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Small Talk: The Cabana

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On 4/29/2016 at 8:21 AM, talula said:

Happy the in-between advertising posts are gone!  Love the new format and look...thanks PT.

Yes, yes, yes on the advertising that is gone that screwed up the speed on the page due to 'script' errors caused by certain ads.  Pretty much have gotten used to the new format.  Glad the 'reputation' thing is gone.  It made me defensive even though it was just a different word used for a 'like'.

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Katie began this odd affectation after she became acquainted with Victoria Beckham.  You may remember that shortly after Katie married Tom Cruise, the two couples became attached at the elbow.  Victoria has always talked out of one side of her mouth, and it wasn't long before Katie began to do the same, although Katie added it to her smile as well.  When the couples parted company (some say it was due to Tom trying to convert the Beckhams to Scientology) I thought that it wouldn't be long before Katie would begin talking normally, but I was wrong.  The smile resembles a sneer and is very unflattering, IMHO. 

When Katie was engaged to Tom, I once saw her interviewed by a reporter, who asked her five questions about Tom.  She answered all five with "He's AMAAAAA-zing!"  I was left with the impression that Katie was a little dim in the brain department.

ETA:  After reading about the Bell's Palsy post, I've spent quite a long time trying to find an answer.  Everything I read (Google and other sites) mentions Katie and Bell's, but I haven't found an actual confirmation that she has/had it.  The sites that mention it are mostly gossip-type sites, but that doesn't mean she didn't have the disease.  She could have it and keep it from the press.  It could have struck her during the "Beckham period."  Therefore, I don't want my reply to leave out other possibilities.  If she did have Bell's, it would be sad for anyone, especially an actress.

Edited by Lura
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I am curious about something and haven't been able to find an answer.......hope someone here can help me.

I have always thought of John McCain as a hero, I mean he did spend over five years in a Viet Cong prison camp and even though they were gonna let him out early (because of family connections) he stayed.  Now I'm hearing that as an officer he HAD to stay. First one in, first one out, and that if he had taken the Viet Congs offer and gone home early, he could have been court-marshalled.  Does anyone know anything about this?

Edited by savannah1985

I didnt mean to imply that he wasnt a hero.  I come from a military family with a grandfather in WW2, Korea and Viet Nam, and two uncles in Viet Nam.  I' m not fond of his politics, but I will always consider him a hero.

I think I was just curious about military procedure and didnt frame my question carefully. I stay up all night and read and my head gets full of questions.

13 hours ago, film noire said:

They look like mini asters -- like the ones here:



1 hour ago, Diane Mars said:

Google translate tells me it's called "chrysanthemum" in English, but they are "chrysanthèmes", as we say in French. Very popular in Europe in Autumn.

I'm overthinking this 'cuz I was confused. I don't remember seeing mini-mums before so took a look for the differences. They kinda' look alike and oddly, imho, according to HGTV :

'Chrysanthemums, or mums, include over 200 species of the aster family. So all mums are asters, but not all asters are mums."

So I guess I'm still confused! They sure are purty.

French is such a pretty language.

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1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

... 'Chrysanthemums, or mums, include over 200 species of the aster family. So all mums are asters, but not all asters are mums."...

I should have looked at what "mums" were before posting, because, yes, your're absolutely right, we're talking about the same flower, LMAO !

Edited by Diane Mars
Spelling. What else ? (#tryingToBeCreative)
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4 hours ago, Lura said:

I've recorded the first two episodes of RHOBH but haven't watched them yet.  Do I really want to get involved in this show anymore?  If you've seen them, what do you think?  I got so sick of Brandi, Kim's, everybody's boring troubles, that I wonder whether it's time to quit.  Please give me your honest opinion.  Thanks, friends.

So far, it's been exceptionally boring. Like super boring. This is the first time that I've attempted to watch a full season since Yolanda was on her Lyme time kick.

I loved Brandi her first season. Liked her on her second. And basically loathed her afterwards. I've hated Kim from the beginning, but I've known that she was an addict the whole time. I understand Kyle and Kathy's motivations to have Kim on the show: income for Kim and apparently the cameras decreased some of her drinking and drugging. But it was clear to me by season 2 that Kim was comfortable enough with the cameras and crew that she was getting high and drunk in front of the crew. Yo is a sanctimonious asshole. Both Erika and Eileen bug the living daylights out of me.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 10
8 hours ago, Lura said:

I've recorded the first two episodes of RHOBH but haven't watched them yet.  Do I really want to get involved in this show anymore?  If you've seen them, what do you think?  I got so sick of Brandi, Kim's, everybody's boring troubles, that I wonder whether it's time to quit.  Please give me your honest opinion.  Thanks, friends.

They are starting the season with more house and party porn versus fighting.  Seems like a season with more travel and a lot more Erika.

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Thanks, HunterHunted and zoeysmom.  I guess I'll try to find time for a RHOBH marathon and see what I think of it.  I find Erika to be vaguely interesting, so maybe there's hope.  Do they have another newbie yet?  The way they're going  through one replacement after another makes me wonder how much longer this show will remain on the air.


I wonder how much LisV is being paid this year.  She always holds off signing her contract until I assume she's wrung her last penny out of Bravo.  I'd guess she's hitting the $1 million mark by now.

5 minutes ago, Lura said:

Thanks, HunterHunted and zoeysmom.  I guess I'll try to find time for a RHOBH marathon and see what I think of it.  I find Erika to be vaguely interesting, so maybe there's hope.  Do they have another newbie yet?  The way they're going  through one replacement after another makes me wonder how much longer this show will remain on the air.


I wonder how much LisV is being paid this year.  She always holds off signing her contract until I assume she's wrung her last penny out of Bravo.  I'd guess she's hitting the $1 million mark by now.

They've added Dorit Kemsley who has all of the accents in the United Nations shoved into 100 lbs of socialite. Her husband is a talent manager and Boy George lives with them. At some point Eden Sassoon, Vidal's daughter, will join the cast.

I'd read that LVP gets $2.2 million for RHoBH, Vanderpump Rules, and the Vanderpump Rules Aftershow.

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And RIP to one of my beloved cats today.  I had to put her down.  I can't believe she was healthy just a week and a half ago - she had a well care exam just last month.  She was about seventeen (she was a rescue cat).  It started with the sniffles and she just got worst (she's was an indoor cat).  Took her to the vet on Monday.  Got antibiotics but she then refused to eat.  Eight feedings a day with a syringe and holding her late into the night.  I knew it was coming but I had an ounce of hope she would get through.  This morning she didn't have enough strength in her back legs to get up.  It was time.  My daughter (it was technically her pet) held her in the car and we all went to the hospital.  We were all there to say good bye - as 'mom', I knew I had to keep it together the most.  It was so hard especially for my daughter.  It was her first pet.  I knew I wanted to be present when they put her down and my daughter said she wanted to hold her. 

I'm crying as I type this and I have no doubt that many of you have gone through this as well.  It's 'mom's' turn to fall apart. 

It was the right thing to do but I'm so sad.  She was such a good girl...with a little bit of attitude. 

  • Love 14
46 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

And RIP to one of my beloved cats today.  I had to put her down.  I can't believe she was healthy just a week and a half ago - she had a well care exam just last month.  She was about seventeen (she was a rescue cat).  It started with the sniffles and she just got worst (she's was an indoor cat).  Took her to the vet on Monday.  Got antibiotics but she then refused to eat.  Eight feedings a day with a syringe and holding her late into the night.  I knew it was coming but I had an ounce of hope she would get through.  This morning she didn't have enough strength in her back legs to get up.  It was time.  My daughter (it was technically her pet) held her in the car and we all went to the hospital.  We were all there to say good bye - as 'mom', I knew I had to keep it together the most.  It was so hard especially for my daughter.  It was her first pet.  I knew I wanted to be present when they put her down and my daughter said she wanted to hold her. 

I'm crying as I type this and I have no doubt that many of you have gone through this as well.  It's 'mom's' turn to fall apart. 

It was the right thing to do but I'm so sad.  She was such a good girl...with a little bit of attitude. 

I am so sorry for your loss. Let your tears fall as long as needed, we will keep the tissue supply coming.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, breezy424 said:

And RIP to one of my beloved cats today.  I had to put her down.  I can't believe she was healthy just a week and a half ago - she had a well care exam just last month.  She was about seventeen (she was a rescue cat).  It started with the sniffles and she just got worst (she's was an indoor cat).  Took her to the vet on Monday.  Got antibiotics but she then refused to eat.  Eight feedings a day with a syringe and holding her late into the night.  I knew it was coming but I had an ounce of hope she would get through.  This morning she didn't have enough strength in her back legs to get up.  It was time.  My daughter (it was technically her pet) held her in the car and we all went to the hospital.  We were all there to say good bye - as 'mom', I knew I had to keep it together the most.  It was so hard especially for my daughter.  It was her first pet.  I knew I wanted to be present when they put her down and my daughter said she wanted to hold her. 

I'm crying as I type this and I have no doubt that many of you have gone through this as well.  It's 'mom's' turn to fall apart. 

It was the right thing to do but I'm so sad.  She was such a good girl...with a little bit of attitude. 

So sorry about your kitty.  It sounded like she had a rich and full life.

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Oh breezy424, I am so very sorry for your loss.

Unfortunately, I know all too well what you are going through.  In mid-November my favorite semi-feral, brother & uncle to all my other ferals and the only one they all adored & cuddled with, who never strayed far from my back door, suddenly disappeared.  That same weekend my dear Mum, who had been in hospice iin Canada for almost 6 months, had a bad fall.  Mum died on November 22nd, and I was devastated.   Yet I still despaired about not knowing the fate of my sweet Uncle Big Boy.  Miraculously, he appeared on Dec 4th, but was sick and had lost about 3/4th of his body weight.  My vet confirmed acute end stage leukemia, and I had to have him euthanized on December 5th.  I now need to make more room for his & Mum's ashes, since I've lost 6 cats and my Mum in the past 7 years.

My last remaiing indoor kitty was also recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and diabetes; the constant vet visits trying to regulate his insulin are draining me emotionally and financially.  I am SO over 2016.

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Thanks to all for your condolences and 'understanding'.  It means so much to me.

Each day is getting a bit easier but I still look at the couch in the family room every time I walk by.  It's just an instinct because that was her favorite spot. 

Walnut - I never even heard of hyperthyroidism in cats until my cats' last well visit.  My other cat, after having blood work, is borderline because of his age and and an enlarged thyroid.  He also needs two teeth to be removed but because of a level two heart murmur  the vet wouldn't operate unless he had an echo.  The cardiologist said his heart condition is genetic and would be able to be given anesthesia.  We're taking a wait and see on starting beta blockers.  I just can't do the teeth extraction right now.  It's just too soon after losing my female.  I don't want to possibly lose him too.

I so understand the emotional and financial situation.

I seem to be on the two year plan.  I lost my father.  Then two years later, I lost my mother.  Then two years later, I lost my sister.  Now, two years later, I lost my cat.  Don't get me wrong, I don't put a pet in the same category as a person.  I'm still recovering from the reality of losing family members.  This recent loss set me back.  Yes, I do try to put things into perspective.  I've got healthy, great kids who are doing so well (my biggest blessing ever).  But then there are times when a cloud of sadness hovers over me.  I'm dealing with that cloud right now and it's a bit harder to remind myself of my blessings in life. 

Again, thank you all.

  • Love 9

I don't come on this board very much since I stopped watching the show, but I needed some objective advice and thought this might be a good place to get it. Then, I saw Breezy's recent posts about losing her beloved kitty, and her last post about losing family members every 2 years. Breezy, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for all your losses. I know the holidays can be tough for a lot of people who are dealing with difficulties. I just want to say that I hope that anyone here who is struggling in any way can find strength and peace, and I hope that everyone here has the best holiday possible, whatever that may be. I don't post much anymore,  but I know that this is a really good group of people who have been very supportive of each other.  Happy Holidays to you all!

(My dilemma will have to wait for another day.) 

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, EVS said:

I don't come on this board very much since I stopped watching the show, but I needed some objective advice and thought this might be a good place to get it. Then, I saw Breezy's recent posts about losing her beloved kitty, and her last post about losing family members every 2 years. Breezy, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for all your losses. I know the holidays can be tough for a lot of people who are dealing with difficulties. I just want to say that I hope that anyone here who is struggling in any way can find strength and peace, and I hope that everyone here has the best holiday possible, whatever that may be. I don't post much anymore,  but I know that this is a really good group of people who have been very supportive of each other.  Happy Holidays to you all!

(My dilemma will have to wait for another day.) 

Thank you so much.  And feel free to post your dilemma.   I posted what I've been going through because of the great group of people here.  You can too. 

And happy holidays to you and to everyone. 

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My hubby took my Grand to the movies yesterday for the newest 'Star Wars.' He said the ended the credits with Carrie. Poor Billie is only 24.

My daughter had to put her cat down last week too. Kidney failure. The kitten escaped as well. So she not only lost custody of the Pup she lost both of her cats as well. 

2016 was pretty fucking cruel. 

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Question for CA attorneys:  Do you have any idea the process when the CA State Bar opens a case against an Atty?   We filed one 8 months ago and it went from inquiry to case.  We haven't heard anything since August and we just don't know what the process is.  I noticed there were many people here with law knowledge so thought I would toss this out there


Today I received something in the mail from the animal hospital where we had our cat put down.  In it was a letter and a separate page with a poem called 'The Rainbow Bridge'.  At the bottom of the poem was a paw print that they took from her before she was put down.  They did take her to the back to put in the line and I guess that's when they did it.  It was so special and I'm so grateful.  Of course I cried all over again and then I showed it to my daughter when she got home and we cried all over again.  Just when you're moving on, you get thrown back, but it was worth it.  My daughter and I will treasure this memory of her.

I don't know if many places do this but it was my first experience when putting a pet down.  Again, it meant so much.  Just thought I'd share because I know many of you can relate.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Today I received something in the mail from the animal hospital where we had our cat put down.  In it was a letter and a separate page with a poem called 'The Rainbow Bridge'.  At the bottom of the poem was a paw print that they took from her before she was put down.  They did take her to the back to put in the line and I guess that's when they did it.  It was so special and I'm so grateful.  Of course I cried all over again and then I showed it to my daughter when she got home and we cried all over again.  Just when you're moving on, you get thrown back, but it was worth it.  My daughter and I will treasure this memory of her.

I don't know if many places do this but it was my first experience when putting a pet down.  Again, it meant so much.  Just thought I'd share because I know many of you can relate.

Our vet does this as well. Yes, it brings the loss back fresh and raw again but there is also comfort in knowing that your vet really cared about not only your beloved pet, but you as well. I always try to remember that as much pain the loss of a fur baby causes, the love and joy they brought during their time with us far out weighs that pain. Sorry for your loss.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Today I received something in the mail from the animal hospital where we had our cat put down.  In it was a letter and a separate page with a poem called 'The Rainbow Bridge'.  At the bottom of the poem was a paw print that they took from her before she was put down.  They did take her to the back to put in the line and I guess that's when they did it.  It was so special and I'm so grateful.  Of course I cried all over again and then I showed it to my daughter when she got home and we cried all over again.  Just when you're moving on, you get thrown back, but it was worth it.  My daughter and I will treasure this memory of her.

I don't know if many places do this but it was my first experience when putting a pet down.  Again, it meant so much.  Just thought I'd share because I know many of you can relate.

I'm so sorry for yours and everyone else's losses. Pets mean so much to us because of their trust, companionship and unconditional love.

A good friend sent me the poem when my one of my cats died. When another died, 17 year old Axel,  we asked that he be cremated as we were going to put him in his back yard (the cat never ever wandered). When we went to pick him up and pay the vet said no charge. Axle was in a white box engraved with his name. Will always love Dr. Sal.

Edited by Giselle
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