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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)

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I guessed Lerner & Loeb at first, and then realized that not only were they playwrights, but I'd misnamed one.

I guessed Lipowicz and Loeb, finally realized it was Leopold just in time to learn it was wrong anyway.  The Rosenbergs sort of vaguely crossed my mind and Sacco/Vanzetti didn't occur to me.  I would like to see the movie about the Rosenbergs that Prevailing Wind mentioned.


I also like Addison.  His hair is okay with me. I thought he looked very hipsterish.


Yesterday the site was very wide on my desktop computer, today it's back to normal.





I said Bonnie and Clyde. It didn't really make sense but they were a pair so I went with it.

They were also the first pair that came to my mind, then realized all those bullet holes in them prevented them even getting to trial.

Edited by Trey
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Well, I had heavy rain coming from exactly the wrong direction last night, and the channel on which I watch Jeopardy had the dreaded "Searching for signal" for most of the Jeopardy round.  (Damn you, DirecTV!  Still better than Comcast though.)  Upon checking J!Archive, I determined that the only answers I would've missed were ruby port (even though I have a friend who drinks port, but the tawny kind) and the capital of Tahiti.


I was disappointed that they didn't finish the Colin Firth category.


I did get the FJ.  Started to say Sacco & Vanzetti but then thought (wrongly, as it turned out) that they were 19th century and changed my answer to the Rosenbergs in time.

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Yeah, that was just odd, especially the pregnant pause at the end before she described how the sound guy turned her on.

A past-her-due date pregnant pause. I was starting to feel bad for her because I thought she had frozen up. However, she seems like a very nice person. I liked how happy she was for Addison getting the two DDs right.


I didn't mind his hair, probably because he's so likable and smart. I also enjoy people who are so enthusiastic about particular subjects, like architecture in this case.


I also liked Jenny and was disappointed she didn't do better, esp when she had such a great start. I think Addison was often better on the buzzer.


For FJ I went with Sacco & Vanzetti, though I also considered the Rosenbergs. I was pretty confident, too. Oh well.

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Interesting that Trebek said there were two possible answers for FJ yet here we've come up with three. Sacco and Vanzetti, the Rosenbergs and Leopold and Loeb. Four if you count Lerner and Lowe.


Hey, I lived in Ohio for five years while in college and never heard of the Leo Petroglyphs. Go figure. Safe travels, Wind!


I'm not hating Addison for his hair. I just keep staring at it and I'm not sure that's a good thing. I do like me a smart man, however, crazy hair or no.


This forum was all whack for me yesterday, too, and I was surprised no one mentioned it all day. Back to normal today, thank goodness. It was like they were thinking about putting in advertising links.


And yes, there was a Colin Firth category yesterday, with easy answers for anyone who likes movies.

Edited by saber5055
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Damn, why couldn't I have gotten an entire Colin Firth category.


My first thought was Leopold and Loeb but I knew it was wrong because they were the only ones who went on trial.  I did a report on famous kidnappings in high school so I know quite a lot about L&L. 

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There was a Colin Firth category? Of all the nights to go out to dinner and forget to set the DVR! Did he read any of the answers?

No, that would have been awesome, though.

I got the Rosenbergs by sheer luck, because I don't know any of those other possibilities. Ignorance pays, sometimes.

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Forum issues are discussed here for those interested (or for future reference, because the changes are not done yet).
I got the Rosenbergs right away but then spent the rest of the think music stressing about whether first names were necessary. I had no guess for Mr. and was only somewhat sure on Ethel.

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Forum issues are discussed here for those interested (or for future reference, because the changes are not done yet).


I got the Rosenbergs right away but then spent the rest of the think music stressing about whether first names were necessary. I had no guess for Mr. and was only somewhat sure on Ethel.

You'd only need the first names if if were the Carsons.

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Gah! I was so close on FJ! At first, I was stuck on something with stars. One of the studios used "more stars than there are in heaven" and Wilde had a line like "we're all living in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars." And just as time ran out, I got it.


Still annoyed at missing the Colin Firth category. Granted, no as much now that I know he didn't read the answers. But still!

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I know I'm old 50+ when I didn't know most of the answers in the music category (Imagine Dragons?). I did know Bohemian Rhapsody so good for me!

The new champion seems laidback and has a retro look about him. Hipster dude's reply of "Butterfly McQueen" had me in stitches.

Edited by pandora spocks
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WTH, the line from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock was a TS? WTH!

I have never read The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock and I got it - Michelangelo just seemed to fit - it certainly rhymed.


I am sorry Addison lost but Chris is fine too - and easy on the eyes:).  I liked the doctor in the middle too.


I have never heard of Art for Art's Sake connected with Oscar Wilde and I thought I knew  a reasonable amount about him.  Guess I have more reading to do.


And they had a map/picture of Yellowstone?  Really?  I was also amazed that no one knew The Road Not Taken. 

I said Wood Buffalo National Park but it turns out that is in Northern Alberta.

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Glad Hipster Hair Dude is gone. His buzzer flailing was distracting. I hope that gal in the middle gets rid of her Valley Girl speak before she starts practicing medicine. Not really a confidence builder in your doctor.

I like Chris. He's a stealth contestant - answers calmly, quickly, doesn't annoy the living hell out of me, and BAM! all of a sudden he's got a substantial amount of cash.

I, too, knew Bohemian Rhapsody. And I guessed Michelangelo cuz it rhymed.

That Yellowstone clue should have been a $200 clue in the Kid's Tournament.

I totally crapped out on FJ. All I could think of was The Show Must Go On, which has too many words.

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I missed last night’s episode because of basketball, so after commentary here I was expecting something like a Flock of Seagulls hairdo on Addison.  Instead it looks like something I see regularly.


My neighbors must often wonder why I’m yelling something odd at this time of night, and tonight it was “Macadamias!”


I guessed NYDJ was Not Your Dad’s Jeans; I should have known from “age-appropriate” it was something meant to tell women what they can and cannot wear.  (Although, yeah, I’m in the market for jeans that have a zipper more than two inches long … due to body type, not age.)


Michelango was surprising as a TS.  Poetry is often a weak area for contestants – and certainly is for me – but I figured someone would get that one either by knowing the poem or figuring it out from the portion given in the clue.  The Road Not Taken was even more surprising to me as a TS.


Dorothea Lange is another TS that surprised me.  As was cioppino.


The Butterfly McQueen answer cracked me up.  I freely admit I had no idea what the Cars character was named, but I knew it wasn’t the actor who played Scarlett’s maid!


I got FJ since I know a fair bit about classic Hollywood and MGM history in particular.

Edited by Bastet
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For FJ, I came up with "Son of a bitch."  That's four words...and it certainly applied to the legend of Louis B. Mayer...


I  like the new champion.  OF COURSE he got the National Park question.  He worked in Death Valley in 30s garb, no less!!

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I didn't know FJ. My answer was "Always leave them guessing." That made no sense, but at least it had four words!


Butterfly McQueen was a hilarious answer. Addison knew it was wrong right away, but I'm glad he said it.


I guess I need to stop saying "macadamian nuts." I really thought that was a word.


I'm sorry Addison didn't stay longer. But I like Chris and hope he hangs around for a while.

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Sacco & Vanzetti.  I am in awe that all of you bandy about those names like they're famous or something!  I can honestly say I've never heard of them.  Guess that part of my brain got eaten away, if indeed I'd ever had knowledge of them.  On to Wikipedia!


I knew it wasn't Leopold & Loeb because I'm oddly fascinated by the case and know way too much about them.  I figured the Rosenbergs, but I thought Alex was way off base saying there were only two choices.  Way more "notorious" duos than two.


Also, I caught the Pompous Corrector of Pronunciations saying "Devon-SHIRE" instead of "Devon-shurr" -- I was gently corrected several times by English cabbies (when I was staying at Devonshire House Hotel). I ordinarily excuse people who don't say words right, since so many of us read places and words and never have a chance to say them.  But Alex is such a butt about correcting anyone who makes those slip-ups that I had a nice moment of schadenfreude correcting him from my couch.


Addison's hair didn't bother me.  He reminded me of one of my nephews who marches to the beat of his own drummer, and I kind of appreciated the hair.  My nephew, BTW, is a professional glassblower.


Chris looks to me to be from Central Casting, for a cleancut, slightly goofy, second lead.  I was surprised to hear him say that Death Valley is the hottest place on earth.  I would have thought somewhere in the Middle East would have that honor.  But he worked there, I'll trust him on it.

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I said Wood Buffalo National Park but it turns out that is in Northern Alberta.



Oh, you gotta be from Canada to even know that place. And yeah, they even colored Yellowstone YELLOW on that map.

Also, I caught the Pompous Corrector of Pronunciations saying "Devon-SHIRE" instead of "Devon-shurr"


That's the best title for Trebek yet. I wish you had been on the show so you could have corrected him. Trebek irritates me no end when he puts a heavy accent on the one foreign word in a long English sentence. Devonshire must be the only place in the universe he hasn't been.

I was expecting something like a Flock of Seagulls hairdo on Addison.



This cracked me up. I'm sorry Addison is gone. His "Butterfly McQueen" answer was the best, and he's only the second person I've known with the name "Addison." The first being Addison Montgomery.

My nephew, BTW, is a professional glassblower.



I'm sure he knows to keep his hair well back from the flame!


No way would I ever have gotten FJ even if I had all year to guess or make something up. I still don't know what the answer is, someone's "motto" just doesn't stick in my head. (Although I do like some of the answers you guys came up with.)


I have heard of Sacco & Vanzetti so at least I have that ...

Edited by saber5055
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That's the best title for Trebek yet. I wish you had been on the show so you could have corrected him. Trebek irritates me no end when he puts a heavy accent on the one foreign word in a long English sentence. Devonshire must be the only place in the universe he hasn't been.

The funny thing is, he puts a heavy accent on those foreign words so he sounds all proper/official/pompous, but he doesn't necessarily pronounce them properly. I can't remember what the word was, but there was some Italian word in a clue and he put on an Italian accent for it, but then pronounced it incorrectly.

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First time I've watched in ages, but thought Final Jeopardy was just unfair.
I think they'd have gotten it if he'd asked either for a "four-word translation of the motto" or a "three-word motto."

MGM never showed it in English.  I don't know the Wilde association either.

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This cracked me up. I'm sorry Addison is gone. His "Butterfly McQueen" answer was the best, and he's only the second person I've known with the name "Addison." The first being Addison Montgomery.


Not Addison DeWitt, the venomous fishwife from All About Eve!!!

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WTH, the line from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock was a TS? WTH!

IDK, I only read that once, in high school (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth) and have little memory of any of the lines, so I had no clue on that one, except that Michelangelo rhymed.  So I took a guess.

I had no idea on FJ, however.

Edited by proserpina65
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FJ was a mystery to me. All I could come up with was sucre and that's not even the right word.

I understand why the champ would think Jon Stewart would say it, but I'm still surprised that no one got Will Rogers.

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Glad Chris won again. I was terrified that Slower Than Molasses in January Sally was going to win.

Will Rogers as a TS was sad. Since when is exodus the same as exile? Must be a new definition by that autistic diabetic judge.

I've listened to Man of La Mancha more than a few times over the years and still didn't get FJ.

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Delinquent doesn't make much sense in the phrase they were going for.




Oh, and what?  The smaller of the two countries on the Iberian Peninsula?


I guess Andorra is officially chopped liver then!

Edited by The Wild Sow
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I got Dulcinea right away (I live in a community where Spanish is used quite a bit, so I've picked up a few words, mostly from food and advertisements).  So Dulce was an automatic, and then Dulcinea from that.


However, I blush to admit I had no idea it was from Don Quixote and thought it was from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Which I know makes no sense at all, but ... there you have it.

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This cracked me up. I'm sorry Addison is gone. His "Butterfly McQueen" answer was the best, and he's only the second person I've known with the name "Addison." The first being Addison Montgomery.


It's an inescapable name if you're around little girls under age 10. 

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However, I blush to admit I had no idea it was from Don Quixote and thought it was from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Which I know makes no sense at all, but ... there you have it.

Dulcinea, Desdemona ... Maybe their last names were Carson and you'll have to be more specific.

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Glad Chris won again. I was terrified that Slower Than Molasses in January Sally was going to win.

I wouldn't say she was slower than molasses. She took a tad longer than I like for her to choose a category, but it wasn't as slow as some others have been.


Since when is exodus the same as exile? Must be a new definition by that autistic diabetic judge.


That one really annoyed me. I'll have to rewatch, but I thought they were asking for the person, like "an exile." A person is not called "an exodus."


I also didn't like their accepting delinquent for derelict. Does anyone say "delinquent in their duties?" No.


I didn't get FJ. I'm not completely familiar with Man of La Mancha, haven't read Don Quixote, and my Spanish is not the greatest.


I'm glad Chris won. I like his demeanor.

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Does anyone say "delinquent in their duties?" No.

People can be "delinquent in their payments" but I don't remember the wording of the clue to see if that would fit.


There were probably a few TS's but the one that really surprised me was the one in "Metal" where they were given magnetite but none of them could come up with iron.


Craig started so well I thought he might come out on top but he lost steam somewhere along the way. 


Re FJ, one of my first thought was Sancho Panza before I remembered "dulce" for sweet, so I was gratified that I was at least somewhere in the ballpark - out in left field of course, but at least in the ballpark.

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I got home late, so FJ was all that I saw.  It helps if you listen to the Original B'way Cast recording of Man of La Mancha.  "Dulcinea" is favorite song from the show.

I knew it because of the Quantum Leap episode where Sam leaps into an actor in a production of Man of La Mancha.  His version of "Dulcinea" is wonderful.  Plus, I've eaten a lot of dulce de leche ice cream in my time.

Will Rogers as a TS was sad.


I said "Jon Stewart" too - just goes to show how little has changed in American politics.

Dulcinea, Desdemona ... Maybe their last names were Carson and you'll have to be more specific.

Esmeralda, actually, but still pretty exotic.

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I couldn't remember 'dulce', so I spent far too long trying to think of a character that sounded like 'azucar', which is 'sugar'.  Then I gave up on that and just started going through Spanish literature.  Luckily that thought process was just a quick "El Cid...no...Don Quixote...no...oh, wait..."

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Dulcinea was a no-brainer for me, maybe because I had a horse named "Dulce" when i was a kid, plus have seen the play Don Quixote numerous times. And then there is all those years of Spanish lessons ...


Jon Stewart, yes, a good guess but for everyone to miss Will Rogers made me so sad. He is one of my favorite Americans of all time. My mom was alive when he disappeared with Wiley Post so I know all about his life, courtesy of her stories.


I don't find anything to complain about with the new champ, which, perhaps, is a complaint in itself!

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I wasn’t home last night, but just read through the clues on the archive.


The iron TS was quite surprising.  Hermit surprised me, too, as did Lawrence Taylor in the category about celebrity names (but I didn’t get Frank Ocean, either, and had to look up who he is).  And, yeah, Will Rogers.  I couldn’t come up with The Courtship of Miles Standish, either, though.  I knew it was The Courtship of Somebody, but couldn’t come up with the name.


I said exile, and am iffy on exodus being accepted.  It’s defined as a mass departure, which fits, but I think the forcible nature of exile is what makes that the proper answer (I always hear exodus used when the departure is voluntary, e.g. a group’s exodus to the suburbs).  FYI, the archive lists the wording as:  “In the 500s B.C. the Jews were in the Babylonian this type of expulsion from one’s land.”


Delinquent accepted for derelict seems even more of a stretch.  (That one was: "Someone abandoned by society; you can also be this “in your duty.”)


For FJ, I knew the Spanish word for sweet is dulce, so Dulcinea came to me quickly, but I’d have never come up with it otherwise.

Edited by Bastet
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Esmeralda, actually, but still pretty exotic.

You're right.  I've always gotten those two from Hunchback & Othello confused.  At least I kept Dulcinea straight!  Back in the 70s, I used to go to a coffee house that was owned by this elderly couple. There was a "girl singer" who would sing Aldonza's song where she denies being a lady and/or Dulcinea - and Liz ended the song with "I'm no one, I'm nothing, I'm only Aldonza the Whore."  The old folks sold the place to a young super-Christian family who objected to that word in the song.  Liz was so perturbed by that - she asked me, "What am I supposed to sing? 'I'm only Aldonza the Chippie'?"  Gee, those were crazy days.

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Chippie ... that would be a good Jeopardy question. Years ago I had a dog named Chip, and when I called him Chippie, my elderly male friend objected to me using such a vulgarity. Crazy days indeed!

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Chris reminded me so much of someone and finally it came to me - Kevin Costner!  And now he's gone.


Great game tonight, congrats to the new champ.


I knew Martin Chuzzlewit but I didn't know the whole title was the Life and Times of Martin Chuzzlewit.


I was as blank as Holly on FJ.

Edited by Trey
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I would have been kicking myself all the way home on FJ -- I knew the music, couldn't remember the number! I wonder if I wrote Beethoven's and made a scribble if I could have gotten away with it.

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