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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Yeah, it was mentioned early on when I think John was investigating Eduardo and Paul made a mention that he went to school with a guy named Hernandez.  That was our "audience hint" that they were talking about Dario, who then showed up a couple of weeks later, and of course was Eduardo's son.  I don't think they ever referenced it since then.

Wow.  "Don't you die on me." Cliche much?

I was wondering who the hell Juliet was, till Nicole said, "You're Deimos's secretary."

Have we known that the name of the cafe in HTS is the Mandalay?

Awww, Hope fantasizing about Rafe.  Gag.

Damn, Nicole, just stab random people on the street.

"Mission accomplished"? Dario wanted Nicole to go to jail?

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Gah, growing so tired of the Deimos Kiriakis Hour, formerly known as Days Of Our Lives.  How many people need to be sacrificed at the altar of Deimos?!

Chloe is now going to be a villain over the baby drama, and I hate how this character always gets shit on.  Yes, Nicole should know about her baby, but of course they are going to make Chloe the bad guy, being forced by Brady, losing one of the best friendships on the show IMO (Chloe/Nicole) and all over stupid Daniel's offspring with Nicole and why?...because of stupid Deimos!

Brady continues to boss around women and it makes me want him nowhere near Chloe, and it's one thing if he was just doing this for Nicole, but he keeps bringing up...stupid Deimos!

Sonny is becoming a Kiriakis mobster-type and kind of a jerk for...stupid Deimos.

Not a big fan of Dario, but i don't want to see him go down over...stupid Deimos.

Nicole just looks so stupid and crazy and weak all the time lately.  Her child is also being kept from her because her best friend doesn't want her raising Holly and being brainless with...wait for it...stupid Deimos!

Most of the bad storylines revolve around him and people are being thrown under the bus in order to prop him.  Not liking it, not one bit.  

And why does the show continue to bring back the character of Chloe if they are going to try to ruin her character more and more, time and again?  I like NB and have had a soft spot for Chloe since her "Ghoul Girl" days and her first romance with original-Brady.  So I hate when they write her so badly.

Nicole needs to re-gain her brain and the only way is to write her away from Deimos, yuck!

I do like Eric and Hope's scenes, but did chuckle when he told her to stay right there and not move when she was clearly unconscious.  Lol

Loved Patch and Kayla's scenes too.

Edited by LadyJaney
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Maybe they can ret-con Deimos being another egg baby - the age difference between him and Victor could make it work. Maybe we shouldn't go there.

Chloe isn't really a bad guy - she's concerned for her friend, but her friend's life choices are hers to make. She should wait and see with Deimos. He may be ancient history a few months from now.  She doesn't get to determine who Nicole spends her time with. Given how much she wants a child, she will not let anyone in unless she feels safe doing so. Even though Brady was a jerk by manhandling both Chloe and Nicole, he did make some decent points - so he had possession of the Salem Brain for a few moments.

Nicole, you didn't know that the goon was going to break Deimos' neck. Who would do that in a filled café during daylight hours? You could have clonked him with your purse or given him a kick with your high heeled boots. Dario, you are not hugely clever in planning this as it will come back to bite you in your enchilada.

Eric, of course Hope can't move if she's semi-unconscious. Antibiotics can be dangerous as not all work now. Have also noticed that Hope isn't wearing much jewelry lately - I guess with their being problems with the line, we won't be seeing much any more. I would think that Hope would be hallucinating about Bo, and not Rafe.

Carrie's hair looked beautiful and I liked her lipstick.

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Nicole has every right to be upset with Chloe but it would be nice if she remembered the time she kidnapped Sydney while Sami and Rafe grieved Grace's death. Or that time she walked around with her miscarried baby still inside of her so she could frame Jen for murder. Or that time she tried to keep EJ away from his child by passing it off as Rafe's. She has her own long sordid history involving babies.

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Ugh.  I used to like Claire, but she is really annoying.

If Sean and Belle were true love, what were Philip and Belle?

No, Ari did not JUST turn one, she had her birthday months ago.

Dammit, I hate the ending of Nicole and Chloe's friendship.

Why was Jade's comment awkward?  I thought it was just a continuation of the conversation.

Wow, Claire has turned into an absolute bitch.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Ugh.  I used to like Claire, but she is really annoying.

If Sean and Belle were true love, what were Philip and Belle?

No, Ari did not JUST turn one, she had her birthday months ago.

Dammit, I hate the ending of Nicole and Chloe's friendship.

Why was Jade's comment awkward?  I thought it was just a continuation of the conversation.

Wow, Claire has turned into an absolute bitch.

Chloe forgave Nicole for causing her face to become infected so I'm hoping Nicole will do the same. Maybe she'll come to her senses regarding Deimos sooner rather than later and realize Chloe was trying to help, in her own ridiculous way.

Why have they all of a sudden turned Claire into a vapid little girl who needs to be slapped? If anyone wee going to act like this it should be Ciara.

Phillip is just the guy Belle settled for when she couldn't be with Shawn, I guess we're supposed to ignore the fact that she was still drawn to him even after she got back with Shawn. I guess we're supposed to forget she cheated on Shawn with him. 

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9 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Why have they all of a sudden turned Claire into a vapid little girl who needs to be slapped? If anyone wee going to act like this it should be Ciara.

Phillip is just the guy Belle settled for when she couldn't be with Shawn, I guess we're supposed to ignore the fact that she was still drawn to him even after she got back with Shawn. I guess we're supposed to forget she cheated on Shawn with him. 

That's how they wrote Claire and Ciara initially.  But somewhere down the line, they flipped their characterizations on their heads for some reason.

I think the show remembers all of what went down among Shawn, Belle, and Philip.  But come on.  Why tell your daughter that you cheated with her almost-father?  That's why they just condensed it to Belle simply saying that there was a lot of drama.

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Didn't like how the whole baby reveal happened, but I always feared they would go along these lines instead of Chloe going to Nicole on her own and the two of them working this out (or not).  Of course a male had to be there in charge of things, forcing Chloe's hand.  I thought it would end up being Deimos, but instead it was Brady.  I have always hated his domineering tendencies with women too.  

The whole storyline has been a mess.  Chloe thought she was doing right by the baby, even though it was messed up.  Deimos was everywhere, making it worse.  Nicole looks dumb in so many ways.  And Brady is like the Bumble in Rudolph.  I hate to think that the wonderful friendship of Chloe/Nicole is gone for good, but I fear it might be.  I suppose Maxie and Lulu overcame their baby-battles on GH so maybe Chloe and Nicole someday will.  But you just know that Deimos will be putting himself all up in this and Chloe will have to deal with his crap as a result...but that will only show why she didn't want Holly in his orbit.  Such a mess...

WTF is up with Claire?  Why such a total bitch now?  I liked her in the beginning, but nothing about her is likable now.   And to be so snippy and rude to Jade about "not even noticing [her} there" and giving her the dirty dish.   They were all kind of rotten to her except Joey.  But even Claire trying to get people to get Ciara to move back with Jen.  She is is just  cold and narcissistic.

Pretty tired of the Chad and Gabi stuff at this point...

Liked the scenes with Belle, Shawn and Abe though...

Edited by LadyJaney
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Nicole needed to know but bad timing dude.  I'm finding the dynamics between the roommates interesting.  Good for days for building Claire's character for a while to make her behavior believable. She's doing a great job.  I hope she ate enough pizza her hip bones were showing under the sweater dress.  

Chloe and Nicole did a wonderful job today. 

Happy to see Shawn and belle mention their early days but trading partners across the hall got crazy and I'd rather forget Mimi. So remembering that they go out for drinks with Abe where they basically agree their kids are going to live together and have sex.  Ok...  

Edited by QuelleC
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Little Miss Selfie had no reason to be such a bitch. Yeah, you're 18 or 19 and all grown up and are able to live in a really fancy apartment. How many bedrooms? Claire, eventually Theo will get sick and tired of you. 5 people cohabitating in a small space will make for a lot of drama. Nice job of making yourself Queen Bee. You treated Jade like she was some sort of servant. Maybe that's part of her becoming a music 'star' at some point. Or not.

I did understand Nicole's hurt and anger. And no, Chloe, you really didn't have the right to hide the baby from her. Finding out like this would make anyone have that sort of reaction. It should have been a quieter scene, and not have Brady in the middle.

Baby Arianna is cute. Gabi, you really should move away from Chad for a bit, til he gets the whole recently returned from the dead wife stuff cleared up.

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Little Miss Selfie had no reason to be such a bitch. Yeah, you're 18 or 19 and all grown up and are able to live in a really fancy apartment. How many bedrooms? Claire, eventually Theo will get sick and tired of you. 5 people cohabitating in a small space will make for a lot of drama. Nice job of making yourself Queen Bee. You treated Jade like she was some sort of servant. Maybe that's part of her becoming a music 'star' at some point. Or not.

Shawn and Belle specifically mentioned in today's episode that Claire is 18, I wonder if there was a reason for that?

I don't know if they're intentionally making this the same apartment that Sami, Rafe and Sami's kids lived in, but I'm sure Will must have had his own room, and if the girls shared a room, then Johnny would have had his own room, too, so that means four bedrooms.  They did mention that Joey and Theo were sharing a room.

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1 hour ago, BlackMamba said:

Where is he BTW,  Chloe? Shall we get an APB on him??   Or is Nancy playing grandma-sitter while raising your child?

Craig is taking care of Parker in New York.

Though speaking of other missing members of the Wesley family, where is Joy?  I'd think it's time for an aged version of her to show up at one point.  If nothing else, Chloe would be given a bit more purpose than what they're doing with her now.

I've gotta admit, I LOL'd at Gabi pretty much saying what's been said here -- that Chad and Sonny are acting like little boys playing with guns.  Though I also have to admit that I was proud of her for saying it, too, because she clearly knows what's up.  And I guess this proves that the writers were aware of how this would be perceived by the viewers, so good on them for acknowledging it, at least.  Oh, and I also loved her saying that women should be in control of the situation, not men.

Edited by Michel
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So I remember watching the Days AfterBuzz show many months ago with VI and he talked about Deimos being this great complex guy.  Yeah, no.  What he was talking about then is showing up now.  I don't think anything about him is wonderful or even slightly good, and certainly not complex.  And I love VI.  I don't buy Nicole falling for him to the extent that she would STAB A GUY who is unarmed!  But they clearly thought the baby drama was not enough, we had to have Nicole in jail.  So Deimos has money and power, and he will go after Chloe.  Does anyone remember that Kate threw Deimos in the river, and he showed up at Chloe's and she helped him and they made love, and he wanted them to run away together?  This  show!

However, Chloe is all kinds of wrong here in so many ways.  I do like that they have Belle pitted against everyone in her family, or circle of friends.

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The apartment has the same spiral staircase that Belle's old place had. Thought it was just a remodelled version. The kitchen looked similar to Sami's.

Abs the seductress fell very short with the geek guy. Nothing seems to come from her - she's just.... bland and unsexy.

Chloe, you've made a bunch of mistakes - and made some ill-thought decisions/choices. It was your decision to have a second try at surrogacy - Nicole did not ask you to. Why would you want another child you don't really take care of? Parker seems to interfere with your career. Why would you want Nicole's biological child? How will you live with yourself? Things in life change. Nicole may not end up with Deimos and even if she does, you don't get to play judge and jury.

Belle, go back to Hong Kong.

Sonny, Dario, Chad. Go find a sandbox and clonk each other with plastic shovels and pails.

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I really can't get into the teenagers storylines.  I find the young people to be boring so far.  But what I'm  having problems wrapping my head around is Kayla agreeing to pay for her son's very manipulative girlfriend's college tuition and room and board for her.  I think she'll just find another opportunity  to get herself pregnant again.  By the way did that girl ever finish high school or was she home schooled.  Joey is not very bright.  I think he's going to be used alot.


I'm getting so tired of the baby drama .  That kid is not yours Chloe.  Give it back to Nicole.  I hope Nicole lawyers up ral soon.

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The teens are being written by 'adults' who probably haven't been teens in years. I would be hard-pressed to pay for my son's (if I had a child) semi-former girlfriend's education. Plus room and board. Jade, suck it up and ask to move back home and maybe go to counselling with your parents. You really don't deserve being parented by your wannabe ex-boyfriend's parents (who is probably only around you because of guilt and obligation). But then again, she may use both to land another sucker. Either that, or grow up and not go to college and find yourself a job somewhere else.

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Ouch, FrozenDiva. I'm not sure it's really a better option for Jade to skip out on the college entirely considering that her parents are in no way shape or form interested in her and she has no other relatives to turn to for help. It does suck to rely on Kayla - who obviously hates her - for support, but if Jade is smart she'll just ignore dumbass Joey, focus on doing well in some of her classes, try to land an internship and build her life from there. If the show was smart they would have her relationship with Kayla swing back around and turn into something good in the long run. Instead I get the feeling that Jade is just going to be gone in a few months after more wishy-washy writing about whether or not she's some succubus or just a little girl lost.

In watching Tuesday's episode I was rather impressed by Nadia's performance. I don't always like how she uses her voice but she really did get into the scene, cry and make it clear that Chloe is torn up about lying to Nicole and now trying to protect the baby. I'm not invested in these characters so maybe I have a different perspective on this than the rest of you do, but I don't hate Chloe for trying to be protective at this stage in the game. Deimos is nuts and Nicole is blind to it.

It would have been smart to tie in Parker's affection for Deimos back in those spring scenes when they spent some time together at Chloe's cottage with Chloe's current protectiveness over Holly. I realize those earlier scenes were by different writers that were probably trying to humanize Deimos to some degree, but they could have been useful now as a parallel if they brought Parker back into the show only to have Deimos treat him like crap or have Parker long for Deimos as a parental figure who is completely unavailable to him because of his drama. Then Chloe could justifiably say that she had seen how Deimos mistreats children and doesn't want to see that happen to Holly. As they are writing it now, it does feel a little arbitrary for Chloe to try and keep Nicole from this kid.

Nevertheless, the acting was good. I just wish the script had given some more time for Arianne Zucker to really process the revelation of Nicole having her own child. I mean, that was a scene years in the making and they kind of breezed through it. This is the kind of moment that they could use as a flashback in the years to come if they had given it sufficient gravitas.

MM back as Belle was really nice to see. And I like that they gave her a comfortable large blouse to wear instead of something bizarrely tight and restricting. The woman isn't a size 0 anymore and that's perfectly fine. A good wardrobe department should be able to provide actors of all shapes and sizes with comfortable looking classy clothing that suits the scene they are playing. They did that with Martha and I'm giving them credit where it is due.

Of course in the very same episode they had Gabby comment on Chad's earth tones when he's wearing a bright wine red shirt under a black jacket. Exactly which earthtones was Gabby referring to? Stuff like that makes me wonder if the wardrobe department even reads the scripts before handing out the clothes. It's their job to make sure that details like that aren't overlooked. I mean even the outfit that Gabby suggested for Chad a little while later seemed to be more earth-toney compared what he was wearing before. And it certainly wasn't color-blocked!

I miss Old Jade.

The writers seem to have forgotten that Claire and Ciara lived together on the DiMera estate this summer when Ciara was obsessing over Chad. This is not their first time as roommates.

I am also annoyed by Claire's sudden transformation and I can't help but wonder why they gave Young Ciara's personality to Claire all of a sudden. I wish the writers would focus on Claire's musical ambitions since that was where they began with her and I feel like we've veered way off track.

It was really nice to see the focus of the rather unimportant pizza party brought back to Abe, Shawn and Belle and how they are having to deal with grown children now. This new generation of characters is not cutting the mustard and I think the show was wise to try and frame it all through the lense of their somewhat more enjoyable parents.

Does anybody else find it odd that Belle is Ciara's sister-in-law? Also, I think this is the first time I realized the awkward position this Claire/Theo/Ciara love triangle puts Shawn in...

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I know it's pointless to point out what's good and bad about the show right now, as in 5 months the new writer will likely change everything.  

That said, I hate Deimos. Just hate. Way back when Victor was the "evil" Kiriakis, I hated him too. But his love for Isabella brought out a softer side of him. As did his affection for Caroline. I still hated Victor, but believed he had a softer side.   Deimos just gets worse and worse.  Either someone here , or on the other site, said he was reaching cartoon villain levels and I have to agree.  VI is supposedly a good actor, but I've seen nothing in his portrayal of Deimos to show that. 

And speaking of cartoon villains, the whole 3 family feud is reaching that level too.  Where is Victor? Why doesn't he just put an end to this foolishness. Or Eduardo? He showed up on screen horrified that he'd been trained to kill and now he's good with his son putting hits out on people?  And Dario went from tending bar in Malibu to ... whatever it is he's supposed to be now. 

I also miss old-Jade. She had spunk (RIP MTM). This new actress is so mopey and forgettable. They should have just written the character out once she had the miscarriage.  And the flip-flop of character traits between Claire & Ciara is glaringly bad. I also hate that they're niece and aunt, and their relatives are the same people.

I could go on and on, but hopefully the things we see wrong with the show these days are the reason Dena has been shown the door, yet again.

As for good things, I am thrilled that Eric is back and hope he has a place in the newest writer's vision for the show.

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2 hours ago, buffynut said:

I could go on and on, but hopefully the things we see wrong with the show these days are the reason Dena has been shown the door, yet again.

I don't know why they brought her back in the first place.  It makes no sense to me why the same lousy writers keep getting recycled, and TIIC keep expecting different results.

Also, why does every character have to be a criminal?  There are character descriptions beyond criminal and idiot.  Is it really so hard to have a character that has nice traits, flaws, makes mistakes, but doesn't commit 50 felonies their first day in Salem.

Ciara, Claire, Theo, Jade, etc., all living together is the perfect opportunity for some great SLs for the younger set, however, I won't be at all surprised if the idiot writers have them rob the local bank, kidnap or hold someone prisoner, blackmail or shoot someone, and then the lame incompetent Salem PD will either cover up the crimes or botch the investigation.

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If Ken Corday can't be bothered to run this show properly why not get the hell out of the way and let someone else do it? He'd still have ownership in the show and could just sit back and collect a check. It's ridiculous that this show has been rebooted every year for the past, what, six years? Why are people who've already been fired from this show because they suck being rehired? Why has Ron been brought on as head writer? I'm not going to say he's completely talent less, but go back and look at GH around the time he got fired. He was let go for a reason.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, buffynut said:

I know it's pointless to point out what's good and bad about the show right now, as in 5 months the new writer will likely change everything.  

That said, I hate Deimos. Just hate. Way back when Victor was the "evil" Kiriakis, I hated him too. But his love for Isabella brought out a softer side of him. As did his affection for Caroline. I still hated Victor, but believed he had a softer side.   Deimos just gets worse and worse.  Either someone here , or on the other site, said he was reaching cartoon villain levels and I have to agree.  VI is supposedly a good actor, but I've seen nothing in his portrayal of Deimos to show that. 

And speaking of cartoon villains, the whole 3 family feud is reaching that level too.  Where is Victor? Why doesn't he just put an end to this foolishness. Or Eduardo? He showed up on screen horrified that he'd been trained to kill and now he's good with his son putting hits out on people?  And Dario went from tending bar in Malibu to ... whatever it is he's supposed to be now. 

I also miss old-Jade. She had spunk (RIP MTM). This new actress is so mopey and forgettable. They should have just written the character out once she had the miscarriage.  And the flip-flop of character traits between Claire & Ciara is glaringly bad. I also hate that they're niece and aunt, and their relatives are the same people.

I could go on and on, but hopefully the things we see wrong with the show these days are the reason Dena has been shown the door, yet again.

As for good things, I am thrilled that Eric is back and hope he has a place in the newest writer's vision for the show.

Deimos is definitely a ridiculous and just not believable character.

Dario was all freaked out when Summer (was that her name?) killed that guy in her room and he had to help her get rid of the body.  Now he is having people assassinated?

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Doesn't Lucas work at Dimeria? Or has that plot point been dropped? Why can't he ask Chad to give Anne a position? Also, if he still works at Dimera he should be involved in this feud with the Kiriakis' since Sonny is/was his son in law and he is still sorta involved with Adrienne. 

I really wanted Steve to punch Rafe in his fucking face. How dare he try to accuse the scooby gang of not caring about Hope. They've all been close to her for DECADES while he's only been her love interest for a year. STFU. 

Someone should tell Eric that most of Salem is outraged because Hope was sent to prison after she murdered Stefano. If she can get a pass then he can surely find redemption. 

Why is Andre still acting as Failure's champion? She is of no value to him at this point.

Kate, you and Eduardo are both lying schemers who aren't above treachery and committing felonies. You're actually perfect for each other. If you want to be with him just be with him and don't let this George Orwell device get in the way. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Good to see Lucas and Adrienne.

What was Adrienne drinking?  It looked like a blood orange smoothie.

Rafe needs to calm his tits.  Does he think nobody else cares about Hope?

That song during Chad and Abby's sexcapade was pretty boring.

Good question, Kate.  Why is Andre so keen on Abigail and Chad?

I wonder how a Caribbean fortune teller wound up in Prague.

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DisneyBoy, Kayla is Jade's semi fairy godmother. She's lucky that she is apparently a highly paid doctor. Most folks struggle to find thousands of dollars each year to support one child through college. It is beyond kind and generous that she is willing to pay tuition, housing, food, and all other expenses for her.  What an amazing gift to receive from someone - or maybe Kayla sees it as some sort of loan. Hopefully, Jade will use it to turn her life around. The reality for her is that she would be facing having to find some sort of job to support herself and possibly only attend college part-time. Or apply for a student loan.

I don't know who exactly is paying for the fancy apartment for the college crowd. Kayla/Steve, Abe, Belle/Shawn? High-end student accommodation and paying the bills and feeding all of them adds up. Hopefully some will get some part-time jobs, or thank all their lucky stars for their parents.  Too bad the show won't do a story on a female student looking for a male sugar daddy - a very timely topic these days.

Not much memorable about today's ep. I do like the idea of Anne as Office Manager. Once she, Adrienne, and Jenn get over themselves, they may actually have some fun together.

Eric, surely you can call your dad to find a doctor (maybe Valerie?) to look at Hope and prescribe proper antibiotics.

I FF'd through Chad and Abs' love scene.

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On 1/26/2017 at 5:53 PM, Silver Raven said:

I wonder how a Caribbean fortune teller wound up in Prague.

Probably going for a Bohemian/Gypsy vibe, but totally missed it!

On 1/19/2017 at 4:58 PM, Apprentice79 said:

Chloe is a kidnapper.   Her intentions might be good but to steal a person's baby is what it is - stealing.   

They must be trying to sell an alternative fact

Edited by salvame
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On 1/26/2017 at 1:10 AM, DisneyBoy said:

Nevertheless, the acting was good. I just wish the script had given some more time for Arianne Zucker to really process the revelation of Nicole having her own child. I mean, that was a scene years in the making and they kind of breezed through it. This is the kind of moment that they could use as a flashback in the years to come if they had given it sufficient gravitas.

This.  Right on point.  I'm a real AZ fan, and after years of all the convoluted stories over not being able to have a child of her own, when they finally create one for her, she ends up finding out as though it was an afterthought.  I just want Deimos gone.  Yesterday.  And then Nicole and Brady to raise their kids together in peace.  For at least 5 days.  They have way more electricity between them than Nic and Deimos have ever had.

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Why does Nicole need a DNA test on the baby when Chloe admitted it?

Daniel's on the show more often now that he's dead than when he was alive.

"My heart will always be with you."  Ooh, is that a hint that Nicole and Brady are End Game?

Deimos always makes things worse.

Rafe is becoming more and more obnoxious.

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Dead Daniel cannot keep interfering now that he's dead! I do hope Nicole gets to go home and change from her short dress.

Nice to see Victor again - he was rather harsh with Chloe but is now probably thrilled he has a sort of new step-grandchild. Chloe really has no right to judge Deimos and keep the baby away from its biological mother.  Unlikely that a month old baby will go evil being exposed to him. She can care about Nicole, but has really no right to insist what she does. Dislike Deimos, yes; but stay out of it.

Prague still looks a lot like recycled Salem. Between the ISA, Interpol, Czech police, and whatever snitches live there, no one can turn up Stefano? Not even for $20? Rafe, go back home.

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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