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S07.E01: Bye Bye & Bon Voyage

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Kenya reminds me of someone who pulls a lion's tail and when the lion bites her arm off, she cries that she's the victim.  If Kenya's "from Detroit" she should know that if you call another woman a "ho" you might get your ass kicked.  Even I know that and I'm not from Detroit.  


What I didn't get was why were so many people agreeing with Apollo regarding Phaedra not being there?  And Apollo had a lot more chances than the average black ex-con, so he gets no sympathy from me.

Edited by Neurochick
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I am going to preface this with the understanding that my post is a little shallow...but in honor of Apollo I wanted to make things as "juvial" as possible.


Apollo got the looks in his family.  I am guessing his father was a handsome man.


He had opportunities that many non ex convict people would would jump at.  There are many hardworking honest people out there who can not find a job to save their lives.  He probably thought he was going to sit back and let his wife rake in the dough.  It was when she actually starting suggesting he work for one of the businesses (mortuary driver) after his stint as a fitness guru did not pan out, that he seemed to lose it with her.


I always got the impression that Apollo (like Teresa and Joe) thought he was entitled to the good life, without having the talent, smarts, or work ethic to actually make it happen in any type of legitimate manner.  I think people are right in that Apollo will not work a menial job, wear clothes from Wal-Mart, or drive anything less then a luxury car.  He has always probably been able to use his looks and somewhat affable personality to charm gullible women into getting what he wants.  He still expects a certain standard of living when he gets out prison and he expected Phaedra to provide it for him.


I am guessing they are keeping Porsha around to attract more straight male and gay female viewers.  Girl has an amazing body if you exclude the implants (particularly if you consider she probably does not kill herself working out).  Are we going to be treated to a five minute clip of Porsha wearing a skimpy outfit and saying something silly every week?



Edited by cooksdelight
WWHL talk in wrong thread
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Phaedra tried to make Apollo happen, she made a fitrness video to showcase him, she tried to get him involved in the funeral business, she tried to get him to be a model, she tried many things all while she was going to school, working and raising two kids. There is a point where a person has to take accountability for his own actions. Phaedra gave Apollo many opportunities to do a decent and honest job and he blew them one by one.


I am baffled by the implications that Apollo is too dumb to pull all this on his own and so Phaedra is probably the mastermind behind this. Being dumb pays very well, I think I am going to start trying that. Phaedra is smart and accomplished so she receives suspicious and snide comments about the criminal activities that her husband engaged in, yet throughout all the federal investigation and trial that follows the feds not once mentioned Phaedra's name or even alluded that she was being investigated. Teresa Guidice on the other hand, was indicted and plead guilty to federal crimes yet she is labeled as the poor dummy who blindly sign some papers that her husband put in front of her so she deserves compassion because she has precious daughters, WTF



I don't know if Apollo is too dumb to pull this off, but for all the reasons mentioned above (the ways in which Phaedra tried to make him "happen"), it is extremely hard for me to believe she didn't have any idea what was going on.  


It seemed like she was well aware of what he was doing/not doing and how the money was coming in. She was constantly involved in trying to get him set up in some way.  I remember during the whole Donkey video deal. She said more than once that he was in charge of the creative aspects, but she was in charge of the business issues, because as she likes to remind folks - she is all business.  I just cannot imagine how he was bringing in good money from some source and she didn't question what was going on. She might not have been involved, but I think she knew that something was going on and at the very least she looked the other way.


IMO she seems all about portraying a certain image. I remember a scene in S5 or S6. There were at some party and others were questioning if their marriage was in trouble. They sat on the couch in front of everyone and had the grossest make-out scene of all time. Seriously, I didn't know what to do with all my vomit after that scene was over. It seemed important to them to get this happy marriage narrative out there, while it didn't look at all like they were really that into each other. 


P.S. I am new to this particular franchise. I have always avoided it because I watch so many others. I'll be double damned if Bravo didn't get me hooked over the last couple of months with the reruns of prior seasons. These gals are just so much more fun, more clever, and more interesting than the gals on the other franchises.  Now I get what all the fuss has been about. 

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Apollo's dad must be/have been very, very pretty.  Seeing his family members was a shock.


I thought the same thing....a little rough around the edges!!  It seems that Apollo's mother had some addiction problems in the past?  Is this the first we are hearing about this?  I don't ever recall hearing much, if anything, about Apollo's family, except that his Mom was white and she served him canned meat.

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For some reason, I remember in a past season, someone mentioning that Apollo's mother was addicted to drugs.  Or maybe Apollo said she wasn't around or in jail or something.


I can't stand Kenya and her victim-ish storyline, but one thing I do like about her is that she hasn't gotten involved with or had children with a sorry ass man.  She's lucky she didn't have sex with Apollo and wind up pregnant.  Maybe she'll be able to talk some sense into Cynthia about that sorry man she's married to.

Edited by Neurochick
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I guess I always knew that Apollo was half white but it was quite a shock to see him with his white family.  And oof - his mom looked like one of those faces of meth posters.  I would feel a lot worse for Apollo, thievery and all, if he weren't such a self righteous asshole.  You're not the victim, Apollo.  


However, a small part of me was kind of pumping my fist when he was telling Phaedra what he was going to be demanding when he got out of jail.  You laid down with dogs, Phaedra, you better enjoy those fleas.  I feel bad for the children.  In seeking out a sperm donor rather than a solid father, Phaedra has made her children a statistic of absentee black fathers.

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I also enjoyed Kenya's explanation that the only reason anyone went after her after the thing with Porsha is because "it's me."

Well yeah.  You were not blameless in what went down sweetie.

And you won't shutup about it.

It's not like you were a battered wife who was locked in a closet for 3 years.  You opened your big ass mouth and got your ass handed to you.  No one likes a bitch.....

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When Kenya was moaning that if it had been Kandi, Phaedra, Nene or Cynthia who had been attacked then everyone would have gone to them not to the attacker... All I could think was that it wasn't a case of people ganging up on her, it was just a sign of how much she has alienated everyone else (bar Cynthia) and maybe she should take a long look at her own behaviour to find out why they didn't rush to see if she was ok. 

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And Cynthia with her agreement.  OMG I will not be able to handle her this season if that's all she does is agree with everything Kenya says.  Bitch, you didn't get up to see if she was ok either.  You stood there like a bump on a log with frog eyes while your good buddy got her weave handed to her.


Seriously?  How can Kenya look at her and think Cynthia has any integrity?  She follows people around like a puppy.  Out of all the HW's and their bullshit that is the most offensive to me.  I cannot stand any woman who lets people lead her around by the nose and won't speak up for herself.  

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I just don't remember Kenya being the only one talking shit at the reunion.  Porsha was screaming at Kenya, calling Kenya a slut who couldn't keep a man.  Anytime Kenya tried to say anything, Porsha would cut her off and start yelling. That's when Kenya pulled out the bullhorn that made Porsha go ballistic.


I really think Kenya was right.  People give Porsha a pass on her behavior because she is dumb.  At the reunion, she was not some helpless victim being insulted by Kenya.  So, I really don't agree that it was Kenya who pushed Porsha to the point of physical violence.  Porsha went into that reunion ready to start something with Kenya.

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Is anyone's corneas still feeling scarred by the sight of Porscha's massive thighs and boobs? Yuck!


Apollo: What a fool but I am so glad we're seeing this play out. I thought the season would start with the day he caused a ruckus at the house on his way to prison, but it seems we will get at least another week or two of his shenanigans. What a delusional fool. Can you imagine if he and Porscha had coupled? I am totally Team Phaedra and there is no way my ass would be at his sentencing either, nor would I be taking my children to visit him in jail. I felt sorry for her because she's probably mad at herself for worrying so much about appearances that she married the jackass in the first place. His mother looked all old and worn out, too. Wonder what the father looked like. And when he was reaching for Dylan, that little boy was like, OMG, you again? He clearly hasn't spent much time with that man.


And will Khandi actually visit him in jail? I doubt it. It was interesting to see the conflict between her and Todd on the parenting issue. In addition to agreeing with him that she doesn't need a range rover, it may not be that easy for a city girl just learning how to drive to manage such a vehicle. Khandi also needs to stop spoiling Riley, but Todd will also have to explain to Kaela that he's not as rich as her new step-mama but more important he wants her to earn things, so don't start trying to keep up with the Burrises. 


Cynthia got on my nerves with the stripper comment she made about NeNe. That was extremely ungracious and unbecoming of her. And, honey, stripper beats stupid any day. Like an earlier poster said, investing in any Peter Thomas adventure is like sending all your money to one of those Nigerian princes trolling your email. Why in the hell would she ever consider a thing? Do that girl, and you'll need to move you and your daughter in that wing you just moved out of in NenNe's butt.


Porscha: does she actually have any talent? Can she sing. I still can't get over those thighs, which look even more ginormous because of her tiny waist.


NeNe. I used to love her so much and she can still be very funny, but her attitude sucks. That gives me the sads.

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And Cynthia with her agreement.  OMG I will not be able to handle her this season if that's all she does is agree with everything Kenya says.  Bitch, you didn't get up to see if she was ok either.  You stood there like a bump on a log with frog eyes while your good buddy got her weave handed to her.


Seriously?  How can Kenya look at her and think Cynthia has any integrity?  She follows people around like a puppy.  Out of all the HW's and their bullshit that is the most offensive to me.  I cannot stand any woman who lets people lead her around by the nose and won't speak up for herself.  


Exactly, Cynthia didn't go over to Porsha but she also didn't go to Kenya and check if she was ok. 

I think Kenya knows exactly what Cynthia is like, but I also think that she's so desperate for a friend/ally on the show that she's happy to accept Cynthia's BS. 

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I also enjoyed Kenya's explanation that the only reason anyone went after her after the thing with Porsha is because "it's me."

Well yeah.  You were not blameless in what went down sweetie.

And you won't shutup about it.

It's not like you were a battered wife who was locked in a closet for 3 years.  You opened your big ass mouth and got your ass handed to you.  No one likes a bitch.....


I'm still laughing at this.  I would have thought Kenya was a battered wife who'd just been released and had to travel the world because she'd been locked in a small room for years or something, when in reality all that happened was prissy Porsha pulled her hair, causing Kenya to fall.  It's sad when tough Kenya from Detroit is scared of prissy Porsha.


And BTW, where was Cynthia when her new "friend" Kenya had been "beaten" by Porsha?  Not comforting Kenya at all.


Cynthia got on my nerves with the stripper comment she made about NeNe. That was extremely ungracious and unbecoming of her. And, honey, stripper beats stupid any day. Like an earlier poster said, investing in any Peter Thomas adventure is like sending all your money to one of those Nigerian princes trolling your email. Why in the hell would she ever consider a thing? Do that girl, and you'll need to move you and your daughter in that wing you just moved out of in NenNe's butt.



That comment from Cynthia pissed me off because I really could see Cynthia stripping had she not been pretty enough to model.  If Cynthia's so smart, why is she married to a man with like 10 children?  Why did she give said man money and why didn't it offend her when she had fibroids and the only thing her husband was worried about was how soon could they have sex?  BTW, wasn't it Nene who came to see her then?

Edited by Neurochick
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Kenya told no lies about people not liking her. She's not a likeable person and that is why nobody gave a shit when she got knocked over. She knows she came on the show picking little fights and beung nasty with everyone for screentime and a check. Porsha is dumb but she isn't a nasty person at heart.

It will be interesting to see how this little "friendship" between C and K plays out. And by interesting, I mean slightly less mind numbing than watching C get scammed by her husband and watching K twerk on furniture and rehash Apollo drama.

Edited by ridethemaverick
  • Love 6

investing in any Peter Thomas adventure is like sending all your money to one of those Nigerian princes trolling your email. Why in the hell would she ever consider a thing? Do that girl, and you'll need to move you and your daughter in that wing you just moved out of in NenNe's butt.



Does anyone remember last season when Peter was talking with Apollo about the luxury vehicle he just had to purchase without telling Cynthia (even though it was strongly implied that he bought it with her money)?  I was appalled that Peter brings Cynthia some grocery store sushi and then has the nerve to ask for gas money.

However, Peter seems like the type to drive a high end vehicle and not have a dime to fill up the tank.

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I just don't remember Kenya being the only one talking shit at the reunion.  Porsha was screaming at Kenya, calling Kenya a slut who couldn't keep a man.  Anytime Kenya tried to say anything, Porsha would cut her off and start yelling. That's when Kenya pulled out the bullhorn that made Porsha go ballistic.


I really think Kenya was right.  People give Porsha a pass on her behavior because she is dumb.  At the reunion, she was not some helpless victim being insulted by Kenya.  So, I really don't agree that it was Kenya who pushed Porsha to the point of physical violence.  Porsha went into that reunion ready to start something with Kenya.


I do agree with all of this, Porsha and Kenya were as bad as each-other with the shouting and the insults.


When I said that she needs to look at her own behaviour I wasn't necessarily talking about her behaivour at the reunion. I mean her behaviour and her attitude across her 2 seasons on the show. That's what led to 2 people running to her attacker, 1 going to check on the attacker once it had all calmed down, 1 standing round doing nothing & none of them checking on her.


I don't think Kenya was responsible for Porsha attacking her, that was all Porsha's own doing, but I do feel that she holds some responsibility for the way that the other 4 responded to the attack.

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Kenya told no lies about people not liking her. She's not a likeable person and that is why nobody gave a shit when she got knocked over. She knows she came on the show picking little fights and beung nasty with everyone for screentime and a check. Porsha is dumb but she isn't a nasty person at heart.

It will be interesting to see how this little "friendship" between C and K plays out. And by interesting, I mean slightly less mind numbing than watching C get scammed by her husband and watching K twerk on furniture and rehash Apollo drama.


How could you forget Kenya's riveting storyline of carrying around a fake baby last year? Maybe this season it will be twins or something.

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Kenya was smart enough to know that the way you extend your howife time from season to season is to bring the drama. So when Kenya signed on, she manufactured the drama from day 1. Kenya also knows that some howives are untouchable, so you can only push so hard in your drama making. Porsha was too stupid to understand this and was the prefect foil for Kenya. 

  • Love 3

Kenya was smart enough to know that the way you extend your howife time from season to season is to bring the drama. So when Kenya signed on, she manufactured the drama from day 1. Kenya also knows that some howives are untouchable, so you can only push so hard in your drama making. Porsha was too stupid to understand this and was the prefect foil for Kenya.

I don't think she's that smart. She's just a nasty person and ramped it up for the cameras. Cynthia is boring as all hell and she managed to stick around while being a relatively nice person.

A smart person wouldn't ruin her legacy the way Kenya has. But I think we're off topic now.

Ot...Kandi needs to get a refund from her interior designer. Her decor us hideous.

Edited by ridethemaverick
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He really has no clue.  I have mocked him numerous times, but I felt sorry for him tonight.  He knows how to look good and thats about all he has in his repertoire.  Its stunning that he allowed Bravo to film him acting like a fool.  Its amazing that Phaedra allowed it.


What choice did they have though?  I'm sure Bravo's contract contains language that they have the exclusive right to use and edit the footage as they see fit.  When one agrees to go on these reality shows, it's difficult to nearly impossible to dictate what will and won't be shown.  Bravo owns all raw footage, which the producers will keep as receipts whenever they want to embarrass any of the housewives.  We saw this play out when they used those receipts at the reunion, with unaired footage showing Appalling cussing Fakedra out, calling her an asshole and basically telling her she could walk home.


Fakedra also lost me with the "I'm an officer of the court" talk.  This is the same "officer of the court" who repeatedly attempted to delay giving a deposition in a lawsuit that she initiated.  Then when she was finally deposed, she proceeded to give knowingly false, incomplete and evasive testimony.  She's worried about her "good name?"  Seems to me she should be more concerned about her opposing counsel having the questions she refused to truthfully answer certified and having sanctions entered against her.  


I was initially inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt, thinking that she just didn't want to know what her HUZZZBIN was up to.  I figured she took the attitude, "I don't know what you're doing, but I know you're up to something--just keep me out of it!"  She probably just didn't know the full extent of what was going on.  However, I am also reminded that Fakedra incorporated one of his "asset recovery" bidnesses.  That, and her own deposition testimony took care of any doubts I had about her complicity in and/or knowledge of some of Appalling's crimes.

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I don't think Kenya was responsible for Porsha attacking her, that was all Porsha's own doing, but I do feel that she holds some responsibility for the way that the other 4 responded to the attack.


I agree to an extent.  I will say that Phaedra's problem with Kenya stems from her own insecurities with Apollo.  She put all the blame of what happened on Kenya's shoulders. She was more than willing to believe that Kenya was trying to sleep with Apollo, which turned out to be a lie.  


My problem with most of these women is that they seem to give the men a pass on their bad behavior and put it all on the woman.  Kenya was responsible for the fight at Nene's stupid pajama party.  Kenya is a whore who can't keep a man. Kenya won't leave poor Apollo alone. Kenya is just jealous because she doesn't have a husband.  It's exhausting and infuriating. It's fine to go after her behavior, but damn, they seem to believe not having a man in her life is her biggest failing. I firmly believe that Nene's problem with Kenya is that she was taking some of the spotlight off of her.


Kenya can be a lot to take, but everything isn't her fault.  I didn't even like Kenya her first season, but these women pushed me to her side simply because of the slut shaming and general nastiness that went on last season.   

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 17

I am calling BS on Nene's ignorance of what an orgy is and her pearl clutching about the risqué show, who is she kidding? After her spinning on a pole in a club to earn a living you have to leave the pure and innocent act behind. 


Phaedra not wanting to be home because of the paparazzi, lol, unless they were hiding in the bushes the coast seemed clear.  If Apollo needed support at his sentencing why didn't his brother go with him? 


If Cynthia gives Peter anymore money for another bar she is a fool, maybe just maybe she should realize some people should not be in business for themselves, before I'd give him money I would suggest he take some business classes and/or work for a corporate restaurant chain to see how things are done.


Hooray for Todd! Structure is a good thing and there is no shame in a used car for a first car to learn how to drive, hope he sticks to his guns on that.  I got the feeling that the bedroom they were in was a guest room and they were getting it ready for his daughter so maybe that is why there was a random picture in there, I am sure it will be gone when the daughter arrives.

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Cynthia STFU! I think she should be required to wear that Fred Sanford, you big dummy t-shirt at all times. Now that Nene isn't in her life, her marriage is so much better?!? I wasn't aware that Nene had access to her savings account, was on any of her credit cards, had all her pin numbers, losing your money on bad business ideas and not telling you and was buying cars without telling her. Girl bye.

What the hell was she talking about when she said she was able to spend more time with Peter after breaking her friend contract with NeNe? Did I hear correctly when she said their landlords were foreclosed on, not them, and now they have to find a new place for her modeling school and Peter's lame bar? I thought Peter claimed they bought the properties last season. That whole scene smelled fishy to me.


My spidey senses tell me that he may threaten to come clean to the government about Phaedra's role in his crimes if she doesn't provide for him.  Its the only way where he would have a pre-nup but still think that she would be under an obligation to provide support.  Although, in some states, a pre-nup will be invalid if it leaves the spouse destitute.

Thes eevents occurred earlier this year, did they not? I am sure we'd have heard about him ratting out Phaedra by now...

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Was Phaedra's name all that great before Apollo?  I know she was a lawyer and represented Bobby Brown but beyond that...what was her reputation?


I took his comments during their fight as him saying he helped her earn these Bravo paychecks.  Without him, without them vs. Kenya the Homewrecker (a story seemingly spun from a lie he/they told)...what was she bringing to the table that would have kept her around for so long? 

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What the hell was she talking about when she said she was able to spend more time with Peter after breaking her friend contract with NeNe? Did I hear correctly when she said their landlords were foreclosed on, not them, and now they have to find a new place for her modeling school and Peter's lame bar? I thought Peter claimed they bought the properties last season. That whole scene smelled fishy to me.


Thes eevents occurred earlier this year, did they not? I am sure we'd have heard about him ratting out Phaedra by now...

IIRC, they didn't own the buildings that BarOne/Industry were located, they only rented the spaces. At the reunion, Cynthia said they put in an offer to buy the property. I'm guessing said offer was not accepted.

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It was interesting to see the conflict between her and Todd on the parenting issue. In addition to agreeing with him that she doesn't need a range rover, it may not be that easy for a city girl just learning how to drive to manage such a vehicle. Khandi also needs to stop spoiling Riley, but Todd will also have to explain to Kaela that he's not as rich as her new step-mama but more important he wants her to earn things, so don't start trying to keep up with the Burrises. NeNe. I used to love her so much and she can still be very funny, but her attitude sucks. That gives me the sads.

 Is it me, or did that discoussion seem to be a Moot Point to anyone else? Todd's long-lost daughter is 18 years old, a legal adult. Why were they discussing how they should be treating her the same as Riley, a tween they are raising?

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Todd and Kandi are now married, trying to blend their families. I don't think Todd's going to win this argument. How is Riley supposed to give up her practically grown up apartment with two 60 inch tvs because Todd is now her official Stepfather? That's just asking for trouble and resentment.


Todd's daughter was so reserved on Kandi's Getting Married it will be interesting to see her real personality on the upcoming episodes. I thought Mama Joyce was terrible to her but I think if Todd tries downgrading Riley's lifestyle MJ will be in up in arms.


I'd also like to know why the Mother didn't tell Todd that he had a daughter until she was 5 years old.

  • Love 3

Kenya told no lies about people not liking her. She's not a likeable person and that is why nobody gave a shit when she got knocked over. She knows she came on the show picking little fights and beung nasty with everyone for screentime and a check. Porsha is dumb but she isn't a nasty person at heart.

It will be interesting to see how this little "friendship" between C and K plays out. And by interesting, I mean slightly less mind numbing than watching C get scammed by her husband and watching K twerk on furniture and rehash Apollo drama.

But Kenya doesn't think that, though. She doesn't understand that she's been bitchy and messy and argumentative so of course the girls prefer Porsha. She seems to think they're just excusing her because she's dumb.


Yeah, Porsha aint bright, but truthishly? I'd much rather spend time with her than ANYBODY else on this cast. We just couldn't go to, like, museums...

  • Love 6


I got the feeling that the bedroom they were in was a guest room and they were getting it ready for his daughter so maybe that is why there was a random picture in there, I am sure it will be gone when the daughter arrives.


That was the room that Todd's mother stayed in when she came to be there for the wedding. Remember them making the bed and the sheets not matching or something? No idea why that photo was there, you'd think Kandi would have that in her office or someplace where she spends a lot of time.

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I just don't remember Kenya being the only one talking shit at the reunion.  Porsha was screaming at Kenya, calling Kenya a slut who couldn't keep a man.  Anytime Kenya tried to say anything, Porsha would cut her off and start yelling. That's when Kenya pulled out the bullhorn that made Porsha go ballistic.


I really think Kenya was right.  People give Porsha a pass on her behavior because she is dumb.  At the reunion, she was not some helpless victim being insulted by Kenya.  So, I really don't agree that it was Kenya who pushed Porsha to the point of physical violence.  Porsha went into that reunion ready to start something with Kenya.



I agree and the only reason Nene and Phaedra went over there was to shut Porsha up from spilling the beans on their plans. Fakedra and Fraudulent (Apollo) were just downright awful to Kenya as well with the name calling. I do agree that Kenya shouldn't have waved the scepter around or the bullhorn but doesn't negate Porsha's actions of assaulting someone. 

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Kenya can be a lot to take, but everything isn't her fault.  I didn't even like Kenya her first season, but these women pushed me to her side simply because of the slut shaming and general nastiness that went on last season.



I don't get it.  If I don't like someone, why should I like them just because everybody gangs up on them?  Maybe everybody is ganging up on Kenya because she's nasty.  Sometimes the ganged up one isn't the victim.

  • Love 9

I don't get it.  If I don't like someone, why should I like them just because everybody gangs up on them?  Maybe everybody is ganging up on Kenya because she's nasty.  Sometimes the ganged up one isn't the victim.

That's the same reason Teresa over in New Jersey got sympathy.


 I definitely never understood the: This person is a shithead to everybody and now, HORRORS, everyone is ganging up on them....No.  Everyone has concluded said person is a shithead and dislikes them, sometimes vehemently. 

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I don't get it.  If I don't like someone, why should I like them just because everybody gangs up on them?  Maybe everybody is ganging up on Kenya because she's nasty.  Sometimes the ganged up one isn't the victim.




If more than one person doesn't like you, it doesn't mean that they're all horrible people ganging up on you... Sometimes it just means that you're a nasty unlikable person.

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Thes eevents occurred earlier this year, did they not? I am sure we'd have heard about him ratting out Phaedra by now...

I don't think so, because I think, as bad as Apollo is, as shitty a husband as he is, he knows that if he ratted out Phaedra his children would be basically left parent-less, so he has been holding off telling anyone about the exact nature of Phaedra's involvement in his "business."  But Phaedra keeps pulling the high and mighty card knowing that he won't rat her out.



If more than one person doesn't like you, it doesn't mean that they're all horrible people ganging up on you... Sometimes it just means that you're a nasty unlikable person.


Saying that a person should be allowed to drag you to the ground because you said some things to them that they didn't like doesn't sound reasonable to me.  And that seems like what all the other women were trying to say about Porsha.  


Without Kenya, Porsha is boring.  Even with Kenya, Porsha is boring and stupid.  Porsha should be thanking Kenya for making her relevant, because without Kenya, Porsha is just some dummy who thought the underground railroad was a locomotive.

I agree to an extent.  I will say that Phaedra's problem with Kenya stems from her own insecurities with Apollo.  She put all the blame of what happened on Kenya's shoulders. She was more than willing to believe that Kenya was trying to sleep with Apollo, which turned out to be a lie.  


My problem with most of these women is that they seem to give the men a pass on their bad behavior and put it all on the woman.  Kenya was responsible for the fight at Nene's stupid pajama party.  Kenya is a whore who can't keep a man. Kenya won't leave poor Apollo alone. Kenya is just jealous because she doesn't have a husband.  It's exhausting and infuriating. It's fine to go after her behavior, but damn, they seem to believe not having a man in her life is her biggest failing. I firmly believe that Nene's problem with Kenya is that she was taking some of the spotlight off of her.


Kenya can be a lot to take, but everything isn't her fault.  I didn't even like Kenya her first season, but these women pushed me to her side simply because of the slut shaming and general nastiness that went on last season.   


  • Love 10

Saying that a person should be allowed to drag you to the ground because you said some things to them that they didn't like doesn't sound reasonable to me.  And that seems like what all the other women were trying to say about Porsha.  


Without Kenya, Porsha is boring.  Even with Kenya, Porsha is boring and stupid.  Porsha should be thanking Kenya for making her relevant, because without Kenya, Porsha is just some dummy who thought the underground railroad was a locomotive.


As I already said, Porsha was wrong and she is responsible for her own actions. 


These women don't like Kenya (or at least they like Porsha more than they like Kenya) and they are under no obligation to like her. Her behaviour across 2 seasons has alienated them and meant that these women didn't care about her when she got her hair pulled. 


That's not ganging them up on her, that's just the consequences of her behaviour. 

  • Love 6


I don't get it.  If I don't like someone, why should I like them just because everybody gangs up on them?  Maybe everybody is ganging up on Kenya because she's nasty.  Sometimes the ganged up one isn't the victim.


That's not what I said.  It wasn't because she was ganged up on.  It was the reason they went after her.  I'm sorry. I just didn't see her behavior last season as that terrible.  When the biggest complaint is that she is desperate for a man and "gulp" has sex, then yup, I have a problem. For me, the turning point was when they started making excuses for Apollo's violence and put it all on Kenya. I saw a really nasty side of these women that made me rethink my attitude toward Kenya.

  • Love 9

I agree to an extent.  I will say that Phaedra's problem with Kenya stems from her own insecurities with Apollo.  She put all the blame of what happened on Kenya's shoulders. She was more than willing to believe that Kenya was trying to sleep with Apollo, which turned out to be a lie.  


My problem with most of these women is that they seem to give the men a pass on their bad behavior and put it all on the woman.  Kenya was responsible for the fight at Nene's stupid pajama party.  Kenya is a whore who can't keep a man. Kenya won't leave poor Apollo alone. Kenya is just jealous because she doesn't have a husband.  It's exhausting and infuriating. It's fine to go after her behavior, but damn, they seem to believe not having a man in her life is her biggest failing. I firmly believe that Nene's problem with Kenya is that she was taking some of the spotlight off of her.


Kenya can be a lot to take, but everything isn't her fault.  I didn't even like Kenya her first season, but these women pushed me to her side simply because of the slut shaming and general nastiness that went on last season.   


I agree that them constantly bringing up the 'no man' thing with regards to Kenya is tiresome... But the stuff with Apollo wasn't what led to Nene, Porsha or Phaedra not liking her. 


Phaedra and Kenya fell out over the fitness video, Porsha and Kenya was from day 1 with the title mishap and there were a few little niggles with her and Nene (RSVP and ear-pulling spring to mind) culminating in Nene's issues over Kenya taking the spotlight. Plus Kenya has taken unprovoked swipes at Kandi so I get why she isn't Kenya's biggest fan too. Add in what happened in Anguilla and all the Walter stuff and they all had problems with Kenya before the Apollo accusations even happened.


The Apollo and Moore-whore stuff was just what they (wrongly IMO) latched on to to use as a stick to beat her with. And even though I don't like Kenya I did think they were wrong to try blame her for the pyjama-party fight.


However, each of them had their own legit reasons for disliking her long before that.

  • Love 1

I agree and the only reason Nene and Phaedra went over there was to shut Porsha up from spilling the beans on their plans. Fakedra and Fraudulent (Apollo) were just downright awful to Kenya as well with the name calling. I do agree that Kenya shouldn't have waved the scepter around or the bullhorn but doesn't negate Porsha's actions of assaulting someone. 


I also think that what pushed Porsha over the edge was the realization that everyone--from Andy to her enablers, Nene and Fakedra--were laughing at her, especially when Kenya challenged her to spell a certain word.  That had to have hurt even for someone so lacking in self-awareness or any real desire to learn.


I also believe that Nene and Fakedra had a plan to get Kenya booted off the show and that it backfired horribly when their patsy reacted unpredictably by physically assaulting their target.  It made no sense to me that they were all of a sudden so tight.  Nor, did it make any sense to me that as nasty a piece of work as Kenya can be that Porsha came sporting for a fight.  There seemed to be some realization later that she fucked up big time, but she took no responsibility for her actions and incredibly chalked it up to bullying, which her enablers immediately took up like a mantra.  I wonder how many of them offered to pay Porsha's legal fees?


The Nidas also had a plan, which Appalling screwed up by going totally off script.  I found it interesting that Andy asked that fool a simple question, and instead of answering it, he went off on Kenya, boasted that he made her relevant, invited her to hold him down in prison by putting money on his book and seemed to have first-hand knowledge about her credit status.  I remember thinking at the time that she should have been scared because he was sounding like a pimp who was going to beat her ass once the cameras stopped rolling.  That read that Fakedra gave Kenya was delicious but it was clearly rehearsed.  All of it was to obscure the fact that they instigated this big lie, which they had been disseminating in print and on television, to divert attention away from their own shadiness.

  • Love 11

I don't think that Phaedra knew what he was up to. But I also think there was lots of cognitive dissonance going on, Apollo seems to have money to buy stuff, yet she doesn't wonder where he gets it? Maybe he was giving her a BS story, but she is a savvy attorney and has had enough contact with criminals to understand they lie, lie and lie. It's like she didn't want to know what he was up to, and spent considerable time trying to make him happen (video producer, contractor, model) and whatever other expertise she claimed he had. For all her modern woman talk, I think she wanted desperately to be married to a successful man was willing to look teh other way in her quest to make Apollo be that.

I think Phaedra practices willful ignorance. She did it with her first pregnancy and her due date and she did it with Apollo's "finances". She was determined to create her vision of a marriage/family/career and reality was not going to stand in her way. Life is easier if you ignore reality.....until it bites you in the ass.

  • Love 6

As I already said, Porsha was wrong and she is responsible for her own actions. 


These women don't like Kenya (or at least they like Porsha more than they like Kenya) and they are under no obligation to like her. Her behaviour across 2 seasons has alienated them and meant that these women didn't care about her when she got her hair pulled. 


That's not ganging them up on her, that's just the consequences of her behaviour. 

The ganging up on she was referring to looks a lot to me like 3 people co-signing someone getting beaten up because she annoyed someone else.  It looked like three people saying that when you annoy a moron you deserve to get beaten up, and thats okay, and the person that needs support is the moron.  they are under no obligation to like her, I think they all owe her the success of the show because Kandi, Cynthia, Nene, Phaedra and Porsha on their own are boring.  All of these shows need a bad guy or a lightening rod.  The rest of the cast don't want to have that position, Kenya allows them the freedom to be the "good guys" and the ability to have the show get great ratings without them getting their hands dirty.  


Kandi's little comment about what happens when you mess with "girls from the A" is ridiculous, and Kandi is starting to sound ghetto at heart.  When, as a grown ass woman, you think its okay to beat up another grown ass woman who is talking to you, instead of walking away, you're wrong.  And three other people, to me, seemed to cosign that behavior by giving sympathy to Porsha.  Porsha chose to stay, she and her 59 IQ could have walked away at any time, she wasn't locked in a death match cage with Kenya.


Showing sympathy for behavior that over the top is going to feel like a slap in the face to the person who got assaulted, and I can understand that.

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