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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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That reminds me of Victor opening his door and finding Carly knocked out cold (she had slipped on some ice or something rushing there to tell Melanie she was her mother or something).  He looked down at her, closed the door, and then mentioned to someone that there was some trash on the stoop.  Oh Victor, you horrible old coot!

I remember that scene...I remember when he rigged an elevator to fall and kill  Bo, and Carly was the one that got hurt instead.. Victor was in his living room sitting and enjoying his drink, when the news came on the TV reporting about a shocking accident involving a beloved member of the community and he was shocked to find out that it was Carly and not Bo...

  • Love 2

That reminds me of Victor opening his door and finding Carly knocked out cold (she had slipped on some ice or something rushing there to tell Melanie she was her mother or something).  He looked down at her, closed the door, and then mentioned to someone that there was some trash on the stoop.  Oh Victor, you horrible old coot!


Uhm... Carly, who was with Bo for a while, and was buried alive by Vivian, is Melanie's mother? 

  • Love 2

Thanks.  So many unnecessary retcons, when there's 50 years of aired history they could mine stories from.

Exactly..I think that these writers think that if they tie their pet characters to popular characters, the audience will love them and accept them..I hated Melanie just like her dad because  characters had to be sacrificed for her.. I think it is shameful that Stefanie got the the Don Craig treatment, while we got days on end with crying and gnashing of teeth over Melanie's departure....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

Yes! a horrible retcon to give Taniel a child and a tie to a legacy character like Carly....I loved Carly and Bo back in the day...

Oh, come on!?!? Some things I just wish I didn't know. All this show needed to do...for years...was play with the characters that really existed and add some fresh ones that were, you know, interesting. Like Shane was a new character back in the day...Steve was a new character...Carly was a new character...just write damn good characters. That so hard?????

I like looking at Vincent Irizarry, so that was fun today.

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 6

Oh, come on!?!? Some things I just wish I didn't know. All this show needed to do...for years...was play with the characters that really existed and add some fresh ones that were, you know, interesting. Like Shane was a new character back in the day...Steve was a new character...Carly was a new character...just write damn good characters. That so hard?????

I like looking at Vincent Irizarry, so that was fun today.

Exactly! Introduce the new characters slowly and see how they gel with the cast and the audience and go from there....

  • Love 3

Teresa didn't need to change her personality; the character just needed a coherent reason for her behavior, which the old writers never gave her. I'm very thankful that the new writers scrapped the Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy story for her, but I can't say the bland direction they've taken the character is much better. Jen Lilley is a wonderful actor, one who has the ability to make a gray character sympathetic. Hopefully the new, new writers will take advantage of her many talents.

I agree. I need a balance with Theresa. She needs to know when to be a bitch (ie Summer and dumb dumb Brady) and be like she was today with Maggie.

Nicole was ruined when paired with EJ and became his lapdog instead of the strong woman she was before.

Hmm I actually liked Ejole even though I was Ejami. Ejole got each other and were a great compliment. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

Nicole was with EJ when I first started watching and I loved them together.  They were both so tall and gorgeous and sexy, and he called her Nicky while everyone else got the full name treatment.  EJ was a total bastard, but James Scott was glorious.  Vincent Irizarry has the same effect on me.  :-)

  • Love 9

I loved today's episode, every little bit of it.  


Theresa was great in grown-up mode, particularly charming when she started to act like the old Theresa just so she could tell Maggie how much she meant to her.   That was a lovely scene, took me back to the good old days of soap scenes and writing.


Deimos is pretty much unredeemable - or is he?  Days has this penchant from bringing in characters and having them do truly horrible things and then deciding they can be redeemed and we'll love them anyway.  It works, but only rarely.  Days tries it too much.  But nonetheless, however it works out with Deimos, I'm going to be glad to see him everytime he shows up on screen.  

I don't know where they're taking Kate with this whole thing, although I'm as afraid as you that it will be to the same old tired place.  But maybe, this time, she'll play her cards close to the vest, be ambiguous, and perhaps Show will surprise us.   I think LK is terrific, just like AZ and Show should not be wasting that kind of talent.


Nicole was on her game today, wasn't she?  She stepped in to help that old fart, then read Kate and Deimos without mercy. More, please.


Even Brady didn't annoy me today - and now I'm ducking, I didn't even mind Summer (too much) today.  For the most part, her reactions were appropriate to the situation.


I'm not minding Finn, either.  I was afraid he was the new Daniel, but that hasn't played out.  So far he's a decent background character.


So much that I expect to see on Show I don't., such as Jen and Eric's storyline.  That must have hit the cutting room floor almost totally.  I suppose there must be a lot of refilming, editing, going on, and we end up missing scenes, entire storylines we had heard about.


But in any case, today was a good day.


Oh, Show?  Nicole does NOT look Greek.  Not even a little bit.

  • Love 10

I know this is crazy, but my favorite Kate pairing was with Stefano.  They were mutually smart and evil, so it was a great match, plus, he actually showed a better side when he was with her.  Rather like what Maggie is to Victor, though Maggie doesn't have the evil gene.  

I'm so disappointed they are messing with Maggie, and Victor, now.  But then, they have screwed the pooch with every other character, so I guess their time has come.  

Just wish someone would slap some sense into the DOOL powers that be.  I don't know how they got renewed for another year with all the stupid bull they have been giving us in the past year.

Except for Theresa, has anyone had a good year?  And you know we're all just waiting for the other shoe to drop with Theresa's sl.  

I may be in the minority, but I hate Deimos.  Hope they are not trying to make him the new uber villain.  (I think I say that about every wannabe they bring on!)

  • Love 4

Exactly..I think that these writers think that if they tie their pet characters to popular characters, the audience will love them and accept them..I hated Melanie just like her dad because  characters had to be sacrificed for her.. I think it is shameful that Stefanie got the the Don Craig treatment, while we got days on end with crying and gnashing of teeth over Melanie's departure....


I actually kinda liked Melanie during her 6 month run, but since that was the first time seeing her, I didn't know her backstory.  I remember thinking her and Theresa should be friends, but that was back when Theresa attacked (literally) everyone, so friendship was out of the question.  Then to top it off, she drove Melanie out of town!  


I've never seen the Stefanie character, but they keep referencing her, which in most shows would be a clue that she would be back in town soon.  With Days and their writers, though, who knows!


Exactly! Introduce the new characters slowly and see how they gel with the cast and the audience and go from there....


I can learn to like almost any character if they make them believable and don't shove them down our throats by putting them in every story-line.  But then with the long tape to air lag-time, by the time they air and the audience meets them, the writers have already written 5 more months of story-line or decided to write them out of the show. And if it's the latter, since I read spoilers and see casting news, I then lose interest in whatever story-line the departing character is in and feel it's a waste of my time to watch. 

  • Love 3

I like Deimos. Victor has been an ass so long I kind of don't care that he left them there. That's how I feel about Victor right now. I can't imagine all the lovely things he will say when he finds out it was Nicole who helped him. That stupid bitchwhore is probably something close.

Nice scenes with Maggie and Theresa. At least someone she can bond with since the Brady side of her family is nonexistent.

  • Love 5

I just can't with Deimos. It's not that I lurve Victor, although I'm quite fond of the cantankerous but loving side of him. I guess I like my villians multi-faceted and sympathetic in some way, and Deimos is not.And that he's a vehicle for Kate to look like an asshole, once again, is the nail in his coffin for me. 


Nice scenes with Theresa and Maggie for sure. I can never get over the fact that the hospital lets these critical patients like there in the dark by themselves, however -- in real life, they'd be in a pod of some sort with nursing staff watching over them. I hope this paralysis is VERY temporary. Suzanne Rogers must be tickled with the work she's getting these days. 

  • Love 6

Nicole was ruined when paired with EJ and became his lapdog instead of the strong woman she was before.

I think that in the beginning of their relationship (the last one), she wa a powerhouse. He treated her as an equal in the campaign and she was a bad ass...then the shit unfolded and she was ruined. Mostly after the Sami/EJ grief sex reveal. After that she was kinda meh. I resent the hell outta the writers for that. I've always loved how bad ass Nicole could be. Desperate for love and a baby of her own? Sure. But she was strong.

  • Love 7

That heart-warming scene with Maggie and Theresa caught me off guard.  I didn't think a show that annoys me in so many ways could make my eyes water a little.  


After all the blubbering over the surfer dude she was going to marry, it was nice to see that snarky side of Nicole that I love.  


Caroline yelling up the stairs at Deimos made me chuckle.  

  • Love 7

I take my humour where I can find it.  Deimos, Kate and Nicole all finding themselves in the house alone asking each other why are you here was a hoot. More snarky Nicole, please.  And Kate will drop his ass.  Good plot movement.  I've already been spoiled on this thread that

Nicky and Devil might hook up.

  If it makes her look good and she has fun, that's great. 

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 4

I got the impression that Kate was more pissed that Deimos was getting all googly-eyed over Nicole than she was that he ignored Victor having a heart attack in front of him. To be honest, I don't know why the latter would bother her anyway (unless she was concerned for Philip, which doesn't seem to be the case at all). Victor has been more than awful to her, and at one point even sided with Stefano against her. Kate shouldn't care what happens to the old man, and it's not as if she hasn't tried to kill him herself in the past. Deimos didn't even have to try; he just happened to be in the right place at the right time.


Even with the Maggie incident, I'm still with Deimos on this. Victor let him rot in prison; there should be no sympathy being thrown his way.

  • Love 6

As  much as I loathe Victor, I thought he was at his best when he was with Kate. They were a perfect match...I loved the family that they formed together with Lucas...Lucas was longing for a dad and Victor filled that role perfectly..The Lucas/Victor bond was so awesome. It was jarring for me to see him hate Will so much...I also loved that Kate was always mysterious when it came to Victor , you did not really know if she truly loved Victor or if she loved his money and power..I have to thank Sherry Anderson for giving her so much layers..It is too bad that the subsequent writers made her so evil at times...I never really understood why the show trashed the Victor/Kate romance, when Lauren Koslow assumed the role..Neither character have had successful relationships with other people...People forget that Victor was madly in love with Kate once upon a time and she cheated on him and that began the acrimony between them. 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

Yes, Steve and Kayla are just the best and yes, boes, sexy as hell. Loved Patch singing his cornbread song on his way into the kitchen and that dance was perfect. (Anyone remember "Lady in Red" on the rooftop way back when?)


Frozendiva -- good thought about Kate quickly analyzing the situation and deciding the best thing to do is keep Deimos close rather than make an enemy of him. If only I believed the show was that clever. 


Victor - I still have a soft spot for him, but it's my generalized fondness for elderly men that's doing it, nothing about Victor's character. 

Me me me!!!!! My gosh I remember that dance, sooooo romantical. I remember their dance every time I still hear that song. Kayla was a knockout in red.

  • Love 6

Okay, so even though they're all mired down in cruddy storylines, I sincerely enjoy Steve and Kayla and Theo and Ciara. If the producers are smart they will write them some slow and steady happy stuff for the Fall.

Joey is too dumb. Can we swap him for his sister?

Kayla's smackdown to Joey was massively understated. Who on earth would be so dumb as to spill his worst secret to some random chick as his father is taking the rap?!

Let's predict the plot points in this Jade arc: Steve is cleared of charges, Kayla has a bad rapport with Jade, Jade tries to ride Joey, Kayla realizes Jade is Ava and Steve's kid, Kayla tries to get Joey to dump her without telling him why, Jade figures out she's Ava's daughter, Jade and Joey and Steve blame Kayla for not telling them all, Joey and Steve fall out over it, Jade decides she wants revenge aka Joey owning up to her mother's murder, Kayla gets even more grey hair, Steve has to suck up to his daughter to keep her from hurting them all, some new murderer conveniently kills Jade off in a "shocking" unrelated twist...the Stayla Family is miserable until 2017.


Still, good/decent writing today. Chase getting arrested for stealing to try and stay alive makes sense - it's not like he has friends to offer him a job.

Wonder what miracle the head of the ISA can offer Steve...

  • Love 6

Okay, so even though they're all mired down in cruddy storylines, I sincerely enjoy Steve and Kayla and Theo and Ciara. If the producers are smart they will write them some slow and steady happy stuff for the Fall.

Joey is too dumb. Can we swap him for his sister?

Kayla's smackdown to Joey was massively understated. Who on earth would be so dumb as to spill his worst secret to some random chick as his father is taking the rap?!

Let's predict the plot points in this Jade arc: Steve is cleared of charges, Kayla has a bad rapport with Jade, Jade tries to ride Joey, Kayla realizes Jade is Ava and Steve's kid, Kayla tries to get Joey to dump her without telling him why, Jade figures out she's Ava's daughter, Jade and Joey and Steve blame Kayla for not telling them all, Joey and Steve fall out over it, Jade decides she wants revenge aka Joey owning up to her mother's murder, Kayla gets even more grey hair, Steve has to suck up to his daughter to keep her from hurting them all, some new murderer conveniently kills Jade off in a "shocking" unrelated twist...the Stayla Family is miserable until 2017.


Still, good/decent writing today. Chase getting arrested for stealing to try and stay alive makes sense - it's not like he has friends to offer him a job.

Wonder what miracle the head of the ISA can offer Steve...

I have no words for Joey..Has he not  learned a thing after the Ava debacle....He had the nerve to whine about not having anybody to talk to, what a jerk! you are related to everybody in town, surely, you can find a cousin to talk to about your murder, you dumbass!...Wait that would require these writers to allow characters to interact with people outside of their bubble..I am  hanging by a thread with this show...I don't know how long I can keep torturing myself like this...Everybody is so unlikable..


Justin was such a condescending asshole to Steve...I don't understand his contempt for him...Roman's is understandable, but Justin's is just out of character..Steve  is Adrienne's brother, the brother that she fought tooth and nail to find..Wait! where is Adrienne and  why is she not involved with this storyline with Steve, Kayla and Joey...I would pay good money to see Steve and Adrienne just have one good conversation where they referenced their tortuous past with their parents and Jack...They should also be involved with the Chabby storyline...I hate failure, but she is their niece and they should be around her..


Thank God Steve has John to help him out with that woman from the ISA...


Theo and Ciara are just gold and I hate that the unnecessary rape has put a cloud over them..The show missed the boat by not keeping her a vixen, while dealing with Theo's autism..It would have been a cool storyline to show that people with Autism are sexual beings as well...The love story between them could have showcased that with sensitivity and respect...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

I have no words for Joey..Has he not learned a thing after the Ava debacle....He had the nerve to whine about not having anybody to talk to, what a jerk! you are related to everybody in town, surely, you can find a cousin to talk to about your murder, you dumbass!...Wait that would require these writers to allow characters to interact with people outside of their bubble..I am t hanging by a thread with this show...

Is it a budget/filming issue that nobody interacts? Because it sucks. The writing sucks beyond belief, from the everyday dialogue to the overall "stories."

I miss the way soaps used to be so much! I know that I complain about this in almost every post, but I have to spend a lot of time at home, love tv, and just wish that the soaps were somewhat what they were, and that there were more of them. Days was always my first love, but I enjoyed others, and I miss that. I'll try to stop complaining, no promises.

Remember when Justin was on the run with Adrienne, Steve and Kayla? Good times. (I know. I know, I tune out the nasty crap he pulled years ago.)

I wish they would make better use of Wally Kurth. He is still so adorable and I always enjoyed him.

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 6

I know I'm coming off as a bitch, this Vivian Jovanni needs to be recasted so bad. I can't stress enough. She can't even handle the simplest material and she's painful to watch when she emotes these lines. She's had 5 months and still can't act her way out of barn.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

Something is wrong with how a story is being told or acted out if I find myself feeling sad for a character that is a known rapist.  Jonathan McClendon just looks like such a sad lost puppy, and though what Chase did is Wrong Wrong Wrong, he just seems so weak and pathetic.  Like he needs guidance or something.  He did this horrible thing, but he knows it and shows remorse, he is doing desperate things out of desperation, he doesn't come off as menacing in any way.  I'm not sure what the hell they are doing with this plot, but I see they have ruined this character, yet I still don't hate him.


Yet, I find myself disliking Ciara.  Yelly, teeth-gritty, broken-record Ciara.  I think it's the acting more than anything, but the actors make her seem so cold and bitchy and him seem so sad and pathetic.  WTF writers?!


I keep feeling like Ciara or somebody is going to do something bad to Chase, and he already seems like a sad, pathetic mess.  Years back when Alan raped Sami, he was such a bastard, and AS's Sami showed a vulnerability with all of her badass nature that you cheered her on for shooting Alan in the junk.  Ciara just seems cold and Chase just seems so crestfallen. What is it I'm supposed to feel here?


Thing is...rape is wrong.  What Chase did was wrong.  I hate this story and how it has been written.  Characters with potential have been ruined and the acting is all off for what has happened.  I don't like how this storyline makes me feel.  I just want it wrapped up and never mentioned again.

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 8
Teresa didn't need to change her personality; the character just needed a coherent reason for her behavior, which the old writers never gave her.



BINGO! I wish they could have given some serious thought to how to reconcile Theresa's personas. I watched a clip of her from 2014 doing drugs with Brady and throwing it in John's face, and it's startling how much more doormat-like she is now, hoping for John's approval during the engagement party. If they ever really want us to get behind Theresa totally, they need to figure out how and why she swung that fireplace poker. It's not enough to have all the characters repeat ad nauseum how "she's changed".


Random: But where the heck is Anne?!?!

Shouldn't she have been there for Theresa's engagement announcement?



Hate to say it again but...BINGO! I miss Anne. She'd better be all over this wedding stuff.


I wish they would make better use of Wally Kurth. He is still so adorable and I always enjoyed him.



If they'd kept Eve around and allowed them to continue as a couple, that would have happened.


The ruination of Chase has been swift and thorough.



Right? Why did they even bother SOARASing him? For this?? I doubt the actor had any clue what kind of storyline he was getting wrapped up in. At least Blake Berris had some time to win viewers over before he went all rapey. Is anyone else surprised the whole "Chase accidentally killed his mother and blocked it out" angle didn't get woven into this? Hope KNOWS he's responsible for his mother's death, right? Whatever. These writers probably forgot all about it.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 6

Joey is too stupid to live. I had to laugh when Kayla snatched him away from his girl. When you combine the slack jawed mouth breathing portrayal by the actor with the idiot things the writers have the character do, there's no way I can root for his dumbass.

Joey and the way he is portrayed makes me wish that the people who thought the big reveal would be that Joey was Ava's son were right. This would enable Kayla to remind people that she has no genetic link to that moron. His stupid is a byproduct of who spawned him - I mean Joey is literally too stupid to live . You trust Jade?, you trusted Ava more than anyone and look at how that turned out for you you asshat. Joey makes Brady at the height of his stupidity look like a well-thought out and sensible person. See show, look at how you have made me feel, toward Kayla and Steve's son. I second the motion to dump Joey and bring back Stephanie. I say let him run away, which brings Stephanie back and gives you time to recast.

Loved how Kayla was dressed today. Did someone in wardrobe realize that she is not a 90 year-old frump. By the way Kayla, stop telling Steve he is not responsible for things when yeah, he sort of is, there are valid reasons why Fauxman can't stand him. It would be nice if the show actually allowed your justifiable anger with Steve to exist for more than ten minutes, but I have all but given up on that happening.

Justin on the other hand doesn't really have a reason to dislike Steve and it would be nice to have him work to help Steve. On the positive side - Glad that Justin actually thought that Maggies's daughters should be notified about her condition. Finally someone realizes that Summer's Eve should not be the first among the next of kin to be notified, proximity be damned.

Chase just needs to be gone and never seen again. There is nothing redeemable about him and any attempts to make him other than he has shown himself to be will be another no vote in the should I continue watching Days sweepstakes.

The actress who plays Ciara is pretty awful, she is so unconvincing and can't carry or help along any scene she is in, but the actor who plays Theo saves every scene they have together -- perhaps they are the new Chabby, with the actor who plays Theo having the thankless mod foisted on Billy Flynn, except Ciara is not a horrid excuse for a person and the actress actually seems to be trying to her limited best, unlike Abby.

I really liked John today. DH is not the best actor, but when utilized properly, he can really carry a scene. He works particularly well with SN because their friendship is evident and makes they interactions believable.

Jade (who needs to learn her place and not be so smug, Kayla should have let her know where, when and how to get off -- can you tell I don't like this character) is actually as bad as Joey (can he act, or is whining all the actor is capable of -- Kayla should have asked him if being that stupid hurts his head, or does Joey not notice because All Day Stupid is his natural state). As for Jade, she is a flat character with no discernible talent at this stage of her run on the show (she actually is a natural,villain , because she comes off so poorly). Sad, but with the exception of Theo and possibly Claire, every one of the newly SORASed teens need to be recast. Say what you want about the last round of rapid SORASing, those actors were able to make the stupid stories they were given if not work, then be entertaining, this batch, not so much,

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 5

Steve Kayla are sweet and seem book& street smart.  How is their kid so dumb?  Why would Joey trust a girl he just met with this secret?   If he needed someone to talk to how about Claire?  I guess Joey has a type since this girl looks just like Ava.

   John is so dramatic in everything he does from asking Hope to have breakfast with him to having a surprise visitor at the police station.  Belle was sure impressed with her dad here.  She reminded me of her mom a lot in that scene.

    Chase.  I hate that a part of me feels sorry for Chase.  That is one lost kid who needs help badly.  He is so alone and has no one.  The rape story is the worst and the flashbacks are awful.

Edited by tribeca
  • Love 6

Am surprised that none of the Johnson family has noticed Jade's resemblance to Ava.


Of course, John Black will use the Deus Ex ISAh to get Steve out of the mess he's in.


Chase is a stupid kid who did a stupid thing. Manipulated by Andre. He needs to find a sympathetic relative or family friend who lives in another city. He really has nowhere to go to in Salem, no one to talk to, no one to ask for help. Group and individual counselling for him, Ciara, and Hope.


Tuned in and out of today's ep - had a work thing to do at home and just watched here and there.

  • Love 6

Today was ... okay.....  It didn't hold me like yesterday did, and I can't stop from thinking we're seeing a patchwork show, with scenes cut out and storylines changed or dropped.   Sometimes things run smoothly, other times, not so much.  

We've sung this song before, but where are the outliers in the Kayla/Steve story who should at least have had a scene?  Where's Adrienne?  Where's Caroline who should get at least one scene with Kayla.  Where is Hope?  None of them are necessarily important, plot wise, but they do matter to the overall story.  


Chase is a stupid kid who did a stupid thing. Manipulated by Andre. He needs to find a sympathetic relative or family friend who lives in another city. He really has nowhere to go to in Salem, no one to talk to, no one to ask for help. Group and individual counselling for him, Ciara, and Hope.


    Chase.  I hate that a part of me feels sorry for Chase.  That is one lost kid who needs help badly.  He is so alone and has no one.  The rape story is the worst and the flashbacks are awful.


I hate hate hate this storyline and frankly, I'm inclined to just skip through it completely.  Chase was on of the teens I liked, and as Hope said today, where is that sweet kid that wouldn't hurt a fly, who adored Ciara?  Exactly.  I don't buy the whole thing, but he did it, we saw it, and there's no place in Salem for this kid anymore.  Why the hell Show went this direction I'll never understand.  


Joey and the way he is portrayed makes me wish that the people who thought the big reveal would be that Joey was Ava's son were right. This would enable Kayla to remind people that she has no genetic link to that moron. His stupid is a byproduct of who spawned him - I mean Joey is literally too stupid to live .


Chase just needs to be gone and never seen again. There is nothing redeemable about him and any attempts to make him other than he has shown himself to be will be another no vote in the should I continue watching Days sweepstakes.

The actress who plays Ciara is pretty awful, she is so unconvincing and can't carry or help along any scene she is in, but the actor who plays Theo saves every scene they have together -


Theo is tremendous, isn't he?  He elevatees every scene.  And Dog knows Show can use some elevation these days.


Joey really should be Ava's kid.  He's only marginally less annoying than he is stupid and man, is he an idiot.   I guess Jade might be Ava's kid, but there's no way for me to express how little I care.  She's not exactly setting the screen on fire, either.  

  • Love 7

Kayla admonishing Joey for telling Jade was the best part of that episode.  I was really hoping she'd throttle the little simpleton.  I actually liked Joey as the hormonal teen in lurve with Ava but this murder storyline has killed just about all the affection I had for the kid.  


Theo is about the only reason I can sit through a Ciara scene without having my finger on the FF button, and sometimes even that's not enough.  They fired Lauren Boles for this???  


It's too bad Theo isn't involved with another storyline that doesn't include Ciara because the actor is one of the few bright spots.  

  • Love 4
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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