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Shameless Fame Whores: Sister Wives in the Media

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It's always been the added on "cohabiting with another" part that Utah used to define (and make illegal) polygamy. Officially married with a license always has been, and always will be, bigamy, regardless of the living arrangements.


This is why most plyg families live in separate houses or have big houses with separate entrances and addresses for the "apartments".

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This is why most plyg families live in separate houses or have big houses with separate entrances and addresses for the "apartments".


well that and of course,the welfare rules, if the state thinks people are living communally/sharing resources, they will get less- why they think some sheetrock and a door is going to stop fraud I don't know. Oh yeah, so apparently there are noises the chickens are flying the coop, so to speak - all kinds of links about how the original three are looking to bail and how the next seasons is all about #4 and kids, oh jeeze I hope not- not going to bother if that is the case. Now if they had kind of an unintentionally funny 'the view' type show with the original three, that might be entertaining. The network might as well start talking to Brady and crew because if season 7 is all about 'Kobyn + toddlers' that is going to be as boring as a heap of dirty laundry.



This is why most plyg families live in separate houses or have big houses with separate entrances and addresses for the "apartments".


well that and of course,the welfare rules, if the state thinks people are living communally/sharing resources, they will get less- why they think some sheetrock and a door is going to stop fraud I don't know. Oh yeah, so apparently there are noises the chickens are flying the coop, so to speak - all kinds of links about how the original three are looking to bail and how the next seasons is all about #4 and kids, oh jeeze I hope not- not going to bother if that is the case. Now if they had kind of an unintentionally funny 'the view' type show with the original three, that might be entertaining. The network might as well start talking to Brady and crew because if season 7 is all about 'Kobyn + toddlers' that is going to be as boring as a heap of dirty laundry.


So they were basically forcing people to turn over their SNAP benefits to church leaders.  Nice.  I guess they needed the cash to keep Warren Jeffs in stationery and stamps and secret burner phones, so it was really for the greater good, though.  The prophet must be able to communicate with his sheep, you know.  Hmph.


The sad thing is, it's probably the least of their crimes.


Seems to me that if the Browns really had the slightest fear of being arrested or separated, they never would have went on TV.  That whole bug out to Vegas storyline was 100% crap.  You know, this show might have been interesting if they had been willing to really share what living their life is like.  But instead we get fake drama about being arrested and adoptions and the good stuff gets whitewashed.  


I expect this next season will be the last unless something drastically changes. 

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So they were basically forcing people to turn over their SNAP benefits to church leaders. Nice. I guess they needed the cash to keep Warren Jeffs in stationery and stamps and secret burner phones, so it was really for the greater good, though. The prophet must be able to communicate with his sheep, you know. Hmph.

The sad thing is, it's probably the least of their crimes.

Seems to me that if the Browns really had the slightest fear of being arrested or separated, they never would have went on TV. That whole bug out to Vegas storyline was 100% crap. You know, this show might have been interesting if they had been willing to really share what living their life is like. But instead we get fake drama about being arrested and adoptions and the good stuff gets whitewashed.

I expect this next season will be the last unless something drastically changes.

BS storylines are the Browns stock and trade. Vegas move, adoption and the divorce, investors, MSWC and the list goes on and on. They seem to be cats with nine lives. I think they have burned through at least eight. Edited by toodles
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So they were basically forcing people to turn over their SNAP benefits to church leaders.  Nice.  I guess they needed the cash to keep Warren Jeffs ..... (snipped)



 I think they were in some other type plyg thing, not the Jeff's group (prairie dresses , Gibson girl hair)- there's a bunch of different ones, I think they were something called AUB  http://52weeks52churches.blogspot.com/2014/05/my-surreal-visit-to-apostolic-united.html

which I think the Brady bunch was as well, who knows if they are back in that now that they don't have the tv gig or have ditched it altogether. From what I gather, it is sort of a blend of socialisty- semi-communal stuff with religious stuff.


I find it endlessly ironic how Kody and clan have likely benefitted hugely from whatever their AUB involvement was, as well as all the welfare stuff from the state yet now that TV money is involed, oh now he wants out of that and is constantly tweeting all this libertarian, far-righty stuff. Like he doesn't even slightly own it that well yes, we were definitely getting, WIC, food stamps, welfare cash, medi-cal or whatever they have out there..but oh now we have left that behind (as long as TLC doesn't turn into tough luck, charlie). It's interesting that as soon as real cash comes along, everyone wants out super-quick from these 'share and share alike' things. They don't really think people buy that it is all fun times with pool parties and goofy rv trips with everyone doing their fake 'oh I'm sooo annoyed (but not really, everything is all good)... it's really too bad we're hearing noises about the Orig 3 looking to bail right when there could actually be some real drama- like even if everyone knows things are super screwed up, they can't bring themselves to wash the dirty laundry on the show, though I wish they would.


They need to know to the majority of their viewers,  we're not going to be 'mad' at them for having problems or making plygs 'look bad' or

or have the power to screw up their afterlife etc....You don't have to 'make nice' for us, Browns, or just cry when things suck. Get mad, you'll live longer.Those little facebook aphorisms are not fooling anyone, I don't know how they can bear for those to be in their house, the way things likely are in real life. How about let's change those posters to Jack Handy's deep thoughts?



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I think they were in some other type plyg thing, not the Jeff's group (prairie dresses , Gibson girl hair)-

Yes, this is the Warren Jeffs group in Colorado City/ Hildale (Short Creek). One of the eleven people arrested is Warren's brother Lyle, who is running the place for Warren while he is in prison.


I was reading The Principle blog the other day and one of the posts had a pic of a plyg house (FLDS) and it had several of those inspirational plaques on the walls. I guess the more repressed polygamous women need them to get through their life (the independent plygs I knew never had those things on their walls!)

Edited by Galloway Cave
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I think the quote things are because Mormonism has its own subculture.  When your education, worship, social interactions, family et al all revolve around the exact same people, you don't have much contact with the outside world.  When everyone you know has quotes on their wall, and the faith/love/hope/prayer/scriptures is what their house is decorated with - that's your normal.

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Hi, lurker here. I think those plaques with inspirational sayings are a very inexpensive way to decorate some walls. With those McMansions, they have a lot of walls and real artwork is pricey. 


       If they werent so keen on these things on twitter , you might have something.

Here's one that might apply to the 'should we or shouldn't we stick around for one more season?' thing...



source: https://despair.com/collections/demotivators

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Reruns of the commitment ceremony today. It was ridiculous at the time, but omg. Good to know it fixed all the relationship problems. Lmao, since we know how well it worked for the original recipe wives. Looking at you, meri.

Reruns too of the vse of the harem. I deleted those.

Kody Brown-full time asshat and scum of the earth.

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Hee!  Fodder for another phony flight from persecution even though they don't live there anymore. I'm sure the Utah Secret Anti-Polygamist Service is hot on their trail.

I'm sure the Brown's double secret probation will be another stupid storyline that we monogamous people are too dumb to understand.

I'm irritated that my tax dollars were wasted on crap like this.

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Wow, I am overwhelmed by the lengthy, impassioned discussion taking place in this thread about the recent earthshattering court decision in the Sister Wives polygamy case.




Are these asshats getting a season 7 for sure?  Because interest in them seems to be at an all time low. I realize TLC will air virtually anything (exhibit A: Jill and Jessa Counting On).  But I am thinking they could just air random cat videos swiped from the web and get better ratings than this show is going to bring in.  


Then again, I really like cat videos, so I may be biased.

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I'm bored with them too but I actually wish there was some dirt on whether they're being renewed or not.  I have seen articles speculating online on tabloid sites that they're being cancelled but it's all just been speculation, nothing concrete.  Someone posted somewhere else on this site that cameras were still following them so I'm assuming they're still being filmed for the show.  And someone else posted the timeline of previous seasons and it doesn't look out of place at this point for nothing to be announced just yet.  Also, this thread is normally pretty quiet when the show is not airing so I wouldn't conclude from lack of activity here that most people are bored and would not tune in if a new season were to air.  On the SW Facebook page there are tons of people asking when the new season will start, so it's not exactly crickets over there.

Not shocking that the appeals court found they didn't have an issue as they were never prosecuted.  I doubt they'll do any better pursuing the issue farther.  I expect if there is another season the only thing that would bring it above cat videos would be a real divorce, someone completely leaving, or possibly Maddy's wedding for an episode or two.

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I refuse to watch but couldn't help clicking on the People link. Had to laugh at Christine's observation: *Robyn* must be mad and feel betrayed.

Because we all stop and ask ourselves: How does this affect Robyn Brown?

They deserve all the misery they create.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I had just moseyed over to see when and if this shit show had been renewed for another kick at the cat.

I hadn't bothered off season as the catfishing nut didn't interest me and Meris response on the season finale was phony.


Based on the new season previews, get ready for more Meri phoniness to come.


SoSueMe, "rough" is a kind word for how the wives look now.

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Since I don't really like to click on articles, can someone be kind to me and do a brief recap of what we already know?



  • “It’s worse than ever. The family is arguing constantly,” Kendra says. “They pretend to be happy for the show, but the family is a mess."
  • Kendra reveals that Kody is “definitely seeking another wife right now. He wants a younger female, basically what Robyn used to be.”
  • “He’ll most likely drop one of the other wives,” Kendra says, claiming that TLC plans to pull the plug on Sister Wives after season seven. “Kody’s main goal is to keep the series going and to make money. He’s a snake.”
  • He lounges around in bed all day with Robyn.
  • He "can't stand" Meri and considers Christine to be a "brat."
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I have a hard time believing he lounges around all day in bed with Robyn... she has too many kids.

However he IS a snake.

Maybe if it were worded "...he lounges around in bed all day at Robyn's house..." it would be more believable.  After all he is a large man child himself, she has a live in nanny relative, so Robyn can cater to baby Kody all day.

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I really don't want to watch Meri crying.


Why? You don't love seeing someone wipe their tears and eye goobers up with their hands and examine them, sans tissue? 


Maybe if it were worded "...he lounges around in bed all day at Robyn's house..." it would be more believable.  After all he is a large man child himself, she has a live in nanny relative, so Robyn can cater to baby Kody all day.


Yea, I can believe it. His previous favorite homes were Meri's for the solace and Robyn's for the sex. Meri is out now. So he probably spends most of his time at Robyn's. 

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Maybe if it were worded "...he lounges around in bed all day at Robyn's house..." it would be more believable.  After all he is a large man child himself, she has a live in nanny relative, so Robyn can cater to baby Kody all day.

Exactly. I'm sure HE is in bed or laying on the couch all day while Robyn is taking care of the kids. I'm sure now that Robyn and Kody are legal everyone else gets close to zero face time with the Kodster. (their loss?)

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Why, tlc, why? Rerunnig the house drama. So the wet bar, mcmansions close together, MSWC, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances didn't fix their family problems? Tlc sucked me in AGAIN.

It's interesting to watch considering everything that's happened since then. These are people that just drift through life looking for the next easy fix and are always surprised when it blows up in their faces.

I'm sure this comment belongs in the meri thread, but watching meri cry copious crocodile tears over the wet bar and the fact that she needs that huge house because she she wanted 8 kids is just as crazy as it was the first time.

When Christine is the voice of reason, you know something is really f@$&ed up about the situation.

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This is related to the book so I'm putting it here...

So I was watching a rerun this morning, where they go on vacation with the dargers and they go into (for the mazillionth time) the whole abusive kitchen thing... And I was thinking... I know they allegedly go into more detail in the book, but what exactly was so "abusive"? I don't doubt it was at all unpleasent, or offensive, but I highly doubt "abuse" is the right word for the situation... And I found myself just getting angry that they kept pushing "abusive"... But I was wondering if anyone who braved reading the book had some insight.

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Meri wanted dishes done right away - Janelle was okay with putting them in to soak for a bit first.  And - HORRORS - Janelle put things in the wrong place in the cabinets.


These people don't know the meaning of the word abuse.

That about sums it up. And it did sound like Meri used their differences as a way to vent whatever jealousy and irritation she was going through at having "Lover" bringing home the bacon to a new woman...in the next room. GOOD TIMES, eh? Yeah, sign me up for a heaping helping of THAT for time and eternity.
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Meri wanted dishes done right away - Janelle was okay with putting them in to soak for a bit first. And - HORRORS - Janelle put things in the wrong place in the cabinets.

These people don't know the meaning of the word abuse.

Seriously!? Soaking dishes? I need to apologize to anyone I have ever lived with because I'm one dish-soaking-abusive SOB

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Here's where I think the abuse came in:


Meri:  "It's my night to be with you, but Janelle left dishes soaking in the sink.  I can't possibly be intimate with you while there are dishes in the sink.  Either she has to wash, dry and put them in the right place RIGHT NOW, or you're not getting any sugar tonight."


Kody:  "That's emotionally abusive!!!!  I am the ruler of this planet, and I will NOT be ordered around."


Meri stares at Kody with hands on hips.


Kody skulks off to wash, dry, and put dishes away.  Janelle sits on the couch watching TV and silently laughing.  She knows that Kody's afraid she'll cut him off the next night if he tries to make her do the dishes.

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