas/ Coma wife/ Donna Mills/ Hot detective

I'm sorry but who are these people?

/Dowager Countess

I so need Maggie Smith to come and bitchslap half this cast and TIIC.


On second thought, I don't want them to get their grubby paws on her.

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How is Silas a character we barely know?  He's been on the canvas for close to two years now.  Of course we know him.  And it makes perfect sense that he would mourn her death.  They've given him dialogue that explains it.  He's said, I know I haven't seen her in 20 years, but this is about what happened, how I wronged her, this is my guilt.  What I did.  The fact that I knew it would happen, but never really accepted that she would die, but just thought of her in that coma.  She was just perpetually the wife he wronged, forever sleeping beauty from 20 years ago.   There is not lack of motivation here in why he's upset.   Even in the chapel, he talked about it.   This is good writing here.  

Ron sucks in many ways.  I'd run out of room listing all the ways this AJ/Sonny/Ava story sucks so very, very, very hard.  The Luke/Kiki/Tracy story is another story in extreme sucktitude, but like the character or not, find him boring or not, the beats are being played out in the Silas story.   We are getting explanations for these things.  He's a character we know, these things make sense.

Silas hasn't even been on a year. He came on in May.

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boes!!!! You are the same boes that I see on Serial Drama, right? riiiiiight?!

Tis me!  I lurked at TWOP but decided to actually post here.  VERY good to see you here!

How is Silas a character we barely know?  He's been on the canvas for close to two years now.  Of course we know him.  And it makes perfect sense that he would mourn her death.  They've given him dialogue that explains it.  He's said, I know I haven't seen her in 20 years, but this is about what happened, how I wronged her, this is my guilt.  What I did.  The fact that I knew it would happen, but never really accepted that she would die, but just thought of her in that coma.  She was just perpetually the wife he wronged, forever sleeping beauty from 20 years ago.   There is not lack of motivation here in why he's upset.   Even in the chapel, he talked about it.   This is good writing here.  

Ron sucks in many ways.  I'd run out of room listing all the ways this AJ/Sonny/Ava story sucks so very, very, very hard.  The Luke/Kiki/Tracy story is another story in extreme sucktitude, but like the character or not, find him boring or not, the beats are being played out in the Silas story.   We are getting explanations for these things.  He's a character we know, these things make sense.

While Michael Easton has been with the show,  I don't think Silas has been here that long.

But regardless, you hit the nail on the head.  The character is not only boring, but an enormous amount of airtime has been gobbled up about some offscreen character he's now mourning - an enormous amount.  And he can say it all he wants, but I'm not buying it.  But for me, even more importantly, I don't care..one..little..bit.  This, to me, is another example of Ron C. overdosing the audience on his favorites and the storylines that live in his head (oh, if only), and TELLING us what to feel rather than actually investing in characters and storylines with any depth or consistency.

But that's my take.

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As others have pointed out, until Nathan came to town and told Sam that Silas was married, Silas was perfectly happy boning her without even giving a second thought (or a first one for that matter) to his comatose wife. Whom he hadn't seen for TWENTY years! But now that she supposed to be dead, he mourns her? he cries for her? Yeah okay.

And what exactly do we know about him? That he's Steven clay's brother, he's an oncologist and had a worse bedside manner than Patrick drake. And? what else? nothing. That's what else. Until Ron decided that the 'big secret' was his coma wife.

So why exactly should we give a damn about him or his faux pain?

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What's a little ridiculous about Silas' grief is that...it's been TWENTY years.  He, as the cold-as-ice doctor we first met ("Your kid has cancer, laters!"), would know her coma was practically irreversible.  And it's not like the lingering hope she would come back to him kept him from macking all over Sam.  

I give him some leeway for being upset by her death.  I can see someone sort of locking all that inside because there was no other option and then having it resurface when the reality of their actual passing set it.  That said, what I can't really forgive is how the show seems to have conveniently forgotten that we were told the reason that Nina's family took decisions about Nina's medical care away from Silas is because he wanted her removed from life support, and they got a court order blocking him from doing that.  In other words, if Silas had gotten his way, she'd have been dead for decades. 

I totally get being upset that she died--but I don't get why there isn't even some small acknowledgment that she's finally at peace, no longer locked in that facility, where she would have wanted to be, any or all of the above, etc.  I mean, come on.  Anyone who has ever lost a relative who was not really with us for some time before they technically died understands that there is sorrow, but there's also a sense of relief, particularly if you believe the person was suffering or in a condition they would not have wanted to be in. 

I assume we're not getting that point of view expressed because not-dead-Nina is on her way back soon, and it's not so cool to have your romantic hero talking about how he would have pulled the plug on his wife years ago seconds before said not-dead wife waltzes back in healthy, gorgeous and suffering no apparent side effects of her decades of immobility.  Yay.

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Terribly sad and pissed about the death of AJ.  So many thoughts, though.  

1) What horrific crap will we have to endure while Carly tries to decide what to do about knowing Sonny shot AJ?  Is she going to blackmail him?  For what??  Is she going to tell him for like the eleventy-fortieth time to stay away from her kids?  Is she going to cry to Franco about it?  Never mind - I already don't care.

2) Is it going to take the ghost of AJ to clear up who actually killed Connie?  Or are we just going to forget about it?  Way to ruin what could have been an interesting and riveting storyline, involving several of the main characters. 

2a) Will the revelation that AJ was actually innocent of killing Connie combined with breaking his promise to Michael drive Sonny to madness?  (I hope, oh, I hope. I hope so hard.)  Who will he kill to make himself feel better?

3) If Sonny really only imports coffee, why does he have to be a gangster?  Why can't he just be, I don't know, a non-gangster coffee importer? 

I started watching B&B last week, after only ever being an ABCD watcher, just to see what it was like, and I think I might stick with it for a while.  Their doors actually shut without shaking the entire "wall".

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Sorry, I mistyped.  Silas has been here a year, not two, but a year is still long enough to know a character.  As for the above quote, not true.  It's only the last few months that Sam and Silas have been involved in a sexual relationship, and it's not that shocking that a newly sexual couple are going to be sexually active a lot.   Prior to that, Silas had been working on saving Danny's life, supporting Sam, being a good friend to her and trying to find out what was going on with Kiki (ugh). 

And he has not hogged up a lot of airtime, as someone who has watched the show at times mostly because of Sam and Silas, trust me, beyond the past few weeks, there have only been a few stretches where we have seen much of Silas.  He is far from an airhog on this show.

I'm not trying to be this show's defender, I know it's mostly crap.  I just don't think personally that Sam and Silas are part of that crap.  I happen to think ME/KeMo have fantastic chemistry still (and the office sex scene recently was hot as hell), McBam I did like better, but I find this whole story interesting and I want to see what's going to come up it.

I don't see it myself but so what - plenty of folks do see chemistry with Sam and Silas.  All I see is McBain and he was never a favorite of mine.  But you like them and that's a good thing.

I do agree that neither one of them individually, or them as couple approach the vortex of suckage that is Franco/Carly or Michael/Kiki - or especially the Orange Glow Moobster and the Abondonza Queen of Italian Stereotyping, Dullivia. 

I do think, though, that Nina -dead or alive or hiding out in the freezer at the local 7/11 has eaten up an enormous amount of screentime.  This is a non-character, never on the show, invented, I guess, to make us feel sympathy for what is still really a newbie, or at least, a not-ver-well-known character.  It feels forced and it feels false to me.  And it's one of those "get on with it" moments too.  Silas and his grief seem about as immediate to General Hospital as overhearing a phone conversation on the train does to anyone's real life.  It's like when my mother would go on and on - and on - about some neighbor who I'd never met and their tragedy.  Yap yap yap.

Ron C. did this on OLTL too.  He'd introduce a character - think the horrid Ford Brothers - and then overdose them with backstory and wonder why nobody watching gave a rats ass.

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approach the vortex of suckage that is Franco/Carly or Michael/Kiki - or especially the Orange Glow Moobster and the Abondonza Queen of Italian Stereotyping, Dullivia. 


This? had me rolling. Still laughing here. Especially at the "Abondanza", though I feel that's insulting to the Celeste Pizza Nonna! Hee.

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This quote from Jane Elliott's  interview with TV Guide makes me sad:

Plus, Luke has fallen head over heels in love with her and that just doesn't happen. Nobody falls for Tracy! And there's nobody else left in her life. Her family is decimated. Well, Monica is still around but she's annoying. With Luke, Tracy also gets Dante and Lulu and the baby. She wants family. She wants to belong.


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Re: Easton and KeMo:

I did see a lot of chemistry from Easton and KeMo when they were on Port Charles, but they were also really different characters, with much more defined motivations, particularly Easton's.    His character was actually driving storylines.

I think the problem for me is that Easton's last 2 characters, Silas and McBain, had such dreary back stories that just weighed down the character too much.

As McBain the only time I ever saw Easton perk up and come alive was when he was working against other male actors (Howarth, St. John, Woods), where he wasn't having to do the "woe is me" crap around them like he'd do around OLTL's Natalie and (and as Silas) KeMo's Sam. It just bored me silly.  

On the other hand, as Caleb, he had a long history with earlier incarnations of "Livvie"  and he was also a much more proactive (and yes, evil) character. He was plotting and planning, and scheming, and yes romancing/seducing Livvie.  
But as Silas and McBain, he's more reactive than proactive (no driving of any storylines here on GH) and you have that "woe is me" 20 years of guilt thing happening again yet another gal is propping him up, and I am I OVER IT.     If they want me to like Silas they have to move him on to something else. Maybe instead of the Nina snoozefest we could see him work to develop the woefully undeveloped Rafe and even actually return to s/l that have him working at GH more and interacting with people there.  I dunno. 

Re: Jane Elliot. I love her and always will. She is one of my favorites.  Her comments make me sad too. And though since Tracy's boys are off-screen and she is experiencing some obvious empty nest syndrome, (which I have kind of fanwanked as what drives her motivation to cling to Luke and his family) unlike Monica tragically, Tracy can still phone her sons or go see them.  And with her disappointment with Luke, well Tracy can get in line behind his kids and Laura, lol.  But from an acting standpoint I totally get it.  While Elliot gets much more screen time than Charleson, (which ain't sayin much for a vet) all they really have her do these days is kind of satellite other people's story lines.  

If nothing else, with the "death" of AJ I hope they have Elliot start working a lot more with Charleson again and maybe they team up to deal with the loss and maybe figure out what is up with notLuke rather than throwing that s/l to Kiki and whomever.  

Edited by scotlore
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If I was Monica, I'd give serious thought to starting to drink again. Her whole damned family has been murdered.

Yep, Guza is probably somewhere happy that Ron has continued to finish what he started.

That JE statement is sad & shows the pitiful dissemated state of the Q family

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Hey, folks!  Welcome to the PTV forums!  Glad to have you here and chatting!  Just to clarify, since this is new to most, the "Small Talk" thread is intended for the "off-topic" chitter chatter, like discussing your personal lives and whatnot.  Discussion directly related to show content should go in episode specific threads, or threads created for various other topics (characters, etc.).

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Again, welcome!

Do we have to create different threads for each episode? We were kind of hoping to just have one continuing thread to discuss the show and then separate threads for specific characters, etc.

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Do we have to create different threads for each episode? We were kind of hoping to just have one continuing thread to discuss the show and then separate threads for specific characters, etc.

Sake, I created a General Discussion thread. You can't miss it. It's called "General Discussion: TFGH." Very apropos, wouldn't you agree?

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This is disquieting because for the first time....ever...they are writing Sonny as a villain. Not dark, edgy or misunderstood and moody. There is no "Sonny's POV". There is only one right in all this and Sonny doesn't have a leg to stand on. He has become irredeemable, something I thought I'd never see.

There is no coming back from this, no sweeping it under the rug andnosugarcoating it. Sonny murdered an unarmed man, hands in the air, in cold blood.

Edited by BetteBoo
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This is disquieting because for the first time....ever...they are writing Sonny as a villain. Not dark, edgy or misunderstood and moody. There is no "Sonny's POV". There is only one right in all this and Sonny doesn't have a leg to stand on. He has become irredeemable, something I thought I'd never see.

There is no coming back from this, no sweeping it under the rug andnosugarcoating it. Sonny murdered an unarmed man, hands in the air, in cold blood.

I believe, and said so on the other site} that Sonny will face charges, claim he was protecting Ava who will eyefuck everyone on the jury and Sonny will {naturally} be acquitted.

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This is disquieting because for the first time....ever...they are writing Sonny as a villain. Not dark, edgy or misunderstood and moody. There is no "Sonny's POV". There is only one right in all this and Sonny doesn't have a leg to stand on. He has become irredeemable, something I thought I'd never see.

There is no coming back from this, no sweeping it under the rug andnosugarcoating it. Sonny murdered an unarmed man, hands in the air, in cold blood.

I think when all is said and done, yes, Sonny will have been the one to shoot AJ, but someone like Shaun or Carlos will be shown to have done something while AJ was in the coma and that's what really killed him. 

One way or another, they'll figure out a way for Sonny to skate.

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I think when all is said and done, yes, Sonny will have been the one to shoot AJ, but someone like Shaun or Carlos will be shown to have done something while AJ was in the coma and that's what really killed him. 

One way or another, they'll figure out a way for Sonny to skate.

Cause Sonny must always skate.

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Hey, folks!  Welcome to the PTV forums!  Glad to have you here and chatting!  Just to clarify, since this is new to most, the "Small Talk" thread is intended for the "off-topic" chitter chatter, like discussing your personal lives and whatnot.  Discussion directly related to show content should go in episode specific threads, or threads created for various other topics (characters, etc.).

FEEL FREE TO START NEW THREADS.  You do not have to get approval to do that.  In fact, it would help us out if you would start threads for episodes, topics, characters, etc.  Feel free to check out the Forum Primer if you have question or aren't sure how to do something.

Again, welcome!

Hi, all! Just a reminder that General Discussions is for talking about the show - Small Talk is the off-topic thread. Thanks!

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I'm. Bestest, I live in the south, I'm in healthcare & have one daughter.

I'm curious as to how posters came up with their screen names.

When I joined TWoP I couldn't think of anything cleaver. One of my nieces was 3ish at the time & would tell me " Auntie ****, you are the bestestauntever". It didn't matter what I did big or small I was the bestestauntever constantly. I would say you mean best aunt ever & she would just nod & say "yes, the bestestauntever"

So after lurking for a year & not being witty enough to come up with a good name, I picked bestestauntever.

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