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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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So, what sort of deserted island are the Daysaway folks on? If it's close to Greece, it might be in the tourist areas or the cruise ship lanes. Surely the plane was in contact with some sort of Air Traffic Control and it would have gone off its flight plan. Or it should have some sort of black box or other distress signal that can be traced.

Or the magic amulet wins again! Sure, Chad, bury it or whatever you did to it and then go back to get it.

The not enough blankets thing was lame. Surely there would be some small pillows on the plane.

Ciara would be better off going to LA than to Hong Kong to spend time with her brother. The Salem folks must be hugely wealthy as a last minute ticket to overseas would not be cheap! It's full fare economy or whatever is available. And Ciara, you are responsible for a lot of your fate - you dumped boring Theo to be with Chad who didn't want you and now your cousin is with Theo. She doesn't really want him but he is handy.

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15 hours ago, rcc said:

The sets from Lost in Space! That's exactly what it looks like.

That was probably the worst set they have had in forever. I was thinking Star Trek, but Star Trek sets were better. A high school play could have done better. And the acting was horrid. Give me more Marlena, Victor, etc. I've been watching for a long long time and I guess I still love the old timers. I hate Hope though. I hate her more each year. What is with the hair "styles" on this show. She is in her mid 50's? and she has long straight hair. Not doing you any favors, Hope. Grab Jennifer and get thee to a damn good salon. You do not look young . You look like older women who can't cope with aging. 

So glad Ciara is leaving. It must be frustrating for actually talented, out of work, young actors to watch this show. How do they get cast? Terrible . 

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7 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Ciara would be better off going to LA than to Hong Kong to spend time with her brother. The Salem folks must be hugely wealthy as a last minute ticket to overseas would not be cheap! It's full fare economy or whatever is available. And Ciara, you are responsible for a lot of your fate - you dumped boring Theo to be with Chad who didn't want you and now your cousin is with Theo. She doesn't really want him but he is handy.

I just figured Ciara used money from her trust fund to buy the plane ticket.

I didn't hate VJ's version of Ciara, but I did hate the story-lines her Ciara was involved in.  

First they SORASed her right before the wedding, so the weirdness of whether they'd known Aiden and Chase for a couple years or a decade was there from the get-go.  Then of course, the attempted murder, Bo's return and immediate death, closely followed by the rape. All pretty emotional scenes for a new actress playing a newly aged character.

Maybe she just isn't a good actress, but I've wondered all along if VJ would have been better if they'd let her play the part of a high school girl in a happy family for a while, whether with Bo and Shawn, or even with Aiden and Chase, before basically making the character an orphan with no immediate family members around.  Hope has either been grief-stricken, murder-cover-upping, "falling in love" or jailed during most of VJ's tenure as Ciara. Even these last days while Ciara's been dealing with her latest heartbreak, Hope was in Greece worrying about someone else.   They even made her "best friend" be her niece, and then ruined that by making them rivals for the same boy.

So though I'm not sad to see her go, I think, like pretty much every other character, the writers could have done a much, much better job writing for Ciara.  

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I just realized this is twice now that Belle has been a crappy sister to Brady in the last few months. First, by taking the job in Hong Kong and immediately leaving town the night before his wedding...and now by failing to come to his deathbed (but still okaying a visit from Ciara, presumably?)

I'd think in both cases Chad would have been fine with her putting family first. I honestly hope she comes back to town and rips into him for making it her job to legitimize the company while he's off stealing...

Edited by DisneyBoy
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On 5/26/2017 at 8:47 PM, Mama No Life said:

I don't think Gabi slept with Eli or Chad.

I'm only watching to see Gabi and Chad hook up though, so I'm going to be upset when she finds out he lied.  Then I'll just stop watching, ha.

Me too. Have the fun now days is to see if these would hook up or not. I wish they would. 

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On 5/26/2017 at 5:51 AM, kitmerlot1213 said:

I'm kind of embarrassed for Tripp--this self-professed street wise kid has been easily duped by Jade, an obvious user who doesn't even bother to hide that she's working her own agenda.  And I can't stand this whole "I need to get revenge for my mother"--his mother Ava, who was responsible for so much pain and mayhem.  Should the people she hurt get to hurt him now in return?  I hope this revenge plot ends soon because it's just damn painful.

Such a good point.

I'd find it harder to believe Tripp believed Jade's lies, if she wasn't just confirming what he already believed.  But since he came to her with the story, he seems more delusional than dumb to me.  His apologetics for Ava's crazy and now Jade's seem like a pretty consistent character trait.

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On 5/25/2017 at 10:33 PM, Frozendiva said:

Where does seemingly unemployed Steve get the cash for a swanky hotel room and champagne?

John.  He and John started "Black Patch" or "Patch Black" (or some ridiculous name) that's a private investigation agency.  Paul works for them too.

On 5/27/2017 at 0:08 AM, Frozendiva said:

...Ciara would be better off going to LA than to Hong Kong to spend time with her brother. The Salem folks must be hugely wealthy as a last minute ticket to overseas would not be cheap! It's full fare economy or whatever is available...

Grampa Victor or Belle could surely afford the airfare.  She works for Dimera Enterprises, afterall, so maybe Ciara just hopped on the Dimera jet.  Chad doesn't have it; Sonny wrecked the Kiriakis jet.

Edited by FnkyChkn34
On 5/26/2017 at 1:57 PM, YupItsMe said:

Speaking of hair - I noticed that John & Rafe are letting some gray show through. Looks so much better than that fakey flat black hair they've been sporting, especially on John. Now if only some of the older ladies would relax a little and let a few natural highlights come through.

I think to make Rafe and Hope a more acceptable pairing, they are letting Rafe "age" a little bit.  He was with her niece first, afterall.

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What's up with Dena Higley always making Chloe into her fucking punching bag??  Hasn't she done enough, yet again, giving her another out of character, character assassination storyline!  Why must every Salemite from Lucas to now absentee father John are attacking her!  Jesus, Higley is totally mentality screwed up in the head.  I swear.  Is it July yet! 

HEYYY MAGGIE READING DEIMOS DOWN.  I was here for it.  What Deimos did to her last year, he deserved every last bit of that tongue lashing.  

Still DHog. cries like he's sniffing mad farts from all different directions.  Hilarious. 

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John almost seemed to be laughing when he was talking about Brady dying. Bad acting choice.

Nice of him to tell Chloe off, though. Chloe, when one person tells you that you are a horse, you can laugh it off. Everyone doing so? Listen and look at yourself. And Maggie's smackdown of Deimos was pretty good.

Yes, Chloe, Eric has every right to come to visit his dying brother. Perhaps you need to book a few sessions with a psychiatrist to explain your need to cling to a baby that is not yours.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

What's up with Dena Higley always making Chloe into her fucking punching bag??  Hasn't she done enough, yet again, giving her another out of character, character assassination storyline!  Why must every Salemite from Lucas to now absentee father John are attacking her!


1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

Nice of him to tell Chloe off, though. Chloe, when one person tells you that you are a horse, you can laugh it off. Everyone doing so? Listen and look at yourself. And Maggie's smackdown of Deimos was pretty good.

Yes, Chloe, Eric has every right to come to visit his dying brother. Perhaps you need to book a few sessions with a psychiatrist to explain your need to cling to a baby that is not yours.

Until Chloe finally accepts that she was the one who got all of this started and stops trying to rationalize or excuse her choices and behavior, I will never get tired of her being attacked.  Kate, Lucas, Justin, and now John, with a side of Marlena sending her a scornful look?  I feel like I'm in heaven.

Now, once Chloe finally admits that this whole miss is her fault, I'll tire of the attacks on her.  But since that doesn't seem to be coming any time soon . . .

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Unpopular opinion alert: if Brady wakes up I cannot wait until the incompetent Salem PD is standing outside his room waiting to arrest Nicole and him. The issue with Chloe and the surrogacy aside she legally fought and won custody of Holly. I fail to see why Nicole had no other choice but to assault Chloe, knock her unconscious and run away. This story is so stupid it's made me hate everyone involved. Thanks writers! 

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20 minutes ago, Bwill3133 said:

Unpopular opinion alert: if Brady wakes up I cannot wait until the incompetent Salem PD is standing outside his room waiting to arrest Nicole and him. The issue with Chloe and the surrogacy aside she legally fought and won custody of Holly. I fail to see why Nicole had no other choice but to assault Chloe, knock her unconscious and run away.

Because legally or not, Chloe was still morally wrong in this, and that's why a lot of us are coming down on her (and probably why most of Salem is doing the same).  Nicole was legally wrong, but from a moral and emotional standpoint, it's understandable why she'd feel backed into a corner enough to do what she did to Chloe to get Holly back.  Hell, several people in Salem have acknowledged that Nicole is legally wrong while still being on her side emotionally and morally because Chloe has been wrong throughout this story.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Bwill3133 said:

Unpopular opinion alert: if Brady wakes up I cannot wait until the incompetent Salem PD is standing outside his room waiting to arrest Nicole and him. The issue with Chloe and the surrogacy aside she legally fought and won custody of Holly. I fail to see why Nicole had no other choice but to assault Chloe, knock her unconscious and run away. This story is so stupid it's made me hate everyone involved. Thanks writers! 

I think we all know that Chloe will come to her senses and drop all charges.  So I doubt that will ever happen.

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This is unbelievable. 

How come Holly woke up Brady?!  But not Tate?!  That's his damn son yknow.  Where is he! 

I can't believe this fucking show. 
I know Days is suppose to be ridiculous but I miss the days when it was ridiculous and but made sense. 

St Daniel and St Nicole garbage.  ?  
I hate your baby Nicole!  
The plot point baby from hell. 

If someone told me even Nicole having a baby been like this, I'd been like let that woman go baby-less FOREVER. If someone told me if you brought back Chloe and her only lines would be "Thats my baby" Id been like stay doing Venice.  The destruction of what Higley did to these two characters has been absolutely hideous.  And why the hell Higley feel Nicole of all characters needed propping!  
Someone should find her computer and take a hammer to it. 

So over this shitty story, character assassination and plotting for it. 

I never been so happy to see Rafe arrest someone like I was today. 

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On ‎5‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 11:00 PM, DisneyBoy said:

...he's the 476th "lost child" to wander into Salem in the last five years. I just don't care. We barely know Valerie and yet we're supposed to care that her son has issues with her and didn't know who his father was? From clips I've seen online something similar was playing out when Lucas was first introduced to the show, but at least Kate had been on for a while at that point so she was a familiar face. Eli is wooden and flat and feels like he should be on The Bold and the Beautiful. Valerie also has no identity. I'm not even sure what Abe sees in her other than the fact that she's black and female and in his age range kind of so obviously the show is going to pair them up.

On some level, I'm just waiting for all these peripheral characters to fulfill their inevitable journey of leaving as soon as their contracts run out because they never caught on. It keeps happening that way. This show seems to cycle through these characters every few years and you can call them almost as soon as you see them. Eli, Lani and Paul are all essentially the same special snowflakes with zero actual personality. In rare cases, characters like Chad who are retconned into being the offspring of popular characters manage to catch on because the narrative is strong enough to support them or the character has a certain pizzazz. So far, the only two characters I've seen like this are Theresa and Tripp...a

I liked Adrienne's fears to Kayla.  Very realistic.  Though they hurried through it quickly.

God, Chloe, your insensitivity is unbelievable. Demanding the baby while she's lying on Brady's chest as he lies dying?

I expected that the mysterious person trying to buy the newspaper would turn out to be Deimos. Why can't Steve go to the bank that sold the loan and ask them about it?

Raines is such a dick.

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The deification of Daniel is so laughable, it's causing my damn eyes to roll out of my head.  The Power of Daniel and Nicole's baby is the only thing that can reach Brady and help him to live again.  Not Tate, his child with Theresa, no only the spawn of Daniel could save Brady's life.  Holy crap but that's obnoxious.

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I would think that the anti-rejection medication finally kicked in. No magical baby power.

Maybe the show will bring Jack back - he could be the mystery buyer.

Sure, Chloe, call the cops as your ex-husband is dying. You could have waited a day. Maybe it's just about power to you.

Nice that Eric won't be charged for anything. Granted, he didn't do anything.

I had hoped for more of Lucas and Adrienne talking about her body and her fears.

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I mean damn I understand what Higley was trying to do. 

She was trying to tell the story of surrogacy and how it can destroy a friendship.  There are certain writers that can write these type of stories past and present and it won't feel bastardized. 

But holy hell she's a bad storyteller and this was out of her league!  Plus adding that plot point about Daniel's shitty heart bringing everyone together is garbage. 

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Adrienne looked radiantly pretty today, good for her.  And I've always had a thing for Lucas.  Kayla's cardigans make me feel warm and fuzzy.

I mute all Nicole crying. Even if it was my husband and father of my child I can't imagine wanting to lay a baby on a dead man's chest.  Too bad now she can't have the heart scooped out and enshrined as a Relic of st Dan. 

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On 5/28/2017 at 1:12 AM, TwistedandBored said:

Me too. Have the fun now days is to see if these would hook up or not. I wish they would. 

Man even I have lost all hope and faith Gabi and Chad will do it.  Even if it happens I'm like meh. It's another drag out story that's going nowhere. 

It had potential when it was a triangle and there was chemistry between all 3 characters when MM came in as a recast and Chad/Gabi were hot as shit before Abby returned. 

But once again Higley either got some kind of hold back from behind the scenes or she had no creative way to go about it. If she really wanted to make Abby/Chad/Gabi interesting, she could had used the history presented from Abby's own grandparents Laura and Bill. When Bill and Laura finally became a married couple in the mid 70s, Bill still couldn't keep his wood in his pants and how I read in the past Laura was more focused on work than pleasing needy Bill.   He fucked Kate which sent Laura over the edge she ended up in a sanatorium for almost  20 yrs. Moreover, I sensed the story early it was leading in that direction especially Higley added Kate to be a Gabi-cheerleader to be with Chad.  But between the possible production interference and writing falling apart the whole story lost momentum for me.  And now that she has inserted has thrown in Dario to make it quad and it now looks like a recycled verison of EJ/Sami/Nicole/Rafe especially now since Dario wants to hoodwink Abby to marrying him for a greencard. ?

I would like to see Chad's naughty, bad boy side or make him a grey character at least since he is the demon pawn of Stefano (another fool who could never keep his dick in his pants, even raping a few women (Susan and brainwashed Hope) in the process).  Chad comes off as too perfect at least under BF and I want to see him imperfect sometime.  

Edited by BlackMamba
On 2017-05-30 at 4:58 PM, Silver Raven said:

What is Eric doing there, Chloe?  How dare he come see his dying brother?

So, for reasons which pass understanding, or at least don't bear close scrutiny, I decided to tape yesterday's episode, and I realized I have no idea what in the actual hell is going on with this show anymore. Brady's dying (but sort of ... not?) Chloe's angry at, well, everyone, possibly? Because she's judgy and weird and possibly slightly less criminal than every other person in the hospital scene, I guess. That guy who looks vaguely like Eric (but clearly has been living in the bush and taking Unabomber lessons?) must actually be Eric, because he calls Marlena "Mom," and appears to care whether Blockhead Brady lives or dies. Nicole is a weepy chore who believes in miracles now, because she sat a baby on the chest of a (dying? Comatose? Tissue-rejecting?) Blockhead Brady, whom she apparently loves now? Thank God Jennifer's still stiff and emotionless -- even though she no longer works at the hospital? -- and Shut Up! Rafe looks as simultaneously judgmental, gassy and befuddled as ever, otherwise I wouldn't have known anyone. Oh, wait -- there's Drake, acting with his usual fishhook in his left nostril. All must be right with the world.

I think.

Edited by Sandman
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So you mean to tell me Rafe works for the fucking law, but he can't check behind his brother's hogwash deportation story!   

Meanwhile, Marlena propping Nicole and Brady against Chloe.  She's better than this. Why would she even care to have her step son with a woman who wanted her dead?!   Jesus take the wheel. 

My favorite line of this episode was "Daniel is dead and I'm not with you because of his heart"  just to paraphrase 


Poor Rafe had to deal with Nicole's tears too. I sure hope AZ got paid a bonus to cry hard on every one in the cast.  Good grief.  

Oh and Chad/Gabi kissed.  I guess one has to take the small things in this wretched show. 

Man if Days gets another 1.4 or 1.5 ratings for this week, it will be deserving.  Between Nicole's crying, the inless trashing Chloe, Brady half ass dying, John's fart acting, and propping of Bricole has been torture.  Higley definitely knew she was fired back 5 or 6 months ago so don't be surprised between now and up until mid July this show keeps imploding by the seems. 

The last five minutes did not record.

Abs isn't psychic. Maybe if Chad told her about the plane crash....

At least she is checking in to Dario's 'story'.

So, there is a skull on the island?

Chad is becoming quite obsessed with the ugly amulet.

Guess the castaways must have found their suitcases and also the plane's liquor samples cabinet.

Hope Marlena talked some sense in to Chloe. She has her own baby that is conveniently somewhere else. This one will simply tie her down and make her lose career opportunities.

I am unafraid in admitting that I'm strictly here for Chad and Gabi--I can't help it, they make me smile :)  And I love it when BF adlibs his lines--his "Good talk" to an obviously annoyed Eli after asking him to keep an eye on a distraught Gabi was comedy gold.  And I totally understand Gabi's reactions-- I would also be a freaking out mess if I was stranded on a deserted island with rapidly dwindling supplies and no way to contact the mainland.

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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