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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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48 minutes ago, Happytobehere said:

Kayla deserves a man whose love does not require her to be hurt as frequently as people breath, while being made to take it lest she is a bad person.

I was thinking about quitting after the closure of the wedding too, and I can't agree more with this.  As much as I hate the idea of this whole story, Kayla not getting to react like a human being is the deepest cut.  Ava killed Kayla's father, kidnapped her daughter, threatened to steal her baby, coerced sex out of her husband and made her watch -- actually almost twice, tried to kill her and left her without food or water in a dirty little room while she left the country, framed her for attempted murder, and manipulated her son.  I don't know how much trauma she has to go through, before it's allowed to have an impact with her.  After the way she held back from Steve earlier this year, I'm just not buying this "we're in it together" reaction as her first thought.  Any real woman would resent the possibility of having Ava's kid with Steve in her life forever.

And she had just been held hostage by Hal, too! It makes my head spin.

Kudos to SN and MBE for doing the most with nothing, though.

Edited by lska
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Said this before: Ava was and is a fucking NOBODY. And I hate this tired "long-lost kid" deal since said kid is tied to said NOBODY. And, '80s rose-colored glasses for Steve/Kayla or not, I NEVER could buy that even an amnesiac Steve would feel shit for the likes of Ava, so this whole thing is one giant FAIL.

Since Dena Higley was mercifully fired, this kid should be some con artist or some crap and NOT be Steve's. I'm 99.9% it won't happen, because Ron Carlivati, while different in his writing style, is almost as bad as Higley, anyway, IMO, so he'll twist the knife somehow, just because he can.

I'm just glad that - hopefully - Ava will cease to ever exist and be the footnote she should have been in the first place.

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Since Dena Higley was mercifully fired, this kid should be some con artist or some crap and NOT be Steve's. I'm 99.9% it won't happen, because Ron Carlivati, while different in his writing style, is almost as bad as Higley, anyway, IMO, so he'll twist the knife somehow, just because he can.

This is still Dena stuff, Carlavati's stuff doesn't start airing till July.

1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

Since Dena Higley was mercifully fired, this kid should be some con artist or some crap and NOT be Steve's. I'm 99.9% it won't happen, because Ron Carlivati, while different in his writing style, is almost as bad as Higley, anyway, IMO, so he'll twist the knife somehow, just because he can.

I'm just glad that - hopefully - Ava will cease to ever exist and be the footnote she should have been in the first place.

Yeah, I'm not expecting any fix-its on this one.  The only thing I'm looking forward to is the child's journey of discovery into what a heinous, toxic bitch of a succubus Ava was, but I'm sure Dena found some way to screw that up, too.

Like DisneyBoy said, Ava was on in 2008 for six months. She was a crazy lady Steve was supposed to have been with while he had amnesia, and she crashed a plane in Ireland and later kidnapped half of Salem to try to get him back.  Their story was told in flashback. This was while Kayla was pregnant with Joey.  Then after three months, Ava got off her pills and got with John, who had amnesia at the time.  (See a pattern?)  Then she skipped town and no one gave her a second thought until she showed up in 2015.

VI is a good actor. Felt it today. He and Cosgrove should start a DOOL Screwed Us club.

I literally just said out loud, "Daniel was NOT your....!! Good GOD!!" in response to Eric. This show will Not. Stop. Propping.

The fake flashbacks today are hilarious. Maybe Chad could have kicked at the dirt while Gabi licked a lolly and pulled at her pigtails.

Does anyone else chuckle about how much shorter than Original Chad Billy is?

Can Jennifer get through one week without inserting herself into other people's shit? Run Eric - Run!

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Dammit, this crap is turning me off Chad. Either fully commit to Abigail and stop seeking Gabi out or tell them both that it's 50/50 and you'll be going with the flow. Truth is, even if he told Abigail that he needs to see how things with Gabi could be, he still loves her(Abby), too. So, then Gabi could be with him and fret about his unresolved feelings with the other woman. Bleh! I just don't like how they're going about it. 

I ff everything with Nicole and Deimos. I miss Theresa and how I could tolerate Brady because she loved him. 

I am not a fan of Eric's beard of regret. The one thing the man brings to the table is the aesthetic. I guess he'll lose it when he learns to love himself again. 

Yes, Jennifer, shut it. Your daughter is an adult woman who can make her own choices. And own them. What are you going to do to Chad if he hurts precious Abs? He can have feelings for whomever he likes.

Chad, you can't string two women along. You are married to Abs, but now it's mainly guilt and obligation keeping you there. And Abs, you have a crush on Dario.

I kinda missed the old, taller Chad in the flashbacks. Granted, since both actors are not currently in the roles, can't use 'em.

  • Love 2

Glad Kate and Adrienne are friends.

It must be nice to just walk to a bank (not even the one you generally bank at) and take out enough cash to set somebody up in life.

Uh, Maggie, it's not up to Nicole that Holly gets to be "right here."  Chloe is planning on taking her away permanently.

When Deimos yells at his thugs like that, I keep hoping the thugs would punch him out.

First days in a while I haven't rolled my eyes at Nicole. That's good I guess. Glad it was Brady who scared her and not a vision of Daniel! 

Kate waving her Team Gabi flag in Abigail's face amused me even though I actually like Abby now. Everyone is picking up on her insecurities when it comes to Chad/ Gabi and are going to needle her with it. Seems like that is what Deimos is going to do. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Glad Kate and Adrienne are friends.

It must be nice to just walk to a bank (not even the one you generally bank at) and take out enough cash to set somebody up in life.

Uh, Maggie, it's not up to Nicole that Holly gets to be "right here."  Chloe is planning on taking her away permanently.

When Deimos yells at his thugs like that, I keep hoping the thugs would punch him out.

Kate and Adrienne make a surprising pair of friends. Nice to see the gang treating her to a special day of pampering. Well, til the bad news hits.

Banks only have so much cash on hand each day. Any large withdrawals need to be set up in advance - well, at least they do at most Canadian banks - they would need to order the actual cash. Brady would have been better of waiving down an armoured car.

Still have no idea why Chloe's written contract with Nicole and Daniel hasn't been brought up. And the custody thing was done waaay too fast, without any court and social worker involvement.

Surely one of the thugs would have smacked Deimos.

Not finding Abs' little nightgown stripshow all that interesting.

I've been only sporadically watching, but did see the 2nd half of today's episode.   I, also, enjoyed the trip down memory lane, and too wished we could have had flashbacks.  Or even still pictures.  But the scenes were enjoyable, and I am enjoying Julie and Doug these days.

The Chad/Abigail/Gabi triangle, and those "new" Chad/Gabi flashbacks are not impressing me.  I believe that Chad is "in love" with Gabi the same way I believe "Daniel was Nicole's true love".  Hope this story-line wraps up soon.

As for the teens, not sure I'm ready to see Theo and Claire take things to the "next level".  If it was a sweet first love storyline, maybe, but like all the "romances" lately it doesn't feel believable to me.

Still missing John. Dena's Tweet that he was back on set was Sep 27, so adding 6 months, John should be back in a couple of weeks, hopefully. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, lilly6 said:

I have to say, I enjoyed today's trip down Horton Memory Lane.  Would have been nicer with a few flashback clips, but it reminded me of how long this silly show has been beloved to me.  

I am surprisingly enjoying the new Abigail.

Me too. The actress is making this ridiculous triangle watchable.

  • Love 3

Ciara, you may be better off moving back home with your mom. You will have some space! And not have to deal with your niece Claire. Don't really see what either girl sees in Theo. He's a nice young man, but he will bore both in no time. Maybe it's just Claire just wanting what she wants. And then Claire goes running to Grandma to whine about poor widdle Ciara moving in on her man? Really?

Eli, you may wish to simply - run! The Horton clan is somewhat incestuous. Attend the holiday dinner, but get outta Salem!

Abe, you really don't have any business telling your daughter (that you barely know) who she can date. She is an adult woman. Too bad you don't think JJ is good enough for her. It's her choice. It's likely that any relationship that results will simply just run its course. Not really cool to tell JJ that he isn't what you want.

Jen's donuts made me want one.

The whole Chad/Gabi thing is kinda dumb. No, Chad, she probably isn't your true love. And neither is Abs. The whole having trouble changing clothes is soooo contrived.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Jennifer and those damn donuts.  :)  They really need JJ's secret ingredient.

I cannot tell a lie - oh of course I can - BUT, I pretty much enjoyed the Horton gathering, and that's a first with Julie and her big mouth front and center.  But if Eli is going to stick around with this bunch, he needs JJ's secret ingredient far more than he knows.

Gotta love how Julie is already rewriting David's history.  He didn't do such a great job with Scotty so why the hell would he have been any different with Eli?  Somebody really needs to hide her teeth at the next gettogether.

59 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Abe, you really don't have any business telling your daughter (that you barely know) who she can date. She is an adult woman. Too bad you don't think JJ is good enough for her. It's her choice. It's likely that any relationship that results will simply just run its course. Not really cool to tell JJ that he isn't what you want.

The whole Chad/Gabi thing is kinda dumb. No, Chad, she probably isn't your true love. And neither is Abs. The whole having trouble changing clothes is soooo contrived.

I hate to say it but Abe is one mighty dull stuffed shirt.  Coming over on JJ like that about dating the adult daughter he barely knows is pretty stupid.  JJ was nicer about it than he needed to be.  If anyone should be worried, it should be JJ.  Lani doesn't exactly seem all there to me.

I don't blame Gabi or Abby for wanting Chad.  I just feel sorry for Chad with those two being apparently his only choices.

I'm liking Eli, a lot.  The actor has charm and an understated presence.  Good hire!

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Heh.  Even Ariana knows what's going on between Gabi and Chad.  :)

Can't fool Ari G. She saw the looks that OldBen was giving her dad, too, before the freakout (and subsequent recast). That little girl has more brainpower than 3/4 of the teens put together. Also, I think I once saw her give Sparkle a distinctly "Are you for real?" look.

  • Love 1

Miller is good but I don't think the writing for Abby ever was...at least not until she started to lose it.

There was an OldBen?

I've tuned out Eli's story because Valerie is lame. You guys are making me wonder if I'm missing out on some great acting. Where is he even going as a character anyway?

So...Abe is back to lecturing his kids about who not to date? Didn't take long.

I didn't love love love Lexie but I kinda wonder how much more might have been going on in Theo and Abe's lives if she were still around.

1 hour ago, BingeyKohan said:

I don't know if this is an UO here but I think Marci Miller is a find. Though knowing Days' powers that be they are probably failing upward and succeeded with her by dumb luck. She'd be great on a show like UnReal, playing one of the contestants.

ITA.  I actually buy into her and Chad now, when before I didn't with KM.  I think they really play off each other well no matter what the scene is about.  She also smiles with her eyes.  I only have one thing that bugs me and I hesitate to say it for fear that it sounds mean, but she really needs to either cut her hair or they need to give her some root spray or volumizing spray.  The long hairstyle looks really bad because her hair is too fine and flat and limp and it is worse when they curl the ends because that only weighs it down and makes the crown look almost greasy and almost slicked back to me.  It was so distracting to me yesterday and all I could look at.  Layers and lift spray would do wonders (IMO of course!)

  • Love 1

Part of me would love silky hair but I hear you. My distraction is paleness she's entirely beige with no eyebrows. She also speaks softly but it lets me ignore her. So I guess I'm not seeing great acting.  Same with Eli. He looks very wooden to me but I liked his spark with Gabi a lot. He is making the plot more interesting. 

Of course she is way, way better than KM. 

Ari's been referred to twice as a Hernandez.  Why wouldn't she be named Horton ?

1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

There was an OldBen?

Yeah, he was fired for thinking he was All That when he wasn't.

Why would Steve just wander into Jade's hospital room and blurt out about Tripp? And then try to not tell Jade because it's a private family matter?

God, Raines is a dick.

Does every FBI agent know every other FBI agent in Hernandez World?

Yeah, Gabi isn't a Horton, but her daughter is.

Gee, Abigail, kinda transparent there, aren't you, pushing Eli and Gabi together?

  • Love 1

Man, I wish I felt the chemistry for Chad/Gabi, but I don't. Sad because it seems like they are giving that couple the rooting edge in the endgame.

I love forbidden soap couples. The last two couples I really and truly invested in were on Guiding Light and that show was already begging to be put out of its misery at the time. This triangle is just boring and sad. They are all pretending and borderline miserable. There's no heat from either couple. What I'm getting at is that I'm willing to overlook a character losing a little honor if he/she gives in to temptation as long as the chemistry is there. It's just not for me. Sucks.

ETA: Eli has a beautiful smile.

Edited by Rowan

One thing I am hating about this Abbi/Chad/Gabbi thing is it highlights the lazy writing Days always seems to do with it's "good" girls.  They become, basically, interchangeable.  And to make it worse, they made Gabbi/Abs friends- which just emphasizes how "same" they really are.  This also applies to Hope/Jen when they are both in super heroine mode which is why I tend to hate storylines where they spend a lot of time together- bland meets bland and they agree on just about everything.

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I'm allergic to most bubble bath products. Probably the show can't do too many shower scenes, so the tub is it. Must be fun to always clean it out. Not.  Don't find Hope and Rafe to be remotely interesting.

Jade, if Joey doesn't want to be more than friends with you, it's over. You really can't force anyone to love you or want to be with you. Surely there are better offers on hand coming your way.

Abs does need some sort of hairstyle, as someone posted on the previous page. Maybe some hot rollers or something. Chad is still really only with her out of responsibility and obligation. Just a dark haired version of Abs.

The FBI is a big place. Unless Eli was teamed with Rafe or read some of his case files, doubtful they would have met.

Nice of Abs to push him in to Gabi's direction.

  • Love 2

abigail is VERY beige. her hair just blends into her skin and she is a whole lot of beige standing there.

also, Hope better not leave the house. doesn't she know that you never leave a tied up person alone? especially when it doesn't seem that he particularly wanted to be tied up? (tied up meaning handcuffed to the headboard in this case)

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

I'm allergic to most bubble bath products. Probably the show can't do too many shower scenes, so the tub is it. Must be fun to always clean it out. Not.  Don't find Hope and Rafe to be remotely interesting.

The FBI is a big place. Unless Eli was teamed with Rafe or read some of his case files, doubtful they would have met.

Nice of Abs to push him in to Gabi's direction.

Maybe Show shies away from shower sex after Abigail trekked up Mt. EJ that time.   It was scarier than the Psycho shower scene.

I suspect Rafe is the "Pull My Finger" guy at the FBI.  You know, there's one at every work place, the terminally obnoxious guy everyone knows about, just because they're so awful.  That's our Rafe!

Just wait till Julie finds out Eli is going out with Gabi.  Her head will spin around more than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

  • Love 10
12 hours ago, Frozendiva said:
12 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

The FBI is a big place. Unless Eli was teamed with Rafe or read some of his case files, doubtful they would have met.


11 hours ago, boes said:

I suspect Rafe is the "Pull My Finger" guy at the FBI.  You know, there's one at every work place, the terminally obnoxious guy everyone knows about, just because they're so awful.  That's our Rafe!


But Rafe never acted like he and Eli should have met or known of each other.  He just asked about a friend of his who is in the same office as Eli, so it makes total sense that they played the mutual-friend-name-game.

Sorry, but I may never understand all the Rafe hate.  He just isn't that bad.  

Am I supposed to care about the Chabby-Gabi triangle?  Ugh.  I don't.  It's the worst.  (Now, if a Hernandez needs to leave the show, in my opinion, it's Gabi.)

Jade is going to turn all stalkerish on Joey, and probably use family secrets against him and his parents, isn't she?  Double ugh.

Edited by FnkyChkn34
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So Eric de-scruffed.

Jealous much, Kate?

Claire really can't read Theo, can she?

Why were Daniel and Nicole working with an out of town doctor in their initial attempts at having a baby?

I guess Roman needed to find a new job.  I would love it if Kate and Roman got back together.

Did Ciera write her note in blood?  :/

Oh, God, another breathless girl singer.  Grmph. Why didn't Ciera just leave once she saw what she saw?

Brady is a horrible father.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Jealous much, Kate?

Perhaps a little.  But if nothing else, those scenes with Eduardo helped bring about a small history lesson.  I loved hearing that Kate is completely on Nicole's side, despite her hatred toward her, and has absolutely no sympathy for Chloe, all due to the parallels she sees to her situation with Vivian and with Philip's birth.  Nicole is basically in Kate's place, Chloe in Vivian's, and Holly in Philip's.  Nice nod to the past, and nice touch to make Kate completely sympathetic to Nicole's situation because it's so similar to hers in the past.

Don't like how Brady left Tate, but I do think he plans to send for him later, when they're situated, so I don't think he's a horrible father just yet.  Did love him reaming out Dr. Lee, though.

Yay!  Eric/Jennifer kiss!

  • Love 6

You have to give Show credit.  Really.  I mean, where else would a writing team that has obviously NEVER had sex, or ever been young - at least as human beings - been given the chance to write a "first time" storyline like the one we see playing out between Claire and Theo?  BravO, Days Team!!  They managed to write something so completely unrealistic, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME (and this can't be as easy peasy as it looks) make it completely and utterly as sexy as an extended peep show of Julie trying on support hose.  Way.to.go.

And speaking of Julie.....now, it's not as if no-one should EVER ask Julie's advice.  Say, for instance, a person wanted to know how to talk over everyone in a group setting, or use the word "darling" because you can't remember anyone's name, or give in to sujective and momentary fits of pique and prejudice, inexplicable likes and dislikes while at the same time being completely clueless about yourself - and, of course, wearing scarves no matter what - then by all means, Julie is your go-to person.  Just like if you want advice on how to clear out a room in under 5 minutes, get some tips from Doug on playing the ukelele, or go to Jenn if you want to know the best way to be get in as many slaps as possible in one day.  There are tons of people with specialized abilities in Salem.

But it takes a special kind of clueless to get advice from Julie on what to do about the guy you wish was your boyfriend, you know, the one YOU TURNED DOWN and is now dating YOUR NIECE??  Hard to believe Ciara and Julie aren't even more closely related than they are, considering how similar their levels of intelligence and sensitivity are.  The actress playing Ciara is just so.....just so.....so so......

Eduardo helping Chloe is a real stretch and not in a good way.  

But at least, for the first time in forever, Roman was the best part of the show!  Yea for him!!

  • Love 9

I still have no idea why Claire would give Theo the time of day. Except to one-up her aunt and have some passive-aggressive revenge on her. Or one of the first of many notches on her belt - a get it out of the way moment with a nice guy.  I haven't seen any real signs of attraction between them.  At least it's not Hope and Rafe and an awful bubble bath and music.

Ciara, you don't go to Julie for love advice. Your mom isn't much better.  You threw Theo away because he was too boring for you. I hope Ciara goes to some other college out of town for a while.

Dr. Lee, how convenient of you to call the surrogate. Where is the medical ethics board in all this?

Eduardo, why would you want to help Chloe? You can certainly stick it to Deimos in other ways. Chloe is just collateral damage to you. No idea why she'd want to be saddled with another kid. Daniel must have had a good trust fund for Parker. You don't have any sort of job, and no real prospects for one. Rich parents and your dead ex-husband's estate to support you.

  • Love 5
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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