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S07.E01: Bye Bye & Bon Voyage

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I haven't ever minded Cynthia.  She is very wishy washy and has no spine....but whatever.

However, this new Cynthia is fakety fake fake fake.  She hasn't changed, she just transitioned to a new Queen to follow.  And for her to slam NeNe for being a stripper when she had nothing to say about it in the past is some bullshit.


Dear Apollo, Phaedra is not a bitch because she's keeping your kids away from you when  you're on trial for something you knew damn well was illegal (although I liked the "Unbeknownst to me, what I was doing was illegal!" act you have going on there).  It's clear you're still not taking responsibility for your shit.  Interesting when people expect you to be an adult and deal with your own crap isn't it?

  • Love 13

I think Apollo learned a lot from recent polical arguments. Argue loudly, accuse the other person of what you've done and don't let up. 

I cannot believe that they brought that baby into the room if they planned to have an argument. And it was scripted, Phaedra isn't an actress. 

Nene on Broadway? What is this nonsense.

Edited by Chicklet
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Apollo was so wrong trying to play the victim...


When he said "did Phaedra stop to think" regarding her going away for his sentencing, all I could think was did Apollo stop to think before he got himself sent to prison?! 


And then his saying that he brought her no grief... Doesn't leaving her to raise 2 young kids on her own and having to explain to them where their dad has gone count as bringing grief?! 


You can't accuse someone of keeping you away from your kids when you committed the illegal activity that caused you to get sent to prison.


I really can't stand him.

Edited by PrincessTT
  • Love 20

I'm embarrassed to admit that I laughed my ass off during Apalling and Fakedra's argument.  I never realized what comedians these two are until now.  


This clown has the audacity to squawk as if he is the wronged one.  I'm still thinking about the victims who had their money stolen--you know, money that they actually worked to earn.  Meanwhile, Miss Thing really needs to quit.  She knew her so-called man was a convicted felon when she hooked up with him.  She's concerned about her "good name" now?  Chile...


As far as I'm concerned the Nidas got exactly what they bargained for when they got married.  Both of them need to go somewhere and take a stadium full of seats.  And, take Reverend Doctor Mama with them.



  • Love 13

Why the heck didn't Preacher Granny take the baby out of the room so Phaedra and Apollo could have their argument? Did she really need that ringside seat? Geesh.

And I'm glad Pretty Pollo finally admitted he was just a puzzle piece in Phaedra's life. He's a pretty man, who was gonna make pretty babies. You nay now leave.


Edited by cooksdelight
WWHL talk in wrong thread
  • Love 14

Apollo was so wrong trying to play the victim...


When he said "did Phaedra stop to think" regarding her going away for his sentencing, all I could think was did Apollo stop to think before he got himself sent to prison?! 


And then his saying that he brought her no grief... Doesn't leaving her to raise 2 young kids on her own and having to explain to them where their dad has gone count as bringing grief?! 


You can't accuse someone of keeping you away from your kids when you committed the illegal activity that caused you to get sent to prison.


I really can't stand him.




And the fact that her friends would question her not being at the sentencing baffles me.  She's not the bad guy in this situation!  Sorry but being married to someone doesn't mean you give them unconditional support when they engage in criminal activity.  No wonder our society is as messed up as it is.  He defrauds, she is a no show and she's the one people are giving grief to.  Amazing.

  • Love 12

Quick question, why did Phaedra have to go to a hotel, couldn't she kick Apollo out?

She wanted to get out of Atlanta. Augusta is a couple of hours away and I think she has family there.

Another thing in this episode that bothered me... Kandi's objections to Todd not giving his daughter a Range Rover to drive. I think he's very sensible to give her a less expensive car, since she doesn't yet know how to drive anyway. And Riley is handed a LOT by Kandi, because Kandi thinks that's what you do when you "reward" your kids.

  • Love 12

I just rolled my eyes at Apollo, he certainly was trying to be victim. Sure as hell wasn't thinking about his family when he committed those crimes. All he thought about was himself but Fakedra isn't walking out clean in this because she knew beforehand that he lied to her before marrying him by her own words, yet married him cause she wanted pretty babies. Both of ya'll just look stupid and sound lame as hell.


I rolled my eyes at Kandi as well when she said that law is harsh on black men. If Apollo got 8 out of 30 and possibly just have to serve 5, how is that harsh?


Uncle Ben buys Cynthia lunch and then after asks for $40 all within the same sentence of wanting her to be in business with him. Cynthia should see this as a red flag and say hell no, I'm not going into any business with you! How ridiculous to buy her lunch and then ask her to pay it back. WTF?? Why buy me lunch? Just make me a damn sandwich from home.


Nene is just an annoying ass, wish Bravo would have cut her.


Porsha almost has a body that I envy minus the implants. Shouldn't have gotten them because she doesn't need them.

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 5

Quick question, why did Phaedra have to go to a hotel, couldn't she kick Apollo out?


I wondered about that, too.  Why she couldn't change the locks and have him excluded from the house is mystifying to me.  All she did was give him an opportunity to act a right fool and show his natural ass on television.


A laugh out loud moment for me was when Appalling announced that he no longer wanted to be in the marriage!  WOW...I actually had to digest that for a moment.


And, if he was so concerned about spending time with his children, why was he making personal appearances at clubs and other locations immediately after pleading guilty instead of using every opportunity to be with his little boys?  For him to bitch about his bidness being all over social media was worthy of a few laughs also.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he all over Twitter and giving interviews to Jamie Foster Brown?  Talk about projecting one's own bullshit onto others!


  • Love 4

His name is on the deed/mortgage, since they are married, and by law she cannot lock him out until they are divorced and/or she puts the house in her name only.

Huh - I assumed the house was in her name only since he said they (the Feds) hadn't gone after "her house" - but on the other hand that would explain her asking him to pay the $3,200/month (gulp) mortgage...

  • Love 2



And the fact that her friends would question her not being at the sentencing baffles me.  She's not the bad guy in this situation!  Sorry but being married to someone doesn't mean you give them unconditional support when they engage in criminal activity.  No wonder our society is as messed up as it is.  He defrauds, she is a no show and she's the one people are giving grief to.  Amazing.




I don't know if it's a cultural thing (I'm in the UK) or just a ridiculous RHOA thing, but when my boyfriend went to prison last year all of my friends and family were encouraging me to leave him not trying to force me to stand by him. 


As it was, I did stand by him but I made it clear to him that my kids would not be setting foot in a prison and he was ok with that. Yes he missed them, but he also fully accepted that his missing them was his own doing not mine. 


It seems like Apollo is still trying to blame everyone and everything else for the stuff that's wrong in his life. Has he ever even heard of taking personal responsibility?!

  • Love 7

Huh - I assumed the house was in her name only since he said they (the Feds) hadn't gone after "her house" - but on the other hand that would explain her asking him to pay the $3,200/month (gulp) mortgage...

In GA, NC, VA that I know of, if you're married your spouse has to be on the deed. In Atlanta, that's not a huge mortgage for where they live, the Buckhead area. That's actually pretty good, so they probably put a lot down.

  • Love 1

His name is on the deed/mortgage, since they are married, and by law she cannot lock him out until they are divorced and/or she puts the house in her name only.


I forgot all about that.  For some reason I thought they were still living in the house she owned before they got married.  Given the crimes that both the Nidas have been accused of perpetrating, I'm surprised that a legality like that would be of any major concern.  I know it wouldn't have been for me if I was stupid enough to be in Fakedra's shoes.  That fool wouldn't have had a wash cloth, a bar of soap, a toothbrush or anything in that house by the time I was done--much less a pool table.  Just sayin...


Kandi also caused me to roll my eyes when she was talking about Appalling as if he were yet another statistic.  No, boo--that creep isn't getting half of what he deserves!  And, let's not pretend that he didn't commit those crimes, which sure as hell weren't victimless ones.  What's even more infuriating for me is that Appalling had a much better cushion than most convicted felons when they are released from prison.

  • Love 3

I'm team Phaedra on this one. Fuck Apollo, he had chances and opportunities that not many being a convicted felon. The nerve of Apollo to play the role of the injured one. I have a low tolerance for stupid people, and Apollo is incredibly stupid. There's no way he's doing 5 years of a 8 year sentence. The FEDS don't really give good time. He's doing at least 6.9 or 7 years. I could be wrong. My entire knowledge of prison sentencing comes from Orange is the New Black.

Say what you want about Nene but she does try her best to stay working. I'm a fan. This is the first Black Cinderella on Broadway.

Edited by Queena
  • Love 10

When Kandi said she thought a black man's sentence was harsher, I wonder how much she knows about the type of crimes Apollo's committed? He stole millions from Delta employees, the majority of whom are black. I think he got a light sentence, and only because he wore a wire and snitched on co-conspirators. Hope he enjoys being a snitch in prison.

  • Love 10

You don't have to put both names on the deed in GA.

You're correct, I checked with my cousin in Atlanta just now. He said that Apollo would still be entitled to part of the property even if his name isn't on the deed, according to GA law. Which I doubt Phaedra will let him have, if it's not considered part of the money he owes for restitution.

  • Love 2

Apollo, sorry no sympathy from me.  Then when he was going on with Phaedra about how he can't touch his stuff he bought and how he's in debt - I wanted to reach through the screen and smack him upside the head.  You bought all of your things with STOLEN money, so it's NOT YOURS.  The reason you are in debt for over one million dollars is because you STOLE.  And the deal about how you didn't murder anyone, that argument is so lame.  You stole again and again.  Then he was all nervous about how much time he was going to get, maybe the judge would do the entire max amount of 30 years.  Not likely given that he accepted a plea deal I believe.  I think most internet sites I read that ventured a guess were around the 8 year mark.  And since he's in Federal prison this time, I don't think they give time off for good behavior (but he may get some time sliced off due to his saying he needed the drug/alcohol treatment, but I don't think it's 3 years off).  He wasn't concerned one bit for those kids; I am betting he wanted them in court so he could use them to get less jail time.  I am also sure his attorneys briefed him on what to expect ahead of time.


Kandi can have several seats about Phaedra going to the courthouse, how the judicial system is unfair to people who are convicted, etc.   And, there is nothing wrong with a teen driving a Honda or Toyota as a first car. I would have been elated - I had my grandpa's 1966 Dodge sedan - a lovely cream color - no power anything, no radio - so cry me a river that she doesn't get a Range Rover.


Cynthia - you're just latching onto a substitute Nene.  Not a bad move, since i think Nene will be done with this show shortly.  Please dummy, don't give any money to Peter.


Then he tries to blame it on Phaedra due to her lifestyle?  I'm sure he went around spending on frivolous things (maybe strip clubs?), then she said well hey if you can spend money on that, then you can chip in with the mortgage, the utilities, etc.  In other words, grow up your a husband now with a child on the way.


Porscha, you can go on and on about how you were provoked, but you physically dragged Kenya to the ground while being filmed. You could have acted like an adult and walked away or demanded that the producers remove the bullhorn or you wouldn't continue. Almost the same as someone who is arrested for road rage and saying well they cut me off at exit 101. People piss you off all the time, just move along and don't do something stupid.  She is such a child.  I bet if she apologized Kenya would drop the charges.  Why was she having a photo shoot?  Just to show off her new rack?


And Nene didn't know what was in the show in Vegas before she signed her contract?  Please.   She's so selective about what she chooses to do in her career, but she didn't know there was an orgy scene or what that entailed totally??  Please.  She takes any job that pays good money.  Her being cast for the show on Broadway smacks merely of a publicity stunt to get people into the show during its last few weeks of the run.  

Edited by hoosier80
  • Love 8

No sympathy for Apollo, BUT Phaedra wanted a pretty man to make babies with, and she knew full well what she was getting when she married him. Can Ayden get any cuter?Apollo is equating his love of fast life and money to a drug addiction? Get real. 


As much as NeNe is a self aggrandizing bitch, Cynthia needs to get real. Peter is an asshole, always was, always will be. I doubt that Cynthia's  break with NeNe improved her marriage. 


Were Kandi and Todd sitting in Todd's daughter's room? If so, why did Kandi put a picture of Riley and Mama Joyce on the nightstand. So weird. I want Kandi to be my mom. She is a total pushover. 


Kenya can have many seats. Not that Porsha was justified in attacking her physically, but I remember Kenya and her bullhorn egging Porsha on. Kenya tried to provoke Porsha to cause drama to ensure she was invited back for the net season.

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Kenya, please shut up about what happened at last season's reunion. I really don't care and you weren't entirely innocent either.


I am a fan of Kenya's, but I thought her whining was unnecessary.  She should have ended her comments about Porsha with her appearance on WWHL.  I would have preferred hearing about her travels abroad.


Dear Cynthia, please ask your husband for a prospectus and review it with your accountant before you invest any money in Peter's ventures.


I thought Phaedra should have been at the sentencing.....until Apollo spouted all of that bullshit at the house.  He got what he deserved and he is not hurting anyone by asking for a divorce.  I have a headache from listening to his ignorant diatribe.  Why did poor Dylan need to listen to that?  If I were Ms. Regina, I would have swooped Dylan up as an excuse to get far away from that crazy.  Apollo is delusional.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 1

Well, considering that Cynthia left Nene's ass only to crawl up Kenya's is nothing to be proud about. All while still giving money to Peter. She's weak, stupid and desperate to stay on the show because she needs the money....for Peter. So, yeah, get some self esteem and stop blaming Nene for your horrible marriage.


Apollo is wrong in every way shape and form. He disrespected Phaedra repeatedly for years. Last season, he couldn't even hide his contempt for her. Then he expects her to "support" him in his time of need? She's been putting herself through school and raising babies. He's been at the strip club and cheating. He obviously had a horrific childhood and has some major issues. Hopefully he can get the help he needs so he won't continue down this self destructive path.


A lot of people are saying that Phaedra "knew what she was getting" or "was asking for it" by marrying an ex-criminal. There are a lot of women who feel like they can redeem and "help" a bad boy go legit. She was probably in lust, got pregnant and rushed into getting married because of her family. I think once Ayden arrived, life got real, she knew she made a mistake and tried to make the best of it.

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