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S06.E17: Reunion Part 2

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The theory that Tre's making Joe out to be a drunken basket case and unfit father in the hope of getting halfway house instead of clink clink makes a lot of sense. I'll bet that's what was going on here. But I don't think she's capable of coming up with something that clever although she can play the part on TV. I can see Joe himself coming up with the scheme and more than happy to play it out by going out and getting wasted in public--and instructing her on what to say, how to look, and how to behave.

Perhaps he thinks he owes it to her to at least try to put this one over on the way out the door of this marriage and his parental responsibilities. Joe never struck me as someone who gives a damn about public opinion as long as life goes as smoothly as possible for him. And I do believe that he'd rather go to prison than have to be responsible for the girls whole hog or spend anymore time than needed with his wife. He's been looking to escape for awhile now.

I can't tell whether Teresa really understands or not how lucky they both were to get such light sentences considering what they were up to. I think she's ignorant enough not to comprehend it, but who knows? Joe, on the other hand, is clever enough to know they've been fortunate and that the legal team she constantly derides did what could be done for both of them. His getting out of this phase of life with her may feel like a win win. She can't visit him in prison but his girlfriend(s) may and he comes across as the kind of macho guy who'd be able to take care of himself in jail and find a compatible crowd to hang with.

I agree that Joe is in on the plan, at least enough not to protest and I do suspect he's tipping the wine bottle back a little harder and isn't really all that excited about being in charge of four girls (I suspect that he believes Teresa's mom is going to step in and he can pretty much continue as he has been) but I don't for one second believe that it's his plan or that he is directing Teresa and telling her what to say or how to act. What the reunion and wwhl interviews have shown is that Teresa is the one directing Joe and telling him what to say. I think Joe is going along with what Teresa wants because he doesn't care anymore and would probably just rather go to prison and be done with it, not out of any obligation or owing anything to Teresa.

And I know it's prison and it's scary and everything, but it's 15 months! Joe has 3.5 years and then deportation! It would be nice if Teresa could just take her fucking lumps and be thankful that she didn't get much time and the sentences are staggered. I know it's asking too much, but still...

Edited by shoegal
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Amber only got on this show because of her ex-BFF Melissa. From her bio on Bravo which I'm sure she wrote herself, she's so pure and wonderful that she should almost be nominated for sainthood. The fact is that Amber is an actress (a bad one), a liar, a self-promoter and an all-around nasty woman. She saw $$$ signs in her Bravo contract and wanted to bring Jim and his best friend Bobby in on a little of the action. The question 'why' comes to mind since obviously none of them need the money. So it boils down to public exposure and ego. Amber stalked Jim's ex wife on Twitter to the point where Rebecca Grande, his ex-wife, had to seek police protection.



Thank you! Amber & Jim are the type that would sell their soul for money & a little fame. I never bought the story that Melissa didn't know they were being cast. We are really supposed to believe that out of the blue Bravo found her & just happen to cast her. I can't stand her, her fake caring & crying, her using "the cancer" for attention etc. I don't condone violence, but I would love one clean shot at Jim. He irritates me at the site of his face.

Jim's intent was to expose and humiliate Bobby for being such a RH fanboy, which I believe he did successfully. Bobby looked mortified when those photos surfaced and was tripping all over his words to find believable explanations why he was at so many HoWives book signings and assorted events.


IMHO Bobby came off looking rather pathetic since he's apparently been chasing down the opportunity to appear on the show for quite some time now. I'm sure he would have preferred that information to remain private.

The pictures were immature. The taking down of Bobby, even more immature as he's really not a focus or main character on the show. Maybe I would care if it was about someone significant to the show but I take Bobby as just a side character. I could careless if he's there or not, so to me the photos didn't change my opinion of him. Jim is the one that desperately wanted to be on the show, to the point of he's claiming to get others cast & that he's their agent. He looked a fool, he's supposed to be a successful business man but has shown us nothing more than an immature, insecure brat.

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I think that Teresa is still trying to get probation/house arrest, and her strategy is to portray Joe Giudice as a drunk, unfit dad who can't take care of his kids, therefore she needs to be there to take care of them.  I believe all of the stories about Joe's drinking, his not being home, not wanting to "learn their schedules" and all of the other crap that is out there is coming straight out of Team Teresa.  I believe that she truly believes there is still a shot at getting out of going to prison and I would not be surprised at all if her new attorney tries to file some motion or get a hearing or SOMETHING along the lines of Joe is unfit and Teresa has to take care of the children.  I don't know if there is a legal trick that can be pulled out of the hat at this point (fingers crossed there is NOT) but I think Teresa is putting her eggs in the drunken Joe is an incompetent parent basket.  If Teresa was delusional enough to believe that she wouldn't get prison time despite the fact that it was a part of her her plea deal, she is delusional enough to believe that she can somehow throw Joe under the bus and still save herself.

Last season when Joe Gorga & Melissa said they would take the kids if needed, Tre replied that she would not let them.That she had plenty of family that would take all 4 girls & that Joe's brother would take them. But, before her sentencing they plead to the court that no family could take them or afford them. She's done everything from throw all the blame on Joe to now saying his family can't afford the girls. I get it, no one wants to go to jail & I would do anything to not be away from my kids but it's beyond obvious what she's doing. Yes, Joe was the mastermind, but he now has to get kicked over & over by her, from being unfit to drinking. If she would own one ounce of responsibility, other than saying "I didn't read what I was signing", maybe I could respect her a little.

Edited by LoLo
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The judge absolutely asks you if you understand, even in a divorce proceeding when s/he is ready to sign the final papers.  I speak from experience.


And I might have written it before (I know I have certainly thought it before!), Ambuh needs to shut the hell up about her cancer.  I miraculously survived three different cancers in four years (and I am speaking about big time chemotherapy and radiation type cancers, like cervical, lymphoma and leukemia, not suspicious looking skin cells that were frozen or cut out.....as a matter of fact, it has been almost exactly three years since my successful bone marrow transplant!  Go me!).  I do not want to be defined by them.  Yes, she should be happy and relieved that she has lived to tell about it, but so have thousands of other people.  She isn't that special.  There, I said it.


Yeah Auntie!  Cyber high five!


Now that I think about it, when I went with my attorney to finalize my divorce, I waived spousal support.  The judge asked me directly "You do understand that you are waiving spousal support?"  I said "yes sir".  Then he signed the Judgment.


Watching Rino last night, I kept thinking about the poster who mentioned she met Rino and he smelled delicious and was very personable, better looking in person.  The way he handled Ambuh's apology was very classy.  What the hell is he doing on this shit show?  Now HE could do a cooking show - without Teressssssssssssssssssssa.

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Yeah, he was elegantly dressed and very charming on the street.  Good looking guy even with the Pesci JFK eyebrows.  But the best part were the smells coming outside thru the restaurant door!  Garlic, onions, olive oil, wine -- If I hadn't had to be on my way to do kid stuff, I would definitely have gone on in for a meal.  Aside from his merchandise in a sock thing he did with the wife, he's conducted himself pretty well and is by far the most interesting of the freshman class.  He was certainly A-OK last night. 

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I was just thinking about Jim & Bobby's friendship. I would not put it past either one of them to be faking this entire fight just for a story & to get them recast. Other than this issue they have nothing going on. If Bobby vented to Jim about the twins, confided in cheating stories along with racy pics. I would think that Jim has vented to Bobby over the years about his wife as well. If this fight were true, Bobby more than likely would have said "you said this & that about Amber". But he hasn't. Is that because Jim & Amber are in a real relationship & he could careless about what the twin knows or hears? I would bet Jim & Bobby, who both wanted to be on the show, decided to put this fight on to cause drama & get them attention. I just don't see any real men that would throw away their long term friend over a comment or spill the beans on things. At least any men that I know would not. 

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They can talk about Joe's increased drinking all they want, but I think he looks a hell of a lot more clean and sober than he did a couple of seasons ago when he was drunk tumbling and too hung over to participate in their pretend Christmas morning filming.  No doubt a lot of it is the stress of the trial and the shock of the inevitability of the jail time, but he's lost weight and just seems more "clear," if you know what I mean.  Maybe he's secretly relieved that he no longer has to put up the pretense.   There's a certain comfort in a known awful outcome when you've been dreading the unknown awful outcome.  


That said, I would  not be surprised if he has actually cut DOWN on his drinking, but is going along with the strategy.


Berle was a total pig who reveled in his reputation.  When he hosted SNL he freaked everybody out by showing it to people to prove his rep was true.  

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I had a sexual dream about Jim Marchese last night. I do not find him at all attractive and I never thought of him at all past watching the episodes. This is so incredibly embarrassing!! I may have to quit the show. First it starts with dreams about Jim, then it could be Richie. This is way too dangerous.


My thoughts are with you during these trying times....

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Yeah Auntie!  Cyber high five!


Now that I think about it, when I went with my attorney to finalize my divorce, I waived spousal support.  The judge asked me directly "You do understand that you are waiving spousal support?"  I said "yes sir".  Then he signed the Judgment.


Watching Rino last night, I kept thinking about the poster who mentioned she met Rino and he smelled delicious and was very personable, better looking in person.  The way he handled Ambuh's apology was very classy.  What the hell is he doing on this shit show?  Now HE could do a cooking show - without Teressssssssssssssssssssa.

I agree, Rino just brushed it off as it being stupid. I was so glad he didn't feed into Jim or Amber. I think the comment about the twins mother & Tre repeating it hurt them so much because Rino defended Tre & Joe against Jim for Tre to repeat the rumor & not apologize was I'm sure hurtful. I am not a fan of anyone on this franchise anymore but I have to say that Rino handled both situations well.

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I was just thinking about Jim & Bobby's friendship. I would not put it past either one of them to be faking this entire fight just for a story & to get them recast. Other than this issue they have nothing going on. If Bobby vented to Jim about the twins, confided in cheating stories along with racy pics. I would think that Jim has vented to Bobby over the years about his wife as well. If this fight were true, Bobby more than likely would have said "you said this & that about Amber". But he hasn't. Is that because Jim & Amber are in a real relationship & he could careless about what the twin knows or hears? I would bet Jim & Bobby, who both wanted to be on the show, decided to put this fight on to cause drama & get them attention. I just don't see any real men that would throw away their long term friend over a comment or spill the beans on things. At least any men that I know would not.

You're assuming they're actually grown men and not a couple of teenage girls (excuse me tween). Edited by Jennifersdc
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With regard to Teresa's intimation that they knew nothing about the financial disclosure, Joe G gave a pretty specific description of how he and his accountant came at some of the figures for furniture and what-not.  I think he said something like, "well, we appraised it for $50,000 a few years ago when we were going to sell it and so we just halfed it to reflect the time, you know what I mean?"


Couldn't Bobby just have been featured on the show as a good friend of Jim and Amber's?  He didn't necessarily need to date Nicole to be a part.  The Marchese's could have just brought him along to things, right?


And if there's anything I've learned from watching a lot of cable news (and Housewives shows), you don't need the evidence to put something in gossip circulation.  Jim could have sat there spouting all kinds of stupid things about all of them without evidence.  Presenting "evidence" makes you look stupid!

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The judge absolutely asks you if you understand, even in a divorce proceeding when s/he is ready to sign the final papers.  I speak from experience.


And I might have written it before (I know I have certainly thought it before!), Ambuh needs to shut the hell up about her cancer.  I miraculously survived three different cancers in four years (and I am speaking about big time chemotherapy and radiation type cancers, like cervical, lymphoma and leukemia, not suspicious looking skin cells that were frozen or cut out.....as a matter of fact, it has been almost exactly three years since my successful bone marrow transplant!  Go me!).  I do not want to be defined by them.  Yes, she should be happy and relieved that she has lived to tell about it, but so have thousands of other people.  She isn't that special.  There, I said it.


Super super super YAY!!! for you, and your continued good health!!  :-)

And you're right - Amber just wants to be special, but she's not....

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With regard to Teresa's intimation that they knew nothing about the financial disclosure, Joe G gave a pretty specific description of how he and his accountant came at some of the figures for furniture and what-not.  I think he said something like, "well, we appraised it for $50,000 a few years ago when we were going to sell it and so we just halfed it to reflect the time, you know what I mean?"


Couldn't Bobby just have been featured on the show as a good friend of Jim and Amber's?  He didn't necessarily need to date Nicole to be a part.  The Marchese's could have just brought him along to things, right?


And if there's anything I've learned from watching a lot of cable news (and Housewives shows), you don't need the evidence to put something in gossip circulation.  Jim could have sat there spouting all kinds of stupid things about all of them without evidence.  Presenting "evidence" makes you look stupid!


That is a good point - he could be New Jersey's version of Lisa Vanderpump's husband, Ken's friend (Martin - ? - the one they tried to set up with Kim Richards), or the other guy with all the money and HUGE house that is on RHBH at least two or three times a season (Yolanda's ex-husband....)

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You're assuming they're actually grown men and not a couple of teenage girls (excuse me tween).

Exactly, tweens is about right. I don't know how Jim has a job & keeps it with such an abrasive attitude.

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You overestimate Jim. He managed to make a convicted felon (one of whom called his wife a "cunt" while talking to his mistress) look like a class act. Jim was unhinged and Amber fanning her eyes and wiping away tears as her "good" friend Bobby was humiliated...I dont even know. That was another level of crazy.

Not that I'm disagreeing about class acts, but Juicy calling Teresa a cunt on national TV is one of my personal favorite RHNJ moments (only solidified as Teresa then kept dragging him into the vines to have "sex" all the while he kept saying "getta offa me".

After last night's performance (Juicy IMO still has the best moments), I actually feel somewhat sorry for Teresa. She does seem shell shocked (own fault) even though definitely agree that the "I didn't understand, know, wasn't there, don't care about handbags, etc.") is beyond old. There is no way she didn't know she was facing jail time when she took the plea (reasons mentioned multiple times on this board). But since her public recommended sentence was all over the press and Internet - shouldn't she at least have asked? You'll never convince me she doesn't read about herself. Is it possible she's that delusional?

Exactly, tweens is about right. I don't know how Jim has a job & keeps it with such an abrasive attitude.

I actually was concerned I was insulting teenage girls.

I'm guessing that Justice and Gap Kids are where Jim shops for clothing that fits.

Except they would never hire him.

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Not that I'm disagreeing about class acts, but Juicy calling Teresa a cunt on national TV is one of my personal favorite RHNJ moments (only solidified as Teresa then kept dragging him into the vines to have "sex" all the while he kept saying "getta offa me".

After last night's performance (Juicy IMO still has the best moments), I actually feel somewhat sorry for Teresa. She does seem shell shocked (own fault) even though definitely agree that the "I didn't understand, know, wasn't there, don't care about handbags, etc.") is beyond old. There is no way she didn't know she was facing jail time when she took the plea (reasons mentioned multiple times on this board). But since her public recommended sentence was all over the press and Internet - shouldn't she at least have asked? You'll never convince me she doesn't read about herself. Is it possible she's that delusional?

I actually was concerned I was insulting teenage girls.

Except they would never hire him.

If he were just short ti wouldn't be a big deal, Joe Gorga & Juicy are short too. They just don't act like teenagers suffering from PMS. To me it's VERY unattractive when men get into girls arguments & add to them. 

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I believe that she truly believes there is still a shot at getting out of going to prison and I would not be surprised at all if her new attorney tries to file some motion or get a hearing or SOMETHING along the lines of Joe is unfit and Teresa has to take care of the children.


Teresa was sentenced so now she says Joe is unfit. It wasn't long ago she was saying Joe was the ONLY one who would be taking care of her girls. Who does she want to have her 4 beautiful daughters while she's camping, the state?

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Jim is obsessed with Bobby.  His behavior makes me think that there is a possibility that allegedly (because Jim is an "attorney") they were more than friends. The intensity of Jim's anger reads more like spurred lover rather than a fight between friends. 

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Jim is obsessed with Bobby.  His behavior makes me think that there is a possibility that allegedly (because Jim is an "attorney") they were more than friends. The intensity of Jim's anger reads more like spurred lover rather than a fight between friends.

We could only hope.

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Uncle Milty was well endowed? Boy, you never know what you're going to learn when you start reading these forums.

I've read that it was HUGE. And apparently quite well known in Hollywood circles. Also that he was a equally huge Mama's boy.

Does anyone else think Amber resembles Maya Rudolph (the bride to be in Bridesmaids).

Edited by iwasish
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Amber does indeed look like Maya Rudolph.  As annoying and shameless as she is, Amber manages to look like a real, attractive person.  If you want a good chuckle, check out her Bravo blog in which she explains why she insists on calling it The Cancer.  It makes no sense but the girl just keeps on keeping on.  

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I think that Teresa is still trying to get probation/house arrest, and her strategy is to portray Joe Giudice as a drunk, unfit dad who can't take care of his kids, therefore she needs to be there to take care of them.  I believe all of the stories about Joe's drinking, his not being home, not wanting to "learn their schedules" and all of the other crap that is out there is coming straight out of Team Teresa.  I believe that she truly believes there is still a shot at getting out of going to prison and I would not be surprised at all if her new attorney tries to file some motion or get a hearing or SOMETHING along the lines of Joe is unfit and Teresa has to take care of the children.  I don't know if there is a legal trick that can be pulled out of the hat at this point (fingers crossed there is NOT) but I think Teresa is putting her eggs in the drunken Joe is an incompetent parent basket.  If Teresa was delusional enough to believe that she wouldn't get prison time despite the fact that it was a part of her her plea deal, she is delusional enough to believe that she can somehow throw Joe under the bus and still save herself.

She already tried this - twice - and the judge didn't buy it. First during sentencing, hoping for a downward departure to her sentencing number (this was when she tried to portray Joe as a no-good drunk), and then in a post-hearing motion, hoping for an assignment to a halfway house instead of prison. Again, rejected. She's out of options.

The criteria to evade a prison sentence for family reasons is very, very strict, and is very rarely granted. The provision in the sentencing guidelines is called something like "Extraordinary Ties and Family Responsibility," emphasis on the word extraordinary. A defendant would have to prove that they have responsibilities to a family member(s) that no one else can provide, "extraordinary" applying to a person with physical or mental disabilities, for example. It would not apply to a so-called normal (ahem) family like the Giudices. The four beautiful daughters don't have special needs (and I mean that in the literal sense), nor is Teresa the only person on the planet that can take care of them. The judge staggered the sentences so that the father could care for the girls while the mother was incarcerated, and vice versa, and proving Joe is an alcoholic is certainly nothing "extraordinary." Plus, they have a large extended family to step in. Bottom line - she's going in.

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It's stunning that Teresa with her fancy lawyers, fancy PR advisors, years of experience being in the public eye couldn't handle the questions Andy was throwing at her.

What did you learn? Her answer should have been "I have learned that family is what's most important and that working hard means something to achieving what you want".

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Haven't watched Part 2 yet, but I'm a little bummed Amber sounds just as bad as her husband. Jim isn't fun for me. He's a tiny sociopath who is so desperate for any kind of attention he is willing to take solely negative attention. He's the worst kind of confrontatinoal person, one who will pick on any little thing just to have someone fighting with him. Not good tv in my book.

And if he took the bar in 2013, he would know if he passed by now. He would also be listed as a successful bar candidate on the NJ Examinters site. I've been out of law school 5 years and I've never met a single person who waited 10 years + to take the bar. Many failed the first time and took it again a couple more. I suppose it's technically possible, since Barbri is what helps you pass the Bar more than law school, but what a dope move to pay 100k in tuition to a lower tier school like Seton Hall and then not even bother with the bar. Jim is so desperate to be a lawyer, I just do not believe it at all.


I'm sorry to repeat this, but his story makes no sense. Who bothers to spend ~100K on a lower tier school like Seton Hall (proud alma mater of our Governor) and then doesn't at least try to take the bar? People go to law school to practice law actively or work in another area (e.g. government consulting) where a law degree is necessary. They don't go to law school and become mortgage brokers, pharmaceutical representatives, etc. Jim a.) either failed the bar multiple times or b.) never took the bar, and/or likely c.) didn't bother because he received poor grades at a lower-tier institution and realized he could not realistically obtain employment as an attorney. Also, the people who make millions to give legal advice to lawyers on mortgage fraud prosecution are called other lawyers, not scumbags like Jim Marchese, who was banned from writing mortgages in Washington State for twenty years for operating unlicensed branches of mortgage brokerages, in addition to other acts of fraud. Rather, lawyers make millions on the prosecution of people like Jim Marchese.  I assume this case is what zoeysmom was referring to: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/CS%20Orders/C-10-350-13-CO01.pdf


What Jim is probably referring to vis a vis advising the Department of Justice on prosecuting mortgage fraud was whistle-blowing on Bank of America. I found the story here: http://www.litigationdaily.com/id=1202667678483/Whistleblowers-Stand-Out-in-1665-Billion-BofA-Deal?slreturn=20141007212429. Here are the relevant parts:


The agreement offers slightly more detail about a fourth whistleblower case that was also resolved as part of Thursday's deal. That case, which settled for $50 million, was brought by a company called Mortgage Now Inc. that accused BofA and Countrywide Financial of submitting false claims to the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

The Mortgage Now case is at least the second whistleblower suit brought by the company's CEO, James Marchese. In 2006 Marchese sued his former employer, Cell Therapeutics, accusing it of Medicare fraud. The government intervened and extracted a $10.5 million settlement. But prosecutors fought Marchese's attempt to claim a reward, asserting that he masterminded another fraud scheme at the company. In the end, a federal judge approved a $1.6 million award to Marchese in 2007. (Marchese is married to Amber Marchese, one of the women featured on "The Real Housewives of New Jersey." Strangely enough, he discussed his work on the case during the show.)


I am assuming Jim's $8.5 million came from revealing damaging information about Bank of America to the Feds, and this is what he was referring to when saying he "consults on mortgage fraud" with the US Attorneys' Office? Perhaps Jim knows how to recognize fraudulent practices because he's expert at them? My theory is that Jim is a professional whistle-blower, who orchestrates (or at the very least participates in) white collar crimes, turns the bigger fish in to the Feds, and then tries to cash in.

Edited by vrocotamy
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vrocotamy--Thanks for that info and clearheaded explanation.  Sounds like old Jimbo is a professional rat.  He behaved like an amateur snitch at Reunion 2. Good to know he's capable of taking it to the next level in the real world -- and is intent on trying to extract recompense for being a corporate conniver. 


His law degree explanations were classic doublespeak.

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What is with all the sly smiles and looks between Bobby and twin Teresa when Jimbo was talking about why he didn't take the bar?

I think that they know exactly why he didn't take the bar right out of law school and are holding onto to that little tidbit for a better time (maybe next season???).

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I'm sorry to repeat this, but his story makes no sense. Who bothers to spend ~100K on a lower tier school like Seton Hall (proud alma mater of our Governor) and then doesn't at least try to take the bar? People go to law school to practice law actively or work in another area (e.g. government consulting) where a law degree is necessary. They don't go to law school and become mortgage brokers, pharmaceutical representatives, etc. Jim a.) either failed the bar multiple times or b.) never took the bar, and/or likely c.) didn't bother because he received poor grades at a lower-tier institution and realized he could not realistically obtain employment as an attorney. Also, Jim, the people who make millions to give legal advice to lawyers on mortgage fraud prosecution are called other lawyers, not Jim Marchese, who was banned from writing mortgages in Washington State for twenty years for operating unlicensed branches, in addition to other acts of fraud. Rather, lawyers make millions on the prosecution of people like Jim Marchese.  I assume this case is what zoeysmom was referring to: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/CS%20Orders/C-10-350-13-CO01.pdf


What Jim is probably referring to vis a vis advising the Department of Justice on prosecuting mortgage fraud was whistle-blowing on Bank of America. I found the story here: http://www.litigationdaily.com/id=1202667678483/Whistleblowers-Stand-Out-in-1665-Billion-BofA-Deal?slreturn=20141007212429. Here are the relevant parts:


The agreement offers slightly more detail about a fourth whistleblower case that was also resolved as part of Thursday's deal. That case, which settled for $50 million, was brought by a company called Mortgage Now Inc. that accused BofA and Countrywide Financial of submitting false claims to the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

The Mortgage Now case is at least the second whistleblower suit brought by the company's CEO, James Marchese. In 2006 Marchese sued his former employer, Cell Therapeutics, accusing it of Medicare fraud. The government intervened and extracted a $10.5 million settlement. But prosecutors fought Marchese's attempt to claim a reward, asserting that he masterminded another fraud scheme at the company. In the end, a federal judge approved a $1.6 million award to Marchese in 2007. (Marchese is married to Amber Marchese, one of the women featured on "The Real Housewives of New Jersey." Strangely enough, he discussed his work on the case during the show.)


I am assuming Jim's $8.5 million came from revealing damaging information about Bank of America to the Feds, and this is what he was referring to when saying he "consults on mortgage fraud" with the US Attorneys' Office? Perhaps Jim knows fraudulent practices because he's expert at them? My theory is that Jim is a professional whistle-blower, who orchestrates (or at the very least participates in) white collar crimes, turns the bigger fish in to the Feds, and then tries to cash in.


Vrocotamy - great, concise information - thanks!!

I love your theory, and I don't know if this is possible, but in the future, Jim may spin this to say that he was some type of " government mole", working undercover as a professional whistle-blower, sent in to the pharma company and setting up various low-end questionable mortgage companies to uncover wrong-doing....

Edited by njbchlover
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Amber and Jim probably thought they were gonna be a team with Bobby.

Bobby threw those two under the bus real fast to make a name for himself.

Jim is revengeful, which his has said repeatedly. So, he got his revenge. Bobby shou've known Jim was a snake and would spill the beans. Bobby looked like a fool last night.  Kinda like a teen girl at a One Direction concert. 


I thought Jim was the highlight of the show last night.  His paperwork was a riot. He is such a jerk but he brought it last night! At least there was drama and stuff to snark/write about.  And I like he called out Joe Gorga for not tolerating anyone to talk about Teresa negatively.  Did Joe Gorga ever watch the show?  He called his sister scum plus a bunch of other names.  Jim clearly watched all the seasons!


Without Jim, it was just whale vaginas, the felonini and Rino in that underwear thing. 


I think Jim is a liar and a little rat. But he came ready to perform with his props! he got a paycheck from RHONJ and at least put a little effort in! Hahahaha

Edited by Marigold
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The judge absolutely asks you if you understand, even in a divorce proceeding when s/he is ready to sign the final papers.  I speak from experience.


And I might have written it before (I know I have certainly thought it before!), Ambuh needs to shut the hell up about her cancer.  I miraculously survived three different cancers in four years (and I am speaking about big time chemotherapy and radiation type cancers, like cervical, lymphoma and leukemia, not suspicious looking skin cells that were frozen or cut out.....as a matter of fact, it has been almost exactly three years since my successful bone marrow transplant!  Go me!).  I do not want to be defined by them.  Yes, she should be happy and relieved that she has lived to tell about it, but so have thousands of other people.  She isn't that special.  There, I said it.

I know this is from awhile ago, but I know Auntie Anxiety posts here a bit and don't believe that was mentioned before. My greatest sympathies - and I really hope you remain healthy. But it does annoyingly remind me of Andy asking specifics about The Cancer and Amber admitting she was in the 95% survival rate.

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I had a sexual dream about Jim Marchese last night.


My thoughts are with you during these trying times....


That's a nice sentiment, but we have a man down here! 


Brooke0707, is there any way for you to convince yourself that it wasn't Jim, but actually the Lost Ikea Monkey?  Like maybe it was kind of dark in your dream, and you couldn't see clearly and just caught the outline of the giant coat?  It would make me a lot less terrified to ever go to sleep again. 

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For what it's worth, Milton Berle was notorious for being the most well-endowed guy in Hollywood.  Maybe that was in your subconscious.  Or it is now.



Oh no, that is info I never knew about Uncle Miltie.  He's Uncle Miltie!  Excuse me while I bleach  my brain.


Jim is revengeful, which his has said repeatedly. So, he got his revenge. Bobby should've known Jim was a snake and would spill the beans. Bobby looked like a fool last night.  Kinda like a teen girl at a One Direction concert.



Dang, I actually cackled when I read your description of Bobby.

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I'm sorry to repeat this, but his story makes no sense. Who bothers to spend ~100K on a lower tier school like Seton Hall (proud alma mater of our Governor) and then doesn't at least try to take the bar? People go to law school to practice law actively or work in another area (e.g. government consulting) where a law degree is necessary. They don't go to law school and become mortgage brokers, pharmaceutical representatives, etc. Jim a.) either failed the bar multiple times or b.) never took the bar, and/or likely c.) didn't bother because he received poor grades at a lower-tier institution and realized he could not realistically obtain employment as an attorney. Also, the people who make millions to give legal advice to lawyers on mortgage fraud prosecution are called other lawyers, not scumbags like Jim Marchese, who was banned from writing mortgages in Washington State for twenty years for operating unlicensed branches of mortgage brokerages, in addition to other acts of fraud. Rather, lawyers make millions on the prosecution of people like Jim Marchese.  I assume this case is what zoeysmom was referring to: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/CS%20Orders/C-10-350-13-CO01.pdf


What Jim is probably referring to vis a vis advising the Department of Justice on prosecuting mortgage fraud was whistle-blowing on Bank of America. I found the story here: http://www.litigationdaily.com/id=1202667678483/Whistleblowers-Stand-Out-in-1665-Billion-BofA-Deal?slreturn=20141007212429. Here are the relevant parts:


The agreement offers slightly more detail about a fourth whistleblower case that was also resolved as part of Thursday's deal. That case, which settled for $50 million, was brought by a company called Mortgage Now Inc. that accused BofA and Countrywide Financial of submitting false claims to the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

The Mortgage Now case is at least the second whistleblower suit brought by the company's CEO, James Marchese. In 2006 Marchese sued his former employer, Cell Therapeutics, accusing it of Medicare fraud. The government intervened and extracted a $10.5 million settlement. But prosecutors fought Marchese's attempt to claim a reward, asserting that he masterminded another fraud scheme at the company. In the end, a federal judge approved a $1.6 million award to Marchese in 2007. (Marchese is married to Amber Marchese, one of the women featured on "The Real Housewives of New Jersey." Strangely enough, he discussed his work on the case during the show.)


I am assuming Jim's $8.5 million came from revealing damaging information about Bank of America to the Feds, and this is what he was referring to when saying he "consults on mortgage fraud" with the US Attorneys' Office? Perhaps Jim knows how to recognize fraudulent practices because he's expert at them? My theory is that Jim is a professional whistle-blower, who orchestrates (or at the very least participates in) white collar crimes, turns the bigger fish in to the Feds, and then tries to cash in.

Thanks for the docs! I only read the first which was the 20 yr ban in Washington State. Will get to his being a legal "consultant" to the multibillion dollar BofA "prosecution", but I'm thinking you summarized it pretty well.

How many times can you call somebody an asshole before it gets old? I'm thinking high tolerance re the Weasel.

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JIm doesn't have a chip on his shoulder.  He has a boulder.  I wonder what happened to him.  People like Jim are that way for a reason.  He resents Bobby and people who are born into rich families.  It was hinted that Jim turned whistle blower because he was passed over for a promotion.  His philosophy is that if someone is cruel to you, you teach them what cruelty is.  He's no christian.  I wonder what the pastor at St. Mary's thinks now, after giving permission for him and Amber to film at the church, after seeing him on the show.  The guy spends 24/7 on Twitter and is way beyond rude.  The guy has serious psychological problems.


As other posters have stated, it's very strange that a person makes the effort to go to law school at night to become a lawyer and when he finally gets the degree,  he doesn't take the bar....or doesn't pass it until 11 years later.  This wasn't a guy who went straight to law school.  He was 32/33 years old when he graduated.  I wonder what Jim did before he worked for the pharmaceutical company. 


The sad part is that they may keep Amber and Jim on the show.  It gives the viewers someone to hate, especially since Tre is going off to camp.


I kind of felt bad for Bobby.  The irony of someone presenting 'evidence' of another person being obsessed with being on the same reality show is over Jim's head. He's the one who is obsessed with the show.   For once, Tre had the perfect line for the situation by thanking Bobby for his support.  What an excellent FU STFU Jim. 


Amber is like a cartoon character.  She's so over animated.  She needs to change 'acting' schools.  I wonder how long it takes to get all that makeup off.  Sorry Amber, you're in no position to make comments about other people's looks.  You also exploited your cancer and you pretty much cancelled most people's admiration for what you overcame.  Cancer can be a monster but the true heroes, like Aunty, conquer it with class and humility.  That's being a hero and a role model.


Rino won the night. 


Poor Joey, Jim did get him on how you should talk to women.  But I give Joey points.  He did mean well.  It was obvious that Mel and Joey made a pact to not cause any friction at the reunion.  They came across boring but it was the right strategic decision given the circumstances.  But her comment about beautiful and pretty earned her points.


Yeah Dina, you don't like to go to AC because of all the 'white trash' but you keep referring to vaginas on national TV.  Real classy. 


And lastly, Tre and Joe.  Have a great time in prison.  You both deserve what you got.  Too bad we won't get to see Tre trying to con a con or a prison guard.  You'll get eaten alive with that 'game'.


OK.  I feel better now.  Thanks to those who read this.

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CyberJawa -- No stones hurled from this end.  It's good to have diversity!  And like Marigold says, the man does bring the high jinx and drama.  He gives me the willies but not much fun in everyone agreeing. 


I'm sure that Jim, with his sense of self, could probably spin quite a yarn about his corporate espionage and whistleblowing activities. Tinker Tailor Soldier Jim.  Lawyer, humanitarian, justice crusader and feminist extraordinaire!  And, let's not forget, the man brave enough to point out that Dina may or may not have a whale ass. 


And, Breezy, what a pleasure to read what you wrote.  Thanks go to you!  I too hate Dina and her constant vagina talk -- be quiet, woman, and have some self-respect.  So gross. 

Edited by copacabana
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Best part of the reunion Jim's "Calm down Joseph"...the entire "Joseph"...I actually like Jim...*waits for stones to be hurled...

CyberJawa ~ no stones from me....but I'd love to get stoned with you and drink vodka until we hurl ;)  JK That "Joseph" threw me off.  It's like my mother calling me by my first and middle name - so foreign, but I knew I was in trouble ;) 


I don't think I even want to know how the "whale" comment comes about.  HURL!

Edited by Lablover27
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Uncle Milty was well endowed? Boy, you never know what you're going to learn when you start reading these forums.

According to Hollywood lore, actor Forrest Tucker was Uncle Milty's  competition  for also being well endowed.


I remember reading one or the other would say  when asked how big it was when  hard, paraphrasing..."I don't know, I always pass out before it is!"

Edited by sheetmoss
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And, let's not forget, the man brave enough to point out that Dina may or may not have a whale ass. 


I too hate Dina and her constant vagina talk -- be quiet, woman, and have some self-respect.  So gross. 


copacabana....Two great points.  I have to give Jim two thumbs up for that comment.


Madame Zen Dina tries to come off as dignified and above it all but she has a foul mouth and yet she worries about her "elderly parents" and is protective of Lexi.  Seriously?  I have two adult sons and from time to time I'll hear them say something gross.  When they do I always ask them "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Edited by AnnA
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I agree that Tiny is jealous of trust fund Bobby. Bobby has been single for 20 yrs. and probably dated alot of good looking NJ women that Tiny could never even get to look at him. Amber is the best he was ever gonna do.    

In Jim's defense, Bobby's tall enough for women to see.  Women only noticed Jim if they trip over him or happen to be looking down.  Amber must have been sitting down when they met.


I, for one, was shocked when Teresa said that she is the kind of person who dots her i's and cross her t's. What shocks me is that Teresa realizes what those letters look like.


I'm going with the assumption that she does not, in fact, recognize the letters. My guess is that she has heard that saying enough to be able to repeat it verbatim, unlike many other sayings that she starts and then can't finish.

Okay, so the reason the Giudices got into trouble was Teresa thought she was dotting her i's and crossing her t's but she was actually drawing smiley faces in her o's and putting false eyelashes on random words.


She already tried this - twice - and the judge didn't buy it. First during sentencing, hoping for a downward departure to her sentencing number (this was when she tried to portray Joe as a no-good drunk), and then in a post-hearing motion, hoping for an assignment to a halfway house instead of prison. Again, rejected. She's out of options.

The criteria to evade a prison sentence for family reasons is very, very strict, and is very rarely granted. The provision in the sentencing guidelines is called something like "Extraordinary Ties and Family Responsibility," emphasis on the word extraordinary. A defendant would have to prove that they have responsibilities to a family member(s) that no one else can provide, "extraordinary" applying to a person with physical or mental disabilities, for example. It would not apply to a so-called normal (ahem) family like the Giudices. The four beautiful daughters don't have special needs (and I mean that in the literal sense), nor is Teresa the only person on the planet that can take care of them. The judge staggered the sentences so that the father could care for the girls while the mother was incarcerated, and vice versa, and proving Joe is an alcoholic is certainly nothing "extraordinary." Plus, they have a large extended family to step in. Bottom line - she's going in.

I think this could work out for the Giudices, only they're trying the wrong tactic.  Joe being too drunk to care for the girls won't work.  Maybe if they finally admit that Teresa is so stupid she is not a competent adult, then Joe can avoid prison because someone needs to protect her from herself.  She can't be trusted to remember the difference between milk and cleaning products or remember how complicated things like door knobs work.  

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Best part of the reunion Jim's "Calm down Joseph"...the entire "Joseph"...I actually like Jim...*waits for stones to be hurled...

I do think his "polarising" personality is a good change of pace from the 'you're a stripper/no I'm not' storyline we've had for the past few years. He's so unlikable but he saved the reunion from being completely boring. I would actually be happy to watch him in his little ikea monkey coat if he came back next year  :)

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I'm pretty sure the Joe's aren't actually "Joseph", though. I believe they are both "Giuseppe". Another epic fail by the IKEA monkey.

Yeah, Amber & Jimbo, sit & look smug & victorious as you present your "evidence" against Bobby, after you've told us all how it's Twisty the Clown's big dream to be on this show. If they're in next season I'm definitely out. They aren't love to hate material for me, just turn my stomach with their hypocrisy & toxicity hate. To stand out for being toxic in the Real Housewives world really says something...

I think the big reveal from all of this was that The Cancer actually had a 95% survival rate. No doubt it was scary, but this wasn't exactly the way it was portrayed over the course of the season, IMO.

Edited by Daisy head
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The problem with keeping Jim around is all those pesky contracts he has people sign that guarantee he will not be offended. 


Originally, I think the ladies were willing to give Amber a pass but I think it is obvious she glows in her husband's shadow and instigates about 75% of the crap along with Jim. 


I am going back to the first episode when Amber & Jim were having a party.  Amber claims the twins had a bunch of their friends crash the party. (the twins claim they were asked by Amber to invite people to fill up the party.) Fast forward ahead to the Project Ladybug party and Jim wrote Dina and said they were pulling their support.   The event soars to 200 people.  I think it might be the twins with the pull in Colt's Neck-not Amber and Jim.  So whether Jim stays or goes he is always at risk of being one upped by either Rino or Bobby.

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This whole episode reeked of desperation! Jim with his "evidence", which only proved that Bobby is a housewives fan of teenage girl proportions. The twins and their "what you said about my mom" (which I would be furious about, but once I addressed it either through screaming and yelling at offending party...or if necessary, a thorough ass kicking of offending party, I would be done talking about it). Teresa with her "oh my God my daughters, Joe is a drunk, I don't understand english, I am being strong, next question Andy". Jim and Amber, what is there to say besides pull your head out of each others asses....they are not hats! Dina is desperate for praise and for someone to actually care about her existence. Lastly, Andy is desperate to save the sinking ship that is RHONJ. You cannot give us 4 seasons of Teresa and Joe Fraudice literally fucking over family, friends, the government and all the taxpayers, and expect us to say thank you.

We are not amused, enough is enough. I started watching RHONJ because of the real relationships these women had. It was funny and lighthearted. Now it's a dark and twisty telenovella, but with worse acting. Not cute Andy!

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I think the big reveal from all of this was that The Cancer actually had a 95% survival rate. No doubt it was scary, but this wasn't exactly the way it was portrayed over the course of the season, IMO.

She lost her father to cancer when she was young.  She was only in her early 30's when she was diagnosed.  She did endure a mastectomy and chemo.  And If Amber wants to refer to it, as "the cancer", she's entitled to it after what she went through.  I am glad BRAVO gave air time to her story - as opposed to the usual petty catfights, etc.

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