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Season 3: Get Your Spoons!


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There was no surprise over which 2 cooks would be in the taste off.  They were not going to get rid of another one on Nigela's team if they could help it.  Plus Natasha had won gold stars. 


I don't like the way they have the chefs screaming every little instruction to their cook.  They were getting too much help.  Let them consult at the beginning and then just let the chef help if the cook asks a question.  Ludo would give me a heart attack if I had to cook with him. 

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What happens if all the mentors pick the the same dish as the worse no cook off?


I'd think there'd be no cook-off for the worst dish, but then what would they do with all the extra time?  How about having a cookoff between the gold star winners? 


I can see it now..."Well Gold Star winners, our guest judge today loves salmon, eggplant, and cinnamon.  Your challenge is to create a dish that best incorporates these ingredients.  You have 10 minutes to plan your dish, and then 60 minutes to cook.  We're all leaving now, but we'll be back later to judge your efforts.  Good luck."


The prize could be immunity for the next challenge, or the option to award a red star on the next show.  Or even the ability to switch up the places between two people.


Could you imagine if one of Nigella's team members won the gold star cookoff?  Do they put the worst cook on Nigella's team on Team Ludo and bring his best to them?  Or do they flat out bail and take a spot on another team, forcing someone from that team to join Team Nigella?


There are a lot of different ways that could play out, and the repercussions wouldn't always be something one could anticipate.

Edited by Zahdii

When did the "mentors" begin giving step-by-step instructions during the cook off? From the exact type of pan, to the temperature of the water to the EXACT amount of salt to add to the water to... more and more.... If I wrote down what they said it would be all I'd need.

This was the first time for the cook-off. At least it took personalities out of the final decision, but it did seem like it made the actual contestants almost into puppets.

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I just wish they would stop with the "tell us who should go home/be in the cookoff" stuff.  I don't believe for a minute that what the contestants say about each other factors in at all--they just want exactly what they got last night, cat fights and hurt feelings.  Plus it just drags things out.  It was pretty much a forgone conclusion that neither Natasha nor Mia would be in the cookoff, but how long did it take to get there?


I just wish one of the four with red stars had said, "Well, I can't pick Natasha, because she's a shoo-in.  I can't pick Mia because they will want to keep her even if her dish is awful because Nigella can't be down to only one person, so I'll go with Jen."

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All the criticisms of this show are valid but I still am happy when I see it come up on my DVR.  I will be sorry when it is canceled someday.  Can't explain it.


Same here.  I also am at a loss to explain why I found it entertaining to see Ludo jumping up and down and screaming at his cook in the final, generally I wouldn't find something like that enjoyable at all.  I can't see it working for Bastianich, for example.  Maybe it's that (even if it's not so) Ludo is giving a very convincing performance as someone whose elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, and by and large the contestants seem like idiots.  I think driven by production Marcus took it up several notches over his default polite self in return.  It will be interesting to see Bourdain in that situation.

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I think the overly-demanding, impossible-to-please, classically-trained French chef is a trope both in entertainment and in the actual industry (ask anyone who's worked on the line for one of those guys), and Ludo's playing it to the hilt.  At the same time, I think his team is learning a lot from him (an omelet with no browning????).


I could definitely see Lindsay going home in the first round; she made it clear that she didn't feel she needed to learn anything, so save the spot for people who don't hold the whole thing in some sort of contempt.  I wonder if she'll show up on the next Next Food Network Star.

  • Love 6

So history is repeating itself for the 3rd season and Nigella is once again very likely to be the first one out.


Nigella actually told Lindsay that it would be better if she didn’t think “What can I do to make this different?” I thought that was one of the key things that chefs/cooks are always trying to do – be creative, have fresh takes on dishes, make food that stands out, etc. How many times have we heard judges say on all kinds of cooking shows that a dish didn’t have any major issues, was decent tasting, but it wasn’t anything special or that they hadn’t had before?


I didn't get to see enough of Lindsay to know if I really liked her or not, but I did love her telling Nigella what was pretty much the truth and Nigella's flat out denial of it. Nigella is just making things worse for herself next season (if there is one). She just showed that she would send anyone who stands up to her, or who won't follow her instructions and make the dish that she wants, packing.


On a side note, Nigella needs to dial back the collagen a bit - she's starting to get duck lips. Also, I think the lipstick that Mia had on in the first challenge could been seen from outer space.


Someone please make Ludo go away. His micromanaging of Jen during that Taste Off was ridiculous. He was even telling her which pots and pans to use. If she doesn't even know that, or if Ludo feels like she isn't even competent enough to pick the right cook wear, then what is she doing here?  I think the Taste Off was added this season just to give Ludo the chance to yell and scream more than usual.


Loved when the guy from Kentucky said that adding something into his dish was like "putting fancy knickers on an old stripper."

Edited by Rapunzel
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In defense of Nigella, I think her comment to Lindsay about making it different was that it's not supposed to be the FIRST thing you consider.  Start with the basic concept, done in the classic and proven way, THEN add your embellishments or frills.  Or substitute something to tweak the flavor profile. But you have to be able to nail the basics first. 


Lindsay wanted NOTHING to do with any mentoring.  And that's a huge component of this show.  She never should have been chosen in the first place. 


Nigella does tend to go with more home cooks, but I think it's because she doesn't want to spend so much time trying to change the already ingrained work habits of professional chefs.  Untrained home cooks haven't "been there and done that", so I generally see them more open to the coaching.  Though the best pro chefs know that there's always something to learn, no matter how lofty your perch is in the culinary world. 

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Is that one contestant (Vanessa?) completely obsessed with Anthony? Or is it all an act?

Probably both. She needs a "hook" to have people talking about her and to hopefully keep her on the show longer. Hopefully she can cook to back it up. I notice that the people who are either annoying, crazy or winning all the time get a lot of attention after the show is over.

Who can forget Cassandra's laugh? Or that Lee and whatshername fell in love and moved in together?



Tony will every once in a while get on his high horse about being an actual, honest-to-God chef, as it stings his huge ego when people imply he's just a TV food celebrity. Remember, he's made quite a few snide and disparaging comments over the years about various Food Network "stars," who he obviously feels  superior to. In my mind, I see him as about somewhere in the middle between Ludo and Marcus on one hand and Nigella on the other as to actual kitchen chops. What Tony does bring is an interesting perspective from having travelled and eaten all over the world, to an extent that few if any professional chefs have done. (Probably because they're too busy. While Tony smartly figured out a way to get paid for it).


As to the mentors picking what childhood favorite everyone cooks, on "The Taste" the mentors are clearly the stars. (Not coincidentally, two of the mentors are the show's producers.) Even though we get some back story on the contestants (lots of family deaths this year), we're not meant to care enough about them to want to hear their childhood food memories.


Has any contestant on this show ever made a splash, either in a good or bad way, based on their personality? Whereas on, say, Master Chef, the personalities of the contestants (and their constant feuding) is a big component of the show. That's why, despite the wonky format, I like The Taste, because it does seem more about the food. (Speaking of Master Chef, there was much ado this year about the woman who was a stripper. I like how on The Taste that woman on Tony's team briefly mentioned it was something she'd done in the past, and then it was dropped. Because it really isn't, or shouldn't be, a big deal).

I haven't seen him put anyone straight about him actually being a chef, but it would make sense if he -did- let them know he's a CIA graduate who ran several restaurant kitchens before becoming exec chef at Les Halles (where they still have an open door for him as "chef emeritus", or somesuch.) He worked hard in the restaurant business, so... very unlike many of the people he (rather gently imo) mocks at Food Network.


And, of course, he got where he is as a writer, not as a personality (that was just a happy coincidence). After getting notice from FN from his best-selling book about the "dark side" of restaurant kitchens (and subsequent articles/books), he got the FN travel gig and wrote all the scripts for "A Cook's Tour" himself--also for No Reservations. So I would understand if he were ever annoyed at being considered someone who is just a cook-who-became-a-tv-personality.


I didn't blame Lindsey for her attitude toward Nigella. She and Ludo are both horrible micro-managers, but, aside from his temper (which I'm sure is genuine), I think she's worse. I'd be really, really annoyed if her idea of "cooks competing" was to replicate her own recipe for mac 'n cheese. She should learn from the other mentors who gave a basic concept/category and then offered some advice. She does not encourage creativity at all, which is insulting.


I wonder if anyone has only been chosen by Nigella, thought about it a minute and said, "Maybe I'll just pass." That would be rude, yes, but I would perfectly understand it. I might be able to stand Ludo because he has things to teach and does have good ideas. Nigella's ideas always seem bad to begin with and then her stubbornness and rigidity about their execution would make it even more aggravating. It would be tempting to just say "No thanks" than to have to work "with" her.

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Lindsay wanted NOTHING to do with any mentoring.  And that's a huge component of this show.  She never should have been chosen in the first place. 


That's Nigella's first problem. She always goes for the wrong people. She seems to gravitate to the "home cook" types but they aren't the kind of cooks that win this show. This year it seemed like she had the added problem of people not wanting to be on her team also, so Lindsay might not have been "chosen" so much as been "leftover"

  • Love 2

I was Team Lindsey all the way in that Nigella vs. Lindsey situation.  Yeah, her comments were a bit much when she was called to talk about her teammates, but I think she had clearly had it by this point.  The other mentors are encouraging the chefs to think for themselves and put their own spin on things, and then Nigella comes down on Lindsey because she wants to make miso nabe with monkfish instead of clams. What? Not only is that pretty common (example, this nice recipe for misonabe with monkfish here), but Nigella shot it down in such a snide and disrespectful way, like it was baffling that she should do such a thing.  And then Nigella made is so clear in her voice and body language throughout the cook that she did. not. like. Lindsey.  And so Lindsey shuts her out and gets bottled up until she finally has an opportunity to vent. What does Nigella expect?  I have to mentor adults in my field all the time, and I can't imagine expecting anyone to learn--or even want to learn-- if I treated grown-ass professional adults like that.  No one learns when they feel belittled and disrespected. No one. They're too busy stewing and hating you to learn anything except that they hate you and they hate the thing you're telling them to do.  I really think Nigella reaped what she sowed there.

Edited by whirlingdervish
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I'd be really, really annoyed if her [Nigella's] idea of "cooks competing" was to replicate her own recipe for mac 'n cheese. She should learn from the other mentors who gave a basic concept/category and then offered some advice.

She gave them some leeway last week, but this week was back to micromanaging, down to the specific broth and specific seafood.  I wonder why she keeps doing that?  It's not a proven formula for her.


Although I can understand Lindsay's frustration, I thought she was unnecessarily bitchy for someone who chose to come on this show, knowing this could happen.

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Here's Lindsay's website.  I was surprised; for all her talk of her clients being "the wealthiest people in New York," her rate of $450 for a dinner for 2 (without wine) is, certainly not "affordable," but not "only if you already have a Ferrari" money either.  Considering her target market is Manhattan, that's a cost that a lot of people could manage to pull together for a special occasion, for instance if you were going to propose or something like that.

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I am a pretty good home cook and I would never presume to go on a show like this to compete against trained professional. Just the timing of getting the food out properly will trip you up every time.  


What I don't care about is these esoteric dishes with ingredients and flavors that are not something I would want to order in a restaurant. The contestant that cooks the food I would enjoy is Mia and she will be out next week.


This competition seems geared to hard core foodies.

This show bugs me, because it claims to be all about "the taste" and not about looks or sob stories or personality, but that is only after the initial selection pool is carefully chosen based on ... looks or sob stories or personality.  They clearly pick people who are "TV friendly" for the initial round in which the mentors pick their teams . The producers have already filmed home visits with certain contestants and invested in them being chosen, so it's no surprise when they do end up being chosen. And therefore throughout the competition they can intersperse the actual cooking & judging with stuff about the contestants' backgrounds, families, hopes & dreams, blah blah.  It's just like any other reality show, despite the stated premise of it being solely about the taste of the food. 


I still enjoy it for some reason, though. 

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She gave them some leeway last week, but this week was back to micromanaging, down to the specific broth and specific seafood.  I wonder why she keeps doing that?  It's not a proven formula for her.


From watching her last night, I think Nigella is embarrassed by her poor showing and -- astonishingly -- thinks it will be better if only they do everything more like she would!  Actually, Nigella-inspired (i.e. micromanaged) dishes usually get very tepid responses from the other chefs so it would be common sense to give her team more, not less creative leeway. But I guess her ego is just that big (plus, in her situation, if I thought my weaker team would lose anyway, I'd rather lose with their own creation than by duplicating mine. And there's always a chance that their creativity would -improve- on what I was thinking! Apparently, the way she acts, Nigella just doesn't believe that.)


It is increasingly obvious that Nigella is at a disadvantage against teams headed by three trained chefs and that her control-freak personality puts her team at even -more- of a disadvantage. Since she's the only woman on the panel--and professional kitchens are so male dominated anyway--it's doubly unfortunate that she's the one "representing". There are so many attractive, engaging, talented female chefs who could hold their own in the fourth spot. After three seasons, it's obvious Nigella isn't the right one for this show. Too bad she's a producer and apparently here to stay.  (I'm also convinced from the discussion that Mia would have gone home if Nigella hadn't already lost two people.)

Edited by Padma
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I'm thoroughly entertained by the show, quirks and all -- and getting rid of Ludo would take most of the fun away.


Okay, here's my picks:


Cook for me: Ludo

Be my friend: Marcus

Go on holiday with: Tony

Die: Nigella


(So much better than kiss, kill, marry, right?)

I agree better than kiss, kill marry.

I agree with Be my friend: Marcus (interesting, nice, knows lots of things)

Go on holiday with: Tony (he has such an -amazing- attitude as a traveler, even in outtakes, even in the most awful situations. He'd be close to ideal as a traveling companion.)

Ludo cooking for me would be nice, but I'm not sure I'd love his food (or not love it enough that he felt it was worthwhile to "let" me eat it). I'd probably just choose: 


Be at a (large) party with: Ludo. Because I think he might be quite an enjoyable character at a party (esp. after a few drinks) and it wouldn't be one-to-one where I'd probably want to kill him (and maybe vice-versa, as I have a feeling he's a big chauvinist).


Nigella...Nigella.  She's so different on this show from what I expected. (She seems arrogant, condescending, fake). I think it would have to be:


Cater my party: Nigella   I would not want any situation in which she was the one in authority.

Edited by Padma
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It is pretty tough when the creator/producer insists on being part of the production instead of someone who would do a much better job. Kurt Sutter of Sons of Anarchy springs to mind.


 Nigella should just sit back and light up a doobie and enjoy a glass of wine while she cashes her checks. You can tell by her reaction shots that she is getting more and more pissed at how her time on the show is going this season.

Edited by Trooper York
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It's too bad that the only woman represented is not a chef but a "home cook" who isn't good enough as a mentor that her team will ever get very far. I've seen this episode in pieces and out of order, but enjoyed the part where the mentors demonstrated things. Wasn't that Lindsay who was talking respectfully at that point, about how she wanted to replicate much of Nigella's approach and techniques so "she would know that I appreciate what she is doing and was paying close attention to what she showed us?"  Since I missed most of the "middle" I'm curious to see how that all changed.


Pretty bad that the first three eliminated could have easily all been Team Nigella (with the fourth probably going next week). She could have been down to no one by week 3. Taken together with the past two seasons, that should tell them all something important.. I agree her team would probably be doing better if she was grabbing a glass of wine and just enjoying seeing what they could come up with on their own.

Edited by Padma

Ok, I missed the first episode.  Someone please 'splain about the guy who didn't cook anything.  Were his spoons empty or did he just serve them a basic garden salad on a spoon?  What exactly do you mean?

He made a smoked salmon napoleon which was basically bread, salmon, & some other stuff I don't remember on a spoon. Nothing needed cooking, he just assembled it in the spoon.

  • Love 3

It's too bad that the only woman represented is not a chef but a "home cook" who isn't good enough as a mentor that her team will ever get very far.


Even worse is that her all-woman team has been a living, breathing advertisement for the stereotyped idea that women won't hesitate to claw each other in the back, all the time pretending to be BFFs and "sisters." It's been like watching "The Real Housewives of the Taste."  Maybe some of this has be been producer inspired, but I don't think you can get people to act totally outside their true nature. And since Nigella is one of the show's exec producers and apparently has a lot of power ( or she probably would've been replaced by now), hard to believe that she would encourage something that makes herself and women in general look so bad.


That whole "we're best friends," "she's not my best friend" exchange between Lindsay and Mia was priceless. Maybe it's the presence of Ms. Jersey Shore that's adding to this season's Real World flavor.


As for Vanessa's love/hero worship of Anthony Bourdain, "get a room." I'm really hoping something happens to put a stop to this. Soon.

Edited by bluepiano
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First time viewer here of a full-length episode. I think I tried to watch the very first episode and was bored. Whenever I'd think to watch it, I'd tune into the end of the show and usually saw Nigella having to say goodbye to somebody.


Is every episode TWO hours? Also, if a mentor loses his/her entire team in the first few episodes, are they eliminated as well, or do they stick around to participate in the judging?


I'm picking up a lot of dislike for Nigella here. I watch her TV shows, but am not used to seeing her in this context. At this rate of losing a person a week, she'll have no team left soon. I like the way she cut Lindsay off at the feet before sending her packing. I could see Lindsay's POV though, about having all creativity stifled.


I almost had to turn the show off because I couldn't stand the yelling and screaming of Ludo. Talk about a stereotype of a high-wired French chef. If I'd been Jen during the cook-off, I'd have been a nervous wreck. I'd purposely lose just to get away from him.


Does Marcus have a full-length mirror? Fortunately, I've only seen him from the waist up on "Chopped." Who dresses him, anyway? He doesn't look edgy or clever. He looks ridiculous and like he's trying way too hard.

He made a smoked salmon napoleon which was basically bread, salmon, & some other stuff I don't remember on a spoon. Nothing needed cooking, he just assembled it in the spoon.


Good description. I thought it was actually pretty funny. At first the way it was edited I thought they were setting him up to go through, but he didn't. I must admit I was glad the judges saw through the whole thing. I had a moment of doubt that they wouldn't.

Is every episode TWO hours? Also, if a mentor loses his/her entire team in the first few episodes, are they eliminated as well, or do they stick around to participate in the judging?


They stick around. It happened to Nigella last year, might have happened the first year as well I can barely remember what happened last episode much less two seasons ago because this show is so dull and repetitive yet I continue to watch!

Edited by biakbiak

I'm picking up a lot of dislike for Nigella here. I watch her TV shows, but am not used to seeing her in this context. At this rate of losing a person a week, she'll have no team left soon. I like the way she cut Lindsay off at the feet before sending her packing. I could see Lindsay's POV though, about having all creativity stifled.

I think we got the odd situation that Lindsay was something of an egotistical jackass, but at the same time she may have been right that her judgement was probably as good as Niegella's. She expressed those thoughts in a way that overtly in the talking head made her sound like an Ego Monster, whereas Nigella's ego is more observable by her actions rather than the talking heads.
  • Love 2

I'm picking up a lot of dislike for Nigella here. I watch her TV shows, but am not used to seeing her in this context. At this rate of losing a person a week, she'll have no team left soon. I like the way she cut Lindsay off at the feet before sending her packing. I could see Lindsay's POV though, about having all creativity stifled.



Nigella was the first eliminated mentor in both previous seasons & it looks like this will be season #3. It's all because she micromanages her team & won't let them use any of their skills or creativity. Lindsay was correct in this case, Nigella won't let her team breathe, I can't imagine what she must be like as a mother. 

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I much prefer the format of the UK version (much more laid back, fewer contestants, more time for Ludo to scream), but even then Nigella just doesn't seem the right fit. However, since this is a vanity show for her (just like Project Runway is for Klum), there's not going to be much chance of her kicking herself out of the spotlight.

Add me to team Lindsay.  Does she not like to take direction?  Perhaps not, but I have to ask why is it that Nigella seems to always have an issue - She had similar issues last year with pretty much her entire team.  I don't think Lindsay would have dug her heels in so far if she were on someone else's team.  I think she looked worse because she was reacting to Nigella's insane micromanagement.  It's got to be that Nigella is incredibly hard to work with for just about anyone.  These people are pretty much chosen blindly and it's still happening.  I don't get how Nigella seems to have a nose for picking women for her team even in blind taste tests.  Oh, and note that once again, Lindsay was someone she sent home for reasons other than her food.  Ridiculous.  Now she'll have only yes-people that she can micromanage to death and will end up losing anyway because that's not a way to get people to do their best.


I don't think it's because she's a home cook and outclassed that Nigella keeps losing people.  I just think she sucks at mentoring.  And I'm beginning to think she's just not good at picking the best bite either.  I think there are many home cooks who would do much better than she is in this role.


I didn't find this episode any more enjoyable than last.  Perhaps even less so because of all the bitchiness going on and stereotype confirming interchange between Nigella's team.  Oh yes, and all the screaming by Ludo at the end.  Whatever it is that he and Nigella are doing, it's not mentoring.  It's more like being the overbearing boss from hell.  I keep complaining about this show but I keep watching it anyway.  At this point I don't even know why anymore.  I have no good excuse.  It's probably for train wreck value at this point.  I'm beginning to think I liked it better last season.  This business with amping up the drama through bitch fests and cook-offs with yelling is making the show way too annoying.


ETA:  Mr. Snarklepuss would like to know why Marcus is allowed to call something "White Trash mayonnaise".  Come to think of it, so would I.  Talk about disparaging ethnic references!

Edited by Snarklepuss
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It's not the home cook thing, if you ask me, it's Nigella. Ludo got a homecook (Sarah) into the finale for s1 and just look at Marina last year! Nigella's shown to pick 12 messes over the three seasons and even in the UK version, same thing.


I agree with you, but the whole "homecook" thing drives me a little nuts. I cook <gasp> at home and I think I do a pretty darn good job of it, so do the people who come over asking to either join us for dinner or wanting recipes. Which I guess is kinda proving your point...hehe... it's Nigella, not where the chefs are cooking.

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