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Lisa Rinna: These are the Lips of her Life

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By your own transcript, Brandi asks/suggests a "group intervention", Lisa said "It's not like we can do an intervention on her." and Brandi counters with this, "Maybe you have an intervention with all of us...that's a way!". In plain words, LisaR said no to an intervention and Brandi then suggests/pushes for a group intervention. The intervention was Brandi's idea, not Lisa's.

Then she add that way the therapist could be the bad guy.

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Then she add that way the therapist could be the bad guy.

She did add that but she was the one to push for an intervention, not LisaR, after filling Lisa's head with all sorts of horrible outcomes for Kim. Brandi made Lisa think Kim was so far gone and desperate that she would kill Brandi then herself if Brandi did not keep up the sober lie.

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Thanks for posting the link.  I couldn't get the clip to play on my iPad last night so I gave up and went to sleep.


If LisaR does tell the story about her lunch with Brandi, they're bound to show a clip of that lunch in the episode and if they do, it will show that LisaR was the one to bring up the idea of an intervention and not Brandi.  Yes, Brandi had expressed concern about Kim.  She said she used a patch but she also said that she has not seen Kim take a drink or a pill.


There's another clip of LisaR in the car with LisaV who is driving and they're discussing Kim (what else?)  LisaR says "It's not necessarily our place to stage and intervention."   LisaV responds with "We can't do something like that, we don't even know......"  That scene is followed by LisaV's TH and she says "If LisaR questions Kim's sobriety, she's playing with fire."


ETA:  Here's how that lunch scene played out:


LisaR:  There's a lot of opinions, a lot of things that are going on. But I do think the pressing issue is...

Brandi: ...Kim

LisaR:  ...and her health. It's not like we can do an intervention on her.

Brandi:  [Gasp]...No,  she's not a ...

LisaR:  It's not our place, but we are privy to someone who is in pain and suffering.

Brandi: Maybe you have an intervention with all of us...that's a way!

LisaR:  Well...you do all need an intervention!

I'm actually glad this is coming up because I definitely think it's obvious that Brandi was extremely manipulative here and I definitely think she instigated Kim's situation by making it seem as though she was very concerned about her sobriety. If Kim saw this scene it is crazy to me that she'd have a problem with LisaR here but not Brandi. Not only is Brandi talking about her concern for Kim's sobriety but she actually flat out says that in order to make Kim feel "safe" she basically has to pretend that everything is okay even though she feels like Kim probably needs to get serious help.


I posted this in the "Sister Act" episode thread. The conversation between Brandi and LisaR from their lunch where they talk about Kim's sobriety and staging a group intervention:


Lisa: I have been with the girls and there has been a lot of conversation. I'm trying to figure you out. They're very upset. They don't understand why you're so mean and I go "Okay, well, if she's mean why is she mean? Like, what happened to you, have you been abused? Like, I bring all this up because I go "Is she in pain?"

Brandi: I'm not mean, but I mean...

Lisa: They say you are so mean. I've seen the aftermath of what has gone down with the Richards sisters.

Brandi: Right, am I temperamental? Yes, I am.

Lisa: Okay.

Brandi: Am I a mama bear, do I want to protect people? Yes.

Lisa: Okay.

Brandi: And when you hit me, I go lower unfortunately.

Lisa: You can really go there to hurt.

Brandi: Right. I've never had any issues with Yolanda or you know, this stuff with Kim from years ago was because she wasn't well...

Lisa: Right.

Brandi: ...I mean, we get along lovely now and I'm to the point where I feel like I'm her big sister and though she's older than me.

Lisa: Right, which is an interesting dynamic that I think--

Brandi: And it's hard. It's hard for me because it's not something I signed up for. Kim came to me, she doesn't have a lot of girlfriends, and she told me that I'm her best friend. And it makes me sad. That puts a lot of pressure on my shoulders. I am not the best person to--I'm not a therapist. I'm not a sober companion, I'm not---

Lisa: Right, yeah...

Brandi: I'm none of those things, you know, and so it's hard for me, I can't change who I am to take care of Kim but at the same time I can't let, just let go of her.

Lisa: She's taking pain pills. She's taking something.

Brandi: Well she's on...she has a hernia. Like, I said to her, she said she's just doing the patch...I, I'm not going to call her a liar...

Lisa: No, you can't.

Brandi: I, she's too...

Lisa: And also if nobody wants help...

Brandi: Of course I don't know. Have I seen her smoke, drink or take a pill? I haven't.

Lisa: Does Kyle realize her sister is in this kind of trouble? Really?

Brandi: Does anyone not?

Scene continues and this is where it gets especially interesting IMO.

Lisa: I see people not acting like this is a big deal and I go, this looks like a really big deal to me.

Brandi: I can't say anything.

Lisa: It's serious. It sounds serious, it looks serious, it smells serious.

Brandi: It can't exist for me. She feels safe with that. I...

Lisa: So basically you have to, when you're with her, you just have to kind of live in a lie state and not really deal with it?

Brandi: *nods* Pretty much. We're all like thinking of protecting her by not saying it.

Lisa: You're not. You're not. You're hurting her. Everybody is hurting. Something is going to happen. Well, something's already happened!

Brandi: More than you even know.

Brandi: If anyone were to say "We're wondering about your sobriety." It would, she would die.

Lisa: You know what? There's a lot of opinions, there's a lot of things that are going on, but I do think that the pressing issue is--

Brandi: Kim.

Lisa: --is Kim and her health. I mean, it's not like we can do an intervention on her.

Brandi: No! She's not...*inaudible* Ugh.

Lisa: It's not even our, it's not our place but we are privy to someone who is in pain and who is suffering.

Brandi: Maybe you can have an intervention with all of us. Seriously.

Lisa: Well, you do all need an intervention.

Brandi: Yeah, I know.

Lisa: You do.

Brandi: I know. That is a way of not putting it on any one person and making the therapist be the bad guy.

Lisa: But, I mean...

Brandi: I don't know what to do.

Lisa: I just, I'm scared...

Brandi: Can you talk to Kyle about it? I can't talk to Kyle about it.

Lisa: I can try.

Brandi: Well, no one else has the fucking balls to do it and if I did Kim would murder me and then probably kill herself.

(Brandi TH: My heart and my head don't usually agree. My head says I need to talk to Kim and see if she needs to get help. My heart says that she says she's sober so I know when you say you're sober, you're sober until you don't, until you admit that you're not.)

Lisa: I'm concerned about it because I don't see people behave like this.

Brandi: And we're pretending like it's not happening.


 IMO it's crystal clear that Brandi is doing exactly what Kim complained that LisaR and Eileen were doing only for some reason Brandi isn't being held to the same standard that LisaR and Eileen are. 


That is how I saw it too.  Brandi is saying to do and intervention for all of them.  Not all of them do one for Kim.  

Brandi only says that she wants a group style intervention so that Kim won't be mad at her or any one person in particular. Brandi obviously thinks that Kim has serious issues based on this conversation. LisaR wonders if Kyle knows how serious the situation is with Kim and Brandi wonders who the hell doesn't know that Kim's situation is serious. 


I don't understand why LisaR is being held to a different standard than Brandi when it comes to discussing Kim's sobriety behind her back.


I don't interpret it that why either. Brandi's point was, they all have their own shit they need to worry about.



Higgins, Brandi says that they should do a group style intervention so that one person doesn't get the blame and the anger can be directed at the therapist. Also, Brandi's point seemed to be that there are reasons to be concerned about Kim and that this is what her head is telling her.




Check out the comments where they actually use the word "intervention". LisaR first says that they *can't* do an intervention! It's only then that Brandi says "Maybe you can have an intervention with all of us. Seriously." Brandi is making it clear here that she thinks an intervention is a good idea and wants LisaR to take her seriously when she says so. It's only after that that Lisa agrees that the ladies all do need an intervention.


For the people who think that all of the blame should be hoisted on to LisaR--why is it that Brandi's comments about intervention here are being held to a different standard than LisaR's?

Edited by Avaleigh
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I can see now that Brandi's comment could go either way.  I, personally, am not holding anyone to any standard.  I don't even know what that means.  LOL!  I see no ethical, mythical or logical standard of any kind.  I just see a pile of eels caught in a fishing net.   

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I can see now that Brandi's comment could go either way.  I, personally, am not holding anyone to any standard.  I don't even know what that means.  LOL!  I see no ethical, mythical or logical standard of any kind.  I just see a pile of eels caught in a fishing net.   


"eels caught in a fishing net"..........Yup!  That works for me.


They ALL need to be accountable for what they've said and done but as far as throwing around words like "addict" and "intervention" LisaR owns that trophy.

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"eels caught in a fishing net"..........Yup! That works for me.

They ALL need to be accountable for what they've said and done but as far as throwing around words like "addict" and "intervention" LisaR owns that trophy.

If Kim wasn't displaying addict behavior then no one would have been talking about interventions. Kim needs to own her behavior.

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"eels caught in a fishing net"..........Yup!  That works for me.


They ALL need to be accountable for what they've said and done but as far as throwing around words like "addict" and "intervention" LisaR owns that trophy.



Yes. she has been yapping about that to everyone.  I am so tired of her "concern."  

If Kim wasn't displaying addict behavior then no one would have been talking about interventions. Kim needs to own her behavior.



Nah, not really.  She can do anything she wants.  The wisdom that we are all free to create our own life anyway we choose seems to elude everyone.  

Edited by wings707
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Yes. she has been yapping about that to everyone. I am so tired of her "concern."

Nah, not really. She can do anything she wants. The wisdom that we are all free to create our own life anyway we choose seems to elude everyone.

I agree she can do whatever she wants but when you ride in a car with someone and you're acting high that person can say you're acting high. If you go to someone's house and act an ass those people are allowed to talk about your behavior and wonder wtf is this person on. Kim's behavior opened the door for people to use terms like addict and intervention.

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I agree she can do whatever she wants but when you ride in a car with someone and you're acting high that person can say you're acting high. If you go to someone's house and act an ass those people are allowed to talk about your behavior and wonder wtf is this person on. Kim's behavior opened the door for people to use terms like addict and intervention.



Of course.  We always have to live the consequences of our actions.  

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I can see now that Brandi's comment could go either way.  I, personally, am not holding anyone to any standard.  I don't even know what that means.  LOL!  I see no ethical, mythical or logical standard of any kind.  I just see a pile of eels caught in a fishing net.   

I was referencing standards of behavior as far as what Kim and people who agree with her POV think is acceptable when it comes to talking about another person's sobriety on camera. (In Kim's case of course this only applies to her own sobriety being discussed since we all know what she did to Taylor.) If LisaR's behavior was wrong when she talked about Kim's sobriety behind her back then why isn't Brandi's behavior wrong when it comes to her not only discussing Kim's sobriety behind her back but also adding disturbing details that had viewers wondering if Kim could possibly be suicidal? 


Brandi admits to the viewers that she has to live in a lie state in order to be Kim's friend but the focus is on how many times LisaR brought up the words addict and intervention? I personally think that Brandi's comments to Kim were a lot more damaging than LisaR's especially when I consider how Brandi is supposed to be Kim's best friend and all.  


Going by the lunch conversation upthread LisaR mainly seemed concerned that Kim could be in pain and suffering. LisaR doesn't seem shady to me at all in the conversation upthread but Brandi IMO is showing how duplicitous she is here and I wonder what Kim thought when/if she saw it. Brandi's comments would have to sting more than LisaR's IMO. 


As for LisaR's comments about Kim's "situation"--I thought it was a great TH. She doesn't owe Kim a thing as far as I'm concerned and she's still nicer there than Kim has been with her for most of the season.

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I was referencing standards of behavior as far as what Kim and people who agree with her POV think is acceptable when it comes to talking about another person's sobriety on camera. (In Kim's case of course this only applies to her own sobriety being discussed since we all know what she did to Taylor.) If LisaR's behavior was wrong when she talked about Kim's sobriety behind her back then why isn't Brandi's behavior wrong when it comes to her not only discussing Kim's sobriety behind her back but also adding disturbing details that had viewers wondering if Kim could possibly be suicidal? 


Brandi admits to the viewers that she has to live in a lie state in order to be Kim's friend but the focus is on how many times LisaR brought up the words addict and intervention? I personally think that Brandi's comments to Kim were a lot more damaging than LisaR's especially when I consider how Brandi is supposed to be Kim's best friend and all.  


Going by the lunch conversation upthread LisaR mainly seemed concerned that Kim could be in pain and suffering. LisaR doesn't seem shady to me at all in the conversation upthread but Brandi IMO is showing how duplicitous she is here and I wonder what Kim thought when/if she saw it. Brandi's comments would have to sting more than LisaR's IMO. 


As for LisaR's comments about Kim's "situation"--I thought it was a great TH. She doesn't owe Kim a thing as far as I'm concerned and she's still nicer there than Kim has been with her for most of the season.



I just think it is wise to mind your own business and allow others to do as they choose.  If you talk behind someone's back (we all do) remember it could come to bite you in the ass.  Now this is in real life,  Bravo would hate that attitude and fire anyone who had it!  What kind of footage would they have?  Might as well run The Sound of Music in a loop!  One thing I do know for sure is I have never experienced "friends" like this is real life or heard of anyone who has.   

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I just think it is wise to mind your own business and allow others to do as they choose. If you talk behind someone's back (we all do) remember it could come to bite you in the ass. Now this is in real life, Bravo would hate that attitude and fire anyone who had it! What kind of footage would they have? Might as well run The Sound of Music in a loop! One thing I do know for sure is I have never experienced "friends" like this is real life or heard of anyone who has.

But the only person who said something behind Kim's back that they wouldn't say in her face was her bestie Brandy... And hallelujah to not having these friends in real life. I like my drama one way and that's on TV.

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But the only person who said something behind Kim's back that they wouldn't say in her face was her bestie Brandy... And hallelujah to not having these friends in real life. I like my drama one way and that's on TV.


Rinna and Lisa did, too. 

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Rinna and Lisa did, too. 

Rinna spoke her piece directly to Kim in Eileen's Kitchen. Brandi is the only person who has voiced concerns about Kim's sobriety without EVER approaching her directly. Lisa hasn't voiced any concern about it she has only advised Rinna tread carefully.

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I think a point is being forgotten here.


Lisa: I have been with the girls and there has been a lot of conversation. I'm trying to figure you out. They're very upset. They don't understand why you're so mean and I go "Okay, well, if she's mean why is she mean? Like, what happened to you, have you been abused? Like, I bring all this up because I go "Is she in pain?"

Lisa R went to talk to Brandi about why she was so nasty when she drank.  That is how the conversation started out.  It had nothing to do with Kim from jump.


Brandi was the one who cunningly deflected onto Kim, which is how this whole ball got rolling.  Lisa R was disgusted by Brandi's behavior and frightened by Kim's, but she thought Brandi needed help.  


Brandi is the one who didn't want to hear it, so she threw Lisa R a big shiny bone about how Kim a) is wearing a patch b) can't handle all the pressures and the strain of caring for Monty c) will kill herself if anyone talks, etc.  

Once you hear that someone who you have seen using is now talking self-harm or considering suicide?  All bets are off. You need to speak up because if, God forbid, something happens to the person and you knew but didn't say anything?  Because you were worried about social niceties?    The problem here is not, IMO, that Lisa Rinna is a big mouth, but that she wasn't yet aware that Kim Richards is not the fragile flower that Brandi painted her to be. And maybe the thought of someone hurting themselves put a big enough scare into her that she was sidelined by Brandi's (again IMO) successful attempt to get out of yet another 'mommy lecture' from one of the Menopause Mamas.

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Rinna and Lisa did, too. 

LisaR told Kim to her face that she was concerned about her. It's not like Kim isn't acknowledging that LisaR and Eileen talked to her personally as well. Kim just didn't want to hear it. Blah, blah, blah.


Brandi OTOH wants to make it seem to Kim like she hasn't been even more concerned than LisaR to the point where she thought they should do an intervention, she thought Kyle and other women should get involved, she thought Kim might kill her and then possibly kill herself because in order for Kim to feel safe they pretty much all have to lie about what's going with her.


Brandi has mentioned that Kim is mad at her but Kim has yet to go after Brandi in her blogs the way that she's gone after LisaR, Eileen, and Kyle. No idea what the difference is from Kim's perspective when I consider what Brandi has said about Kim this season.

I just think it is wise to mind your own business and allow others to do as they choose.  If you talk behind someone's back (we all do) remember it could come to bite you in the ass. 

Wings707, this is why I was wondering why you and other posters who seem to agree with Kim's POV, why you don't think Brandi should be held to the same standard of behavior that you're holding LisaR to when it comes to discussing Kim's sobriety this season. Here's a detailed conversation where Brandi is doing what Kim was mad about LisaR and Eileen doing but somehow it seems more important to Kim (and people who agree with her POV) that LisaR brought up words referencing Kim's addiction this season.


LisaR has come under fire and has had to defend herself from both Kim and Brandi this season and I imagine it must be especially frustrating to LisaR and Eileen that they're being criticized by Kim but Brandi gets a free pass even though Brandi said things that were far more damaging and destructive.


The clip where LisaR is resistant to telling Kim the deal with Brandi is disappointing in a way but when I consider the way Kim behaves when she's told something that she doesn't want to hear, I think I can understand LisaR's hesitation even if I personally find it to be frustrating. She's just over dealing unapologetic and insensitive wreck like Kim. 

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Rinna spoke her piece directly to Kim in Eileen's Kitchen. Brandi is the only person who has voiced concerns about Kim's sobriety without EVER approaching her directly. Lisa hasn't voiced any concern about it she has only advised Rinna tread carefully.



We haven't seen that but we don't know what they have edited in the name of drama.  


Wings707, this is why I was wondering why you and other posters who seem to agree with Kim's POV, why you don't think Brandi should be held to the same standard of behavior that you're holding LisaR to when it comes to discussing Kim's sobriety this season.



I have not seen Brandi talk about Kim's sobriety to others with the exception of that conversation with LisaR which is in question as to exactly what she meant.  


And I am not sure Brandi is all that concerned about Kim.  I think she sees another person similar to herself in not being well received and has an alcohol issue.  

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We haven't seen that but we don't know what they have edited in the name of drama.  



I have not seen Brandi talk about Kim's sobriety to others with the exception of that conversation with LisaR which is in question as to exactly what she meant.  




Brandi said point blank that she can't talk to Kim about her concerns about her sobriety. She has talked to Lisa R and Jennifer about it and she flat out told Jennifer that Kim used and Jennifer told her it was a relapse.


But, Brandi has not approached Kim with her concerns and even said that Kim would kill her and herself if she did. So, if Brandi is saying point blank that she can't and won't discuss her concerns with Kim, I highly doubt that there is some edited out footage of her talking to Kim about her concerns.

We haven't seen that but we don't know what they have edited in the name of drama.  



I have not seen Brandi talk about Kim's sobriety to others with the exception of that conversation with LisaR which is in question as to exactly what she meant.  




1. Since Brandi has said point blank that she can't talk to Kim about her sobriety, it is highly doubtful that there is footage of her doing exactly that.

2. Brandi was very clear when talking to Jennifer about Kim's issues that Kim had in fact used and Jennifer told her it was a relapse. There was no question of what she meant in that conversation. Although, I disagree that what she said to LisaR is in questions. She was very clear that she was worried about Kim and wanted LisaR to approach Kyle about it.

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We haven't seen that but we don't know what they have edited in the name of drama.  



I have not seen Brandi talk about Kim's sobriety to others with the exception of that conversation with LisaR which is in question as to exactly what she meant.  


And I am not sure Brandi is all that concerned about Kim.  I think she sees another person similar to herself in not being well received and has an alcohol issue.

There was an episode where we see Brandi raising her concern for Kim with her friend Jennifer on the beach. Jennifer was giving Brandi advise about Kim's addiction issues because Brandi was asking her, on camera. She made it sound like Kim was a burden.

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There was an episode where we see Brandi raising her concern for Kim with her friend Jennifer on the beach. Jennifer was giving Brandi advise about Kim's addiction issues because Brandi was asking her, on camera. She made it sound like Kim was a burden.



Thanks.  I don't remember that.  

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Brandi said point blank that she can't talk to Kim about her concerns about her sobriety. She has talked to Lisa R and Jennifer about it and she flat out told Jennifer that Kim used and Jennifer told her it was a relapse.


But, Brandi has not approached Kim with her concerns and even said that Kim would kill her and herself if she did. So, if Brandi is saying point blank that she can't and won't discuss her concerns with Kim, I highly doubt that there is some edited out footage of her talking to Kim about her concerns.


1. Since Brandi has said point blank that she can't talk to Kim about her sobriety, it is highly doubtful that there is footage of her doing exactly that.

2. Brandi was very clear when talking to Jennifer about Kim's issues that Kim had in fact used and Jennifer told her it was a relapse. There was no question of what she meant in that conversation. Although, I disagree that what she said to LisaR is in questions. She was very clear that she was worried about Kim and wanted LisaR to approach Kyle about it.



Thanks, I stand corrected.  I don't remember that and was expressing my thoughts on the recent episodes only.  I think I space out a lot when I watch because it has become boring.  I retain very little, obviously.  


The only thing that I do know is that I like LisaV and Yolanda!  LOL!  


Since everyone agrees that they cannot approach Kim directly on her addiction, stop trying and stop talking about it.   Leave that up to her family.  Bravo, just take her off the show, please. 


Seeing Camille, Taylor and Adrienne on WWHL made me realize how much better the show used to be.  Sure, we didn't like all of them  but there was a varied plot line and plenty to talk about.  

Edited by wings707
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Bringing this over from some other thread.  Speaking of Lipsa's hair, yes, it may be a wig, or not.  Either way, I think the style really flatters her, softens her strong, nearly cartoonish features.


It was hard to find photos of her with her hair back, but here are a couple.  Her hairline is a bit odd too, and she definitely looks better with her current hairstyle, a bunch of hair in her face, bangs and sides.  I think it's probably a perfect hairstyle for her face, and type of hair.








Apparently she only tried this style once, same dress in all of them.  Then she wisely went back to the style that covers more than it shows of her face, and also flatters her aging eyes more.  Her hairline is dangerously close to Teresa Guidice territory.  Also, the botox bunny nose shows more without bangs.

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I've actually liked Lisa R so far this season.  I didn't now too much about her before, but I do remember I realllly didn't like her on Celeb Apprentice for some reason.


I think she may be losing me though with the last episode and the preview for this upcoming one.  She's gone from "Why is everyone so scared of Kim Richards?" to seemingly being afraid of Kim Richards.  Maybe Kim does know something about her marriage, maybe not.  Maybe Lisa R FINALLY saw the light and decided that Kim doesn't want her to be concerned about her or her sobriety at. all., and so is just disengaging.


I have noticed that she tends to kind of imitate people she's around, if that makes any sense.  When people say something to her, she tends to repeat it back to them as a sign of affirmation.  Example, if someone says "Oh this is so much fun", then she'll say "This is so much fun, right?".  I noticed at the beginning of the season, and then I remembered about it today because I saw the Amsterdam episode where she and Eileen are speaking alone in a bar.  Eileen's voice is a bit deeper and she speaks in a more..grave(?) manner, and Lisa lowered her voice and started speaking in the same manner too, lol.

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People (Kim for example) might not like it, but when something happens that is witnessed by others directly, it becomes a collective experience. The Poker Game wasn't just Kim's experience to talk about or not as she liked. Kyle, Brandi, Eileen and Lisar owned this experience as well. It belongs as much to them as it does to Kim. They are all free to talk about it at will. 


As far as I have been able to ascertain, Lisar has only talked directly about things that she has witnessed. She has expressed concerns about those very specific events. I have no idea if she has gone to far or not, but she is well within her rights to talk about things that she has witnessed and give her opinions about those events. 


Brandi has that right as well. She can talk about the events at Eileen's as much as she wants. But this is the thing, Brandi is talking about other things as well. Things that weren't witnessed by others. Things that other people didn't know about. She is the only person on the show at this point that is talking about things that Kim wants to keep private. She has openly admitted to believing that Kim has relapsed, and not only to Lisar in the context of their conversation. She has also talked to Jennifer about it. I can see folks not knowing exactly whether or not Brandi was referring to an actual intervention with Kim, or with the whole group to address their concerns, but I can see no way around the fact that Brandi was saying that she is extremely worried about Kim and that she thinks that this needs to be addressed with her. Her only real caveat was that she didn't want to be the one to question Kim, because Kim might "murder her and kill herself". She was more than open to the idea that other people would complete this task. She is the one making it sound dire, while Kim believes that this is all Lisar. That Lisar is the one talking about her sobriety. Kim has said more than once that no one who loves her or knows her well is questioning her. It is more than interesting that the person who has done the most to float the theory that she is not sober is Brandi. 

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Damn.  She looks rough.


As far as I have been able to ascertain, Lisar has only talked directly about things that she has witnessed. She has expressed concerns about those very specific events. I have no idea if she has gone to far or not, but she is well within her rights to talk about things that she has witnessed and give her opinions about those events. 


I wonder if Lisa has watched this messy marathon the past couple days and thought, "Damn, I talked to, at, and about Kim a lot."  Honestly, I don't know how she couldn't.  Your point is valid that she has the right to talk about whatever she wants but when does her self awareness kick in and just tell her to stop already?  Even after, in a TH, she said that she'd stop and let Kim's best friend Brandi handle it, she didn't. 


I blame them all for their various irritating behaviors.  But I blame, mainly, Lisa for keeping everybody talking about Kim for the whole damn season. Yeah, I know - Kim took the pill in the first place but imo, it didn't warrant wasting Amsterdam over.

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Damn.  She looks rough.



I wonder if Lisa has watched this messy marathon the past couple days and thought, "Damn, I talked to, at, and about Kim a lot."  Honestly, I don't know how she couldn't.  Your point is valid that she has the right to talk about whatever she wants but when does her self awareness kick in and just tell her to stop already?  Even after, in a TH, she said that she'd stop and let Kim's best friend Brandi handle it, she didn't. 


I blame them all for their various irritating behaviors.  But I blame, mainly, Lisa for keeping everybody talking about Kim for the whole damn season. Yeah, I know - Kim took the pill in the first place but imo, it didn't warrant wasting Amsterdam over.

But Brandi got LisaR all worked up about Kim. Things were calming down about Kim, Lisa was there to talk to Brandi about her drunk mean girl act and Brandi threw Kim under the bus to get LisaR off her butt. Much the same way she tried to use Bella to get Yolanda off her butt but Yolanda knows that is what Brandi does, I don't think LisaR realized she was being manipulated by Brandi during that lunch but it was exactly what Brandi did.

Edited by WireWrap
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Lisar is smart enough not to make her own personal life the center of her storyline, or continually do thinks that would make people hate her. Brandi is desperate enough to know she has to, and Kim is too spaced out to be able to stop herself it. think that's just reality. It doesn't bug me that Lisar kept bringing up crazy car ride Kim because Poker night was bananas. This is hardly unique to RHOBH. This is how it is across the board on all the RH's. If you're the crazy/trashy/criminal one you get talked about all the time by the other housewives. Sometimes it turns out lucrative for that housewife (Tre Guidice before jail) and sometimes not so much, like in Kim's and Brandi's case.

This has never bothered me about these shows I guess. I still like Lisar well enough and think she probably was half concerned for Kim and half making sure she got camera time.

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There it is again.  It's almost impossible to talk just about Lipsa. 


Why?  Because really?  She didn't do anything but talk about someone else all season, so how DO you talk about her? 


Actually, I think that most of the posts here are about Lisar. We are commenting about Lisar on the show this season. When Lisar was traveling with her kids to see her parents, we talked about that for weeks. We talked about her birthday party when that happened, about the reading she did with Harry. We talked about her attending the PS star deal with Lisa V. Most of us are talking about Lisar on the show, and for the last few weeks her role on the show has involved Kim. We talked about her throwing the glass to death. Pretty much everyone seemed to agree she shouldn't have done it. Lots of people understood the impulse, but it was still the wrong thing to do. We have also discussed that she is very skinny, that she never changes her hair, that she wears a lot of makeup. I don't really know what we are leaving out. Isn't this the way it works? Did anyone say much about Brandi in S3 without talking about the lawsuit? That was the drama of that season and so most talk of Brandi involved Adrienne.

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Oh man, I forgot about her hideous clothing line!  Have you guys seen this?


Not only hideous, but grossly overpriced, and I couldn't find anything there I could, in my wildest dreams, see her wearing.  Well, maybe the hideous cropped jeans.




Although I could see Kyle in a few of them, possibly this little gem?  http://www.qvc.com/Lisa-Rinna-Collection-Striped-Sweater-Poncho-with-Cutout-Detail.product.A222242.html?sc=A222242-Targeted&cm_sp=VIEWPOSITION-_-72-_-A222242&catentryImage=http://images.qvc.com/is/image/a/42/a222242.001?$uslarge$ 

It's on sale too, down from $89! 

Edited by Umbelina
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Damn.  She looks rough.



I wonder if Lisa has watched this messy marathon the past couple days and thought, "Damn, I talked to, at, and about Kim a lot."  Honestly, I don't know how she couldn't.  Your point is valid that she has the right to talk about whatever she wants but when does her self awareness kick in and just tell her to stop already?  Even after, in a TH, she said that she'd stop and let Kim's best friend Brandi handle it, she didn't. 


I blame them all for their various irritating behaviors.  But I blame, mainly, Lisa for keeping everybody talking about Kim for the whole damn season. Yeah, I know - Kim took the pill in the first place but imo, it didn't warrant wasting Amsterdam over.

I think it is entirely possible that she thought this. It is also possible that she thought, "man, I wish they would have shown all the many times I wasn't talking about Kim".

I always remember an interview that Tamra gave I believe in S4. Someone posted it the other day. She was asked about all the drama and fighting. She said that she and all the girls wished they would just show the footage of them shopping, having lunch, getting their hair done, hanging with their kids (this was when Tamra could film with her kids). She said that would be awesome and there is a lot to pick from, but Bravo doesn't think that is what we want to see. From the looks of the way the ratings spike whenever there is drama - especially this season - it appears Bravo is right.

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I think it is entirely possible that she thought this. It is also possible that she thought, "man, I wish they would have shown all the many times I wasn't talking about Kim".

I absolutely agree she thought that.  And there were many times when we did see her doing and saying other things.  But even if the ONLY footage they had of Lisa  was talking about Kim's addiction - it was still too many times - and we agree that she'd probably agree.  I think she could have arranged not to talk so much which wouldn't have given Bravo that many instances to show us.  Either she was told to keep bringing it up or she knew it would buy her screen time.


Of course she had every right to keep bringing it up considering how Kim scared her in the car but all I'm saying is it made her look, imo, like a ninny and I'm just wondering aloud if she felt that way, too, after seeing it on TV.

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Let's say - and I'm only using this as an example, folks - Harry had early onset dementia or Parkinson's. Now THAT would make me throw a freaking wine glass, too, if Kim was outing that.


It is highly unlikely Kim would know Hamlin was -- theoretically/allegedly/making-shit-up-land -- unwell. That secret would be buried so deep that Kim Richards -- who can't tell the crack in her ass from a crack pipe -- would never have access to it. Rinna would never breathe about it to *anyone* as It would be the death of Hamlin's career.  I think Rinna freaked out because she knew that whatever crazy shit came out of Kim's mouth, regardless of the truth, rumors and speculations and invented scenarios would start flying all over the internet, just because Kim Richards spouted one of her bullshit,  "Let's talk about YOUR LIFE" deflections.  

Edited by film noire
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Agree, as soon as Kim said it, I was hoping it was cheating, or bisexual, or anything but illness. 


I'm with a few others in suspecting she DID say it, Bravo edited it out, and forced the Lipsa/Kim meeting in the hotel room.

I do think she said something very personal about him as well but a rumor. IMO, that is the way she and Brandi are, they don't just want to hurt whoever they are mad at, they want to humiliate and destroy them no matter the cost.

Edited by WireWrap
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It was?  How? I hope you're right  because if there is a rumor, I'd be happy if that wasn't it.  He doesn't look well and I've mentioned this before but will again - if you compare interviews of him from just 5 years ago to current ones, he doesn't seem like the same guy.  His speech is different.  Slower and he's not as sharp. 


When people have speculated that there must be something to what Kim said because of Lisa's reaction and moreso the reactions of the other Hos, I keep thinking that a rumor of him being gay or whatever wouldn't spark such instant disgust as the outing of an illness would.  Imo, that would be the worst.


Let's say - and I'm only using this as an example, folks - Harry had early onset dementia or Parkinson's. Now THAT would make me throw a freaking wine glass, too, if Kim was outing that.  If anybody made a comment about my hunky, hetero, adoring husband being gay?  I'd laugh in their face.  Because really?  Is that the best you got?

I don't think we've been given so much as a hint that Kim was talking about a disease. We only have a few clues to work with and the clues that we have seem to *possibly* point to something like an affair or Harry's sexuality. Kim's comment about how Lisa probably hasn't seen a penis in awhile and Andy and LisaR at the reunion asking Kim if she was going to say that Harry had or was having an affair. 


There hasn't been anything to point to a disease a part from some poster randomly speculating for whatever reason that the secret Kim was going to spill was that Harry has HIV. 


I might even be giving Kim too much credit at this point since she's revealed herself to be a terrible person over and over again, but I think she'd have some sensitivity if LisaR was dealing with a serious illness with Harry considering the Monty situation. Again though that would require Kim to be empathetic to another person and I'm not sure if she's even capable of something like that.

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I don't think we've been given so much as a hint that Kim was talking about a disease. We only have a few clues to work with and the clues that we have seem to *possibly* point to something like an affair or Harry's sexuality. Kim's comment about how Lisa probably hasn't seen a penis in awhile and Andy and LisaR at the reunion asking Kim if she was going to say that Harry had or was having an affair. 


There hasn't been anything to point to a disease a part from some poster randomly speculating for whatever reason that the secret Kim was going to spill was that Harry has HIV. 


I might even be giving Kim too much credit at this point since she's revealed herself to be a terrible person over and over again, but I think she'd have some sensitivity if LisaR was dealing with a serious illness with Harry considering the Monty situation. Again though that would require Kim to be empathetic to another person and I'm not sure if she's even capable of something like that.

I agree 100%. The only rumor I have heard about Harry being potentially ill is from this forum.  Someone threw out HIV - yikes! 


I think Kim Richards is a horrible human being, but it is impossible for me to believe she would say something like "why don't we talk about what is going on in your home. About what you don't want to talk about" if it had anything to do with an illness. She sounded too gleeful to have stumbled upon some type of humiliating nugget, which she no doubt pulled out of her ass. That seems too low for even Kim to go. 

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I agree, the only place I've heard the "Harry is sick" line is here. And rumors of Harry being gay have not plagued them for years at all. I'm gay, and visit gay forums frequently, and even the forums where we fantasize about every hot actor being gay, he's never come up. Not saying it's not possible that he's bi, just that there's no real talk in WeHo about him.  He did play a daddy pretty well on Shameless. 


Affairs with women...I just think everyone in Hollywood cheats. Women and men. I'm cynical I guess. But Kim is so out of it that who would really trust what she has to say? Rinna should have called her bluff instead of panicking, but I'm sure there are some skeletons in her closet she'd prefer not to come out and she reacted in the moment.

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I don't think we've been given so much as a hint that Kim was talking about a disease. We only have a few clues to work with and the clues that we have seem to *possibly* point to something like an affair or Harry's sexuality. Kim's comment about how Lisa probably hasn't seen a penis in awhile and Andy and LisaR at the reunion asking Kim if she was going to say that Harry had or was having an affair. 


There hasn't been anything to point to a disease a part from some poster randomly speculating for whatever reason that the secret Kim was going to spill was that Harry has HIV. 


I might even be giving Kim too much credit at this point since she's revealed herself to be a terrible person over and over again, but I think she'd have some sensitivity if LisaR was dealing with a serious illness with Harry considering the Monty situation. Again though that would require Kim to be empathetic to another person and I'm not sure if she's even capable of something like that.

What makes this whole situation so weird is Kim does not know these people.  I am sure she will try and throw out her sister told her something.  The most I think Kim has is HH quit drinking and drinking was a problem for him.  Which I could understand Kim throwing out there but then just say it.  I can see Kyle telling Kim that when she was trying to explain that Lisa was nice and coming from a good place. 

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I might even be giving Kim too much credit at this point since she's revealed herself to be a terrible person over and over again, but I think she'd have some sensitivity if LisaR was dealing with a serious illness with Harry considering the Monty situation.


I don't have near the amount of distrust and hate toward Kim as a lot of people have but I think she's totally capable of outing something like an illness.  Because she's an addict, and she doesn't care about anyone but herself and she lies.  Isn't that what we've been discussing here all season?

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Hollywood is pretty insulated and gossip goes around long before us average joes and Janes hear about it. There have been lots of articles recently stating that the Bill Cosby alligations have been well know for years. So who knows what's out there about HH.

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I agree 100%. The only rumor I have heard about Harry being potentially ill is from this forum.  Someone threw out HIV - yikes! 


I'd like to know what generated the thread here:



I speculated about an illness because of some of his interviews I've seen.  I just found the above of people doing the same thing and it's from 2010 so it's been talked about.  I mean, maybe he *is* just aging badly and his speech is changing. Hope that's all it is. 

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For the people who think that all of the blame should be hoisted on to LisaR--why is it that Brandi's comments about intervention here are being held to a different standard than LisaR's?


Because Brandi is perpetuating the image.  While Kim is around, Brandi is enabling and telling everyone to back off of poor Kim.  She's not making Kim answer for anything or explain her outrageous behavior, including calling other people names or making them feel uncomfortable.  Lisa R is not.  She's calling it out, making sure everyone takes notice and doesn't sweep it under the rug again.  She's not allowing people to turn a blind eye.


Nah, not really.  She can do anything she wants.  The wisdom that we are all free to create our own life anyway we choose seems to elude everyone.  


Then don't whine and cry and complain about how unsupportive your sister is and complain about how you have no girlfriends.  She's absolutely allowed to drown herself as many alcoholic beverages she wants.....but don't expect anyone to stand there, watch it happen and say nothing about it (especially as stated above, when you are calling other people names or making them uncomfortable).  


Of course.  We always have to live the consequences of our actions.  


And the consequences for Kim is people thinking she's a nutcase and questioning her sobriety.  

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I don't have near the amount of distrust and hate toward Kim as a lot of people have but I think she's totally capable of outing something like an illness.  Because she's an addict, and she doesn't care about anyone but herself and she lies.  Isn't that what we've been discussing here all season?

I also think Kim is more than capable of outing something and I will add that IMO, she could care less if what she says is true or not. As long as it hurts whoever she aims it at is all that matters to her. She and Brandi share an ugly trait, they try to eviscerate anyone they dislike or they think hurt them. They go well beyond tit for tat, they go to destroy that person.

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I'd like to know what generated the thread here:



I speculated about an illness because of some of his interviews I've seen.  I just found the above of people doing the same thing and it's from 2010 so it's been talked about.  I mean, maybe he *is* just aging badly and his speech is changing. Hope that's all it is. 


It's DL. The second someone goes gray and loses their rock hard abs, the posters there decide they are sick and wasting away with HIV. Which is silly because with today's drugs, that's not really likely anyway. Someone getting sickly thin would be more likely from cancer. What's telling is that it's a DL post about an attractive man in Hollywood and people aren't coming out of the woodwork to talk about their affairs with him. DL is notorious for people making up those stories and then later admitting they made it up for fun. You can find a few gems of truth mixed in, like someone who hooked up with Jenni Pulous's (from Flipping Out) ex, but that's a bit Off-Topic for here. 


I don't think Harry is ill, especially with Alzheimers. He's still acting too much for that isn't he? I don't know enough about Alzheimers to say, but my Abuela had it and it certainly didn't make her thin.  I personally think he just got old. He still looked great on Shameless so I don't think he even looks bad, but DL is like Brandi when it comes to getting old. A lot of people just can't deal with it. 


ETA: I do not think he's aging badly at all, JMO. He's still a fox. 

Edited by racked
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All this talk about HH made me check his age which is 63. He looks it and since he seems to currently not have an ounce of fat on him his face has no softness plus he's not coloring his grey hair. He looks mid 60s and has aged more to the character actor side than the distinguished older man side of the entertainment industry. He looks pretty good since he doesn't seem to have done that weird acid thing to his face (Kenny Rogers) nor does it appear he's distorted his face with fillers and bad surgery. So good for him.

eta Interesting that he was People Mags sexist man in 1987.

Edited by Almost 3000
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Hollywood is pretty insulated and gossip goes around long before us average joes and Janes hear about it. There have been lots of articles recently stating that the Bill Cosby alligations have been well know for years. So who knows what's out there about HH.

That's not just a Hollywood thing in that specific case. For years a Temple alum associate of mine always had shit to say whenever something positive about Bill Cosby came up. In Philly at least, he was also one of those things that we know and don't talk about.

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Oh man, I forgot about her hideous clothing line!  Have you guys seen this?


Not only hideous, but grossly overpriced, and I couldn't find anything there I could, in my wildest dreams, see her wearing.  Well, maybe the hideous cropped jeans.




Although I could see Kyle in a few of them, possibly this little gem?  http://www.qvc.com/Lisa-Rinna-Collection-Striped-Sweater-Poncho-with-Cutout-Detail.product.A222242.html?sc=A222242-Targeted&cm_sp=VIEWPOSITION-_-72-_-A222242&catentryImage=http://images.qvc.com/is/image/a/42/a222242.001?$uslarge$ 

It's on sale too, down from $89! 

I am really surprised to see how frumpy the clothes are...I don't think she would ever wear anything from her line.

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I am really surprised to see how frumpy the clothes are...I don't think she would ever wear anything from her line.


She never says, no.  Some designer paid for her name and there you have it!  

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