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S01.E10: Collateral Damage

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When the State Department goes on lockdown due to a deranged gunman outside the building, Elizabeth is confined with a delegation from Iraq whose translator threatens to reveal damaging information about her actions while in the CIA. Meanwhile, when Matt is stuck in an office with Daisy’s fiancé, Win, he spills information that he shouldn’t have.


Arggh!  Eye-rack again.  Why is it these people can say Iraquis but stumble on Iraq?


Arggggh!  The whole Matt/Daisy/Win thing needs to go away.  Matt in particular needs to grow up!  But please!  Can this whole sub-theme just go away for good?  Well, at least it looks like Win is gone, but this may leave more time for Matt/Daisy: The Romance That Never Was.  Never was believable, at any rate...


Argh!  Stevie really can be insufferable when she wants to be.  And when she doesn't want to be.  And all the times in between.  Please ghod, not Stevie & Blake.  I actually like Blake!

  • Love 2

Instead of Tim Daly, we got Sam Daly. Is there a rule that there can be only one Daly per week? (The familial resemblance is very strong.)


I can't stand Stevie. When she's not whining, she's insufferably self-righteous. Isn't Elizabeth breaking a ton of laws telling her about an op?

All of the above.


And, Sam is Tim's SON! Yes, that's how old we are. And how well Joe Hackett has aged.


I hope Stevie stays away for a loooong time and only comes home for holidays,. Must be nice to know everything at 19.

  • Love 3

I hate Stevie, I want her to be sent to a secret CIA prison where she can be tortured just like the poor mass murderer she was whining about, that's how much I dislike that character.

Really though, this kid doesn't have any friends in the area she can borrow a blouse from? The part I hated the most was when she complained that if she didn't have to "grovel" for money she wouldn't have had to be there anyway and would have missed the gunman. Shut up and stop bothering Blake!

I wonder what she'll do with the torture information her mother gave her? Just sit on it and act all superior and passive aggressive towards her mother or could they be planning a story for her where she tells someone and then the press finds out?

I did like Bebe Neuwirth's character's story ( forgot her name, sorry). I liked that she was adamant about not changing policy regarding diplomatic postings but after listening to the woman's argument and identifying with her too, she assigned her to Portugal. That was great.

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I really, really love this show and I really, really hate the character of Stevie, I hope she's gone for most of the rest of the season. As far as what Elizabeth told her about the op, I don't think that she revealed anything of vital importance. More like a general idea of the kind of choices she's had to make and why. At least that's what I got out of it. Loved Nadine tonight and seriously can't wait for Elizabeth to throw down with Russell next week. On a side note, I love football, but I'm really tired of it screwing with the Sunday night schedule. You would think after all these years they would have resolved that issue.

Edited by missbonnie
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I was on Stevie's side about torture being immoral and unethical despite whatever special dispensation the government gave to legalize said torture, but I wish she used better arguments to get her point across. It's no wonder Elizabeth doesn't take Stevie seriously; Stevie has a lot of high minded ideas but she doesn't seem to know how to approach them like a calm, rational adult. She's so childish for someone her age.

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Matt doesn't know how to socialize normally. Or keep his trap shut.


Daisy thinks it's a good idea to bring her fiancé to meet with the man she's cheating on him with. Hell, she thinks it's a good idea to get engaged to someone while she's still sleeping with her co-worker.


Stevie doesn't know how to dress for work. Or how to recognize that every sign is screaming at her to go back to college already.


Basically, Secretary McCord is surrounded by idiots.


On the bright side, Win actually seemed like a pretty cool guy.

  • Love 2

...Hell, [Daisy] thinks it's a good idea to get engaged to someone while she's still sleeping with her co-worker....

But that's the thing, she didn't. When Matt and Win were having there bare all moment, Matt told Win he and Daisy broke it off "a couple of months ago," to which Win replied, "So, right before we got engaged." I know I'm an old fuddy duddy, but I just don't think it's cheating if you're not at least engaged. It can be hurtful and disappointing, but if you haven't made a commitment, you're free to make sure this is the only one you want to be with before you tie the knot--IMO. But then I haven't been in a relationship for decades now, so what do I know? Anyway, Win and Daisy could still make it work--which I would so much rather see than the lustlessness of Matt and Daisy.

...Please ghod, not Stevie & Blake.  I actually like Blake!

ITA, but isn't Blake gay? Edited by shapeshifter

Must be nice to know everything at 19.


Well, I knew everything when I was 19.  And as I got older, I knew less and less.  Now, I know hardly anything!


I don't like Stevie, even though there is potential for vaaast improvement, should she ever have any sort of character defining moment.  But even without any such improvement, I'd support an episode where she was kidnapped by evil scientist and cloned providing they also kidnapped Matt & Daisy and dissolved them in a vat of goo, to get the proteins to produce the clones.  Because I'd joyfully put up with three Stevies, if it meant I never had to see or hear from Matt/Daisy ever again!   That pair are ruining this show for me, and I'm already FFWDing through their tedious minutes of air-time.


Does anyone have any contact with the producers?  Because I have a great script in which Matt & Daisy throw themselves on grenades, heroically getting blown to hell to protect the Secretary of State.  There is even a beautiful funeral scene at the end, with a moving eulogy in which their names are praised... and then never heard uttered again for the duration of the series, no matter how many seasons that might be!

  • Love 6

I'm hoping that Stevie crashing with friends means limited screen time for her, but I hate all mouthy, know-it-all teens on tv.  If Stevie wants to be more than a hostess, then she either needs to stop whining and go back to school or accept the fact that nepotism is going to be the fastest way for her to do something else.  


Win is an ass of the highest degree for giving Matt pot without his consent.  I'm for the legalization of pot, but last I checked, it's against the law to drug someone and that's exactly what he did.


I wish they had focused more on Nadine and the embassy worker, because that was much more interesting than the love triangle nonsense.  

  • Love 6
Can this whole sub-theme just go away for good?


There's a posting in Angola that just came up, I believe.


Matt and his "I would fight for the girl I love".  (Even if she did go behind my back and betray my trust in her.)  On a side note, on their last scene, I don't know if anyone else was as distracted by the light on her lip gloss as I was, but, man, it looked bad.


Miss Huffy doesn't believe in complicated answers?  She should go get some work experience in an animal shelter somewhere, and feed the animals, knowing that most of them will be dead in a week.  Or go work in a soup kitchen.  Get aquainted with real life without the safety net that is your parents.

  • Love 4

Yeah, it's predictable, but the banter is so well written. BTW, Stevie is 20, which means she dropped out of college as a sophomore. The families of cabinet members aren't newsworthy, nobody knows who they are or cares. How many of you college graduates out there remember anyone talking much about THEIR parents, anyway? Nobody really cares.


Back in the day there was a sitcom called Barney Miller, which originally tried to show both the family and the worklife of the title character, it failed and they gave up on the home life. They should drop the husband and the other two kids as soon as possible.

As far as what Elizabeth told her about the op, I don't think that she revealed anything of vital importance. More like a general idea of the kind of choices she's had to make and why.


It was supposed to be a secret that she'd been in Iraq, right? Stevie whined about being lied to when Elizabeth said she'd been in Jordan. If Stevie doesn't know at 20 that the world has shades of gray, Elizabeth and Arm Candy are terrible parents. And Stevie needs some real-world experience, PRONTO.

Edited by dubbel zout

But that's the thing, she didn't. When Matt and Win were having there bare all moment, Matt told Win he and Daisy broke it off "a couple of months ago," to which Win replied, "So, right before we got engaged." I know I'm an old fuddy duddy, but I just don't think it's cheating if you're not at least engaged. It can be hurtful and disappointing, but if you haven't made a commitment, you're free to make sure this is the only one you want to be with before you tie the knot--IMO. 


Without getting into the norms of dating today vs dating yesterday, I'll just say that it's pretty clear Daisy herself thought what she was doing was wrong and that was why she kept saying, "We have to stop this" with Matt. One of their first conversations this season had her talking about how Matt had a girlfriend and she had a boyfriend she was committed to. 



It was supposed to be a secret that she'd been in Iraq, right? Stevie whined about being lied to when Elizabeth said she'd been in Jordan. If Stevie doesn't know at 19 that the world has shades of gray, Elizabeth and Arm Candy are terrible parents.


To me it's not even an issue of shades of gray vs black and white. Elizabeth was known to be a CIA analyst. Surprise! Some of her work was secret!

  • Love 5
Yeah, it's predictable, but the banter is so well written. BTW, Stevie is 20, which means she dropped out of college as a sophomore. The families of cabinet members aren't newsworthy, nobody knows who they are or cares. How many of you college graduates out there remember anyone talking much about THEIR parents, anyway? Nobody really cares.


I always thought that was a ridiculous reason for her to drop out of school because, as you said, nobody cares, they really don't.  I think it was just Stevie's excuse for dropping out, which she wanted to do for other reasons, whatever those might be.


Is she unemployed now?  I couldn't figure out if she was fired for not showing up dressed properly, and then not showing up at all.

I always thought that was a ridiculous reason for her to drop out of school because, as you said, nobody cares, they really don't.  I think it was just Stevie's excuse for dropping out, which she wanted to do for other reasons, whatever those might be.


This girl is very entitled and has inferiority complex in the size of the Moon. Having a overachieving father that good at everything and the mom that not only was CIA analyst but became Secretary of State at fairly young age probably has something to do with her drop-out, living with her working parents and whining constantly how bad her life really is.


Is she unemployed now?  I couldn't figure out if she was fired for not showing up dressed properly, and then not showing up at all.


She is. Apparently, if you're a daughter of the Secretary of State and you're saying  to your employer at some random restaurant you were hold up at State Department because of crazy bomber  and complete lock-down of the facility (and it's also shown at the news at the same time), you're obviously lying liar who lies.


Side note: Stevie is still a total moron regardless.

Edited by CooperTV
To me it's not even an issue of shades of gray vs black and white. Elizabeth was known to be a CIA analyst. Surprise! Some of her work was secret!

The "shades of gray" comment was about the work Elizabeth did. Sometimes she had to be bad for the greater good. Ends justifying the means, and all that. 


Stevie is an idiot, and not even an entertaining idiot.

  • Love 1

...which reminds me, did our heroine go and sit by the bedside of said bomber at the end of the episode?


Yep. He had psychotic break after his brother's death in Iraq, so the scene in the end is parallled quite nicely with the story of the translator and with Elizabeth's words: "I said something earlier today about letting go of the past, and I realized how... arrogant that was. All of our people still have open wounds and blood on our hands from inflicting those wounds on each other". Basically, nobody's perfect. Except for Stevie. Obviously.

Edited by CooperTV

The "shades of gray" comment was about the work Elizabeth did. Sometimes she had to be bad for the greater good. Ends justifying the means, and all that. 


Stevie is an idiot, and not even an entertaining idiot.


I'm an absolutist when it comes to torture. That is to say I believe it is never justified even under circumstances that seem to be for the greater good. I'm not saying this to start a debate but just to point out that I sympathize with Stevie's position on torture and if her complaint had simply been that she judges her mom for participating in torture, it wouldn't have bothered me.


But part of her whine was that Elizabeth's family thought she was in Jordan. Stevie actually said something like, "You lied to us!" To which I say, "Well duh! She worked for the CIA!"


I get that Stevie's black and white view makes her look naive and immature, but for me the whine about being lied to made Stevie look much more like an idiot.

  • Love 4
I get that Stevie's black and white view makes her look naive and immature, but for me the whine about being lied to made Stevie look much more like an idiot.


I have yet to see one speck of proof that Stevie is not an idiot!


I guess I couldn't stand her from the start because she takes for granted the privileges she has that so many other people can't even dream of.  How nice that she has a beautiful home to live in while working/not-working as a restaurant hostess.  Most college drop-outs have to share an apartment with 2 or 3 other equally broke people in order to have a roof over their heads.  Most people struggle to get into college because they didn't come from privileged backgrounds where they were sent to well-equipped private schools to educate them, and most people have to struggle to pay for college because their parents aren't rich.  She just tossed all that away without a single plan except to "write a novel." 


I get it that teens and young adults are often short-sighted, but Stevie has been made out to be plain ole dumb.  Why didn't she wear work-appropriate clothing to her job in the first place?


I hope that when she left her college, that allowed someone who had been on the wait-list to get a slot.

  • Love 2

This show has a real problem if it keeps trying to push the Matt and Daisy story/relationship, because it simply doesn't work. Not for me, anyway. I know this is entirely subjective, but the actor who plays Matt isn't the least bit attractive, and the guy who played Win was so much better looking I can't really buy that Daisy would be interested in Matt at all. They haven't shown us any reason why Daisy would be interested in him - nothing about him is especially endearing or interesting, he's just kind of rumpled and looks like he graduated from Revenge of the Nerds. I don't know why the writers are so invested in this couple because it's really the weakest part of the whole show and they need to drop it.

  • Love 3
Why didn't she wear work-appropriate clothing to her job in the first place?


Did she not ever visit the restaurant before being hired? Though it's probably the manager's fault for not telling her beforehand what the wardrobe requirements were. Stevie is just supposed to know? /sarcasm


Have her parents said anything about her paying rent? Or is having a job her only requirement for living at home as a dropout?


I can't really buy that Daisy would be interested in Matt at all


Daisy doesn't seem like much of a catch, either. Does Matt really want someone who can't make up her mind? Both of them are immature, not to mention boring.


I'd be pleased if we never saw the family again.  Would be fun to hear Arm Candy's latest accomplishments occasionally.  "Too bad I have to be in Argentina on Tuesday; I'll miss seeing him walk a tightrope from Mount Everest to K2.  At least I'll be home in time to hear him perform all four parts of the string quartet he wrote."


Don't forget he'll be the first person to win the Nobel Peace Prize not only twice but in consecutive years.

Edited by dubbel zout

Like a few shows I've seen recently, this one needs to find a tone and has yet to do so.  The issue of single women being punted around?  Great.  I'd love to hear more about that.  There is room for some debate, even, about the value of family vs. the commitment to the job.  Instead we get some immature "love" "triangle".  Daisy was actually planning to marry a man she repeatedly cheated on.  Matt thinks he's stuck in some kind of Robin Hood show about "fighting for the woman you love".  Dude, the woman I love slept with you.  I'm not sure she's worth fighting for.  A real woman in a mature relationship doesn't need to be fought for like some prize.  Is this show about matters of state of one of the most powerful countries in the world, or is it about really hackneyed high school drama?  I hope they figure it out soon.


As for Stevie, she sounds like a 15 year old, not a 20 year old.  Does she read the news?  She knows there was "enhanced interrogation", right?  Can she hear herself talk and realize how entitled she sounds?  Her crack about Blake being her assistant was obnoxious.

It bothers me that so many people are speaking out against the Matt and Daisy relationship based on his looks.  There are many reasons not to like them as a couple.  For me, it is because there seems to be so little chemistry between the two of them, not whether they are on a par of physical makeup.

The fact that she is better looking and he kind of looks and acts like a nerd is irrelevant.  If he had a great personality or was charming or had other qualities she saw in him that impressed her, whether or not he was listed in People's Handsomest Man of the Year would make no difference.  After all, in real life, "Matt" is married to Christina Hendricks. 


  • Love 7

Gay?  Did I miss that part?  Maybe you're right.  If so, it will put the kibosh on my fears that some amorous adventure might be scripted for him and Stevie. 

He is indeed gay, because his SO's name is Chris and in the last episode he said that if he ever considered surrogacy, he would took Stevie's eggs (she has winning eggs or something?)

What a mixed episode, some good parts, some mediocre at best. Didn't someone wonder some episodes ago, if or when they bring up IS - here it was, though it was more a name dropping


Liked that Beth in the end brought up, that telling people to let go of the past can be somewhat arrogant, there are many wounds, on many sides. Ignoring that doesn't help, neither though does letting everything be driven by past wrongs.


Torture is wrong, not just ethically, it is a rather useless way to try to get anything useful out of someone, even more useless than lie detector machines (and those already are of little to no avail, although plenty of law enforcement agencies still believe something different, regardless what research is telling). But I can understand the desperation sometimes driving people to hope torture would get them somewhere, including the attempts to still justify it afterwards even if it got them nowhere. It sounded like this was pretty much what brought Beth to quit the CIA, nevertheless she still somewhat tried to justify her doings, which makes her a complex character.


Seem to be pretty much alone here in not disliking or even hating Stevie, not as person and not as character on this show. Known such people in college, heck, propably was a bit like her at that time (though friends say they remember me as the one of us being levelheaded, and was less spoiled maybe, had to work to make ends meets while studying), but views can change with experience, as Beth said, part of growing up (and in our complex worlds I don't expect people to be all grown up and reasonable at the age of 20). Quite sure I was  alot more idealistic and strict about ethic principles at that age than I am today, while at the same time in some things more casual and forgiving than I'm today, because I know and lived some more gray since. Stevie is young, idealistic, spoiled and as such annoying, but that works quite fine for the character on this show IMO. YMMV


And she is the daughter of her father, isn't she. Remember the moment of strict ethics Henry had, when asked to change a grade for the daughter of the Russian Foreign Minister to make a deal possible to save a life? Regardless that this story was quite a stretch, think we know who Stevie might have gotten that somewhat self-righteous tendency from.


Dissonance of strong ethics and practical politics is a theme of the show.


Had to laugh about the bit of Stevie wearing too casual clothes for her work, because that happens. And it was a nice mother-daughter dynamic.


As the more serious part about ethics had an interesting mother-daughter dynamic. When you realize, your parents were different than you thought or wanted to believe. When you as a parent have to admit, that you weren't always the good guy, and did questionable things. Right, Stevie was blissfully ignorant and maybe could have asked some questions earlier or suspected things, but such kind of ignorance is not unrealistic. Her mother was kinda the hero for her, the big role model. It was something she said to Blake when she stormed out of the office: "You know we spend all this time wondering whether we're good enough to even be around her. But what if we're better?" Don't think Stevie actually is convinced, that she is better, but sure her glory image of her mother was destroyed.


Matt has a weird sense of honor. but one not unknown. Win should fight for the woman who cheated on him? Be angry at the guy who slept with her and kill him? Old fashioned, outdated chivalery. Nope, Win did the right thing. And Daisy messed up. Considering how high Daisy at times claims to be concerning ethics, while she as PR and communication professional daily sure walks a very fine line between facade, manipulation and truth, her ethics in her private life are rather wonky, or have been at least with Matt.


Problem is, that they are using Daisy and Matt and their banter as comical relief most of the time, so can't take it really serious, and not as interesting enough to make it as prominent as they did. Just be done with it. I don't mind them as couple much, but it gets too much attention. Attention they probably should better give the wider or deeper structure of the State Department at this point in the series, like they thankfully somewhat did with the story line of Nadine and the Foreign Service worker, even with that little tidbit of Matt introducing Blake to some annual office ritual (regardless that was just there to set up the whole Win blabla). The show makers said themselves, they want to give a look behind the curtains - so do it! Blake would be a great character to follow more, as the newbie in the State Department he seems to be, he could have been the one taking us, the audience behind the curtains, including some well delivered comical relief. And Nadine in contrast could be good for the heavier stuff, as more of an old hand in governmental administration.


I know, office gossip is either about who does who or who gets the bigger office desk / the corner office with the large windows or moves up a floor (I've worked in administration, public and private sector). Other frequent water cooler talk; Which football/baseball/icehockey/soccer/rugby team is the better one. And TV shows nowadays can't seem to go even for a part of a season without some romance drama. Still the hanky-panky between Daisy and Matt at this point of the show is out of place. It might have been less annoying at slower pace, have some looks and banter about speeches and handling press hinting at something maybe, but get to this showdown with Daisy's fiance later in the season.


Gay?  Did I miss that part?  Maybe you're right.  If so, it will put the kibosh on my fears that some amorous adventure might be scripted for him and Stevie. 



He is indeed gay, because his SO's name is Chris and in the last episode he said that if he ever considered surrogacy, he would took Stevie's eggs (she has winning eggs or something?)


Blake might be gay, or not, or maybe he is bisexual, they actually haven't excluded anything at this point. Matt and Daisy have been shown wondering, remarking he never talks about the gender of his date(s) (episode 1x05) , Chris could be the name of a man or a woman. That Blake said in this episode, if he ever would consider surrogacy, is a strong hint but nothing definite yet either. Not that I would mind, the opposite, and I do think he is gay, but it's not all clear yet, so I am not surprised if some people haven't picked up on the hints given so far and might assume, that Blake is straight.


If they want this show to be a soap opera playing in the State Department they might go for something between Blake and Stevie. Hard not to see chemistry when two good looking, younger people, a man and a woman, are nice with each other on screen, isn't it. But I still have some hope that they have some good sense and won't do it.

Edited by katusch
  • Love 5

I'm really sick of watching our power player heroine cajole and placate her snotty, entitled daughter.  When I was 19, it wouldn't have occurred to my mother to be apologetic for overstepping her bounds--she would have burned me with the heat of a thousand suns if I'd been sauntering out of the house in clothes "too casual" for my job.  Maybe if Elizabeth stepped up the hardass at home, her kid would think twice about popping in uninvited when the U.S. Secretary of State is having a private meeting with an Iraqi delegate.


Like most people here, I thought the Foreign Service placement was the most interesting storyline.  And because "the value of the single, competent, older woman" was presented as the third or fourth plot point of the episode, and wrapped up in a one-shot, I feel somewhat similarly marginalized.  Kudos to Bebe Neuwirth for keeping us on the radar at all.

  • Love 5

OK. Somebody please clear this up for me. Which character was played by Tim Daley's son? (What did he do? Who did he interact with?) Thanks.

I thought this episode was mediocre when compared to last week's.

I cannot stand Daisy and/or Matt. Don't like them as a couple or otherwise.

Loved the sub story about the single/older woman who wanted to be transferred to Portugal. LOVED.

LOVE the secretary's persoal assistant.

EYEraq bothers the heck out of me, too. Same with EYEtalian. Grrrr..

Edited by tinderbox

katusch, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your post. I think you are correct in point after point. 




OK. Somebody please clear this up for me. Which character was played by Tim Daley's son? (What did he do? Who did he interact with?) Thanks.


Sam Daly played Win, the good looking redhead, Daisy's now ex-fiance, who was stuck during the lockdown with Matt in a room. 

When this season started this show I thought had promise with Tia and Tim but it's evolved into another convoluted TV show that makes no sense.


The last straw for me was the SOS sharing the information with her daughter. That to me is not something that could happen in the real world or at least to mature sane adults.


But it was fun while it lasted.

I'm really sick of watching our power player heroine cajole and placate her snotty, entitled daughter


  If she's a hardass at work, the worst that can happen is WWIII, but if she tries that at home, she'll have to undergo the withering look of a young daughter who has just been reprimanded by an employer for the first time.  Actually, I don't fault Stevie all that much for her ethics; as has been pointed out, we all were much different at that age.  It's that she tends to see her personal life as quite ordinary, and is just now coming to grips with how her parents got there.  Maybe she should now ask her dad about bombing civilian areas (cue the episode title) or some of the more onerous things that occur during a dirty war.

Not really. For one thing, he was trying to make Stevie feel better, so he tells her something nice. For another, you can be in a hetero relationship and consider surrogacy. It isn't gay-only or even gay-specific.

Since in a tv show, not a real life, it's quite obvious to me the writers hint around that but not outright state the fact Blake is gay. Everyone on this show are so far are shown to be heterosexual or in relationships with opposite gender. Only Blake's relationship is hinted strongly to be of no such thing. I think it's answer enough.


Please tell me that Win is short for something, like Winston.


He's Winthrop. I don't know if it's worse than Win or not, though.

Edited by CooperTV
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