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Shameless Fame Whores: Sister Wives in the Media

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Sweet baby Jesus. The bride was wearing eyebrows, and the groom featured a rustic Dorothy Hamill haircut and a belly like a 60-year old in liver failure.  It looks like all of the date-hiking came to a screeching halt once the engaged sexy times started.

If by "safe" Mrs. FT means, "he'll give me his jacket", she's set. If she means "he'll give me the last taco and piece of cake" she will be cruelly disappointed.

I LOVE Mexican food, but it's a bitch to clean off my good sweatshirt.

Christine's nose looked red at the wedding, like she'd been crying or blowing mad rails. I suspect the former, of course. 

  • Love 21

I feel like this picture says it all. I hope I am wrong. Mykelti is looking for an embrace but Toni can't even take his hand out of his pocket. Pair this with his idiotic talking head about looking most forward to the party and dancing while M looks forward to theirs lives together - oh, dear. No wonder Christine looks almost solemn in that little video clip. 

  • Love 7
On 10/4/2016 at 11:33 PM, tabloidlover said:


Is there a reason they all feel they are above getting a real job?  Like the rest of us monogamous peons do?  Just curious...


I've said something like this before, but the more I watch this show the more convinced I become of it--they truly do believe that "living this lifestyle" is something that requires their full-time commitment. Therefore, they can't have full-time jobs because then how would they be able to dedicate their lives to their husband/wives, their families and their children?

Now, of course, the notion is laughable on several levels, most obviously because none of these people is putting in anything like full-time hours raising kids, cooking, cleaning or doing family stuff. That may have been the case when all the kids were little, but now the only one with really little kids is Robyn, and as we've noted she's got no job AND a nanny. Secondly, though, even if they DID do regular parent/family/child duty, that doesn't preclude at least some of them from holding down at least a part-time job like, oh, say, THE REST OF THE WORLD DOES.

They think their commitment "to this lifestyle" makes them special and therefore entitled to special treatment.

  • Love 5
On 12/17/2016 at 9:34 PM, toodles said:

Who has an outdoor wedding in the middle of December?  Who GOES to an outdoor wedding in the middle of December?  400 people?  Was this like a duggar wedding with the reception in the parking lot?  A country club wedding must have cost a fortune.

THANK YOU! Didn't she specifically say she didn't want to do the wedding in December because she wanted it to be outdoors but December would be too cold to do it outdoors?  I thought when she conceded to a December wedding date (in exchange for the lavish "beach honeymoon" in notoriously warm and sunny Seattle) that indicated she had given up the idea of having it outside. I bet it was one last FU to her mom and dad for not letting her get married in August like she wanted.  "Oh, you're making me get married in December, huh?  Well, I'll show you . . . stand outside in 32 degree weather for an hour."

And, yes, they are jeans.  I'm almost positive. But it seems to go with the theme of the wedding and his personality so . . . eh.

Edited by Rhondinella
  • Love 4

Have we taken bets yet on when Tony gets a calling to take Wifey #2? I say 2 years. 

Next year we'll have Maddie's baby, and if Kody can't talk them *cough Robyn cough* into at least courting wife #5, Tony will be on the look out for a sister wife for Mykelti. 

Also - mark my words - of Robyn can't stave off courting wife #5, she will out Meriah to throw the attention onto her.

Robyn is 38. If she can hold off another pregnancy for five more years, she's probably not going to have another baby. 

Where even are they in that picture?  A bowling alley, I assume from the shoes?  I mean, they've been married two days, are on their honeymoon and the most romantic thing they can find to do is go bowling?  I'm not disparaging fun activities outside of the bedroom on a honeymoon--Mr. Rhondinella and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon (it was a thing back then), but at least hanging out in the World Pavilion is slightly less pedestrian than a bowling alley.  Weird.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Rhondinella said:

Where even are they in that picture?  A bowling alley, I assume from the shoes?  I mean, they've been married two days, are on their honeymoon and the most romantic thing they can find to do is go bowling?  I'm not disparaging fun activities outside of the bedroom on a honeymoon--Mr. Rhondinella and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon (it was a thing back then), but at least hanging out in the World Pavilion is slightly less pedestrian than a bowling alley.  Weird.

That's where you end up when you demand that your parents pay for your honeymoon in exchange for delaying your wedding.  "OK, we'll pay for the honeymoon.  We've got enough to send you to a bowling alley in Seattle."

  • Love 8
13 hours ago, Rhondinella said:

Where even are they in that picture?  A bowling alley, I assume from the shoes?  I mean, they've been married two days, are on their honeymoon and the most romantic thing they can find to do is go bowling?  I'm not disparaging fun activities outside of the bedroom on a honeymoon--Mr. Rhondinella and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon (it was a thing back then), but at least hanging out in the World Pavilion is slightly less pedestrian than a bowling alley.  Weird.

Disney World is a fantastic place for a honeymoon! (I got engaged there!) And it's World Showcase.

--your resident Disney-obsessed adult ;-)

  • Love 5

Can this be true?

I know "Radar" isn't the Wall Street Journal, but they were among the first to break the catfish story.  I suspect there's truth to it.  Robyn got that legal marriage, so now she can hit Kody up for child support to continue getting her share of the TLC checks.  Technically, she can ask for support for all 5 kids.

As Meri silently enjoys watching karma in action from the other side of the cul-de-sac.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Can this be true?

I know "Radar" isn't the Wall Street Journal, but they were among the first to break the catfish story.  I suspect there's truth to it.  Robyn got that legal marriage, so now she can hit Kody up for child support to continue getting her share of the TLC checks.  Technically, she can ask for support for all 5 kids.

As Meri silently enjoys watching karma in action from the other side of the cul-de-sac.

I wonder if she had advanced notice of this "news"?


24 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Can this be true?

I know "Radar" isn't the Wall Street Journal, but they were among the first to break the catfish story.  I suspect there's truth to it.  Robyn got that legal marriage, so now she can hit Kody up for child support to continue getting her share of the TLC checks.  Technically, she can ask for support for all 5 kids.

As Meri silently enjoys watching karma in action from the other side of the cul-de-sac.

I dunno, the catfish story was already pretty known as people had been following it on twitter since it started in March 2015.  I'm guessing that Kendra is the "source". 

I don't doubt that there is big time trouble in paradise, but I seriously doubt Robyn will leave while the show is still bringing in money.  However, the minute TLC drops the cancellation ax, it won't be surprising if Robyn files for divorce and demands child support for all five children.  If that happens, Janelle and Christine also need to get Kody pinned down to payments for any of their children under the age of eighteen because Robyn will bleed him dry.  

She seems to be clearly over Kody and moving into the "can't stand the sight of him" territory.  

  • Love 3

Aurora really seems like the one who is annoying. Dayton is quiet and introverted, but he seems to get along with the older boys. Brianna seems sweet and I know she's close to Meri. She seems to get on well with the younger kids as well. Aurora is a drama queen and an attention hog; I wouldn't be surprised if she's just tolerated. 

I don't really see Robyn going anywhere while the show is on either, but I will agree she has seemed more cold and absent this season. The bit about her house no longer being the "safe space" for Kody rings true. 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, MonicaM said:

I don't doubt that there is big time trouble in paradise, but I seriously doubt Robyn will leave while the show is still bringing in money.  However, the minute TLC drops the cancellation ax, it won't be surprising if Robyn files for divorce and demands child support for all five children.  If that happens, Janelle and Christine also need to get Kody pinned down to payments for any of their children under the age of eighteen because Robyn will bleed him dry.  

I think "bleed him dry" might be too strong a phrase when it comes to Kody Brown.  If Robyn thinks she's going to be living the good life on whatever support Kody can scrape up, she's delusional.

  • Love 5

If the article is true, I think his previous divorce could make things very interesting. Kody is only on the deed with Meri for her house, if I remember correctly. It wasn't discussed as to whether there was any property division when he and Meri legally divorced. This could mean that he's still on the deed as a 50/50 owner with Meri. As such, Sobbin can ask for the division of his share of Meri's house to provide sufficient compensation for she and the kids. If a judge was feeling overly generous (and if she's upside down in her mortgage but Meri isn't), he could grant her his share of Meri's house. It'd make like interesting on the cult de sac. Potentially, Janelle and Christine could do the same with whatever assets he's got and I'd hustle to get a domestic support order quickly because one can only get so much blood from a turnip. As Meri is the only one with of age children, she's the only one who would be prohibited from a support order unless she asked for alimony at the time of the divorce. Even if they knew they couldn't collect, it would give them bargaining leverage when dealing with him.  I don't see him having many assets beyond the house, cars, and hair products.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, MegD said:

If the article is true, I think his previous divorce could make things very interesting. Kody is only on the deed with Meri for her house, if I remember correctly. It wasn't discussed as to whether there was any property division when he and Meri legally divorced. This could mean that he's still on the deed as a 50/50 owner with Meri. As such, Sobbin can ask for the division of his share of Meri's house to provide sufficient compensation for she and the kids. If a judge was feeling overly generous (and if she's upside down in her mortgage but Meri isn't), he could grant her his share of Meri's house. It'd make like interesting on the cult de sac. Potentially, Janelle and Christine could do the same with whatever assets he's got and I'd hustle to get a domestic support order quickly because one can only get so much blood from a turnip. As Meri is the only one with of age children, she's the only one who would be prohibited from a support order unless she asked for alimony at the time of the divorce. Even if they knew they couldn't collect, it would give them bargaining leverage when dealing with him.  I don't see him having many assets beyond the house, cars, and hair products.

Sorry but the other so called wives can't get a damn thing from him except for child support if they leave him as long as he is listed on the bc. I  can see each wife getting about $1.00 per kid each month for support.

This "source" doesn't seem to know that  Robyn's mother & stepfather live in Las Vegas these days. Before that they lived in *gasp* St. George. 

When they went to hawk MSWC goods at a women's expo a few seasons ago...Robyn was so nervous  in the parking lot...telling Christine because..."it's St. George!"  She seemed to  forget all that stress when it came to Mykelti being shipped to St. George to work at a pawn shop.

So...Robyn is going to pack it all up & move? Does that include packing Mindy?  I don't believe Robyn would leave to finish raising  those girls & a new baby on her own. 

Her new prospects would be slim to none. 

Edited by Sista Snarky
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Sorry but the other so called wives can't get a damn thing from him except for child support if they leave him as long as he is listed on the bc. I  can see each wife getting about $1.00 per kid each month for support.

That was what I meant. Only the current wife could get alimony. I think my brain went mushy and I wrote domestic support not child support. There are minimums (at least in my state) and if you can't pay, well then it just gets put in an arrearage. If you ever come up with money (like a tax refund or a new job), the state takes it and hands it over for your arrearage. At least in this county, the domestic relations judges will also lock people up and/or yank driver's licenses to get people motivated to pay.

It will cut into his future "Hair Club for Men" plan.

  • Love 3
On 12/23/2016 at 6:59 AM, CofCinci said:

If you go through Radar's SW archive, there aren't any fake stories. 

The real stories are such a flaming shitshow, I can't even imagine what people could make up. Truely is a kindergarten domanitrix?  Robyn is converting to Catholicism? Everybody gets real full-time jobs? Ha-ha, the last one is a good one, right?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Not to mention each tabloid rag has celebs they like and don't like. If they don't like you, they'll find some way to make you look bad. I never take them seriously. A "source" says this or that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.  

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